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Was I attacked?


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2021
I am writing this at 11:41 pm, a few mins after this happend:
I went to bed to sleep, everything was normal. Suddenly I started to hear in my head some rly brutal curses (some of them were: may god give you hunger, sadness in life, etc etc) which were said by some rly aggressive and deep male voice. This hearing happend first time in my life, I think I succeeded in opening the points for astral hearing aswell?
Anyway, after ai finish writing this Im gonna do an extra aura of protection.
What do u guys think about this, did jews curse me?
Don't worry too much about this sort of thing. There are many negative influences out there on the astral related to the jews and enemy aliens.

Negative thoughtforms from the enemy, greys, souls of people who died under the enemy programs, other entities related to the enemy, etc.

They range from insignificant pests to fairly powerful and dangerous, however as an SS you are protected from the dangerous kinds of things that can actually harm you by the Gods (things like advanced alien entities related to the reptilian hive).

Such attacks are not uncommon, just use Vinasa to banish enemy entities when this happens and clean your aura.

I've had many similar things happen, also far worse things, even after being dedicated to Satan and having build my AoP.

This was also because I sought it out during spiritual warfare when I was newer, I often taunted the enemy aliens in my anger and insulted them, dared them to come face me so I can give them a good reckoning with my astral fists.

I was bold, immature and filled with desire to wreck these alien things so I needlessly wasted time and energy facing them to satisfy this desire in immature ways.

I had dreams where I was assaulted by greys, I'd wake up abruptly and feel heavy negative presences all around me, I'd see shadows where there are none and shapes in front of my face that looked like the ugly greys bulbous heads and eyes, as if dozens of them were staring at me while assaulting my mind.

I'd see them gripping my body with their filthy bony fingers and feel pressure as well as a draining sensation physically from the places I saw them grab.

They weren't physically there, as this sort of psychic attack is astral in nature, they are enemy projections, sometimes they are thoughtforms as well (which are significantly weaker than actual projections by enemy entities).

I've had a few moments where I woke up suddenly from my sleep to a hostile presence and saw in my mind's eye a 7 foot tall reptilian glaring me down, yelling in my mind to obey them or die and all sorts of other curses and insults ad nauseam while they threatened me or even assaulted me.

Every time I laughed and fought it off with my mind and spirit. I'd ask my GD to let me handle it and use all my mind to beat them back and wreck this nonsense.

For example, vibrating Thurisaz into the negative entities, and also Vinasa to banish them while resisting them with my will, visualizing them destroyed or disintegrating under the influence.

Sometimes it took me over 15 minutes of intense mental struggle to overcome them and finally push them off, or it would take multiple attempts as they kept coming back.

When I was new, it felt empowering and fun to stand up against enemy entities with my own might, even if it was draining. Especially because before I found the Joy of Satan I was helplessly assaulted by enemy thoughtforms day and night for over a year, to the point it almost drove me mad.

I was helpless at that time since I lacked the spiritual knowledge to fight these thoughtforms off. After dedicating to Satan and building real power, as well as learning how to use that power, I was eager to get my revenge and face them again with my newfound ability, so I actively sought it out during my early years as an SS.

It is mostly a waste of time and energy to do this, so I'd advice any SS who faces spiritual or psychic attacks to simply avoid giving any credence to these things, the moment you feel anything off just push it away with your will, do a banishing with Vinasa and clean your aura, then don't think of it at all anymore and know it cannot affect or harm you in any way.

As a result of doing that I barely ever face any kind of psychic attacks, and when I do these days, it amounts to almost nothing as it is easily dealt with.

Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:

Adding to what VoE said, it's better to build your spiritual power, especially when you are suffering in low witchpower/energy.

I remembered from the last few months, I was so panicked about the enemy that has been assaulting me and I was ignoring Father Satan and my GD's advice to "take it easy on the Detaching."

"But why?! They're attacking me!!" Is what I would say mentally to myself. I kept thinking that it's a portal to me, I need to cut all of them.

However, I soon felt burnt out whenever I try to add another Detaching Working, as well as becoming a shell of my former self. Soon, due to the members who have helped me here, I didn't want them to think I lied because I'm not doing the needed meditations they recommended to me, thinking that I'm not doing hard enough.

I remembered I was so freaked out of the reptilian that kept harassing me that I decided to go to the forums even if it was in front of me.

Not even ten minutes, the presence disappeared. I thought I was going crazy. Schizophrenic, even. Turns out I was actively paranoid at its presence that I kept focusing on it and it keeps coming back to me.

The worst thing you could do regarding these psychic attacks however, is to not do any meditations at all, thinking that it was just "in your head". The right way to do it is a quote from my post to other Satanic members here is:

Anyways, I fixed my situation due to me focusing more on the physical, few meditations, and my hobbies. That was it. I guess I almost lost my sanity because of what the enemy did to me. Thankfully, going here in the forums fixed it :D
Serbon said:
What do u guys think about this, did jews curse me?

It sounds like it - although - it also sounds Christian to me? As VoiceofEnki suggested, it is best to focus on cleansing and protecting yourself. If it happens again, remember the strength of your aura, and its ability to effortlessly "bounce" unwanted energies right back to where they came from.

Well done on the progress with your astral hearing by the way! Sounds like it's working, at least while your brain waves are slow and near sleep. I often doubt whether I am talking to myself or our Gods when in a more "awake" state - I know there was a working posted on here to help with this which I might give a try (if I can find it).

I have had (a few) experiences like your own where I have suddenly been woken up by loud noises, voices and knocking. I've even had a recently deceased spirit follow me home and stand next to my bed whilst I was sleeping (creepy). I was able to see her in a sort of paralysed sleepy state - but she meant no harm, I think she felt a bit lost and was drawn to me because I was aware of her presence.

In any case, I don't see this experience as anything more than an indication of positive progress for youself.

VoiceofEnki said:
It is mostly a waste of time and energy to do this, so I'd advice any SS who faces spiritual or psychic attacks to simply avoid giving any credence to these things, the moment you feel anything off just push it away with your will, do a banishing with Vinasa and clean your aura, then don't think of it at all anymore and know it cannot affect or harm you in any way.

As a result of doing that I barely ever face any kind of psychic attacks, and when I do these days, it amounts to almost nothing as it is easily dealt with.

Hail Satan!

I was going to ask, did you gain anything by provoking the enemy? I'm not suggesting anybody starts taunting greys, just curious :)

I also agree with your advice: our energies are best reserved for our own development, or targeted spiritual warfare.
gnome said:
I was going to ask, did you gain anything by provoking the enemy? I'm not suggesting anybody starts taunting greys, just curious :)

I also agree with your advice: our energies are best reserved for our own development, or targeted spiritual warfare.

I suppose one of the things I gained was confidence in my spiritual ability, as well as I learned very well how to direct and enforce my will astrally.

However, you can learn this through normal meditative methods as well, so it's not necessary to engage entities with your mind or otherwise in order to learn how to do it.

It did also allow me to become entirely fearless in the face of the enemy, who are beings that thrive on fear and domination.

Just their presence induces extreme fear into a person and it takes significant will to stand up to them. An ordinary person would be completely paralyzed with fear in front of them as their mind is dominated effortlessly, unable to do anything and entirely helpless before them.

Through my encounters with such beings during spiritual warfare and other moments, I understand well how their attacks work and how to defend against psychic attacks, also how curses or thoughtforms harm the mind and soul, which gave me a lot of practical experience in dealing with this.

Spiritually speaking, I know how to throw hands quite well from all this so to say, which is definitely useful experience in my opinion, but this too you can learn just fine without engaging in potentially harmful and definitely draining things like this, so I am not advocating for it, or trying to brag, just relating my experience.

A good SS friend has told me they had dreams where they sparred on the astral with other souls or even demons. They would attack and defend against each other with their astral bodies, using their energy, like training in an astral dojo, if they were being trained in the practical application of spiritual power for attack and defense in case one encounters a hostile entity.

Personally I believe SS are trained in the use of spiritual power even subconsciously by our Gods from time to time, resulting in dreams like that.

I believe our Gods see to it that we are prepared to use our powers to defend against hostile astral entities and influences in case we encounter them, since it is not uncommon to encounter such entities as a Spiritual Satanic meditator.

Hail Satan!
I'm going through this too and have been for a long time (7 years), I even posted here about it.

I no exactly what you mean by that low toned, deep negative voice.

Ignoring all kinds of negativity either that be in your mind or outside is very important when practicing growth.

At the moment, with the ones that attack me, they have no power over me at all and are pretty much just a noise at this point, I don't even regard there insults as more than that, noise.

Low vibrational Angels/Reptilian/Grays can be hard to deal with at first but in time you will learn to be able to push them off like a bit of dust. Although it sucks, it has greatly strengthened my mind spiritually and physically to the point I don't fear any more spiritual attacks at all.

In my post, somebody mentioned closing your Chakras and this did help me tremendously, the voices then became more like buzzing sounds in the air and lost a lot of power. Cleansing your aura is always good just be patient and do it every day and night. Pass the voices as just a negative energy and don't give it any attention at all, let it pass, don't feed or get emotional over it.

I will be interested to see the other replies when I have the time as I still could use help dealing with them too, the more knowledge the better. It's nice to no that we are not alone in dealing with these sort of things.

Good luck, you will only grow stronger.
VoiceofEnki said:
Spiritually speaking, I know how to throw hands quite well from all this so to say, which is definitely useful experience in my opinion, but this too you can learn just fine without engaging in potentially harmful and definitely draining things like this, so I am not advocating for it, or trying to brag, just relating my experience.

A good SS friend has told me they had dreams where they sparred on the astral with other souls or even demons. They would attack and defend against each other with their astral bodies, using their energy, like training in an astral dojo, if they were being trained in the practical application of spiritual power for attack and defense in case one encounters a hostile entity.

That is quite inspiring, it's good to share things like this. I've only been attacked once, and it made me think I was going insane. I felt jolts up my spine and a roaring fire in my head. The entity was pretending to be an evil Satan who mocked me and tried to make me feel worthless. I could only let it pass at the time, but it stuck with me for some time, and gave me a lasting anxiety.

Personally I found cutting things out of my diet like caffeine has helped tremendously in my recovery of that, and my ability to maintain a strong aura. A lifestyle like that which Blitzkreig promotes would be ideal, but somewhat challenging from a time management perspective.

I have also had minor issues with entities since then, but like you I find it quite easy to defend myself now.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
