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On Astrology Ethics

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Big Dipper said:
On the astrology part of the main website it says: "It is important and *ethical* that you do not reveal anything tragic to others you read for". What does that mean? Why cant we tell them?

Because astrology in general has ethics around it, simple as that.

If you see for example, fatality coming, and you tell a person who may die in whatever date 6 months from now, they may get to drinking spree, three months earlier thinking they might die. This is one example.

They may or may not die depending on the accuracy of the prediction. But they may get harmed in other, unforeseen ways, and emotionally also.

The bigger the skill to predict and to see deeply (bestowed by advancement, the Gods, and going deeper into astrology), one's ethical scale also has to raise. Ethics in Satanism are not like the empty things of the enemy. In our side, responsibility is though important, since the Gods care to help us.

Astrologers have to have a moral compass and want to help others do better, not worse. Like doctors and other similar professions.

Another moral thing is to not play uselessly smart. There are astrologers who act close minded and they have no occult knowledge to help other people and/or no major insight besides computational abilities.

In this, knowledge can be a curse, as blessings and damnation may be seen, without the ability for one to be able to act. This can be deadly and very depressing. Astrologers who go very far without spiritual knowledge always somehow lose their lives or minds.

Months ago I was reading online about a US military engaged soldier. He saw in his astrology a tragic accident happening during the time of his deployment in some overseas mission. The accident that would happen would be related to an explosion. He was not a pro, but he saw this coming along the lines.

Eventually, he got blown into an explosion, around the dates where he predicted, and lost half his body motor skills, exactly as the fatalities had predicted. After he ended service, he managed to sit and get deeper in astrology. He found even more solid proof that this was to happen, down to the very minute of the event.

The above is a tragedy and fate has a lot of these, serving everyone and everything fateful events.

If he had spiritual knowledge or was a Satanist, he could have prevented this fatality, or he could find some other way to solve it. Many times, fate can be fully definitive, but occult knowledge and power can help tremendously.

He could have found, for example, a counter aspect, that would act to his protection. However, fate can be serious and damning in many cases. Rarely humans have a choice.

In other words, one has to be good at what one does, or just say the truth that they are learning etc. Haphazardly done, sloopiness, lack of knowledge, and other things, can be very detrimental to astrology.

High level astrology is very serious for everyone involved. Does one do haphazardly or for fast production a neurosurgery? One is a criminal to do this.

One more form of ethics would also be to not use astrology to lie for personal obscene reasons. A horrid example I know here, wanted to have sex with a woman. They tried to lie to her that her astrology was "that of a prostitute" and that it was "necessary for them to engage in this", only because this convulted mind wanted to have sex with her. Unmanly and disgusting. There were of course no such "decided" aspects that certainly meant this.

Gods that deal with astrology also deal with general astrological ethics.

They also have some standards in bestowing major knowledge along these very lines. They expect it will be handled wisely. Astrology is a divine spiritual science.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This is very interesting. In a couple of months lately I've been having so much knowledge given and guided about my natal chart, that if known a couple years ago ... would've made me an egomaniac and so much more unexpected changes in me. I really felt that I was given and unlocked these informations by the Gods.

This is very very interesting. Thank you
i know that the true expert astrologers are spiritual and can do Healing , they can find the true purpose of your life they can know your past origin,the exact time when you will get married and time of death .etc....

for me astrology is complicated i only know the basics because of too many corrupted authors and websites , and i am %10000 sure that the enemy knows perfectly the astrology .
sonnenkraft said:
i know that the true expert astrologers are spiritual and can do Healing , they can find the true purpose of your life they can know your past origin,the exact time when you will get married and time of death .etc....

for me astrology is complicated i only know the basics because of too many corrupted authors and websites , and i am %10000 sure that the enemy knows perfectly the astrology .
The basics are on the Jos. To truly master this (like any spiritual ability) is to advance spiritually and of course to practice this until you become better. The basic you see on the Jos are only the "material" aspect, what you need to become a pro is to develop your intuition and all the spiritual abilities needed to predict things better.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Big Dipper said:
On the astrology part of the main website it says: "It is important and *ethical* that you do not reveal anything tragic to others you read for". What does that mean? Why cant we tell them?


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

And what happens if you follow "Winning move is not to play the game" logic?

Like if this guy you talk about would just refuse deployment overseas, would it still manifest somehow?

There were some things in my chart that would’ve devastated me in the past if I had learned about it, that I’ve learned of previously that I can now channel positively or do something about. Knowing things at the right time are really important. Takes a lot of practice and being able to get through psychic attacks to actually read a chart. I’m much better at it now but mainly with the basics. I think spiritual advancement is the only way really through this.
when you say many times fate can be fully definitive, you mean there are many times where ones fate cannot be changed much or at all? could you provide a vague example of this, I'm trying to understand.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Big Dipper said:
On the astrology part of the main website it says: "It is important and *ethical* that you do not reveal anything tragic to others you read for". What does that mean? Why cant we tell them?

Because astrology in general has ethics around it, simple as that.

If you see for example, fatality coming, and you tell a person who may die in whatever date 6 months from now, they may get to drinking spree, three months earlier thinking they might die. This is one example.

They may or may not die depending on the accuracy of the prediction. But they may get harmed in other, unforeseen ways, and emotionally also.

I understand what is meant here and I think anyone who would do this is beyond immoral. With more minor-yet-still-negative-in-nature things though there seems to be a grey area.

Let's say someone has a chronic health problem that they don't understand and want answers. Is naming 6th House planetary placements to such a person immoral? I remember one person I did a reading for who had diabetes most of their life despite being thin was happy to know it was due to Jupiter's influence in 6th, because so many people had accused them of secretly binging in private, being bulimic or whatever ludicrous insults, even a few doctors. It was gratifying for them to know it couldn't really be helped, but at the same time I can maybe see some negative consequences to having this knowledge without spiritual application.

It becomes more complicated with houses of others and problem placements here like Pluto and Saturn in 11th and 7th. I tried to tell people with this to be careful, vigilant and selective when it comes to their peers and lovers. Is that good advice here?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
One more form of ethics would also be to not use astrology to lie for personal obscene reasons. A horrid example I know here, wanted to have sex with a woman. They tried to lie to her that her astrology was "that of a prostitute" and that it was "necessary for them to engage in this", only because this convulted mind wanted to have sex with her. Unmanly and disgusting. There were of course no such "decided" aspects that certainly meant this.

That is unbelievably revolting. I guess that underlines why this knowledge optimally has to rest with the wise.

This also underscores the necessity of getting second opinions from trusted sources. Any asshole can skew a reading to say whatever in their best interest.
Knowing Astrology can really suck, I'll be real. I've been studying it for more than 3 years now, and it made me feel a lot of mental limits. Every time I wanna do something, or improve on certain areas, i always think of negative planets of mine, and endless doubts come. I know magic can help, but knowing me, i know i will always be doubtful and negative, thinking that at the end of the day, the planets will manifest exactly like i read them.
BlackJackal said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Big Dipper said:
On the astrology part of the main website it says: "It is important and *ethical* that you do not reveal anything tragic to others you read for". What does that mean? Why cant we tell them?


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

And what happens if you follow "Winning move is not to play the game" logic?

Like if this guy you talk about would just refuse deployment overseas, would it still manifest somehow?
id rather live one day as a lion than 100 days as a sheep.
I had always thought that by knowing fate one would then be able to take the steps to avoid dangerous or otherwise potentially harmful events from taking place or mitigating the damage. Especially for SS, one could protect themselves more thoroughly than the average person. Wouldn't knowing in this case be more beneficial than not knowing?
OOPS. I did a guys natal chart and their spouse's chart and the spouse has pluto crossing their DC in a few years at nearly the same time of this guys first saturn return. I stressed that im not a proffesional and that a saturn return isn't guaranteed to be awful, but to watch out just in case. The guy also had pluto crossing their asc in a few years if not now. I get the ethics thing now though. :D
BlackJackal said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Big Dipper said:
On the astrology part of the main website it says: "It is important and *ethical* that you do not reveal anything tragic to others you read for". What does that mean? Why cant we tell them?


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

And what happens if you follow "Winning move is not to play the game" logic?

Like if this guy you talk about would just refuse deployment overseas, would it still manifest somehow?

This is the same question I was thinking.

What could this guy have done so the misfortune wouldn't happen?
WiseDragon said:
Knowing Astrology can really suck, I'll be real. I've been studying it for more than 3 years now, and it made me feel a lot of mental limits. Every time I wanna do something, or improve on certain areas, i always think of negative planets of mine, and endless doubts come. I know magic can help, but knowing me, i know i will always be doubtful and negative, thinking that at the end of the day, the planets will manifest exactly like i read them.

Painful to read...

As you know we have the tools, but still you insist on suffering the natal chart.

Come the fuck on! Lift your limits, you can do it!
Astrology is of fundamental importance for life, just like medicine.
Like when a doctor tells someone they will die in 3 months. And exactly 3 months later, the person died. But the doctor made a mistake with the diagnosis, and the person really should have lived for many more years. But they died because their body was convinced that it had to die at that moment, so it did. This has happened a bunch of times.
BlackJackal said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Big Dipper said:
On the astrology part of the main website it says: "It is important and *ethical* that you do not reveal anything tragic to others you read for". What does that mean? Why cant we tell them?


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

And what happens if you follow "Winning move is not to play the game" logic?

Like if this guy you talk about would just refuse deployment overseas, would it still manifest somehow?

He would decrease his chances, however, when we talk about "Fate", in this case and in the case of many people, there can be no "Option".

The less the power and freedom one has, the more likely for fate to create such situation. In this case one should also look in for windows of opportunity to save themselves, which is also possible.

Every person would have to work this differently here. Because everyone has different abilities. As I was reading this poor fellows story, it was because he didn't know where to look for protection, or because he simply did not refuse.

Protection and cleaning may have saved his life, too. Or at least minimize the damage to where it was not permanent.

The ignorance of the enemy is costing people worldwide, many heavy prices.
WiseDragon said:
Knowing Astrology can really suck, I'll be real. I've been studying it for more than 3 years now, and it made me feel a lot of mental limits. Every time I wanna do something, or improve on certain areas, i always think of negative planets of mine, and endless doubts come. I know magic can help, but knowing me, i know i will always be doubtful and negative, thinking that at the end of the day, the planets will manifest exactly like i read them.

This is the wrong way to look at it.

As one does a forecast for the weather, and one sees X weather, the solution in most cases, is to use an umbrella, not to stay in at total fear of the rain. If it is a powerful storm, then maybe.

If it is a hurricane, in which case one has to duck and wait for the better time.

The Gods give us the means to be able to overcome things. You can overcome these things. Meditation, protection, healing, and so forth.
WiseDragon said:
Knowing Astrology can really suck, I'll be real. I've been studying it for more than 3 years now, and it made me feel a lot of mental limits. Every time I wanna do something, or improve on certain areas, i always think of negative planets of mine, and endless doubts come. I know magic can help, but knowing me, i know i will always be doubtful and negative, thinking that at the end of the day, the planets will manifest exactly like i read them.
I had quite a long period where I was just stuck and suffering with really no way out. Those kinds of things happen and I even saw them in astrology, but there was nothing to do about them really. The only way to stop these things is to know about them way beforehand and amass protective energy against it. If you only notice it once it is already happening, many times you cant really stop it and just have to wait for it to pass. It can suck a lot, I know it first-hand.

You can definitely prevent it as long as you plan long enough ahead into the future. So even if there are some things right now that are annoying, I would recommend that you try to gear up for the future planets as much as you can to take advantage of the good ones and shield yourself from the bad ones. If you have quite bad things coming in I would even say to focus most of your magick time every day on establishing protection from that ahead of time.
What I don't understand is how to get beyond the basics and I struggle even with those.
TopoftheAbyss said:
What I don't understand is how to get beyond the basics and I struggle even with those.

Yeah that is me. I understand basics like an aspect type like say square or inconjunct. I understand there are not just major but also minor and also sub-minor aspects. I understand the planets etc.etc. basic things.

But I don't understand how or where people get "Oh an Aspect of 36 degrees 25 minutes through pluto and mars = so and so.

Basically I don't understand astrology at all even the simple stuff flies over my head at times.

And it's not a matter of being lazy and not studying. It's just I plainly don't comprehend it.

Let me give an example it's like mathematics. I like Math but I don't contemplate math. It's probably why I did so poorly in math. Hell I still count with my fingers. I'm basically an adult with mish mash of mathematic education ranging from pre-K with some introduction of various higher level maths like Algebra(middle school/high school) and other things.

To put it simply my math skills are pre-k -t- 12 broken apart into various misunderstandings. I LIKE math but don't have comprehension of it even self-learning and using youtube videos doesn't help.

Same with astrology it doesn't make sense to me for the most part.
Zeffie of the Wind said:
I had always thought that by knowing fate one would then be able to take the steps to avoid dangerous or otherwise potentially harmful events from taking place or mitigating the damage. Especially for SS, one could protect themselves more thoroughly than the average person. Wouldn't knowing in this case be more beneficial than not knowing?

It takes discipline and a solid mental foundation to "handle the red pill".

If someone is told in their astrology they're going to die and the accuracy is faulty, or it might not even be a death but just something horrible, that person will live in fear and worry about this 'predicted death', and through the 'law of attraction' with our mind in spirituality and the universe, this fear and belief of it's occurrence will actually have them make it happen of their own willpower, or draw it closer to them.

In other words they encourage it's manifestation, like someone who is afraid they'll mess up or make a mistake on stage in front of a crowd and then they mess up because of the fear. So in this case, knowing can actually be far worse than ignorance and there isn't much that can be done other than encouraging them to just protect themselves better for ''just a couple of troublesome planets headed your way" and that's all you can really do.

When I was in paramedics training I was told this:

"If the victim is missing a leg or a limb or they look like absolute shit and you're able to know for a fact there's a very slim chance they'll make it, if they ask you "how does it look?" you better fucking tell them they're perfectly fine, shrug it off like it's nothing all casual pat-on-the-back and tell them they'll be walking like a champ the next day. Because if you tell them their friggin' legs are gone, guess what's going to happen? They start panicking, they go into shock, a coma, their heart starts racing faster causing them to bleed out even quicker. You're job is to keep them alive and going and you say whatever you need to say to keep them calm, collected and in a good state of mind, this is one of the scenarios of life where lying is the most damn necessary thing you can ever do."

It's pretty damn similar in scenario. You do what's necessary however you can.

SATchives said:
when you say many times fate can be fully definitive, you mean there are many times where ones fate cannot be changed much or at all? could you provide a vague example of this, I'm trying to understand.

"Fate" as we know it in the spiritual sense is a very powerful force of energies that absolutely slam-dunk an event upon you. It is defined by an extreme force that is not easy to change or avoid. However the idea of fate by many people is considered one that is 'hopeless to change the course of' 100%, this is not the case with spiritual power. Planets are incredibly powerful forces in energy, yes, far more powerful than we could hope to be in our present state and this makes it incredibly difficult to avoid 'fate', but you must remember these are energies and like all energies like we work with in our daily Satanic lives, one can put forward the effort to protect oneself against it and even counter them.

You can 'fight' a planet's influence upon you, and to considerable degrees, but with incredibly powerful energies and forces you'd have to put in a shit ton of work to do so and in the case of effect upon an entire advanced spiritual civilization, a collective effort would need to be made, this is why it helps to not be alone and is one of the benefits of family and groups like a coven, there is more power in numbers. It's completely possible for a 'predicted death' to pass by where the 'window of opportunity' has come and gone like a massive wave on the ocean that you protect your ship to break through as in one piece as you can manage it to the calm seas on the other side, and you're still alive and no longer have to worry about another wave like that for the foreseeable future. Though having it pass by with you completely unharmed is on the rare side, you can with power for sure at the very least cheat death and escape with your life intact.

Nothing is more important first and foremost to this than your Aura of Protection. Additional means to such a "fate" would then be utilizing other tools at your disposal to build up a 'counter attack' upon the forces, these are usually opposite energies of the planet's influence to 'reverse' what it's sending out at you thus weakening it's affects, the gods would most assuredly guide you to such means and how to do it if you're willing to put in that effort.

The absolute worst of "fate", with power, is avoidable, and the stronger and better you spiritually are in advancement, the more so it is. If you look at it in a different angle, we work with 'fate' every day, we actually utilize the 'fate'/influences of planets to further our desires and to benefit us.

It's not something that suddenly comes out of no where at us and is only ever 'bad', it's happening every day, and we use it in our favour.
hatha69 said:
Can i ask you sonething hcobra? What can i do if i can't know my Bird hour?

You can not get a accurate reading if you don't know your birth hour. Find it out.
I tried to get it in every office but the hour isn't there...this Is a common problema even my friend s.s. can't know it
In regards tour Birth hour i have ever a hour in my mind could be that my Birth hour ...like i have this numbers for years
hatha69 said:
In regards tour Birth hour i have ever a hour in my mind could be that my Birth hour ...like i have this numbers for years
Well, it could be and on the other hand there is room for error. I think it's up to you to meditate on it and study about the possibility or possibilities and get an answer on your own. Unfortunately this is something we can not help much except for maybe guiding how through meditation you could in theory find the correct time.
hatha69 said:
I tried to get it in every office but the hour isn't there...this Is a common problema even my friend s.s. can't know it

If there is absolutely no way to obtain your birth hour and minute... finding out from one's parents, other family perhaps, calling the hospital you were born at, etc... then it will be imperative to advance your divinatory skills and use a method of divination in order to extract your exact birth time, such as using a pendulum and going through the hours and minutes. You'll have to make sure whatever method you use is something you're skilled at where you get you consistent results.
I remember a story that I read a few years ago, I don't remember it all, but I remember some parts, maybe I write something that may not make a lot of sense because I'm using the Google translator, I really wanted to share that story.

The beginning of the story is of someone who indicated a reading of his future, and I do not remember who was included reading if it had been the son or the father, and the reading of the future was something like "your child will grow up and you kill and then go to marry your wife "and then the father threw his son out of the house at a very young age, so that son came up with a grudge because he himself would never do a horrible thing like that, and then he had arrived at a tavern and right after some time there was a man who was making fun of him and the boy was nervous and the result was that he ended up in a fight and this boy ended up killing the man, soon after he discovered that this man was his father, it didn't take long a lot for him to fall into depression because of that, and then after a while he found a woman and fell in love with her, it provides him a lot he was very happy, because he killed his own father made him very sad, and then after a while he finds out that a woman The one he fell in love with was his mother.

I don't remember much of the story, but I think the ending ended with him committing suicide.
Hat said:
I remember a story that I read a few years ago, I don't remember it all, but I remember some parts, maybe I write something that may not make a lot of sense because I'm using the Google translator, I really wanted to share that story.

The beginning of the story is of someone who indicated a reading of his future, and I do not remember who was included reading if it had been the son or the father, and the reading of the future was something like "your child will grow up and you kill and then go to marry your wife "and then the father threw his son out of the house at a very young age, so that son came up with a grudge because he himself would never do a horrible thing like that, and then he had arrived at a tavern and right after some time there was a man who was making fun of him and the boy was nervous and the result was that he ended up in a fight and this boy ended up killing the man, soon after he discovered that this man was his father, it didn't take long a lot for him to fall into depression because of that, and then after a while he found a woman and fell in love with her, it provides him a lot he was very happy, because he killed his own father made him very sad, and then after a while he finds out that a woman The one he fell in love with was his mother.

I don't remember much of the story, but I think the ending ended with him committing suicide.
This is Oedipus. Old greek story.
Hat said:
I remember a story that I read a few years ago, I don't remember it all, but I remember some parts, maybe I write something that may not make a lot of sense because I'm using the Google translator, I really wanted to share that story.

The beginning of the story is of someone who indicated a reading of his future, and I do not remember who was included reading if it had been the son or the father, and the reading of the future was something like "your child will grow up and you kill and then go to marry your wife "and then the father threw his son out of the house at a very young age, so that son came up with a grudge because he himself would never do a horrible thing like that, and then he had arrived at a tavern and right after some time there was a man who was making fun of him and the boy was nervous and the result was that he ended up in a fight and this boy ended up killing the man, soon after he discovered that this man was his father, it didn't take long a lot for him to fall into depression because of that, and then after a while he found a woman and fell in love with her, it provides him a lot he was very happy, because he killed his own father made him very sad, and then after a while he finds out that a woman The one he fell in love with was his mother.

I don't remember much of the story, but I think the ending ended with him committing suicide.
I think you're referring to the Oedipus myth.
Please can someone help me out. I have always being bewildered by the term emty those the term really exist. For instance the container you are saying is emty is always filled with molecules elements or even smaller particles
hatha69 said:
I Will be hard i don't have parents i'm adopted

You do have birth certificate right? Just check hour and min there, and then check chart to see how much you gotta rotate Ascendant up or down until you get planetary descriptions that apply to you.
I font have a Birth certificate unfortunately i cheked everywhere but i don't have it
hatha69 said:
I font have a Birth certificate unfortunately i cheked everywhere but i don't have it

Bro, if you want to find out you will. All we see you do is waste everyone's time by now. Ask around, your new parents, the hospital you were born in, literally any government agency that has issued documents for you.
How does astrology work on macro aspects? For example the Brits lost 50,000 men in one day during the Somme. Did those 50,000 dead have this in their chart? Or is this when a macro aspect needs to be used?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
