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No...i am not on a rampage...

My "bitching" is about letting you know how there is a way to complain that doesn't make you look like a tantrum thrower. It even got to the point that HP Hooded Cobra had to answer to your tantrums. If you don't see this then it's just a matter of your ego. This is my last post on this.
I understand
Give the old Spiritual Satanists some slack guys, it can be very challenging for people above 40 to use modern technology.

Someone should make a tutorial for the new forum, explain not just how to use the new forums but also how to read the forums and understand the quoting system.
Please remember to check who the conversation was between, as Aquarius was quoting Ol Argedco here, not yourself.
Okay! Pardon me. I get confused between those two
And now you're calling me a fucking troll?.... so I guess I can't get on here and read right?.. okay I get it! You think I'm a fucking monster! So how was it the people are supposed to read on here? So all of those threads are not supposed to be read by people? It's wrong just to be able to click into one and read and take a look at the content? How about give me the rules? And the whole list of the rules? That everybody is supposed to follow on here! Kind of like with Facebook or Google or like when you're on a group page? There are a set of rules! That the people's are supposed to follow?... do we not have a set of rules for this website? For people to read and study and pay attention to? That when people join in and sign up? That there is a certain amount of rules! Certain rules that we are supposed to listen to read and pay attention to and follow? And if there is! Maybe I forgot to read them!? Maybe... it would help if I had the rules to read! And when I was reading the content I don't remember seeing any of these rules? And if there was maybe I bypass them! But if I am such a problem child? And I am such a monster? And if I'm going to be treated like a Jew on here? And such a mystery freak? Don't you think it would be best to give me a list of the rules and the do's and the don'ts on here!? So I will know exactly what to do and behave myself like everybody else is supposed to on here? So I won't be such a pain in the ass!
I’m all respects I didn’t call you a troll. I said your actions were adolescent and borderline troll-like. It don’t know you, nor your circumstances in life, but venting is good, in moderation. Balance is the key ma’am. I am not here to insult you or deride you unnecessarily. I am here to help. Although my words were assumed as harsh, I assure you I have no intention of ill will towards you. Much love sister.

Hail Satan.
I’m all respects I didn’t call you a troll. I said your actions were adolescent and borderline troll-like. It don’t know you, nor your circumstances in life, but venting is good, in moderation. Balance is the key ma’am. I am not here to insult you or deride you unnecessarily. I am here to help. Although my words were assumed as harsh, I assure you I have no intention of ill will towards you. Much love sister.

Hail Satan.
Thank you!β™₯οΈπŸ™
Give the old Spiritual Satanists some slack guys, it can be very challenging for people above 40 to use modern technology.

Someone should make a tutorial for the new forum, explain not just how to use the new forums but also how to read the forums and understand the quoting system.
It's not even about this, but lack on self-control and the inability to understand etiquette and instructions given. And such a guide already exists.
My computer has been acting really strange all day today and so has my phone! Laugh out loud and this is nothing new! But it is an extreme pain in the ass! Especially when everybody seems to be mad at me and nobody wants to say anything! Just because of some misunderstanding yesterday and nobody even told me what was going on? So I assume that some dude by the name of talk to Satan operator? Was another individual on here and I had no idea that it had something to do with the clergy and that it was being used to start conversations and other threads and I got all bent out of shape and thought that this person was another individual that was getting off shit about me calling me a spammer and a troll! And yes I got mad! I am sick and tired of getting called names and I'm sick and tired of getting my feelings hurt! Every time I get on here! I just want to know what the hell is going on here? It seems to me that nobody wants to talk to me and tell me what is going on? And it seems like everybody has shunned me and wants nothing to do with me. Especially when it comes to these silly misunderstandings! And my computer is running really slow today! Getting from one page to the next! When just the other day everything was running smooth and fast! Not to mention the fact I can't report a page or a comment if I needed to and if I had to and I can't put likes or hearts on anything anymore! And it's something is up with this new format and I don't like it! It seems to me that every time I turn around things get more and more complicated on here!
Look! I'm sorry if I sound like a mean old lady! And if I seem like I'm in the way? Or a pain in the ass of any kind! I am sorry and I apologize! But I just want to know what's going on here!? I have every right to show my concern and the fact that I care about you all! And I worry about you too! I'm not just some grumpy old fart who gets on here and Rants and raves! I am a lady with feelings too just the same as everybody else on here! And I want to apologize for last night for the misunderstanding! I'm not a very technical person! I'm not like a lot of you young kids out there who are really fancy with memes and all kinds of fancy computer work! But my concern is that this website is running slow and stagnant! Nobody seems to give a rats moldy ass! About us older people! Now I am sorry! If I seem like an old bitch! And I know a lot of you hate me and despise me! But I have every right to be on here too just the same as the next man or woman of my age! And I'm not even a senior citizen yet! And I am sick and tired of being called a bitch I am sick and tired of being called a troll and I'm sick and tired of being called a fucking spammer! I don't even understand what a lot of that shit means let alone those rules! And the fact that I had to look a lot of that stuff up and find out about it! Back in the year 2002 I got my first computer! And I'm not kidding you I was totally completely computer illiterate! And back in the 90s they had computer classes and I would have to go in after work and sit in a class and learn how to use a computer with a bunch of young kids! And with all the time I've spent on the computer since then laugh out loud I do know a few things! I may not be as fancy some of you young ones but believe it or not I have a way of learning and figuring things out! And I know when something is up! Especially when nobody is talking or saying shit! And people my age don't like to be ignored or mistreated! We're just trying to keep up with everything and we are just as interested in things as much as you are! And I have every right to show my concern! I care about you people too even if it gives you hate me! And I know there are times you do! And I know a lot of you don't even want to talk to me anymore! And that I fully understand! All I'm trying to do is do my best on here following orders! Trying to keep from getting into trouble and making mistakes! The last thing I need is to make mistakes along with enemies! And last night was a total complete clusterfuck misunderstanding! I knew nothing of! And I just want to get my apology out there! And find out what the fucking hell is going on here? And if you guys are doing okay! Nobody wants to say anything! So I am stuck out here all alone trying to figure shit out! All the while everybody's off having dinner and doing their own thing! Not that I give a shit? But then again because my ugly old ass is on here too! Sometimes I think it's kind of nice to have a few friends on here that I can hang out with and talk to! And now everybody seems to have disappeared! This new format is now getting weirder and weirder and more and more complicated everyday! I get on to the different threads and I can see that they've changed! Not allowing me to put likes on anything or report anything if I have to? What is up with that! And being bombarded by some haters on here who seem to think I'm a fucking ugly old troll and a dumbass fucking spammer! I had to look that word up and find out what it meant! I thought it has something to do with luncheon meat that you put on bread with mustard and mayonnaise!
Nobody is mad at you. All we want is for you to calm down. You don't have to go on these long rants all the time. Then there will be no problem.
You need to be given some special award for even taking your time reading dragonheart long and mountain long posts ..I still don't understand why dragon heart writes super long paragraphs or essays which no body would even read ,because firstly they are super long and next ,While writing ,,only when someone writes in paragraphs could somebody even understand...

I understand humans have pain which should be vented out and pain which is not healed will keep us trapped as victim ,,so if dragon heart has been deeply affected by someone ,she should do the right revenge ritual where she vents out the right way so that she is completely healed or what dragon heart can do is keep a diary where she vents out all her frustration..Or she can do works which keeps her happy ...

But by using this forum as her personal diary ,she seems to be revealing all her weak points which makes you completely vulnerable in internet ..Anybody can misuse her if she reveals herself in the complete wrong way ..
😫😫😫😫😫 I wish I could turn back the hands tine... 😩😡😬πŸ€ͺ😳
Well you keep doing it. You keep making a mess of our forum making 100 different topics that are all about yourself complaining.

There is a social component of this forum because many of us have known and trusted each other for a long time, but this is a small part of what this website is about. The most important thing that this website is for is educating people with the knowledge of the gods, and helping people to grow and use this knowledge to help themselves and help the world. And to give knowledge of the gods to humanity which was lost for thousands of years.

But you make everything all about yourself. You don't care that every unimportant topic you make about complaining about yourself is placed at the top of the list of new topics, and it pushes down and hides all of the topics that are meant to help and educate people. By flooding everything with your bullshit, you are making it harder for thousands of people to access important information because they have to try to sort through and ignore your shit to get to the valuable information.

All that we have ever asked is for you to stop doing this. You keep saying that you regret doing it, but you won't stop doing it so obviously you don't really care and it's all about yourself. If you finally understand my message, then please just stop. Unless you have something important to say, unless you are helping somebody or answering somebody's question, you really have no reason to post anything.
And it's all of my big posts and my grammar too
sister please stop this ..No body can read mountains of essays which you are writing everytime ..There is a way to write anything like writing in paragraphs ,,that is leaving spaces after many lines ..Using comma,apostrophe,double quote etc like that ..You write like a big mountain ..I highly think how many hours do you even spend writing so many mountains of posts ..And all those posts which you write are NOT about any relevant informative things be it related to satanism or self development or about any scientific stuffs..Its all only about YOU ...

Do you remember I said you to actually take a diary or even have a notepad or a wordpad ..If you use cell phone ,then there are still apps like diary or wordpad ,which you can install and then vent out your frustation ..But no you are using this forum to vent out your bulwark messages ,and how do you think anybody can even read it ??..Even if someone spends their whole time to read it and for reading your mountain long posts ,,a person ,would have spent more than half an hour ..And all they spent their time was to just read out some puzzled riddle

There is an ettiquete to write ..Definetely I think You are educated enough to know that even while writing formal essays ,one writes it in paragraph ..If school kids write exams like you,They won't be awarded even a single mark ..They will fail everytime not even understanding why they failed in the very first place ..

I can completely understand your pain ..It is definetely ok and important to vent out your pain here ,but it seems you only do that ..Even if you vent out in every one of your posts ,,no body can even understand the exact reason why you are actually venting out because you do not say anything clear ..You are not writing anything crystal clear and conscise like "When I was a child ,i Was bullied " or "I met a severe accident " or "I had some fatal disease" or such clear statements ..You do NOT exactly convey us what even your problem is so that others can give you perfect solution ..You make big oceans of posts and you write barrels of letters in the form of riddles ,where even the most genius person can not see what exactly have you gone through to answer you relevant..

When you write bulwark of posts ,,other moderators take their precious time to post your posts ..You because of not clearly conveying your issues and because of not doing this ,are writing the same mountain and grenades of post again and again and again..And thereby are only wasting the server space ..If you keep shooting bullets of the same things again and again,which has absolutely 0 meaning ,Your post always occupies the top of this Joy Of Satan 666 thread again and again ..Many newbies visit this forum ,When they read the same thing again and again ,they would seriously mistake this forum for some troll and instead of learning anything useful here ,they will stop coming here because you have flooded this Thread with your bulwarks which I think not even you can read ..

sister many moderators here spend their time and also use this server space to post people posts ..You are NOT just wasting their time but also wasting huge amount of server space which could have been used to post many other valuable and important stuffs which should benefit every one of the community member ..For Each and every of your mountain post ,atleast 20 valuable posts could have been posted ..You are eating a huge chunk of server space which could have been used by atleast 20-30 just for your 1 single post ..So for your 5 mountain posts ,,ateast 100 useful posts could have been obtained by us ..But you never respect your own time nor the time of people who work for you here ..

sister whatever is your problem ,Please post in crystal clear ..Post it in many paragraphs ..Get our help ..We are here to help each other ..Instead of wasting your time as well as other people time,,Just one and one time make a post very crystal clear and clearly convey your problem ..We all will be happy to help you ..If you think something very serious happened to you,Then there is private message box here ..You can message any member in private and get their help .If anybody harmed you in any way,No problem. Do revenge ritual and focus your complete rage over the one who harmed in that ritual ..It takes just 20 minutes to curse someone in a ritual ..If any other problem..Tell us clear ..

But instead of this ,if you use this forum as a means of releasing all your pent up anger ,You only make sound as a troll and people many who read your posts will only have a very bad impression over you ..
I have a question? And it's about sex shaming...😭😭😭
Why do men think women have to be put down and put the shame? Just because of their sexuality.. isn't that supposed to be a part of being a female? Enjoying the pleasures of sex and being able to enjoy that moment? Especially after doing the deed feeling good about yourself and having that right to express yourself? As a female and to be able to enjoy that powerful feeling! Like you want to rule the world, because you feel enlightened and because you have that energy and you feel like you want to shine like the brightest star in the sky of night, and that you want to light up the world and embrace that power and to be able to use that and to be able to brag about it in your own way. With your energy and the way you feel about yourself as a woman being inspired and being loved and wanted? Being appreciated for who and what you are and being love for all that you are as a person and an individual. And being able to walk out into the world with a smile on your face knowing that you can do anything and having that confidence and that self-esteem! And that right to own it as well without it getting taken away from you by some angry guy who put you down and calls you names just because you like it and because you enjoy it. And you feel sexy and because of that you have that right to enjoy it and indulge in it more and more because you love the power of being worshiped feeling liberated! Knowing that you can do anything! Your energy level was up you believe in yourself you have that right to put on that outfit and walk the walk and talk the talk without being ashamed of yourself? So why do men like to put women down? Because they feel inspired and whether they get enough of the sex or not? Even if a woman gets a little love and a little satisfaction? The guy complains about it and runs away from her with shame thinking that he has done something wrong and then puts her to shame? Just because she wants it and likes it and feels good about herself?
I have a question? And it's about sex shaming...😭😭😭
Why do men think women have to be put down and put the shame? Just because of their sexuality.. isn't that supposed to be a part of being a female? Enjoying the pleasures of sex and being able to enjoy that moment? Especially after doing the deed feeling good about yourself and having that right to express yourself? As a female and to be able to enjoy that powerful feeling! Like you want to rule the world, because you feel enlightened and because you have that energy and you feel like you want to shine like the brightest star in the sky of night, and that you want to light up the world and embrace that power and to be able to use that and to be able to brag about it in your own way. With your energy and the way you feel about yourself as a woman being inspired and being loved and wanted? Being appreciated for who and what you are and being love for all that you are as a person and an individual. And being able to walk out into the world with a smile on your face knowing that you can do anything and having that confidence and that self-esteem! And that right to own it as well without it getting taken away from you by some angry guy who put you down and calls you names just because you like it and because you enjoy it. And you feel sexy and because of that you have that right to enjoy it and indulge in it more and more because you love the power of being worshiped feeling liberated! Knowing that you can do anything! Your energy level was up you believe in yourself you have that right to put on that outfit and walk the walk and talk the talk without being ashamed of yourself? So why do men like to put women down? Because they feel inspired and whether they get enough of the sex or not? Even if a woman gets a little love and a little satisfaction? The guy complains about it and runs away from her with shame thinking that he has done something wrong and then puts her to shame? Just because she wants it and likes it and feels good about herself?
Xianity and pisslam have made men aggressive towards women. The real SS man respects women. Rape was punished by death in the Waffen SS.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
