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Question about the Gods


New member
Jul 27, 2018
Can the Gods that specialize in health, cure what we as humans deemed incurable? Such as cancer, STDs and things of that nature
I am certain that the answer is yes. Though it would be easier for them to be close to us when using healing energy.

At this moment the gods and demon guardians are physically very far somewhere in the Orion belt (read this somewhere on the main jos site) engaged in the war against the enemy. What we interract with is their astral projection trough space as the universe works like a network as long as there is matter and energy. Basically like a wireless/radio which sends and receives waves.

Such a distance makes communication and interraction difficult i think. Plus we should probably take into account the hebrew grid. I think it works like static or noise scientifically speaking... i hope i am not bullshitting this is just my theory.

The gods and demons help us wherever and whenever they can but we should not only dwell on them. Untill they come back we need to fight advance and take care of ourselves. The templars were also Satanists but we know what happened to them. That is what i am trying to say. Do your best to advance and survive
Hopefully your not someone that believes the Gods snap their fingers and poof goes away. They can assist in guiding you to sources treatments and cures. Technically on some level they do procure a mental, physical, and spiritual effect someone like Valefor(Green complexion Hybrid Nordic) does have a more mental/spiritual aspect. I found his abilities interesting not to disrespect the other healing Gods but perhaps he delves into more of the above principle of healing if I understand his Mental/Spiritual healing aspects.

Technically had the enemy never gained a foothold in our medical industry such things would occur like Rife Machines or the Mortal Oscillatory rate machine. In fact the Oscillatory rate machine could probably be a HIV destroyer since it kabalistically through physical vibrations destroy the disease.

As for the rife it's more of a kabalistic irradiater. In fact funny enough a simple 5 minute treatment once every three days for several weeks is more than enough treatment and this was back what 1910s-1920s nearing 1930s.

Simply these sorta spirit-tech devices using primitive forms like those found in the God worlds. And technically not using free-energy would have saved the lives of thousands upon thousands. Much like Royal Rife saving the life of a woman deemed terminally ill with less than two months of life within a few weeks she returned back to normal health and lived another 30 or 40 years without any terminal cancer.
WAREOR said:
Can the Gods that specialize in health, cure what we as humans deemed incurable? Such as cancer, STDs and things of that nature

Yes and no. We can heal 'incurable' things as well when advanced enough and with enough energy, it's not impossible for an SS to completely rid themselves of something like cancer. As far as I can piece together the gods can help with maladies of the soul that manifest physical issues upon us, but they can't heal every aspect because the physical realm is not the same as the astral realm and they are not yet physically with us on Earth. The physical and astral coincide with one another yes, but to fully heal something 100% you have to deal with all aspects of it.

For example, say you have a tumor. Spiritually you can do everything you can to get rid of it's affects, the pain, the damage, etc, but once you dry up the spiritual well of everything you can do for it on the astral then you still have the physical aspects to deal with such as it would need to be surgically removed. And things like diabetes as well, you can work in ridding yourself of it spiritually, but to get rid of it 100% you would have to change your diet and lifestyle such as eating healthier and exercising regularly.

I had a severe form of dermatitis on my hands for over a year where it looked like I was practically developing blistering scales, everything physical I would try to do in getting rid of it would only work temporarily and it would only keep coming back and even worse than before, but when I applied a working to heal myself of it spiritually as well using a rune, after about a month nonstop with the working my hands were as smooth as a baby's bottom. We can heal ourselves too and the gods can help with the spiritual aspect but they can't force us to do anything physical, that's on our part.
I don't think that there are any incurable diseases. Cancer is relatively easy and very cheap to treat with natural remedies. What the medical industry do is to exploit the people's diseases for money and control. This is like a chain surrounding the humanity: people are completely unaware of spirituality so they have no idea on how to keep their soul and body healthy by the means of meditations and energy, then they are pushed into a materialistic and stressful lifestyle which push them to unhealthy habits which in final will make them ill in one way or another, either stress, either too much junk food, too much sugar, lack of any sport, alcohol, tobbaco, drugs, sedentarism and so on. Here comes the medical industry with subliminal messages spreaded all over the media to promote their magical pills for every health issue.

Also they deliberately misdirect people in regard to the natural treatments which can keep the body healthy because people won't pay anymore the shekels for their medecines. I don't say that all the medecines are ineffective but too many people fully rely on pills for every issue they got, which on long term will affect their liver and their health.

What they do with cancer basically is to ask huge amounts of money from even the poorest people and give in exchange useless treatments which will weaken their body and will maximum treat the symptoms.

When you spiritually advance your soul becomes more and more healthy so the same is applied for the physical body. So from my point of view no diseases are incurable. If you say about the outside people yes they are hopeless to a lot of diseases because they are ripped off the essential knowledge regarding health and are pushed into a totally unhealthy lifestyle.
No wonder why so many people in US suffer from obesity.

As for the Gods, as far as I remember there are Gods specialized in health/healing but this doesn't mean that people should abuse their power because they don't wan't to bother to heal themselves. If is about a very bad disease and one is not advanced enough to apply enough energy, then yes is understandable to ask a God for help, but in rest, health is not something which people shouldn't be able to deal with.
I have seen firsthand the power Satan and our Gods have over life and death. There is nothing they can't cure, that includes physical injuries and the like, it's just that just because they can, doesn't mean they are obligated to do so.

Our Gods want us to learn to care for ourselves, which means that in most cases when SS have ailments or health problems the Gods will advice them on how to rid yourself of these, and get back in good health, rather than take care of it for us, even though they would be fully capable of doing so for us.

It doesn't help them or us if they did so. Our Gods are very busy, and we are far from the only planet they are watching over and protecting from the enemy alien menace. Dealing with every little issue for our people here, or wasting energy saving a few small lives is simply not worth it in the grand scheme of things, but our Gods definitely help SS when we are faced with things we cannot handle and often our Gods give rewards and blessings to those who work hard in Satanism to improve themselves and do spiritual warfare.

All "incurable" diseases are curable and with the right knowledge, all too easily. One must remember that the physical and spiritual are interconnected, a healthy body supplements a healthy soul and visa versa.

Any physical ailment or illness can be seen on the soul, often before it manifests, and can be cleaned out from the soul, which can manifest in unexpected ways.

For example, if one has cancer and has a tumor, it is possible to completely reverse this with spiritual workings alone, so long as one does not make it worse by engaging further in carcinogenic substances or habits, but if one isn't able to do this due to lack of knowledge or energy, then doing a spiritual working to heal yourself from cancer can manifest in finding the best available medical cure for you, even if this is suboptimal or detrimental.

If one has terrible cancer for example, then chemo, as bad as it is, can safe your life and it is often easier to recover the side effects and damage done by chemo with spiritual workings than it is to safe yourself from a cancer that is likely to kill you otherwise.

I'm not sure how difficult it would be to cure HIV for example through spiritual means, but it is definitely possible. Any disease can be removed from te body, as any disease or virus has a spiritual pressence on the aura and soul, these things too are multidimensional and not only physical, meaning if one destroys these spiritually, the physical manifestation of these diseases and virus's will dissipate as well.

The deadlier and more resistant a disease or virus is, the more difficult it is to clean spiritually as these are also interconnected physically and spiritually, meaning the physical traits are simmilar on the spiritual level for these as well.

If you can catch the disease manifesting on your soul before it catches you physically, you can remove it really easily and completely prevent yourself getting sick. A strong AoP protects you from all health problems, and aura cleaning also cleans these from your soul, which in part cleans your body of these too.

Healing costs more energy than preventing. Keep yourself well protected and clean spiritually and do your best to live healthily.

If you run into serious health issues you can ask the Gods for help, and if you are a dedicated SS they will help you and can also help you heal your loved ones, just don't do anything stupid that jeapordizes your health and then complain if the Gods don't cure your self inflicted disease.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
