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Lilith Goddess Queen Of The Sri Yantra

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Lilith Goddess Queen Of The Sri Yantra

The Goddess Lilith was the wife of the Sumerian Enki:

"Lilutu- whence derived the names of Lilith , Luluwa and others associated with the lily or lotus flower."[1]

"Lilith who became another young consort of Enki, known to the Hebrews as Samael -from Sama-EL: Lord of Sama in northern Mesopotamia."[2]

Samael is the name of Satan in Hebrew. This is where Samael and His wife Lilith in the Hebrew texts was stolen and corrupted from, Enki and Lilutu.

The Jewish texts also admit something:

Lilith states to the Jewish Elijah:

"Lilith stated: These are my names Lilith.....Kali..." [3]

Kali is the Hindu Goddess who is the consort of Shiva.

In Hinduism the Goddess who rules the Sri Yantra the most important yantra in Kundalini Yoga and represents the cosmic axis of Meru, is the Goddess Lalita who is Lilith further west. In Sanskrit the vowels are interchangeable the LLT can be Lalita, Lilutu or Lilith. Both rule the crown chakra. Lilith means lily or lotus the thousand crown lotus. Lalita rules the crown chakra in Hinduism. Lalita's consort is Shiva and the Sri Yantra is the union of both principals into the transformed soul.


The name Lalita also means "She who plays" its a title of kundalini energy. The Kali form of Lalita is pure force of the serpent energy as it transforms the soul and this form also rules the 50 petals that make up the chakras or alphabet letters that form the body of the Goddess which are the chakras in Yoga as well.

Lalita is given the title Kameshvari and Shiva is given the title of Kameswara which both relate the fulfilment of desire which is Kama and this relates to the inner alchemical sexual union of the chakras, the symbol of the Sri Yantra, which raises the kundalini serpent and transforms the chakras of the human soul into and takes one across the ocean of mortality to the Shivarupa Samadhi the Magnum Opus the immortal state, the form of Shiva.

[1][2]Realm of the Ring Lords, Laurence Gardner
[3]Tree Of Souls The Mythology Of Judaism, Schwartz
Shakti The Realm Of The Divine Mother, Vana Mali
Relating to this topic, does anyone have a backed up version of the post I made of Lilith being Lalith and Lalitha?

This was from a few years ago on the forums. It disappeared with the purging of the forum and it is not on the archive. If someone by any chance has it, please post. Thanks-
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Relating to this topic, does anyone have a backed up version of the post I made of Lilith being Lalith and Lalitha?

This was from a few years ago on the forums. It disappeared with the purging of the forum and it is not on the archive. If someone by any chance has it, please post. Thanks-
I checked Satan's Library and found a sermon of yours on Lilith. Is this what you were looking for? https://www.dropbox.com/s/0jqj74wrkm2holb/The_Ancient_Lilith%2C_Origins_of_the_Goddess_HP_Cobra.pdf?dl=1
Ok then Kali is good not bad. I thought this Goddess was linked to destruction and darkness or had something to do with the enemy.

Thanks for the info I find these sermons interesting.
darkmonkey666 said:
Ok then Kali is good not bad. I thought this Goddess was linked to destruction and darkness or had something to do with the enemy.

Thanks for the info I find these sermons interesting.

All the Gentile Gods are very vicious to the enemy.
Shael said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Relating to this topic, does anyone have a backed up version of the post I made of Lilith being Lalith and Lalitha?

This was from a few years ago on the forums. It disappeared with the purging of the forum and it is not on the archive. If someone by any chance has it, please post. Thanks-
I checked Satan's Library and found a sermon of yours on Lilith. Is this what you were looking for? https://www.dropbox.com/s/0jqj74wrkm2holb/The_Ancient_Lilith%2C_Origins_of_the_Goddess_HP_Cobra.pdf?dl=1

I am glad this is on the library, I had lost it from my archive and it was nowhere on the forums or groups either. Phew.
darkmonkey666 said:
Ok then Kali is good not bad. I thought this Goddess was linked to destruction and darkness or had something to do with the enemy.

Thanks for the info I find these sermons interesting.

Destruction is a relative term. If something good is destroyed its bad, if something bad is destroyed its good. I mean, its why Shiva is referred to as "The Destroyer". As in, the destroyer of obstacles on the path to spiritual progression. Destruction is simply an inevitable part of the cycle of creation. Dross must be shed. Take the eucalyptus trees in Australia for instance. Whole forests burn down, but this is actually part of their life cycle, for new and better growth. This species wouldn't exist without "destruction". It's not an inherently bad thing. We're "destroying" the enemy after all, are we not?
Kali, like Shiva destroys time, which is the end of time for the individual which means the being has been transformed into the pure energy body of the Shivarupa. Kali is the energy of Shiva and Shiva is the form of this energy, hence the Shivarupa is the perfected form of the being and with this being the form is brought to perfection by the energy of Shiva, which is Kali.

darkmonkey666 said:
Ok then Kali is good not bad. I thought this Goddess was linked to destruction and darkness or had something to do with the enemy.

Thanks for the info I find these sermons interesting.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This was from a few years ago on the forums. It disappeared with the purging of the forum and it is not on the archive.

Could you please share the archive link for the old forums?
The Kali of Kali Yuga is not the same as Kali/Lilith. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kali_(demon)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
