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break of routine


Jul 19, 2021
Since I was very young, I have had a serious problem with stopping halfway, no matter what. Learning music, studying or even doing something that I really enjoy, but I still can't get to the end. I'm having the same problem creating a routine for meditations and the 40 days of Power. When I see it, I already stopped in the second week or even in the first week. I can never be faithful to routine and frequent continuity. What do I do? This problem is being my biggest enemy at the moment. Not just in my spiritual life, but also in everything I try to do in my life. I never finish anything, I get excited about doing it, I start to do it, but when I realize it I've stopped quickly the same way I started.
It never happened. You never stopped halfway.

You can try to affirm 20 times before going to sleep "I am always meditating every day, and meditation is very pleasurable for me."

Or you can affirm "I am always highly motivated and I am always meditating every day."

Affirm this 20 times, every day before sleep, for 40 days straight. This programs your mind into doing a most beneficial thing for you. Personally, this worked very well for me, and it is very easy to do.

The worst you can do is to give up. If you find yourself stopping again, then you just start again. Never give up.

Setting up small goals and projects will also help with this. When you complete small projects and/or goals, you will achieve a sense of mastery. This will help you to finish bigger projects as time goes, as you will see results.

This can be simple workings such as the above, an aura of protection where you use the energy of the sun, the rune algiz and/or sowilo to create an aura of protection, a jupiter square to increase luck and prosperity, a sun square to either attract wealth or create a solid protection, whatever that you like.

You can get a calendar or take a paper and draw lines where you create 40 windows. Cross/X out one window a day after doing for example:

One session:
1x Satanas
5 or 8x Yogic Breaths
5 or 8x Sithali Breaths
1x Satanas
Complete with an Aura of Protection after raising energies.

This can be done every day for 40 days straight. Or as long as you like. This takes very little time and may be a suitable program for someone who is adjusting to a new lifestyle - daily meditation.

This is just a guide. Please check HP Hooded Cobras 40 days meditation program for beginners:


It is the first file under "featured". Under the flags.
Darkpagan666 said:
You can try to affirm 20 times before going to sleep "I am always meditating every day, and meditation is very pleasurable for me."

Or you can affirm "I am always highly motivated and I am always meditating every day."

Affirm this 20 times, every day before sleep, for 40 days straight. This programs your mind into doing a most beneficial thing for you. Personally, this worked very well for me, and it is very easy to do.

The worst you can do is to give up. If you find yourself stopping again, then you just start again. Never give up.

Setting up small goals and projects will also help with this. When you complete small projects and/or goals, you will achieve a sense of mastery. This will help you to finish bigger projects as time goes, as you will see results.

This can be simple workings such as the above, an aura of protection where you use the energy of the sun, the rune algiz and/or sowilo to create an aura of protection, a jupiter square to increase luck and prosperity, a sun square to either attract wealth or create a solid protection, whatever that you like.

You can get a calendar or take a paper and draw lines where you create 40 windows. Cross/X out one window a day after doing for example:

One session:
1x Satanas
5 or 8x Yogic Breaths
5 or 8x Sithali Breaths
1x Satanas
Complete with an Aura of Protection after raising energies.

This can be done every day for 40 days straight. Or as long as you like. This takes very little time and may be a suitable program for someone who is adjusting to a new lifestyle - daily meditation.

This is just a guide. Please check HP Hooded Cobras 40 days meditation program for beginners:


It is the first file under "featured". Under the flags.

Not related to this post again.
I just wanted to tell you that I really believe that you are a prime example of how a Satanist should be like.
You have the right type of character.
Master.mind said:
It never happened. You never stopped halfway.

No offense, but this doesn't make a lick of sense to me.

Saying "it was real in my mind" doesn't change what happened.

Won't you just be putting energy into undoing the affect of the past thing? Wouldn't it be better to just put energy toward the future you want, instead of the future resulting from the past you wish had happened? It just feels backwards your way. :?

And this just doesn't work for things like squares. If you skip a day you can't just affirm you didn't. It doesn't work like that.
NinRick said:
Not related to this post again.
I just wanted to tell you that I really believe that you are a prime example of how a Satanist should be like.
You have the right type of character.

Thank you, that was very kind of you to say :)

However, I do not consider myself as any prime example of a Satanist. I consider High Priestess Maxine and High Priest Hooded Cobra as Prime examples of a Satanist. Their work is just mind-blowing to say the least.
Darkpagan666 said:
NinRick said:
Not related to this post again.
I just wanted to tell you that I really believe that you are a prime example of how a Satanist should be like.
You have the right type of character.

Thank you, that was very kind of you to say :)

However, I do not consider myself as any prime example of a Satanist. I consider High Priestess Maxine and High Priest Hooded Cobra as Prime examples of a Satanist. Their work is just mind-blowing to say the least.
He is right; you do set a good example around here! :)

Yes, HPS Maxine and HP Cobra are much more advanced than any of us, but NinRick is talking about your character as a person. We get all kinds on these forums - dabblers, nutcases, jews, etc - and it is refreshing to see solid members like you.
Kramer said:
Since I was very young, I have had a serious problem with stopping halfway, no matter what. Learning music, studying or even doing something that I really enjoy, but I still can't get to the end. I'm having the same problem creating a routine for meditations and the 40 days of Power. When I see it, I already stopped in the second week or even in the first week. I can never be faithful to routine and frequent continuity. What do I do? This problem is being my biggest enemy at the moment. Not just in my spiritual life, but also in everything I try to do in my life. I never finish anything, I get excited about doing it, I start to do it, but when I realize it I've stopped quickly the same way I started.

This is a problem of the earth element, which gives endurance and discipline. You will want to work with Nauthiz on a Capricorn moon to improve your discipline with your work: https://runesecrets.com/rune-meanings/nauthiz

However, you need to have some spiritual power before this. What I would highly recommend is to cut out as many digital distractions in your life as possible, including video games, youtube, and so forth. Listening to music or reading is ok.
What this will do is make your brain become happier with "boring" things like meditation.

Beyond that, you must build a habit of doing things regardless of whether you want to or not. If you continue to practice this ability, then it will become easier for you. Don't think you have to do a huge amount of work, either. Just ask yourself if you can at least do one thing, like aura cleaning, or yoga.
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=381302 time=1660532331 user_id=346]
Darkpagan666 said:
NinRick said:
Not related to this post again.
I just wanted to tell you that I really believe that you are a prime example of how a Satanist should be like.
You have the right type of character.

Thank you, that was very kind of you to say :)

However, I do not consider myself as any prime example of a Satanist. I consider High Priestess Maxine and High Priest Hooded Cobra as Prime examples of a Satanist. Their work is just mind-blowing to say the least.
He is right; you do set a good example around here! :)

Yes, HPS Maxine and HP Cobra are much more advanced than any of us, but NinRick is talking about your character as a person. We get all kinds on these forums - dabblers, nutcases, jews, etc - and it is refreshing to see solid members like you.

Well, in that case, when you put it like that...Thank you guys :D
Jackalope said:
Master.mind said:
It never happened. You never stopped halfway.

No offense, but this doesn't make a lick of sense to me.

Saying "it was real in my mind" doesn't change what happened.

Won't you just be putting energy into undoing the affect of the past thing? Wouldn't it be better to just put energy toward the future you want, instead of the future resulting from the past you wish had happened? It just feels backwards your way. :?

And this just doesn't work for things like squares. If you skip a day you can't just affirm you didn't. It doesn't work like that.

It works well for me but I can't guarantee that it's going to work for everyone.
By focusing on the failure, you help manifest it again.
Behavior has momentum. It's much harder to get something going than to keep it going.
It's also much harder to stop something once it gets up to speed.
The sooner you fix a problem the easier it is to fix.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=381303 time=1660532834 user_id=21286]
Kramer said:
Since I was very young, I have had a serious problem with stopping halfway, no matter what. Learning music, studying or even doing something that I really enjoy, but I still can't get to the end. I'm having the same problem creating a routine for meditations and the 40 days of Power. When I see it, I already stopped in the second week or even in the first week. I can never be faithful to routine and frequent continuity. What do I do? This problem is being my biggest enemy at the moment. Not just in my spiritual life, but also in everything I try to do in my life. I never finish anything, I get excited about doing it, I start to do it, but when I realize it I've stopped quickly the same way I started.

This is a problem of the earth element, which gives endurance and discipline. You will want to work with Nauthiz on a Capricorn moon to improve your discipline with your work: https://runesecrets.com/rune-meanings/nauthiz

However, you need to have some spiritual power before this. What I would highly recommend is to cut out as many digital distractions in your life as possible, including video games, youtube, and so forth. Listening to music or reading is ok.
What this will do is make your brain become happier with "boring" things like meditation.

Beyond that, you must build a habit of doing things regardless of whether you want to or not. If you continue to practice this ability, then it will become easier for you. Don't think you have to do a huge amount of work, either. Just ask yourself if you can at least do one thing, like aura cleaning, or yoga.

This is actually a problem that I've been facing for the longest time now when it comes to digital distractions.

I've definitely made progress in cutting back my digital distractions.

I started off by cutting of playing any sort of digital games. And I remember a few mins after deleting every game I had, I notice that I was itching to play. I felt like I had so much time and have no idea what to do with it except to play. It was a bizarre feeling and it was at those types of moment that I've realized how addicted I was to playing games that brought no value to me at all.

At the start, it was very difficult to break out of that habit.

Now my problem is that I noticed that I've switched from playing games to using social media like YouTube, Facebook, and etc...

The only good thing here is that I no longer have interest in playing games but it was swapped by social media. And the social media that I used most was watching YouTube videos.

Often times, I found myself mindlessly watching videos. Just a few weeks ago, I decided to disable YouTube on my phone and WOW, it was the exact same feeling of when I tried to stop playing video games. And when I did that, It basically swapped again.

From YouTube to TikTok.... Then TikTok to Facebook which is right now.

There is really little to no merit when I think about it.

So I guess the only real solution is to delete every social media applications installed on my phone and only use it with a purpose that may use social media.

Also, before discovering Joy of Satan, I had this addiction to using 18+ materials and fapping to it whenever I was feeling down or stressed. I've tried so hard to stop doing it but always kept going back at it. This has been going since I was very young. It was very unfortunate of me that I was expose to these types of materials at a young age.

Now, I've completely stopped using any 18+ materials to fap since joining Joy of Satan and was dumbfounded on how EASY I've overcome it with the help of just simple meditations. It's been over a month now and I'm still SHOCK on how easy it was to overcome it. And note, this was my BIGGEST problem out of them all and it was solved just like that.

At times, I do have thoughts of wanting to open up the materials. This is because while using social media, there are times when a random video shows something that's sexual. But luckily, I found these thoughts very stupid and came into control of my thoughts. I'm even amused at myself for finding it very dumb :lol: .

So If I think about it, it would be even easier to quit my addiction to using social media if I've resolved my biggest problem just like that.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
