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Cofusion? Tut, Nefertiti, Akhenaton, Ankhesenamun, Scota


Active member
Apr 22, 2018
Penguin North, Antarctica, Earth
Found an interesting site but I got very confused because of obvious reasons such as authors being unaware of jewish crap and thus adding that jewish crap into their research. Please do let me know if all of this in the blog and if the blog itself is bullshit.
Watch the video as well.

Was Scota/Scotia really the daughter of Akhenaton, which we know was of the enemy?[not sure about Nefertiti]
In the forth paragraph, it says
Ellis establishes that Scota was really Ankhesenamun, daughter of Akhenaton and Nefertiti, and wife of Tutankhamen.
What confuses me and makes me doubt about the statement is that, it was said by Ellis Ralph, who has written rubbish like this:

I don't think I would trust his words and research.

If you watch the youtube video, at 6:55, the news reporters report that more than half of western european men have genetic profile connection to Tutankhamen and in Britain it's 70% of men who are related to Tutankhamen.
Another question, was Tutankhamen of the enemy?

On the other hand, if Tutankhamen really was of the enemy, then it is impossible that western Europeans are related to Tutankhamen. it seems like that genetic connection thing in the research was altered and falsely reported as 'related to Tutankhamen' but in reality, the Western population is related more to Satan and his Daemons. As usual the jews are jewing. Another thing the news reporters added, "Less than one percent of people living in modern day Egypt have that same connection", this I am not sure of.

Are these just myths or altered versions of the truth?
To my understanding, Tut was of the enemy. - his father was assumed to be Akhenaton. Genetically speaking, Tut was in bad physical shape which was typical of the alien-hybrid profile back then. He only had two children, with Ankhesenamun, both stillborn. So being directly related to him is impossible unless you count their father, Akhenaten.. Which I guess brings us to your question, is Scota Ankhesenamun? I personally don't think so.

Going back to Tut, his mother was a currently-unnamed woman simply called "The Younger Lady", confirmed through DNA tests. Her father was Amenhotep III, who I'm assuming was Gentile: his reign led to a rich, prosperous Egypt and he seemed well-liked. The Younger Lady's mother however - Amenhotep III's wife - was Tiye, a foreign woman of wealthy landowners but possibly non-royal status. That to me, is a potential red flag. But I definitely need to do more research.

You've led me down a rabbit hole! :lol:
Nikois666 said:
Found an interesting site but I got very confused because of obvious reasons such as authors being unaware of jewish crap and thus adding that jewish crap into their research. Please do let me know if all of this in the blog and if the blog itself is bullshit.
Watch the video as well.

Was Scota/Scotia really the daughter of Akhenaton, which we know was of the enemy?[not sure about Nefertiti]
In the forth paragraph, it says
Ellis establishes that Scota was really Ankhesenamun, daughter of Akhenaton and Nefertiti, and wife of Tutankhamen.
What confuses me and makes me doubt about the statement is that, it was said by Ellis Ralph, who has written rubbish like this:

I don't think I would trust his words and research.

If you watch the youtube video, at 6:55, the news reporters report that more than half of western european men have genetic profile connection to Tutankhamen and in Britain it's 70% of men who are related to Tutankhamen.
Another question, was Tutankhamen of the enemy?

On the other hand, if Tutankhamen really was of the enemy, then it is impossible that western Europeans are related to Tutankhamen. it seems like that genetic connection thing in the research was altered and falsely reported as 'related to Tutankhamen' but in reality, the Western population is related more to Satan and his Daemons. As usual the jews are jewing. Another thing the news reporters added, "Less than one percent of people living in modern day Egypt have that same connection", this I am not sure of.

Are these just myths or altered versions of the truth?
This is just bullshit basically.

Akhenaton, Nefertiti, and Tutankhamon were all grey-human hybrids and were of the enemy. I don't think people are related to them unless they are jews.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
