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New Meditators - The Power of Our Minds and Real Magic

Ghost in the Machine

Well-known member
Nov 17, 2018
We are the future gods of our people. Start acting
One reason why new members who start on meditation and working towards spiritual power struggle to believe that they're actually doing something 'supernatural' just by directing their attention and focus, is because they lack of the understanding and knowledge of just how our universe actually works.

The enemy for thousands of years has worked tirelessly to destroy any all knowledge they could to the existence of what modern humans call 'Magic'. They had shut out humanity's whole connection to the astral plane to become primarily physical beings and for all the majority of humans know, 'Magic' doesn't exist.

'Magic' most certainly exists, and it is actually a scientific basis to our whole reality and can even be scientifically explained, but because of the enemy on our planet having debilitatingly hindered scientific advancement, not to mention shutting out and destroying any and all rogue scientists from gaining popularity and coming to the mass public in any such findings, scientists are entirely ignorant and blind to it.

Magic is a word people often apply to things of extreme fantasy like shapeshifting their physical body into animals, conjuring physical glittery streams of 'magic mist' from their hands, raising corpses from graveyards to fight by their side and spontaneously sprouting physical wings out of their back or summoning magic physical armour upon their body out of nothing. I'm going to clarify right now, you're not going to be able to do these things.

Real magic is working with the Astral Plane to manipulate and perform so-called miracles and 'supernatural' feats upon the Physical Plane by adhering to the laws of nature to these realms. No you can't shapeshift into a wolf, but you can with time, power and advancement be able to change your genetic code to get rid of genetic diseases, change your hair/eye colour, cure things like aids, etc.

And no you can't raise corpses from the graveyard to start a zombie army, but you can with time, self-control and advancement upon your psychic centres be able to see and speak with spirits on the astral. And no you can't physically teleport from location to location, but you can do this astrally via astral projection and soul-splitting. Entire planets can be visited and seen on the astral as if you were physically on them, granted one has the appropriate control, discipline and spiritual advancements to truly see these physical things through their astral eyes and form without being tricked by mental imagery of their own subconscious.

The common mistake ambitious meditators make though in knowing the existence of these abilities, is they get too excited and expect to be able to do all of these things in a single year to perfection. Unfortunately because of the enemy having atrophied our spiritual power, understanding and abilities, it could take you a few years to even completely grasp and control just the basics, but once you become completely skilled in the basics, spiritual advancement becomes unbelievably more easier. Like the saying, the rich get richer, the powerful get more powerful.

Some people in past lives retained some of their spiritual power or practiced magic or are naturally good at something already in regards to spirituality; They're still atrophied like everyone else, but they may advance in certain areas a bit faster than others. So when they reincarnate into this life they might find certain things more easier. Mediums, people who see and speak with spirits, are an example of people who still retain good psychic abilities with clairaudience and clairvoyance as well as intuition.

Having natural abilities however does not make one 'advanced' in the same way that only knowing how to answer one math problem doesn't make one good at math as a whole. Spiritual advancement equates to the whole entire soul, every area and rising to a higher state of being, and this can take a decade or more depending on the individual to just get the whole entire foundation of this of which is then worked on further for the Magnum Opus to godhood.

Now, enough about advancement and abilities, let's get back to the subject of magic. So just how does focusing on something with our mind and visualizing things, etc, etc suddenly mean you're doing 'supernatural' things even if you don't see or feel anything yet? Well let's start with the two planes of our universe.

Our universe is built upon two separate realms that work together and mirror one another. The Astral Plane and The Physical Plane. Because of the enemy we are primarily aware of the physical realm and could practically be considered masters at residing on it, but it's the astral plane that is important. Why? Because the astral plane is the higher plane of our universe where everything happens first, including our very existence.

The universe is founded by the astral realm first by what is known as the aether. The aether, or ether/quintessence, is one of the 5 elements we know, the other 4 being fire, water, earth and air. Aether is actually the founding element of the entire universe as the first perfected construct, and from this construct was born everything else that came to be, including the physical realm of which is the entire manifestation of the lower polarity of The Aether, the higher polarity came born the astral realm of all other energies.

Aether is the element that rules the entire astral plane and everything on it, including our very souls. It is an omnipotent material and with sentience we use it as a source material of our soul via our mind and willpower to direct all other energies on the astral that were born from it. This is where the power of our mind comes from in directing energy, the aether is the founding material of all spiritual energies, and as the founding material of all spiritual energies, we can use it to direct and control these very energies through it.

The aether is the powerhouse of control because it is willpower, this is precisely what willpower is, the directing of our minds, this control we have in directing our thoughts is literally the aether of which we, like everything else, is built from. We are of the aether, the omnipotent material, so we can learn to control and direct all energies born of it through this very source of our existence. It is the founder of all that exists, so of course it can exact control over all it created, because all it created is everything that it is.

This is the power of our minds, this is why magic is real and this is why we exact it through mental imagery, visualization and our thoughts as all of these reside on the astral plane and are the directing of energy via the source material of our being which is the aether. For some more tidbit details and information regarding this you can read my thread "Void Meditation - What Exactly It Is and How It Works, Explained" and read through all of my responses on a thread regarding dreams.

The ultimate key to power is in the mind.
I've posted on a few of those threads despite the simplicity it goes above me. Simple but not for me perhaps over-complicating things on my part.

Anyways I'm well aware of your magick description. I've never thought magic was a silly thing but over time reading from JoS and especially these past 6 years with ProPhP forum and current A-Forums. I've learned the most obvious effect of magic is a "turbocharger"/"supercharger" of materialization of realities. Realities to change things around say acquire money or have a relationship.

But my problem is not that I don't believe in magic(real magick) not fake magick. It's not that I don't believe in the above of the Universe.

My problem is "How do I know it was me who did it or just circumstances?"

I feel like everything in my life just occurs and if nothing occurs nothing occurs. I'm just a normal person, look perfectly normal, just with a lot of occult information and perhaps disinformation as I'm not and probably will never be open to the spiritual realms. And I ask myself what is the point of meditating or performing magic or doing any of these things if they don't work for me. And on top of that if no one does these things they just go ahead and do it. What is the point of doing magick or meditating if no one does these things to any degree higher than a slightly educated person with or without occult information.

For example I've had thoughts that state your not jewish but the way you live in life is very xtianistic. So as some people have these enemy thoughts of being a race(jew) I get thoughts stating I'm very xtainistic.

Which is hilarious cause I never even once opened a damned bible nor was indoctrinated to any judeo-bolshevism(xtianity). And yet everything that I've done or have not done is through my own physical actions like any normal person.

Hell typing this post up was all me on physical I was not thinking or synchronicities of my thoughts or others.

How many humans exist and how many humans even delve into spirituality like our ancestors pre-10K years ago, I hardly believe much less than 0.05% of the human population.

I'll admit many will state your just trapped in a material world but over the course of all these years I've never once confirmed if spirituality is real or not. Hell the voices that I hear that state they are either Satan or Guardian Demoness or Succubus tell me the same practice void, stop talking to yourself so much, and RTR and meditate.

Not sure if it's my own consciousness doing it or what.


It's not that I don't believe in spirituality. I perfectly do and I believe many have proven it even simple mindfulness helps many people just like it can hurt others who seem like meditation might not be a wise thing for them due to their lifestyle. But non the less I'VE never been able to prove it neither had any supernatural event like astral projection or whatever.

Just a normal person, abnormal life existence but perfectly normal just another human in their house. I just never proven nor done anything.

It gets to the point if I'm just making things up just to have a reason to go in. Most of my occult status is just intellectualizing. Like it's been stated "If people practiced what Serrano said K-Yoga and not theoretically practice it intellectually the person who practices it will advance more".

I personally just view the occult as an intellectual curiosity if it's fake and not real I'd rather be in the lie of occult than the lie of worshiping a dead zombie jew on a stick. Like for example you guys are National Socialists, my admiration of the WW2 and pre-1945 is what may have led me here.

At least you guys want to fix civilization and people and not continue living in shit.
Gear88 said:
I feel like everything in my life just occurs and if nothing occurs nothing occurs. I'm just a normal person, look perfectly normal, just with a lot of occult information and perhaps disinformation as I'm not and probably will never be open to the spiritual realms. And I ask myself what is the point of meditating or performing magic or doing any of these things if they don't work for me. And on top of that if no one does these things they just go ahead and do it. What is the point of doing magick or meditating if no one does these things to any degree higher than a slightly educated person with or without occult information.

I'll admit many will state your just trapped in a material world but over the course of all these years I've never once confirmed if spirituality is real or not. Hell the voices that I hear that state they are either Satan or Guardian Demoness or Succubus tell me the same practice void, stop talking to yourself so much, and RTR and meditate.

For some (likely you) it takes a lot of time to get noticeable progress done. So get up and show some effort.
Brother GiTM makes some really key points. The thing about the universe is that it is operating on a loop from the top down. HPmageson has written extensively on this subject about how Vibration or the Primordial Aether is manifested into Physical reality by being compressed under the consciousness of the Brahman ,with the principles of energy which makes physical reality possible. Energy is manifested into matter after compression. Therefore it makes more sense that getting to the root of the cause would cause a chain reaction for change happening in your physical reality.

Vibration-> Energy -> Matter and it loops again and again.
Gear88 said:
I've posted on a few of those threads despite the simplicity it goes above me. Simple but not for me perhaps over-complicating things on my part.

Anyways I'm well aware of your magick description. I've never thought magic was a silly thing but over time reading from JoS and especially these past 6 years with ProPhP forum and current A-Forums. I've learned the most obvious effect of magic is a "turbocharger"/"supercharger" of materialization of realities. Realities to change things around say acquire money or have a relationship.

But my problem is not that I don't believe in magic(real magick) not fake magick. It's not that I don't believe in the above of the Universe.

My problem is "How do I know it was me who did it or just circumstances?"

I feel like everything in my life just occurs and if nothing occurs nothing occurs. I'm just a normal person, look perfectly normal, just with a lot of occult information and perhaps disinformation as I'm not and probably will never be open to the spiritual realms. And I ask myself what is the point of meditating or performing magic or doing any of these things if they don't work for me. And on top of that if no one does these things they just go ahead and do it. What is the point of doing magick or meditating if no one does these things to any degree higher than a slightly educated person with or without occult information.

For example I've had thoughts that state your not jewish but the way you live in life is very xtianistic. So as some people have these enemy thoughts of being a race(jew) I get thoughts stating I'm very xtainistic.

Which is hilarious cause I never even once opened a damned bible nor was indoctrinated to any judeo-bolshevism(xtianity). And yet everything that I've done or have not done is through my own physical actions like any normal person.

Hell typing this post up was all me on physical I was not thinking or synchronicities of my thoughts or others.

How many humans exist and how many humans even delve into spirituality like our ancestors pre-10K years ago, I hardly believe much less than 0.05% of the human population.

I'll admit many will state your just trapped in a material world but over the course of all these years I've never once confirmed if spirituality is real or not. Hell the voices that I hear that state they are either Satan or Guardian Demoness or Succubus tell me the same practice void, stop talking to yourself so much, and RTR and meditate.

Not sure if it's my own consciousness doing it or what.


It's not that I don't believe in spirituality. I perfectly do and I believe many have proven it even simple mindfulness helps many people just like it can hurt others who seem like meditation might not be a wise thing for them due to their lifestyle. But non the less I'VE never been able to prove it neither had any supernatural event like astral projection or whatever.

Just a normal person, abnormal life existence but perfectly normal just another human in their house. I just never proven nor done anything.

It gets to the point if I'm just making things up just to have a reason to go in. Most of my occult status is just intellectualizing. Like it's been stated "If people practiced what Serrano said K-Yoga and not theoretically practice it intellectually the person who practices it will advance more".

I personally just view the occult as an intellectual curiosity if it's fake and not real I'd rather be in the lie of occult than the lie of worshiping a dead zombie jew on a stick. Like for example you guys are National Socialists, my admiration of the WW2 and pre-1945 is what may have led me here.

At least you guys want to fix civilization and people and not continue living in shit.

You see it all makes sense to me because its backed by scientific principles I've learnt. But you know a lot even though you're not getting it because of not seeing the scientific connection.

As was stated the rich get richer and power builds upon power. Some people can live lives of serendipity because it's all syncronicity.

Just like you can recieve a kick from static electricity and we have electricity that you cannot see but there are the effects and reality of its existence.

So scientifically everything in this world of ours is made up of energy.

And we are energetic beings.

But because we are aware and conscious. By directing our focus of attention. We direct the energy of the universe.

So because we are consciousness we can wield and direct the consciousness and affect outer reality.

That's why there is no equality only justice.

A person has a tendency to get what they focus on. And sometimes you can feel a persons vibe. And so if you find things going your way. It's not only your outwardly actions. But your thoughts and beliefs are helping create your outer reality because it's all energy and it's all connected.

There is an old Upanishad saying: 'That when a blade of grass is cut, the whole universe quivers.'

And that's where the corruption that humanity is all one comes in. No we are different individuals with our own personal genetic, mental, spiritual differences. But all is one by its energetic connection to it all.

Everything is energy and all is vibration. And similar vibrations resonate together. Attracting like.

There must be something more to the physical reality because how do people sense things. Like you think of someone and then they suddenly bump into you. Or your gut tells/ warns you of certain things. Like the sudden apprehension when approaching a green traffic light only to slow and see an idiot driver fly through his red light just in front of you. And the psychic was mentioned communicating with the spirit/ astral realm.

There is much more to our reality than meets the eye.
Gear88 said:
I've posted on a few of those threads despite the simplicity it goes above me. Simple but not for me perhaps over-complicating things on my part.

Anyways I'm well aware of your magick description. I've never thought magic was a silly thing but over time reading from JoS and especially these past 6 years with ProPhP forum and current A-Forums. I've learned the most obvious effect of magic is a "turbocharger"/"supercharger" of materialization of realities. Realities to change things around say acquire money or have a relationship.

But my problem is not that I don't believe in magic(real magick) not fake magick. It's not that I don't believe in the above of the Universe.

My problem is "How do I know it was me who did it or just circumstances?"

I feel like everything in my life just occurs and if nothing occurs nothing occurs. I'm just a normal person, look perfectly normal, just with a lot of occult information and perhaps disinformation as I'm not and probably will never be open to the spiritual realms. And I ask myself what is the point of meditating or performing magic or doing any of these things if they don't work for me. And on top of that if no one does these things they just go ahead and do it. What is the point of doing magick or meditating if no one does these things to any degree higher than a slightly educated person with or without occult information.

For example I've had thoughts that state your not jewish but the way you live in life is very xtianistic. So as some people have these enemy thoughts of being a race(jew) I get thoughts stating I'm very xtainistic.

Which is hilarious cause I never even once opened a damned bible nor was indoctrinated to any judeo-bolshevism(xtianity). And yet everything that I've done or have not done is through my own physical actions like any normal person.

Hell typing this post up was all me on physical I was not thinking or synchronicities of my thoughts or others.

How many humans exist and how many humans even delve into spirituality like our ancestors pre-10K years ago, I hardly believe much less than 0.05% of the human population.

I'll admit many will state your just trapped in a material world but over the course of all these years I've never once confirmed if spirituality is real or not. Hell the voices that I hear that state they are either Satan or Guardian Demoness or Succubus tell me the same practice void, stop talking to yourself so much, and RTR and meditate.

Not sure if it's my own consciousness doing it or what.


It's not that I don't believe in spirituality. I perfectly do and I believe many have proven it even simple mindfulness helps many people just like it can hurt others who seem like meditation might not be a wise thing for them due to their lifestyle. But non the less I'VE never been able to prove it neither had any supernatural event like astral projection or whatever.

Just a normal person, abnormal life existence but perfectly normal just another human in their house. I just never proven nor done anything.

It gets to the point if I'm just making things up just to have a reason to go in. Most of my occult status is just intellectualizing. Like it's been stated "If people practiced what Serrano said K-Yoga and not theoretically practice it intellectually the person who practices it will advance more".

I personally just view the occult as an intellectual curiosity if it's fake and not real I'd rather be in the lie of occult than the lie of worshiping a dead zombie jew on a stick. Like for example you guys are National Socialists, my admiration of the WW2 and pre-1945 is what may have led me here.

At least you guys want to fix civilization and people and not continue living in shit.
To understand whether it was you or the circumstances and to confirm the magic, you can make specific tests that will prove that it is not the circumstances but your will. You can try cursing objects, but if you haven't trained and developed your mind and soul, you won't get any results. When you are adept at meditations in the beginner category, you can try the above and check the results.
Gear88 said:

You seem like one of those 'inside outsiders' where you don't seem to go too much into the spirituality of things and what we stand for but you still have faith in what we do and such but in a 'normie' viewpoint. Still part of it but not part of it.

So long as you're loyal to Satan and the truth then to each his own I guess but I'd think it strange to want to waste so many years waiting for our gods to arrive and prove everything, etc.

A lot of progress can be made right here and right now, your problem is just doubt. You can recognize it's real but you have no faith that what you're doing is doing anything or that you in particular are even capable of it. You think you somehow don't have that 'magical mana' that everyone else here seems to have which is a ridiculous thing to think.

And when you actually put faith in your abilities and nothing manifests because either you aren't doing it for long enough, doubt developed in the middle of the working or you're just not yet powerful enough you end up thinking this has to do with you as an individual which furthers the lack of faith and the doubt.

The moment you start meditating and your mind immediately fights back against it with "what's even the point" and "this is a waste of time" and "here we fuckin' go again with this useless shit" stop... just stop immediately and rewire your thinking completely.

Talk back at yourself and demand your mind to think otherwise, seriously psyche yourself up to make it stop acting like a whiny bitch because if you didn't have the ability to direct energy and manifest it, you literally would not be able to think right now. Literally nothing would be going on in your head, it would be as silent as the vacuum of space. All of our thoughts, all of our visualizations have to do with the astral and our astral body, our physical brain cannot do these things, if you can make yourself think certain things, if you can make yourself visualize certain visuals, you are directing energy.

And if you can do that, then you work it towards bigger things to then empower them so that they then manifest on the physical plane.
Ghost in the Machine said:
You seem like one of those 'inside outsiders' where you don't seem to go too much into the spirituality of things and what we stand for but you still have faith in what we do and such but in a 'normie' viewpoint. Still part of it but not part of it.

So long as you're loyal to Satan and the truth then to each his own I guess but I'd think it strange to want to waste so many years waiting for our gods to arrive and prove everything, etc.

I don't mind wasting years not like I do anything really just SS;DD(Same shit; different day).

Pretty much since as far as I can remember it's the same things over and over. If I have to wait 20 years that's fine, got nothing better to do. That's *IF* I have to waste 20 years I would not be surprised in any way if 20 years pass and nothing shows up. Sometimes I wonder if we are just xtianistic people waiting on a miracle when we should be working on the miracle rather than wasting time and effort on above things.

Also either way even though really in the last two-three years have I've gotten more serious. Well 'more' serious but I guess not hardcore enough. Meditation has never worked for me or magick or anything really. It's just a mental curiosity.

Like for example you'd expect someone who is dedicated like myself for the past 17 years to be really advanced but funny enough others have posted dedicated 2002-2003-2004 etc.etc. and same thing nothing happened. Frankly as much as I love meditation it really doesn't love me back in any way shape or form. I know it takes time but what is the fucking point of meditation.

They return to the JoS but I doubt even returning and re-doing everything from the ground up does it work. To me the occult is just merely mental curiosity it's like interesting well hope it works, if it works for others. Doesn't work for me who cares keep going. But funny enough I think if I were to spend all the time I have I'd probably accomplish something not that I know what to do but since everything is physical might as well get it physically.

If spirituality the above, helps acquiring stuff great hope it works for people. But for me I just do it myself. It's like what is the point of magick and changing reality or doing something magical if you can just go ahead and get it.

Like for example say I want some exercise equipment. Why bother even doing magick and visualizing myself or whatever it is when I can just hop online or go to a mall and buy exercise equipment.

I guess some of you might state I have a saturnian approach to life and I guess yeah I do.

Merely if spiritually works to turbocharge and or supercharge then what is the point. Why do I need to waste hours and days and weeks just to acquire something. Magically through some ritual dates or something just to get it. If I think it get it why bother doing anything but having the eye on the prize.

I guess it's the old battle of the lazy vs industrious. Like this reddit troll state "We are just a bunch of losers who think we are winners but are actually losers"[paraphrasing]. I mean I've always been a loser who does nothing so what has magick and spirituality done.

It's just mental thoughts, say I spin a chakra okay I spin it doesn't spin fast spins slows the visualization is poor. Okay move on I guess it doesn't work or it works or I just did something to waste time.

It's why I don't mind waiting 20 years if such events occur for the Gods to return. If they come cool I finally proved it if not I guess life is just a worthless piece of shit en-devour I wasted time and effort. I guess life just sucks it's meant to be a waste of time.

I really don't know what is so special about being alive or doing things or whatever it is. I usually don't go out cause I got better things to do like spend my time thinking or processing. It's just mental curiosities like for example why do people waste their time vacationing when they can just see pictures of vacation sites and that is it. Most people who go on vacation just spend their time worrying about making their next pay check or waiting to return home to business or just normal stupid human worthless shit that has no meaning and importance. Plus on top of that what is the fucking point of leaving your house or area of city and going somewhere else like what comforts do you gain if anything you lose your homes properties. Like what if the water is broken or there is no heat or like I said why even bother with the vacation in the first place time, money, effort all worthless stuff just to find a few hours of a day of peace even though there is nothing peaceful about it.

Anyways gonna end it here as I'm ranting and going offtopic but I don't mind waiting. Like I said *IF* it's real.

"I am at the center of everything that happens to me" This more than sums up the reality I've experienced thus far as a SS, and not in a specifically good or bad way. Something A LOT of people forget about Spiritual Satanism is that you are responsible for what you do, how much you advance, and what fruit your labor will yield. Consitency pays off a lot more than (for lack of a better term) effort.

As cliche as it sounds and is often repeated; Do aura cleaning, void meditation, yoga, the Final RTR + Returning Curses Parts 1 & 2, and then build from there. As to measuring progress, journaling daily is a great way to keep track of how far you've come, or you could even look back on where you were at a certain point in time and see how far you've come.

Spiritual Satanism isn't easy, it is literally a lifestyle. For example my case: I wake up at 4 A.M. shower, do yoga, The Final RTR, vibrate RAUM x111 with an affirmation, and then do the returning curses parts 1 and 2 before I even have breakfast on most days. And when I have time I do other meditations. I don't constantly think about being a SS, I AM a SS. And I have a duties to fulfill, to Satan, Myself, and Humanity as a whole.

Something I do want to help you with though, before I leave you at that last bit. Everything vibrates, and everything is vibration. Through vibrating words of power, the runes, and reverse Hebrew (the Final RTR) we are shaping the physical world in a perceptable way. It's almost unreal to those who are without, that words and sounds can have such power and ability. It takes a truly special person to find this out on their own, as reality is more than just the physical, and sometimes there is a pattern to the screaming.
Personal Growth said:
Everything is energy and all is vibration. And similar vibrations resonate together. Attracting like.

There must be something more to the physical reality because how do people sense things. Like you think of someone and then they suddenly bump into you. Or your gut tells/ warns you of certain things. Like the sudden apprehension when approaching a green traffic light only to slow and see an idiot driver fly through his red light just in front of you. And the psychic was mentioned communicating with the spirit/ astral realm.

There is much more to our reality than meets the eye.

The most obvious one is when you get a feeling and turn to see someone looking straight at you, or when you're looking at someone from across the street from a behind position or from a window and they just look right back at you: "nah just a coincidence everytime bro, even though yeah, that does happen quite a lot"
*if you think about something intensely as you look at someone, the above will happen 9 times out of 10 and they will probably give you an expressive look as well even if you keep your face stonewalled.*

Then when you come here, meditate a bit and people in your life try to shit on you, you stewing about them a bit is all it takes for them to have complications and then they don't really bother you anymore. Idiots who dedicate and do this sometimes think its just some sort of coincidence. That's how one way you can spot someone who needs to deprogram from xianity if they think that stuff happening is just their luck all of a sudden showing itself and not the clear fact that Satan has just improved their existence.

"Nah psychic stuff isn't real" meanwhile in the same conversation the guy is using his hands to illustrate the things he's thinking about in the conversation as he's speaking to you, and you get more from that body language than what he's actually saying because he might not be too clever as has been suggested XD. People communicate telepathically with one another all the time in conversations. In a situation which a sociologist or someone would describe as these two people talking have "no rapport" a deeper factor for it is the idea that neither of them are visualising, illustrating or portraying the things they wish to speak to eachother with their mind, or their hands, lol. Hence why you'd see these people and they're arms would be folded, legs uninterested and not moving as they speak to one another. They say its closed body language, really body language is just the physical expression of what's going on between the Mind's of the two individuals talking. In this case, mutual aversion or disinterest towards eachother.
When people use expressive body language but this psychic rapport is still not being made, that's where we see people getting called out for being phony, fake and so on. Pretending that they have a connection with their audience, co-worker or whatever. This is like the pasty faced xians who pretend they're your friend but you know its a sham because it's obvious as fuck in how they feel, aside of their act.

On a closing note, if you think about how the Conquistadors managed to subjugate the Aztec Empire and have those people working for them BUT the Conquistadors could in no way shape or form have understood or had the education to understand the Aztec language; this is then a clear historical example which could be cited as proof for visualisation of ideas being a big component of communication. Not language, communication.
People communicate through expression, the Conquistadors expressed a superiority over the Aztecs which was through technology and such feats as battles where it was 12 Conquistadors against a couple thousand Aztec warriors where all 12 survived and then the rest of the Aztec warriors joined them from this. They communicated through expression. The underside of what was going on as these battles were occurring was a psychic expression, an image of power and forced progression which was conveyed to the Aztecs and they understood what it meant by its force. This psychic imagery and relation has always been much stronger and transformative than language, but language is what helps us understand the details of these changes, not the whole idea.
Ghost in the Machine said:
One reason why new members who start on meditation and working towards spiritual power struggle to believe that they're actually doing something 'supernatural' just by directing their attention and focus, is because they lack of the understanding and knowledge of just how our universe actually works.

The enemy for thousands of years has worked tirelessly to destroy any all knowledge they could to the existence of what modern humans call 'Magic'. They had shut out humanity's whole connection to the astral plane to become primarily physical beings and for all the majority of humans know, 'Magic' doesn't exist.

'Magic' most certainly exists, and it is actually a scientific basis to our whole reality and can even be scientifically explained, but because of the enemy on our planet having debilitatingly hindered scientific advancement, not to mention shutting out and destroying any and all rogue scientists from gaining popularity and coming to the mass public in any such findings, scientists are entirely ignorant and blind to it.

Magic is a word people often apply to things of extreme fantasy like shapeshifting their physical body into animals, conjuring physical glittery streams of 'magic mist' from their hands, raising corpses from graveyards to fight by their side and spontaneously sprouting physical wings out of their back or summoning magic physical armour upon their body out of nothing. I'm going to clarify right now, you're not going to be able to do these things.

Real magic is working with the Astral Plane to manipulate and perform so-called miracles and 'supernatural' feats upon the Physical Plane by adhering to the laws of nature to these realms. No you can't shapeshift into a wolf, but you can with time, power and advancement be able to change your genetic code to get rid of genetic diseases, change your hair/eye colour, cure things like aids, etc.

And no you can't raise corpses from the graveyard to start a zombie army, but you can with time, self-control and advancement upon your psychic centres be able to see and speak with spirits on the astral. And no you can't physically teleport from location to location, but you can do this astrally via astral projection and soul-splitting. Entire planets can be visited and seen on the astral as if you were physically on them, granted one has the appropriate control, discipline and spiritual advancements to truly see these physical things through their astral eyes and form without being tricked by mental imagery of their own subconscious.

The common mistake ambitious meditators make though in knowing the existence of these abilities, is they get too excited and expect to be able to do all of these things in a single year to perfection. Unfortunately because of the enemy having atrophied our spiritual power, understanding and abilities, it could take you a few years to even completely grasp and control just the basics, but once you become completely skilled in the basics, spiritual advancement becomes unbelievably more easier. Like the saying, the rich get richer, the powerful get more powerful.

Some people in past lives retained some of their spiritual power or practiced magic or are naturally good at something already in regards to spirituality; They're still atrophied like everyone else, but they may advance in certain areas a bit faster than others. So when they reincarnate into this life they might find certain things more easier. Mediums, people who see and speak with spirits, are an example of people who still retain good psychic abilities with clairaudience and clairvoyance as well as intuition.

Having natural abilities however does not make one 'advanced' in the same way that only knowing how to answer one math problem doesn't make one good at math as a whole. Spiritual advancement equates to the whole entire soul, every area and rising to a higher state of being, and this can take a decade or more depending on the individual to just get the whole entire foundation of this of which is then worked on further for the Magnum Opus to godhood.

Now, enough about advancement and abilities, let's get back to the subject of magic. So just how does focusing on something with our mind and visualizing things, etc, etc suddenly mean you're doing 'supernatural' things even if you don't see or feel anything yet? Well let's start with the two planes of our universe.

Our universe is built upon two separate realms that work together and mirror one another. The Astral Plane and The Physical Plane. Because of the enemy we are primarily aware of the physical realm and could practically be considered masters at residing on it, but it's the astral plane that is important. Why? Because the astral plane is the higher plane of our universe where everything happens first, including our very existence.

The universe is founded by the astral realm first by what is known as the aether. The aether, or ether/quintessence, is one of the 5 elements we know, the other 4 being fire, water, earth and air. Aether is actually the founding element of the entire universe as the first perfected construct, and from this construct was born everything else that came to be, including the physical realm of which is the entire manifestation of the lower polarity of The Aether, the higher polarity came born the astral realm of all other energies.

Aether is the element that rules the entire astral plane and everything on it, including our very souls. It is an omnipotent material and with sentience we use it as a source material of our soul via our mind and willpower to direct all other energies on the astral that were born from it. This is where the power of our mind comes from in directing energy, the aether is the founding material of all spiritual energies, and as the founding material of all spiritual energies, we can use it to direct and control these very energies through it.

The aether is the powerhouse of control because it is willpower, this is precisely what willpower is, the directing of our minds, this control we have in directing our thoughts is literally the aether of which we, like everything else, is built from. We are of the aether, the omnipotent material, so we can learn to control and direct all energies born of it through this very source of our existence. It is the founder of all that exists, so of course it can exact control over all it created, because all it created is everything that it is.

This is the power of our minds, this is why magic is real and this is why we exact it through mental imagery, visualization and our thoughts as all of these reside on the astral plane and are the directing of energy via the source material of our being which is the aether. For some more tidbit details and information regarding this you can read my thread "Void Meditation - What Exactly It Is and How It Works, Explained" and read through all of my responses on a thread regarding dreams.

The ultimate key to power is in the mind.

I probably have read in somewhere that Aether contains all other 4 elemets, that's why it regulates them when Aether is invoked and all the other elements are essentially made of Aether. How true is this? And does that mean if I invoke aether, i will be also invoking other 4 elements?

Thanks in advance.
Gear88 said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
You seem like one of those 'inside outsiders' where you don't seem to go too much into the spirituality of things and what we stand for but you still have faith in what we do and such but in a 'normie' viewpoint. Still part of it but not part of it.

So long as you're loyal to Satan and the truth then to each his own I guess but I'd think it strange to want to waste so many years waiting for our gods to arrive and prove everything, etc.

I don't mind wasting years not like I do anything really just SS;DD(Same shit; different day).

Pretty much since as far as I can remember it's the same things over and over. If I have to wait 20 years that's fine, got nothing better to do. That's *IF* I have to waste 20 years I would not be surprised in any way if 20 years pass and nothing shows up. Sometimes I wonder if we are just xtianistic people waiting on a miracle when we should be working on the miracle rather than wasting time and effort on above things.

Also either way even though really in the last two-three years have I've gotten more serious. Well 'more' serious but I guess not hardcore enough. Meditation has never worked for me or magick or anything really. It's just a mental curiosity.

Like for example you'd expect someone who is dedicated like myself for the past 17 years to be really advanced but funny enough others have posted dedicated 2002-2003-2004 etc.etc. and same thing nothing happened. Frankly as much as I love meditation it really doesn't love me back in any way shape or form. I know it takes time but what is the fucking point of meditation.

They return to the JoS but I doubt even returning and re-doing everything from the ground up does it work. To me the occult is just merely mental curiosity it's like interesting well hope it works, if it works for others. Doesn't work for me who cares keep going. But funny enough I think if I were to spend all the time I have I'd probably accomplish something not that I know what to do but since everything is physical might as well get it physically.

If spirituality the above, helps acquiring stuff great hope it works for people. But for me I just do it myself. It's like what is the point of magick and changing reality or doing something magical if you can just go ahead and get it.

Like for example say I want some exercise equipment. Why bother even doing magick and visualizing myself or whatever it is when I can just hop online or go to a mall and buy exercise equipment.

I guess some of you might state I have a saturnian approach to life and I guess yeah I do.

Merely if spiritually works to turbocharge and or supercharge then what is the point. Why do I need to waste hours and days and weeks just to acquire something. Magically through some ritual dates or something just to get it. If I think it get it why bother doing anything but having the eye on the prize.

I guess it's the old battle of the lazy vs industrious. Like this reddit troll state "We are just a bunch of losers who think we are winners but are actually losers"[paraphrasing]. I mean I've always been a loser who does nothing so what has magick and spirituality done.

It's just mental thoughts, say I spin a chakra okay I spin it doesn't spin fast spins slows the visualization is poor. Okay move on I guess it doesn't work or it works or I just did something to waste time.

It's why I don't mind waiting 20 years if such events occur for the Gods to return. If they come cool I finally proved it if not I guess life is just a worthless piece of shit en-devour I wasted time and effort. I guess life just sucks it's meant to be a waste of time.

I really don't know what is so special about being alive or doing things or whatever it is. I usually don't go out cause I got better things to do like spend my time thinking or processing. It's just mental curiosities like for example why do people waste their time vacationing when they can just see pictures of vacation sites and that is it. Most people who go on vacation just spend their time worrying about making their next pay check or waiting to return home to business or just normal stupid human worthless shit that has no meaning and importance. Plus on top of that what is the fucking point of leaving your house or area of city and going somewhere else like what comforts do you gain if anything you lose your homes properties. Like what if the water is broken or there is no heat or like I said why even bother with the vacation in the first place time, money, effort all worthless stuff just to find a few hours of a day of peace even though there is nothing peaceful about it.

Anyways gonna end it here as I'm ranting and going offtopic but I don't mind waiting. Like I said *IF* it's real.

Most people who go on vacation just spend their time worrying about making their next pay check or waiting to return home to business or just normal stupid human worthless shit that has no meaning and importance. because they dont void and hence dont enjoy the moment. You can have loads of fun in a shower with the right temperature, dance around, slide in water, anything you like. Void and powers of your soul can make even the most boring, tedious tasks to appear delightful .

Plus on top of that what is the fucking point of leaving your house or area of city and going somewhere else like what comforts do you gain if anything you lose your homes properties. Like what if the water is broken or there is no heat or like I said why even bother with the vacation in the first place time, money, effort all worthless stuff just to find a few hours of a day of peace even though there is nothing peaceful about it.. Define peace.
Define freedom.
Peace is just not to be disturbed when you want to do something , basically an environment that is pleasant and allows you to focus. Peace can again be internal or completely based on surroundings. The point of meditation is to attain peace or atleast make decisions in a way that an extremely unpleasant situation is atleast bearable. there are people in war zones , laughing ( if you can picture it , again how you envision things and how envision things is different - this is freedom ). Freedom of mind to see things differently, to have experiences unique to you. The enemy programs spread depression as cool and stuff . Throwing everyone under the bus to find discomfort in even the most pleasant circumstances. Eg- Have you seen people with tons of money abusing , slandering , beating up their kids? look at the people caught up in enemy programs . So much money but still a slave to feel a certain way . The way their master wants.
You and me on the other hand can control our minds, our responses, and with practice maybe our immediate surroundings.
What is power truly? does power ensure peace? does power ensure freedom?
Here is the definition of power according to jewgle- the ability or capacity to do something or act in a particular way. What do meditations ensure for you ? That you grow, have greater control over your thoughts, emotions, etc It should actually be viewed as an awesome thing that you can just speak some words, do some stretches, not think anything for a couple of minutes? What does it get you? the ability to think.

I really don't know what is so special about being alive or doing things or whatever it is. I usually don't go out cause I got better things to do like spend my time thinking or processing. It's just mental curiosities .
again is it a form of depression or genuine curiosity to know things.
If it is the second one . Answer the following questions-
1. have these questions been answered before?(not just on the forum but anywhere that can show you a way on how you are supposed to proceed about thinking something_ eg. 2+2=? has this question been answered before . What is this related to ? (ans - maths), what does it require me to learn it maths ( ans - addition ), understand what addition means and everything in it. And then ask questions like can this way of solving things be correct or is their an alternative ? ( again this way just an example).
2. Am i thinking the same questions again and again ? Have I answered them on my own? What relevance to they have for me ? If they are relevant what is the value of the question in present time. Eg. Waiting for the gods to come back in 20 years. ( again future is not set in stone, this can itself answer your question). So what is the point obsessing over this?
3.Are these questions bothering me to the point I cant think of anything else and cant go about my daily tasks. If this is the case, then you are most likely wasting time. If you were to raise energy, do the RTR, void and still get the same thoughts, believe me your judgement will be 100 times better.

I don't mind wasting years not like I do anything really just SS;DD(Same shit; different day).

what is your same shit different day? what do you want to be doing instead? Do you like other people wanna go out , get beers, fuck everything that moves? or yo it since you are a SS? is being an SS the only thing stopping you from doing these things? Also if you are meditating, following the 8 fold - how exactly are you wasting it ? OR if you arent growing yourself and had been doing before this can also be due to depression caused by low energy all of a sudden )

Pretty much since as far as I can remember it's the same things over and over. If I have to wait 20 years that's fine, got nothing better to do.
okay , now i havent been dedicated as long as you have ( maybe because I was born when the Jos was started xD)- but dont YOU SEE IT? all your efforts throughout the years brought the time down from 100+ years to around 20 years( doesnt matter it was not the RTRs regularly but any form of activism against the jews) dont feel disappointed now that your efforts have brought your till this point. ( all every other SS too).
Why dont you have anything better to do? one your are down with your self imposed quotas- go enjoy( jump, ski, or just cycle around your block till your legs feel like they are breaking, get the addrenaline rush.It is not just the spiritual aspect you have to care for but also the physical self. Play with some dogs, animals, visit a zoo. There are literally so many things to do. Or if its because of the lockdown - run as fast as you can back and forth-- push ups , indulge in food , enjoy. I havent left my house in 2+ months because of the lockdown, you have to find a way to keep yourself happy.

That's *IF* I have to waste 20 years I would not be surprised in any way if 20 years pass and nothing shows up. Sometimes I wonder if we are just xtianistic people waiting on a miracle when we should be working on the miracle rather than wasting time and effort on above things. this is not something I would like to hear from someone who has been dedicated for so many years.
Sometimes I wonder if we are just xtianistic people waiting on a miracle when we should be working on the miracle rather than wasting time and effort on above things. Nope we are not. We make the miracle happen everyday , with our efforts. Everyone. Look at my old posts, look at your old posts, look at ghost's old posts- haven't we all advanced even a bit? Now if you would be waiting on a miracle - why would you get attacked? Attacks happen to everyone like all the fucking time especially when we write posts to help our people here .You would read and try to implement things to better your life ( if not from mine then anyone else on the forum ) so how is it a miracle. If your family is stuck on the other side of the river, you build a bridge no matter what the conditions are - crocodiles, weather conditions etc.in a hope of meeting your family who have been teaching you how to make the bridge , so that you dont die out on your side without knowledge , without anything to save your ass. They show you, what you are doing is enough and its not something to worry about -so do you relax and quit or work with 20-30 percent the effort or you feel happy knowing there is a small possiblity the bridge can complete? this is the bridge you have been making from last so many years? why feel disappointed now?

Also either way even though really in the last two-three years have I've gotten more serious
. Well 'more' serious but I guess not hardcore enough. Meditation has never worked for me or magick or anything really. It's just a mental curiosity.

Last 2-3 years? even the basic 40 day meditation if practised for a year can "throw" you on a level where feeling energy will be extremely simple for you. Also meditations are a continuation of the past day( something of this sort from the JoS website). How can you expect to be on and off and experience magick or powers of the mind? Just compare it with physical exercise- when you exercise heavily your body needs more , so you eat more, what happens when you quit abruptly? you gain weight or if you just keep eating and develop a fondness for food you can end up being 300lbs and diseases ( as opposed to gaining good physical health). Now maybe you meditated a lot and read the jos ( not knowing your vril though not noticeable has increased) you start understanding things, what happens when you quit ? you vril starts falling.( what is vril? YOUR LIFE FORCE) how do you expect to have the same understanding of things with a lower life force than what you previously read it with, let alone truly realising what it means , its applications and developing something new out of it?

Like for example you'd expect someone who is dedicated like myself for the past 17 years to be really advanced but funny enough others have posted dedicated 2002-2003-2004 etc.etc. and same thing nothing happened. Frankly as much as I love meditation it really doesn't love me back in any way shape or form. I know it takes time but what is the fucking point of meditation. This again can be explained with what a HP posted- what is the meaning of being dedicated? doing something day in and day out. Why the term spiritual satanists? because we are serious about meditating. How can you not follow something day in and day out and be dedicated to it? let alone expect results.

I know it takes time but what is the fucking point of meditation. Greater control over your mind , thoughts, behaviors, ability to recognize where you fuck up and actually think about making a change, end to spiritual enslavement( everything is this world is spiritual - from one of the posts, do you read these posts and just rote learn it and keep repeating it day after day or do you go out searching what can be spiritual, what is ours, what is of the enemy( not talking about the big ass mosques but the little texts, stories, fucking traffic lights, go around the world on youtube to see videos from all over the world- take joy in what is our and being proud you found it on your own /or/ feeling anger or sadness when seeing something in these videos that isnt ours till the point to end up doing RTRs or start developing yourself? If this is not the case then are you really dedicated or performed the ritual 16,17 years back? You can end up being a person who is really clever and everyone comes to for advice as you think so much and for your experience .

They return to the JoS but I doubt even returning and re-doing everything from the ground up does it work. To me the occult is just merely mental curiosity it's like interesting well hope it works, if it works for others. Doesn't work for me who cares keep going. But funny enough I think if I were to spend all the time I have I'd probably accomplish something not that I know what to do but since everything is physical might as well get it physically.

If spirituality the above, helps acquiring stuff great hope it works for people. But for me I just do it myself. It's like what is the point of magick and changing reality or doing something magical if you can just go ahead and get it.

Like for example say I want some exercise equipment. Why bother even doing magick and visualizing myself or whatever it is when I can just hop online or go to a mall and buy exercise equipment.

I guess some of you might state I have a saturnian approach to life and I guess yeah I do.

Merely if spiritually works to turbocharge and or supercharge then what is the point. Why do I need to waste hours and days and weeks just to acquire something. Magically through some ritual dates or something just to get it. If I think it get it why bother doing anything but having the eye on the prize.

AGAIN EVERYTHING IS SPIRITUAL. Read the basic description of the enemy. They were/ are fragile. How do you think they conquered whites, blacks, orientals? with just physical is impossible no matter the number. I have been attacked non stop by gangs of these cunts- What keeps me alive and wanting to grow everyday? Opportunity and love for our people . Thinking if I slack one day- how would I look at myself and feel proud? What about others who are dedicated but are running out of groceries? am i not answerable to them. Stay strong. DISCIPLINE. FOCUS. DEDICATION and you will realise EVERYTHING ON THIS EARTH IS SPIRITUAL, there is reason people like stormblood call it a prison planet. If you want to learn and keep thinking , how is it you never realised the "'same 17"" years of your life was a prison because you refused( forgot ?) to mediate daily, fight daily, grow daily.

I guess it's the old battle of the lazy vs industrious. Like this reddit troll state "We are just a bunch of losers who think we are winners but are actually losers"[paraphrasing]. I mean I've always been a loser who does nothing so what has magick and spirituality done.

It's just mental thoughts, say I spin a chakra okay I spin it doesn't spin fast spins slows the visualization is poor. Okay move on I guess it doesn't work or it works or I just did something to waste time.

It's why I don't mind waiting 20 years if such events occur for the Gods to return. If they come cool I finally proved it if not I guess life is just a worthless piece of shit en-devour I wasted time and effort. I guess life just sucks it's meant to be a waste of time.

have you seen the life of the reddit troll? what do you know about him? is he a person with no knowledge about the occult or just a spoon fed little bitch who was taught to say certain things to protect himself when he was hurt because nobody understood him or that he had to think for himself for the first time in his life? or was he a spoilt little kid with loads of money that he doesnt feel like respecting anyone as he is more priviledged or is he just a low life who feeds off by reactions of people by insulting them for a reaction because maybe he had nobody to talk to and his/her lame personality cannot hold a conversation so he starts insulting people so that there is someone to feed his time no matter if its people abusing him or making fun on him simply because its online.

Think about what affected you all these years to not be consistent. Are these situations still the same? Can you mediate now ? can you do the RTR now? If yes then do it. And EVERYDAY with PATIENCE and expect no results but trust fully in the Gods and proceed again . Dont let the dedicated for a long time not make you go back to the most basic routines or meditations.


Ghost in the Machine said:
One reason why new members who start on meditation and working towards spiritual power struggle to believe that they're actually doing something 'supernatural' just by directing their attention and focus, is because they lack of the understanding and knowledge of just how our universe actually works.

The enemy for thousands of years has worked tirelessly to destroy any all knowledge they could to the existence of what modern humans call 'Magic'. They had shut out humanity's whole connection to the astral plane to become primarily physical beings and for all the majority of humans know, 'Magic' doesn't exist.

'Magic' most certainly exists, and it is actually a scientific basis to our whole reality and can even be scientifically explained, but because of the enemy on our planet having debilitatingly hindered scientific advancement, not to mention shutting out and destroying any and all rogue scientists from gaining popularity and coming to the mass public in any such findings, scientists are entirely ignorant and blind to it.

Magic is a word people often apply to things of extreme fantasy like shapeshifting their physical body into animals, conjuring physical glittery streams of 'magic mist' from their hands, raising corpses from graveyards to fight by their side and spontaneously sprouting physical wings out of their back or summoning magic physical armour upon their body out of nothing. I'm going to clarify right now, you're not going to be able to do these things.

Real magic is working with the Astral Plane to manipulate and perform so-called miracles and 'supernatural' feats upon the Physical Plane by adhering to the laws of nature to these realms. No you can't shapeshift into a wolf, but you can with time, power and advancement be able to change your genetic code to get rid of genetic diseases, change your hair/eye colour, cure things like aids, etc.

And no you can't raise corpses from the graveyard to start a zombie army, but you can with time, self-control and advancement upon your psychic centres be able to see and speak with spirits on the astral. And no you can't physically teleport from location to location, but you can do this astrally via astral projection and soul-splitting. Entire planets can be visited and seen on the astral as if you were physically on them, granted one has the appropriate control, discipline and spiritual advancements to truly see these physical things through their astral eyes and form without being tricked by mental imagery of their own subconscious.

The common mistake ambitious meditators make though in knowing the existence of these abilities, is they get too excited and expect to be able to do all of these things in a single year to perfection. Unfortunately because of the enemy having atrophied our spiritual power, understanding and abilities, it could take you a few years to even completely grasp and control just the basics, but once you become completely skilled in the basics, spiritual advancement becomes unbelievably more easier. Like the saying, the rich get richer, the powerful get more powerful.

Some people in past lives retained some of their spiritual power or practiced magic or are naturally good at something already in regards to spirituality; They're still atrophied like everyone else, but they may advance in certain areas a bit faster than others. So when they reincarnate into this life they might find certain things more easier. Mediums, people who see and speak with spirits, are an example of people who still retain good psychic abilities with clairaudience and clairvoyance as well as intuition.

Having natural abilities however does not make one 'advanced' in the same way that only knowing how to answer one math problem doesn't make one good at math as a whole. Spiritual advancement equates to the whole entire soul, every area and rising to a higher state of being, and this can take a decade or more depending on the individual to just get the whole entire foundation of this of which is then worked on further for the Magnum Opus to godhood.

Now, enough about advancement and abilities, let's get back to the subject of magic. So just how does focusing on something with our mind and visualizing things, etc, etc suddenly mean you're doing 'supernatural' things even if you don't see or feel anything yet? Well let's start with the two planes of our universe.

Our universe is built upon two separate realms that work together and mirror one another. The Astral Plane and The Physical Plane. Because of the enemy we are primarily aware of the physical realm and could practically be considered masters at residing on it, but it's the astral plane that is important. Why? Because the astral plane is the higher plane of our universe where everything happens first, including our very existence.

The universe is founded by the astral realm first by what is known as the aether. The aether, or ether/quintessence, is one of the 5 elements we know, the other 4 being fire, water, earth and air. Aether is actually the founding element of the entire universe as the first perfected construct, and from this construct was born everything else that came to be, including the physical realm of which is the entire manifestation of the lower polarity of The Aether, the higher polarity came born the astral realm of all other energies.

Aether is the element that rules the entire astral plane and everything on it, including our very souls. It is an omnipotent material and with sentience we use it as a source material of our soul via our mind and willpower to direct all other energies on the astral that were born from it. This is where the power of our mind comes from in directing energy, the aether is the founding material of all spiritual energies, and as the founding material of all spiritual energies, we can use it to direct and control these very energies through it.

The aether is the powerhouse of control because it is willpower, this is precisely what willpower is, the directing of our minds, this control we have in directing our thoughts is literally the aether of which we, like everything else, is built from. We are of the aether, the omnipotent material, so we can learn to control and direct all energies born of it through this very source of our existence. It is the founder of all that exists, so of course it can exact control over all it created, because all it created is everything that it is.

This is the power of our minds, this is why magic is real and this is why we exact it through mental imagery, visualization and our thoughts as all of these reside on the astral plane and are the directing of energy via the source material of our being which is the aether. For some more tidbit details and information regarding this you can read my thread "Void Meditation - What Exactly It Is and How It Works, Explained" and read through all of my responses on a thread regarding dreams.

The ultimate key to power is in the mind.

I agree with most of this but I do t agree that you say we can’t do telepathy from a mile away everybody different but we are the same

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
