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I Need Help

Europe Gladio

Sep 22, 2017
I want to get this off my chest, I have a pornography addiction. I honestly feel embarrassed and disgraceful saying it but my question is that is there a way to prevent my search engine from me typing up key words or websites? It's been going on longer than it should, and I cannot be silent and keep getting chained. Any advice will be appreciated. Thank you.
Europe Gladio said:
I want to get this off my chest, I have a pornography addiction. I honestly feel embarrassed and disgraceful saying it but my question is that is there a way to prevent my search engine from me typing up key words or websites? It's been going on longer than it should, and I cannot be silent and keep getting chained. Any advice will be appreciated. Thank you.

all the answers you need is here: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=360&hilit=pornography+debate
Europe Gladio said:
I want to get this off my chest, I have a pornography addiction. I honestly feel embarrassed and disgraceful saying it but my question is that is there a way to prevent my search engine from me typing up key words or websites? It's been going on longer than it should, and I cannot be silent and keep getting chained. Any advice will be appreciated. Thank you.
How bad is it ? Hours per day or week ? Do you forget or delay eating and other tasks like in the case of video game addictions ? If it's simply watching porn when you want to masturbate then closing it it's not an addictive behavior.
I think you would get much more mileage from working on your soul then putting a search engine moderation. Regular meditation should help anyway but you can do a specific working if it's really hindering your life.
What do you mean by keep getting chained ? Your parents chain you or something ? :?
There are tools that you can add to your web browser that block certain sites and make you unable to visit them. I have not used them nor are too experienced but I am sure if you sure something like "How to block websites" ectra it will come up. Shouldn't be too complicated. You can also delete your history or anything you have saved as having porn easily accessible can make you tempted to watch it.

Visit websites like YourBrainOnPorn.com and NoFap.com to learn about the neuroscience behind porn addiction. Understand what "rebooting" is an give it an attempt. It's basically abstaining from PMO (see below) for a given period of time in order to allow your brain to rewire itself. Gary Wilson is an author and speaker on the subject with videos on youtube that may be helpful. Subscribe to Reddit communities such as r/Getdisciplined and r/NoFap*. A good idea is to click the "top posts of all time" button, when on these reddits.
Do research into all of the things I have just mentioned.

Mindfullness meditation and void can help speed up the process. You can also do a runic working or some other sort of witchcraft conductive to your goals if you are so inclined.

*NoFap is a support community for those with addictions to PMO (Porn, Masturbation, Orgasm) it's secular and based on science, and is not anti-sexuality as many think, it's aimed at a particular group of people who struggle with what you brought up.
Most of what is there is pretty sound, though you occasionally get people promoting celebracy or semen retention, and so on. Just ignore this advice. Sex and sexual expression is good natural and healthy, but addictions to pmo can bring shame, ED, and all sorts of other things that get in the way of a healthy and happy time. Over all nofap is a good community.

Don't worry, there are a lot of people that struggle with these things and this addiction can be beaten.

Hail Satan.
Neoma Isadora said:
Europe Gladio said:
I want to get this off my chest, I have a pornography addiction. I honestly feel embarrassed and disgraceful saying it but my question is that is there a way to prevent my search engine from me typing up key words or websites? It's been going on longer than it should, and I cannot be silent and keep getting chained. Any advice will be appreciated. Thank you.
How bad is it ? Hours per day or week ? Do you forget or delay eating and other tasks like in the case of video game addictions ? If it's simply watching porn when you want to masturbate then closing it it's not an addictive behavior.
I think you would get much more mileage from working on your soul then putting a search engine moderation. Regular meditation should help anyway but you can do a specific working if it's really hindering your life.
What do you mean by keep getting chained ? Your parents chain you or something ? :?
I meant it in a metaphorical sense(getting chained up).
Don't charge your crown Chakra as often and whatever electronic you use getting on the sites for that matter also clean your crown Chakra of all the residual energies, that'll get rid of any urges you get since it's boiling at the point of bliss; probably...
Do more void meditation. Aura cleansing and aura of protection every day. Also, shift your perspective. Watch some videos on the jewish involvement in pornography. Watch a video on pornography creating the demand that fuels human trafficking. Meditate on the negative effect that your porn use is causing to you and the world, and choose to be greater. See sex as sacred, as something meaningful, a beautiful bond between two people. Intimate, powerful, uniting, loving. See porn for what it is, pixels on a screen, not real sex, not even close. A mockery of something that should be experienced first hand. Not something to be filmed for shekels.

Hardcore pornography is terrible, creates and amplifies insecurities and hangups. As well as the other harmful effects on the brain. I think softcore is a problem too. Because when seeing attractive people in real life, it's natural to be aroused. But watching softcore on a screen trains you to get aroused to pixels, to digital instead of real.

Urges are natural, should we really suppress them? I say no unless you want to end up like the Xian pedo priests. IMO - fantasizing is fine, masturbation is fine(in healthy intervals). NOPORN = Good, but NOFAP = bs. http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Ascending_Energy.html <- Transmuting orgasm energy. Frequency of masturbation is dependent on the individual, their sex drive. People that fap too much, past their limit get exhausted. Listen to your body and your intuition about this.

Also, for some people -- porn use and masturbation is used as an avoidance tool for dealing with real problems in life. I can speak from experience that I used to use it whenever I got stressed and overwhelmed with current events, social problems, insecurities, etc. So if this is the case for you, meditate on your problems and choose to make steps towards solving them, both magickally and through real physical action. Even if the problem seems huge, make a plan on how you can take little steps towards solving it, a day at a time, 1% at a time.

What worked for me is recognize your "triggers". For example, if you use porn when you feel stressed -- say to yourself, "when I feel stressed, I will meditate instead". Another form of triggers are certain websites or habits. Using porn whenever you are mindlessly browsing the internet? I used to use porn while browsing the chans and reddit; saw something that aroused me and a few minutes later I was on nsfw parts of the site. So I blocked them totally in hosts file. (Search for "nofap block porn hosts file" -- add other sites that trigger you to it).

Lastly, the better you take care of yourself, the easier it is to fight porn urges. Meditation, Yoga, Spiritual Warfare(it frees our own souls as well), Healthy sleep schedule, getting fresh air every day, keeping your living area clean, good diet, exercise etc. Filling your life with productive tasks, setting goals, taking action towards them, having healthy relationships with others, these things keep you fulfilled and kills your desire for porn.
Neoma Isadora said:
Europe Gladio said:
I want to get this off my chest, I have a pornography addiction. I honestly feel embarrassed and disgraceful saying it but my question is that is there a way to prevent my search engine from me typing up key words or websites? It's been going on longer than it should, and I cannot be silent and keep getting chained. Any advice will be appreciated. Thank you.
How bad is it ? Hours per day or week ? Do you forget or delay eating and other tasks like in the case of video game addictions ? If it's simply watching porn when you want to masturbate then closing it it's not an addictive behavior.
I think you would get much more mileage from working on your soul then putting a search engine moderation. Regular meditation should help anyway but you can do a specific working if it's really hindering your life.
What do you mean by keep getting chained ? Your parents chain you or something ? :?
Are you saying that if I was truly addicted, than porn is all I can think about rather than watching porn when I feel like masturbating? :?:
Your problem is not with porn sites. Your problem is that you are using the autoerotic altered state of consciousness to numb/forget about your body. Instead you should try to exert self awareness in that state to amplify the energies that are released, while programming them and working towards a goal you wish to achieve. You're a Satanist not an average Joe, have some pride in yourself and start thinking like one!

Also there is no shame to first develop self-knowledge and self-control before going to more complex interactions with partners.
I tend to think addiction to something,like porn,nicotine,etc is a red flag that there is something wrong in your day to day life but instead of dealing with it head to head you are suppressing it only to escape it through porn.But at the end of the day when you have jerked yourself to the extreme,the issue is still there.
Just take your time,analyze your life like pages one by one and determine the root cause leading to porn addiction then find a suitable working to eliminate it.Goodluck.
Hail Satan!
Europe Gladio said:
Neoma Isadora said:
Europe Gladio said:
I want to get this off my chest, I have a pornography addiction. I honestly feel embarrassed and disgraceful saying it but my question is that is there a way to prevent my search engine from me typing up key words or websites? It's been going on longer than it should, and I cannot be silent and keep getting chained. Any advice will be appreciated. Thank you.
How bad is it ? Hours per day or week ? Do you forget or delay eating and other tasks like in the case of video game addictions ? If it's simply watching porn when you want to masturbate then closing it it's not an addictive behavior.
I think you would get much more mileage from working on your soul then putting a search engine moderation. Regular meditation should help anyway but you can do a specific working if it's really hindering your life.
What do you mean by keep getting chained ? Your parents chain you or something ? :?
Are you saying that if I was truly addicted, than porn is all I can think about rather than watching porn when I feel like masturbating? :?:
Yes. A proper objective assessment of the situation is necessary. Keep in mind that there is nothing wrong with using erotic or pornographic material per se and masturbation is healthy and recommended. Don't listen to the nofap zombie crowd at all (owned by xtians). You don't want to go from one bad extreme to the other.
By the way do you use your sexual energies for a purpose ? You should direct them with affirmations. You can also gift them to Demons.
i used to have like every 4-5 days spontaneous orgasms during the night before i used to watch porn, then for some times i watched it and this was gone with spontanenous orgasms, and then i stopped it for good and now im having them again (yes im a woman and yes i have spontaneous orgasms, sometimes even multiple ones :lol: :lol: )

im just... sharing information :lol: :lol: :lol:

seriously... once you are away from the porn you can be normal again, try to watch few good romantic movies with some normal romantic beautiful sex scenes, that should get you moving again, thats what helped me at least, just the beauty of pure love and pure sex and nothing like... JUST fucking if you catch my meaning...
Neoma Isadora said:
Europe Gladio said:
Neoma Isadora said:
How bad is it ? Hours per day or week ? Do you forget or delay eating and other tasks like in the case of video game addictions ? If it's simply watching porn when you want to masturbate then closing it it's not an addictive behavior.
I think you would get much more mileage from working on your soul then putting a search engine moderation. Regular meditation should help anyway but you can do a specific working if it's really hindering your life.
What do you mean by keep getting chained ? Your parents chain you or something ? :?
Are you saying that if I was truly addicted, than porn is all I can think about rather than watching porn when I feel like masturbating? :?:
Yes. A proper objective assessment of the situation is necessary. Keep in mind that there is nothing wrong with using erotic or pornographic material per se and masturbation is healthy and recommended. Don't listen to the nofap zombie crowd at all (owned by xtians). You don't want to go from one bad extreme to the other.
By the way do you use your sexual energies for a purpose ? You should direct them with affirmations. You can also gift them to Demons.
What exactly do you mean by affirmations?
Europe Gladio said:
Neoma Isadora said:
Europe Gladio said:
Are you saying that if I was truly addicted, than porn is all I can think about rather than watching porn when I feel like masturbating? :?:
Yes. A proper objective assessment of the situation is necessary. Keep in mind that there is nothing wrong with using erotic or pornographic material per se and masturbation is healthy and recommended. Don't listen to the nofap zombie crowd at all (owned by xtians). You don't want to go from one bad extreme to the other.
By the way do you use your sexual energies for a purpose ? You should direct them with affirmations. You can also gift them to Demons.
What exactly do you mean by affirmations?

Affirmations are present tense sentences that you should use to direct your energy during magickal workings or just to direct any energy lingering like sexual energy.

It can be something like : in a healthy and positive way for me I am permanently (verb)-ing form etc
Eg : "In a healthy and positive way for me I am permanently attracting a lover that is perfect for me in every regards"
"In a healthy and positive way for me I am attracting large amounts of money to myself. This money is my own to keep and to spend as I want"
"In a healthy and positive way for me I am permanently stronger and more athletic" etc I just wrote a few examples.
Including "healthy and positive way" will prevent the affirmations from backfiring. Energy takes the easiest way and you don't want to get hurt, like getting hit by a car to get money.

When you do a magick working let's say you do the GEBO rune to attract a lover, you will raise energy, vibrate GEBO a certain number of times then you use proper affirmations to direct that energy.

When you have an orgasm you can also direct the energy with affirmations. Sexual energy is powerful and should not be wasted.
You can also gift your sexual energy to Satan or Demons, you should do that if you don't direct the energy with affirmations.
Europe Gladio said:
I want to get this off my chest, I have a pornography addiction. I honestly feel embarrassed and disgraceful saying it but my question is that is there a way to prevent my search engine from me typing up key words or websites? It's been going on longer than it should, and I cannot be silent and keep getting chained. Any advice will be appreciated. Thank you.

Hi, i wouldn't say that i was addicted, but i had the same problem a while ago. In my opinion watching porn isn't bad by itself, but it becomes bad and unhealthy if you start to watch sick and perverted porn. At some point i just realized that watching perverted porn can make me a pervert, and this possibility disgusted me. The first thing you can do, if you are watching porn that is perverted, sick, abusive, humiliating, and so on, and if you are really addicted and you can't stop yourself from watching porn, then just replace it with normal porn, with normal sex. Like with any addiction, in my opinion the best and the easiest way to break your porn addiction would be to do it gradually.
Usualy i have really high sexual energy (too much honestily and It is shown in my chart) i used too watch too much porn and masturbate way too much and i felt drained! Now i do masturbate less and if i watch porn i tend to Watch amature porn..
This might seem strange, (but Neoma Isadora said it already) but while using the porn, you could - and should - use the sexual orgasm energies in workings and meditations. You could also use them to help you reduce or stop your porn addiction, if it is an addiction.

You could use your sexual orgasm energies to programme your Mind and Soul to reduce your "need" for porn, or reject it. Due to the amount of time you have spent looking at and enjoying porn, it might not be very easy at all, because each orgasm is powerful and creates things deeper and deeper; but if you use the affirmations to reduce your "need" for porn, or to reject it - and don't keep on thinking after your workings about reducing/rejecting porn - then sooner or later it should start to be easier.

An example affirmation could be, "This sexual orgasm energy is reducing my desire to masturbate over porn in a safe and positive way." You could say to reject, rather than reduce, of course, and you should make your affirmations your own, as they work for you. You could do this affirmation each and every time you orgasm - multiple times per day, perhaps; or if you do orgasm quite often, then a couple or a few times per day doing this, and the rest of the times could be used in workings for other things, such as building up your imagination so you can use that to create scenarios as you please, instead of being forced to see what you are told to see in a video or picture.

You might not want to go too far - I would start with reducing, then go on to rejecting later, but I am not you, and you no doubt work differently. Change takes time for us at the moment, and things have to be possible physically - it won't change overnight, unless you end up in a coma, for example. Also try not to expect anything; expecting and setting a date and time as to when it will happen will, more likely than not, lead to disappointment and frustration - keep a clear head.

Key points:
After orgasming (or before, if you prefer), repeat the affirmations 8 times for eternity/forever, or 9 times for permanence in terms of ending something (your addiction/reliance on porn).
Don't keep on thinking if the working is working or has worked yet; let it be.
You can use your next 1, 2, 3 (for example) orgasm times to boost up this.
Do it every single day without interruption and without forgetting. If you do miss a day, don't be disheartened; just continue.
You should be consistent - like doing the working every day, the same number of times each day should also not fluctuate - if you masturbate different amounts on different days, then just still do the workings at least once or twice per day, for example.
You can add SATANAS before and/or after the affirmations.
You can add AUM at the beginning and/or end.
You are you, so you might need to practice with these things to fine-tune them for you specifically; what I have typed might be only 80% helpful; I don't know your life so you need to make it 100% correct for yourself.

By the way - you should also be dedicated, if you are not yet. You can then ask Satan for help with your problem - but now you have shared it, that is getting rid of a bit of it, which is good!
I would also like to add that certain drinks, such as energy drinks,coffee, coca cola, pepsi, and some other carbonated drinks increase your sex drive a lot. Drinking 1 or 2 liter of coca cola or pepsi (they contain a lot of caffeine) a day works literally like taking sex stimulants, especially if you have a lifestyle with little or no physical activity. Needless to say that this is also bad for your health. So if you drink a lot of carbonated drinks, coffee, or energy drinks it would be better to reduce them.
HP Mageson666 said:
Whatever you do........Don't clop.
Definition of "Clop" for people like me lacking in the slang skillz of the broniez:
1) "To masturbate. Often used by bronies."
2) "when your dick/ballsack makes a clapping noise on your thigh that only you can hear, unless you ask everyone to be quite and make a humping motion rapidily to generate the clopping noise. Note:This can only be achieve if your wearing loose boxers."
3) "When you're running and your dick balls start bashing together, making a "clop" sound."
4) "Acronym-(Car Load Of Pussy: CLOP -pronounced as one word) used to describe a vehicle of some sort near loaded with fair to very attractive females on the prowl. Used to save conversation time with the intention of getting everyone eyes on.." :roll:
5) "The act of pulling someone's hood over their head by using both or one of your arms to pull it up. If done on the King Of Clop, you will officially gain the title and become the King Of Clop. It can also be called the KOC. Yes... KOC."
6) "An ineffective police officer; one whose tight uniform and/or noisy shoes make him blow his cover when he attempts to nab a perp."
7) "Cigarette. French slang."

Thank you Urban Dictionary :lol:
HP Mageson666 said:
Whatever you do........Don't clop.
"god" damn it. Those furries.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
