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hw do I invest on my Time

Dec 28, 2018
How do I really invest my time I go to wrk Monday to Friday at 7 to 5 o'clock,and on my meditation timetable I divided my meditation in to two night and morning.Wht I hate is i still feel lonely and depressed on my free time,especially at weekends.I have nothing to do yes I don't have those I can call thm friends.And th other thing I hate my job it makes me depressed. I need ur help hw can I really enjoy my day and feel gud whole day.
Black Matabele said:
How do I really invest my time I go to wrk Monday to Friday at 7 to 5 o'clock,and on my meditation timetable I divided my meditation in to two night and morning.Wht I hate is i still feel lonely and depressed on my free time,especially at weekends.I have nothing to do yes I don't have those I can call thm friends.And th other thing I hate my job it makes me depressed. I need ur help hw can I really enjoy my day and feel gud whole day.

you have to look at all 3 things and pick the one that is most important to you:

1. job
2. lonely
3. bored

Point 3 is easy just try to read everything on the forum/help people/join the What Today Needs! topic help advertise on youtube. you will have no time left to feel bored ;).

For 1 or 2 you could do a working.
As Fuchs already said you could start workings.

However you could also join marterial arts classes such as boxing or something else.
Or you could also viisit hatha yoga classes, you will do something for your body and you have more opportunities to make friends.
Well of course you need money for that.

Idk you could start calistenics and go to a park, and other people will probably join you, just speak to them.
Same with basketball, practice a bit and join other people, or football, volleyball you get the idea.

For me if I get down all I do is to scream all my frustration out and push harder than before, idk maybe this works for you aswell.

yeah just do workings, final rtr, aop and cleaning, meditate in order to grow strong, try to learn new things and woop you wont have any time left to feel bored. If you want to advance, fight for it. If you want friends, fight for them. If you want freedom, fight for it. If you want love, fight for it. That's what I learned since I came to Satan, never give up the fight.
Also I am proud of who I am, and I also love myself. This wasn't like this before I came to Satan. You should learn this aswell, alot of courage comes with this.
Black Matabele said:
How do I really invest my time I go to wrk Monday to Friday at 7 to 5 o'clock,and on my meditation timetable I divided my meditation in to two night and morning.Wht I hate is i still feel lonely and depressed on my free time,especially at weekends.I have nothing to do yes I don't have those I can call thm friends.And th other thing I hate my job it makes me depressed. I need ur help hw can I really enjoy my day and feel gud whole day.

It sounds to me like you need something to give you more purpose and personal fulfillment. Or at least a hobby so you can spend your free time doing something you enjoy.
Same of th friends l have thy are more christian and thy can't spend a day without speaking negative about Father Satan ,same are into drugs,I just feel bad to be with thm.
Black Matabele said:
Same of th friends l have thy are more christian and thy can't spend a day without speaking negative about Father Satan ,same are into drugs,I just feel bad to be with thm.

Then do not meet them

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
