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Valentines Day Message

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Valentine greetings to you all.

Today we are told to show love to that special someone. What about show some love to yourselves today. Most of the issues people give complaints about is the lack of that.

Remember the mind speaks in feelings, image and affirmation and words are connected to all this. So give yourself a big hug and tell yourself with total feeling you love yourself and think of yourself in white golden light doing this. And then do this every day. Then if there is some one else in your life give them a hugs and tellz dem the same.

Our culture is obsessed with finding someone else to make us feel better about ourselves its the theme of almost every song, why not just find you. This need to find someone else to make you feel complete is the sub consciousness effects of Jebooism we need someone to save us and make us feel complete with their imagined love. This is also how a lot of people end up in bad relationships.
Forever Alone Valentine's day.

"But at least, I'm lovin' myself!"

*Fap fap fap fap*

*Feelings of loneliness intensify*

Guys please go get some quality girlfriend or boyfriend and some decent partners because people have become severely dysfunctional and incapable of keeping a human relationship.

We need love from other people and others need love from us. Gender and social deconstruction comes from people who do not relate to others.
It is funny I have never had a girlfriend to celebrate Valentine's day I am so thankful to be me not worrying of someone else :cool:
Harris said:
It is funny I have never had a girlfriend to celebrate Valentine's day I am so thankful to be me not worrying of someone else :cool:

At least you have porn hub and white gold light man, don't sweat it.

Plus, you save around 10 bucks to buy your GF some sort of gift for this day. :roll:

This is the high and quick speed route to spiritual development, as some experts are trying to claim.

I give you a mission here: Find a girlfriend.
Happy Valentine's Day to all. To the person looking for someone to love. Make sure you love yourself before finding someone else. You had mentioned the last person you were in a relationship was dysfunctional but it could be that you did not function well together as well. Perhaps you need to try to find someone that is not your typical type. Perhaps you are going after girls that are all wrong for you. Best thing to do is get back out there.

Happy Valentine's Day to all.
Happy Valentines Day everyone!

The thing with having a partner is the commitment to the relationship.

What we need is another half that is self sufficient and not needy because we need to balance our spiritual responsibilities.

Balance is necessary to be grounded.

Look after yourselves and I love our Spiritual Satanism Community here.
Can I ask why are we 'Celebrating' a xian celebration of Saint Valentine in a Satanic Place?

Soon some people will tell you to celebrate the Birth of Jesus and you will be like "Merry Christmas everybody!".

Guys are we fucking kidding each other?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Can I ask why are we 'Celebrating' a xian celebration of Saint Valentine in a Satanic Place?

Soon some people will tell you to celebrate the Birth of Jesus and you will be like "Merry Christmas everybody!".

Guys are we fucking kidding each other?

Well to be fair people did wish each other merry Christmas around that time essentially, we just called it Yule/Solstice/etc. to avoid saying "Christ"mas, and focused on the Satanic aspects of the holiday. This time it seems to be celebrating what is pretty much treated as a secular holiday.

I always more or less assumed that Valentine's was taken from and based on Pagan holidays, hence its placement in February when the end of winter is coming and we're approaching fertile spring, keyword being fertile. This could be a good opportunity to discuss the history of the holiday and what, if any, Pagan elements were taken for its formation.
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Can I ask why are we 'Celebrating' a xian celebration of Saint Valentine in a Satanic Place?

Soon some people will tell you to celebrate the Birth of Jesus and you will be like "Merry Christmas everybody!".

Guys are we fucking kidding each other?

Well to be fair people did wish each other merry Christmas around that time essentially, we just called it Yule/Solstice/etc. to avoid saying "Christ"mas, and focused on the Satanic aspects of the holiday. This time it seems to be celebrating what is pretty much treated as a secular holiday.

I always more or less assumed that Valentine's was taken from and based on Pagan holidays, hence its placement in February when the end of winter is coming and we're approaching fertile spring, keyword being fertile. This could be a good opportunity to discuss the history of the holiday and what, if any, Pagan elements were taken for its formation.

No, we did not wish anyone Merry 'Christmas' "ESSENTIALLY", and if you think the difference is only in a NAME and a CLAIM, then you have understood nothing of Yule, Satan's holiday, or anything of the related, Pagan holidays, or anything else. Let alone what is truly going on here.

If you think "CHRISTIANITY" is only different in Paganism in a few fundamental things here and there, and based on claims, let me tell you, you have understood nothing of it.

Yule is Yule and original. We did not celebrate the Jew's birth. So you are creating logical interpolations here that are highly disturbing. But this is not your fault. It's the fault and crime of some OTHERS who have been pushing these interpolations for too long, ultimately creating a severe cognitive dissonance to people in order to progressively push Christianity and turn this place into a Christian Adventist Church while pretending they are "DENOUNCING" it and pushing it from the backdoor.

So I do not blame you, but the time of me not alerting to said facts, is over.

Now I am sitting and waiting to listen on the next interpolation or historical pseudohistory on how every xian holiday is actually a Pagan holiday, but with a given INTERPOLATION and BONDING within the two.

As if Jews and Aryans were brothers, but only had an illegitimate feud, and not entirely opposed and fully vitriolic enemy ideologies. Oy vey.

I would rather it was the reverse of "Sunday School -> Disprove Sunday School".

"Catholicism was Paganism" is the next bullshit post I expect from said interpolators, perverters, and useless weasel animals.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Can I ask why are we 'Celebrating' a xian celebration of Saint Valentine in a Satanic Place?

Soon some people will tell you to celebrate the Birth of Jesus and you will be like "Merry Christmas everybody!".

Guys are we fucking kidding each other?

Well to be fair people did wish each other merry Christmas around that time essentially, we just called it Yule/Solstice/etc. to avoid saying "Christ"mas, and focused on the Satanic aspects of the holiday. This time it seems to be celebrating what is pretty much treated as a secular holiday.

I always more or less assumed that Valentine's was taken from and based on Pagan holidays, hence its placement in February when the end of winter is coming and we're approaching fertile spring, keyword being fertile. This could be a good opportunity to discuss the history of the holiday and what, if any, Pagan elements were taken for its formation.

No, we did not wish anyone Merry Christmas "ESSENTIALLY", and if you think the difference is only in a NAME and a CLAIM, then you have understood nothing of Yule, Satan's holiday, or anything of the related.

Yule is Yule and original. We did not celebrate the Jew's birth. So you are creating logical interpolations here.

Now I am sitting and waiting to listen on the next interpolation or historical pseudohistory on how every xian holiday is actually a Pagan holiday.

I would rather it was the reverse of "Sunday School -> Disprove Sunday School".

But as I can see many people need Sunday School on their lives in the first place, and promote it, regardless.

I cannot tell you about the Pagan origins of Valentine's if there are any because, simply put, I don't know. I never really celebrated the holiday myself except for school and the times I had a boyfriend, I just figured it likely does because:

1) A holiday focusing on love and relationships in February, it just seems natural that it would be something taken from the celebrations of fertility and the like that Pagans did around this time.
2) It's oft said here and on JoS that Christianity has nothing original of its own - other than promoting anti-human shit like rape and ritual sacrifice and genocide - and stole things from Paganism to more easily erase it and convert its adherents.

If it is, in fact, pseudohistory that Valentine's has Pagan origins and was stolen and corrupted by Christianity, then that's a fact that can be explained and demonstrated through research. Just like when Christians claim it's pseudohistory that Christmas and Easter were stolen from Paganism, those arguments are refuted. That's why I'm saying this thread could be a good opportunity for doing so, because after all, given that Christmas, Easter and other holidays were stolen from Paganism and made into Christian impersonations, it doesn't seem unreasonable that Valentine's could just be another example.

I've got to focus on some chemistry shit first for school today, but at some point I'd like to pop back in with research and reading I've done on the topic. It very well could be a purely Christian invention, and if that turns out to be the case I'd like to share what I find.
This whole situation just reveals to me further how the intellectual subversion of a deep level, done progressively over time, just corrodes the basic thinking process. I have seen this take place here. This is a danger and an abomination.

For example: The event here is that a "Valentine" is celebrated. You literally also polarized and bonded Christianity with Yule, as if there ever was a connection to them, which there is not.

A historical link between theft is nothing to validate any acceptance of the first, not to empower the other. In short, the only true celebration is a Pagan one.

Despite of the fact of something being stolen from Paganism, mentioning it, and "bonding" the stolen object of the theft, is of no logical consequence.

If you have a bad pair of boots, which is a copy of a good pair of boots, this does not validate in anyway the value of the bad pair of boots.

Likewise, Christian filthy celebrations are of no existence and consequence, unless one indulges in the mentally corroded logic of "They were copied, so they must have some substance".

Their very existence should be rendered irrelevant.

There are a lot of "THEORIES" about the Valentine's 'origins' being Pagan such as Roman festivals [The majority of which have been disputed], but we have to also understand, that drawing these parallels, does not validate the days in reverse.

Many people for example are like "Oh, I like Yule, as it's proven it has always been this way due to CHRISTIANITY and how we "STILL" celebrate it". This is an errant line of thinking. It is the reverse of a honest valuation to accept Yule. One is essentially using the stolen to justify the true, on a deeper level, and not the opposite.

One can therefore not say that since Yule was later made into Xmas, it still has value, or that it is in anyway related to Xmas, anymore than a stolen school bus used to commit robberies is sanctified from the fact before that it was working for a school yard.

This is a very common "Logical" mistake in which some people indulge by mistake, but others are PUSHING, in the end, only giving validation to the already existing status quo and "HAILING" it while pretending to curse it.

I see Pagans who go and marry in Cathedrals and say "HAIL JEWSUS" because they believe it's alright. It's all stolen Paganism n Shiet, so when you bow your ass to Saint Valentine, you're practicing under some form your ancestral religion, LOL.
I'm fairly sure that Valentine's Day was also superimposed over some preexisting pagan holiday, just like cuckmass and worker's day.
Let us say that some leeches have been trying these things for about on century now since White people have been on the fast track to wake up.

For once, xianity is going down, so it tries now to infiltrate and corrupt essences, not 'names'.

You can worship "Odin" and go to church because it has "Glorious Architecture" and claim to be an Odinist. But are you really?

To me, these people are fresh new blood that will shower on my intellectual sword.

They are worse than actual enemies. This is called subversion. And if I see it, here, I will mercilessly, and without a second thought destroy it, criticize it, and bury it on the ground. Just so that said fools are keeping notes.
Valentine Day was originally a Pagan holiday in the Roman world as well I wrote an article on this before this survived into the Christian world and had the same theme within it. However it still holds meaning in our culture today and effects peoples lives. People who just want to find a mate for the sake of it alone many times end up settling for toxic relationships that cost them in the long run.

If you have decent self worth you will attract a better relationship with a high quality person. I have witnessed women I knew who where in nothing but abusive relationships when they changed their self image and worth they where able to finally find a quality mate and have a happy life.

If you have low self worth you will attract the type of partner unconsciously that you believe you deserve. The mind does what its told and programmed with.
And for all you single guys out there, I couldn't not put out something edgy.
To the new opportunities for love and lust. And for brotherhood and companionships between us JOS members,may you succeed in this game of love and life ....Cheers.

Btw Fuck Saint Valentine
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This whole situation just reveals to me further how the intellectual subversion of a deep level, done progressively over time, just corrodes the basic thinking process. I have seen this take place here. This is a danger and an abomination.

For example: The event here is that a "Valentine" is celebrated. You literally also polarized and bonded Christianity with Yule, as if there ever was a connection to them, which there is not.

A historical link between theft is nothing to validate any acceptance of the first, not to empower the other. In short, the only true celebration is a Pagan one.

Despite of the fact of something being stolen from Paganism, mentioning it, and "bonding" the stolen object of the theft, is of no logical consequence.

If you have a bad pair of boots, which is a copy of a good pair of boots, this does not validate in anyway the value of the bad pair of boots.

Likewise, Christian filthy celebrations are of no existence and consequence, unless one indulges in the mentally corroded logic of "They were copied, so they must have some substance".

Their very existence should be rendered irrelevant.

There are a lot of "THEORIES" about the Valentine's 'origins' being Pagan such as Roman festivals, but we have to also understand, that drawing these parallels, does not validate the days in reverse.

One can therefore not say that since Yule was later made into Xmas, it still has value, or that it is in anyway related to Xmas, anymore than a stolen school bus used to commit robberies is sanctified from the fact before that it was working for a school yard.

This is a very common "Logical" mistake in which some people indulge by mistake, but others are PUSHING, in the end, only giving validation to the already existing status quo and "HAILING" it while pretending to curse it.

It is true that I made a connection between Christmas and Yule, I won't deny that, but it was to illustrate that Christmas was taken from it - which, if anything, can and has been used to deprogram people from Christianity. It was one of the things, when I first came to JoS and started reading about all of this, that really sealed the deal for me as someone who has grown up in a conservative, Christian household. How can Christianity possibly be true when its holidays and practices are stolen from something else? Thus it's not my intention to act like these Christian celebrations have value by pointing out their Pagan origins; if anything it's to further solidify the fact that they are corrupt impersonations, and not the "purely Christian" holidays that Christians to this day try to promote. I worded it insufficiently the first go around. Same can be said about those pair of boots, too; by pointing out that the bad pair of boots are merely a shitty copy of the good pair, this is just another point that can be used to argue to people, like non-Satanists who don't know, as to why the bad pair should be discarded and no longer thought about - in addition to the fact that they're just a bad pair of boots.

I agree that having these Pagan origins does not validate the stolen copies. I just view the fact that they were stolen as even more evidence that these holidays are not truly Christian inventions and that Christians are deluding themselves when they try to say that they are - or even worse, that Pagans were merely "feeling the spirit of God" or some shit and celebrating God's holidays because of some inner connection to Christianity/God they had before Christianity was ever a thing. I've seen that argued before. For me, this is why doing research - reading about those theories you mentioned - and discussing findings here would be beneficial, as it'll help people to realize the nature of this holiday and why it should be rejected and forgotten in favor of whatever the original Pagan celebration(s) was/were. And if it doesn't have any, just do away with it altogether. I also think though that confusion on this topic can be expected since pretty much all of us are coming from a corrupt system and have a good deal of deprogramming to do - many, myself included, have treated it purely as a secular holiday, not even thinking about the "Saint" part of it since we're so immunized to that. Thus this discussion will be important as it can help members both new and old disconnect from yet another corrupt celebration in favor of the original Gentile holiday, if there are any for Valentine's.
Try not giving your other nothing on Valentine's day...…. Then you will be forever alone. That's how deep this runs its a secular holiday over here that is based on romantic affection. Every girl friend I ever had all expect romantic on Valentine's day its how it is.
Something to wonder is the medieval holidays which where still Pagan they used the image of the heart for this and this is the where the nadis come together in the head and open the mind with the serpent this is the symbol of Freya the Goddess of love, venus. The enemy has moved the dates of celebrations around to confuse things it might be this time of year has a power date for spiritual practices. The St. Patrick day I wrote about how this was stolen off Pagans however they moved this to March 17 when its the sun entering Aries that is the new year.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Thus this discussion will be important as it can help members both new and old disconnect from yet another corrupt celebration in favor of the original Gentile holiday, if there are any for Valentine's.

Let us say that some leeches have been trying these things for about on century now since White people have been on the fast track to wake up.

For once, xianity is going down, so it tries now to infiltrate and corrupt essences, not 'names'.

You can worship "Odin" and go to church because it has "Glorious Architecture" and claim to be an Odinist. But are you really?

To me, these people are fresh new blood that will shower on my intellectual sword.

They are worse than actual enemies. This is called subversion. And if I see it, here, I will mercilessly, and without a second thought destroy it, criticize it, and bury it on the ground. Just so that said fools are keeping notes.

As you should, because by doing so you are presenting arguments and information needed for people to deprogram from their way of thinking. It's very much like peeling the layers back to get to the core, in that it's a process and can unfortunately take some time, thanks wholly to the enemy. I would wager that this conversation has already given people food for thought to help them re-evaluate their perceptions about spirituality and the like, so that they might pinpoint lingering Christian influence they may not have even realized was there and expunge it. Such is certainly the case for me in forgetting that it's "Saint" Valentine's and that it's not really the secular holiday people in my area treat it as. Granted I don't celebrate it in the first place really, but by not actively thinking about it, that influence remains and can foster into something negative if not uprooted and destroyed.
Fuckin'A eccentric shit posts.

Just so we know, most of these posts are going to go over peoples' heads and think the opposite of what you're trying to get across.
StraitShot47 said:
Fuckin'A eccentric shit posts.

Just so we know, most of these posts are going to go over peoples' heads and think the opposite of what you're trying to get across.

Yes, when everyone sinks the kool aid in, praised be the 'people'.

When they do not, " Its over their heads! ".
HP Mageson666 said:
Something to wonder is the medieval holidays which where still Pagan they used the image of the heart for this and this is the where the nadis come together in the head and open the mind with the serpent this is the symbol of Freya the Goddess of love, venus. The enemy has moved the dates of celebrations around to confuse things it might be this time of year has a power date for spiritual practices. The St. Patrick day I wrote about how this was stolen off Pagans however they moved this to March 17 when its the sun entering Aries that is the new year.

The Medieval Holidays were as Pagan as one European White person wearing a shirt of Black color and claims to be Black as a result is a Black person racially and from Congo since they are wearing a black shirt.

The fact the Romans had some date on the 13-15th [Lupercalia] has been largely debated and disputed, as the essence and purpose of these holidays were drastically different.
StraitShot47 said:
Fuckin'A eccentric shit posts.

Just so we know, most of these posts are going to go over peoples' heads and think the opposite of what you're trying to get across.

I dunno, I'm grasping it pretty well and I'm still half-asleep whilst trying to also do chemistry and pet a cat in my lap.

If people are still confused, that's just more reason to continue the conversation so that they can read, learn, and jump in should they need clarification on something.
Over here Valentine's day is a secular romantic holiday like celebrating your anniversary with your other. However a lot of people frequently post about their problems in that revolve around low self worth issues they then project outwards onto their dedication here. People really need to learn to love themselves.

Over here on this day a lot of people are made to feel insanely depressed for being single as the society is set up you need to have a relationship with another person as a form of Prozac and not because you both complement each other. This is how people get into abusive relationship's they tolerate abuse because they have low self worth and they become even more miserable and the cycle continues to get worse as its reinforced by the environment.

Christianity has taught people to love yourself is the greatest sin and is immoral and to hate yourself makes you a good person. This psychological abuse just gets passed down. People who love themselves will not take abuse from the jew on a stick cult or anyone else. The way people are taught about relationships over here is Christianity your nothing but horrible and you need to find the love of another person to redeem you and make you saved. Just listen to any of the songs in the media its always this theme.

Powstanie Pogańskie said:
As you should, because by doing so you are presenting arguments and information needed for people to deprogram from their way of thinking. It's very much like peeling the layers back to get to the core, in that it's a process and can unfortunately take some time, thanks wholly to the enemy. I would wager that this conversation has already given people food for thought to help them re-evaluate their perceptions about spirituality and the like, so that they might pinpoint lingering Christian influence they may not have even realized was there and expunge it. Such is certainly the case for me in forgetting that it's "Saint" Valentine's and that it's not really the secular holiday people in my area treat it as. Granted I don't celebrate it in the first place really, but by not actively thinking about it, that influence remains and can foster into something negative if not uprooted and destroyed.
They where still connected into Paganism which is why the Church had to take them over. Which means some of the symbols survived despite the changed meanings. Which means the symbols and dates might hold some clue to alchemy still.

I also suspect the Church didn't have the power it claims till much later. Ireland was not Christianized till the mid 13th century in fact the Norman's mentioned the Irish didn't know about Jebooism. The Church also launched major crusades in the 13th century in France to wipe out Paganism and the inquisition to wipe it out fully. This happened much later on in time. There where area's in Europe that where Pagan into the 17th century. The Church launched numerous crusades into Eastern Europe for this reason for decades. And England practiced a deeply Pagan culture in many rural area's till the time of the Puritan Regime.

This date does have some connection to the solar year and the awakening of the heart of the mind the Roman's used the image of the Goat in these celebrations which is Pan and relates to the all seeing eye the sixth chakra where the heart symbol is in ancient times.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Something to wonder is the medieval holidays which where still Pagan they used the image of the heart for this and this is the where the nadis come together in the head and open the mind with the serpent this is the symbol of Freya the Goddess of love, venus. The enemy has moved the dates of celebrations around to confuse things it might be this time of year has a power date for spiritual practices. The St. Patrick day I wrote about how this was stolen off Pagans however they moved this to March 17 when its the sun entering Aries that is the new year.

The Medieval Holidays were as Pagan as one European White person wearing a shirt of Black color and claims to be Black as a result is a Black person racially and from Congo since they are wearing a black shirt.

The fact the Romans had some date on the 13-15th [Lupercalia] has been largely debated and disputed, as the essence and purpose of these holidays were drastically different.
HP Mageson666 said:
Over here Valentine's day is a secular romantic holiday like celebrating your anniversary with your other. However a lot of people frequently post about their problems in that revolve around low self worth issues they then project outwards onto their dedication here. People really need to learn to love themselves.

Over here on this day a lot of people are made to feel insanely depressed for being single as the society is set up you need to have a relationship with another person as a form of Prozac and not because you both complement each other. This is how people get into abusive relationship's they tolerate abuse because they have low self worth and they become even more miserable and the cycle continues to get worse as its reinforced by the environment.

Christianity has taught people to love yourself is the greatest sin and is immoral and to hate yourself makes you a good person. This psychological abuse just gets passed down. People who love themselves will not take abuse from the jew on a stick cult or anyone else. The way people are taught about relationships over here is Christianity your nothing but horrible and you need to find the love of another person to redeem you and make you saved. Just listen to any of the songs in the media its always this theme.

Powstanie Pogańskie said:
As you should, because by doing so you are presenting arguments and information needed for people to deprogram from their way of thinking. It's very much like peeling the layers back to get to the core, in that it's a process and can unfortunately take some time, thanks wholly to the enemy. I would wager that this conversation has already given people food for thought to help them re-evaluate their perceptions about spirituality and the like, so that they might pinpoint lingering Christian influence they may not have even realized was there and expunge it. Such is certainly the case for me in forgetting that it's "Saint" Valentine's and that it's not really the secular holiday people in my area treat it as. Granted I don't celebrate it in the first place really, but by not actively thinking about it, that influence remains and can foster into something negative if not uprooted and destroyed.

That's pretty much the only time I've celebrated Valentine's, excluding the elementary school tradition of giving everyone cards and candies. It was an obligation to do something specifically that day what we tended to do organically throughout the relationship anyway.

Amusingly enough that relationship actually ended on Valentine's, which has given me a certain level of fondness for the date itself as that relationship needed to be brought to a close. If anything, for me it's a time where I'm reminded to focus on building myself up and not allowing an unhealthy relationship to dictate what I believe about myself, so your post plays a few familiar notes to me.

HP Mageson666 said:
I also suspect the Church didn't have the power it claims till much later. Ireland was not Christianized till the mid 13th century in fact the Norman's mentioned the Irish didn't know about Jebooism. The Church also launched major crusades in the 13th century in France to wipe out Paganism and the inquisition to wipe it out fully. This happened much later on in time. There where area's in Europe that where Pagan into the 17th century. The Church launched numerous crusades into Eastern Europe for this reason for decades. And England practiced a deeply Pagan culture in many rural area's till the time of the Puritan Regime.

I've read the same thing about Poland as well, on the subject of Eastern Europe. Catholics today like to tout that the "Baptism of Poland" in 966 was the genuine founding of Poland as a nation since they all ostensibly unified behind their common Christian faith. While it is true that Poland formed a cohesive nation that year, doing away with Paganism was a much harder feat than they admit. One book I read argued that Mieszko I, "founder" of Poland, only really did it to curry favor and lessen proselytizing pressure, whilst Paganism remained common amongst much of the populace for a few centuries.
On this day we should celebrate and remember the Pagan allegory of the uniting of ida and pingala, the Pagan legend of Cupid, and the love between a man and a woman as it relates to sex magick and fertility rituals in kama sutra aspects.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Can I ask why are we 'Celebrating' a xian celebration of Saint Valentine in a Satanic Place?

Soon some people will tell you to celebrate the Birth of Jesus and you will be like "Merry Christmas everybody!".

Guys are we fucking kidding each other?
Uh, a bit like new age advice, that's what the fat incels and losers who can't get a girlfriend/boyfriend tell themselves... "I love myself! It doesn't matter that I can't get laid! I'm speciiiiaaaaallll!!!!"
What about Dragobete? It's a Romanian celebration of love that can be compared to St. Valentine's Day. But it's something national and takes place on 24th of February. There are a lot of Romanians who get offended by Valentine's Day being celebrated in our country because of it.

Dragobete is an incredibly old celebration. It's been around since the ancient days. Dragobete was a dacian God and the equivalent of Cupid/Eros. So the the holiday is has heavy pagan roots. Xians have tried to turn it into a holiday of their own, tho.
BlueLight said:
What about Dragobete? It's a Romanian celebration of love that can be compared to St. Valentine's Day. But it's something national and takes place on 24th of February. There are a lot of Romanians who get offended by Valentine's Day being celebrated in our country because of it.

Dragobete is an incredibly old celebration. It's been around since the ancient days. Dragobete was a dacian God and the equivalent of Cupid/Eros. So the the holiday is has heavy pagan roots. Xians have tried to turn it into a holiday of their own, tho.

In some places in Southern Europe also, the "Valentine" is also significant for the local version of "Halloween" or the Masquerade celebrations.

Plus, the moment celebration are moved, they are at an instant perverted. They no longer present anything of the natural astrological circle, and therefore, their basis is collapsed.
Catz666 said:
Uh, a bit like new age advice, that's what the fat incels and losers who can't get a girlfriend/boyfriend tell themselves... "I love myself! It doesn't matter that I can't get laid! I'm speciiiiaaaaallll!!!!"

Fat incels and losers don't actually love themselves though. They hide behind their ideology of "its the womans fault that i cant get laid" to remain either purposefully or unconsciously ignorant of the fact that they are losers. These are people that make all sort of excuses because they don't want to put the effort into fixing themselves and their problems and instead choose to blame everyone else. Does this sound like something someone who loves themselves would do? These people are the type of person that revolves themselves over whether they can get laid or not as "getting dat pussy" is what validates meaning in their life.

Someone who actually loves themselves would not settle for someone below them. There is a fine line between "not getting laid" and "not choosing a poor product just to get laid".
What does Dracula actually mean in Romanian? Some state it means "Son of the Dragon". This is debated over here.

BlueLight said:
What about Dragobete? It's a Romanian celebration of love that can be compared to St. Valentine's Day. But it's something national and takes place on 24th of February. There are a lot of Romanians who get offended by Valentine's Day being celebrated in our country because of it.

Dragobete is an incredibly old celebration. It's been around since the ancient days. Dragobete was a dacian God and the equivalent of Cupid/Eros. So the the holiday is has heavy pagan roots. Xians have tried to turn it into a holiday of their own, tho.
BlueLight said:
What about Dragobete? It's a Romanian celebration of love that can be compared to St. Valentine's Day. But it's something national and takes place on 24th of February. There are a lot of Romanians who get offended by Valentine's Day being celebrated in our country because of it.

Dragobete is an incredibly old celebration. It's been around since the ancient days. Dragobete was a dacian God and the equivalent of Cupid/Eros. So the the holiday is has heavy pagan roots. Xians have tried to turn it into a holiday of their own, tho.

One more thing, of course it looks infectious to every people to call a celebration by it's enemy name, or imposed name of one's enemies.

For example, if people knew history, when they heard "CHRISTMAS", they would just attack people who even said this word about the Winter Solstice or Satan's day.

It's normal consequence of those who know about an imposition like that to become angry in regards to these things.

This is why these Romanians, like anyone should, do become aggravated and aggressive since this is cultural theft and a shitty interpolation. What does VALENTINE even mean? What does XMAS even mean? These mean nothing.
Zeffie of the Wind said:
Catz666 said:
Uh, a bit like new age advice, that's what the fat incels and losers who can't get a girlfriend/boyfriend tell themselves... "I love myself! It doesn't matter that I can't get laid! I'm speciiiiaaaaallll!!!!"

Fat incels and losers don't actually love themselves though. They hide behind their ideology of "its the womans fault that i cant get laid" to remain either purposefully or unconsciously ignorant of the fact that they are losers. These are people that make all sort of excuses because they don't want to put the effort into fixing themselves and their problems and instead choose to blame everyone else. Does this sound like something someone who loves themselves would do? These people are the type of person that revolves themselves over whether they can get laid or not as "getting dat pussy" is what validates meaning in their life.

Someone who actually loves themselves would not settle for someone below them. There is a fine line between "not getting laid" and "not choosing a poor product just to get laid".

My fellow goy please educate yourself here is some self love for you:

NoctiLucent84 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Forever Alone Valentine's day.

"But at least, I'm lovin' myself!"

*Fap fap fap fap*

*Feelings of loneliness intensify*

Guys please go get some quality girlfriend or boyfriend and some decent partners because people have become severely dysfunctional and incapable of keeping a human relationship.

We need love from other people and others need love from us. Gender and social deconstruction comes from people who do not relate to others.

You are saying this as if it was an easy thing. For me as a SS a quality/decent partner means a fellow SS with whom I click in other ways too. Could any of you be in a relationship with someone who does not follow Satan? I couldn't. I tried it, and it only lead to the conclusion that I won't ever date a fucking muggle again.

The problem is, there aren't many of us, minimizing the size of the dating pool...

What are your views on this, HP?

My hard joke aside, there is a reality here.

It is definitely not easy, but also, loneliness that is self imposed on a hardcore manner is equally very hard. This harms people and heavily.

But I cannot tell anyone to be more accepting and tolerant of what can appear, after advancing in Satanism, as literal dumb-asses to one.

What I know is possible, if you are a Satanist and you need a relationship with a non Satanist, is to try to find the person most open and most 'tentative' to our views, that is not a Satanist. Someone who is aligned to us as a soul, if you will, in a sense.

In other words, people that you at least have many common values with. Then, you would have to basically control this kind of relationship, which can be trying and even difficult to some people, and to others, not even worthwhile.

I have been writing a topic on this subject which should be out at some point soon as this is a very hot subject, same as getting partners.

As Satanists, we are basically as if we were on the very top of a mountain. Those in the meadow do not understand the wisdom of the heights.

The thing is however, one can have a relationship that is satisfying to some extent, with others, without them necessarily being a God or something. It may not satisfy everything or everything at once, but one has to understand, the same is the case with human relationships in general, and that they are not 'flawlessly perfect', either with Satanists or not.

Existing with others in relationship always demands some sort of compromise. If these types of compromises do not fundamentally attack our Satanism or development, then I cannot see why one cannot have a (Controlled) relationship with someone who is not a Satanist.

As for jeboo freaks and stuff like that, it is impossible, so this is why I told you about values and their importance. This is the most important thing.
HP Mageson666 said:
What does Dracula actually mean in Romanian? Some state it means "Son of the Dragon". This is debated over here.

BlueLight said:
What about Dragobete? It's a Romanian celebration of love that can be compared to St. Valentine's Day. But it's something national and takes place on 24th of February. There are a lot of Romanians who get offended by Valentine's Day being celebrated in our country because of it.

Dragobete is an incredibly old celebration. It's been around since the ancient days. Dragobete was a dacian God and the equivalent of Cupid/Eros. So the the holiday is has heavy pagan roots. Xians have tried to turn it into a holiday of their own, tho.

Dracula comes from Dracul. Which was, back then, associated with the dragon and with the devil. He was part of the Order of the Dragon, yes. But Vlad the Impaler's name of Dracula comes mainly from his father, who was known as Dracul. It wasn't a bad thing, not exactly.

But it's not a surprise that the Jews are trying to associate him with terrible things. A lot of people have the impression that Vlad Tepes is a monster- but they haven't succeeded. He is a national hero and highly respected for what he has managed to get done.

There are other Romanian leaders known for their victories against the Turks. For example, Iancu of Hunedoara. He managed to win a brilliant victory against the Turks in 1456 at Belgrad when the Turks were ready to invade Europe. Back then, Belgrad was considered the gate to Europe.

Unfortunately, he died soon after his victory because of leper.

What it's said in the sermon made by HP HoodedCobra is true. But we are taught something else in school when it comes to his betrayal from the Hungarian king.

His conflicts with the merchants from Transylvania is the same - mainly because they refused to pay tribute to Vlad when they'd come to Wallachia.

But the thing is that king Matei Corvin isn't in a bad light.

What the textbooks teach us: when Vlad was betrayed by the boieri (boyar) he passed the Carpathian Mountains into Transylvania to ask for help against the Turks from Matei Corvin.

But the merchants mentioned above sent to the king lying letters in which they said that Vlad is coming to steal his throne, reason why he was locked into prison for 10 years.

When he returned, he reigned for a bit longer before he died in suspicious circumstances. Either assassinated by his noble class or died in a battle, even if the latter seems a bit hard to believe.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Forever Alone Valentine's day.

"But at least, I'm lovin' myself!"

*Fap fap fap fap*

*Feelings of loneliness intensify*
HP Mageson666 said:
What does Dracula actually mean in Romanian? Some state it means "Son of the Dragon". This is debated over here.

BlueLight said:
What about Dragobete? It's a Romanian celebration of love that can be compared to St. Valentine's Day. But it's something national and takes place on 24th of February. There are a lot of Romanians who get offended by Valentine's Day being celebrated in our country because of it.

Dragobete is an incredibly old celebration. It's been around since the ancient days. Dragobete was a dacian God and the equivalent of Cupid/Eros. So the the holiday is has heavy8 pagan roots. Xians have tried to turn it into a holiday of their own, tho.

The thing is, it wasn't even a title offered to him. A lot of people make this confusion thanks to the whole story with Dracula.

And Bram Stoker settles the action in Transylvania, which creates a huge dilemma... since Vlad Tepes was not the ruler of Transylvania, but of Wallachia.

And that's a pretty big difference.

Even my partner, who is also SS, confused Transylvania with Wallachia because of this whole thing. And it makes a lot of people think that it probably wasn't Vlad Tepes the inspiration for Dracula, not really.

That being said, the name Dracul was given to his father. Vlad was known as Vlad the Impaler thanks to his... very ingenious ways of torturing the Turks.

Hats off to him, the night attack from Targoviste was such an ingenious move. I do love HP HoodedCobra's sermon because everything is real.

He lived for his whole childhood there. His brother converted to islamism, Radu the Beautiful, but Vlad didn't give up.

He knew them so well he managed to torture them in such amazing ways.

He is a national hero and no jew can make us think otherwise.

The same is with WW2 and Nazi Germany. If you come to Romania, people who know about of history -even if only from their grandparents - will have sympathies for the German soldiers.

I could never hate the nazi, no matter how much they preach in in the history textbooks. My grandma told me about a... relative we had. Very distant one. She's dead by now.

She was a young woman during the Second World War. She had the chance to experience both the Red Army and the nazi troops.

She barely managed to escape the rape of a Russian soldier, and that only because she ran away.

But nazi soldiers were incredibly respectful. They'd share what they had with you. They'd give children chocolate.

Then King Michael had to fuck everything up. And for what? We only managed to lose a part of Moldova.
The MGTOW jokes and such. If you pay attention to what is really going on these types have no self confidence because they have no self worth because they don't love themselves, you value what you love. So they have a damaged ego that can't take rejection because it affirms their self hatred issues. So they become Incel or MGTOW types to band aid this. That is what the M'lady guy is also a meme of the nice guy who no confidence.

The other thing is when low self worth guys do get a girl friend once the honey moon is over they are back fapping to porn while she is off doing whoever or whatever and then they go to MGTOW. The vicious circle completes. Just getting a girl friend cause your lonely but emotionally damaged is going to make you worse off.

The answer is simple you have to have your cards right to get what you want in life. If your psyche is right you will have the platform to attract the proper person with and not suffer from the numerous manifestations of self hatred which can range from drug abuse to suicide. The number one tactic of the enemy is self hatred that is what Christianity is built upon.

Shael said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Forever Alone Valentine's day.

"But at least, I'm lovin' myself!"

*Fap fap fap fap*

*Feelings of loneliness intensify*

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
