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thoughts on the following people


New member
Mar 26, 2024
Jordan Peterson?
Andrew Tate?
Alexander the great?
Julius Ceaser?
Elon Musk?
joe Rogan?
Piers morgan?
Kanya West?
lex freeman?
Jordan Peterson?
Andrew Tate?
Alexander the great?
Julius Ceaser?
Elon Musk?
joe Rogan?
Piers morgan?
Kanya West?
lex freeman?
1) Zionist clown, controlled opposition.

2) Intelligent in some things, retarded in many others, might be a criminal.

3) Best possible option right now for the US, big supporter of Israel though.

4) Very smart, but mostly not on our side at all imo. HP HoodedCobra recently wrote on him. I had some doubts on him, but his soldiers literally performing a jewish kabbalistic ritual in front of the whole world, making one terrorist eat his own ear during purim (without anyone noticing btw), and him being super concerned about Islam's image not being associated with terrorism after 140 of his people were killed by muslims, or so it appears, are not a good look for him.

5) God, legend. I don't even know why he is on a list where most of the people in it are bugs compared to him.

6) Good.

7) Genius, but I'm 99% sure he is with the enemy.

8) Coward, baloon, promotes drugs, says he's 5'8 when he is actually 5'3, I enjoy his commentary on UFC PPVs though.

9) Complete zionist bitch, very manipulative and ruthless.

10) Kanye is a good artist they say, I don't listen his music. He's been exposing the jews and even praised Hitler, so that's great.

11) Lex Fridman you mean? He's literally a kike, a zionist one. He also puts you to sleep after listening to him for 1 minute.
Jordan Peterson?
Andrew Tate?
Alexander the great?
Julius Ceaser?
Elon Musk?
joe Rogan?
Piers morgan?
Kanya West?
lex freeman?
Jordan Peterson?
Andrew Tate?
Alexander the great?
Julius Ceaser?
Elon Musk?
joe Rogan?
Piers morgan?
Kanya West?
lex freeman?
1) I do not know him.

2) He said a lot of right and wrong things.

3) to be honest, America was much better under him. he is clearly better than Biden, but clearly not the best president for America.

4) I am Russian. I will stand by my leader during the war, no matter what he is. yes, Putin has many disadvantages, but I will not talk about them when martial law is in effect. It's bestiality to shit on your country during martial law, even between your own, between Russians. besides the war, he definitely raised the standard of living of Russians. he is an old and smart KGB officer) trying to lead Russia to a flexible policy.
By the way, I don't consider him a Jew.
There was a terrorist attack in Crocus City, right?
One terrorist cut off the victim's ears.
This is a Jewish sacrifice, to explain it briefly.
and then they showed a video where the authorities cut off the ears of this terrorist. Putin has shown that he knows about their occult Yahweh.

5) he is a very well-mannered, intelligent, smart leader.

6) Fine. He's strong.

7) whether he is a Jew or not, he is still political player) Politics is a tricky business.

8) I don't know him.

9) I don't know him.

10) well... What can I say? Let the stupid young people listen and watch him.

11) I don't know him
Gentile who became a God
Do you mind explaining how Julius Caesar was jew-owned? Also Elon musk is a racial Jew, there was a 23andme leak some time ago and listed under Ashkenazi Jews was Elon Musk.
Do you mind explaining how Julius Caesar was jew-owned? Also Elon musk is a racial Jew, there was a 23andme leak some time ago and listed under Ashkenazi Jews was Elon Musk.
23andme is bull as they lie about their results to confuse people.
Do you mind explaining how Julius Caesar was jew-owned? Also Elon musk is a racial Jew, there was a 23andme leak some time ago and listed under Ashkenazi Jews was Elon Musk.
Maybe he wasn't owned to the extent modern politicians are, but his policies helped the jews with trade across the Roman Empire. His authoritarian rule also helped the jews to consolidate power. When they had used him enough, they stabbed him to death. Not every Roman Emperor was a God. Many of them were working for the jews long before xianity was invented. Constantine wasn't the first traitor. Titus, who suppressed jewish revolts in the 1st Century, was married to a jewess. So I would say that the jews took control shortly after the creation of the Roman Empire, not toward its end. Xianity simply established their power and acted as the perfect enslavement tool. The Inquisition a thousand years later was to finish off any form of spirituality even after they had "killed" Paganism, yet even then they ultimately failed.
Very true. Still, I highly doubt Elon is on our side.
Let's not be naive in our thinking categorizing people to 'sides'. Any Gentile can do both good and bad in varying degrees for humanity depending on multitude of factors.
Let's not be naive in our thinking categorizing people to 'sides'. Any Gentile can do both good and bad in varying degrees for humanity depending on multitude of factors.
What? Of course we can say that. There are sides and they are very clear cut. You can argue cases. You might say that in your opinion this specific case, Elon, is a case where he's a Gentile who's not necessairly with us or them. And that would be your opinion, one I would disagree with. You can also say that other Gentiles are in the same situation as him.
But categorizing is often necessary and not naive at all, as many prominent Gentiles are complete and total slaves of the jews, they acknowledge it and they know they would lose everything if they went against them. This is the case with so many Gentile politicians, artists, journalists and many others in prominent positions.
Do you mind explaining how Julius Caesar was jew-owned? Also Elon musk is a racial Jew, there was a 23andme leak some time ago and listed under Ashkenazi Jews was Elon Musk.
The story is controversial.

Based on what I have learned, Julius Caesar collaborated with the Jews for a period, they both had advantages especially on an economic and power level.
At the end of this period he was murdered by the Jews themselves.

I know that the murder was a blood sacrifice (this can also be seen from the numerology of the elements of the incident)

The active and inportant member of this forum wotanwarrior said that the murder was orchestrated by Cato's family who were Jewish.
I quote his words because they have given me a lot of interest and push me to delve deeper into the question.
Very true. Still, I highly doubt Elon is on our side.
you have to be subtle at that high up, but him calling of gorge soulless lol or whatever was a win for good thinking, with petter Jordon, i think his a fair thinker to be frank, it must be noticed that people just learned to think critically recently its new, 2000 years church. i feel like he'd carely negousate it, like the principle an educated mind is able to consider a thought without necessary accepting it, strong man satanism but finally reject it, i think he personally needs it, hes to old to change, but change his Perspective i think he does., personly i liked his bible interpretation series, and his debates with sam harris.
What? Of course we can say that. There are sides and they are very clear cut. You can argue cases. You might say that in your opinion this specific case, Elon, is a case where he's a Gentile who's not necessairly with us or them. And that would be your opinion, one I would disagree with. You can also say that other Gentiles are in the same situation as him.
But categorizing is often necessary and not naive at all, as many prominent Gentiles are complete and total slaves of the jews, they acknowledge it and they know they would lose everything if they went against them. This is the case with so many Gentile politicians, artists, journalists and many others in prominent positions.
Let's not forget that we are superior, and with each passing day, our efforts gain more and more momentum. Even those who are 'against us' can certainly benefit us so at the end of the day drawing such imaginary lines is not very helpful because as I said, everyone can make both good and bad actions to varying degrees.
The story is controversial.

Based on what I have learned, Julius Caesar collaborated with the Jews for a period, they both had advantages especially on an economic and power level.
At the end of this period he was murdered by the Jews themselves.

I know that the murder was a blood sacrifice (this can also be seen from the numerology of the elements of the incident)

The active and inportant member of this forum wotanwarrior said that the murder was orchestrated by Cato's family who were Jewish.
I quote his words because they have given me a lot of interest and push me to delve deeper into the question.
As history is totally manipulated there are many things that are difficult to be certain, the main organizer and material author Marcus Junius Brutus was a member of the Cato family, I also suspect that this was not his real name and that the name Marcus Junius Brutus was stolen from the legendary founder of the Republic of Rome.
Let's not forget that we are superior, and with each passing day, our efforts gain more and more momentum. Even those who are 'against us' can certainly benefit us so at the end of the day drawing such imaginary lines is not very helpful because as I said, everyone can make both good and bad actions to varying degrees.
We are not superior at all in the physical plane yet, jews still hold enormous power. Are they on their way out as we gain more momentum? Sure, but things must be looked at as they are, war requires the highest level of realism they say.

Sure some of their slaves can do 1% good for us and 99% good for them, but this doesn't mean they should be considered "kind of in the middle", they must be recognized for what they are, traitors and enemies. These are not "imaginary lines", these Gentiles have been doing massive damage to the world, they are basically jews in their soul at this point, complete traitors and dangerous individuals.
As history is totally manipulated there are many things that are difficult to be certain, the main organizer and material author Marcus Junius Brutus was a member of the Cato family, I also suspect that this was not his real name and that the name Marcus Junius Brutus was stolen from the legendary founder of the Republic of Rome.
I'm going deeper into the question and it gets more and more interesting.

However, I believe that today we can analyze the situation at a marginal level only with what is available on the web.
As we know, the majority of sources we find on the web are very unreliable and manipulated, especially if they are ancient.

I am discovering various details that I will share with you all later.
We are not superior at all in the physical plane yet, jews still hold enormous power. Are they on their way out as we gain more momentum? Sure, but things must be looked at as they are, war requires the highest level of realism they say.
We are superior on the astral, and this is what I refer to when mentioning gaining momentum. Otherwise, the situation would not be as it is and much more dire for all.

Sure some of their slaves can do 1% good for us and 99% good for them, but this doesn't mean they should be considered "kind of in the middle", they must be recognized for what they are, traitors and enemies. These are not "imaginary lines", these Gentiles have been doing massive damage to the world, they are basically jews in their soul at this point, complete traitors and dangerous individuals.
Sorry, but I can not see the world in such a black-and-white manner because my experience has shown me differently.

The "jews in the soul" kind of people are far gone, I agree, but I am not seeing the majority being that kind of people.
We are superior on the astral, and this is what I refer to when mentioning gaining momentum. Otherwise, the situation would not be as it is and much more dire for all.
Many energies in the astral are yet to manifest, that's why it's important to see things as they are now, and act accordingly, not how they will be. The jews still run the world basically for now. Things are shifting both spiritually and physically, but much hasn't changed on how things work in the higher levels of the world.

Sorry, but I can not see the world in such a black-and-white manner because my experience has shown me differently.
It's not about seeing things black or white, it's about seeing them as they are. I agree with you that there are many prominent Gentiles that have no ties with the enemy, or if they do they are not significant, but you said that we should not categorize Gentiles, as they can do both good and bad and it depends on different factors. But that's wrong, as many other prominent Gentiles are complete traitors and slaves of the jews. So categorization is much needed. There's not much to be said, it's just like that. To not recognize this would be extremely naive, if we want to talk about naive.

The "jews in the soul" kind of people are far gone, I agree, but I am not seeing the majority being that kind of people.
This is the category I'm saying that we cannot allow ourselves to be "vague" with, and let's not act like these are exceptions or very rare. These kind of individuals need to be regognized as what they are, despite them being Gentiles, they are traitors. Sadly instead, I see this extremely often in politics for example. Aipac's money makes many Gentile politicians in the US forget that values and loyalty even exist. They sign their souls away to the jews and they are owned forever. This has been going on for a very long time. Look at congress as well.

Corruption is extremely effective. Give them money and they will do everything they are told. If that's not enough there is blackmailing. So many of them are blackmailed and compromised for life.

Jews are increbile control maniacs to such an extent that I think people cannot even imagine. Other than the regular power structures, they run Mafias, criminal activities, cults and so on. Look at the Hollywood cult, look at many of these famous Gentile artists, actors and so on. Jews really make sure that these people are under their influence by any means necessary. And you see the result, so many of these people act like puppets and they promote their agendas relentlessly.

The thing HPS Maxine talked about that when you reach a certain level of spiritual power you have to choose which side you are going to fight in this major spiritual war beetween us and the enemy, also applies to material power and influence many times.
Jordan Peterson?
Andrew Tate?
Alexander the great?
Julius Ceaser?
Elon Musk?
joe Rogan?
Piers morgan?
Kanya West?
lex freeman?
I have some opinions that I find "relevant" about some of the personalities.

1. Andrew Tate
I really don't understand why is this person so "popular" or "trending" so to say. I haven't watched him closely or constantly so I am not exactly sure what is his activity but as far as I know I don't remember him providing any sort of value to the society. If anything, becoming muslim and preaching about it is simply injecting more poison in an already intoxicated society.

2. Trump
I don't see Trump anything more than a "conservative businessman". He seems to be genuinely a conservative person that tried to preserve the traditional values of his country while he was in power, and also he is a businessman and a billionaire and money evasions are quite common amongst these people. There was this entire scandal about evading taxes but the reality is that likely most billionaires do he same, or others with even smaller fortunes, just media jewing about a person that is somewhat "uncomfortable" to them due to his conservative policies.

But definitely he is not being the "savior" that many people thought he will be and that he will save United States from the jews or related, that is nonsense. The President of US (whoever that can be) or generally the presidents of most countries don't really have a choice and had tied by hands and legs to execute the plans coming from the jews or other higher authorities. Doing the opposite will jeopardize their life or freedom.

3. Putin
He is clearly under the same jewish influence like most other presidents, also he is a racial jew himself so he would be a direct component of the "establishment". The most obvious example is the war in Ukraine. Russia has enough millitary power to bring Ukraine to its nees in a matter of a few weeks and force Ukraine to stop the war by any means but the big jews and the jewish-owned millitary complex and financial institutions have all the interests for the war to continue. For example as far as I know the jews (not directly but through their endless financial institutions) bought endless arable land in Ukraine, so if this information is correct basically Rothschild owns most of Ukraine's grain production. Another example is the millitary complex pumping endless weapons in Ukraine, for which as far as I know the money comes from United States' budget, not from Ukraine.

4. Elon Musk
I think Elon Musk is a sort of "controlled oppositon". It seems there is no billionaire in the West that is free from any sort of restriction imposed by the "big jews", because they have so much power they can simply ruin anyone financially or in any other way, so if there were billionaires that were genuinely opposed to future planned by the jews, there is very little they can do without having their fortune taken away or without the media inventing all kind of masive lies about them. Even if Elon Musk genuinely disagrees with all the jewish insanity (which I doubt because to some extent he is part of it as well), there is nothing he can do to prevent it. The general conclusion to draw from such examples is that nobody should expect billionaires to publicly oppose the jews and "use their fortune" in this regard because it is a lost fight before it even starts.
Maybe he wasn't owned to the extent modern politicians are, but his policies helped the jews with trade across the Roman Empire. His authoritarian rule also helped the jews to consolidate power. When they had used him enough, they stabbed him to death. Not every Roman Emperor was a God. Many of them were working for the jews long before xianity was invented. Constantine wasn't the first traitor. Titus, who suppressed jewish revolts in the 1st Century, was married to a jewess. So I would say that the jews took control shortly after the creation of the Roman Empire, not toward its end. Xianity simply established their power and acted as the perfect enslavement tool. The Inquisition a thousand years later was to finish off any form of spirituality even after they had "killed" Paganism, yet even then they ultimately failed.

When you find out that Constantine wanted forgiveness for boiling his wife and killing his son but the pagans didn’t grant it; the history of (((christianity))) suddenly makes sense.

“We give the world morality!”

Pagans saw killing one’s own family as the highest sin, (((christianity))) sees it as salvation.
When you find out that Constantine wanted forgiveness for boiling his wife and killing his son but the pagans didn’t grant it; the history of (((christianity))) suddenly makes sense.

“We give the world morality!”

Pagans saw killing one’s own family as the highest sin, (((christianity))) sees it as salvation.
And then there are neocons saying stuff like "we need to preserve our christian values"...
Jordan Peterson?
Andrew Tate?
Alexander the great?
Julius Ceaser?
Elon Musk?
joe Rogan?
Piers morgan?
Kanya West?
lex freeman?
Jew owned
Jew lover
Jew lover
Jew owned
Jew owned
Don't know who that is
Almost 100% that Putin is a jew. As his mother Shelomova is very possibly a jewess. But even if he was not, it does not matter at all. He was always owned and ruled by the jews.
And he must be an abnormal filth if it's true that he took rapists and murderers out of prison and sent them to fight in the war and allegedly if those criminals survive they will not have to go back to prison...
I just can't get how the fuck any SS can believe or trust in Putin...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
