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Easter Occult Date And Notre Dame

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Easter Occult Date And Notre Dame

The Pagan holiday of Easter was replaced by Pascha by the Christian church, which is the old Greek for Passover. This was also called the festival of the Resurrection of the Lord, also called Resurrection Sunday. They tried to replace the name Easter which such new terms. To connect the mass mind into this date and the power that is raised.

The name April is from the Latin word aperire which means "to open" its the month of the Goddess Easter, it represents the first month of the new year when the sun is in Aries. Easter means "dawn" this is the dawn of the sun. At this time the energies of regeneration are put into motion within nature and the energetic grid of the planet. The opening of the energies of the year. Note both Venus and Mars rule this month, to the Greeks and Romans, Mars is the consort of Venus, Aries is the Greek name of Mars. Think about what these two planets rule. Generation and creation.

That is why Easter was given this holiday, Easter was symbolized as the solar Goddess and the powers of life, this is the month that relates to putting all spiritual working for the year into motion, animals go into the mating season around this time as well. It also relates to the Magnum Opus. The enemy does their major rituals and attacks along this time from March into April as they are attempting to use this energy of the year for themselves. To put their own plans into motion, note how many major events all happen during this time from the enemy schemes in history. We are witnessing this now in Paris and in Sri Lanka as well. That is how important it is for the enemy to make energetic momentum at this time of year. Remember a thought form is a living thing, its alive, this time relates to energy power.

Understanding the Egregore:
"Egregore (also egregor) is an occult concept representing a "thoughtform" or "collective group mind", an autonomous psychic entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a group of people."

This is also why the enemy program does their major ritual working from Lent to Easter. This is the key time from them to charge up and direct the energies of their thought form [Egregore] for the year. That is why the intense focus on the Nazarene occurs at this time, this is the conduit for the Gentiles to channel their psychic energies into the Egregore of the enemy. The time is based on creating sympathy in the minds of the Gentiles with the pretending suffering of this fictional character of Jewsus. This creates the needed open channel in the minds of the masses and allows them to psychically connect into the enemy thought form to a much stronger level and empower it. If one studies the Kabbalistic exercises of the Jewish Kabbalah adept and founder of the Jesuits, Loyola, that Loyola gave to the Jesuit Order. Its based on nothing but the exact same focus the enemy ritual of Lent to Easter is based on for the masses, Sympathetic magic. This is done for the individual to connect with and empower the Egregore of the Nazarene in the Jesuit occult teachings. For them to become a conduit and connect the energies.

This is why around this time the Jesuits decided to attack their own churches all over France for weeks leading up to the false flag of the Notre Dame event. Its connecting with the rituals of Lent and Easter, sympathy, suffering and such. Its one big sympathy ploy, the Notre Dame event was done to open the masses up to connect with the Egregore of the enemy, sub consciously at this all important energy date and then infuse it with their energy. That is why the enemy media used the numerology of 6 all over the coverage of this event, the six is the number that connects and manifests the energies of the ritual. Their pretend "god" created the world in 6 days, creation in the Torah, and the Bible is the number 6 the materialization of energy into the physical. The Jesuits that run the Catholic church are desperate to keep the energy of their Egregore going in the mass mind.

One can tell from the reports the enemy did this in a method that shows they are in a desperate rush just to stay going. The Egregore of the enemy is like the tale of the magic lamp and the Genie, in this case the magic lamp and the Jewnie. The enemy knows how to rub the lamp and make the Genie appear and grant them never ending wishes. The lamp is the Christian spell book, the Bible. And the Genie is the energy created by the Bible and the mass mind infusing it for centuries with psychic energy, which has taken on a life of its own, the Egregore, which the Jewish adepts at the top know how to command [occult knowledge of Kabbalah] and direct the granting of the never ending wishes with. The Jewnie only has the power to grant them their wishes if its powerful enough to do so and existent.
I think we should also top up our rtr at this time too,to also use the energy of this season against the enemy
HP Mageson666 said:
Easter Occult Date And Notre Dame

The Pagan holiday of Easter was replaced by Pascha by the Christian church, which is the old Greek for Passover. This was also called the festival of the Resurrection of the Lord, also called Resurrection Sunday. They tried to replace the name Easter which such new terms. To connect the mass mind into this date and the power that is raised.

The name April is from the Latin word aperire which means "to open" its the month of the Goddess Easter, it represents the first month of the new year when the sun is in Aries. Easter means "dawn" this is the dawn of the sun. At this time the energies of regeneration are put into motion within nature and the energetic grid of the planet. The opening of the energies of the year. Note both Venus and Mars rule this month, to the Greeks and Romans, Mars is the consort of Venus, Aries is the Greek name of Mars. Think about what these two planets rule. Generation and creation.

That is why Easter was given this holiday, Easter was symbolized as the solar Goddess and the powers of life, this is the month that relates to putting all spiritual working for the year into motion, animals go into the mating season around this time as well. It also relates to the Magnum Opus. The enemy does their major rituals and attacks along this time from March into April as they are attempting to use this energy of the year for themselves. To put their own plans into motion, note how many major events all happen during this time from the enemy schemes in history. We are witnessing this now in Paris and in Sri Lanka as well. That is how important it is for the enemy to make energetic momentum at this time of year. Remember a thought form is a living thing, its alive, this time relates to energy power.

Understanding the Egregore:
"Egregore (also egregor) is an occult concept representing a "thoughtform" or "collective group mind", an autonomous psychic entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a group of people."

This is also why the enemy program does their major ritual working from Lent to Easter. This is the key time from them to charge up and direct the energies of their thought form [Egregore] for the year. That is why the intense focus on the Nazarene occurs at this time, this is the conduit for the Gentiles to channel their psychic energies into the Egregore of the enemy. The time is based on creating sympathy in the minds of the Gentiles with the pretending suffering of this fictional character of Jewsus. This creates the needed open channel in the minds of the masses and allows them to psychically connect into the enemy thought form to a much stronger level and empower it. If one studies the Kabbalistic exercises of the Jewish Kabbalah adept and founder of the Jesuits, Loyola, that Loyola gave to the Jesuit Order. Its based on nothing but the exact same focus the enemy ritual of Lent to Easter is based on for the masses, Sympathetic magic. This is done for the individual to connect with and empower the Egregore of the Nazarene in the Jesuit occult teachings. For them to become a conduit and connect the energies.

This is why around this time the Jesuits decided to attack their own churches all over France for weeks leading up to the false flag of the Notre Dame event. Its connecting with the rituals of Lent and Easter, sympathy, suffering and such. Its one big sympathy ploy, the Notre Dame event was done to open the masses up to connect with the Egregore of the enemy, sub consciously at this all important energy date and then infuse it with their energy. That is why the enemy media used the numerology of 6 all over the coverage of this event, the six is the number that connects and manifests the energies of the ritual. Their pretend "god" created the world in 6 days, creation in the Torah, and the Bible is the number 6 the materialization of energy into the physical. The Jesuits that run the Catholic church are desperate to keep the energy of their Egregore going in the mass mind.

One can tell from the reports the enemy did this in a method that shows they are in a desperate rush just to stay going. The Egregore of the enemy is like the tale of the magic lamp and the Genie, in this case the magic lamp and the Jewnie. The enemy knows how to rub the lamp and make the Genie appear and grant them never ending wishes. The lamp is the Christian spell book, the Bible. And the Genie is the energy created by the Bible and the mass mind infusing it for centuries with psychic energy, which has taken on a life of its own, the Egregore, which the Jewish adepts at the top know how to command [occult knowledge of Kabbalah] and direct the granting of the never ending wishes with. The Jewnie only has the power to grant them their wishes if its powerful enough to do so and existent.
Jews have a reptilian gene in them. But they don't look much like reptiles. They look a lot like mice. Rabbis with big bellies look like big mice in human form. It would be very interesting if their nose were double or triple as they have it.
Note many of these Islamist groups are pro Israeli and supplied monetary funds through Israeli front organizations. They are supplying both sides.
HP Mageson666 said:
That is why the intense focus on the Nazarene occurs at this time, this is the conduit for the Gentiles to channel their psychic energies into the Egregore of the enemy. The time is based on creating sympathy in the minds of the Gentiles with the pretending suffering of this fictional character of Jewsus.

Does the whole "jesus was actually born in the spring" bit have any connection to this as well?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
