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How to fall in love


Well-known member
Aug 26, 2020
By popular demand since I know this is such a hot topic. Most people want to be in love, but not everyone knows how, and sometimes even those who have experienced it have forgotten how to feel it again or even what made them feel it in the first place.

The truth is that you can fall in love with anyone. It helps if you have chemistry, compatible energies, astrology, a spark, and all. But you can probably fall in love with your dog if you try hard enough. That doesn’t mean you should, and it would probably be pretty awkward for the dog, but anyway. Love is about letting go. It’s getting lost in the moment. You let your walls come down, and all your defenses are put away. You give your heart to this person in front of you, and then watch as you allow them to do what they want with it. You have to give them the chance to hurt you, and trust that they won’t. If you don’t give your heart completely away and give the other person the chance to rip it into a million shreds, then you won’t experience love. Love is all or nothing. Love has no room for reservation. If you don’t allow for the possibility of pain (as well as pleasure), then you won’t allow the love to flow through because you’re protecting yourself from it.

That’s why so many people don’t allow themselves to experience love - because they are afraid of getting hurt. Sadly many people have been burned too many times. They can’t bring themselves to trust people with their heart anymore. It’s tragic. These people will not be experiencing the beautiful feeling of love until they can trust someone enough to let go again. There’s a reason they call it “falling” in love because it’s really just like that - like freefalling. It’s taking the ultimate chance with your heart. Maybe you could say love is for gamblers especially in this jewed up society.

That all being said… you still shouldn’t just let yourself fall in love recklessly with a stranger or anyone you don’t know that well. That’s kind of the whole reason why we date people first. The dating phase of relationships is for getting to know the person. Obviously you wouldn’t want a deep relationship with someone who has no interest in getting to know you as a person, and is only interested in getting into your pants. Love can wait until you have gone through the screening phase and the proper selection process to know if someone is actually good for you or not. You have to know you can trust someone before you can make a judgement on whether or not to trust them with your heart.

Love is not about control. Love is about lack of control. You don’t know what’s going to happen, and you don’t care. All that matters is the moment in that internal space where you exist and your partner exists with you. The control part comes before the love part, as previously stated. I guess in a way you have to prepare for love beforehand. Kind of like preparing for a ceremonial ritual. You create the conditions so that you can safely fall in love without getting hurt. And then you dive into the deep knowing that you don’t have to worry about getting scraped on sharp rocks.

You also have to trust yourself as much as the other person. You have to trust that you will be able to handle it if you do get hurt. Believe in your strength, and that you will be okay. Don’t be like the young boys and girls who are scaredy cats and too afraid to talk to the opposite sex. They’re too scared to take a chance. Love is all about vulnerability. You can find great strength in being vulnerable after you have gotten used to it. It’s only uncomfortable at first. Like swimming - at first the water is bloody cold, but then your body acclimates and you feel warm. In my experience, it’s also like wearing a tank top for the first time. I was scared to do it in public because I wasn’t confident with my body, and I thought people would look at me, laugh, make fun of me, whatever. I found out that people don’t give a crap. I got used to it. Now I love experimenting and doing new things that make me feel vulnerable. It’s exciting. It’s kind of like men hide behind their stereotypical “man” clothing in society the same way that some women hide behind makeup (not all, it really depends on the reasons for using makeup). People don’t want to put themselves on the line, but that’s exactly the sort of bravery that leads to people feeling stronger and more GENUINELY confident. Who do you think is more confident in themselves - the man who wears a t-shirt, leather jacket, boots, and jeans and feels safe and comfortable only in that clothing as if it’s a suit of armor protecting him - or the man who can wear anything no matter how vulnerable it is and feels safe in his own skin, and then wears a leather jacket and pants even more confidently than the other man? You want to get to the point where you don’t need the armor to feel confident, and the armor is just the tool that offers extra protection. Otherwise it’s only the armor that has the confidence, and not you. It’s the same with love. You have to be willing to put yourself in that vulnerable position without your walls protecting you from getting hurt.

Another big thing that prevents love is that a lot of men are trained by society to be out of touch with their emotions and how they feel about things, to be out of touch with the feminine side of themselves. Men have to open themselves up to that in order to embrace this completely if they ever want to truly experience love, which most men claim they do want to do. Some women could also stand to meet their men in the middle with the masculine side of taking care of things too (and this is important because men want the masculine side of things to be acknowledged and appreciated as well), but that’s a separate topic completely. This is about love. How can anyone expect to experience love if they aren’t even open to their own emotions and the feminine side of things? Don’t worry about what society or your guy friends will think of you. Don’t worry about the judgement of others. All that matters is getting to know this side of life, getting your chance to live it and feel it. Letting go in order to experience the great ocean of the unknown. Any real man with an adventurous side should love the sound of that. Love is an adventure. It’s crazy, wild, and unknown - you never know what’s going to happen. And you get to relax your male side for a change because there’s no need to control it. Whatever happens, happens. Besides, the ones who laugh at you and make fun of you will eventually be the same ones getting jealous of you, and wanting what you have.

Putting your heart on the line isn’t easy… especially when you have been hurt before. But it is so worth it when you find someone who is worth your trust, and who proves to you every single day that they won’t hurt you, and shows you how precious you are and how much you mean to them.

Men naturally want to do that. They love doing things for their women to make them happy and please them, and they love it when those efforts are noticed. It always makes a man feel good when his woman tells him how much she appreciates him and all the things big and small that he does for her.

It goes the other way as well. It will melt a woman’s heart if a man tells her how much he appreciates her role in his life, and is able to put it into words and notice how she has affected and changed his life. Letting her know what you know intuitively - that you wouldn’t be who you are and where you are in life without her. Although as a man you need to first learn how to appreciate the feminine within yourself before you can appreciate it in your woman.

This is one of the first songs I shared with Tabby. It’s by a xian rock band which is an annoying fact, but I believe it captures the essence of what I tried to write here very well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0YvWQNWEJA

I hope this helps people who are confused, lost, or don’t know how to open themselves up. You can always do it and feel love again no matter how crushed you are. It just takes time to heal, and then you will be okay again to try again. You just have to be brave and willing to take a chance again. Each time you get your heart broken, you learn something from the experience, and you will have the wisdom to know better what to look out for with others in the future. The warning signs become more clear and easy to read. You must also always remember that not all people are the same, and somewhere out there is someone who is right for you, and they are worth betting your heart on.

Now that I have finished writing this lovely little guidebook, I have only one piece of advice to give to you: Never give your heart to a jew. I know that should be obvious and go without saying, but seriously… just don’t do it. :lol:

Good luck to all the Romeos and Juliets out there. You can do it if you try.
jrvan said:

Beautiful. You are good at writing and I like that you emphasize the important things. A lot of people prefer to see the negative side of things or tell themselves that if their ex-partner behaved in a certain way then surely the rest of the people are the same, which is not true.

There is also the problem of toxic relationships, some prefer to be in a relationship with a superficial, incompatible person because of the fear of being alone. You don't have to be afraid of falling in love again, but you don't have to be afraid of loneliness either.

And in some situations it's good to think about things and what you want to do for your loved one, if it's worth it. For example if he/she cheated on you once, twice or more times and you would rather lie to yourself and ignore that part rather than end the relationship, then it is not healthy for you and it is not worth it.

Most of all, we have the advantage of magic, so it should be easier for us to find the right person or close to it.
This was very well meant and well penned. however i would really have not used a song from a xtian rockband for reference as there are 100s of other good ones.

I honestly think ideally that it's best when 2 people meet when they are still very young and impressionable. I think its easiest when they actually either grow up together or meet somewhere around in the very early 20s or teens. Some will disagree with this, and to a point they would be correct as people this young can be fickle and often are. However alot of longterm and lifelong marriages come from 2 people who met when they were very young, without baggage of heartache, debt and children and do not yet look at the opposite sex through jaded lenses as a result of being hurt or rejected in someway. Almost everyone will tell you also the very first time they fell in love felt the absolute strongest. This also has to do with chemical processes in the brain. But what is going on here drives us to form that lasting connection in honor of that rmarkable feeling that has felt like nothing else ever. This is why the second and third and especially times after this do not feel the same, especially after a wound, or several have been made.

This is not to say it is impossible to find love if the first or even second fails but it will take more energy into being able to break out of that callous that has been formed over a wound and form that deep bond, especially if the two people are much older and already set in their ways. young and impressionable people have time to grow together without the woes of life having scarred them much yet at this time, making forming deep meaningful connections much easier and freeflowing.

This makes it easier for them to open up and form strong healthy attachments that last. Close friendships made in childhood also tend to last through adulthood in many cases and most of peoles lives. Which is hardly seen anymore because of the shift in values and culture. Our first love is almost always the strongest, and is thus hurts the most painful if it goes sour. That pain and the callous that forms around it often is carried into other prospective relationships, oftentimes affecting that persons ability to form a proper attachment, which becomes more and more limited each time someone opens up and gets hurt, or just has sex with too many people. It is then taken for granted, and being close with someone in any way just is seen as something not so special and just "whatever nothing lasts forever" and so this is how they approach their relationships and sexual encounters as a result.

The more callous someone has and the more people they've slept with, the shorter their bandwith for forming deep lasting connections will be. For the idiots who want to make double standards and say this goes for only women, it really doesn't. It goes for both sexes in different ways. Many people will have these callouses and simple be too used to seeing oh so many "oppertunities", and if they do attempt monogamy its something they will often get bored with quite fast because of missing these oppertunities of "fun". this will be because its something the got used to after all, because what is better than superficial fun without getting hurt?

It also has me shaking my head when i see guys complain about getting nothing for being the "nice guy" then they think they have to go to the other extreme and be a complete emontionless asshole to get women. Oftentimes men like this have been trying to attract women who are physically out of their league but have shit personalities, or they just dont know the difference between being a "nice guy" and being a whiney person who can't take anything in life and a door mat of which the latter would turn any woman off. Only women with shit personalities will reject the nice guy. I have had one or 2 guys get upset because i rejected them, and they thought it was because they were too nice. But it was infact quite the opposite. I found these men to be among the most selfish i had met and the most vindictive and they were too self absobed to realize that much less take critizism from anyone.

Oftentimes sadly women who are in the highly attractive range however are also very entitled and vain and only know how to get things with their looks. Connections with these people do not last ling and the men who are typically very attractive behave the same, and if they've got the looks they are either players or they are gay. (some people are exceptions and this is sadly very rare) It actually really irks me that these are almost the only types of people who put effort into their appearence to attract a mate. Because lets be honest you can feel a "connection" all you want to someone, but if there is no sexual attraction you might as well be brother and sister or roomies. And this isnt being shallow. its being human, and this is very biological.

This thread was about falling inlove. But i must also add that many people today also do not even know what love is. The phrase "i love you" is thrown around as if it means absolutely nothing anymore. You are right that falling in love is just like freefalling. and if someone who has abuch of cobweb scars in the way that will stop them prematurely is going to need alot of fire and fuel to burn them out...and sadly by that point many people have run out of fuel and are just too tired. It would take massive reprogramming of the mind. But then sadly there are other factors outside the mind beyond our control..and that is how others will behave, or not, towards them, and more often than not, these people are just as damaged as well and not nessessarily on a path to self betterment.

Finding real love is like digging for specimens of high quality precious stone. you can dig and dig deep in the earth, sheading blood and sweat, and find alot of low quality tier specimens of that type of gem and maybe here and there one of medium grade. But it will be akin to the lottery almost to find the one that is of high quality and almost flawless.
This is all nice and cute but this shouldn't be done with any random person. The average person is full of problems and it would be problematic for an SS to be with the average joe or jane who is basically a "goyim".
As much as I try to, I need to "rationalize" love at first, I need to scrutinize the person, is this person truth loving or lie-loving? Is she brainwashed? Is she vaxxed? Is there any hope of salvaging her?

The last person I was having an "infatuation" feeling for I was waiting to know her before being open, and while speaking she was like:"muslims aren't bad!! They try to paint them bad!! There is nothing bad in the quaran!! I am vaxxed!!"
I noped right there. Lol
Shadowcat said:
This was very well meant and well penned. however i would really have not used a song from a xtian rockband for reference as there are 100s of other good ones.

I honestly think ideally that it's best when 2 people meet when they are still very young and impressionable. I think its easiest when they actually either grow up together or meet somewhere around in the very early 20s or teens. Some will disagree with this, and to a point they would be correct as people this young can be fickle and often are. However alot of longterm and lifelong marriages come from 2 people who met when they were very young, without baggage of heartache, debt and children and do not yet look at the opposite sex through jaded lenses as a result of being hurt or rejected in someway. Almost everyone will tell you also the very first time they fell in love felt the absolute strongest. This also has to do with chemical processes in the brain. But what is going on here drives us to form that lasting connection in honor of that rmarkable feeling that has felt like nothing else ever. This is why the second and third and especially times after this do not feel the same, especially after a wound, or several have been made.

This is not to say it is impossible to find love if the first or even second fails but it will take more energy into being able to break out of that callous that has been formed over a wound and form that deep bond, especially if the two people are much older and already set in their ways. young and impressionable people have time to grow together without the woes of life having scarred them much yet at this time, making forming deep meaningful connections much easier and freeflowing.

This makes it easier for them to open up and form strong healthy attachments that last. Close friendships made in childhood also tend to last through adulthood in many cases and most of peoles lives. Which is hardly seen anymore because of the shift in values and culture. Our first love is almost always the strongest, and is thus hurts the most painful if it goes sour. That pain and the callous that forms around it often is carried into other prospective relationships, oftentimes affecting that persons ability to form a proper attachment, which becomes more and more limited each time someone opens up and gets hurt, or just has sex with too many people. It is then taken for granted, and being close with someone in any way just is seen as something not so special and just "whatever nothing lasts forever" and so this is how they approach their relationships and sexual encounters as a result.

The more callous someone has and the more people they've slept with, the shorter their bandwith for forming deep lasting connections will be. For the idiots who want to make double standards and say this goes for only women, it really doesn't. It goes for both sexes in different ways. Many people will have these callouses and simple be too used to seeing oh so many "oppertunities", and if they do attempt monogamy its something they will often get bored with quite fast because of missing these oppertunities of "fun". this will be because its something the got used to after all, because what is better than superficial fun without getting hurt?

It also has me shaking my head when i see guys complain about getting nothing for being the "nice guy" then they think they have to go to the other extreme and be a complete emontionless asshole to get women. Oftentimes men like this have been trying to attract women who are physically out of their league but have shit personalities, or they just dont know the difference between being a "nice guy" and being a whiney person who can't take anything in life and a door mat of which the latter would turn any woman off. Only women with shit personalities will reject the nice guy. I have had one or 2 guys get upset because i rejected them, and they thought it was because they were too nice. But it was infact quite the opposite. I found these men to be among the most selfish i had met and the most vindictive and they were too self absobed to realize that much less take critizism from anyone.

Oftentimes sadly women who are in the highly attractive range however are also very entitled and vain and only know how to get things with their looks. Connections with these people do not last ling and the men who are typically very attractive behave the same, and if they've got the looks they are either players or they are gay. (some people are exceptions and this is sadly very rare) It actually really irks me that these are almost the only types of people who put effort into their appearence to attract a mate. Because lets be honest you can feel a "connection" all you want to someone, but if there is no sexual attraction you might as well be brother and sister or roomies. And this isnt being shallow. its being human, and this is very biological.

This thread was about falling inlove. But i must also add that many people today also do not even know what love is. The phrase "i love you" is thrown around as if it means absolutely nothing anymore. You are right that falling in love is just like freefalling. and if someone who has abuch of cobweb scars in the way that will stop them prematurely is going to need alot of fire and fuel to burn them out...and sadly by that point many people have run out of fuel and are just too tired. It would take massive reprogramming of the mind. But then sadly there are other factors outside the mind beyond our control..and that is how others will behave, or not, towards them, and more often than not, these people are just as damaged as well and not nessessarily on a path to self betterment.

Finding real love is like digging for specimens of high quality precious stone. you can dig and dig deep in the earth, sheading blood and sweat, and find alot of low quality tier specimens of that type of gem and maybe here and there one of medium grade. But it will be akin to the lottery almost to find the one that is of high quality and almost flawless.

I found this video the other night. It might give a fresh perspective to compare with what you said, and maybe offer a bit of clarity on why a lot of those things you mentioned tend to happen and tend to be trends in society. Teal Swan is a little new agey, and she's not aware of the jewish problem as far as I can tell, but some of the things she says in some of her videos is totally spot on from what I've seen. I think this video will be worth your time. It was pretty enlightening for me too.

I agree with most of what you said. Especially about people tossing around "I love you" as some sort of greeting/pleasantry with an expectation. I believe it comes from childhood, honestly. Kids are trained to say "I love you" to their parents like it's hello and goodbye even if they don't mean it. It's become an empty phrase for a lot of people, certainly.

I'm not focused on the past though, nor am I focused on the general trends of humans in society. I don't really care about that. I made this post to help and hopefully inspire my fellow Satanists. I want you all to be as happy as you can be, and I figured there might be some damaged folk here who don't really have the time to put this all together/research it. Unlike most in society, we have the knowledge and the means to heal ourselves and to attract someone who is both right for us and ready for us.

Meteor said:
What a positive post. Thank you for taking the time to write it.

I've long known love as I've always been quite reckless, and hardly hesitated to give people I liked a chance whenever I was single. Pleasure is something to be sought and pain is something to learn from; even if such things can feel intense or overwhelming in the moment, there's no need to be afraid of them. Even if you're hurt, it isn't forever; you can just move on and try again. And with more experience, you can move onwards to a future with less pain and more pleasure, all while enjoying the thrill of the ride.

What you wrote about confidence is really important too. I remember Tabby mentioned that she's reluctant to wear skirts even though she likes wearing them, because she's worried about how others will see her. But when you have confidence in your own self rather than what you put on, you'll shine so brightly that you'll look charming in anything; so you might as well wear what you like.

I thought recently that I might as well just let go and be genuine. After all, what's the point in being liked if it's not my genuine self that's liked? Ever since I started thinking like that and acting on it, I feel so much freer than I ever did before.

NishaWillow said:
jrvan said:

Beautiful. You are good at writing and I like that you emphasize the important things. A lot of people prefer to see the negative side of things or tell themselves that if their ex-partner behaved in a certain way then surely the rest of the people are the same, which is not true.

There is also the problem of toxic relationships, some prefer to be in a relationship with a superficial, incompatible person because of the fear of being alone. You don't have to be afraid of falling in love again, but you don't have to be afraid of loneliness either.

And in some situations it's good to think about things and what you want to do for your loved one, if it's worth it. For example if he/she cheated on you once, twice or more times and you would rather lie to yourself and ignore that part rather than end the relationship, then it is not healthy for you and it is not worth it.

Most of all, we have the advantage of magic, so it should be easier for us to find the right person or close to it.

Thank you both for the kind compliments. It's very sweet and I appreciate it so much.

I'd give a more lengthy reply, but I'm short on time and I'm pushing it. I have to get my day started. Agreed with the things said though. And I'm happy for you, Meteor! That's great. Exactly how it should be :)
Aquarius said:
This is all nice and cute but this shouldn't be done with any random person. The average person is full of problems and it would be problematic for an SS to be with the average joe or jane who is basically a "goyim".
As much as I try to, I need to "rationalize" love at first, I need to scrutinize the person, is this person truth loving or lie-loving? Is she brainwashed? Is she vaxxed? Is there any hope of salvaging her?

The last person I was having an "infatuation" feeling for I was waiting to know her before being open, and while speaking she was like:"muslims aren't bad!! They try to paint them bad!! There is nothing bad in the quaran!! I am vaxxed!!"
I noped right there. Lol

I dont mean to be a debbie downer but i as i mentioned to black dragon in another post, SS shouldnt be looked through rosy colored glasses either. We are set apart in that we have Satans protection and are trying to advance and are gaining knowledge but many SS have their issues and hangups like everyone else, and honestly the majority as much as they hate to hear aren't yet at a level where they are too far removed from anyone else save for a few that are very advanced. Its important to be realistic on all facets. There is also astrology to consider which can be a hit or a miss reguardless of being SS or not. How much energy the two would work with trying to bridge gaps is up to the two people,and how much they think any prospective relationship is worth, also just like anyone else.
Shadowcat said:
Aquarius said:
This is all nice and cute but this shouldn't be done with any random person. The average person is full of problems and it would be problematic for an SS to be with the average joe or jane who is basically a "goyim".
As much as I try to, I need to "rationalize" love at first, I need to scrutinize the person, is this person truth loving or lie-loving? Is she brainwashed? Is she vaxxed? Is there any hope of salvaging her?

The last person I was having an "infatuation" feeling for I was waiting to know her before being open, and while speaking she was like:"muslims aren't bad!! They try to paint them bad!! There is nothing bad in the quaran!! I am vaxxed!!"
I noped right there. Lol

I dont mean to be a debbie downer but i as i mentioned to black dragon in another post, SS shouldnt be looked through rosy colored glasses either. We are set apart in that we have Satans protection and are trying to advance and are gaining knowledge but many SS have their issues and hangups like everyone else, and honestly the majority as much as they hate to hear aren't yet at a level where they are too far removed from anyone else save for a few that are very advanced. Its important to be realistic on all facets. There is also astrology to consider which can be a hit or a miss reguardless of being SS or not. How much energy the two would work with trying to bridge gaps is up to the two people,and how much they think any prospective relationship is worth, also just like anyone else.
Of course. All I'm saying is: don't give your heart to the random tinder hookup, if you know what I mean :p
Aquarius said:
Shadowcat said:
Aquarius said:
This is all nice and cute but this shouldn't be done with any random person. The average person is full of problems and it would be problematic for an SS to be with the average joe or jane who is basically a "goyim".
As much as I try to, I need to "rationalize" love at first, I need to scrutinize the person, is this person truth loving or lie-loving? Is she brainwashed? Is she vaxxed? Is there any hope of salvaging her?

The last person I was having an "infatuation" feeling for I was waiting to know her before being open, and while speaking she was like:"muslims aren't bad!! They try to paint them bad!! There is nothing bad in the quaran!! I am vaxxed!!"
I noped right there. Lol

I dont mean to be a debbie downer but i as i mentioned to black dragon in another post, SS shouldnt be looked through rosy colored glasses either. We are set apart in that we have Satans protection and are trying to advance and are gaining knowledge but many SS have their issues and hangups like everyone else, and honestly the majority as much as they hate to hear aren't yet at a level where they are too far removed from anyone else save for a few that are very advanced. Its important to be realistic on all facets. There is also astrology to consider which can be a hit or a miss reguardless of being SS or not. How much energy the two would work with trying to bridge gaps is up to the two people,and how much they think any prospective relationship is worth, also just like anyone else.
Of course. All I'm saying is: don't give your heart to the random tinder hookup, if you know what I mean :p
Good call :lol:
Aquarius said:
This is all nice and cute but this shouldn't be done with any random person. The average person is full of problems and it would be problematic for an SS to be with the average joe or jane who is basically a "goyim".
As much as I try to, I need to "rationalize" love at first, I need to scrutinize the person, is this person truth loving or lie-loving? Is she brainwashed? Is she vaxxed? Is there any hope of salvaging her?

The last person I was having an "infatuation" feeling for I was waiting to know her before being open, and while speaking she was like:"muslims aren't bad!! They try to paint them bad!! There is nothing bad in the quaran!! I am vaxxed!!"
I noped right there. Lol

You're absolutely right, and that's one of my biggest concerns about this too. I tried to cover it partially with the part I wrote about the dating process, but maybe I left too much up to common sense. I can easily foresee how a SS could get into a relationship with a normie who disappoints them and fails to live up to the expectations and the image that the SS saw in them. A person's potential isn't automatically manifested after all, it has to be brought out. That's up to the individual SS to determine if someone is enough of a rare gem to be worth the effort of uncovering the layers of filth on top of them. I can also see how this sort of relationship could end up being a cage for a SS, especially depending on the laws of their land, and I don't want that for anyone at all. People should take the extra time to really get to know their potential romantic partner and who they are fundamentally, and what they are about before falling deeply in love. Psychic impressions and astral sight should be utilized as well if possible. Maybe even consult the Gods about the person if needed.

My advice to everyone is don't settle. Don't settle for garbage just for the chance to experience this feeling. We all deserve better than that.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
