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Doubts about moral, sexuality and Spiritual Satanism.


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2018
Interracial relationships are really bad no matter what. You can tell that on the energy level and the fact it won't last you are too different can't connect etc not only just what the God's say. You should listen to the God's though they are way more wise than any of us. So far as fetishes my understanding is as long as it's adults consenting I will probably get slack for this sigh but no fetishes are that wrong depending on the intention and vibration of the thoughts going into it. Be careful here things like debasing people or yourself or being a slave are wrong and just feed into the enemy. Anything that gives a negative or low vibration feeling or bad is not great. It's a corruption. Not specific fetishes. I think though when it gets to things like rape etc this is bad no matter what. I think you have to watch the intent not the specific fetishes more so to be honest. The goal is to be free and not have hang ups. There are some things that are murky but meditate and advance you will probably realize the truth about it.

It's best for you to expand your mind and advance with meditation then you will know yourself no one will have to tell you and in this case you won't won't want to do things that are not great if you feel it anyways :roll:
lealok said:
"I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely."
What is oppositional to Satan? Simply put, it's the jew, and all degeneracy that the jew advocates for. Degeneracy such as race mixing, incest, sexualization of, and sex with children, etc. etc.. The jew also is inherently anti Satan because the jew is anti truth. Of course those three things are the extreme examples, but the jew is pushing for the normalization of them. Even the smaller fetishes are results of programming and or a blocked, dirty sacral chakra, or a problem from a past life.
lealok said:
Race mixing is inherently bad and harmful. Engaging in race mixing means betraying your own race. It means going against what Satan himself intended.
Race mixing is against nature, and the adverts you see are the marketing campaign by the jews to further bastardize the races and aid in the elimination of the white race.

That feeling you get when you notice this campaign and very blatant plan, about how something must be done and you don't know how to react - use the final RTR. Your feelings of not wanting to sit peacefully by - you can use as fuel to propel your intentions in the final RTR to rid the world of this nonsense, to peel back the veil on people's minds, etc. The final RTR is the safest, and most potent, way to channel these energies at current. You could also participate in online warfare countering these adverts, be sure to use VPN and stay anonymous.

Spiritual Satanism is about complete freedom to be yourself. In the beginning it can be overwhelming as you're not given such freedoms before coming to Satan. You have to go through all your current morals, values, understandings, etc and decipher which are really yours and which you can disregard as they were never yours to begin with. The path to self knowledge and discovery is daunting at times, often confusing, but as long as you press on and keep thinking for yourself you'll find what it is that makes sense to you. And remember, any morals and values you have now will most likely change again and again as you learn more and come into yourself. It's normal. Don't worry about whether what you're thinking now is "right" or "wrong", as whether something is right/wrong has been given far too much importance and stressed with hundreds of years of Xian indoctrin.

When it comes to sexual fetishes, that is up to the consenting adults involved. What's important is that it's YOUR business, not ours. If you're wondering if what you're into is okay by other's standards, how about asking if it's alright by YOUR standards? If you like any of those obscure fetishes, like it and let it be! Stop feeling guilty and wondering if what you're doing is wrong! You're not going to be persecuted and tortured for liking weird shit. Accept yourself and move on.

If you're looking for opinions on this in general, this topic has been brought up several times on these forums. Use the search function and you'll have your curiosity satisfied.
lealok said:
I don't like any of the fetishes I mentioned.
I do not agree with you.

The part of my post you quoted was not specifically targeted at you but for anyone reading it who it applied to.

But again, Spiritual Satanism is about personal freedom. The world as it is, we're all from different places, raised with different morals. I get what you're saying and I agree. But what I was specifically talking of was sexual freedoms, of which I believe is quite different than an in general morality topic.

If what you really wanted to talk about was how morals of today influences our children and how the incel mentality is developed, you could have said so. But in your initial post you stressed your confusion on sexuality, to which I gave my opinion on sexuality, given present day influence and how people coming to Satanism probably hold on to any of these fetishes, to which it's none of my business. And it shouldn't be something one worries over what the Gods think of either.

Also when you mentioned needing to do something since you're going to put white children into the world, along with the RTR, consider metapolitics. That should satisfy your need to influence the future's morals and principles. Lead by example, so to say.

Posts you may find to be a good read on the topics at hand:


Take Responsibility:

Introducing a Child to Satanism:

On Porn:

MGTOW is Toxic:

Gender Sexuality:

Feel free to use the search function as there are many similar posts like yours in the past that could have the answers you seek. :^)
I definitely disagree that these obscure fetishes are ok, this is pure sjw filth. It's just following the same boring formula of libertarianism, "if they're not hurting anybody then it's ok." or "it's none of your business, or the governments business.". This is a slippery slope of degeneracy and this is self evident in the left in america. I find it funny how I've seen an argument get brought up before, that just because homosexuality and bisexuality is ok, that somehow validates all fetishes that don't immediately harm the people involved, as if these sexualities are purely just fetishes. These fetishes stem from a land of degeneracy, in a non Jewish white world these fetishes would not exist.
Set is the Patron God of BDSM. As long as everyone involved are consenting adults of the same race and are unharmed, not involving any excrements, we do not condemn ANY sexual fetish/fantasy.

Malkom2 said:
I definitely disagree that these obscure fetishes are ok, this is pure sjw filth. It's just following the same boring formula of libertarianism, "if they're not hurting anybody then it's ok." or "it's none of your business, or the governments business.". This is a slippery slope of degeneracy and this is self evident in the left in america. I find it funny how I've seen an argument get brought up before, that just because homosexuality and bisexuality is ok, that somehow validates all fetishes that don't immediately harm the people involved, as if these sexualities are purely just fetishes. These fetishes stem from a land of degeneracy, in a non Jewish white world these fetishes would not exist.
Egon said:
Set is the Patron God of BDSM. As long as everyone involved are consenting adults of the same race and are unharmed, not involving any excrements, we do not condemn ANY sexual fetish/fantasy.
I don't really care who's the Patron God of anything, to be quite blunt. You can speak for yourself, but it's my personal opinion that these things are degenerate.
Sorry but your personal bias does not matter more than the opinion of Satan and the Gods. If you don't wanna respect the position of the Gods on a matter or you wanna be the bed police then you're in the wrong religion.

Malkom2 said:
I don't really care who's the Patron God of anything, to be quite blunt. You can speak for yourself, but it's my personal opinion that these things are degenerate.
Egon said:
And as I said before I don't care. If you're only argument is "well the gods say it's ok", than you're no better than a christian.
Malkom2 said:
Nodoby here cares for your personal bed police religion. The website is called "Joy of SATAN", not "Joy of Some Psichologically Xtian Kid who shows up and wanna define what kind of sex the goyim is allowed to have."

There's no argument in... Satanism means you're following... Satan and his Demons' orders, duh.
Egon said:
I still see a lack of an actual argument. I'm not trying to police you in the bed Egon, don't worry. I won't come busting down your door to confiscate your 15 inch dildo and whips and chains. I'm just saying I think, personally, these things are degenerate, and stem from an unclean soul, or abuse from a past life.
I think people should stop bringing the Gods into their arguments, even more so when they have to misattribute them stuff coming from miscommunication and misconception. HP Maxine Dietrich is the most humble person about communication with the Gods, despite her experience that outclasses anyone here, yet some people think they can come here and preach whatever they want because they're so conceited they think their communication is flawless. Do we really need to involve the Gods into everything just to legitimise our points?
lealok said:
If I were a God or father I would be ashamed and disappointed to see my creation or children of mine with such dishonorable behaviors.

I would still find an honorless person those who like these fetishes

that's okay lealok thankfully your opinion is as useless and irrelevant as you are

I'm going to assume you are new to satanism; behaving like a xian and taking this obnoxious "holier than thou" attitude to a community of SATANISTS, people who are fed up with this disgusting and obnoxious behavior, is probably not going to work out for you. I don't bother with this other retard which is an obvious troll account, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

So let's say a Satanist who performs their daily duties consistently, and is dedicated and efficient in his contribution to the struggle happens to have a fetish that you, in your infinite knowledge and understanding, deem "dishonorable". So we should be ashamed and disappointed in this person, because they don't have sex in the way that some fucking nobody on the internet deems appropriate.
Malkom2 said:
Egon said:
I still see a lack of an actual argument. I'm not trying to police you in the bed Egon, don't worry. I won't come busting down your door to confiscate your 15 inch dildo and whips and chains. I'm just saying I think, personally, these things are degenerate, and stem from an unclean soul, or abuse from a past life.
The need to dominate and submit are elements of sexual tension which is present in every sexual interaction. What Egon is saying is not degenerate at all. Some people have needs that aren't fulfilled in their day to day lives and they choose to satiate them in their sexual lives. And that's entirely normal. This lifestyle has been around for thousands of years.

What's wrong and Jewish is that they corrupt everything to the extreme. Extreme BDSM,Disgusting BDSM,Disgusting sex,ultra violent sex etc are all Jewish corruptions and have nothing to do with actual BDSM.
Malkom2 said:
Egon said:
I still see a lack of an actual argument. I'm not trying to police you in the bed Egon, don't worry. I won't come busting down your door to confiscate your 15 inch dildo and whips and chains. I'm just saying I think, personally, these things are degenerate, and stem from an unclean soul, or abuse from a past life.
Malkom2 said:
Egon said:
I still see a lack of an actual argument. I'm not trying to police you in the bed Egon, don't worry. I won't come busting down your door to confiscate your 15 inch dildo and whips and chains. I'm just saying I think, personally, these things are degenerate, and stem from an unclean soul, or abuse from a past life.

Funny you are accusing him of lack of actual arguments, while your whole position is based on: “eww, it’s gross, I don’t like it, therefore it’s bad”.
Larissa666 said:
Malkom2 said:
Egon said:
I still see a lack of an actual argument. I'm not trying to police you in the bed Egon, don't worry. I won't come busting down your door to confiscate your 15 inch dildo and whips and chains. I'm just saying I think, personally, these things are degenerate, and stem from an unclean soul, or abuse from a past life.

Funny you are accusing him of lack of actual arguments, while your whole position is based on: “eww, it’s gross, I don’t like it, therefore it’s bad”.
Pissing in your girlfriend's mouth is pretty gross tbh. I'm a pretty good dominant and even I'm disgusted by this weird shit. I'll do whip play,role play,rope play,nipple clampers and bondage bars etc but I don't see any BDSM in pissing on someone or shitting on them. Using ultraviolence to make them bleed etc, extreme gangbangs etc these just seem downright psychotic to me. Its like a point where you've completely lost all empathy and don't see the other person as a person, is where it stops being BDSM. At that point it becomes simple psychopathic torture . Personally I believe the extremes in any field is unhealthy, engaging in behaviors being regulated by Jews .
Larissa666 said:
Malkom2 said:
Egon said:
I still see a lack of an actual argument. I'm not trying to police you in the bed Egon, don't worry. I won't come busting down your door to confiscate your 15 inch dildo and whips and chains. I'm just saying I think, personally, these things are degenerate, and stem from an unclean soul, or abuse from a past life.

Funny you are accusing him of lack of actual arguments, while your whole position is based on: “eww, it’s gross, I don’t like it, therefore it’s bad”.
Also be careful of who you support because this person just endorsed Race Mixing in his views in another topic and wished someone to kill themselves.
Jack said:
Its like a point where you've completely lost all empathy and don't see the other person as a person, is where it stops being BDSM. At that point it becomes simple psychopathic torture.
I think no one is arguin against that, I made that clear in my previous post but this dude comes with his virgin mary hungups on normal fetishes like having sex toys (like if it would insult me, dildos are ok lol) and pretend to define what a clean soul is.
Jack said:
Larissa666 said:
Malkom2 said:
I still see a lack of an actual argument. I'm not trying to police you in the bed Egon, don't worry. I won't come busting down your door to confiscate your 15 inch dildo and whips and chains. I'm just saying I think, personally, these things are degenerate, and stem from an unclean soul, or abuse from a past life.

Funny you are accusing him of lack of actual arguments, while your whole position is based on: “eww, it’s gross, I don’t like it, therefore it’s bad”.
Also be careful of who you support because this person just endorsed Race Mixing in his views in another topic and wished someone to kill themselves.

Whom? Egon?

Get out of here, I know Egon here more than I know you. Egon would never support race mixing, he probably said something that you got out of context.
I personally feel disturbed everytime I read some bullshit self opinion on a superficial subject, that cannot stand on it's own, and someone just brings some God in to try to justify whatever puny behaviour engaged in by humans.

Bringing the Gods into this strange spectrum of insecurity and using them to dishonestly win arguments one cannot support is not a good thing. It's OK to lose an argument or have an opinion but it's not OK to drag the Gods into it just to dishonestly try to win the argument.

Normal and decent things are very self revealing, such as for example you shouldn't like harm yourself until you die during a sexual encounter, or do drugs until you turn into a zombie. These are self revealed truths.

Humans have different sexuality based on their psychology, chart, and natural inclination. One may hate what another likes.

Except of life threatening things, like scat, or socially destructive things like pedophilia which destroys the youth, and other such things, yes, it's nobody's business to get into the pants of others, as this is of no concern to them or affecting the greater whole.

This is not a liberal argument on freedoms, as liberalism doesn't take nature in perspective at all, it just says "You are free because you are free" and this is not an argument based on natural logic or observation. Having personal freedom of choice isn't "Liberalism".

The freedom to destroy one's self also exists, and this is a freedom Liberalism supports, but Spiritual Satanism is in opposition to this. Equating the two is just dishonest arguing.
Jack said:
Also be careful of who you support because this person just endorsed Race Mixing in his views in another topic and wished someone to kill themselves.

Imagine being so much of a pussy that you don't have the balls to adress someone directly to argue over the internet

You are clinically retarded if you literally think I endorsed race mixing. I said in the post that it is damaging to the soul, in plain english. I think more and more that you are the type of person who drools over the keyboard when typing.

And oh no, I told an obvious troll to kill themself. My bad.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I personally feel disturbed everytime I read some bullshit self opinion on a superficial subject, that cannot stand on it's own, and someone just brings some God in to try to justify whatever puny behaviour engaged in by humans.

Bringing the Gods into this strange spectrum of insecurity and using them to dishonestly win arguments one cannot support is not a good thing. It's OK to lose an argument or have an opinion but it's not OK to drag the Gods into it just to dishonestly try to win the argument.

Normal and decent things are very self revealing, such as for example you shouldn't like harm yourself until you die during a sexual encounter, or do drugs until you turn into a zombie. These are self revealed truths.
The problem is that this thing has been said by HP Jake Carlson. This statement about the God Seth always felt weird to me, everyone here need to understand that a HP can be wrong too sometime and this is not to Attack anyone but i just think they can be decived astrally too especially if they are not that advanced.
Dahaarkan said:
Jack said:
Also be careful of who you support because this person just endorsed Race Mixing in his views in another topic and wished someone to kill themselves.

Imagine being so much of a pussy that you don't have the balls to adress someone directly to argue over the internet

You are clinically retarded if you literally think I endorsed race mixing. I said in the post that it is damaging to the soul, in plain english. I think more and more that you are the type of person who drools over the keyboard when typing.

And oh no, I told an obvious troll to kill themself. My bad.
You clearly said a few times that you support it as long as there is no child born from it. And even though it damages their soul when their doing it, you agree with them doing it if it is only harming themself. Because they deserve whatever bad effects come from their actions. So you were clear that it's a bad thing and it damages them, but you still agreed with them doing it.
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I personally feel disturbed everytime I read some bullshit self opinion on a superficial subject, that cannot stand on it's own, and someone just brings some God in to try to justify whatever puny behaviour engaged in by humans.

Bringing the Gods into this strange spectrum of insecurity and using them to dishonestly win arguments one cannot support is not a good thing. It's OK to lose an argument or have an opinion but it's not OK to drag the Gods into it just to dishonestly try to win the argument.

Normal and decent things are very self revealing, such as for example you shouldn't like harm yourself until you die during a sexual encounter, or do drugs until you turn into a zombie. These are self revealed truths.
The problem is that this thing has been said by HP Jake Carlson. This statement about the God Seth always felt weird to me, everyone here need to understand that a HP can be wrong too sometime and this is not to Attack anyone but i just think they can be decived astrally too especially if they are not that advanced.

I don't know the wrongness of the statement, nor I wrote this specifically for this. Generally, it's normal that the Gods should stay out of these things, because then they only become tools for the wrong types of debates.

The Gods are miles apart, so if the Gods have specific sexual preferences or a sexual reality, they are certainly not conducting it in the ways that humans do. I'd rather not go into details as I am well studied beyond most people in these, and yes, there are a lot of things which people do which are sickening and degenerate.

Bringing the Gods into that is just absurd. Opinions are all fine, freedom is great, but the Gods don't have to be dragged by the nose in it.

Feminists write strange subversive shit in how all surgeries are justified because of some Ancient Hindu God or something like this. These are gross interpretations of things and not spiritual ones. These are subversive arguments in their nature.
For the sake of clarification I don't think it's dishonest to debunk what a random comment says what is or is not "unclean" or whatever because his "aryan christus" said so, if it's based on an idea that Satan and the Gods directly defend or oppose, in stricto sensu with the context of healthy practice in the human world. Sexual fetishes for instance but it could be "Black Magic is dirty" or you name it.

In the same way the opposite extremes like "X high ranking Demon rules sexual freedom therefore he/she is my sex toy" or cursing innocent dogs because "Satan approves black magic" is equaly retarded.
Egon said:
I think no one is arguin against that, I made that clear in my previous post but this dude comes with his virgin mary hungups on normal fetishes like having sex toys (like if it would insult me, dildos are ok lol) and pretend to define what a clean soul is.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Dahaarkan said:
Jack said:
Also be careful of who you support because this person just endorsed Race Mixing in his views in another topic and wished someone to kill themselves.

Imagine being so much of a pussy that you don't have the balls to adress someone directly to argue over the internet

You are clinically retarded if you literally think I endorsed race mixing. I said in the post that it is damaging to the soul, in plain english. I think more and more that you are the type of person who drools over the keyboard when typing.

And oh no, I told an obvious troll to kill themself. My bad.
You clearly said a few times that you support it as long as there is no child born from it. And even though it damages their soul when their doing it, you agree with them doing it if it is only harming themself. Because they deserve whatever bad effects come from their actions. So you were clear that it's a bad thing and it damages them, but you still agreed with them doing it.

Yeah. I would warn against it, but if people decide to destroy themselves regardless that's no longer my business. Same if someone wants to take a selfie in front of an oncoming train.

They punish themselves with the consequences of their actions. My duty as a satanist is warning, informing and educating people on these matters, not hold their hand in life and change their diapers and make sure they don't get a booboo.
Larissa666 said:
Jack said:
Larissa666 said:
Funny you are accusing him of lack of actual arguments, while your whole position is based on: “eww, it’s gross, I don’t like it, therefore it’s bad”.
Also be careful of who you support because this person just endorsed Race Mixing in his views in another topic and wished someone to kill themselves.

Whom? Egon?

Get out of here, I know Egon here more than I know you. Egon would never support race mixing, he probably said something that you got out of context.
Oh sorry, this is actual a different post and I mistakenly replied thinking this was the same thread.
Dahaarkan said:
Jack said:
Also be careful of who you support because this person just endorsed Race Mixing in his views in another topic and wished someone to kill themselves.

Imagine being so much of a pussy that you don't have the balls to adress someone directly to argue over the internet

You are clinically retarded if you literally think I endorsed race mixing. I said in the post that it is damaging to the soul, in plain english. I think more and more that you are the type of person who drools over the keyboard when typing.

And oh no, I told an obvious troll to kill themself. My bad.
I'm talking to you, you little pussy. And yes you did endorse Race Mixing. It doesn't matter if you said it damages the soul. You specifically said one was okay to live with the consequences of their actions and to allow anyone to do anything as long as it was between consenting adults,and you specifically said this about race mixing and I can quote you directly.

This IS endorsing race mixing. Its like saying cocaine should be legalized and you are free to choose whatever you do and you know it might kill you but we won't stop you instead. Race Mixing must be banned by law, like it was in Nuremberg.

Your views about this subject are libertarian and your a stupid asshole if you think you are going to get out of this predicament.
Jack said:
I should've clarified in my earlier messages that I was indeed referring to the degenerate sexual acts that you just described. I totally agree with you. Whenever I hear the term "BDSM", my mind draws a line between that and sexual degradation.

Egon said:
I think we have a misunderstanding based on me not clarifying my exact point to begin with. As I've said to Jack I was always referring to the degenerated "BDSM", the same things that he listed. I still think that a "15 inch dildo" and toys like it are degenerate, as they have a high risk of damaging the body. I'm against all sexual things and fetishes that cause immediate harm to the participants, as I'm sure you are to. And I never intended to define what spiritual cleanliness was. I was just simply stating that these degenerated bdsm urges and fetishes come from an unclean soul, a past life, or programming done by jewish media.

Dahaarkan said:
I'm no troll, but I completely respect your opinion that I should kill myself. I love it when others exercise their freedom of speech and don't care about who hears it. Completely based.
The Yezidi's are forbidden from mixing and live in a society with a strong clan system based on spiritual and society duties. They also have hygiene laws that are strict I don't believe they pee on each other if that helps you out.
Jack said:
Your views about this subject are libertarian and your a stupid asshole if you think you are going to get out of this predicament.

predicament lol

Let me tell you a secret jackass unlike you I'm not playing a character here trying to "fit in" or look good in front of others. I give my opinion raw and how it is and I'm always down for a debate, I've been proven wrong before.

Thing is debating with kids like you is boring af you don't actually have an opinion or any personal beliefs you just go with whatever everybody else thinks to "fit in" and look good. You will twist and exaggerate anything I say to try to "win" the argument so you can look superior, it's about winning the argument, not expressing ideas and points of view. It's the most infantile way of debating possible.

It's why I think you're such a fucking loser all it takes is any HP coming here to tell you you're wrong you instantly change your opinion or try to twist your arguments to try to fit what they say, I've seen it happen before. That's how desperate and insecure you are about keeping your public image here. It's really cringe.

And for like the 7th time in a row, I endorse banning things which promote interracial sex and informing people of the consequences of it. I simply don't care if people decide to do it anyway as long as mixed children aren't born; they punish themselves with their actions.

I wish stormblood would come back here and call me retarded and we could argue again. He's fun to debate with, because he actually believes what he says and stands by it, instead of twisting shit to win arguments on the internet.
Malkom2 said:
I'm no troll, but I completely respect your opinion that I should kill myself. I love it when others exercise their freedom of speech and don't care about who hears it. Completely based.

I disagree with virtually everything you say and/or believe, and I think you're pretty annoying but I take back what I said. You're thick skinned and that's cool. I still think your stance on this topic is stupid
Jack said:
Jack said:
Also be careful of who you support because this person just endorsed Race Mixing in his views in another topic and wished someone to kill themselves.
Oh sorry, this is actual a different post and I mistakenly replied thinking this was the same thread.

?? you literally said "another topic"

jack are u sweating over this
Dahaarkan said:
?? you literally said "another topic"

jack are u sweating over this
He's starting to crack and it's hilarious. Ever since people gave him a backlash over him trying to insult all women who dont want to have children at 18, he's been going around here butthurt throwing tantrums.
Shael said:
Dahaarkan said:
?? you literally said "another topic"

jack are u sweating over this
He's starting to crack and it's hilarious. Ever since people gave him a backlash over him trying to insult all women who dont want to have children at 18, he's been going around here butthurt throwing tantrums.
You might be clinically retarded if you think that is what's happening. Do not misunderstand. I can sense what's happening with you ,also. As opposed to this other degenerate I know what your specific problem is. The more quickly you get rid of that psychic leeach, the better your mind will have clarity to see the truth.
Dahaarkan said:
Jack said:
Jack said:
Also be careful of who you support because this person just endorsed Race Mixing in his views in another topic and wished someone to kill themselves.
Oh sorry, this is actual a different post and I mistakenly replied thinking this was the same thread.

?? you literally said "another topic"

jack are u sweating over this
I'm not sweating anything. I was so horrified about your views, I thought she was talking about you here without realizing you were spreading your degeneracy in another topic.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
