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Jewsus can't be a God even by christian theological standards


New member
Dec 26, 2019
one of the conditions of divinity in the classical theistic traditions is aseity and self-sufficiency/independance.

but Jewsus got hungry and tired,thirsted and could do nothing on his own according to his own words.

the christians will say'bbbut that was only in his human nature'!

but this is false because if there is a hypostatic union,what is predicated of the human nature is predicated to the divine nature unless you hold that there are two different persons(Divine and human),like a schizophrenic(or just a Nestorian).

and by this logic,the atonement is BS because only the human nature died.

although,the christcucks will say it was a sinless nature of humanity.but it was only sinless because the divine predication was also predicate to it,rendering it sinless.they just can't get out of this one.
masaradadevoted said:
That is because "jesus is fully god and fully Man". That's not a contradiction at all. :roll:

There are two different persons - deity and Human. Despite 1+1 equalling 2, christians bullshit and say 1+1=banana or that pi = 3 exactly. "'god' can make it so." This "god" thing is entirely schizophrenic. It is "the same yesterday, today and forever" (said in the new testament) yet contradicts itself endlessly; has to sacrifice itself to itself to save you from itself; has multiple personality disorder; did I say contradicts itself endlessly?...

It "has always existed forever" - so forever into the past, it was old-testament god, then in the new testament it changed its mind despite saying "I am the same yesterday, today and forever" in the NT, so past-eternally it was OT, but then changed its mind to just then be NT-different/current-different; it can't make its mind up - this is the "Man" part of "god" all shoved and stuffed into jesus; "god" displayed Human qualities for past-eternity, past-forever until an infinity years later it actually made Humans.

Of course the Man part of entirely-god-and-entirely-Man died. "god" cannot die! "The more I think about it, the more it makes sense that there had to have been a creator" referring to going back and back and back "Who made your mum and dad? Who made their mum and dad? Who made theirs? ... god created everything" except god. "god", in other words, is an atheist, forcing foolish and vulnerable people to worship it as "god". It's "always been there" and "something cannot be made from nothing" (except god!) so the Man part of all-god-and-all-Man "god" was punished, but the god part of all-Man-and-all-god "god" was not punished, not sacrificed, not used to 'clean' the World (but not the solar system, galaxy, Universe) of "sin".

The Man part of entirely-god-and-entirely-Man "god" was to die because we are weak and shit and nothing. jewsus was the perfect example, don't forget! The Man part of us - i.e. us, ourselves - has to die so that "god" jewsus can take over and replace us, despite us being made "in its image". So Man was made in "god"'s image, but the Man portion of all-god-and-all-Man jewsus had to be eradicated for jewsus to help us...

I think you mean sinless nature of jewsus, because "we are born in sin" and "our nature is sinful"*, yet the Man part of "god" still died and the "god" part was not sacrificed; ergo, no sacrifice. It "was sacrificed" and died, then it un-died; ergo, un-sacrificed. This is also what was known as to "die to self"; the Human self dying so that jewsus can take over; the all-god-and-all-Man jewsus's Man part** died so that it could be freed and God (as in the Magnum Opus) could take over. In real Spiritual terms, in christian words - the Old Self was stripped away (like burning the 'seeds' of karma in our Chakras) so that jewsus (God, Magnum Opus) could take over and be us forever.

they just can't get out of this one.
They don't need to - they have faith! "Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we cannot see." ~jewbrews 11:1. This means that christians just choose - simply decide both very deliberately and willingly (notice I didn't say "very willingly") - to just accept something is, regardless of anything else; thus, all-Man-and-all-god god was sacrificed fully and rose again and that was, by "god"'s own rules, law, decision, tHe OnLy WaY tO sAvE hUmAnItY. Why? If, as christians claim, "god can do whatever it wants", then why was that the only way?! Do schizophrenics ever make sense? Forever into the past, "god", being outside of time, knew forever precisely what would happen, yet this was tHe OnLy WaY, and "god" was so incompetent and impotent, and - seeing as it talks a load of bullshit - incontinent, as well.

While "I can do all things through 'christ' who strengthens me" [Philippians 4:13], one of "the" popes quit due to weakness and ill health, and despite "I can do all things through 'christ' who strengthens me", jewsus had to eat, got tired, had to sleep, etc. So we need jewsus to empower us, yet it can't empower itself. Erm... lol? "No! No! No! That was because jewsus was in Man form!" Yeah, yeah, yeah, but jewsus was "fully 'god' and fully Man"! Notice that jewsus is the archetype of what the jew wants Humans to be. Not empowering ourselves (jewsus cannot empower itself) but instead having to rely on something else (us relying on jewsus... who... cannot empower... itself...), with us always being little and nothing.

How the frick jewsus managed to feed the 5 thousand from 5 loafs of bread and 2 fish (but checking just now, it was 5 pieces of bread and 2 small fish), yet forces African Children to starve to death... erm... I am sure makes so much sense if you think about it rreeeaaalllyy hard and long enough.

*so "god" decided the only way to have Children is to be dirty and stick penis in vagina, and that means you're dirty and sinful? Yeah, thanks "god" for blaming me for making me be able to have Children by the way you made me, sinful and offensive to you despite you making me that way...
**it never said fully-Man jewsus had wet dreams or needed mary magdalene to suck it off (after its rabbi did when it was a baby jewsus); according to https://archive.ph/P2Cm8,

In the four Gospels, she is mentioned 12 times, eleven of which are directly related to Jesus' Passion and Resurrection.

Resurrection? Well, I say! Naughty jewsus!

Lol, so jewsus had burning passion regarding slut magdalene. Lol. In genesis, "god" said "It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him" [gen 2:18], but didn't know that adam was not into beastiality so had to try again with eve (also "god" did not know it was not good for the man to be alone until after the fact...). Also - "...but if they do not have self-control, let them marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion" [1 cor 7:9]. Poor paedo priests who are forced to be celibate. Now that is making sense!

https://archive.ph/IOV9I says
There are three female prostitutes in the Bible, and each served God in a specific way.

Rahab, Mary Magdeline, and Gomer, the harlot.

Mary was a best friend to Jesus.

Rahab was the grandma to King David, a direct descendant of Jesus Christ.

Gomer was the wife of the prophet, Hosea, and he was told to marry her because God wanted their union to be a symbol of God's love to an unfaithful Church.

jesus the archetype! (Except that jewsus being "god" can do whatever it wants, so you're not allowed to visit (hopefully clean and respected, with a good reputation) prostitutes, but jewsus was best friends with one, while its little willy tingled every day! While it had passion and resurrection! Not allowed to have sex because "god" made sex be the way to have Children and that is dirty and offensive to "god"; and remember these 3 prostitutes were serving "God" - the Kundalini is very sexual in Nature...
FancyMancy said:
masaradadevoted said:
That is because "jesus is fully god and fully Man". That's not a contradiction at all. :roll:

There are two different persons - deity and Human. Despite 1+1 equalling 2, christians bullshit and say 1+1=banana or that pi = 3 exactly. "'god' can make it so." This "god" thing is entirely schizophrenic. It is "the same yesterday, today and forever" (said in the new testament) yet contradicts itself endlessly; has to sacrifice itself to itself to save you from itself; has multiple personality disorder; did I say contradicts itself endlessly?...

It "has always existed forever" - so forever into the past, it was old-testament god, then in the new testament it changed its mind despite saying "I am the same yesterday, today and forever" in the NT, so past-eternally it was OT, but then changed its mind to just then be NT-different/current-different; it can't make its mind up - this is the "Man" part of "god" all shoved and stuffed into jesus; "god" displayed Human qualities for past-eternity, past-forever until an infinity years later it actually made Humans.

Of course the Man part of entirely-god-and-entirely-Man died. "god" cannot die! "The more I think about it, the more it makes sense that there had to have been a creator" referring to going back and back and back "Who made your mum and dad? Who made their mum and dad? Who made theirs? ... god created everything" except god. "god", in other words, is an atheist, forcing foolish and vulnerable people to worship it as "god". It's "always been there" and "something cannot be made from nothing" (except god!) so the Man part of all-god-and-all-Man "god" was punished, but the god part of all-Man-and-all-god "god" was not punished, not sacrificed, not used to 'clean' the World (but not the solar system, galaxy, Universe) of "sin".

The Man part of entirely-god-and-entirely-Man "god" was to die because we are weak and shit and nothing. jewsus was the perfect example, don't forget! The Man part of us - i.e. us, ourselves - has to die so that "god" jewsus can take over and replace us, despite us being made "in its image". So Man was made in "god"'s image, but the Man portion of all-god-and-all-Man jewsus had to be eradicated for jewsus to help us...

I think you mean sinless nature of jewsus, because "we are born in sin" and "our nature is sinful"*, yet the Man part of "god" still died and the "god" part was not sacrificed; ergo, no sacrifice. It "was sacrificed" and died, then it un-died; ergo, un-sacrificed. This is also what was known as to "die to self"; the Human self dying so that jewsus can take over; the all-god-and-all-Man jewsus's Man part** died so that it could be freed and God (as in the Magnum Opus) could take over. In real Spiritual terms, in christian words - the Old Self was stripped away (like burning the 'seeds' of karma in our Chakras) so that jewsus (God, Magnum Opus) could take over and be us forever.

they just can't get out of this one.
They don't need to - they have faith! "Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we cannot see." ~jewbrews 11:1. This means that christians just choose - simply decide both very deliberately and willingly (notice I didn't say "very willingly") - to just accept something is, regardless of anything else; thus, all-Man-and-all-god god was sacrificed fully and rose again and that was, by "god"'s own rules, law, decision, tHe OnLy WaY tO sAvE hUmAnItY. Why? If, as christians claim, "god can do whatever it wants", then why was that the only way?! Do schizophrenics ever make sense? Forever into the past, "god", being outside of time, knew forever precisely what would happen, yet this was tHe OnLy WaY, and "god" was so incompetent and impotent, and - seeing as it talks a load of bullshit - incontinent, as well.

While "I can do all things through 'christ' who strengthens me" [Philippians 4:13], one of "the" popes quit due to weakness and ill health, and despite "I can do all things through 'christ' who strengthens me", jewsus had to eat, got tired, had to sleep, etc. So we need jewsus to empower us, yet it can't empower itself. Erm... lol? "No! No! No! That was because jewsus was in Man form!" Yeah, yeah, yeah, but jewsus was "fully 'god' and fully Man"! Notice that jewsus is the archetype of what the jew wants Humans to be. Not empowering ourselves (jewsus cannot empower itself) but instead having to rely on something else (us relying on jewsus... who... cannot empower... itself...), with us always being little and nothing.

How the frick jewsus managed to feed the 5 thousand from 5 loafs of bread and 2 fish (but checking just now, it was 5 pieces of bread and 2 small fish), yet forces African Children to starve to death... erm... I am sure makes so much sense if you think about it rreeeaaalllyy hard and long enough.

*so "god" decided the only way to have Children is to be dirty and stick penis in vagina, and that means you're dirty and sinful? Yeah, thanks "god" for blaming me for making me be able to have Children by the way you made me, sinful and offensive to you despite you making me that way...
**it never said fully-Man jewsus had wet dreams or needed mary magdalene to suck it off (after its rabbi did when it was a baby jewsus); according to https://archive.ph/P2Cm8,

In the four Gospels, she is mentioned 12 times, eleven of which are directly related to Jesus' Passion and Resurrection.

Resurrection? Well, I say! Naughty jewsus!

Lol, so jewsus had burning passion regarding slut magdalene. Lol. In genesis, "god" said "It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him" [gen 2:18], but didn't know that adam was not into beastiality so had to try again with eve (also "god" did not know it was not good for the man to be alone until after the fact...). Also - "...but if they do not have self-control, let them marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion" [1 cor 7:9]. Poor paedo priests who are forced to be celibate. Now that is making sense!

https://archive.ph/IOV9I says
There are three female prostitutes in the Bible, and each served God in a specific way.

Rahab, Mary Magdeline, and Gomer, the harlot.

Mary was a best friend to Jesus.

Rahab was the grandma to King David, a direct descendant of Jesus Christ.

Gomer was the wife of the prophet, Hosea, and he was told to marry her because God wanted their union to be a symbol of God's love to an unfaithful Church.

jesus the archetype! (Except that jewsus being "god" can do whatever it wants, so you're not allowed to visit (hopefully clean and respected, with a good reputation) prostitutes, but jewsus was best friends with one, while its little willy tingled every day! While it had passion and resurrection! Not allowed to have sex because "god" made sex be the way to have Children and that is dirty and offensive to "god"; and remember these 3 prostitutes were serving "God" - the Kundalini is very sexual in Nature...

Great post.

btw,a man God is impossible.divinity and humanity,infinite and finite,necassery and contigent are opposites and contradictorary to each other.

one cannot be both at the same time.its a square circle.

and a 'God'would have to be spaceless,as being limited to a space in heaven or earth would limit his infinity and he would be contained and dependant upon that place.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
