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Here It Comes: 'Patriot Act 2.0' Aimed At The UnWoke Americans/ Marines See BiggestDeployment Of Rifle Suppressors ever


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2020
Although there is not yet any talk of legislation [in response to the Capitol Hill riots], it’s certainly true there are whispers of purges and other measures to “protect the constitution”.

That quote did not age well, indeed it was wrong from the moment it went to print. Because, as it turns out, there has actually been “talk of legislation” for weeks – even months. Soon-to-be-President Joe Biden promised a new “domestic terrorism bill” back in November, according to the Wall Street Journal.

That is why you’re seeing so much usage of the phrase “domestic terrorism” in the last couple of days.

It’s the meme-phrase. The primary talking point for this whole exercise. It was underlined in all the memos sent out to all the media outlets.

That’s why Joe Biden went to such lengths to distinguish “domestic terrorists” from “protesters” in his speech following the riots.

That’s why the Council on Foreign Relations had an interview with a “counter-terrorism and national security expert” published within 24 hours of the incident, in which he spends 4 paragraphs arguing that the people who “stormed the capitol” were domestic terrorists.

That’s why the Washington Post has got an article dedicated to “lawmakers and experts” arguing that the Capitol Hill protest was an act of “domestic terrorism”. And so have Vox. And Mother Jones.

That’s why ABC had an article about how “domestic terrorism and hate crimes” were a growing problem in America…a week before the riot took place.

And that’s why #TrumpisaDomesticTerrorist is trending on Twitter.

Georgetown University, a well-known spook college, published a paper in September 2020 titled the “The Need for a Specific Law Against Domestic Terrorism”, and op-ed pieces bemoaning the lack of such a law have been dotted through the press going back to last summer and even late 2019.

There was one published yesterday, in which a “senior FBI official” says “more could have been done” if there had been a “specific law outlawing” domestic terrorism.

“Domestic Terrorism” is clearly where it’s at in early 2021, so we can expect a brand new law regarding it…probably by March, at the latest.

What will “Domestic Terrorism” mean in this law?

The answer to that is pretty much always “whatever they want it to mean.”

Certainly, it will include “incitement” and “hate speech”, I would expect “denialism” to make an appearance, and be downright shocked if “spreading misinformation” doesn’t get a mention. Don’t be surprised if “questioning elections” or “bringing democracy into disrepute” is made an outright crime.

It will probably be tied into the Covid “pandemic” in some way, too. After all, what is discouraging people from taking vaccines if not the very definition of “terrorism”, right? It’s possible that even climate change will get a mention as well. They like to slide that into every issue these days.

Joe Biden has claimed multiple times to be the author of the original Patriot Act, saying it was based entirely on a bill he proposed in the wake of the Oklahoma City bombing of 1995.

Well now he has a chance to work on the reboot too, and they are always so much better when you can get the original creative team back together.

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The U.S. Marine Corps is fielding tens of thousands of suppressors designed for automatic rifles as a move to reduce noise signature on the modern battlefield, according to Military.com.

Marine Corps Systems Command (MCSC) is in the process of fielding the first of the suppressors designed for M4 and M4A1 carbines and M27 infantry automatic rifles to Marines stationed at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. By 2023, the service expects as many as 30,000 suppressors will be fielded, which is the largest deployment of suppressors by any military.

* * *

I want everyone reading to take in these articles and think about how they correlate with each other.

If you haven’t figured it out yet..

1.New laws against general freedom and humanity further turning us into serfs. Creation of an unnamed USSA (United Soviet States Of America) and the establishment of neo-feudalism.

2. Use of the military domestically as an NKVD/STASI force to “take care” of dissidents silently hence the suppressors. Wouldn’t want to hear your neighbors being shot up for heresy against the regime would you?

3. Establishment Neo-gulags in the form of “CoVid/FEMA camps”, if you think this isn’t real please research New York assembly bill 416. It allows the state to detain and hold you indefinitely using public health as the excuse. This will be used to grab anyone they want for any reason. The new administration will attempt and likely succeed to pass a nationwide version of this. Mandatory vaccines included as a possibility. Governor cuomo of NY has also been shutting down a bunch of prisons in the state with the reason of, of course, covid. What future uses do you think these currently vacant facilities will have?

4. Worsening race relations and demographic change, Genocide and theft against White Americans. This one needs no explanation as everyone can see examples of it happening today in places such as South Africa. The justice system will not prosecute those who take part as this already happens with Antifa/BLM criminals being let off the hook by corrupt Soros funded district attorneys. The installation of the first illegitimate “woman of color” as president adds on to this.

5. Total civil/race war, power/internet shut off worldwide? I’m not sure about this step as it is too far off to tell what exactly will/may happen.

I wrote and posted this because I feel I have to. Some people, even satanists are still in a delusional state and think things will just go back to normal with no pushback from the enemy once Trump is gone. There is no denying that many millions and millions of people around the world became aware of them and their plans in this time frame.

Starting really 4 years ago with the symbolic election of Trump, people began to revolt against the enemy and deny their new world order. But now that’s over with.

Jews have essentially closed the playground and said, “ok goyim we let you have your fun four years ,now we’re gonna make you pay for that, SEVERELY ”. I don’t see the current censorship and crackdown of alt-tech letting up. The enemy smelled blood in the water with that Capitol protest and now they are hungry sharks trying to devour everything.

You can call it an enemy attack or whatever but recently I have been becoming more antsy and Anxious with this feeling in my gut that humanity is screwed. It’s like one of those old western movies where a lady is tied down to the tracks and theres a train coming full speed ahead, humanity is that damsel and Jews are that locomotive about to splatter us into a million pieces.

I think another post with a message from the Gods is in order soon because even with so much uncertainty they know all of this better than anyone. I’m sure I’m not the only member feeling this way. That’s about all. Sieg Heil.
There's nothing to be worried about. There will be an apocalypse and many many people will die. Actually to be honest, we're already in the apocalypse and there's no going back - not because the enemy doesn't want to,but they physically can't.

The economy collapsed totally in the last lockdown. What this means is we are entering a depression the likes of which the world has not seen since the last century. They will come out with digital one world currency,microchips and AI human augmentation but not before they kill off swathes of undesirable demographic groups.

This plan was hatched in 1980s starting with Lockstep and then their various war games.

But understand this - these social simulations aren't perfect and its logistically impossible that they will pull all of this off the way they want.

Sometime, somewhere along the line they will make mistakes where humanity will push back and that will escalate into the end of world jewry.

This is a war of attrition meaning either they lose first or we do. Even if we have a couple of thousands of each race left, we can rebuild the world.

They already tried to kill us all thousands of years ago but we survived. We survived and preserved then and we'll do it now.

You should be happy that atleast the Leviathan is out in the open and the disgusting materialistic delusion of fake reality is falling apart. This is what we were born to do and witness. Why you weren't born in an age of hippies but in an age of war. This is our destiny, ones who were reincarnated in the last war by our Lord to rebuild the world in his image after we go through this short but decisive 2 decades

Look at the picture in my Signature. That is Kalki - The Manifestation of the end of an age - and the beginning of the new one.

Going forward with astrological chances ,humanity will ascend spiritually and technologically and we will have to leave the vanity, hatred and materialism behind. Latching on to base emotions and animal behaviors will have to go.

And we need a solution to our most important problem - the jews. They are going to come after us until we find a final solution to this thousands of years problem. These are just a couple of thousands of psychopaths on power trips. Wait till you see thousands of thousands of Revolutionaries fighting for a single reason - to overthrow the NWO. They can't kill all of us and they certainly won't. How long will they hide in their Nuclear Silos ? They're bound to come out at some point.

Do Regular void meditation and as I've said many times if you haven't panicked, do it now. In times of need, you need to be focused and present not in panic mode.

We'll get out of this alive, either way.
Since I've been replied to in another thread the Gods are coming to literally "save our asses". Does that mean this will reduce the time the Gods come?

It seems no matter what the criminals are innocent and the innocent are criminals. So it seems like Biden Inc, L.L.C. will set up shop to prevent the genie in the bottle. But it seems like that time has come to an end so the jewing has to enter Soviet-style assault.

I'm still hopeful that something wonderful will happen and prevent this non-sense. But people lately have been painting a picture of "doom and gloom". I know nothing is gonna happen but this time it seems like the enemy is seriously gonna go haywire over what is in essence our resistance towards (((goyshkoping))) processes . And WHAT is wrong with that? Why should we bow down to judentum oppression?

Reminds me of the statement [member: @Jack] posted "Germany was the last hope this past century in preventing judeo-bolshevism"[paraphrasing].

Anyways I hope the so-called victors of war these "greatest generation" I hope the few still around realize how fucked up reality is. You fought for the wrong side.
Jack said:
There's nothing to be worried about. There will be an apocalypse and many many people will die. Actually to be honest, we're already in the apocalypse and there's no going back - not because the enemy doesn't want to,but they physically can't.

Sometime, somewhere along the line they will make mistakes where humanity will push back and that will escalate into the end of world jewry.
It’s a very stark realization that I will probably die due to a government goon or fighting in a massive war civil or not rather than natural causes/old age. Is there seriously going to be anything left standing by the time we are Joe Biden’s age? Even if you manage to raise your kundalini and everything there isn’t nearly enough time left to complete the magnum opus without reincarnating, even then there won’t be an earth left to come back to.

Gear88 said:
Since I've been replied to in another thread the Gods are coming to literally "save our asses". Does that mean this will reduce the time the Gods come?
No clue what the God’s plan is at this point unless there are MAJOR victories for us in the coming years I don’t see them coming back. As cruel as this may sound they should save the most important satanic and other souls and just leave the rest of the goy-um to die because frankly they deserve it for going along with this system. We will just become another borg planet or one that has been destroyed by nuclear war once the world starts closing in on Jews they will just decide to take everyone with them, AKA the Samson option.

But it seems like that time has come to an end so the jewing has to enter Soviet-style assault.

They don’t have any other option for victory other than extreme suppression of humanity, another awakening like the last 4 will not be allowed to happen again. This is the act where the (((EMPIRE))) strikes back.

Anyways I hope the so-called victors of war these "greatest generation" I hope the few still around realize how fucked up reality is. You fought for the wrong side.

The funny thing is after all the elderly die we officially become the minority, that’s the final middle finger from the baby boomers towards the younger generation. Thanks for supporting “equality” and “civil rights” in the 60’s you stupid fucks.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Jack said:
There's nothing to be worried about. There will be an apocalypse and many many people will die. Actually to be honest, we're already in the apocalypse and there's no going back - not because the enemy doesn't want to,but they physically can't.

Sometime, somewhere along the line they will make mistakes where humanity will push back and that will escalate into the end of world jewry.
It’s a very stark realization that I will probably die due to a government goon or fighting in a massive war civil or not rather than natural causes/old age. Is there seriously going to be anything left standing by the time we are Joe Biden’s age? Even if you manage to raise your kundalini and everything there isn’t nearly enough time left to complete the magnum opus without reincarnating, even then there won’t be an earth left to come back to.
The earth will survive as will humanity ,it just might be somewhat dramatic. You'll survive too if you don't do anything kamikaze.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
