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Satanic Self help about love/relationships/getting laid(For men.)


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2018
Note on Morality - We exist in a time of imperfect law and order. Morality of which we consider to be righteous and proper is often borrowed from Christian philosophy of life which claims that human beings are equal to each other. In nature there is no equality. Nature frowns upon equality and in essence there is not equality but a drives towards achieving balance. It is my intention in this post to provide information on relationships to young SS men coming to Satanism from diverse backgrounds. This post is written about Heterosexual men who WANT to be MASCULINE and want to attract FEMININE women. I do not speak for Feminine men. And these are generalizations. A balance of masculine and feminine forces is to be achieved in the soul. By masculinity I mean the behavioral expression that you display outward to women and people in general. Inherently what is immoral and moral may be only understood by you, yourself. Everyone has a particular opinion about a particular subject. Nothing about the modern understanding of morality is inherently correct. What you do is your choice and ofcourse, your responsibility. The women you attract with the following workings, you will be responsible for. Make up your mind internally and think hard about what you want before doing anything else. Many people may comment, why would you want to sleep with someone who isn't an SS or a normie or any number of things. What's important is to understand your reality and desires with your own conscience and act accordingly with maturity.
Im seeing a regular pattern of people, who are generally young teens asking about how to do a love spell and as I understand their objective is to use magick to get laid, in simple terms. Which is completely normal. Infact if you were a heterosexual male and you did not want to get laid, I would assume there was something seriously wrong with you Psychologically and physically. Sex is one of the most beautiful acts of nature which captures the sublime beauty of the force of masculinity and femininity combining as yin and yang ,birthing the divine essence of life from whence everything originated. In tantric yoga ,sex is used for transmutation of energy to achieve higher States of consciousness. The microcosmic orbit which HPLucius explains in his Taoist Secrets to immortality can be expanded to include two people in sexual contact. The subject of this post is not to expound further on that. Its about getting laid or possibly finding a relationship.

Young white males reading this must take particular point. It's a duty of men to procreate and further the race. The situation is that the white race is in dire need of offspring, of quality offspring nonetheless who go through proper parenting as to not develop suicidal or self loathing attitudes that the media jews are constantly trying to guilt trip whites into feeling and being. Getting married, having healthy relationships with quality women who will birth you superior offspring is the basis of the 14 words.

Before I begin, I must also talk about expectations. Many of us would like to believe that we'll end up with an extremely beautiful bombshell and fuck her everyday till the sun shines. However in reality it is more important to find a mate who is astrologically and genetically compatible with you. Their behavior must be spiritual as in you should birth children as being spiritual parents. Compatibility also confers long term stability and happiness. Do not make the mistake of using magick to attract a particularly beautiful woman who has no personality, no ambition,no understanding about this world, is vain ,is hedonistic and materialistic to an extreme degree and has no sense of spirituality. I'm talking about long term partners ,obviously. You're free to choose short term partners or flings as you want .Then I want to talk about general expectations. One with height and good looks will attract more hotter girls while doing a general working. Thats simply reality. Therefore it would be better to free your mind of any particular expectations you might have which might interfere with the working manifesting correctly. While doing a general working your RAS (reticular activation system) will zoom in on the girls that the working is attracting. They will look at you and when you see these girls you will intuitively know these are the ones you must approach. Although theoretically you could attract any girl who you are in regular contact with if you dedicate the energies only on her in a working dedicated only to her.

Now to attract a woman you need a powerful personality and sexual attraction.

On personality - The bad boy decoded
Theres a saying that Nice guys finish last and that women like bad boys. This is not literally true. What women are attracted to is the behaviours exhibited by bad boys . If a man who respects women exhibits these behaviors, they will attract women too. Coincidentally the non codependent and confident behavior is exhibited by men who are assholes.

The elements of your personality should be like this
1)Purposeful (having sex with sex is not your purpose. You have a higher purpose of advancing in your professional life ,achieving great things,contributing to your country and race. It is much more important than any woman who is not your wife.)
2)Ability to walk away (non neediness, there are many other women in this world. Doesn't matter if one rejects you. If someone isn't giving you the necessary compliance, you can move away. This trait is exceptionally attractive. )
3)Emotional intelligence
4)Social status (a magnetic personality where everyone respects you and likes you. )
5)Dominance and Masculinity (Take charge and make everything happen. Its your job as a man to do so. Women will hate if your just some kind of slob who wants to be told what he should do. Take charge in your life and in everything else.)
6)Non reactiveness (you do not care what others think about you. You display yourself and dont care if someone disapproves. You must have the courage to be disliked. Understandthat life is transient andit doesn't matter If someone didn'tlike you. Theres no need totake it personally. Life will go on and opportunities will keep coming. )
7)Having strong boundaries (having a clear idea about the things you will allow or not allow others to say about you. If someone disrespects you, you need to swiftly put them in their place. Tell them you do not accept disrespect and if they continue doing it, you'll cut contact with them. And you must be willing to do it. Obviously your family members should be given more warnings than some random stranger you met on the street.

You can develop a powerful personality and induce sexual attraction using magick. Woman are attracted to purposeful, confident men who are decisive and take charge. Theres a high probability that you do not have these qualities. I know I didn't when I was your age. Change is hard. Not many of us had peers who taught us how to be men or what it means to be a man. You'll have to do with experience and you will fail at first. But failure is the stepping stone for success. As you put yourself and navigate uncomfortable social situations, your intuition will be calibrated to the responses of the other parties and you'll be attuned to how you should behave and respond in what situations. Respect,admiration, sexual irresistibility, calmness,confidence, a dashing personality and purpose are all good traits to have that can be developed which will attract women like moths to a flame. You must also free yourself from the fear of what others think about you. Not giving a shit about what others think and staying true to your purpose is inherently a very attractive trait. Many people will gossip and talk shit about you from jealousy or hatred as is typical of people. However many people might also be having important learning lessons, tips and constructive criticism that you might benefit from so take that into mind as well. Developing personal boundaries is central to being a man. If someone disrespects you (not light joking) be it be man or woman, you need to confront him/her about such. Tell them that you do not take disrespect lightly and warn them sternly that if they'll continue provoking you, you'll cut them out of your life. Obviously close friends and family members should get more warnings than any random person you don't know very well.

Workings for personality development
A simple working to rid you of any unattractive behaviours and instill charisma and confidence in you would be,

Uruz ,Ansuz,*54/108 each with the affirmation.
"In a healthy and positive manner for me, I am permanently and completely free of any and all(emphasis) unattractive and repulsive behaviors like fear,anxiety or awkwardness." Visualize eliminating any and all unattractive behaviors that you might currently have. You can start these at freeing the soul,endings, days.

Unattractive behaviors are - Stuttering, having nothing to say, cannot keep a conversation going, fear of what people think about you, micromanaging what you say, anxiety when talking to many people, shyness, inability to relate to others, being weird, being socially unaware, being an asshole, etc.)

Thurisaz,Sowilo ,Tyr.*55/111 each
"In a healthy and positive manner I am permanently and completely Calm,confident charismatic and courageous. Everyone likes and respects me at all times."
Visualize being the man you want to be in your dreams. Everyone likes you,everyone wants to be your friend. If not they atleast respect you and envy you. Everyone is happy around you, everyone is smiling around you. Women are flirting with you and flocking to you. You are awesome.

90 days for each working. These workings must become ingrained in your very being. Very important. You can start these at a sun square day or any day with characteristic feature of the type of working your going to start.

Workings for love
As for the love working it depends on whether you have a particular woman in mind or if you don't know anything and youd generally want someone.
There are three principal mantras along with the Planetary mantra of Moon. Moon along with Venus, rules women in a man's chart.
i)Gebo - the Rune Gebo can be used to attract women. Especially useful when you have a particular woman in mind.
ii)Aum Shukraya Nama - The material mantra for Venus must be started on the date for a venus square. On the particular timing for Venus. In fact all the mantras on this section of the list should be started on particular time of Venus ,on appropriate date (check the SS calendar. )
iii)Aum Klim Kamadevaya Namah - The most powerful love mantra I have tried. Not recommended for newbies. This mantra may make one extremely horny,so be prepared if you use it.
iv)Aum Chandramasae Namah - For generally improving your relationships with women.
For better use - While breathing in visualize taking in green (for love) and crimson red (for sex) into your soul and aura. Retain the breath exhale vibrating the mantra and the color shines brightly.

As it's much important to you, you should do a 90 days working of either 108 reps or 216 reps each day.
For a general situation ,
“In a healthy and positive manner for me, I am attracting my perfect [love/sexual partner, soul mate,"
Or If you want multiple women to choose from,
"In a healthy and positive manner for me, I am attracting multiple hot,sexy and beautiful women who desire me Sexually. "
Visualize women flocking to you. Every girl is hot and every girl likes you and wants to fuck you. Your surrounded by hot girls all the time and they're making moves on you all the time. Your smiling, laughing and they're having the time of their life. Its your decision who you choose.

You might be thinking this is all impossible or that I'm scheming you. Fret not, it will all soon be possible as you develop your spiritual power and start taking action. Taking action must always be coupled with your material workings.

Start becoming more social and talk to multiple women all the time which will eventually make you the man you want to be. You'll gradually be comfortable in social situations, know how to tell fascinating stories and command attention of groups. Everyone will like you, everyone will want to be your friend ,everyone will want your contact info, everyone would want to hang out with you. However change is painful. But through pain we can achieve transformation. The process of pain is not so much important as that life after transformation is what's at stake here. Its your life we're talking about here. Its the most important thing in the entire world to you. To change approaching and talking to multiple women isn't a big deal. I would go to any lengths to get what I want in life. A few rejections or someone making fun of me is of no consequence to me. It's not like someone judging you or saying some mean things to you will kill you.

If you want to attract a particular woman,
"In a healthy and positive manner, name of desired one] is deeply in love with me and desires me sexually." Visualize the woman you desire having sex with you and doing all the things couples do.

A note on triggering anxiety - Theres a particular type of anxiety called approach anxiety. When you approach a woman on the street/anywhere whom you do not know and say hi, your body will be gripped with anxiety. You will forget your words, your mind will go blank. You do not know what to do or say. Its inbuilt and can be reduced to a very tiny portion of what it used to be by approaching multiple women each day, every day and putting yourself in uncomfortable situations. If you do not know what this is you need to experience it. Being a Satanist means rising above the shackles that bind you. Anxiety is a weakness that prevents you from influencing others the way you want. You need to do your approach if you have not yet as a man. You MUST feel the feelings. Feel it, savor it and VOW to defeat it. It doesn't matter if you do not get the girls number or the girl looks at you weird or if everyone around you laughs. What's important is to experience approach anxiety once. FEEL WHAT IT IS TO APPROACH A RANDOM WOMAN. And the last bit of advice, thinking and reading is of no use in this situation. The only thing that can give you data is hard experience in the real world. Expectation is vastly different from reality. Experience in the moment and understand the situation instead of dreaming in a comfortable world.

A note on reactions from women - As I mentioned earlier if your doing a general working where you affirmed indiscriminately, women which the working is acting upon will look at you. It's not the look that you might give a homeless man for a second. This look is different and your RAS will recognize it, do not worry. You want to talk with this person and you feel this person also wants talk with you. When you encounter this, go in and approach. Do not wait. These are the women who have a high probability of sleeping with you.

A note on Lower Chakras - Your lower chakras must be worked on and be exceptionally strong for material workings to manifest quickly. The sacral chakra is your expression of sexuality which is important to be telegraphed to women. Your throat chakra I.e your verbal expression as well your heart chakra ,the ability to connect with people are also important. In addition you must be doing regular void meditation ,yoga and other empowerment exercises. More spiritual power and more void control = faster manifestation.

With this, a simple to the point no bs guide to getting laid and getting a relationship gets completed. This is a spiritual guide as in it details spiritual processes and does not go deep into technical details of the material processes of social dynamics.
Is there really something wrong with you if you lose sexual interest in women? I agree with the general trend of "redpilled" thinking in understanding how humans work, it seems logical that women would want the best mates and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. But it seems that women are only attracted to apex-tier men, i.e. men who can exercise total social dominance in a certain realm, a man who can be the physically best, economically best, most violent, etc. Anecdotally it seems the men women really swoon for are either 1) very handsome or 2) antisocial criminals, possibly both.

I don't begrudge women wanting a good, healthy mate, to do so would be a Xian impulse against Nature's refining hand. What I don't get is this apex-oriented mentality. I think I could be a pretty good mate, I have high earning potential, a promising career, I am smart and also ambitious. But I would be deluding myself if I thought I was "the best" alpha male, while I have good facial genetics I am shorter than average and very introverted. It bothers me that men famous for serial murder have gotten more affection from women than I ever will. I'm not sure if I'm becoming asexual or schizoid. But thinking about getting married used to excite me and now since thinking about stuff through an evolutionary psychology lens and personal introspection I'm not sure if I want any type of human personal relationship, friend or otherwise, ever. Sorry Jack, I don't mean to derail your thread but it seems to fit into the general theme and you do seem to know a lot about this stuff.
I forgot to add two mantras in ,
Workings for personality development
Aum Suryae Namah - The material Sun mantra. Must be started on days of the Sun Square on appropriateSun planetaryhour when theSun is not void. Sun rules ,
Confidence, fame, success in gambling, pleasure, securing popularity/charisma, increasing health and vitality, healing, protection, success, magickal power and riches.

Aum Bhaumaya Namah - The material Mars square. Theoretically ,Sexual expression and Dominance and masculinity can be conferred by Mars. However this is not an appropriate mantra for use in these types of workings for general people. It should be used if your extremely shy and you want HARD CHANGE quickly. Make no mistake ,the energies of mars are very powerful and violent. You can alternatively use it to increase your ambition in life.

Using Necronomicon runes, you can use #29 and #36 for self confidence.

If you're really confused about what you want Sexually in life, you can use the necronomicon rune #46 to know about yourself from your very being.
Thanks, this is going be very helpful in the future.
JoS site says that we should be focused in an organ, but what if we are not targeting a special organ?
All of this "what women want" stuff, books etc, are only meant to guide you to failure and insecurity. I've read some around 12 years ago because they were hype, and have since forgotten them in the behest of better and more fruitful and natural methods.

To have rewarding relationships one has to have in mind these are to be rewarding for both sides. If you only build a religion around yourself and the women are like groupies, this works mostly until highschool and with women still on the mental level of highscool.

There is no need to have any of these standards to get any woman, nor you have to behave in a way, or be acting like these or act like any other men do and so forth.

Most people believe they have it all figured out because they read americanino books on how to get laid etc. Most of these types are inherently men who have not really has success with women but just simulate a fake behavior to mainly go as far with women as to have sex.

For meaningful relationships other traits are more desirable. Another big mistake men do is that they try to simulate behaviors such as excessive confidence or whatever they have been told is "attractive" to women. This simulation of things leads to failure because most of the internal issues are haphazard and unaddressed.

If there are issues which manifest as lack of confidence exist, one should better be fixing these, and not just arbitarily increasing confidence. Acting like a cokehead and having nothing to show cannot viably reach to happiness.

Just confidence and just pumping a chest out may work with a woman upwards to her 18th year of age, or any woman who is not past the age of 15 mentally.

Women of the present day clearly are not after the best mates anymore in many examples, best defined as the best for their offspring. They tend to however go with the most desirable for them based on the spectrum of what they perceive a choice at a given time. They have been socially programmed in the reverse route of action since procreation is no longer the purpose for many of them.

In regards to the simple mentality that has today been deified by Instagram etc, such as women who put their ass for buyers there, that is quite easy. Confidence, money and muscle will suffice here. Unless one wants to engage in fantasy porno, these should be left alone and not really looked after as a good or viable option for sex.

Also, bear no illusion, many of these play pretend goddesses may not even have sexual skills, which one may find disappointing after having played all the landmine circus to get to them.

As for the women for criminals, the women attracted to random people like these ones you state are really on a state of natural reflex as they are only in some sort of their own mental loop and not real attraction to the substainial person themselves. They are in infatuation with their mentality however. This is partly based on certain instincts. Fighters, people in the military etc, get same reactions, and that is naturally based and justified.

HailVictory88 said:
Is there really something wrong with you if you lose sexual interest in women? I agree with the general trend of "redpilled" thinking in understanding how humans work, it seems logical that women would want the best mates and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. But it seems that women are only attracted to apex-tier men, i.e. men who can exercise total social dominance in a certain realm, a man who can be the physically best, economically best, most violent, etc. Anecdotally it seems the men women really swoon for are either 1) very handsome or 2) antisocial criminals, possibly both.

I don't begrudge women wanting a good, healthy mate, to do so would be a Xian impulse against Nature's refining hand. What I don't get is this apex-oriented mentality. I think I could be a pretty good mate, I have high earning potential, a promising career, I am smart and also ambitious. But I would be deluding myself if I thought I was "the best" alpha male, while I have good facial genetics I am shorter than average and very introverted. It bothers me that men famous for serial murder have gotten more affection from women than I ever will. I'm not sure if I'm becoming asexual or schizoid. But thinking about getting married used to excite me and now since thinking about stuff through an evolutionary psychology lens and personal introspection I'm not sure if I want any type of human personal relationship, friend or otherwise, ever. Sorry Jack, I don't mean to derail your thread but it seems to fit into the general theme and you do seem to know a lot about this stuff.
HailVictory88 said:
Is there really something wrong with you if you lose sexual interest in women? I agree with the general trend of "redpilled" thinking in understanding how humans work, it seems logical that women would want the best mates and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. But it seems that women are only attracted to apex-tier men, i.e. men who can exercise total social dominance in a certain realm, a man who can be the physically best, economically best, most violent, etc. Anecdotally it seems the men women really swoon for are either 1) very handsome or 2) antisocial criminals, possibly both.

I don't begrudge women wanting a good, healthy mate, to do so would be a Xian impulse against Nature's refining hand. What I don't get is this apex-oriented mentality. I think I could be a pretty good mate, I have high earning potential, a promising career, I am smart and also ambitious. But I would be deluding myself if I thought I was "the best" alpha male, while I have good facial genetics I am shorter than average and very introverted. It bothers me that men famous for serial murder have gotten more affection from women than I ever will. I'm not sure if I'm becoming asexual or schizoid. But thinking about getting married used to excite me and now since thinking about stuff through an evolutionary psychology lens and personal introspection I'm not sure if I want any type of human personal relationship, friend or otherwise, ever. Sorry Jack, I don't mean to derail your thread but it seems to fit into the general theme and you do seem to know a lot about this stuff.
Stop reading those red pill bullshit websites, you don't have to be a super toxic masculine guy to attract decent women in your life.
These are a cancer, men have become as mentally problematic as many sit on the mirror all day long thinking how much they suck, and that their dick has had to be one foot long to satisfy women because whatever, many other men with zero experience online told them that it has to be because some Instagram dumbo told them something once in a while, because she saw this in a porn website and uses this as a technique to cuck men with.

I've been also in cases where some of these 'men' try to like robots apply these 'red pill teachings' in social situations, as in ALWAYS DO THAT HANDSHAKE TO ASSERT DOMINANCE, and they act like autistic robocop trying to do what some dumb person told them to do. In the eyes of men and other women they appear to be dysfunctional. Women who have a mind can see from twenty miles away who is a faker and who is real. There is no point to engage in this pointless garbage simulation of things.

The only way forward is to build your own masculinity from the inside of your soul by getting in better contact with your inner notion of manhood and building on that. This is far from a set of external behaviors, it's about how you feel with yourself and your contact you have with yourself.

Guys please don't devalue yourself to this level of mentality. You'll suffer.

Aquarius said:
HailVictory88 said:
Is there really something wrong with you if you lose sexual interest in women? I agree with the general trend of "redpilled" thinking in understanding how humans work, it seems logical that women would want the best mates and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. But it seems that women are only attracted to apex-tier men, i.e. men who can exercise total social dominance in a certain realm, a man who can be the physically best, economically best, most violent, etc. Anecdotally it seems the men women really swoon for are either 1) very handsome or 2) antisocial criminals, possibly both.

I don't begrudge women wanting a good, healthy mate, to do so would be a Xian impulse against Nature's refining hand. What I don't get is this apex-oriented mentality. I think I could be a pretty good mate, I have high earning potential, a promising career, I am smart and also ambitious. But I would be deluding myself if I thought I was "the best" alpha male, while I have good facial genetics I am shorter than average and very introverted. It bothers me that men famous for serial murder have gotten more affection from women than I ever will. I'm not sure if I'm becoming asexual or schizoid. But thinking about getting married used to excite me and now since thinking about stuff through an evolutionary psychology lens and personal introspection I'm not sure if I want any type of human personal relationship, friend or otherwise, ever. Sorry Jack, I don't mean to derail your thread but it seems to fit into the general theme and you do seem to know a lot about this stuff.
Stop reading those red pill bullshit websites, you don't have to be a super toxic masculine guy to attract decent women in your life.
HailVictory88 said:
Is there really something wrong with you if you lose sexual interest in women? I agree with the general trend of "redpilled" thinking in understanding how humans work, it seems logical that women would want the best mates and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. But it seems that women are only attracted to apex-tier men, i.e. men who can exercise total social dominance in a certain realm, a man who can be the physically best, economically best, most violent, etc. Anecdotally it seems the men women really swoon for are either 1) very handsome or 2) antisocial criminals, possibly both.

I don't begrudge women wanting a good, healthy mate, to do so would be a Xian impulse against Nature's refining hand. What I don't get is this apex-oriented mentality. I think I could be a pretty good mate, I have high earning potential, a promising career, I am smart and also ambitious. But I would be deluding myself if I thought I was "the best" alpha male, while I have good facial genetics I am shorter than average and very introverted. It bothers me that men famous for serial murder have gotten more affection from women than I ever will. I'm not sure if I'm becoming asexual or schizoid. But thinking about getting married used to excite me and now since thinking about stuff through an evolutionary psychology lens and personal introspection I'm not sure if I want any type of human personal relationship, friend or otherwise, ever. Sorry Jack, I don't mean to derail your thread but it seems to fit into the general theme and you do seem to know a lot about this stuff.
Maybe using the Mars and or Sun mantra along with proper affirmation will help you be confident. As for women wanting something, women want men. Men have forgotten what it is to be men due to the Jewish controlled media and bad parenting so the only ones displaying these attractive behaviors are coincidentally assholes or people who are astrologically built like that.
Thank you all for your replies, I agree I should stop obsessing over this stuff. While sociobiology does have some truth to it, a lot of evolutionary psychology is probably enemy propaganda.
Trying to pretend features and a personality that you are not, just to flirt with more women is a mistake, it is best to be yourself and work to find a suitable partner or lover.
Jack said:
HailVictory88 said:
Is there really something wrong with you if you lose sexual interest in women? I agree with the general trend of "redpilled" thinking in understanding how humans work, it seems logical that women would want the best mates and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. But it seems that women are only attracted to apex-tier men, i.e. men who can exercise total social dominance in a certain realm, a man who can be the physically best, economically best, most violent, etc. Anecdotally it seems the men women really swoon for are either 1) very handsome or 2) antisocial criminals, possibly both.

I don't begrudge women wanting a good, healthy mate, to do so would be a Xian impulse against Nature's refining hand. What I don't get is this apex-oriented mentality. I think I could be a pretty good mate, I have high earning potential, a promising career, I am smart and also ambitious. But I would be deluding myself if I thought I was "the best" alpha male, while I have good facial genetics I am shorter than average and very introverted. It bothers me that men famous for serial murder have gotten more affection from women than I ever will. I'm not sure if I'm becoming asexual or schizoid. But thinking about getting married used to excite me and now since thinking about stuff through an evolutionary psychology lens and personal introspection I'm not sure if I want any type of human personal relationship, friend or otherwise, ever. Sorry Jack, I don't mean to derail your thread but it seems to fit into the general theme and you do seem to know a lot about this stuff.
Maybe using the Mars and or Sun mantra along with proper affirmation will help you be confident. As for women wanting something, women want men. Men have forgotten what it is to be men due to the Jewish controlled media and bad parenting so the only ones displaying these attractive behaviors are coincidentally assholes or people who are astrologically built like that.
Actually before that make sure to do a Ansuz,Iruz working to rid yourself of any limiting beliefs and unattractive behaviors. Astrology also plays a major role in this as well as transits. According to the affirmation given by HPSMila after vibrating Sowilo ,"I'm permanently and completely Shielded and Protected from any and all negative planetary transits or influences." If the planets are influencing you this way I.e.
HailVictory88 said:
Is there really something wrong with you if you lose sexual interest in women? I agree with the general trend of "redpilled" thinking in understanding how humans work, it seems logical that women would want the best mates and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. But it seems that women are only attracted to apex-tier men, i.e. men who can exercise total social dominance in a certain realm, a man who can be the physically best, economically best, most violent, etc. Anecdotally it seems the men women really swoon for are either 1) very handsome or 2) antisocial criminals, possibly both.

I don't begrudge women wanting a good, healthy mate, to do so would be a Xian impulse against Nature's refining hand. What I don't get is this apex-oriented mentality. I think I could be a pretty good mate, I have high earning potential, a promising career, I am smart and also ambitious. But I would be deluding myself if I thought I was "the best" alpha male, while I have good facial genetics I am shorter than average and very introverted. It bothers me that men famous for serial murder have gotten more affection from women than I ever will. I'm not sure if I'm becoming asexual or schizoid. But thinking about getting married used to excite me and now since thinking about stuff through an evolutionary psychology lens and personal introspection I'm not sure if I want any type of human personal relationship, friend or otherwise, ever. Sorry Jack, I don't mean to derail your thread but it seems to fit into the general theme and you do seem to know a lot about this stuff.

The case for introversion is that if you push it far enough, you will go the whole way in what you wish- whatever it is particularly that you wish, with unstoppable force. That is derived from either meditation, relationships in themselves (the sexuality part) or fated events/realisations in your life which affect you on a deep, emotional level causal to who you are, or who you really are and desire to be should I say.

Whether that speaks for retrograde planets, Scorpio emphasis' or Pluto in general there is yet to figure out, but it seems that the bigger mode of this is self assurance in who you are on the complete level (hence Pluto's 'Transformation') which you will have felt before in coming to Satan.

This is the issue for extremist type people and those that transform society, which is why your point about murderers interests me like the Manson and Bundy stuff in the sixties having so much of that kind of attention. The female mind today is placed in the balance, there is no culture they wake up to every morning that is of life, virtue, health and everyone in the world knows what's what and is completely certain they know. Things are out of balance, so whether or not you attract women will be dependent on your own identity in relation to the outer world, which must be front and centre if anyone is going to see it.
You should never think that you are not going to end up in a relationship if you are part of something critical and crucial, likewise a gangster is just not going to think like he is not going to get laid because he is also part of something critical, but he ain't crucial lol. You being here in this group/identity and culture in this regard, ultimately points in the long scheme of your life that you will have whatever you want if you put yourself to it, the only thing is that we are still in the dark- the gangsters are all fried on the electric chair and for good reason. You are simply waiting in this group for what this group should bring you (a relationship), I mostly am too so I don't jest you.

As those guys had the "religion" built around them by women that HPHC said, this dictates the separate nature of your wider identity and that you need to shine in order to experience big cool man good womenz feel, so instead of just going through your day to day routine of what should work in the end, and you decide that you actually want it now,
S h i n e B o y, S h i n e ! ! ! !

HailVictory88 said:
it seems that women are only attracted to apex-tier men, i.e. men who can exercise total social dominance in a certain realm, a man who can be the physically best

= You, a Satanist
Jack said:
Uruz ,Ansuz,*54/108 each with the affirmation.
"In a healthy and positive manner for me, I am permanently and completely free of any and all(emphasis) unattractive and repulsive behaviors like fear,anxiety or awkwardness." Visualize eliminating any and all unattractive behaviors that you might currently have. You can start these at freeing the soul,endings, days.

Unattractive behaviors are - Stuttering, having nothing to say, cannot keep a conversation going, fear of what people think about you, micromanaging what you say, anxiety when talking to many people, shyness, inability to relate to others, being weird, being socially unaware, being an asshole, etc.)

Can you suggest some visualisations? I have difficulty in imagining a way to visualise behaviours disappearing like that
Jack said:
Note on Morality - We exist in a time of imperfect law and order. Morality of which we consider to be righteous and proper is often borrowed from Christian philosophy of life which claims that human beings are equal to each other. In nature there is no equality. Nature frowns upon equality and in essence there is not equality but a drives towards achieving balance. It is my intention in this post to provide information on relationships to young SS men coming to Satanism from diverse backgrounds. This post is written about Heterosexual men who WANT to be MASCULINE and want to attract FEMININE women. I do not speak for Feminine men. And these are generalizations. A balance of masculine and feminine forces is to be achieved in the soul. By masculinity I mean the behavioral expression that you display outward to women and people in general. Inherently what is immoral and moral may be only understood by you, yourself. Everyone has a particular opinion about a particular subject. Nothing about the modern understanding of morality is inherently correct. What you do is your choice and ofcourse, your responsibility. The women you attract with the following workings, you will be responsible for. Make up your mind internally and think hard about what you want before doing anything else. Many people may comment, why would you want to sleep with someone who isn't an SS or a normie or any number of things. What's important is to understand your reality and desires with your own conscience and act accordingly with maturity.
Im seeing a regular pattern of people, who are generally young teens asking about how to do a love spell and as I understand their objective is to use magick to get laid, in simple terms. Which is completely normal. Infact if you were a heterosexual male and you did not want to get laid, I would assume there was something seriously wrong with you Psychologically and physically. Sex is one of the most beautiful acts of nature which captures the sublime beauty of the force of masculinity and femininity combining as yin and yang ,birthing the divine essence of life from whence everything originated. In tantric yoga ,sex is used for transmutation of energy to achieve higher States of consciousness. The microcosmic orbit which HPLucius explains in his Taoist Secrets to immortality can be expanded to include two people in sexual contact. The subject of this post is not to expound further on that. Its about getting laid or possibly finding a relationship.

Young white males reading this must take particular point. It's a duty of men to procreate and further the race. The situation is that the white race is in dire need of offspring, of quality offspring nonetheless who go through proper parenting as to not develop suicidal or self loathing attitudes that the media jews are constantly trying to guilt trip whites into feeling and being. Getting married, having healthy relationships with quality women who will birth you superior offspring is the basis of the 14 words.

Before I begin, I must also talk about expectations. Many of us would like to believe that we'll end up with an extremely beautiful bombshell and fuck her everyday till the sun shines. However in reality it is more important to find a mate who is astrologically and genetically compatible with you. Their behavior must be spiritual as in you should birth children as being spiritual parents. Compatibility also confers long term stability and happiness. Do not make the mistake of using magick to attract a particularly beautiful woman who has no personality, no ambition,no understanding about this world, is vain ,is hedonistic and materialistic to an extreme degree and has no sense of spirituality. I'm talking about long term partners ,obviously. You're free to choose short term partners or flings as you want .Then I want to talk about general expectations. One with height and good looks will attract more hotter girls while doing a general working. Thats simply reality. Therefore it would be better to free your mind of any particular expectations you might have which might interfere with the working manifesting correctly. While doing a general working your RAS (reticular activation system) will zoom in on the girls that the working is attracting. They will look at you and when you see these girls you will intuitively know these are the ones you must approach. Although theoretically you could attract any girl who you are in regular contact with if you dedicate the energies only on her in a working dedicated only to her.

Now to attract a woman you need a powerful personality and sexual attraction.

On personality - The bad boy decoded
Theres a saying that Nice guys finish last and that women like bad boys. This is not literally true. What women are attracted to is the behaviours exhibited by bad boys . If a man who respects women exhibits these behaviors, they will attract women too. Coincidentally the non codependent and confident behavior is exhibited by men who are assholes.

The elements of your personality should be like this
1)Purposeful (having sex with sex is not your purpose. You have a higher purpose of advancing in your professional life ,achieving great things,contributing to your country and race. It is much more important than any woman who is not your wife.)
2)Ability to walk away (non neediness, there are many other women in this world. Doesn't matter if one rejects you. If someone isn't giving you the necessary compliance, you can move away. This trait is exceptionally attractive. )
3)Emotional intelligence
4)Social status (a magnetic personality where everyone respects you and likes you. )
5)Dominance and Masculinity (Take charge and make everything happen. Its your job as a man to do so. Women will hate if your just some kind of slob who wants to be told what he should do. Take charge in your life and in everything else.)
6)Non reactiveness (you do not care what others think about you. You display yourself and dont care if someone disapproves. You must have the courage to be disliked. Understandthat life is transient andit doesn't matter If someone didn'tlike you. Theres no need totake it personally. Life will go on and opportunities will keep coming. )
7)Having strong boundaries (having a clear idea about the things you will allow or not allow others to say about you. If someone disrespects you, you need to swiftly put them in their place. Tell them you do not accept disrespect and if they continue doing it, you'll cut contact with them. And you must be willing to do it. Obviously your family members should be given more warnings than some random stranger you met on the street.

You can develop a powerful personality and induce sexual attraction using magick. Woman are attracted to purposeful, confident men who are decisive and take charge. Theres a high probability that you do not have these qualities. I know I didn't when I was your age. Change is hard. Not many of us had peers who taught us how to be men or what it means to be a man. You'll have to do with experience and you will fail at first. But failure is the stepping stone for success. As you put yourself and navigate uncomfortable social situations, your intuition will be calibrated to the responses of the other parties and you'll be attuned to how you should behave and respond in what situations. Respect,admiration, sexual irresistibility, calmness,confidence, a dashing personality and purpose are all good traits to have that can be developed which will attract women like moths to a flame. You must also free yourself from the fear of what others think about you. Not giving a shit about what others think and staying true to your purpose is inherently a very attractive trait. Many people will gossip and talk shit about you from jealousy or hatred as is typical of people. However many people might also be having important learning lessons, tips and constructive criticism that you might benefit from so take that into mind as well. Developing personal boundaries is central to being a man. If someone disrespects you (not light joking) be it be man or woman, you need to confront him/her about such. Tell them that you do not take disrespect lightly and warn them sternly that if they'll continue provoking you, you'll cut them out of your life. Obviously close friends and family members should get more warnings than any random person you don't know very well.

Workings for personality development
A simple working to rid you of any unattractive behaviours and instill charisma and confidence in you would be,

Uruz ,Ansuz,*54/108 each with the affirmation.
"In a healthy and positive manner for me, I am permanently and completely free of any and all(emphasis) unattractive and repulsive behaviors like fear,anxiety or awkwardness." Visualize eliminating any and all unattractive behaviors that you might currently have. You can start these at freeing the soul,endings, days.

Unattractive behaviors are - Stuttering, having nothing to say, cannot keep a conversation going, fear of what people think about you, micromanaging what you say, anxiety when talking to many people, shyness, inability to relate to others, being weird, being socially unaware, being an asshole, etc.)

Thurisaz,Sowilo ,Tyr.*55/111 each
"In a healthy and positive manner I am permanently and completely Calm,confident charismatic and courageous. Everyone likes and respects me at all times."
Visualize being the man you want to be in your dreams. Everyone likes you,everyone wants to be your friend. If not they atleast respect you and envy you. Everyone is happy around you, everyone is smiling around you. Women are flirting with you and flocking to you. You are awesome.

90 days for each working. These workings must become ingrained in your very being. Very important. You can start these at a sun square day or any day with characteristic feature of the type of working your going to start.

Workings for love
As for the love working it depends on whether you have a particular woman in mind or if you don't know anything and youd generally want someone.
There are three principal mantras along with the Planetary mantra of Moon. Moon along with Venus, rules women in a man's chart.
i)Gebo - the Rune Gebo can be used to attract women. Especially useful when you have a particular woman in mind.
ii)Aum Shukraya Nama - The material mantra for Venus must be started on the date for a venus square. On the particular timing for Venus. In fact all the mantras on this section of the list should be started on particular time of Venus ,on appropriate date (check the SS calendar. )
iii)Aum Klim Kamadevaya Namah - The most powerful love mantra I have tried. Not recommended for newbies. This mantra may make one extremely horny,so be prepared if you use it.
iv)Aum Chandramasae Namah - For generally improving your relationships with women.
For better use - While breathing in visualize taking in green (for love) and crimson red (for sex) into your soul and aura. Retain the breath exhale vibrating the mantra and the color shines brightly.

As it's much important to you, you should do a 90 days working of either 108 reps or 216 reps each day.
For a general situation ,
“In a healthy and positive manner for me, I am attracting my perfect [love/sexual partner, soul mate,"
Or If you want multiple women to choose from,
"In a healthy and positive manner for me, I am attracting multiple hot,sexy and beautiful women who desire me Sexually. "
Visualize women flocking to you. Every girl is hot and every girl likes you and wants to fuck you. Your surrounded by hot girls all the time and they're making moves on you all the time. Your smiling, laughing and they're having the time of their life. Its your decision who you choose.

You might be thinking this is all impossible or that I'm scheming you. Fret not, it will all soon be possible as you develop your spiritual power and start taking action. Taking action must always be coupled with your material workings.

Start becoming more social and talk to multiple women all the time which will eventually make you the man you want to be. You'll gradually be comfortable in social situations, know how to tell fascinating stories and command attention of groups. Everyone will like you, everyone will want to be your friend ,everyone will want your contact info, everyone would want to hang out with you. However change is painful. But through pain we can achieve transformation. The process of pain is not so much important as that life after transformation is what's at stake here. Its your life we're talking about here. Its the most important thing in the entire world to you. To change approaching and talking to multiple women isn't a big deal. I would go to any lengths to get what I want in life. A few rejections or someone making fun of me is of no consequence to me. It's not like someone judging you or saying some mean things to you will kill you.

If you want to attract a particular woman,
"In a healthy and positive manner, name of desired one] is deeply in love with me and desires me sexually." Visualize the woman you desire having sex with you and doing all the things couples do.

A note on triggering anxiety - Theres a particular type of anxiety called approach anxiety. When you approach a woman on the street/anywhere whom you do not know and say hi, your body will be gripped with anxiety. You will forget your words, your mind will go blank. You do not know what to do or say. Its inbuilt and can be reduced to a very tiny portion of what it used to be by approaching multiple women each day, every day and putting yourself in uncomfortable situations. If you do not know what this is you need to experience it. Being a Satanist means rising above the shackles that bind you. Anxiety is a weakness that prevents you from influencing others the way you want. You need to do your approach if you have not yet as a man. You MUST feel the feelings. Feel it, savor it and VOW to defeat it. It doesn't matter if you do not get the girls number or the girl looks at you weird or if everyone around you laughs. What's important is to experience approach anxiety once. FEEL WHAT IT IS TO APPROACH A RANDOM WOMAN. And the last bit of advice, thinking and reading is of no use in this situation. The only thing that can give you data is hard experience in the real world. Expectation is vastly different from reality. Experience in the moment and understand the situation instead of dreaming in a comfortable world.

A note on reactions from women - As I mentioned earlier if your doing a general working where you affirmed indiscriminately, women which the working is acting upon will look at you. It's not the look that you might give a homeless man for a second. This look is different and your RAS will recognize it, do not worry. You want to talk with this person and you feel this person also wants talk with you. When you encounter this, go in and approach. Do not wait. These are the women who have a high probability of sleeping with you.

A note on Lower Chakras - Your lower chakras must be worked on and be exceptionally strong for material workings to manifest quickly. The sacral chakra is your expression of sexuality which is important to be telegraphed to women. Your throat chakra I.e your verbal expression as well your heart chakra ,the ability to connect with people are also important. In addition you must be doing regular void meditation ,yoga and other empowerment exercises. More spiritual power and more void control = faster manifestation.

With this, a simple to the point no bs guide to getting laid and getting a relationship gets completed. This is a spiritual guide as in it details spiritual processes and does not go deep into technical details of the material processes of social dynamics.

this post was very important to me, thank you very much.

how the Mantra vibrates: Aum Klim Kamadevaya Namah
Good post.
You mentioned that I should go for a woman that is astrologically compatible with me. How do I excatly do that? Should my parameters in Natal chart be similar to the woman's?
As an SS, I think none of us will want to spend life with a non SS

Women like to rebel and reject if you are being DIRECT about something to her.

You don't need to do this all what you've described just to get a woman attracted to you or get her in a relationship with you. Do it all for yourself and it shouldnt be done thinking I'll get better at attracting woman if I do this or that and if I improve myself.

Because after all the things you've described, improves the Self.

Women do not care what you do in your life.. They do not care about your ambitions. They do not necessarily like ambitious, decisive men or dislike indecisive unambitious men.

All they do CARE is about their feelings, about how they are made to feel by a man. That's it and it takes a linear process for that.

If you tell your girlfriend you've got a job promotion, or say you've elected to be a Governor, she would get excited for a while, happy and forget it and not concern herself with it anymore.

Women have REALLY short attention span.
They rely on their emotions.

No need to go through all that things, and such just to get a woman because RULES ARE TOO MANY TO FOLLOW TO GET A WOMAN. Don't follow these rules.

It only takes a linear process to make a woman fall deeply in love with you and it has NOTHING to do with you as a PERSON, BUT what you talk about with her.

90-95% of communication is verbal and 5-10% of it is non verbal. Who says the otherwise either was a jew jewing or was stupid fella.

A woman falls in love with a man when she unconsciously starts to build an emotional connection to a man. Regardless of his job, ambitions, fitness, beauty, values, status, bank balance, etc. :mrgreen: it don't matter to her but these all things become SECONDARY for her.

Everything is an open book if you have knowledge about it.

You don't want to do the entire weight lifting in conversation alone, if she doesn't put efforts in asking questions and engage herself in conversation, you can be sure she has already decided in first 2 minutes of talking to you that you are no different than other guys. The idea is also not to strive to be a different guy either. But talk differently.

If you ask women what they like in men, you will reach nowhere. They do the complete opposite of what they say. Why? Because they rely on their emotions and decide through their emotions and intuition. Then they back rationalize their decisions.

Now, have you ever wondered why wives or girl friends pick up a fight with their bf or husband out of no where? For no petty reasons? They need to fulfill their mind need for drama and emotional pain which gives them a certain kind of extreme pleasure.
And a bad guy is simply abusive and confident and insensitive, aggressive, dominating and leading.
Women don't fall in love with bad guys or nice guys either or with a gentleman, they just get infatuated with them.

Women chose to be with bad guys so they can be confident around (because every woman suffers from low self esteem and low self confidence) and explore the world confidently with them and be exploited and dominated sexually later on. Then they regret for being with a bad guy.

Something to be noted here is that I notice women start to imitate their guys, and after sexual Intercourse has taken place, they become confident and extract certain physical personality traits of her bad guy and start behaving similar to that guy.

I assume you have seen your girl in text chat using some words which you use often times. She uses it the same way and exact same words or phrases. Women imitate their men. It's

This is done unconsciously.

You get attracted to the person who has the qualities you lack and which you'd prefer to have.

You don't need to be dominant, aggressive, alpha, leading, or a gentleman, millionaire either.

Have you ever seen that even very rich people don't get woman's true love and devotion? Their women are only with them for their money so they can enjoy a passive life while fulfilling all of her desires. When they reach the end of their materialistic desires, they feel urged to explore for a different man she can serve and be devoted to. Why? To be happy emotionally.

Women are most happiest when they serve the man they love.

Women will deny this, but we can ask an honest sub gay male about this and he would tell you the same. To be happy by serving a man he loves. It works the same way with heterosexual women too.

It's all about the way and the things you talk about her.
Correction : *personality traits of their guy* .

And it's all about the way and the things you talk about *with* her
Taurus666 said:
Jack said:
Uruz ,Ansuz,*54/108 each with the affirmation.
"In a healthy and positive manner for me, I am permanently and completely free of any and all(emphasis) unattractive and repulsive behaviors like fear,anxiety or awkwardness." Visualize eliminating any and all unattractive behaviors that you might currently have. You can start these at freeing the soul,endings, days.

Unattractive behaviors are - Stuttering, having nothing to say, cannot keep a conversation going, fear of what people think about you, micromanaging what you say, anxiety when talking to many people, shyness, inability to relate to others, being weird, being socially unaware, being an asshole, etc.)

Can you suggest some visualisations? I have difficulty in imagining a way to visualise behaviours disappearing like that
Go approach a woman and talk to her. You will figure out what unattractive behaviours are as you execute them. You will Stutter,your mind will go blank, the words won't come out, you can't look at her eyes,you can't talk loud, every one of these is an unattractive behavior. All of these comes under, fear,anxiety and awkwardness. But to get to the point, go approach a girl because that's how you know what behaviors are unattractive as you experience them.
StyleCoin said:
Jack said:
Note on Morality - We exist in a time of imperfect law and order. Morality of which we consider to be righteous and proper is often borrowed from Christian philosophy of life which claims that human beings are equal to each other. In nature there is no equality. Nature frowns upon equality and in essence there is not equality but a drives towards achieving balance. It is my intention in this post to provide information on relationships to young SS men coming to Satanism from diverse backgrounds. This post is written about Heterosexual men who WANT to be MASCULINE and want to attract FEMININE women. I do not speak for Feminine men. And these are generalizations. A balance of masculine and feminine forces is to be achieved in the soul. By masculinity I mean the behavioral expression that you display outward to women and people in general. Inherently what is immoral and moral may be only understood by you, yourself. Everyone has a particular opinion about a particular subject. Nothing about the modern understanding of morality is inherently correct. What you do is your choice and ofcourse, your responsibility. The women you attract with the following workings, you will be responsible for. Make up your mind internally and think hard about what you want before doing anything else. Many people may comment, why would you want to sleep with someone who isn't an SS or a normie or any number of things. What's important is to understand your reality and desires with your own conscience and act accordingly with maturity.
Im seeing a regular pattern of people, who are generally young teens asking about how to do a love spell and as I understand their objective is to use magick to get laid, in simple terms. Which is completely normal. Infact if you were a heterosexual male and you did not want to get laid, I would assume there was something seriously wrong with you Psychologically and physically. Sex is one of the most beautiful acts of nature which captures the sublime beauty of the force of masculinity and femininity combining as yin and yang ,birthing the divine essence of life from whence everything originated. In tantric yoga ,sex is used for transmutation of energy to achieve higher States of consciousness. The microcosmic orbit which HPLucius explains in his Taoist Secrets to immortality can be expanded to include two people in sexual contact. The subject of this post is not to expound further on that. Its about getting laid or possibly finding a relationship.

Young white males reading this must take particular point. It's a duty of men to procreate and further the race. The situation is that the white race is in dire need of offspring, of quality offspring nonetheless who go through proper parenting as to not develop suicidal or self loathing attitudes that the media jews are constantly trying to guilt trip whites into feeling and being. Getting married, having healthy relationships with quality women who will birth you superior offspring is the basis of the 14 words.

Before I begin, I must also talk about expectations. Many of us would like to believe that we'll end up with an extremely beautiful bombshell and fuck her everyday till the sun shines. However in reality it is more important to find a mate who is astrologically and genetically compatible with you. Their behavior must be spiritual as in you should birth children as being spiritual parents. Compatibility also confers long term stability and happiness. Do not make the mistake of using magick to attract a particularly beautiful woman who has no personality, no ambition,no understanding about this world, is vain ,is hedonistic and materialistic to an extreme degree and has no sense of spirituality. I'm talking about long term partners ,obviously. You're free to choose short term partners or flings as you want .Then I want to talk about general expectations. One with height and good looks will attract more hotter girls while doing a general working. Thats simply reality. Therefore it would be better to free your mind of any particular expectations you might have which might interfere with the working manifesting correctly. While doing a general working your RAS (reticular activation system) will zoom in on the girls that the working is attracting. They will look at you and when you see these girls you will intuitively know these are the ones you must approach. Although theoretically you could attract any girl who you are in regular contact with if you dedicate the energies only on her in a working dedicated only to her.

Now to attract a woman you need a powerful personality and sexual attraction.

On personality - The bad boy decoded
Theres a saying that Nice guys finish last and that women like bad boys. This is not literally true. What women are attracted to is the behaviours exhibited by bad boys . If a man who respects women exhibits these behaviors, they will attract women too. Coincidentally the non codependent and confident behavior is exhibited by men who are assholes.

The elements of your personality should be like this
1)Purposeful (having sex with sex is not your purpose. You have a higher purpose of advancing in your professional life ,achieving great things,contributing to your country and race. It is much more important than any woman who is not your wife.)
2)Ability to walk away (non neediness, there are many other women in this world. Doesn't matter if one rejects you. If someone isn't giving you the necessary compliance, you can move away. This trait is exceptionally attractive. )
3)Emotional intelligence
4)Social status (a magnetic personality where everyone respects you and likes you. )
5)Dominance and Masculinity (Take charge and make everything happen. Its your job as a man to do so. Women will hate if your just some kind of slob who wants to be told what he should do. Take charge in your life and in everything else.)
6)Non reactiveness (you do not care what others think about you. You display yourself and dont care if someone disapproves. You must have the courage to be disliked. Understandthat life is transient andit doesn't matter If someone didn'tlike you. Theres no need totake it personally. Life will go on and opportunities will keep coming. )
7)Having strong boundaries (having a clear idea about the things you will allow or not allow others to say about you. If someone disrespects you, you need to swiftly put them in their place. Tell them you do not accept disrespect and if they continue doing it, you'll cut contact with them. And you must be willing to do it. Obviously your family members should be given more warnings than some random stranger you met on the street.

You can develop a powerful personality and induce sexual attraction using magick. Woman are attracted to purposeful, confident men who are decisive and take charge. Theres a high probability that you do not have these qualities. I know I didn't when I was your age. Change is hard. Not many of us had peers who taught us how to be men or what it means to be a man. You'll have to do with experience and you will fail at first. But failure is the stepping stone for success. As you put yourself and navigate uncomfortable social situations, your intuition will be calibrated to the responses of the other parties and you'll be attuned to how you should behave and respond in what situations. Respect,admiration, sexual irresistibility, calmness,confidence, a dashing personality and purpose are all good traits to have that can be developed which will attract women like moths to a flame. You must also free yourself from the fear of what others think about you. Not giving a shit about what others think and staying true to your purpose is inherently a very attractive trait. Many people will gossip and talk shit about you from jealousy or hatred as is typical of people. However many people might also be having important learning lessons, tips and constructive criticism that you might benefit from so take that into mind as well. Developing personal boundaries is central to being a man. If someone disrespects you (not light joking) be it be man or woman, you need to confront him/her about such. Tell them that you do not take disrespect lightly and warn them sternly that if they'll continue provoking you, you'll cut them out of your life. Obviously close friends and family members should get more warnings than any random person you don't know very well.

Workings for personality development
A simple working to rid you of any unattractive behaviours and instill charisma and confidence in you would be,

Uruz ,Ansuz,*54/108 each with the affirmation.
"In a healthy and positive manner for me, I am permanently and completely free of any and all(emphasis) unattractive and repulsive behaviors like fear,anxiety or awkwardness." Visualize eliminating any and all unattractive behaviors that you might currently have. You can start these at freeing the soul,endings, days.

Unattractive behaviors are - Stuttering, having nothing to say, cannot keep a conversation going, fear of what people think about you, micromanaging what you say, anxiety when talking to many people, shyness, inability to relate to others, being weird, being socially unaware, being an asshole, etc.)

Thurisaz,Sowilo ,Tyr.*55/111 each
"In a healthy and positive manner I am permanently and completely Calm,confident charismatic and courageous. Everyone likes and respects me at all times."
Visualize being the man you want to be in your dreams. Everyone likes you,everyone wants to be your friend. If not they atleast respect you and envy you. Everyone is happy around you, everyone is smiling around you. Women are flirting with you and flocking to you. You are awesome.

90 days for each working. These workings must become ingrained in your very being. Very important. You can start these at a sun square day or any day with characteristic feature of the type of working your going to start.

Workings for love
As for the love working it depends on whether you have a particular woman in mind or if you don't know anything and youd generally want someone.
There are three principal mantras along with the Planetary mantra of Moon. Moon along with Venus, rules women in a man's chart.
i)Gebo - the Rune Gebo can be used to attract women. Especially useful when you have a particular woman in mind.
ii)Aum Shukraya Nama - The material mantra for Venus must be started on the date for a venus square. On the particular timing for Venus. In fact all the mantras on this section of the list should be started on particular time of Venus ,on appropriate date (check the SS calendar. )
iii)Aum Klim Kamadevaya Namah - The most powerful love mantra I have tried. Not recommended for newbies. This mantra may make one extremely horny,so be prepared if you use it.
iv)Aum Chandramasae Namah - For generally improving your relationships with women.
For better use - While breathing in visualize taking in green (for love) and crimson red (for sex) into your soul and aura. Retain the breath exhale vibrating the mantra and the color shines brightly.

As it's much important to you, you should do a 90 days working of either 108 reps or 216 reps each day.
For a general situation ,
“In a healthy and positive manner for me, I am attracting my perfect [love/sexual partner, soul mate,"
Or If you want multiple women to choose from,
"In a healthy and positive manner for me, I am attracting multiple hot,sexy and beautiful women who desire me Sexually. "
Visualize women flocking to you. Every girl is hot and every girl likes you and wants to fuck you. Your surrounded by hot girls all the time and they're making moves on you all the time. Your smiling, laughing and they're having the time of their life. Its your decision who you choose.

You might be thinking this is all impossible or that I'm scheming you. Fret not, it will all soon be possible as you develop your spiritual power and start taking action. Taking action must always be coupled with your material workings.

Start becoming more social and talk to multiple women all the time which will eventually make you the man you want to be. You'll gradually be comfortable in social situations, know how to tell fascinating stories and command attention of groups. Everyone will like you, everyone will want to be your friend ,everyone will want your contact info, everyone would want to hang out with you. However change is painful. But through pain we can achieve transformation. The process of pain is not so much important as that life after transformation is what's at stake here. Its your life we're talking about here. Its the most important thing in the entire world to you. To change approaching and talking to multiple women isn't a big deal. I would go to any lengths to get what I want in life. A few rejections or someone making fun of me is of no consequence to me. It's not like someone judging you or saying some mean things to you will kill you.

If you want to attract a particular woman,
"In a healthy and positive manner, name of desired one] is deeply in love with me and desires me sexually." Visualize the woman you desire having sex with you and doing all the things couples do.

A note on triggering anxiety - Theres a particular type of anxiety called approach anxiety. When you approach a woman on the street/anywhere whom you do not know and say hi, your body will be gripped with anxiety. You will forget your words, your mind will go blank. You do not know what to do or say. Its inbuilt and can be reduced to a very tiny portion of what it used to be by approaching multiple women each day, every day and putting yourself in uncomfortable situations. If you do not know what this is you need to experience it. Being a Satanist means rising above the shackles that bind you. Anxiety is a weakness that prevents you from influencing others the way you want. You need to do your approach if you have not yet as a man. You MUST feel the feelings. Feel it, savor it and VOW to defeat it. It doesn't matter if you do not get the girls number or the girl looks at you weird or if everyone around you laughs. What's important is to experience approach anxiety once. FEEL WHAT IT IS TO APPROACH A RANDOM WOMAN. And the last bit of advice, thinking and reading is of no use in this situation. The only thing that can give you data is hard experience in the real world. Expectation is vastly different from reality. Experience in the moment and understand the situation instead of dreaming in a comfortable world.

A note on reactions from women - As I mentioned earlier if your doing a general working where you affirmed indiscriminately, women which the working is acting upon will look at you. It's not the look that you might give a homeless man for a second. This look is different and your RAS will recognize it, do not worry. You want to talk with this person and you feel this person also wants talk with you. When you encounter this, go in and approach. Do not wait. These are the women who have a high probability of sleeping with you.

A note on Lower Chakras - Your lower chakras must be worked on and be exceptionally strong for material workings to manifest quickly. The sacral chakra is your expression of sexuality which is important to be telegraphed to women. Your throat chakra I.e your verbal expression as well your heart chakra ,the ability to connect with people are also important. In addition you must be doing regular void meditation ,yoga and other empowerment exercises. More spiritual power and more void control = faster manifestation.

With this, a simple to the point no bs guide to getting laid and getting a relationship gets completed. This is a spiritual guide as in it details spiritual processes and does not go deep into technical details of the material processes of social dynamics.

this post was very important to me, thank you very much.

how the Mantra vibrates: Aum Klim Kamadevaya Namah
The k is Kha in ka.Kh in k.
Vaal said:
Good post.
You mentioned that I should go for a woman that is astrologically compatible with me. How do I excatly do that? Should my parameters in Natal chart be similar to the woman's?

Jack said:
Vaal said:
Good post.
You mentioned that I should go for a woman that is astrologically compatible with me. How do I excatly do that? Should my parameters in Natal chart be similar to the woman's?


Jack said:
StyleCoin said:
Jack said:
Note on Morality - We exist in a time of imperfect law and order. Morality of which we consider to be righteous and proper is often borrowed from Christian philosophy of life which claims that human beings are equal to each other. In nature there is no equality. Nature frowns upon equality and in essence there is not equality but a drives towards achieving balance. It is my intention in this post to provide information on relationships to young SS men coming to Satanism from diverse backgrounds. This post is written about Heterosexual men who WANT to be MASCULINE and want to attract FEMININE women. I do not speak for Feminine men. And these are generalizations. A balance of masculine and feminine forces is to be achieved in the soul. By masculinity I mean the behavioral expression that you display outward to women and people in general. Inherently what is immoral and moral may be only understood by you, yourself. Everyone has a particular opinion about a particular subject. Nothing about the modern understanding of morality is inherently correct. What you do is your choice and ofcourse, your responsibility. The women you attract with the following workings, you will be responsible for. Make up your mind internally and think hard about what you want before doing anything else. Many people may comment, why would you want to sleep with someone who isn't an SS or a normie or any number of things. What's important is to understand your reality and desires with your own conscience and act accordingly with maturity.
Im seeing a regular pattern of people, who are generally young teens asking about how to do a love spell and as I understand their objective is to use magick to get laid, in simple terms. Which is completely normal. Infact if you were a heterosexual male and you did not want to get laid, I would assume there was something seriously wrong with you Psychologically and physically. Sex is one of the most beautiful acts of nature which captures the sublime beauty of the force of masculinity and femininity combining as yin and yang ,birthing the divine essence of life from whence everything originated. In tantric yoga ,sex is used for transmutation of energy to achieve higher States of consciousness. The microcosmic orbit which HPLucius explains in his Taoist Secrets to immortality can be expanded to include two people in sexual contact. The subject of this post is not to expound further on that. Its about getting laid or possibly finding a relationship.

Young white males reading this must take particular point. It's a duty of men to procreate and further the race. The situation is that the white race is in dire need of offspring, of quality offspring nonetheless who go through proper parenting as to not develop suicidal or self loathing attitudes that the media jews are constantly trying to guilt trip whites into feeling and being. Getting married, having healthy relationships with quality women who will birth you superior offspring is the basis of the 14 words.

Before I begin, I must also talk about expectations. Many of us would like to believe that we'll end up with an extremely beautiful bombshell and fuck her everyday till the sun shines. However in reality it is more important to find a mate who is astrologically and genetically compatible with you. Their behavior must be spiritual as in you should birth children as being spiritual parents. Compatibility also confers long term stability and happiness. Do not make the mistake of using magick to attract a particularly beautiful woman who has no personality, no ambition,no understanding about this world, is vain ,is hedonistic and materialistic to an extreme degree and has no sense of spirituality. I'm talking about long term partners ,obviously. You're free to choose short term partners or flings as you want .Then I want to talk about general expectations. One with height and good looks will attract more hotter girls while doing a general working. Thats simply reality. Therefore it would be better to free your mind of any particular expectations you might have which might interfere with the working manifesting correctly. While doing a general working your RAS (reticular activation system) will zoom in on the girls that the working is attracting. They will look at you and when you see these girls you will intuitively know these are the ones you must approach. Although theoretically you could attract any girl who you are in regular contact with if you dedicate the energies only on her in a working dedicated only to her.

Now to attract a woman you need a powerful personality and sexual attraction.

On personality - The bad boy decoded
Theres a saying that Nice guys finish last and that women like bad boys. This is not literally true. What women are attracted to is the behaviours exhibited by bad boys . If a man who respects women exhibits these behaviors, they will attract women too. Coincidentally the non codependent and confident behavior is exhibited by men who are assholes.

The elements of your personality should be like this
1)Purposeful (having sex with sex is not your purpose. You have a higher purpose of advancing in your professional life ,achieving great things,contributing to your country and race. It is much more important than any woman who is not your wife.)
2)Ability to walk away (non neediness, there are many other women in this world. Doesn't matter if one rejects you. If someone isn't giving you the necessary compliance, you can move away. This trait is exceptionally attractive. )
3)Emotional intelligence
4)Social status (a magnetic personality where everyone respects you and likes you. )
5)Dominance and Masculinity (Take charge and make everything happen. Its your job as a man to do so. Women will hate if your just some kind of slob who wants to be told what he should do. Take charge in your life and in everything else.)
6)Non reactiveness (you do not care what others think about you. You display yourself and dont care if someone disapproves. You must have the courage to be disliked. Understandthat life is transient andit doesn't matter If someone didn'tlike you. Theres no need totake it personally. Life will go on and opportunities will keep coming. )
7)Having strong boundaries (having a clear idea about the things you will allow or not allow others to say about you. If someone disrespects you, you need to swiftly put them in their place. Tell them you do not accept disrespect and if they continue doing it, you'll cut contact with them. And you must be willing to do it. Obviously your family members should be given more warnings than some random stranger you met on the street.

You can develop a powerful personality and induce sexual attraction using magick. Woman are attracted to purposeful, confident men who are decisive and take charge. Theres a high probability that you do not have these qualities. I know I didn't when I was your age. Change is hard. Not many of us had peers who taught us how to be men or what it means to be a man. You'll have to do with experience and you will fail at first. But failure is the stepping stone for success. As you put yourself and navigate uncomfortable social situations, your intuition will be calibrated to the responses of the other parties and you'll be attuned to how you should behave and respond in what situations. Respect,admiration, sexual irresistibility, calmness,confidence, a dashing personality and purpose are all good traits to have that can be developed which will attract women like moths to a flame. You must also free yourself from the fear of what others think about you. Not giving a shit about what others think and staying true to your purpose is inherently a very attractive trait. Many people will gossip and talk shit about you from jealousy or hatred as is typical of people. However many people might also be having important learning lessons, tips and constructive criticism that you might benefit from so take that into mind as well. Developing personal boundaries is central to being a man. If someone disrespects you (not light joking) be it be man or woman, you need to confront him/her about such. Tell them that you do not take disrespect lightly and warn them sternly that if they'll continue provoking you, you'll cut them out of your life. Obviously close friends and family members should get more warnings than any random person you don't know very well.

Workings for personality development
A simple working to rid you of any unattractive behaviours and instill charisma and confidence in you would be,

Uruz ,Ansuz,*54/108 each with the affirmation.
"In a healthy and positive manner for me, I am permanently and completely free of any and all(emphasis) unattractive and repulsive behaviors like fear,anxiety or awkwardness." Visualize eliminating any and all unattractive behaviors that you might currently have. You can start these at freeing the soul,endings, days.

Unattractive behaviors are - Stuttering, having nothing to say, cannot keep a conversation going, fear of what people think about you, micromanaging what you say, anxiety when talking to many people, shyness, inability to relate to others, being weird, being socially unaware, being an asshole, etc.)

Thurisaz,Sowilo ,Tyr.*55/111 each
"In a healthy and positive manner I am permanently and completely Calm,confident charismatic and courageous. Everyone likes and respects me at all times."
Visualize being the man you want to be in your dreams. Everyone likes you,everyone wants to be your friend. If not they atleast respect you and envy you. Everyone is happy around you, everyone is smiling around you. Women are flirting with you and flocking to you. You are awesome.

90 days for each working. These workings must become ingrained in your very being. Very important. You can start these at a sun square day or any day with characteristic feature of the type of working your going to start.

Workings for love
As for the love working it depends on whether you have a particular woman in mind or if you don't know anything and youd generally want someone.
There are three principal mantras along with the Planetary mantra of Moon. Moon along with Venus, rules women in a man's chart.
i)Gebo - the Rune Gebo can be used to attract women. Especially useful when you have a particular woman in mind.
ii)Aum Shukraya Nama - The material mantra for Venus must be started on the date for a venus square. On the particular timing for Venus. In fact all the mantras on this section of the list should be started on particular time of Venus ,on appropriate date (check the SS calendar. )
iii)Aum Klim Kamadevaya Namah - The most powerful love mantra I have tried. Not recommended for newbies. This mantra may make one extremely horny,so be prepared if you use it.
iv)Aum Chandramasae Namah - For generally improving your relationships with women.
For better use - While breathing in visualize taking in green (for love) and crimson red (for sex) into your soul and aura. Retain the breath exhale vibrating the mantra and the color shines brightly.

As it's much important to you, you should do a 90 days working of either 108 reps or 216 reps each day.
For a general situation ,
“In a healthy and positive manner for me, I am attracting my perfect [love/sexual partner, soul mate,"
Or If you want multiple women to choose from,
"In a healthy and positive manner for me, I am attracting multiple hot,sexy and beautiful women who desire me Sexually. "
Visualize women flocking to you. Every girl is hot and every girl likes you and wants to fuck you. Your surrounded by hot girls all the time and they're making moves on you all the time. Your smiling, laughing and they're having the time of their life. Its your decision who you choose.

You might be thinking this is all impossible or that I'm scheming you. Fret not, it will all soon be possible as you develop your spiritual power and start taking action. Taking action must always be coupled with your material workings.

Start becoming more social and talk to multiple women all the time which will eventually make you the man you want to be. You'll gradually be comfortable in social situations, know how to tell fascinating stories and command attention of groups. Everyone will like you, everyone will want to be your friend ,everyone will want your contact info, everyone would want to hang out with you. However change is painful. But through pain we can achieve transformation. The process of pain is not so much important as that life after transformation is what's at stake here. Its your life we're talking about here. Its the most important thing in the entire world to you. To change approaching and talking to multiple women isn't a big deal. I would go to any lengths to get what I want in life. A few rejections or someone making fun of me is of no consequence to me. It's not like someone judging you or saying some mean things to you will kill you.

If you want to attract a particular woman,
"In a healthy and positive manner, name of desired one] is deeply in love with me and desires me sexually." Visualize the woman you desire having sex with you and doing all the things couples do.

A note on triggering anxiety - Theres a particular type of anxiety called approach anxiety. When you approach a woman on the street/anywhere whom you do not know and say hi, your body will be gripped with anxiety. You will forget your words, your mind will go blank. You do not know what to do or say. Its inbuilt and can be reduced to a very tiny portion of what it used to be by approaching multiple women each day, every day and putting yourself in uncomfortable situations. If you do not know what this is you need to experience it. Being a Satanist means rising above the shackles that bind you. Anxiety is a weakness that prevents you from influencing others the way you want. You need to do your approach if you have not yet as a man. You MUST feel the feelings. Feel it, savor it and VOW to defeat it. It doesn't matter if you do not get the girls number or the girl looks at you weird or if everyone around you laughs. What's important is to experience approach anxiety once. FEEL WHAT IT IS TO APPROACH A RANDOM WOMAN. And the last bit of advice, thinking and reading is of no use in this situation. The only thing that can give you data is hard experience in the real world. Expectation is vastly different from reality. Experience in the moment and understand the situation instead of dreaming in a comfortable world.

A note on reactions from women - As I mentioned earlier if your doing a general working where you affirmed indiscriminately, women which the working is acting upon will look at you. It's not the look that you might give a homeless man for a second. This look is different and your RAS will recognize it, do not worry. You want to talk with this person and you feel this person also wants talk with you. When you encounter this, go in and approach. Do not wait. These are the women who have a high probability of sleeping with you.

A note on Lower Chakras - Your lower chakras must be worked on and be exceptionally strong for material workings to manifest quickly. The sacral chakra is your expression of sexuality which is important to be telegraphed to women. Your throat chakra I.e your verbal expression as well your heart chakra ,the ability to connect with people are also important. In addition you must be doing regular void meditation ,yoga and other empowerment exercises. More spiritual power and more void control = faster manifestation.

With this, a simple to the point no bs guide to getting laid and getting a relationship gets completed. This is a spiritual guide as in it details spiritual processes and does not go deep into technical details of the material processes of social dynamics.

this post was very important to me, thank you very much.

how the Mantra vibrates: Aum Klim Kamadevaya Namah
The k is Kha in ka.Kh in k.
Thanks... ♡♡
Good post! How did you find the powerful mantra out of curiosity?
Maybe I can find other ones to use for different things like becoming happier and not worrying as much etc
People need to get out of this "there is no equality in nature" song as its nonsense. The desire for social equality is the normal desire of people to live in a society in which they have rights and freedoms to be able to achieve their life purpose and not be held back or be abused. This is normal and part of nature that is why systems like the Christian Empire collapsed along with the USSR for attempting to suppress the normal flow of psychic energy of the population. Peoples spiritual instincts lead them to want freedom and fairness.

If people want to make an argument for the basis of equality being on a non-existent platform of all humans are the same exact mold. Which is what the enemy believes your all equally Goyim and that is why the Bible tells you all Goyim are the same and have to live in a totalitarian global empire run by Jews called the Christian empire. That is an argument against insane Jews who believe there god in human form because the same Jew book that states the earth is flat told them so.

However if you don't have a society that understands constitutional rights thus society equality you can't have a meritocracy which is the proper form of society. Its because people have their own spiritual natures to express and develop they need and want to be free. Drones don't mind being herded like cattle...Goy.

Also stop using National Socialism to promote this Jew-Jew, the 25 point platform of National Socialism stated they wanted a constitutional republic to grant and protect the rights and freedoms of the German People.
If your a teenage male your better off working on developing yourself normally and laying out a long term plan for life and the resources for it. If your looking to get laid you are also looking for STD's, unwanted pregnancy and other problems. Its better to look for a decent relationship. If you sleep with a chick enough your going to become attracted to her even if she is bad news. And can you afford child support payments.

There are more important things in life then getting laid unless your an ape.

Women are attracted to all different types of men for all kinds of reasons. Like men are to women.
Heedful said:
Good post! How did you find the powerful mantra out of curiosity?
Maybe I can find other ones to use for different things like becoming happier and not worrying as much etc
Sananda is for feeling good. In addition to that there are many necronomicon runes as well as Scandinavian runes which corresponds to your desire.
Hello Jack (and anyone else with knowledge and experience)

I have been reading your posts about love magick and you seem to have knowledgeable experience. I personally have had some good success with love magick and for this i am so grateful for the knowledge that the gods and Satan offer.

So I am, at the moment, Doing a love spell on a certain girl i truly desire and i believe she does too. Just on the 7th day of the working she texted me that she loved me, and on the 10th day she kept insisting that i have feelings for her which is obviously true.

But one thing is happening that makes me deeply sad, angry and jealous at the same time. She is getting more closer to someone she used to be with. I mean before I started the spell the girl had broken up with this guy they used to be together but after i started the working they keep getting closer.

Is the love energy i am sending to her inducing feelings that she is mistakenly directing some of the feelings to her Ex?
Am I mistakenly magically doing something wrong that is leading to this?

It is just the 12th Day. I have more 28days to go. So there is more days to do this. I personally would want to keep it going until 40days of the working. But what do you think? Will it be too late that I would send her directly into the arms of her Ex? Sometimes i feel like she is doing this deliberately.

And if it comes to the point of me doing an aura of repulsion against them. I would be willing to. Please share the details of Love Repulsion magick. The runes/mantra etc....

I have never experienced this. All love spells i ever did were spot-on. This is new for me. Would appreciate any comments.
TanzanianGod said:
Hello Jack (and anyone else with knowledge and experience)

I have been reading your posts about love magick and you seem to have knowledgeable experience. I personally have had some good success with love magick and for this i am so grateful for the knowledge that the gods and Satan offer.

So I am, at the moment, Doing a love spell on a certain girl i truly desire and i believe she does too. Just on the 7th day of the working she texted me that she loved me, and on the 10th day she kept insisting that i have feelings for her which is obviously true.

But one thing is happening that makes me deeply sad, angry and jealous at the same time. She is getting more closer to someone she used to be with. I mean before I started the spell the girl had broken up with this guy they used to be together but after i started the working they keep getting closer.

Is the love energy i am sending to her inducing feelings that she is mistakenly directing some of the feelings to her Ex?
Am I mistakenly magically doing something wrong that is leading to this?

It is just the 12th Day. I have more 28days to go. So there is more days to do this. I personally would want to keep it going until 40days of the working. But what do you think? Will it be too late that I would send her directly into the arms of her Ex? Sometimes i feel like she is doing this deliberately.

And if it comes to the point of me doing an aura of repulsion against them. I would be willing to. Please share the details of Love Repulsion magick. The runes/mantra etc....

I have never experienced this. All love spells i ever did were spot-on. This is new for me. Would appreciate any comments.
What you should do is basically have SEX with her after taking her out on a date and if you don't want that ,just invite her over to your house and say you have something interesting to show her. It doesn't matter if you really have something to show her or not, just start your computer and put on some random shit. Then start kissing her and then going from there. You want to basically have sex with her because having sex is the ultimate investment. After that ,unless shes also having sex with the other guy, she'll be yours.Once you make her orgasm during sex her biological pairbonding hormones will be released and she will pair bond with you. You have to objectively judge I.e rationally look at the things happening without any kind of emotional cloudiness or ego investment on your part ,what the situation is. If she desires you, the most conducive step is to have sex with her as soon as possible. If you have sex with her, she won't go back to him. Especially if you isolate her in addition to this.

If you see that hes a threat to you, you should try to isolate him away from the girl. Since they're not intimate yet (I'm assuming that), there isn't any need to use violent runes. Simply use the word VIVIKATA to isolate him away from her. You can also use ISA to bind him or use AUM ZASTIR to dominate the situation. However my intuition tells me just using VIVIKATA would be enough and your worrying unnecessarily because she already told you she loves you. Regardless you want to complete that love spell. I advice you to judge the situation without attaching any emotions or your ego to it. You should try to have sex with her as soon as possible. Understand this, some people here who don't know what they're talking about will tell you not to rush into things and I'm telling you They are WRONG. However as I said, you should judge the situation rationally and if the spell is indeed working and shes in love with you, you need to do it ASAP,especially as in thissituationtime is of the essence. If she gives you resistance as you start kissing her, say this verbatim and keep going, " I don't mind stopping. I wouldn't do anything your not comfortable with. But I love you and I know you love me. So it doesn't matter if we do it now or later, as you know we are going to be together for a long time. We can't deny we're living in this moment and as we feel these feelings we can't help but go with the flow." Just keep escalating. You need to have sex with her concurrently atleast three times before shes invested enough to be with you. Don't try to ever tell them you want sex. Just make it happen naturally or out of the blue. But yeah ,time is of the essence. Be grounded but act quickly to isolate the man and have sex with the woman. And no, this is not being a scumbag this is being logistically sound according to the situation.
I've seen this post for a long time now and have gone back and forth on replying to it. Orgasm is definitely needed for spiritual advancement but doesn't have to involve sex with someone else. Some people really crave intimacy and this is natural and part of being human, however if you're so infatuated by someone you make your whole fucking life revolve around getting attention from that person or attracting them you're as lame as they come. Work on yourself and towards your goals and real quality people will come into your life if you allow it. In a post Lydia made about Love a long while back she said something along the lines of "even if you meet your ideal person are you at your current state able to give them a meaningful and fulfilling relationship?"

HP Mageson666 said:
Women are attracted to all different types of men for all kinds of reasons. Like men are to women.

If you just want to get laid don't even bother doing a working(waste of time) unless you blow your load thinking about this person all the time. Different women are attracted to different things, your biggest advantage against other guys is understanding WHAT ATTRACTS the woman you're interested in. Women are attracted to dozens of different personality traits, focus on one of your strengths. Are you funny? Are you sweet? Are you intelligent? Are you witty? Do you have good social intelligence? Are you an uplifting person to be around? You are of Satan, have confidence in yourself and your abilities.

I will say from my own observation most women want a man who is emotionally strong, meaning you don't crumble under the pressures of life. Again as a Satanist you have an extreme advantage over these average normies in this aspect, build the inner self and the outer impression of the world start to have no effect on you. Good luck my brothers and be safe.
sahasrarabliss said:
And a bad guy is simply abusive and confident and insensitive, aggressive, dominating and leading.
Women don't fall in love with bad guys or nice guys either or with a gentleman, they just get infatuated with them.

Women chose to be with bad guys so they can be confident around (because every woman suffers from low self esteem and low self confidence) and explore the world confidently with them and be exploited and dominated sexually later on. Then they regret for being with a bad guy.

Something to be noted here is that I notice women start to imitate their guys, and after sexual Intercourse has taken place, they become confident and extract certain physical personality traits of her bad guy and start behaving similar to that guy.

I assume you have seen your girl in text chat using some words which you use often times. She uses it the same way and exact same words or phrases. Women imitate their men. It's

This is done unconsciously.

You get attracted to the person who has the qualities you lack and which you'd prefer to have.

You don't need to be dominant, aggressive, alpha, leading, or a gentleman, millionaire either.

Have you ever seen that even very rich people don't get woman's true love and devotion? Their women are only with them for their money so they can enjoy a passive life while fulfilling all of her desires. When they reach the end of their materialistic desires, they feel urged to explore for a different man she can serve and be devoted to. Why? To be happy emotionally.

Women are most happiest when they serve the man they love.

Women will deny this, but we can ask an honest sub gay male about this and he would tell you the same. To be happy by serving a man he loves. It works the same way with heterosexual women too.

It's all about the way and the things you talk about her.

Wow, we got another wise one over here. I'm a little impressed. Your understanding is very good.

Young men have this idea. Come on guys let's get as much pussy as possible! Woo yeah. We gotta further our race!

Soooo.. were suppose to have three kids, with different girls, that were suppose to pay child support on, for the rest of our lives?

Go work 18-20 an hour job, so that we can make as much as working at McDonald's? Lol, some have not been out in the real world. That's 80-90 percent of men I talk too, at any job, I have ever been at.

Hmmm, yeah no thanks. I would rather just have one person, that likes me for who I am. Not that I have to act all Macho, and over confident, and play Social Games.

I am a quiet person. Who sits in the background. Because I see things very Aquarius. No emotion, no need to change what you cannot change, no need to do pointless action.

Like your not impressing anyone. Oh you managed to impress the town bimbo. Now you have...AIDS. lol

Claps slowly.

Yay your a Masculine man who likes Girls, whatever that means. Most men are not Masculine. They are either normal, non effeminate or they try to wear a Beard, and give grumpy faces, to show how tough they are.

The most Masculine guys I have ever met are Bi or Gay. Usually in the military, or ex, built like an ox. So I'm not sure what this classification of masculine straight guy, feminine gay guy thing is all about.

I mean sure they spoonfeed this, but this isn't reality. Peoples sexuality is fluid, and there should be a balance of masculine, feminine energy.

This oh I gotta be a straight masculine guy. AHEM, clears throat, and talks ten times deeper. Oh yeah! Football and pussy! Make me a pizza Bitch!

Is just what boys with insecurity issues do. Nothing Against the user or people that liked it, but if your reading a forum online, to learn step by step how to be a man,... nevermind.
I'm seeing a lot of posts on this thread which makes me think critically about the motivations behind them. Essentially there is a veiled antipathy against Men who want to have sex with different women are somehow immoral and that they must be viewed as scumbags. Or that the belief that having one partner is better than having multiple ones.Theres a theme of unconscious resistance against ideas that are not same as their own. As Aristotle says,
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

I don't want anyone to accept the premise that they have to be with multiple women at the same time to be a man or anything like that. But I don't believe that there's anything morally wrong with a person who is doing that and it's also not logically sound to question people's natural needs and wants as legitimate or stemming from some insecurity. Infact I would question any resistance to multiple sex partners on the same basis, is it stemming from some insecurity that makes you resist these actions of another man as legitimate ?

Historically we have had polygyny in all Aryan cultures except some. It is simply natural as some men are naturally polygynous and need to have multiple wives. Forcing them into a forced societal wide monogamous marriage institution is what makes them cheat, ruin families and lives because they're not getting their natural needs fulfilled. There is no insecurity in wanting multiple partners ,this is natural to oneself. Enforced Monogamy came about gradually after Christianity came to power and is thus wholly unnatural. This one woman one man theme as an enforced rule is a Christian concept. Infact Heinrich Himmler argued that after the war ,victorious SS men would be allowed to take two wives if they so wished to. This one man multiple wives thing seems unnatural because we have been brought up under a societal schema of Monogamy as the norm that is inserted into the minds of Children through the media, the education system, their parents, and their peers and literally all other such things.

Men are taught unrealistic female fantasies of this one special girl who will fulfill you,who will love you forever, who will be completely compatible with your wants and needs and all this related Disney princess type bullshit. Even players who are fucking different women each day are looking to Find the perfect girl, who they'll settle with. They've never considered the possibility that maybe they are naturally polygynous men and accept their nature. This one girl myth is so pervasive that even I fell into this frame a while ago.

This is something I've learned that some of your beliefs and motivations might not be yours and might be hypnotized into you as norms and other mental schemes that are not of your own volition. This is why it is important to gain self mastery through meditation so you can look at where your emotions and actions are stemming from and whether it's of your own or inserted through a societal manipulation scheme. You might find out after seeing your behaviors and emotions and needs that maybe you are a monogamous men by nature or that you are a polygynous man by nature. I do not believe theres anything immoral in either if you're following your natural instinct.
I also Concur with what Jack has Written. It is true that the enemy has definitely been trying to offset people’s sexuality by emphasizing on too much or too little. Hence, making people so confused about what they really want and what definitely satisfies them.

We are different. We have different desires, ambitions and needs. This applies to Human sexuality too. Life is not only about sex, and yet still also sex is part of life. There is nothing wrong with wanting to have sex with multiple partners and there is also nothing wrong with wanting to be involved with only one partner.

As long this is definitely what you desire. Without being coerced or mind-programmed into thinking that this is what you must do. Hence the importance of freeing one soul to understand what they truly desire.

That’s why I love satanism. Individualism and freedom are highly valued here. Family is important, Balance is vital. And yet this things are achieved as one grows and gathers further understanding and enlightenment.

Hail Satan.
Freedom to All.
Nikolas said:
How about a meditation to last longer in bed ?
Check the recent porn thread, there's good books by mantak chia in there.
Aldrick said:
sahasrarabliss said:
And a bad guy is simply abusive and confident and insensitive, aggressive, dominating and leading.
Women don't fall in love with bad guys or nice guys either or with a gentleman, they just get infatuated with them.

Women chose to be with bad guys so they can be confident around (because every woman suffers from low self esteem and low self confidence) and explore the world confidently with them and be exploited and dominated sexually later on. Then they regret for being with a bad guy.

Something to be noted here is that I notice women start to imitate their guys, and after sexual Intercourse has taken place, they become confident and extract certain physical personality traits of her bad guy and start behaving similar to that guy.

I assume you have seen your girl in text chat using some words which you use often times. She uses it the same way and exact same words or phrases. Women imitate their men. It's

This is done unconsciously.

You get attracted to the person who has the qualities you lack and which you'd prefer to have.

You don't need to be dominant, aggressive, alpha, leading, or a gentleman, millionaire either.

Have you ever seen that even very rich people don't get woman's true love and devotion? Their women are only with them for their money so they can enjoy a passive life while fulfilling all of her desires. When they reach the end of their materialistic desires, they feel urged to explore for a different man she can serve and be devoted to. Why? To be happy emotionally.

Women are most happiest when they serve the man they love.

Women will deny this, but we can ask an honest sub gay male about this and he would tell you the same. To be happy by serving a man he loves. It works the same way with heterosexual women too.

It's all about the way and the things you talk about her.

Wow, we got another wise one over here. I'm a little impressed. Your understanding is very good.

Young men have this idea. Come on guys let's get as much pussy as possible! Woo yeah. We gotta further our race!

Soooo.. were suppose to have three kids, with different girls, that were suppose to pay child support on, for the rest of our lives?

Go work 18-20 an hour job, so that we can make as much as working at McDonald's? Lol, some have not been out in the real world. That's 80-90 percent of men I talk too, at any job, I have ever been at.

Hmmm, yeah no thanks. I would rather just have one person, that likes me for who I am. Not that I have to act all Macho, and over confident, and play Social Games.

I am a quiet person. Who sits in the background. Because I see things very Aquarius. No emotion, no need to change what you cannot change, no need to do pointless action.

Like your not impressing anyone. Oh you managed to impress the town bimbo. Now you have...AIDS. lol

Claps slowly.

Yay your a Masculine man who likes Girls, whatever that means. Most men are not Masculine. They are either normal, non effeminate or they try to wear a Beard, and give grumpy faces, to show how tough they are.

The most Masculine guys I have ever met are Bi or Gay. Usually in the military, or ex, built like an ox. So I'm not sure what this classification of masculine straight guy, feminine gay guy thing is all about.

I mean sure they spoonfeed this, but this isn't reality. Peoples sexuality is fluid, and there should be a balance of masculine, feminine energy.

This oh I gotta be a straight masculine guy. AHEM, clears throat, and talks ten times deeper. Oh yeah! Football and pussy! Make me a pizza Bitch!

Is just what boys with insecurity issues do. Nothing Against the user or people that liked it, but if your reading a forum online, to learn step by step how to be a man,... nevermind.

AIDS isn't a sexual disease or sexually transmitted disease. It's just an another big fraud.

Tell you what, when a person is diagnosed with AIDS , it just means the person simply has low immunity. This low immunity is believed to be passed through sexual intercourse.

AIDS is an another big fraud.

The virus that causes aids has never been found in the human body.

Now, about women and men that are without.

First things first. The very reason we men had to start this discussion about women or about men having difficulty in making a woman fall in love, or having difficulties in having a healthy relationship with a woman partner.....is clearly stating the FACT that men do not know and understand the workings of a female mind.

That's why you guys find yourself into discussing alot of BS stuff about Alpha and beta and noble or gentlmen or just be yourself man, show yourself that you r worthy to be her partner... opinions don't matter. And Personal experiences in this case don't really matter unless you know how her mind works and unless you know how you made her fall in love with you in the first place.

If men knew it the workings of a female mind, why would this man start up this discussion in the first place and we here throw our baseless opinions and such??

Have you ever seen A female asking advices from women here for dating and how she should be behaving like this or that or do things that make a man attract to her and in love with her??

No. Why? Because they are very well aware and KNOW how to make a man fall in love wurh them.

But oh one would say, love happens on its own. That's called love. It doesn't have to be consciously decided or manipulated.

That's not the definition of love being happening on its own between two.

That's called infatuation that fades away.

We as SS Men tend to fail to see the nasty mind workings of a female of the current society.

Making a woman in love with you is the easiest task in this entire world you can do.

Another truth, is that a woman's loyatly to a man is an opportunistic loyalty and not a sacrificial loyalty. (that means they will leave you if they get bored of you and find a better deal than you) They are not capable of sacrificial loyatly but only women as mothers are capable of this kind of sacrificial loyalty to their kids. Not the wives or girlfriends for their husbands/bf.

Women are the smartest in love relationships.

You'd argue with me on this for whole life...but you will never accept this because you are seeing things from a Satanic perspective and I'm seeing things of the current world as they are and observe the beings living in this world without any pre existing perception of how women or men are or should behave or how women or men should be.

Your perception about a man and a woman is VALID in the world of GODS only. But not to this current human society.

You have to have high manipulative skills to survive and to get true devotion and true love from a woman and get desired fulfilled in this current world of animals.

If you can't do that', I bet you'd find yourself into countless arguments and fights with your female lover or wife which you KNEW has no fucking basis and are petty.

If you don't fulfill her emotional needs, then You'd always find her picking up a fight with you out of nowhere for no fucking littlest reason.

Women are playful, they need their drama and other emotional needs to be fulfilled by the man. If a man no matter how useless that man is or how wrinkled and old and poor or even if he is a handicapped man , a woman will fall in love with that man If that man fulfils her those emotional needs.

That's why you may have even seen young women marrying old men that are of their father's age.

That's it!

There's no rocket science in making a woman fall in love. It literally takes minutes. But keeping a woman in love with you takes a long linear process.


Indian actor.

His wife is around 26 years younger than him. Totally the age of his daughter
This is just an example.

This thing happens worldwide. People mistake it to be caused by true love. While the truth is something else which they cannot tolerate to hear let alone accepting it.

You'd tell me countless as reasons and logic. But logic cannot explain this.
Then one would say "oh well now that's the true love" I'd laugh in their face as this isn't about love being a true love either.

This is something that's very simple to do for a man who knows how the mind of a woman works.

You guys here and there and other men are wasting time in giving opinions on how men should act, behave, blah blah, while these things are secondary in making a woman fall in love.

Alpha and beta if combined together, that's one thing a woman wants in her man.

You simply cannot command a woman to do this or that.

It has to be said in a different way in which her mind cannot detect it as a command.
And oh yea that young woman didn't marry that Indian actor because he was an actor or handsome or was financially well, and was rich.

Nope. A big fucking NO.
sahasrarabliss said:
Aldrick said:
sahasrarabliss said:
And a bad guy is simply abusive and confident and insensitive, aggressive, dominating and leading.
Women don't fall in love with bad guys or nice guys either or with a gentleman, they just get infatuated with them.

Women chose to be with bad guys so they can be confident around (because every woman suffers from low self esteem and low self confidence) and explore the world confidently with them and be exploited and dominated sexually later on. Then they regret for being with a bad guy.

Something to be noted here is that I notice women start to imitate their guys, and after sexual Intercourse has taken place, they become confident and extract certain physical personality traits of her bad guy and start behaving similar to that guy.

I assume you have seen your girl in text chat using some words which you use often times. She uses it the same way and exact same words or phrases. Women imitate their men. It's

This is done unconsciously.

You get attracted to the person who has the qualities you lack and which you'd prefer to have.

You don't need to be dominant, aggressive, alpha, leading, or a gentleman, millionaire either.

Have you ever seen that even very rich people don't get woman's true love and devotion? Their women are only with them for their money so they can enjoy a passive life while fulfilling all of her desires. When they reach the end of their materialistic desires, they feel urged to explore for a different man she can serve and be devoted to. Why? To be happy emotionally.

Women are most happiest when they serve the man they love.

Women will deny this, but we can ask an honest sub gay male about this and he would tell you the same. To be happy by serving a man he loves. It works the same way with heterosexual women too.

It's all about the way and the things you talk about her.

Wow, we got another wise one over here. I'm a little impressed. Your understanding is very good.

Young men have this idea. Come on guys let's get as much pussy as possible! Woo yeah. We gotta further our race!

Soooo.. were suppose to have three kids, with different girls, that were suppose to pay child support on, for the rest of our lives?

Go work 18-20 an hour job, so that we can make as much as working at McDonald's? Lol, some have not been out in the real world. That's 80-90 percent of men I talk too, at any job, I have ever been at.

Hmmm, yeah no thanks. I would rather just have one person, that likes me for who I am. Not that I have to act all Macho, and over confident, and play Social Games.

I am a quiet person. Who sits in the background. Because I see things very Aquarius. No emotion, no need to change what you cannot change, no need to do pointless action.

Like your not impressing anyone. Oh you managed to impress the town bimbo. Now you have...AIDS. lol

Claps slowly.

Yay your a Masculine man who likes Girls, whatever that means. Most men are not Masculine. They are either normal, non effeminate or they try to wear a Beard, and give grumpy faces, to show how tough they are.

The most Masculine guys I have ever met are Bi or Gay. Usually in the military, or ex, built like an ox. So I'm not sure what this classification of masculine straight guy, feminine gay guy thing is all about.

I mean sure they spoonfeed this, but this isn't reality. Peoples sexuality is fluid, and there should be a balance of masculine, feminine energy.

This oh I gotta be a straight masculine guy. AHEM, clears throat, and talks ten times deeper. Oh yeah! Football and pussy! Make me a pizza Bitch!

Is just what boys with insecurity issues do. Nothing Against the user or people that liked it, but if your reading a forum online, to learn step by step how to be a man,... nevermind.

AIDS isn't a sexual disease or sexually transmitted disease. It's just an another big fraud.

Tell you what, when a person is diagnosed with AIDS , it just means the person simply has low immunity. This low immunity is believed to be passed through sexual intercourse.

AIDS is an another big fraud.

The virus that causes aids has never been found in the human body.

Now, about women and men that are without.

First things first. The very reason we men had to start this discussion about women or about men having difficulty in making a woman fall in love, or having difficulties in having a healthy relationship with a woman partner.....is clearly stating the FACT that men do not know and understand the workings of a female mind.

That's why you guys find yourself into discussing alot of BS stuff about Alpha and beta and noble or gentlmen or just be yourself man, show yourself that you r worthy to be her partner... opinions don't matter. And Personal experiences in this case don't really matter unless you know how her mind works and unless you know how you made her fall in love with you in the first place.

If men knew it the workings of a female mind, why would this man start up this discussion in the first place and we here throw our baseless opinions and such??

Have you ever seen A female asking advices from women here for dating and how she should be behaving like this or that or do things that make a man attract to her and in love with her??

No. Why? Because they are very well aware and KNOW how to make a man fall in love wurh them.

But oh one would say, love happens on its own. That's called love. It doesn't have to be consciously decided or manipulated.

That's not the definition of love being happening on its own between two.

That's called infatuation that fades away.

We as SS Men tend to fail to see the nasty mind workings of a female of the current society.

Making a woman in love with you is the easiest task in this entire world you can do.

Another truth, is that a woman's loyatly to a man is an opportunistic loyalty and not a sacrificial loyalty. (that means they will leave you if they get bored of you and find a better deal than you) They are not capable of sacrificial loyatly but only women as mothers are capable of this kind of sacrificial loyalty to their kids. Not the wives or girlfriends for their husbands/bf.

Women are the smartest in love relationships.

You'd argue with me on this for whole life...but you will never accept this because you are seeing things from a Satanic perspective and I'm seeing things of the current world as they are and observe the beings living in this world without any pre existing perception of how women or men are or should behave or how women or men should be.

Your perception about a man and a woman is VALID in the world of GODS only. But not to this current human society.

You have to have high manipulative skills to survive and to get true devotion and true love from a woman and get desired fulfilled in this current world of animals.

If you can't do that', I bet you'd find yourself into countless arguments and fights with your female lover or wife which you KNEW has no fucking basis and are petty.

If you don't fulfill her emotional needs, then You'd always find her picking up a fight with you out of nowhere for no fucking littlest reason.

Women are playful, they need their drama and other emotional needs to be fulfilled by the man. If a man no matter how useless that man is or how wrinkled and old and poor or even if he is a handicapped man , a woman will fall in love with that man If that man fulfils her those emotional needs.

That's why you may have even seen young women marrying old men that are of their father's age.

That's it!

There's no rocket science in making a woman fall in love. It literally takes minutes. But keeping a woman in love with you takes a long linear process.


Indian actor.

His wife is around 26 years younger than him. Totally the age of his daughter
This is just an example.

This thing happens worldwide. People mistake it to be caused by true love. While the truth is something else which they cannot tolerate to hear let alone accepting it.

You'd tell me countless as reasons and logic. But logic cannot explain this.
Then one would say "oh well now that's the true love" I'd laugh in their face as this isn't about love being a true love either.

This is something that's very simple to do for a man who knows how the mind of a woman works.

You guys here and there and other men are wasting time in giving opinions on how men should act, behave, blah blah, while these things are secondary in making a woman fall in love.

Alpha and beta if combined together, that's one thing a woman wants in her man.

You simply cannot command a woman to do this or that.

It has to be said in a different way in which her mind cannot detect it as a command.

Lol!!! You think HIV is a myth? I'll tell my friend who has it when he doesnt take his medicine and passes out on the ground bleeding out his nose, that it's just an immunity problem.

He went fine till his 30s, when he contracted it. He tried not taking the medicine and doing other things, he was rushed to the hospital.

But I'm not gonna sit and argue the reality of HIV, that's pretty ridiculous.

The 80s were just hit with an immunity problem where everyone died till medicine was invented.....kkkkkkk

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
