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Every SS should read this.


Jun 20, 2019
To the ministry - I am known for teaching when I did not have proficient knowledge. I have tried to use all available knowledge and intuition when creating this post. If it is denied I will accept that as a sign I must learn more before posting such things. I will still dedicate my time to meditation and study, Not posting as that was an issue I found I had(Attention displacement). This is the solution I have found for many of my issues and wanted to share it with the community. I trust in your judgement. Hail Satan.

Hello my beautiful Satanic family I have something which I believe every single one of you should see. But before you see it, You need to understand two things!

One - You are in control of the outcome of your life. Nobody else, Not even the Gods Can control your life.

As Satanists, We are given the tools needed to succeed within this world. Many tools which others do not have. Meditation, Yoga, Rituals, Knowledge, Along with many other things which other people have no idea exist. Destiny is not written in stone. Many of us experience amazing things happening to us after we dedicate and meditate. People can contribute these blessings as the Gods(A force outside of your control) and as a result, lose motivation.

I can see the above happening within my past. I joined Satanism in 2016 and spent an hour each day at 9pm doing the RTRs for over a year, I completed the 40 day and after that started the 6 month training. After doing all this many amazing things started happening to me. I was gaining friends, I was gaining copious amounts of wealth(One money ritual would net me $200+ every single time). I contributed these amazing things within my life that had never happened before to the Gods and to them being proud of me. This is where I went wrong! I am very grateful to the Gods, do not misunderstand me! They are the only reason we are ABLE to change our destiny. But nobody, Not even the Gods. Can advance for me.

The result of me meditating and advancing was what brought these "blessings". I am sure Satan and his Gods were very proud of me but that is not the reason I was receiving such amazing gifts. What I should have done is told myself "These blessings are a result of my hard work and dedication to advancement!" But what I instead said was "These blessings are a result of the Gods being happy with me!". When a person loses a sense of control they lose motivation. There are studies on this subject and I will get into it after the next point. Please continue reading until then.

Two - There is no failure, Only feedback.

Many of our fellow SS, including me in the past, look down on ourselves for mistakes we made. We apologize to Satan and promise to do better without really determining what the issue is. Many of us would say "Oh my family made me do this" Or "I didn't have enough time" Or something along those same lines. We blame factors which our outside of our control and say they are the reason for failure. This ingrains in the mind that whatever negative happens is your fault and there is no way to fix it as well as the false ideology that you are a failure. The issue is that you are not a failure and every problem has a solution inside your control.(A ritual, Meditating, Yoga, Cleaning yourself, Gaining justice through cursing, ETC.) Seeing yourself as a failure will fill your head with thoughts like the ones below.

If something bad happens - "This wouldn't have happened without me.. Everyone would be better off dead" This is NOT true I am not sure what type of life you live but regardless of circumstances if you are a fellow SS I love you and so do the other SS. This does not mean we will not show you when you are being a dumbass. Everyone has a different way of living and may be super nice at correcting others while another may be a large asshole. In reality all of us are in this together and we have each others backs. Including you!

Meditating takes 20 minutes per day to do a simple aura of protection, aura cleaning, and void meditation. There is no excuse to not meditate. I myself have the issue of using sleep as a way to skip meditation and then blame it on "getting tired". Once again I am looking at the things which are out of my control. What I should have said to myself is "I made a mistake in holding my meditations off to long! Next time I will stay up and do them or I will do them earlier in the day so I do not run into this issue! This is my fault and I have learned from it and will not make the same mistakes".

The Gods cannot do your work for you, The Gods cannot advance your soul for you, The Gods can help you here and there but you must understand that your destiny is written by YOUR actions. A lot of common excuses for not meditating I will list below, And every single one of them is an outside factor and not an internal factor. I will put the actual solution next to the false "reason"

Incorrect - My parents never leave me alone and I never have time to meditate!
Correct - YOU can meditate while in the bathroom, Shower, When waking up, With my eyes closed, while pretending to go to sleep. There is time for you to do simple meditations throughout the day. Everyones situation is different but unless you are under 24/7 survalience with cameras in the bathroom and everything, There is time to meditate. I want to a residential treatment facility which is literally the staff checking on you ever 15 minutes whether you are in the bathroom, Taking a shower, While you sleep. If you show suicidal tendencies they will stand in the doorway while you take a shower and call to you every 5 minutes. I was able to meditate in a place like that with no privacy at all. Everyones situation is different but unless it is more intense than that you have no reason to not meditate.

Incorrect - I am super tired and don't want to stay awake! I need to sleep! I will meditate tomorrow!
Correct - NO! Stay up and finish your meditations, Drink coffee, Do breathing exercises, Kundilini yoga, There are TONS of meditations which cause you to wake up as well as things like caffeine. This is my most common excuse but I will not ever use this excuse again because it is worthless.

Incorrect - I am too sick to meditate, I have too much dirt, I am cursed and bound, I can't even will myself to speak runes because of a curse
Correct - All of the above is a side effect of being attacked. Do not use "Issues from not meditating" to justify "I don't want to meditate cause I am too sick anyways". If you meditate and clean yourself you can fix those problems. By sick I mean physically/mentally/spiritually. You can literally meditate while being unable to move your body if you are hospitalized. Close your eyes and... MEDITATE! being unclean is not an excuse and refusing to meditate will only make you more dirty

Incorrect - I have no privacy!
Correct - Refer to my first post. Literally I am sure you had more privacy than I did. I had to have someone with me 24/7(No joke), While in the shower, Using the bathroom, Etc. Many times I pretended to read a book and meditate. I am sure you have 20 minutes out of the average 16 hours people are usually awake for. Stop using this as an excuse!

Incorrect - I had to do this, I had to do that, I had to do x, y, z.
Correct - You can find 20 minutes out of the day, Even if they have to be broken into 5 minute segments, Don't use being busy as an excuse. That is not an excuse at all. Nobody is busy 24/7. The ministry members finds time to meditate and being a ministry member is a literal nonstop job. They are more busy than any of us. Do not act like you are more busy than them. For instance HP Maxine spends her days studying the magnum opus(The key to becoming immortal) and still finds time to meditate throughout the day. Do you have your face within a book studying for 99% of your waking moments for the betterment of humanity? Even if you did you can still meditate because that is similar to what Maxine is doing every single day.

Now we can finally get into the root of all issues with consistency and motivation. The issue lies within a concept known as "Locus of control"(LOC from this point forward). There are two types of LOC.

External(ELOC) - Where you view the things that happen in your life as being out of your own control(Which they don't for us Satanists)

Internal(ILOC) - Where you view the things that happen in your like as being within your own control(Which they do for us Satanists)

There are many studies done on this concept which revolve around psychological wellbeing and how having a ILOC can lead to constant motivation and better health within your life. I will post an exert of one such study below.
For those of you who are not interested in psychology or reading studies, Here is a video which goes over the study below.

To test the hypothesis that internal locus of control and external locus of control would
each predict unique variance in self-esteem, depression, and stress, a series of simultaneous
linear regression analyses were conducted with internal and external locus of control entered as
the independent variables, and self-esteem, depression, and stress entered separately as the
dependent variables. The results showed that external locus of control positively predicted
depression (β = .30, p < .01) and stress (β = .26, p < .01), and negatively predicted self-esteem (β
= -.30, p < .01). In contrast, internal locus of control did not predict unique variance in selfesteem (β = .03, p < .05), depression (β = .01, n.s.), or stress (β = -.03, p < .05). Thus, the hypothesis was only partially supported with external locus of control being the only significant
predictor of self-esteem, depression, and stress.
Source - https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/717b/9ff2312710380cc47b29e8c00f18cf78f222.pdf (Read page 6-8 to understand the data above as well as testing methods)

As you can see in the above study. ELOC was the only variable which led to the development of low self esteem, depression, and stress. While ILOC helped relieve some of it. While having an ILOC will not solve all issues. Many issues come from past lives and lack of cleaning which can be fixed through meditation and advancement! You are in control of your own life and nobody else is. You can do it!

While this may seem very hard for you to grasp, Especially the ones who suffer from an ELOC. You are in control of your own destiny. Everyone is different and comes at different levels(Spiritual power, Past life dirt, Etc.). There is absolutely no excuse within this world to not meditate. There is always a way. If you blame your problems on external forces you will NEVER get help, At the same time you must NOT hate yourself, there is NO failure, only feedback! You can do it! Do not fall victim to the the ELOC thought process!

I BELIEVE IN YOU MY FRIEND AND SO DOES EVERY OTHER SS HERE! SHOW NOT US BUT YOURSELF YOU ARE BETTER! Do not let other peoples negative opinions of you shape your reality! Prove them wrong by becoming better than they ever were1 You have access to knowledge THEY would never dream of!
I have realized that I posted two conflicting studies. The video goes over a different study than the one I mentioned. My apologies.
Here is the study the video spoke about

Incorrect - I am super tired and don't want to stay awake! I need to sleep! I will meditate tomorrow!
Correct - NO! Stay up and finish your meditations, Drink coffee, Do breathing exercises, Kundilini yoga, There are TONS of meditations which cause you to wake up as well as things like caffeine. This is my most common excuse but I will not ever use this excuse again because it is worthless.

Sleep is for LOSERS!!!

Now to get something straight, I DISAGREE.

Sleep, rest, free time to relax is necessary. We are not robots. We are not slaves.
We cant run on 3 hours of sleep and expect to be totally functional. Let alone to be able to concentrate.
Sleep and rest is VERY important for your HEALTH AND WELLBEING.

Often if you are sleepy two things can happen when meditating. 1) you get a bit more energy or 2) you cant focus at all.
If you are sleepy, I do NOT recommend doing ALL meditations, but rather finishing the required workings for the day and only the essential meditations.

If you keep staying up, sleeping little you can start having problems not only not being productive throughout the day but it can affect your willpower too, making you less concentrated etc.

If your meditations for the day only take up 15 min you can try finishing it. But sometimes you do more like an hour or so and then it may just be better to simplify it.

Also Id rather recommend doing a low amount of vibrations with i.e. suryae for aura cleaning if youre too tired to focus well. A little is better than nothing at all, just make sure to do a thorough cleaning in the morning or whenever you have the time the following day.

I do not know what places ya all are from assuming that everyone gets plenty of rest every single night..
But most people in western countries actually don't nowadays.
One - You are in control of the outcome of your life. Nobody else, Not even the Gods Can control your life.

I wonder if I should just say it bluntly. The weak will submit to the strong. WE are strong because we have the means and knowledge at our disposal. If we didn't then we too would be bounded by fate which so happens to control our lives. We meditate and perform workings to offset a negative and potentially dangerous fate. This is shown in ones natal chart. Now if a God ever decided to destroy someone life then they so can do so. The stronger ones can force the weak to submit. The weak can do nothing if the strong desires your destruction. You can control your fate but so can someone else.

Two - There is no failure, Only feedback.

This one will be short. There can only be feedback if one recognize and is aware of their failures. We all make mistakes. Mistakes are failures and should be corrected. Not recognizing a mistake for what it is will cause someone to repeat it. Accepting it, analyzing it, and moving forward is the only real way to improve.

Somehow and in someway you have over-complicated something extremely simple to the point where there are statements contradicting themselves in your own explanations. People fail on this path for two reason. Lack of self discipline and lack of faith. This place, the Joy of Satan and the forums, are a treasure trove of information. Knowledgeable members share their information about all sorts of subjects. We learn all the means to make our lives better in all ways and yet some people fail. Why? Because they indulge themselves on impulses that lead to unhealthy outcomes. Regardless of the "situation" we all can make a choice. There are all sorts of choices but it takes discipline to choose the best one. This is usually because the best choice is the one that also takes the "most effort". Rather than meditating one decides to daydream or stare at a wall or spend all day watching netflix. Indulging in comfort and laziness rather than putting in effort. And in regards to things outside our control, we can rely on the Gods. The Gods are there when we need them. If you work with Satan, Satan works with you, all you need to do is put in the effort. Unlike the false gods, Satan is real and does answer when you call for him.

Theres a simple and easy fix to most problems for us. Stay disciplined and steadfast on this path. Its both the easiest path and the hardest path.
Syntax said:
One - You are in control of the outcome of your life. Nobody else, Not even the Gods Can control your life.


If the Gods couldn't influence your path in life then what else would've inspired you or others to come here in the first place? As Zeffie said, the weak are to submit to the strong or else face destruction. Our Gods are not like that, however they have the capacity to do so, and even though we are stronger than most there are still forces at play that we still can't comprehend to this day.

However when it comes to your own personal affairs be they spiritual, physical, mental, or otherwise you are in control. But don't deny that outside influences will always be there.

Syntax said:
Two - There is no failure, Only feedback.

Wrong again. Failure will always exist, however it doesn't exist as a concept to put you down even further. With failure, comes lessons and with lessons learned as well as experiences gained, you become stronger every day. That's why we should never be afraid of failure, but rather accept it, learn from it, and move on. Never dwell on failure, always use it as a learning experience.

Syntax said:
Incorrect - I am super tired and don't want to stay awake! I need to sleep! I will meditate tomorrow!
Correct - NO! Stay up and finish your meditations, Drink coffee, Do breathing exercises, Kundilini yoga, There are TONS of meditations which cause you to wake up as well as things like caffeine. This is my most common excuse but I will not ever use this excuse again because it is worthless.

You realize that sleep deprivation can kill you, right? [See https://www.verywellhealth.com/can-sleep-deprivation-cause-your-death-3015067]

You don't need to adjust your sleeping schedule in order to perform meditations, however if that's beneficial to you then by all means. But don't drink a lot of coffee or Monster Energy Drinks just to stay up and meditate, that's only going to make you jittery. Instead, integrate meditation into your daily routine. I tend to be more nocturnal so I typically meditate in-between 3 and 4 in the morning. However, if I was more of a morning person and woke up at 9am and went to sleep around 10pm, then meditate around 8pm. A good 2, 3, maybe 4 hours before bedtime would be the best time to meditate before you go to sleep.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Incorrect - I am super tired and don't want to stay awake! I need to sleep! I will meditate tomorrow!
Correct - NO! Stay up and finish your meditations, Drink coffee, Do breathing exercises, Kundilini yoga, There are TONS of meditations which cause you to wake up as well as things like caffeine. This is my most common excuse but I will not ever use this excuse again because it is worthless.

Sleep is for LOSERS!!!

Now to get something straight, I DISAGREE.

Sleep, rest, free time to relax is necessary. We are not robots. We are not slaves.
We cant run on 3 hours of sleep and expect to be totally functional. Let alone to be able to concentrate.
Sleep and rest is VERY important for your HEALTH AND WELLBEING.

Often if you are sleepy two things can happen when meditating. 1) you get a bit more energy or 2) you cant focus at all.
If you are sleepy, I do NOT recommend doing ALL meditations, but rather finishing the required workings for the day and only the essential meditations.

If you keep staying up, sleeping little you can start having problems not only not being productive throughout the day but it can affect your willpower too, making you less concentrated etc.

If your meditations for the day only take up 15 min you can try finishing it. But sometimes you do more like an hour or so and then it may just be better to simplify it.

Also Id rather recommend doing a low amount of vibrations with i.e. suryae for aura cleaning if youre too tired to focus well. A little is better than nothing at all, just make sure to do a thorough cleaning in the morning or whenever you have the time the following day.

I do not know what places ya all are from assuming that everyone gets plenty of rest every single night..
But most people in western countries actually don't nowadays.
Sleep is for those who are smart, lol, sleeping is so important, as Lunar Dance said, I can’t function properly with less than 8 hours of sleep. I always Have 9 hours of it. Doesent mean I don’t meditate though, if one organizes himself he won’t need to meditate at the last minute everyday.
Aquarius said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Incorrect - I am super tired and don't want to stay awake! I need to sleep! I will meditate tomorrow!
Correct - NO! Stay up and finish your meditations, Drink coffee, Do breathing exercises, Kundilini yoga, There are TONS of meditations which cause you to wake up as well as things like caffeine. This is my most common excuse but I will not ever use this excuse again because it is worthless.

Sleep is for LOSERS!!!

Now to get something straight, I DISAGREE.

Sleep, rest, free time to relax is necessary. We are not robots. We are not slaves.
We cant run on 3 hours of sleep and expect to be totally functional. Let alone to be able to concentrate.
Sleep and rest is VERY important for your HEALTH AND WELLBEING.

Often if you are sleepy two things can happen when meditating. 1) you get a bit more energy or 2) you cant focus at all.
If you are sleepy, I do NOT recommend doing ALL meditations, but rather finishing the required workings for the day and only the essential meditations.

If you keep staying up, sleeping little you can start having problems not only not being productive throughout the day but it can affect your willpower too, making you less concentrated etc.

If your meditations for the day only take up 15 min you can try finishing it. But sometimes you do more like an hour or so and then it may just be better to simplify it.

Also Id rather recommend doing a low amount of vibrations with i.e. suryae for aura cleaning if youre too tired to focus well. A little is better than nothing at all, just make sure to do a thorough cleaning in the morning or whenever you have the time the following day.

I do not know what places ya all are from assuming that everyone gets plenty of rest every single night..
But most people in western countries actually don't nowadays.
Sleep is for those who are smart, lol, sleeping is so important, as Lunar Dance said, I can’t function properly with less than 8 hours of sleep. I always Have 9 hours of it. Doesent mean I don’t meditate though, if one organizes himself he won’t need to meditate at the last minute everyday.

You know what it is Aquarius.. This thing has been repeated on the forum and in the groups over and over for years. 15 min to lose on sleep and one should still be fine.. but this just isn't right and I am sure most of the people would see the sense in that and understand that they need to organize their time so that they can finish it on time before sleep or go to 'sleep' earlier.
About sleep, I think he meant it like "If something sudden comes up and your daily schedule goes to shit, you still need to do your schedule. Skipping on daily meditations affects your energy levels and will bring bad mood, depression and other unwanted things".
Syntax said:
To the ministry - I am known for teaching when I did not have proficient knowledge. I have tried to use all available knowledge and intuition when creating this post. If it is denied I will accept that as a sign I must learn more before posting such things. I will still dedicate my time to meditation and study, Not posting as that was an issue I found I had(Attention displacement). This is the solution I have found for many of my issues and wanted to share it with the community. I trust in your judgement. Hail Satan.

Hello my beautiful Satanic family I have something which I believe every single one of you should see. But before you see it, You need to understand two things!

One - You are in control of the outcome of your life. Nobody else, Not even the Gods Can control your life.

As Satanists, We are given the tools needed to succeed within this world. Many tools which others do not have. Meditation, Yoga, Rituals, Knowledge, Along with many other things which other people have no idea exist. Destiny is not written in stone. Many of us experience amazing things happening to us after we dedicate and meditate. People can contribute these blessings as the Gods(A force outside of your control) and as a result, lose motivation.

I can see the above happening within my past. I joined Satanism in 2016 and spent an hour each day at 9pm doing the RTRs for over a year, I completed the 40 day and after that started the 6 month training. After doing all this many amazing things started happening to me. I was gaining friends, I was gaining copious amounts of wealth(One money ritual would net me $200+ every single time). I contributed these amazing things within my life that had never happened before to the Gods and to them being proud of me. This is where I went wrong! I am very grateful to the Gods, do not misunderstand me! They are the only reason we are ABLE to change our destiny. But nobody, Not even the Gods. Can advance for me.

The result of me meditating and advancing was what brought these "blessings". I am sure Satan and his Gods were very proud of me but that is not the reason I was receiving such amazing gifts. What I should have done is told myself "These blessings are a result of my hard work and dedication to advancement!" But what I instead said was "These blessings are a result of the Gods being happy with me!". When a person loses a sense of control they lose motivation. There are studies on this subject and I will get into it after the next point. Please continue reading until then.

Two - There is no failure, Only feedback.

Many of our fellow SS, including me in the past, look down on ourselves for mistakes we made. We apologize to Satan and promise to do better without really determining what the issue is. Many of us would say "Oh my family made me do this" Or "I didn't have enough time" Or something along those same lines. We blame factors which our outside of our control and say they are the reason for failure. This ingrains in the mind that whatever negative happens is your fault and there is no way to fix it as well as the false ideology that you are a failure. The issue is that you are not a failure and every problem has a solution inside your control.(A ritual, Meditating, Yoga, Cleaning yourself, Gaining justice through cursing, ETC.) Seeing yourself as a failure will fill your head with thoughts like the ones below.

If something bad happens - "This wouldn't have happened without me.. Everyone would be better off dead" This is NOT true I am not sure what type of life you live but regardless of circumstances if you are a fellow SS I love you and so do the other SS. This does not mean we will not show you when you are being a dumbass. Everyone has a different way of living and may be super nice at correcting others while another may be a large asshole. In reality all of us are in this together and we have each others backs. Including you!

Meditating takes 20 minutes per day to do a simple aura of protection, aura cleaning, and void meditation. There is no excuse to not meditate. I myself have the issue of using sleep as a way to skip meditation and then blame it on "getting tired". Once again I am looking at the things which are out of my control. What I should have said to myself is "I made a mistake in holding my meditations off to long! Next time I will stay up and do them or I will do them earlier in the day so I do not run into this issue! This is my fault and I have learned from it and will not make the same mistakes".

The Gods cannot do your work for you, The Gods cannot advance your soul for you, The Gods can help you here and there but you must understand that your destiny is written by YOUR actions. A lot of common excuses for not meditating I will list below, And every single one of them is an outside factor and not an internal factor. I will put the actual solution next to the false "reason"

Incorrect - My parents never leave me alone and I never have time to meditate!
Correct - YOU can meditate while in the bathroom, Shower, When waking up, With my eyes closed, while pretending to go to sleep. There is time for you to do simple meditations throughout the day. Everyones situation is different but unless you are under 24/7 survalience with cameras in the bathroom and everything, There is time to meditate. I want to a residential treatment facility which is literally the staff checking on you ever 15 minutes whether you are in the bathroom, Taking a shower, While you sleep. If you show suicidal tendencies they will stand in the doorway while you take a shower and call to you every 5 minutes. I was able to meditate in a place like that with no privacy at all. Everyones situation is different but unless it is more intense than that you have no reason to not meditate.

Incorrect - I am super tired and don't want to stay awake! I need to sleep! I will meditate tomorrow!
Correct - NO! Stay up and finish your meditations, Drink coffee, Do breathing exercises, Kundilini yoga, There are TONS of meditations which cause you to wake up as well as things like caffeine. This is my most common excuse but I will not ever use this excuse again because it is worthless.

Incorrect - I am too sick to meditate, I have too much dirt, I am cursed and bound, I can't even will myself to speak runes because of a curse
Correct - All of the above is a side effect of being attacked. Do not use "Issues from not meditating" to justify "I don't want to meditate cause I am too sick anyways". If you meditate and clean yourself you can fix those problems. By sick I mean physically/mentally/spiritually. You can literally meditate while being unable to move your body if you are hospitalized. Close your eyes and... MEDITATE! being unclean is not an excuse and refusing to meditate will only make you more dirty

Incorrect - I have no privacy!
Correct - Refer to my first post. Literally I am sure you had more privacy than I did. I had to have someone with me 24/7(No joke), While in the shower, Using the bathroom, Etc. Many times I pretended to read a book and meditate. I am sure you have 20 minutes out of the average 16 hours people are usually awake for. Stop using this as an excuse!

Incorrect - I had to do this, I had to do that, I had to do x, y, z.
Correct - You can find 20 minutes out of the day, Even if they have to be broken into 5 minute segments, Don't use being busy as an excuse. That is not an excuse at all. Nobody is busy 24/7. The ministry members finds time to meditate and being a ministry member is a literal nonstop job. They are more busy than any of us. Do not act like you are more busy than them. For instance HP Maxine spends her days studying the magnum opus(The key to becoming immortal) and still finds time to meditate throughout the day. Do you have your face within a book studying for 99% of your waking moments for the betterment of humanity? Even if you did you can still meditate because that is similar to what Maxine is doing every single day.

Now we can finally get into the root of all issues with consistency and motivation. The issue lies within a concept known as "Locus of control"(LOC from this point forward). There are two types of LOC.

External(ELOC) - Where you view the things that happen in your life as being out of your own control(Which they don't for us Satanists)

Internal(ILOC) - Where you view the things that happen in your like as being within your own control(Which they do for us Satanists)

There are many studies done on this concept which revolve around psychological wellbeing and how having a ILOC can lead to constant motivation and better health within your life. I will post an exert of one such study below.
For those of you who are not interested in psychology or reading studies, Here is a video which goes over the study below.

To test the hypothesis that internal locus of control and external locus of control would
each predict unique variance in self-esteem, depression, and stress, a series of simultaneous
linear regression analyses were conducted with internal and external locus of control entered as
the independent variables, and self-esteem, depression, and stress entered separately as the
dependent variables. The results showed that external locus of control positively predicted
depression (β = .30, p < .01) and stress (β = .26, p < .01), and negatively predicted self-esteem (β
= -.30, p < .01). In contrast, internal locus of control did not predict unique variance in selfesteem (β = .03, p < .05), depression (β = .01, n.s.), or stress (β = -.03, p < .05). Thus, the hypothesis was only partially supported with external locus of control being the only significant
predictor of self-esteem, depression, and stress.
Source - https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/717b/9ff2312710380cc47b29e8c00f18cf78f222.pdf (Read page 6-8 to understand the data above as well as testing methods)

As you can see in the above study. ELOC was the only variable which led to the development of low self esteem, depression, and stress. While ILOC helped relieve some of it. While having an ILOC will not solve all issues. Many issues come from past lives and lack of cleaning which can be fixed through meditation and advancement! You are in control of your own life and nobody else is. You can do it!

While this may seem very hard for you to grasp, Especially the ones who suffer from an ELOC. You are in control of your own destiny. Everyone is different and comes at different levels(Spiritual power, Past life dirt, Etc.). There is absolutely no excuse within this world to not meditate. There is always a way. If you blame your problems on external forces you will NEVER get help, At the same time you must NOT hate yourself, there is NO failure, only feedback! You can do it! Do not fall victim to the the ELOC thought process!

I BELIEVE IN YOU MY FRIEND AND SO DOES EVERY OTHER SS HERE! SHOW NOT US BUT YOURSELF YOU ARE BETTER! Do not let other peoples negative opinions of you shape your reality! Prove them wrong by becoming better than they ever were1 You have access to knowledge THEY would never dream of!

You are telling the truth. The harsh reality. I understand what you're talking about. All the things about privacy, etc. I, by myself don't do much meditations like the opening of the soul. I MASTER void meditation. But yeah... Back to the topic. Privacy is a big issue to me. But i will try to meditate some more. (I have been a atheist for a really long time, so that's also a big issue)
Ryan666RR said:
Syntax said:
To the ministry - I am known for teaching when I did not have proficient knowledge. I have tried to use all available knowledge and intuition when creating this post. If it is denied I will accept that as a sign I must learn more before posting such things. I will still dedicate my time to meditation and study, Not posting as that was an issue I found I had(Attention displacement). This is the solution I have found for many of my issues and wanted to share it with the community. I trust in your judgement. Hail Satan.

Hello my beautiful Satanic family I have something which I believe every single one of you should see. But before you see it, You need to understand two things!

One - You are in control of the outcome of your life. Nobody else, Not even the Gods Can control your life.

As Satanists, We are given the tools needed to succeed within this world. Many tools which others do not have. Meditation, Yoga, Rituals, Knowledge, Along with many other things which other people have no idea exist. Destiny is not written in stone. Many of us experience amazing things happening to us after we dedicate and meditate. People can contribute these blessings as the Gods(A force outside of your control) and as a result, lose motivation.

I can see the above happening within my past. I joined Satanism in 2016 and spent an hour each day at 9pm doing the RTRs for over a year, I completed the 40 day and after that started the 6 month training. After doing all this many amazing things started happening to me. I was gaining friends, I was gaining copious amounts of wealth(One money ritual would net me $200+ every single time). I contributed these amazing things within my life that had never happened before to the Gods and to them being proud of me. This is where I went wrong! I am very grateful to the Gods, do not misunderstand me! They are the only reason we are ABLE to change our destiny. But nobody, Not even the Gods. Can advance for me.

The result of me meditating and advancing was what brought these "blessings". I am sure Satan and his Gods were very proud of me but that is not the reason I was receiving such amazing gifts. What I should have done is told myself "These blessings are a result of my hard work and dedication to advancement!" But what I instead said was "These blessings are a result of the Gods being happy with me!". When a person loses a sense of control they lose motivation. There are studies on this subject and I will get into it after the next point. Please continue reading until then.

Two - There is no failure, Only feedback.

Many of our fellow SS, including me in the past, look down on ourselves for mistakes we made. We apologize to Satan and promise to do better without really determining what the issue is. Many of us would say "Oh my family made me do this" Or "I didn't have enough time" Or something along those same lines. We blame factors which our outside of our control and say they are the reason for failure. This ingrains in the mind that whatever negative happens is your fault and there is no way to fix it as well as the false ideology that you are a failure. The issue is that you are not a failure and every problem has a solution inside your control.(A ritual, Meditating, Yoga, Cleaning yourself, Gaining justice through cursing, ETC.) Seeing yourself as a failure will fill your head with thoughts like the ones below.

If something bad happens - "This wouldn't have happened without me.. Everyone would be better off dead" This is NOT true I am not sure what type of life you live but regardless of circumstances if you are a fellow SS I love you and so do the other SS. This does not mean we will not show you when you are being a dumbass. Everyone has a different way of living and may be super nice at correcting others while another may be a large asshole. In reality all of us are in this together and we have each others backs. Including you!

Meditating takes 20 minutes per day to do a simple aura of protection, aura cleaning, and void meditation. There is no excuse to not meditate. I myself have the issue of using sleep as a way to skip meditation and then blame it on "getting tired". Once again I am looking at the things which are out of my control. What I should have said to myself is "I made a mistake in holding my meditations off to long! Next time I will stay up and do them or I will do them earlier in the day so I do not run into this issue! This is my fault and I have learned from it and will not make the same mistakes".

The Gods cannot do your work for you, The Gods cannot advance your soul for you, The Gods can help you here and there but you must understand that your destiny is written by YOUR actions. A lot of common excuses for not meditating I will list below, And every single one of them is an outside factor and not an internal factor. I will put the actual solution next to the false "reason"

Incorrect - My parents never leave me alone and I never have time to meditate!
Correct - YOU can meditate while in the bathroom, Shower, When waking up, With my eyes closed, while pretending to go to sleep. There is time for you to do simple meditations throughout the day. Everyones situation is different but unless you are under 24/7 survalience with cameras in the bathroom and everything, There is time to meditate. I want to a residential treatment facility which is literally the staff checking on you ever 15 minutes whether you are in the bathroom, Taking a shower, While you sleep. If you show suicidal tendencies they will stand in the doorway while you take a shower and call to you every 5 minutes. I was able to meditate in a place like that with no privacy at all. Everyones situation is different but unless it is more intense than that you have no reason to not meditate.

Incorrect - I am super tired and don't want to stay awake! I need to sleep! I will meditate tomorrow!
Correct - NO! Stay up and finish your meditations, Drink coffee, Do breathing exercises, Kundilini yoga, There are TONS of meditations which cause you to wake up as well as things like caffeine. This is my most common excuse but I will not ever use this excuse again because it is worthless.

Incorrect - I am too sick to meditate, I have too much dirt, I am cursed and bound, I can't even will myself to speak runes because of a curse
Correct - All of the above is a side effect of being attacked. Do not use "Issues from not meditating" to justify "I don't want to meditate cause I am too sick anyways". If you meditate and clean yourself you can fix those problems. By sick I mean physically/mentally/spiritually. You can literally meditate while being unable to move your body if you are hospitalized. Close your eyes and... MEDITATE! being unclean is not an excuse and refusing to meditate will only make you more dirty

Incorrect - I have no privacy!
Correct - Refer to my first post. Literally I am sure you had more privacy than I did. I had to have someone with me 24/7(No joke), While in the shower, Using the bathroom, Etc. Many times I pretended to read a book and meditate. I am sure you have 20 minutes out of the average 16 hours people are usually awake for. Stop using this as an excuse!

Incorrect - I had to do this, I had to do that, I had to do x, y, z.
Correct - You can find 20 minutes out of the day, Even if they have to be broken into 5 minute segments, Don't use being busy as an excuse. That is not an excuse at all. Nobody is busy 24/7. The ministry members finds time to meditate and being a ministry member is a literal nonstop job. They are more busy than any of us. Do not act like you are more busy than them. For instance HP Maxine spends her days studying the magnum opus(The key to becoming immortal) and still finds time to meditate throughout the day. Do you have your face within a book studying for 99% of your waking moments for the betterment of humanity? Even if you did you can still meditate because that is similar to what Maxine is doing every single day.

Now we can finally get into the root of all issues with consistency and motivation. The issue lies within a concept known as "Locus of control"(LOC from this point forward). There are two types of LOC.

External(ELOC) - Where you view the things that happen in your life as being out of your own control(Which they don't for us Satanists)

Internal(ILOC) - Where you view the things that happen in your like as being within your own control(Which they do for us Satanists)

There are many studies done on this concept which revolve around psychological wellbeing and how having a ILOC can lead to constant motivation and better health within your life. I will post an exert of one such study below.
For those of you who are not interested in psychology or reading studies, Here is a video which goes over the study below.

To test the hypothesis that internal locus of control and external locus of control would
each predict unique variance in self-esteem, depression, and stress, a series of simultaneous
linear regression analyses were conducted with internal and external locus of control entered as
the independent variables, and self-esteem, depression, and stress entered separately as the
dependent variables. The results showed that external locus of control positively predicted
depression (β = .30, p < .01) and stress (β = .26, p < .01), and negatively predicted self-esteem (β
= -.30, p < .01). In contrast, internal locus of control did not predict unique variance in selfesteem (β = .03, p < .05), depression (β = .01, n.s.), or stress (β = -.03, p < .05). Thus, the hypothesis was only partially supported with external locus of control being the only significant
predictor of self-esteem, depression, and stress.
Source - https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/717b/9ff2312710380cc47b29e8c00f18cf78f222.pdf (Read page 6-8 to understand the data above as well as testing methods)

As you can see in the above study. ELOC was the only variable which led to the development of low self esteem, depression, and stress. While ILOC helped relieve some of it. While having an ILOC will not solve all issues. Many issues come from past lives and lack of cleaning which can be fixed through meditation and advancement! You are in control of your own life and nobody else is. You can do it!

While this may seem very hard for you to grasp, Especially the ones who suffer from an ELOC. You are in control of your own destiny. Everyone is different and comes at different levels(Spiritual power, Past life dirt, Etc.). There is absolutely no excuse within this world to not meditate. There is always a way. If you blame your problems on external forces you will NEVER get help, At the same time you must NOT hate yourself, there is NO failure, only feedback! You can do it! Do not fall victim to the the ELOC thought process!

I BELIEVE IN YOU MY FRIEND AND SO DOES EVERY OTHER SS HERE! SHOW NOT US BUT YOURSELF YOU ARE BETTER! Do not let other peoples negative opinions of you shape your reality! Prove them wrong by becoming better than they ever were1 You have access to knowledge THEY would never dream of!

You are telling the truth. The harsh reality. I understand what you're talking about. All the things about privacy, etc. I, by myself don't do much meditations like the opening of the soul. I MASTER void meditation. But yeah... Back to the topic. Privacy is a big issue to me. But i will try to meditate some more. (I have been a atheist for a really long time, so that's also a big issue)

I believe in you my friend. Be sure to read the other replies from members. Although I believe I did not represent my points within this post well enough I am glad it was able to motivate you. Improve yourself to the point that you not only make the gods proud but to the point you make yourself proud!(we are our own worst critics in most cases). I believe in you my friend! You can do it. A very smart person once told me that "motivation is a byproduct of consistency". By being consistent with meditation you see the benefits of it and how much you improve. You see how amazing your life changes and this creates motivation. Many times having an ELOC can damage this motivation though. REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE THE ONE CREATING CHANGES IN YOUR LIFE WHICH BRING YOU SUCCESS! The God's have given us the great knowledge and maintained it in hopes we advance. They guide us to the path of Satan and introduce us to the information. They help us SS be driven down the right path BUT they would never force us to meditate for two reasons!

1. Not meditating is it's own punishment(The reason I spoke of sleep within my post is because a few days ago after consistently dedicating hours a day to meditation for a little while I decided to sleep and did none of my meditations. I woke up the next morning and after a few hours I was struck with debilitating pain due to my energy levels dropping. I was unable to eat, move, speak, or do anything. For a few days. I managed to recover almost completely today but It will take a few more days to be completely fine) Not meditating leaves you open to the enemy and other things. By not meditating we lose so much of our protection and in extreme cases like mine above we can be put in horrible pain or worse. Energy builds within you my friend. Imagine starting with one piece of wood and adding one piece on top of that piece each day. Each day every piece of wood gets stronger and becomes slightly imbalanced, threatening to tip. Now each new piece adds balance to the rest and prevents the wood from falling over. What happens when you stop adding to the tower? It falls

2. We have free will and can choose what we want to do or what we don't want to do. If the gods started controlling us and making us do something we would be nothing but puppets like the enemy borg.

Let me close this off by saying I believe in you my friend. You can do this. There is no failure, only feedback. If you make a mistake instead of saying sorry, look for the reason that the mistake was made and avoid making it again. Become the person you desire to be
Syntax said:
Ryan666RR said:
Syntax said:
To the ministry - I am known for teaching when I did not have proficient knowledge. I have tried to use all available knowledge and intuition when creating this post. If it is denied I will accept that as a sign I must learn more before posting such things. I will still dedicate my time to meditation and study, Not posting as that was an issue I found I had(Attention displacement). This is the solution I have found for many of my issues and wanted to share it with the community. I trust in your judgement. Hail Satan.

Hello my beautiful Satanic family I have something which I believe every single one of you should see. But before you see it, You need to understand two things!

One - You are in control of the outcome of your life. Nobody else, Not even the Gods Can control your life.

As Satanists, We are given the tools needed to succeed within this world. Many tools which others do not have. Meditation, Yoga, Rituals, Knowledge, Along with many other things which other people have no idea exist. Destiny is not written in stone. Many of us experience amazing things happening to us after we dedicate and meditate. People can contribute these blessings as the Gods(A force outside of your control) and as a result, lose motivation.

I can see the above happening within my past. I joined Satanism in 2016 and spent an hour each day at 9pm doing the RTRs for over a year, I completed the 40 day and after that started the 6 month training. After doing all this many amazing things started happening to me. I was gaining friends, I was gaining copious amounts of wealth(One money ritual would net me $200+ every single time). I contributed these amazing things within my life that had never happened before to the Gods and to them being proud of me. This is where I went wrong! I am very grateful to the Gods, do not misunderstand me! They are the only reason we are ABLE to change our destiny. But nobody, Not even the Gods. Can advance for me.

The result of me meditating and advancing was what brought these "blessings". I am sure Satan and his Gods were very proud of me but that is not the reason I was receiving such amazing gifts. What I should have done is told myself "These blessings are a result of my hard work and dedication to advancement!" But what I instead said was "These blessings are a result of the Gods being happy with me!". When a person loses a sense of control they lose motivation. There are studies on this subject and I will get into it after the next point. Please continue reading until then.

Two - There is no failure, Only feedback.

Many of our fellow SS, including me in the past, look down on ourselves for mistakes we made. We apologize to Satan and promise to do better without really determining what the issue is. Many of us would say "Oh my family made me do this" Or "I didn't have enough time" Or something along those same lines. We blame factors which our outside of our control and say they are the reason for failure. This ingrains in the mind that whatever negative happens is your fault and there is no way to fix it as well as the false ideology that you are a failure. The issue is that you are not a failure and every problem has a solution inside your control.(A ritual, Meditating, Yoga, Cleaning yourself, Gaining justice through cursing, ETC.) Seeing yourself as a failure will fill your head with thoughts like the ones below.

If something bad happens - "This wouldn't have happened without me.. Everyone would be better off dead" This is NOT true I am not sure what type of life you live but regardless of circumstances if you are a fellow SS I love you and so do the other SS. This does not mean we will not show you when you are being a dumbass. Everyone has a different way of living and may be super nice at correcting others while another may be a large asshole. In reality all of us are in this together and we have each others backs. Including you!

Meditating takes 20 minutes per day to do a simple aura of protection, aura cleaning, and void meditation. There is no excuse to not meditate. I myself have the issue of using sleep as a way to skip meditation and then blame it on "getting tired". Once again I am looking at the things which are out of my control. What I should have said to myself is "I made a mistake in holding my meditations off to long! Next time I will stay up and do them or I will do them earlier in the day so I do not run into this issue! This is my fault and I have learned from it and will not make the same mistakes".

The Gods cannot do your work for you, The Gods cannot advance your soul for you, The Gods can help you here and there but you must understand that your destiny is written by YOUR actions. A lot of common excuses for not meditating I will list below, And every single one of them is an outside factor and not an internal factor. I will put the actual solution next to the false "reason"

Incorrect - My parents never leave me alone and I never have time to meditate!
Correct - YOU can meditate while in the bathroom, Shower, When waking up, With my eyes closed, while pretending to go to sleep. There is time for you to do simple meditations throughout the day. Everyones situation is different but unless you are under 24/7 survalience with cameras in the bathroom and everything, There is time to meditate. I want to a residential treatment facility which is literally the staff checking on you ever 15 minutes whether you are in the bathroom, Taking a shower, While you sleep. If you show suicidal tendencies they will stand in the doorway while you take a shower and call to you every 5 minutes. I was able to meditate in a place like that with no privacy at all. Everyones situation is different but unless it is more intense than that you have no reason to not meditate.

Incorrect - I am super tired and don't want to stay awake! I need to sleep! I will meditate tomorrow!
Correct - NO! Stay up and finish your meditations, Drink coffee, Do breathing exercises, Kundilini yoga, There are TONS of meditations which cause you to wake up as well as things like caffeine. This is my most common excuse but I will not ever use this excuse again because it is worthless.

Incorrect - I am too sick to meditate, I have too much dirt, I am cursed and bound, I can't even will myself to speak runes because of a curse
Correct - All of the above is a side effect of being attacked. Do not use "Issues from not meditating" to justify "I don't want to meditate cause I am too sick anyways". If you meditate and clean yourself you can fix those problems. By sick I mean physically/mentally/spiritually. You can literally meditate while being unable to move your body if you are hospitalized. Close your eyes and... MEDITATE! being unclean is not an excuse and refusing to meditate will only make you more dirty

Incorrect - I have no privacy!
Correct - Refer to my first post. Literally I am sure you had more privacy than I did. I had to have someone with me 24/7(No joke), While in the shower, Using the bathroom, Etc. Many times I pretended to read a book and meditate. I am sure you have 20 minutes out of the average 16 hours people are usually awake for. Stop using this as an excuse!

Incorrect - I had to do this, I had to do that, I had to do x, y, z.
Correct - You can find 20 minutes out of the day, Even if they have to be broken into 5 minute segments, Don't use being busy as an excuse. That is not an excuse at all. Nobody is busy 24/7. The ministry members finds time to meditate and being a ministry member is a literal nonstop job. They are more busy than any of us. Do not act like you are more busy than them. For instance HP Maxine spends her days studying the magnum opus(The key to becoming immortal) and still finds time to meditate throughout the day. Do you have your face within a book studying for 99% of your waking moments for the betterment of humanity? Even if you did you can still meditate because that is similar to what Maxine is doing every single day.

Now we can finally get into the root of all issues with consistency and motivation. The issue lies within a concept known as "Locus of control"(LOC from this point forward). There are two types of LOC.

External(ELOC) - Where you view the things that happen in your life as being out of your own control(Which they don't for us Satanists)

Internal(ILOC) - Where you view the things that happen in your like as being within your own control(Which they do for us Satanists)

There are many studies done on this concept which revolve around psychological wellbeing and how having a ILOC can lead to constant motivation and better health within your life. I will post an exert of one such study below.
For those of you who are not interested in psychology or reading studies, Here is a video which goes over the study below.

Source - https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/717b/9ff2312710380cc47b29e8c00f18cf78f222.pdf (Read page 6-8 to understand the data above as well as testing methods)

As you can see in the above study. ELOC was the only variable which led to the development of low self esteem, depression, and stress. While ILOC helped relieve some of it. While having an ILOC will not solve all issues. Many issues come from past lives and lack of cleaning which can be fixed through meditation and advancement! You are in control of your own life and nobody else is. You can do it!

While this may seem very hard for you to grasp, Especially the ones who suffer from an ELOC. You are in control of your own destiny. Everyone is different and comes at different levels(Spiritual power, Past life dirt, Etc.). There is absolutely no excuse within this world to not meditate. There is always a way. If you blame your problems on external forces you will NEVER get help, At the same time you must NOT hate yourself, there is NO failure, only feedback! You can do it! Do not fall victim to the the ELOC thought process!

I BELIEVE IN YOU MY FRIEND AND SO DOES EVERY OTHER SS HERE! SHOW NOT US BUT YOURSELF YOU ARE BETTER! Do not let other peoples negative opinions of you shape your reality! Prove them wrong by becoming better than they ever were1 You have access to knowledge THEY would never dream of!

You are telling the truth. The harsh reality. I understand what you're talking about. All the things about privacy, etc. I, by myself don't do much meditations like the opening of the soul. I MASTER void meditation. But yeah... Back to the topic. Privacy is a big issue to me. But i will try to meditate some more. (I have been a atheist for a really long time, so that's also a big issue)

I believe in you my friend. Be sure to read the other replies from members. Although I believe I did not represent my points within this post well enough I am glad it was able to motivate you. Improve yourself to the point that you not only make the gods proud but to the point you make yourself proud!(we are our own worst critics in most cases). I believe in you my friend! You can do it. A very smart person once told me that "motivation is a byproduct of consistency". By being consistent with meditation you see the benefits of it and how much you improve. You see how amazing your life changes and this creates motivation. Many times having an ELOC can damage this motivation though. REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE THE ONE CREATING CHANGES IN YOUR LIFE WHICH BRING YOU SUCCESS! The God's have given us the great knowledge and maintained it in hopes we advance. They guide us to the path of Satan and introduce us to the information. They help us SS be driven down the right path BUT they would never force us to meditate for two reasons!

1. Not meditating is it's own punishment(The reason I spoke of sleep within my post is because a few days ago after consistently dedicating hours a day to meditation for a little while I decided to sleep and did none of my meditations. I woke up the next morning and after a few hours I was struck with debilitating pain due to my energy levels dropping. I was unable to eat, move, speak, or do anything. For a few days. I managed to recover almost completely today but It will take a few more days to be completely fine) Not meditating leaves you open to the enemy and other things. By not meditating we lose so much of our protection and in extreme cases like mine above we can be put in horrible pain or worse. Energy builds within you my friend. Imagine starting with one piece of wood and adding one piece on top of that piece each day. Each day every piece of wood gets stronger and becomes slightly imbalanced, threatening to tip. Now each new piece adds balance to the rest and prevents the wood from falling over. What happens when you stop adding to the tower? It falls

2. We have free will and can choose what we want to do or what we don't want to do. If the gods started controlling us and making us do something we would be nothing but puppets like the enemy borg.

Let me close this off by saying I believe in you my friend. You can do this. There is no failure, only feedback. If you make a mistake instead of saying sorry, look for the reason that the mistake was made and avoid making it again. Become the person you desire to be

Beautiful. Well put. :D
Ryan666RR said:
Syntax said:
Ryan666RR said:
You are telling the truth. The harsh reality. I understand what you're talking about. All the things about privacy, etc. I, by myself don't do much meditations like the opening of the soul. I MASTER void meditation. But yeah... Back to the topic. Privacy is a big issue to me. But i will try to meditate some more. (I have been a atheist for a really long time, so that's also a big issue)

I believe in you my friend. Be sure to read the other replies from members. Although I believe I did not represent my points within this post well enough I am glad it was able to motivate you. Improve yourself to the point that you not only make the gods proud but to the point you make yourself proud!(we are our own worst critics in most cases). I believe in you my friend! You can do it. A very smart person once told me that "motivation is a byproduct of consistency". By being consistent with meditation you see the benefits of it and how much you improve. You see how amazing your life changes and this creates motivation. Many times having an ELOC can damage this motivation though. REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE THE ONE CREATING CHANGES IN YOUR LIFE WHICH BRING YOU SUCCESS! The God's have given us the great knowledge and maintained it in hopes we advance. They guide us to the path of Satan and introduce us to the information. They help us SS be driven down the right path BUT they would never force us to meditate for two reasons!

1. Not meditating is it's own punishment(The reason I spoke of sleep within my post is because a few days ago after consistently dedicating hours a day to meditation for a little while I decided to sleep and did none of my meditations. I woke up the next morning and after a few hours I was struck with debilitating pain due to my energy levels dropping. I was unable to eat, move, speak, or do anything. For a few days. I managed to recover almost completely today but It will take a few more days to be completely fine) Not meditating leaves you open to the enemy and other things. By not meditating we lose so much of our protection and in extreme cases like mine above we can be put in horrible pain or worse. Energy builds within you my friend. Imagine starting with one piece of wood and adding one piece on top of that piece each day. Each day every piece of wood gets stronger and becomes slightly imbalanced, threatening to tip. Now each new piece adds balance to the rest and prevents the wood from falling over. What happens when you stop adding to the tower? It falls

2. We have free will and can choose what we want to do or what we don't want to do. If the gods started controlling us and making us do something we would be nothing but puppets like the enemy borg.

Let me close this off by saying I believe in you my friend. You can do this. There is no failure, only feedback. If you make a mistake instead of saying sorry, look for the reason that the mistake was made and avoid making it again. Become the person you desire to be

Beautiful. Well put. :D

If you are gonna be starting meditating from scratch you should definitely follow the meditation programs in this order.

1. 40 day

2. After completing the 40 day be sure to keep the yoga and the meditations from the 40th day. Energy builds!

3. 6 month program while keeping the 40th day meditations as well

4. After you are done with the two programs above you should create your own meditation schedule to advance in areas which you found difficult and master them while keeping the meditations you added.

Also if you haven't dedicated be sure to. Its super important

So your days would idealy be something like this.

Before completing 40 day and 6 month

Morning - morning meditations(40 day or 40th day + 6 month if 40 day completed)

Afternoon - rtr and returning curses 1 and 2

Night - night meditations(40 day or 40th day + 6 month if 40 day completed)

And after completing the 40 day and 6 month.

Morning - morning meditations(40th + some form of energy stimulation to keep your chakras healthy)

Afternoon - rtr and returning curses 1 and 2

Anytime - meditations to fix your weaknesses(we all come at our own level. What may take one 5 minutes to master may take another 5 years. We all have our own weaknesses and strengths. Certain medications may be very hard for you. Find the issues and work on them)

Night - night meditations(40th + some form of energy stimualtion to keep your chakras healthy)

Also the rtr and returning curses are extremely neccessary. I reommend you find some time for them. For RTRx9 you can use the 666 meditation which takes a few minutes.

Vuh x6 into solar chakra

Vahx6 into chest chakra

Voh x6 into 6th chakra
(vvvvOOOOOO. Hard o like in "Oh yea")

Also for doing the returning curses there should be no excuses but we all have our own issues and lives. Idealy you should use mala beads or a satanic rosary to vibrate surya 216 times since 216 is 666. But if you are in a major rush do surya 18 times as 18 revoles around health. The r in surya can either be rolled or not rolled.

Good luck my friend. Be sure to do efficient study as well as I am no expert

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
