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Question #263: Is SS unfalsifiable?


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I have a hard question.

In science, there is the principle of falsifiability. For a theory or a fact to stand as correct, it has to be able to be proven wrong. Christians make a lot of claims and when you question them they reply "God works in mysterious ways" or "you don't have enough faith" and they will never admit what they have been told is wrong. Unfalsifiability is a logical fallacy and is used to justify blind faith in a dogma.

The same seems to be here. When someone says they can't contact Satan, the common reply to this is "you aren't astrally open". When someone has a complete different experience with Satan or Demons than that of the majority, the common reply is "you didn't contact Satan, it was delusion/drug-induced hallucination/a grey/thoughtform". When someone has a negative experience, "it was a grey attack" or "you have jewish blood".

The Joy of Satan website says that all questioning and free thought is welcome in Satanism and everybody is free to test it and not blindly accept it. If it can't be proven wrong, then it falls into the unfalsifiable fallacy and it means you have to accept it on blind faith and can't be tested and questioned, contrary to what the site claims.

The question is: What would take for someone to disprove SS for himself? On what condition would you say that a person tested the practices/teachings of Satanism and found them to be wrong?
AskSatanOperator said:
I have a hard question.

In science, there is the principle of falsifiability. For a theory or a fact to stand as correct, it has to be able to be proven wrong. Christians make a lot of claims and when you question them they reply "God works in mysterious ways" or "you don't have enough faith" and they will never admit what they have been told is wrong. Unfalsifiability is a logical fallacy and is used to justify blind faith in a dogma.

The same seems to be here. When someone says they can't contact Satan, the common reply to this is "you aren't astrally open". When someone has a complete different experience with Satan or Demons than that of the majority, the common reply is "you didn't contact Satan, it was delusion/drug-induced hallucination/a grey/thoughtform". When someone has a negative experience, "it was a grey attack" or "you have jewish blood".

The Joy of Satan website says that all questioning and free thought is welcome in Satanism and everybody is free to test it and not blindly accept it. If it can't be proven wrong, then it falls into the unfalsifiable fallacy and it means you have to accept it on blind faith and can't be tested and questioned, contrary to what the site claims.

The question is: What would take for someone to disprove SS for himself? On what condition would you say that a person tested the practices/teachings of Satanism and found them to be wrong?

The answer to this is very simple - the Gods DO NOT GIVE FALSE INFORMATION, they do not threaten and they don't give out negative dire prophecies either. Those are all enemy bullshit. If someone is talking and babbling to entities that tell them a bunch of lies, it's not the Gods.

There are a few people who show up here and say things like 'Satan told me to smoke crack and not speak to anybody for 10 years', then blame the JoS. Where on the JoS is it told to anyone that they should smoke crack or ruin their life?

The vast majority of the time these people are not astrally open and the truth comes out: 'I didn't meditate', 'I didn't cleanse or do Aura of Protection in any way', 'I didn't even open my upper chakras', 'these are the same entities I've been 'speaking to' all my life', 'the person telling me to smoke crack was Ultimate Pontificia Hebraica Maximus Transgendempress Highest Priestess Hermaphroditia 888 from Discord', etc.

Then there are those here who turn this into a whole complex about how loved they are, how needy they are, how worthwhile they are and in my estimation this is really the wrong route to be taking when 99 percent of the time this person has remained on a beginner level the entire time... so how can they even sense the Gods?
You can not.

Because it's like proving that 2 plus 2 equals 5. You can't prove that.

The truth is absolute, it is not multifaceted, nor stochastic, it is that point.

There are many factors here that play into this, for many it is also simply "IQ", don't interpret this negatively, that's not the message.

What you say is more than right.


You don't have to be "stupid" though.

For many it is easier to be able to make connections, which for others, may be meaningless but are actually connected, and therefore being able to have a very clear general picture, this can make the difference, even in other circumstances.

This process of realizing the Truth, of how certain things really work, is highly subjective due to multiple variants that can "interfere" in the assimilation of such information.

You will never be able to find the "solution" through "external forces", this will happen through a personal unconscious process, activated by oneself.

The "external forces" will then serve as a "support" to the reaction of your process.

For this reason I am not here to list all the reasons that indicate how real the GDS is. It would do no good. For unconscious paradigms you would reject even the greatest realities.

I can't advise you anything on how to direct you towards the absolute truth for the reasons explained above.

The only thing I can tell you is to observe the Top 1% of various sectors, and verify for yourself who is serious or who is "playing".

Watching other people who aren't the Tops. It serves no purpose except to make more confusion.
Satanism is no different than a scientific theory. The exact wording of a theory can be proven wrong experimentally, but then we reword it to correctly predict the new experiment. However, the inherent idea of all theories is unfalsifiable, and that is NOT a fallacy. It's the nature of logical induction.

Take, for example, the theory of gravity. In it's oldest form,

"All objects fall down if they are not physically resting on another object."

Now, do an experiment of a hot air balloon. It proves that theory false. Does that mean the concept of gravity is false? No! Revise the theory.

"All objects experience a constant force toward the center of the earth unless opposed by another force."

Now go upward by 239,000 miles and visit the moon. The theory is wrong again. Objects fall toward the moon, and slower. Revise the theory!

"All mass creates a gravitational force on all other objects, inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them."

Do you see how this works? The original theory of gravity is proven wrong, but the idea of gravity cannot be proven wrong. Instead, we keep revising the theory to correctly predict every experiment we've done. The same applies to any religion, including Spiritual Satanism.

For example, it is possible that gravity is actually god playing with humans by intentionally pushing things. This cannot be disproved, just like it cannot be disproved that gravity is a physical property of the universe. We just choose the more sensible explanations first.

When it comes to parts of a theory that someone cannot personally test, like Satan's existence, jesus's existence, or gravity on the moon, we must make a decision of what we believe based on the available evidence.

And the evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of Satanism, even for new people. Anyone can try doing the meditations and feel them working. Most new people also receive signs from Satan, which is strong evidence that He exists. Many claims on the Joy of Satan cannot be tested until one is extremely advanced, just like many scientific theories require expensive equipment to test. We choose to believe them anyway because they make the most sense.
As others have given you some very on point replies, I will tell you my own understanding of this too.

AskSatanOperator said:
I have a hard question.

In science, there is the principle of falsifiability. For a theory or a fact to stand as correct, it has to be able to be proven wrong. Christians make a lot of claims and when you question them they reply "God works in mysterious ways" or "you don't have enough faith" and they will never admit what they have been told is wrong. Unfalsifiability is a logical fallacy and is used to justify blind faith in a dogma.


AskSatanOperator said:
The same seems to be here.

Incorrect. It "seems" does not mean it is. As a Spiritual Satanist, because everything here is not built solely on a blind faith, you will have to advance in a well known and aeons old path of meditational and inner practices.

We have faith and we think things over for many different reasons. In the enemy's side these are to cover for lack of answers, in ours, faith is based on already known answers.

Doubting on the enemy is forbidden, in our case it's to build on already attained grounds and expand our scope of knowledge, while simutaneously turning back to check things again.

AskSatanOperator said:
When someone says they can't contact Satan, the common reply to this is "you aren't astrally open".

Correct, and this comes from people who have established or can establish communication with the Gods, or have received guidance beyond any doubt. The difference between the two states is that one is sufficiently advanced or had some event happen to them, or that they are not advanced and had not have some event happen to them.

In a purely scientific fashion, that would be the same as "I cannot look at the moon without a telescope" and the reply being "well, you need a telescope".

Many people also oftentimes present the forums with wrong problems, and might get wrong answers. If you are 10 pounds of beans and you have a bathroom problem, and then you go to meditate, and you "feel negative", it is likely not anything else besides that. Answers are generally given on descriptions.

AskSatanOperator said:
When someone has a complete different experience with Satan or Demons than that of the majority, the common reply is "you didn't contact Satan, it was delusion/drug-induced hallucination/a grey/thoughtform".

While the acceptance range is rather wide, the underlying spectrum of this wideness is clarified. In this case, if you use the telescope to look at a star or something else, it's normal to be told by others who have used it properly that it has to be turned elsewhere.

The Gods do not give negative advice, deadly advice, or anything of the sort, because the very essence of them being Gods is not in sync with this behavior as they have moved past the entropic levels of consciousness.

They will not tell you that you are ugly, disgusting and that you suck, but knowing the universe they will tell you ways to advance and to experience things better.

In the case of a negative prediction, this wouldn't happen except of in the form "prepare", "take precautions for", and "here is the knowledge" or "solution" etc.

Certain impasse points in life are attempted to be rectified by the Gods way before disaster hits, but humans do not always listen, and therefore, we pay the price of consequence, which is not something the Gods are to blame for in the overwhelming majority of cases.

AskSatanOperator said:
When someone has a negative experience, "it was a grey attack" or "you have jewish blood".

That is false because it tries to blend everything together while these are very different states. It's one thing to have a broken telescope, another to not have any and another that the moon does not even exist.

Because a "negative experience" can be moderated by everything else under the sun and not having applied things, which are often times falsely accredited to other things, such as one falsely thinking they have gotten everything correct. This is approached differently.

Since for example spiritual communication has to do with subconscious fears, if you fear or have a need to ridicule, this can affect the process.

A certain path to evolutionary progress is required to have experiences in Spiritual Satanism as a general rule. Tools are needed. There is no "single answer" here.

The enemy exists and these entities are well documented to exist even by outsiders, and they very often do cause numerous troublesome issues to people who try to astrally project or in anyway spiritually advance.

Lastly the aspect of Jewish blood which you also added there is plain and flat, that this religion is not for Jews, since the jews will not only not be "attracted" for it, but also not "fit" for it, let alone the advanced entities are not going to bother.

All the above are different categories. A negative experience is seeing a spider in front of the lens of the telescope, the grey attack is something that comes to impede you from doing this, and being a kike is "Why the fuck are you even here in the first place because you were not supposed to be here and not accepted".

The above are different things.

AskSatanOperator said:
The Joy of Satan website says that all questioning and free thought is welcome in Satanism and everybody is free to test it and not blindly accept it.


AskSatanOperator said:
If it can't be proven wrong, then it falls into the unfalsifiable fallacy and it means you have to accept it on blind faith and can't be tested and questioned, contrary to what the site claims.

Spiritual Satanism is unfalsifiable but you have to actually advance to the level where this is understood and experienced. Without the practices this is like you being blind and trying to converse on the colors of a rainbow, which one has never really seen.

A certain degree of faith in certain aspects is required to anything in life, including "science" and the "scientific method" or what you adopt here as "argumentation".

You accepted these thoughts to start an argument, yet the reason this happened was because to disprove the argument - in a similar way, one can accept and have faith in something such as the powers of the mind, which have been for all intents verified and are more and more verified each passing year even by physicists, including the whole sub-strata of Quantum Mechanics.

Doubt is not allowed, but your personal doubt cannot be used as a weight stone to carry a baseline on the faith of others, especially those who might have 20 years of experience [in the analogy of science, 20 years of scientific research compared to a bozo] and cannot be drawn in the same category as you not believing in something while simutaneously having conducted no research.

In fact, these people have doubted way more than "you", and have tested on if this was unfalsifiable or not, by recurring practice, adaption, experiences, and all sorts of other things. Meanwhile, you doubt without having done anything.

Instead of saying "God works in mysterious ways", Spiritual Satanism says "Open your mind to find out". Doubting in this case starts from the commonality of the ground that spirituality exists, and that one an incorporeal essence etc, in the same way science begins from basic laws which can easily be argued to be taken as starting points.


AskSatanOperator said:
The question is: What would take for someone to disprove SS for himself? On what condition would you say that a person tested the practices/teachings of Satanism and found them to be wrong?

There is a huge gap that is not easy to bridge between people and souls. The enemy or science believes the starting point is the same for "all" and in an "either or" way.

In our case the situation is wholly different. That is because some people have existed again and again, and they have had their course in many things, which is how our system of understanding views certain phenomena.

Therefore there is no unilateral approach on what one will manage, as the telescope one uses is either more advanced on just some scrap metals with some glass put together.

The only way to find out is, if something tells you there is a validity or worth to approach this, to actually start doing the practices and to advance.

Ie, using doubt as a tool for experimentation, which should only make sense if you already have a curiosity or a starting belief in anything shared by us.

Alternatively, one can wait around 20-30 years more, or 100, until physics eventually proves every point professed here [which will eventually happen and has already happened by theoretical physicists], and then feel like a fool of not having engaged much of this.
If you were astrally open enough you would see the gods say the same thing as JOS and high priest does otherwise its a lie, the gods don't tell lies else its an enemy entity you talk with. Also don't compare us to xianity it is very disrespectful and we are not like that at all.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
