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News from Holland..

Lunar Dance 666

Well-known member
Jan 3, 2019
I guess a lot of ridiculous things don't even get posted.. because a lot of people would probably already know about them.

So hereby a few newsarticles from last week. You'll have to put it in a translator though, its not english.

Watch the video - Inside the traumatic life of a Facebook moderator. (Is in English - about how they're treated - the video is on youtube too)

Facial recognition software must name scum in terroristswimmingpool in Tilburg.

Price inflation of food -

"Mijn nieuwe adagium is dat we voedsel produceren met een zo klein mogelijke belasting voor de leefomgeving. Dus met zo min mogelijk nadelen voor natuur, milieu en klimaat."

Translation: "My new adago is that we produce food with as little imposition as possible for the living environment. So with as a little possible drawbacks for nature, milieu and climate."

"Food is so low priced that the milieu is pressured too much, food is wasted, and farmers earn too little. Consuments and supermarkets must draw their wallet for a metamorphosis of the Dutch farming industry."

=> whilst the dutch people try to strive to over the top recycling, and battling climate change, and even to the point of pushing veganism onto animals and into the farm life !!! (Vegan farming anyone? https://www.ad.nl/economie/peet-en-elza-boeren-veganistisch-zonder-dierlijke-mest~afab4b1d/
By the way, in this article it is basicly farming without using any supplies or parts from animals, like cowdung i.e.) - we also must accept all invaders and criminals with black skin and give them free money and houses to live in..

Now I am seriously asking weather or not the Dutch people are on the higher end of ridiculousness in behavior and cuckism. Or if it could be even worse?

About those "Asylum seekers":

Promoting "immigration" of African and Arabic people for labour - Buza

Comment on "Justitie wist al 15 jaar van kansloze asielplaag"

Acidstain | 19-06-19 | 13:28
"Ik werkte in een AZC tussen 1998 en 2000 en toen was het al precies hetzelfde. So wie so was 90 % bij voorbaat kansloos. De meesten kwamen zonder papieren en hadden een vrijwel identiek "vlucht"-verhaal. Papieren hadden ze óf niet mee kunnen nemen óf raakten kwijt in de trein. Het overgrote deel waren mannen of fighting age. Doel was vaak om door te reizen naar GB. Procedures werden eindeloos uitgemolken om zo lang mogelijk van alle voorzieningen te blijven profiteren. En als er dan een was uitgeprocedeerd deed die persoon er eerst alles aan om bij de ambassade weg te blijven. Als het niet anders kon, ging hij uiteindelijk naar de ambassade en 'kon dan geen papieren krijgen' (waarschijnlijk vertelde zo iemand gewoon aan de balie dat hij niet uit dat land kwam en er ook niet heen wilde) En daarna ging het de illegaliteit in. Al dan niet gevolgd door eenaar smokkelreis naar Engeland. Dit was algemeen bekend bij IND, COA, advocaten en VluchtelingenWerk.
Ik heb overigens nog documenten van iemand die wel is teruggekeerd. Hij vroeg me ze te bewaren. Toen ik ze onlangs opruimde stuitte ik op een verzoek om overplaatsing naar een andere kamer. Reden: in zijn kamer kwamen steeds allerlei mannen bij elkaar om over de jihad te praten. Het COA heeft zijn verzoek trouwens afgewezen, toen... "

"I worked in an Asylum Seeker Centre between 1998 and 2000 and then it already was exactly the same. 90% was in advance chanceless. Most came without papers and had a rather identical "flight" story. They didn't have any papers or didn't take those with them or lost everything obn the train. The majority of them were men of fighting age. The goal was to travel through to Great Britain. Procuedures were milked endlessly to provit from the facilities as long as possible. And if one was finally out of the procedures, this person would do anything to stay away from the ambassy. If there was no other option, he would finally go to the ambassy and 'could not get any papers' (probably such a person said that he or she did not come from said country and didn't want to go there) After which the person ended up in the illegality. If not followed by a smuggle trip to England. This was common knowledge at the IND, COA, lawyers and Vluchtelingenwerk {= Refugeework - but I dont know what the other two instances translate as} .
I still have documents from someone whom did return. He asked me to keep them. When I was cleaning recently I came across a request to be moved to a different room. Reason: In his room several men came together to talk about the jihad. The COA refused his request, then.."

This comment basicly shows that this refugee crisis and the policies are not from the last 10 years or so. They're way older. This is why I translated this post.

Oh! I also remember seeing or hearing something recently on television that literally said that those asylum seekers were told or taught what exactly to say to what question or answer so that they could stay. No matter if it was lieing or not. I don't know if it was from watching a recent Docu from Lauren Sauthern or not, I forgot.
ohh the list of things that are happening is to long :lol: in my opinion the matters in the netherlands are quite bad maybe worse than in most western countries. but the thing with dutch ppl is they dont care what happens to them, half of them parties, does drugs and drinks 24/7 and the other half have given up on everything. there are not a lot of people that actually care how matters are in the netherlands there are some ppl talking about getting into action by doing like protesting etc. but noone does anything in the end the only ones doing protests like crazy are the leftists.

but there is a growing group of ppl that are starting to care and getting hope just look at the fvd how they are growing. but just looking at how things are in the netherlands im suprised nothing has been done yet against the goverment / jews.

I have seen the same vid, I think i have seen it on jensen but i am not a 100% sure.
Cro666 said:
ohh the list of things that are happening is to long :lol: in my opinion the matters in the netherlands are quite bad maybe worse than in most western countries. but the thing with dutch ppl is they dont care what happens to them, half of them parties, does drugs and drinks 24/7 and the other half have given up on everything. there are not a lot of people that actually care how matters are in the netherlands there are some ppl talking about getting into action by doing like protesting etc. but noone does anything in the end the only ones doing protests like crazy are the leftists.

but there is a growing group of ppl that are starting to care and getting hope just look at the fvd how they are growing. but just looking at how things are in the netherlands im suprised nothing has been done yet against the goverment / jews.

I have seen the same vid, I think i have seen it on jensen but i am not a 100% sure.

Were you looking into the things going on in the NL?

I quit following the news about a decade ago. Only crap and nonsense on there back then..

I watched the Vragenuur from 11 june yesterday. This person literally said that the government funded IS warriors in non fight zones.
Person starts talking after 20 min 15. No subs though. But I typed it out.

"Tweede vraag de heer sourtsma:

Ja mevr de voorzitter het is idd een bijzonder geval ik denk dat de
mens dat zelf heel goed zegt, alleen ik denk dat het door anderen word
opgevat in het bijzonder in de andere zin van het woord.

Mevr voorzitter, Ik snap heel goed dat er niks word gezegd over operatie dat wil ik
heel even wegnemen van wat deze minisiter zei.

Het probleem is wel dat dit kabinet eerder al ook in 2017 bijstand
heeft verleend aan bijvoorbeeld IS strijders in niet strijdgebied en
dat niet aan de kamer heeft gemeld.

Gewoon niet gemeld.

Ik heb die schriftelijke vragen nog hier. Die zijn recent
beantwoord mevrouw de voorzitter. Naar aanleiding van mondelinge vraag,
naar aanleiding van weer niet beantwoorde schriftelijke vraag.

Kabinet heeft gewoon niet gemeld dat dat niet gebeurde.
Dus kan deze minister zich voorstellen dat er enig wantrouwen is en
dat er ook onduidelijkheid nu bestaat over het kabinetsbeleid en hoe
daarover word gecommuniceerd ?"

The problem is that this cabinet earlier in 2017 also granted standby (bijstand could also mean sending money fyi) to in example IS warriors in non fightzone and did not report that to the second chamber.

I tried to look up if I could find a video of this on youtube. Nowhere. Its nowhere. Its that bad here that they can just admit their crap
and dont get persecuted basicly.

Cro.. we can't wait for people to wake up by themselves.

Also, as for the page on kicking out unwished for asylum seekers failed 10000 times in five years..
It says:
"Zowel de landen van herkomst als de asielzoekers zelf werken het uitzettingsproces vaak actief tegen.

Eerst die landen. Simpelweg geen antwoord op het verzoek tot erkenning en terugname: Afghanistan 1080 keer, Marokko 990 keer, Irak 720 keer en Iran 660 keer. Wat hebben die landen verder toch gemeen we kunnen de vinger er even niet op leggen. De meeste glasharde weigeringen kwamen uit Algerije (160), Ivoorkust (80) en Ghana (70). Volgens de DT&V komt dit door interne politieke druk en omdat die migranten "geld" overmaken naar familie aan het thuisfront. "De dienst weigert landen aan te wijzen die aantoonbaar dwarsliggen, omdat dat voor nog meer tegenwerking kan zorgen," maar de cijfers laten weinig te raden over. Gelukkig hebben we het VN-migratiepact hè!"

The countries of origin as the asylum seekers themselves work actively against the evictionprocess.

First those countries. Simply no answer to the request to acknowledgement and return: Afghanistan 1080 times, Marokko 990 times, Irak 720 times and Iran 660 times. What those countries have in common, we can not put the finger on it. Most unfeeling/harsh refusals came from Algeria (160), Ivory Coast (80) and Ghana (70). According to the DT&V this is because of the internal political pressure and because those migrants transfer 'money' to family at the homefront. "The service refuses to point out countries that ascertainable counteract, because that can give even more resistance," but the numbers do not leave much for guessing. Luckily we have the VN-migrationpact, right!"

Ey! I just noticed those numbers! They probably messed with the numbers. 1080,990,720,660 ...

Aside from the nonsense about gays and the Sinterklaas thing, did you find anything interesting actually on the news stuff?
Cro666 said:

Question, did you happen to know about a more underground newssource from the NL? I tried finding one some time ago but didn't have much luck.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Were you looking into the things going on in the NL?

I quit following the news about a decade ago. Only crap and nonsense on there back then..

I watched the Vragenuur from 11 june yesterday. This person literally said that the government funded IS warriors in non fight zones.
Person starts talking after 20 min 15. No subs though. But I typed it out.

"Tweede vraag de heer sourtsma:

Ja mevr de voorzitter het is idd een bijzonder geval ik denk dat de
mens dat zelf heel goed zegt, alleen ik denk dat het door anderen word
opgevat in het bijzonder in de andere zin van het woord.

Mevr voorzitter, Ik snap heel goed dat er niks word gezegd over operatie dat wil ik
heel even wegnemen van wat deze minisiter zei.

Het probleem is wel dat dit kabinet eerder al ook in 2017 bijstand
heeft verleend aan bijvoorbeeld IS strijders in niet strijdgebied en
dat niet aan de kamer heeft gemeld.

Gewoon niet gemeld.

Ik heb die schriftelijke vragen nog hier. Die zijn recent
beantwoord mevrouw de voorzitter. Naar aanleiding van mondelinge vraag,
naar aanleiding van weer niet beantwoorde schriftelijke vraag.

Kabinet heeft gewoon niet gemeld dat dat niet gebeurde.
Dus kan deze minister zich voorstellen dat er enig wantrouwen is en
dat er ook onduidelijkheid nu bestaat over het kabinetsbeleid en hoe
daarover word gecommuniceerd ?"

The problem is that this cabinet earlier in 2017 also granted standby (bijstand could also mean sending money fyi) to in example IS warriors in non fightzone and did not report that to the second chamber.

I tried to look up if I could find a video of this on youtube. Nowhere. Its nowhere. Its that bad here that they can just admit their crap
and dont get persecuted basicly.

Cro.. we can't wait for people to wake up by themselves.

Also, as for the page on kicking out unwished for asylum seekers failed 10000 times in five years..
It says:
"Zowel de landen van herkomst als de asielzoekers zelf werken het uitzettingsproces vaak actief tegen.

Eerst die landen. Simpelweg geen antwoord op het verzoek tot erkenning en terugname: Afghanistan 1080 keer, Marokko 990 keer, Irak 720 keer en Iran 660 keer. Wat hebben die landen verder toch gemeen we kunnen de vinger er even niet op leggen. De meeste glasharde weigeringen kwamen uit Algerije (160), Ivoorkust (80) en Ghana (70). Volgens de DT&V komt dit door interne politieke druk en omdat die migranten "geld" overmaken naar familie aan het thuisfront. "De dienst weigert landen aan te wijzen die aantoonbaar dwarsliggen, omdat dat voor nog meer tegenwerking kan zorgen," maar de cijfers laten weinig te raden over. Gelukkig hebben we het VN-migratiepact hè!"

The countries of origin as the asylum seekers themselves work actively against the evictionprocess.

First those countries. Simply no answer to the request to acknowledgement and return: Afghanistan 1080 times, Marokko 990 times, Irak 720 times and Iran 660 times. What those countries have in common, we can not put the finger on it. Most unfeeling/harsh refusals came from Algeria (160), Ivory Coast (80) and Ghana (70). According to the DT&V this is because of the internal political pressure and because those migrants transfer 'money' to family at the homefront. "The service refuses to point out countries that ascertainable counteract, because that can give even more resistance," but the numbers do not leave much for guessing. Luckily we have the VN-migrationpact, right!"

Ey! I just noticed those numbers! They probably messed with the numbers. 1080,990,720,660 ...

Aside from the nonsense about gays and the Sinterklaas thing, did you find anything interesting actually on the news stuff?

First of i am from the Netherlands as well, So it is only natural that i know whats going in the Netherlands. I dont watch the news myself either i only watch it when i am visiting someone and they have it on.

About the funding on IS warriors that only counts for the IS warriors that came from the Netherlands because the government is not allowed to stop the fundings because they deserve it for working in the Netherlands, there are some other bllsht rules as well as to why they still get funding. Besides that there is always a possibility that IS get weapons, food, clothes from the eu and other countries trough some shady methods.

There is a lot of pressure from migration and small leftist groups that are treatening the country but that is the same in almost every western country, The former is mainly in europe. The ministry and goverment arent doing anything to protect its people or history that is because are pulling the ropes, Ofc left wing parties are in on it this is the same in almost every western country.

In the Netherlands they have almost abolished democracy just look at what happend to the second largest party the pvv (right wing) in the last years they didnt even get the chance to do anything the other parties just sayd nope you are not getting in. One year they let the pvv in but didnt give them any power or say in the plans that were comming. There is a lot of things happening that is highly undemocratic i dont even know where to start.

The people of the Netherlands are taxed relentlessly, More so than in any other Europian country. One of the richest countries in the eu is having problems providing basic need for its people. Police is severly understafed, Hospitals are closing because there are no funds for it Not even mentioning that everyone has to pay monthly to be able to go to the hospital (about 100 euro) and when they go there they need to pay up to 380 euro themselves, Schools that dont have enough teachers and the teachers like most ppl working in the Netherlands dont get a high enough salary, and this isnt even scratching the surface.

It is nearly impossible to survive as a family when there is only one income, the costs are so high that its not even possible to buy food. if you have a family you need to have both parents working to able to feed the children, Its insane to think that this is possible in a western country that is doing so well. But as if this isnt enough thing will get worse because new taxes are incomming.

But i am sure that you know all about this stuff ^^ so i wont go on about it.

One thing that i did see in the news not long ago was something about MH17, I wont go into detail here but basicly the Netherlands just flicked their finger toward russia and screamed i fckd you mom. The proof they have that russia did it is not enough but still they showed some things on the news that they normaly would never show like that. The Netherlands is trying to provoke Russia here but either i am to sceptical about it or its not important at all, anyway if anyone wants to talk about this i sure am willing to share my point of view on it.

Before we can do anything to change the country or wakeup people something big should happen, Hell needs to brake loose before ppl are truely willing to open their eyes or listen. Ofc RTR's and other rituals will help as well.

I Dont know about Underground sites where we can get some usefull information on the Netherlands. I basicly watch some politic vids (2e kamer) and i hear/read things hear and there, Sometimes i watch Jensen, he has some usefull information sometimes but most of the time its not usefull at all or just repeating the same thing over and over again he even spreads some missinformation from time to time so be carefull.

Most information i get from here, sometimes there are some usefull links to places with some good information as well. Heres one usefull site https://mothman777.wordpress.com/ here is post thats quite intresting https://mothman777.wordpress.com/2019/05/26/the-mass-dumbing-down-of-humanity-is-now-confirmed-by-scientists/

Anyway sorry about me ranting about stuff that you prob already know all about, Its difficult to find good places for information but luckely we can think for ourselves. Just try to look at things from the sideline (and/or in a satanic way) and try to stay clear headed its the best weapon we have. The worst thing i find is being told what to think or say and most places where you find information does tell you what to think.

If you want to have a conversation about this or other things im here.
Cro666 said:
The people of the Netherlands are taxed relentlessly, More so than in any other Europian country. One of the richest countries in the eu is having problems providing basic need for its people. Police is severly understafed, Hospitals are closing because there are no funds for it Not even mentioning that everyone has to pay monthly to be able to go to the hospital (about 100 euro) and when they go there they need to pay up to 380 euro themselves, Schools that dont have enough teachers and the teachers like most ppl working in the Netherlands dont get a high enough salary, and this isnt even scratching the surface.

It is nearly impossible to survive as a family when there is only one income, the costs are so high that its not even possible to buy food. if you have a family you need to have both parents working to able to feed the children, Its insane to think that this is possible in a western country that is doing so well. But as if this isnt enough thing will get worse because new taxes are incomming.

But i am sure that you know all about this stuff ^^ so i wont go on about it.
Before we can do anything to change the country or wakeup people something big should happen, Hell needs to brake loose before ppl are truely willing to open their eyes or listen. Ofc RTR's and other rituals will help as well.
Anyway sorry about me ranting about stuff that you prob already know all about, Its difficult to find good places for information but luckely we can think for ourselves. Just try to look at things from the sideline (and/or in a satanic way) and try to stay clear headed its the best weapon we have. The worst thing i find is being told what to think or say and most places where you find information does tell you what to think.

If you want to have a conversation about this or other things im here.

I usually watch the news when its on at someone elses place too tbh..

True. And I agree on the BS rules. They're treasoners. You don't feed treasoners. Or give em free stuff.

The parties are forced to cooperate with one other party at least to form a majority. The only way PVV could hold any real power is if they win over 50% over all total votes.
That said, the parties should be abolished completely or reformed, at least. Look at the PvdA. It is not even the thing to vote on even if you're a laborer. What is absolutely not what it stood for. Its just a joke at this point.

I wanted to watch it because I heard a rumor (read it in the newspaper) that they wanted to raise the minimum wage to 15 euro an hour. Which sounds like good news, but the system is so rigged, and there are so many problems, that putting that in at this point in time is a BAD IDEA.

That said, I remember talking to someone about the country. Basicly they said that giving businesses money and power was a good thing. That they ran the economy. (Basicly business above human rights)
But in reality, the people, the civilian, gained nothing.
Basicly, this is capitalism, and we could probably be seeing the end stages of that in the NL.

I missed the thing on the MH17 actually. I heard the headline, but didn't even look into it. If you want to say more details about what they mentioned, Im all ears.

Actually, despite the thing being rigged like hell over here, and dumbasses doing nothing, or being caught up too much in stuff so they don't really have much time or energy left to do anything..
I think the RTRs have been manifesting here too. You see all those new things which are written in the media. I do think they are waking a few people up and actually rallying them into action, a little, finally.
Also, when I did the race awakening on the solstice and I focussed on the NL, it felt like there were many people more awake or at least more accepting than when we did that around Yule.
This is good news too.

Thanks for the websites, Ill check them out.

Also, don't be sorry for ranting. We just have a lot to say (and quite a bit to vent). Thats all.

Maybe I hadn't noticed, but you said that in 'most places you are told what to think or say'. I might not have the perception if they push this subliminally. So if you could name an example.. that'd be interesting for me to know.
Also I know that they definitely do this on schools so no surprises there.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
The parties are forced to cooperate with one other party at least to form a majority. The only way PVV could hold any real power is if they win over 50% over all total votes.
That said, the parties should be abolished completely or reformed, at least. Look at the PvdA. It is not even the thing to vote on even if you're a laborer. What is absolutely not what it stood for. Its just a joke at this point.

I agree on the abolishing/reforming of the parties but even if this does happen it wont work, If we stay as a democratic land things like this will happen over and over again. The wrong ppl will get powerfull positions and they will build themselves in so they wont be easy to get rid off, It has happend quite often in the past Just look at the roman empire how did it work out for them (I know it was a republic but the difference isnt that great). One person that saw the problems of this was Adolf Hitler, He abolished democracy and made a paradise. People say that he was a tyrant but that is very much debatable, If you havent already i urge you to read mein kampf (it is in the JOS library).

Lunar Dance 666 said:
I wanted to watch it because I heard a rumor (read it in the newspaper) that they wanted to raise the minimum wage to 15 euro an hour. Which sounds like good news, but the system is so rigged, and there are so many problems, that putting that in at this point in time is a BAD IDEA.

I have also heard that they wanted to make sure that everybody would get a raise, The problem here is: they want to force the employer to pay the employee more but when they do that they have to pay more than only the amount you get on your paycheck. If this happens a lot of small busnisses will get in some problems, because they will have to pay the employee's more and they will have to pay more taxes wich is not doable for a lot small bussinesses. But i did not hear that they wanted to raise the minimum wage to 15 euro an hour.

If the people will get more money to spend the goverment will introduce more taxes to pay so dont worry you will get 100 euro a month extra but they introduce taxes of 200 euro a month, in other words your money will spend itself great news right. :lol:

Anyway watch out with newspapers its bllsht how much lies there are written in there, But you can think perfectly for yourself seeing that you are an SS i have no doubt that you know all about it.

Lunar Dance 666 said:
That said, I remember talking to someone about the country. Basicly they said that giving businesses money and power was a good thing. That they ran the economy. (Basicly business above human rights)
But in reality, the people, the civilian, gained nothing.
Basicly, this is capitalism, and we could probably be seeing the end stages of that in the NL.

Ahh yeah give all the money to the big companies that makes sense right. They will all put it into the business to make sure that the people will get the best experience and best prices etc.... Most big businesses are owned by jews or by people who have ties to jews, as you know they dont give a damn about any race but themselves (even that is debatable :lol: ). If this keeps on we are going to be a socialist/communist/globalist country, Not only the Netherlands but all of the western country's.

Lunar Dance 666 said:
Maybe I hadn't noticed, but you said that in 'most places you are told what to think or say'. I might not have the perception if they push this subliminally. So if you could name an example.. that'd be interesting for me to know.
Also I know that they definitely do this on schools so no surprises there.

I mean when you read articles or when you watch a program that talks about certain subjects lets say the problem around ethnic profiling. I have a video here of ''zondag met lubach'', First off he talks about the problem and even shows all the proof of what is going on with it. the way he does it is pretty good but after a little while he just almost turns the whole story around and says the ethnic profiling is a huge problem, even tough he just proved that its not much of a problem.

By doing this he is telling you what you should think about it, He simply maniplates his audiance. This happens a lot but because it happens so incredibly much its possible that you wont notice it, Unless you know about it and looks for it only then you will see how much of a problem it is.

Cro666 said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
The parties are forced to cooperate with one other party at least to form a majority. The only way PVV could hold any real power is if they win over 50% over all total votes.
That said, the parties should be abolished completely or reformed, at least. Look at the PvdA. It is not even the thing to vote on even if you're a laborer. What is absolutely not what it stood for. Its just a joke at this point.

I agree on the abolishing/reforming of the parties but even if this does happen it wont work, If we stay as a democratic land things like this will happen over and over again. The wrong ppl will get powerfull positions and they will build themselves in so they wont be easy to get rid off, It has happend quite often in the past Just look at the roman empire how did it work out for them (I know it was a republic but the difference isnt that great). One person that saw the problems of this was Adolf Hitler, He abolished democracy and made a paradise. People say that he was a tyrant but that is very much debatable, If you havent already i urge you to read mein kampf (it is in the JOS library).

Lunar Dance 666 said:
I wanted to watch it because I heard a rumor (read it in the newspaper) that they wanted to raise the minimum wage to 15 euro an hour. Which sounds like good news, but the system is so rigged, and there are so many problems, that putting that in at this point in time is a BAD IDEA.

I have also heard that they wanted to make sure that everybody would get a raise, The problem here is: they want to force the employer to pay the employee more but when they do that they have to pay more than only the amount you get on your paycheck. If this happens a lot of small busnisses will get in some problems, because they will have to pay the employee's more and they will have to pay more taxes wich is not doable for a lot small bussinesses. But i did not hear that they wanted to raise the minimum wage to 15 euro an hour.

If the people will get more money to spend the goverment will introduce more taxes to pay so dont worry you will get 100 euro a month extra but they introduce taxes of 200 euro a month, in other words your money will spend itself great news right. :lol:

Anyway watch out with newspapers its bllsht how much lies there are written in there, But you can think perfectly for yourself seeing that you are an SS i have no doubt that you know all about it.

Lunar Dance 666 said:
That said, I remember talking to someone about the country. Basicly they said that giving businesses money and power was a good thing. That they ran the economy. (Basicly business above human rights)
But in reality, the people, the civilian, gained nothing.
Basicly, this is capitalism, and we could probably be seeing the end stages of that in the NL.

Ahh yeah give all the money to the big companies that makes sense right. They will all put it into the business to make sure that the people will get the best experience and best prices etc.... Most big businesses are owned by jews or by people who have ties to jews, as you know they dont give a damn about any race but themselves (even that is debatable :lol: ). If this keeps on we are going to be a socialist/communist/globalist country, Not only the Netherlands but all of the western country's.

Lunar Dance 666 said:
Maybe I hadn't noticed, but you said that in 'most places you are told what to think or say'. I might not have the perception if they push this subliminally. So if you could name an example.. that'd be interesting for me to know.
Also I know that they definitely do this on schools so no surprises there.

I mean when you read articles or when you watch a program that talks about certain subjects lets say the problem around ethnic profiling. I have a video here of ''zondag met lubach'', First off he talks about the problem and even shows all the proof of what is going on with it. the way he does it is pretty good but after a little while he just almost turns the whole story around and says the ethnic profiling is a huge problem, even tough he just proved that its not much of a problem.

By doing this he is telling you what you should think about it, He simply maniplates his audiance. This happens a lot but because it happens so incredibly much its possible that you wont notice it, Unless you know about it and looks for it only then you will see how much of a problem it is.


I have been thinking in the past about what I would do if I were to rule a country. This may sound strange but it is easy to see that there are all kinds of things wrong now, and pretty much the only way to fix it, is to get up there and in a position where you can actually do something about it.
Though I didn't choose politics to study after high school.

It seems as if most politicians do not even know how life is like for those at the bottom, with the low income. As if they've never been there themselves.. And grew up in some kind of rich culture.
But now I understand that this is just jewish behavior through and through. Its not that they may have never been there, they just dont care. They see all goyim as slaves anyway.

When a revolution comes, who will stop the folk to drag those in power out of their houses and execute them?

True, a democracy doesn't work. But in many places even the king or so have advisors in what actions to take. Though they've been made into some kind of joke with the late movies..

But what Im thinking now is, that if all the nonsense is cut out of everything, shouldn't it be easier to run a country than that it is now?

Do you remember, I guess it was about 10 years ago.. they spend literally 3 years debating on the gay question. What a waste of time. I got sick of hearing all about it after just a few times that it's been mentioned..

I also realize now, that with ruling a country, its not just deciding the action to take, or the tax thing or the relationships with the other countries or the demographic lay-out or the protection of history..
There are some other things which may not be as obvious that I hadn't considered..

True, small businesses will find it hard to get by, I guess they're just thinking if more people have money in their pocket they'll buy more also from the private companies so it's fine right?
Ye right.. not.
NL is at least for the half calvinistic. Which means to live sober and not really own more than you need. To not waste your money. To not get something new unless it's been fixed a few times already. In some cases also to not get rid of things because you might need them later (even though this mentality could be the result of the first and second world war, in which people didn't really own a lot and had to sell their stuff to even buy food).
This part of stupid xianity is or seems to still be living within us, even if a lot of people don't go to church anymore. Kind of hard to get rid of that kind of mentality I guess..

I did find it interesting to read either in Mein Kampf or in the other book about the food storage of Germany. Nowadays this just seems to be so far far away from what we see now. We don't really store any foods long term anymore... or so it seems.

Oh.. I remember seeing that on the tv before or when reading some articles and then I think 'wtf?'
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I have been thinking in the past about what I would do if I were to rule a country. This may sound strange but it is easy to see that there are all kinds of things wrong now, and pretty much the only way to fix it, is to get up there and in a position where you can actually do something about it.
Though I didn't choose politics to study after high school.

It seems as if most politicians do not even know how life is like for those at the bottom, with the low income. As if they've never been there themselves.. And grew up in some kind of rich culture.
But now I understand that this is just jewish behavior through and through. Its not that they may have never been there, they just dont care. They see all goyim as slaves anyway.

When a revolution comes, who will stop the folk to drag those in power out of their houses and execute them?

True, a democracy doesn't work. But in many places even the king or so have advisors in what actions to take. Though they've been made into some kind of joke with the late movies..

But what Im thinking now is, that if all the nonsense is cut out of everything, shouldn't it be easier to run a country than that it is now?

Do you remember, I guess it was about 10 years ago.. they spend literally 3 years debating on the gay question. What a waste of time. I got sick of hearing all about it after just a few times that it's been mentioned..

I also realize now, that with ruling a country, its not just deciding the action to take, or the tax thing or the relationships with the other countries or the demographic lay-out or the protection of history..
There are some other things which may not be as obvious that I hadn't considered..

True, small businesses will find it hard to get by, I guess they're just thinking if more people have money in their pocket they'll buy more also from the private companies so it's fine right?
Ye right.. not.
NL is at least for the half calvinistic. Which means to live sober and not really own more than you need. To not waste your money. To not get something new unless it's been fixed a few times already. In some cases also to not get rid of things because you might need them later (even though this mentality could be the result of the first and second world war, in which people didn't really own a lot and had to sell their stuff to even buy food).
This part of stupid xianity is or seems to still be living within us, even if a lot of people don't go to church anymore. Kind of hard to get rid of that kind of mentality I guess..

I did find it interesting to read either in Mein Kampf or in the other book about the food storage of Germany. Nowadays this just seems to be so far far away from what we see now. We don't really store any foods long term anymore... or so it seems.

Oh.. I remember seeing that on the tv before or when reading some articles and then I think 'wtf?'

Not so long ago i came across a couple of videos about national socialism, There was this one vid that showed the philosophy of hitler. Here he tells the people what his views are on politics, school etc....


I found this one very intresting, Hitler had a lot of solutions on the problems we still face today. The channel that uploaded the video has more intresting video's, I really do recommend it ^^

He also shows original national socialist movies, The movies are quite good in my opinion better than the movies that are made nowadays. I have seen ''jud suss'' this movie as well i would recommend, it does take about an hour and a half and its just really well made.

https://www.bitchute.com/video/Vxi2ivcnqC7a/ (Jud Suss)

National socialist germany almost sounds like a perfect place to me after all the things i have read about it.
Cro666 said:
Not so long ago i came across a couple of videos about national socialism, There was this one vid that showed the philosophy of hitler. Here he tells the people what his views are on politics, school etc....


I found this one very intresting, Hitler had a lot of solutions on the problems we still face today. The channel that uploaded the video has more intresting video's, I really do recommend it ^^

He also shows original national socialist movies, The movies are quite good in my opinion better than the movies that are made nowadays. I have seen ''jud suss'' this movie as well i would recommend, it does take about an hour and a half and its just really well made.

https://www.bitchute.com/video/Vxi2ivcnqC7a/ (Jud Suss)

National socialist germany almost sounds like a perfect place to me after all the things i have read about it.

I watched the first video, not yet the second, and I have something Im questioning.

What to do with all those mixed people in our midst? We can't just leave them there (and leave it up to chance that they interbreed with whites again.. and even giving them a special sectioned off place to live within europe is not a good idea either). Aside from enlightening people about sticking with their own race (which is the only way really to get this done) there should be laws put in place that prohibit these things and make it a crime basicly..
If you were to do that right now. I'd be VERY controversial.
They basicly removed all laws that stop you from marrying whomever so.. also with the gay parade, acceptance and take it in the ass, yada yada, people are too weak and would just revolt against this and say its not right because of 'muh feels' and indoctrination.
Which kind of reminds me of myself how I used to be indoctrinated about 'acceptance' and 'accept everything' which then fucked me over.. people are like that.. they need to be told a few things first, given a bit of information, before you can win them over.

Like the video said, that you need to speak to the hearts of the people (not endless information).. which I thought was standing out at that point in the video. Ill keep it in mind.
Did you know that there is something called 'University of Netherlands' ? It seems that you can find videos of this on youtube.. I ended up on the videos when I was doing a search..
I was checking the news because I heard something about the dutch people standing up for themselves because a lot of people despite having work do not earn enough to get through the month and are thus replying on the foodbank (a place where you go to to get food for free if you do not earn enough to get through the month), but I couldn't find anything on this, and then I found the following items:

300 NL donators turn their back on Amnesty International:
Summary: Amnesty International is promoting the burka/nikaab and saying that 'harmful dress codes that forbid religious clothing in public spaces prevent women from reaching their full potentials'.
Basicly instead of being against the Islam, they are promoting it.
People thought they were a good thing, helping people in warfare areas and the like, but now they've shown a bit of what they were actually doing.

Russian Germans shit all over the Netherlands
This article is about Russian speaking people in German cars (=German license plates on cars) driving into the Netherlands, fishing our fish out of the Ijssel, and then shitting about everywhere without cleaning up.
Big regonal detriment in Wilsum, a village next to the IJssel.

Vloggers testing Burka-ban
There is a ban that says that wearing the burka in public spaces is not allowed. However, as the video shows, aside from a few comments that you'd get when walking in a shopping district, no one is going to say or do anything. They went to a city hall where the security asked nicely for her to leave or to take the thing off of her face.
Then they went to a Hospital, where the hospital said 'it is our policy that she is allowed to wear the burka', after to a NS station, where the security didn't make a problem out of it (they said, it is a law and we should have to abide by it, however unless she makes trouble as in using the train without a ticket or needing to scan her OV chipcard when she is on the train, they didn't see a problem with it and refused to tell her not to wear it), no less that fellow passengers were actually telling the person that was making a point that it isn't allowed that she is wearing that, telling him to basicly 'leave her be because she isn't bothering anyone'. The last place they went to was a public library.
The one at the public library allowed her to stay, a fellow woman commented on them that if he didn't like what she was wearing then he should just go sit elsewhere. And a student was basicly being made upset ? and explained that it wasn't 'tolerance' what he was doing.
We dutch people have been told to be 'tolerant' to a lot of people around us. As long as it 'harm none other than oneself' one is allowed to do anything, basicly.
There is no realisation and link of that this is an invasive religion we are speaking about and such invasive things should not be tolerated, yet it become a state of islam. Which basicly already is a state within a state and the law system doing nothing.

I have only heard of this term recently. You are in fact allowed as a civilian to make a civilian arrest. You stop the person that is not abiding the law and you call the cops. Thats how it works.

If I happen to see anything else interesting I'll post it.
On the map there is a list of shooting incidents in Amsterdam 2019


It has been in the news more since recent years, shooting indicents and killings.

This was posted after there was a 4th shooting in just a few days time in Amsterdam.
On the radio today:

The parliament has decided to make laws to ban islamic schools.
Reason being: They teach kids the koran in which it tells them to kill the dutch people (in short words) and other unhealthy things.

^That is an RTR win. Its awesome :D

On another note:
- Shortage of drinking water in the NL.

Due to the drought of the past few years (little rain) getting clean ground water is harder and harder to come by.
Water companies have sounded a big alarm that they can not filter all the contaminants out of that water. Which is a serious danger to the quality of the drinking water.

They blame pesticides, nitrates, old ground contaminations, industrial subtances, (animal)medicines, geothermia (whatever that is), GenX, microplastics, nanomaterials and of course, climate change.
It'd be contaminated with some of the stuff mentioned above, and also agriculture waste not to mention the throwing away illegally of the water used on weed/pot plantages.


I am sure I should post this latter in a separate post and that it is import for SS from here to invest in something to make your own clean drinking water.
I.e. a destillation device.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
