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This is war, ACT LIKE IT.


New member
Apr 26, 2022
Stop wasting your time fighting with each other. Stop wasting time replying to worthless shit.

If you consider this fight with the seriousness that you should then you shouldn't waste time typing replies to other memories in arguments which benefit nobody.

If you feel that something someone has said is harmful or incorrect, reply with your points and leave it at that. If they reply to you with more points, reply with your own.

What we don't need to see is people turning threads like THIS into a 7 pages long with useless replies. I mean, what useful replies are here? It's just stroking a jews ego by giving it attention while also having arguments with each other.

Consider our reality as a warzone and consider the forums as our coms.

In a war we use our coms to communicate our strategies, share information, all with the intention of improving our own situation so we can improve the war situation.

When you devolve into arguments and waste time, not only are you effecting yourself and the person your arguing with, but your also wasting everyone elses time who has to read it.

Now you may say "well nobody has to read my posts" but you're wrong. See, when you flood the thread with useless replies you do two things.

1. You make people devalue your word and devalue you.
2. You make people unable to find the useful information, since there's so many replies, in order to find the information they are looking for, they have to sift through your waste.

Here's a good way to imagine wasteful replies and what it does.

Imagine a bowl, and, in this bowl there's a bunch different types of rocks, there is gold nuggets of varying sizes, silver, copper, lead, and uranium, all of these are very clear to see, you can tell what is gold, what is silver, what is copper, etc. Now, imagine that someone decides to take a shit in this bowl, now nobody can see what is what, the gold along with all of the other rocks are hidden from site.

Now, instead of being able to easily pick out what is good, neutral, and bad people will have to take a gamble and sift through shit. The biggest problem all the shit is that it makes the people unable to see what they used to be able to see clearly. So, instead of just reaching in and grabbing the gold, or silver, they have to risk grabbing ahold of something that will poison them like lead or uranium.

Let's say they get lucky and are able to pull out some gold on their first try, avoiding the poison and getting the beauty... But, since the gold is sitting in shit, in order to make it shine again they will have to meticulously clean it and disinfect it. Even if they keep pulling gold and never end up poisoned, every time they have to dig through shit it will make them more and more unwilling to dig again.

As more and more shit get's put into this bowl, it eventually becomes so compressed that you're just pulling out brown rocks that you have to clean off to even find out what type of rock it is.

If you don't understand what I'm saying I'll make it easier for you to understand. The different rocks are the value of information, good(gold/silver), neutral(copper), bad(lead/uranium). If you stumble upon bad information you could easily be poisoned or even killed.

The shit represents two things

1. In the first scenario where it is in the bowl it represents the flood of useless replies that people have to read through in order to find good information. These replies are mostly from our brothers and sisters while some are also from enemies. Our brothers and sisters mostly make replies which are arguments and waste time, while the enemies make similar replies but include poison, trying to lead people astray to do x, y, z instead of a, b, c.

2. The shit which has accumulated for so long that it cakes the rocks represents the mind of the individual who reads on the forums. After being exposed to so much wasteful stuff, and, so much disiniformation from the enemies, one starts to think that all the rocks are is shit, and, it takes take to differentiate what is wrong from right. This is mostly a problem for new people with less knowledge and experience as they come here in many cases to learn from us more advanced members and are brought to confusion instead of enlightement.

Wasteful posts are just as bad as the enemies psyops and trolling especially when it comes from better known members of the community. New people see this and it effects them in a negative way as described above.

If you disagree with someone then disagree with them, make your points and let other chime in and such, but, arguing with each other and cursing at each other just adds more shit to the bowl then there needs to be.

Imagine what the forums would be like if we stopped shitting in the bowl and instead dedicated our posts to what they should be. Sharing information, strategies, and such, which will help us, and as a result, help the war.

This is a war, our forums are our coms.

Please act like it.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
