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How The Enemy Attacks The Mind - Brainwashing

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Sep 19, 2017
When one fights the enemy, this is how they get to know them for real, and they understand what kind of parasite they are. So long one is not engaged in any fights, the enemy holds this fake face of benevolence, being "good" and the rest of the garbage. The moment one tries to free themselves, they see the true face of the enemy.

The enemy in general did not take over with power, straight up honesty, or anything of the sort. They have conditioned the masses to be afraid of this type of power. Alternatively, we consider "power" today to be manipulation, subversion, lies and subterfuge. The enemy is skilled at these things, but they cannot defeat [and are afraid] of solar and direct things.

This is why some people took it very far to say that "Aryans were of the Light and Jews were of Darkness" and other dualisms. But these do not apply here as everyone is both. Jews however, being a materially meek race, they have developed and been endowed with a lot of capacity of subversion and destruction.

A stupid example here, would be highschool. Everyone knows at least one jew who was the one who stirred up fights, created hoaxes, and generally made people want to destroy one another while everyone was oblivious on how this even happened. If not highschool, then work, or life, if one had a little social life, they will know what I try to explain with this example here.

For those more seasoned in meditation, the enemy can work in similar ways. For example, they can insist on astrally lying and/or trying to break the trust of a person with the Demons, because they try to make sure 9 out of 10 attempts to astral communication fail, or by giving people all sorts of confused messages, or confusing them as to when they are ready to communicate - and so forth. These things take experience to understand.

How we skip these phases of confusion, is by others who have went through it and launch us forward to higher states, or simply, by trial and error. Both ways work. The first is faster, the second more painful. To avoid pain and total failure in something as important as building a relationship with our Gods in times of total war, we have community to help one another during these highly hostile times.

The Pagans and all Gentiles on earth, knew for example, that our Gods were good beings. This was well known for tens and tens thousands of years, worldwide. Somehow, as time went, the enemy progressively took over by the above deceitful methods, and started repeating lies and lies for thousands of years.

Eventually, the offspring of the Gentiles who died to defend their Gods, believes the Gods to be "Evil Demons" today. This was achieved based on no proof or anything else. Just literal HEARSAY from jews, and the fact that people blindly believed in what jews said, as "our culture".

Nobody has come to "know" the Gods, and nobody has studied and/or attempted anything with them. While our forefathers died to defend our Gods, fondly believing them to be good and holy beings, modern humans take it for "granted" that the same Gods are the worst of the worst, evil, and the most nefarious beings there are.

Firsthand experience is completely lacking. What is even funnier, is when "smart" or "academic" or other people who understand what PROOF and INQUIRY means, they have a blind spot here - they cannot reasonably evaluate us, our religion, or our beliefs, based on facts or function. They will react all the same, oftentimes in terror and fear. This is because the brainwashing about Satan and the Demons goes rather deep.

All this took was propaganda, lies and repetition by the jews. These things were repeated for centuries. The names of our Gods, were connected to terrible things. An example of a terrorist organization the jews created and named after the most beloved Goddess of Egypt, is "ISIS". This way, they tried to poison the name with a meaning of fear and terror. While in the past, this name meant marriage, sex, love, appreciation, magick, and all the other beautiful things.

The enemy really works by repetition. Hitler's statement in regards to repetition making a lie look like the Truth, is not some evil statement by Hitler, but an observation he makes in regards to how the enemy works. The same goes for Marxists and many others. Everything evil of the enemy is dependent on this repetition, because it's not a self affirming Truth.

The human mind has a vulnerability for repetition. It can either make one a learned person, or make someone used to something good, or it can cause neurotic reactions to specific things. For example, every movie that portrays Demons, is filled with dread and terror. The mind then considers: Demon = Terror. Everytime one is exposed to Demons, one feels terror. This can go very deep in the mind. And as always with what people are really afraid of, they flee.

Now since Gentiles love the Demons instinctively, many, such as fans of metal etc, went straight in with the Demons despite the imagery.

When these beliefs become massive for a society, this affects the astral realm and the mass mind. What the mass mind perceives as evil gets affected by this belief very often, and what it believes to be "Good", can equally get cloaked in this perception. But this does not reveal what the thing really is, but rather what is "believed" by the mass about it.

One example here is Islam and Christianity. If one makes a logical analysis, these are only programs for human destruction, shrinking, and damnation. These contribute nowhere in our growth. All these things are, is just jewish psychotic stories, that have become a ruling paradigm. This paradigm was brainwashed into us.

Another mistake some people do, and especially those who want to give a justification for a "historical xianity", they say that we Gentiles "accepted" Christianity. The reality is, Christians were a brainwashed mob that was killing everyone that did not agree with them, because this is what Jews manipulated them in doing. Christianity and Islam were imposed on bloodbaths, deaths, rape, destruction, and everything morbid known to man.

There were no Pagans that willingly, or without threat, accepted these morbid things. The religions for the enemy is just alien butchery and nothing else. After they took over, they started concoctions, deception, and brainwashing repetition, but also full on removal of all history. The normal result of this is that people lost all their history, and their minds were taken in prison. As if this wasn't enough, this was continued for what is about 20 centuries.

The most inferior, garbage, and worthless parasites of the Gentiles worldwide, plus the Jews, happily continued on with these psychological games and lies, to keep the populace bound and deceived. For most people this was basically to profit somehow from this.

People who try to answer these things or provide any evidence to this, may be blocked. The reason for this is simple, the minds of some people, are literally conditioned like an NPC is programmed, to deny information. This brainwashing began in infancy, long before people had any "Choice" or common sense. Their mind was taken over before they had a choice in many cases.

For us Satanists, it is the reverse, nobody really advertised Satanism to us, and most of us join Satanism only after mature thought and acceptance of facts. We were not intimidated or threatened to join or anything. Not only that, but the whole environment was set up AGAINST Satan, Satanism and the Demons in general.

In our case, and those who are on our side, it has only been a thought that emerged from deeper aspects than the so called "Mind", the soul to be exact. Our minds had no choice but to be subjected to endless brainwashing. But these urges in this case emerge from deeper in the soul. And if these are listened to then they lead to Satan. For this reason, the enemy claims that Pagans are collectively "Satanists", and that we are "From the Spheres of Satan".

What the enemy hopes in this case, knowing the human mind, is to create severe mental blocks and social blocks for individuals, and basically removing all proof that will return the "animals" [Gentiles] to their origins.

Another thing I have observed in the forums, the enemy thrives a lot on lying. These tend to be simple, repetitive, forced lies. They cannot be rectified on if they are true or not, and they also tend to be outrageous. Hitler also explained about this case of jewish lying, where he said that the "masses" are more likely to believe a big lie, than a small lie.

One such huge and beyond comprehension lie, was that our Gods, the cause of literally every good thing in this world [the enemy admits that too] were somehow evil, uncaring, and destructive creatures. Total lies. Another huge lie is that by one "Believing" in a random fraud from the levant, named "Jesus", is going to be "saved" and have "eternal life". These lies are so big and so stupid, that they seek to subvert the emotional aspect of man and man's lowest fears. This makes them more effective.

These lies tend to emulate on baser people [and this is why the first recruits of the jews in Christianity were the dumb of their race, and the lowest of Rome, such as down syndromic thugs etc]. All of xianity is a hearsay, and a hoax, and nothing else.

For many centuries in it's beginning, Christianity was looked upon as a trash, fraud hoax religion, that was based on violence, thuggery, and the dross of the earth assembling in hatred to take down the better people on an alliance of total hate. This hate came out of the souls of the jews, who, being reptilian and unwelcome aliens to this planet, never had a position or place in it.

They could only sit there and observe other Gentiles doing better. Hate grew into their reptilian souls on a constant basis. Everywhere they went, they were parasites, looters, thieves of knowledge, and hated worldwide. This resentment manifested itself in a neurotoxin in the form of Islam and Christianity, which they injected on the best races of the time to turn them into living garbage, and loot them more easily.

Christianity or Islam preaches only hate about life, and the hateful and evil people making boastful lies, to attack life, the Gods, and everything good and helpful to man there is on the face of this earth. As for Judaism, it's nothing but a reflection of the hate of this alien race towards all of mankind. It's literally based on how "They" are "Human" and everyone else is "Cattle".

To understand the jews, one can see their patterns in how they behave. Many people are skilled on this here. When this skill is achieved, the enemy will have a harder and harder time in fooling anyone. And since the jew only controls the brainwashed mind, freeing it means to throw their chain off, and to live a happy mental and spiritual life.

The point is to universalize this awareness so that we are no longer jewed as entirely. The jews remain terrified because as time goes, less and less people buy their ancient kosher tricks. They stand no chance against Gentiles in anyway as Gentiles are from all sides a vastly superior creation than they are.

When they run out of jew tricks, then it's over.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Great sermon, HP! Love the points you made with, despite the brainwashing environment the majority of us inevitably grow up in, and the fear that is drummed in, we still find our ways to Satan.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
When one fights the enemy, this is how they get to know them for real, and they understand what kind of parasite they are. So long one is not engaged in any fights, the enemy holds this fake face of benevolence, being "good" and the rest of the garbage. The moment one tries to free themselves, they see the true face of the enemy.

The enemy in general did not take over with power, straight up honesty, or anything of the sort. They have conditioned the masses to be afraid of this type of power. Alternatively, we consider "power" today to be manipulation, subversion, lies and subterfuge. The enemy is skilled at these things, but they cannot defeat [and are afraid] of solar and direct things.
The timing is funny. Today, a family member of mine who had common sense in the American political sphere the last I spoke to them, and were planning on voting for Trump and such, suddenly completely switched up. They tell me they are voting for Biden now, and start telling me how they have a close friend who is an anarcho-communist and that I'm a bad person for not accepting their beliefs and nonsense like that.

It's for reasons like these that I want to remind our Brothers and Sisters to keep your Satanic path a secret from those around you, as those without can turn on you at any second.

"Receive that, that is dictated, and do not carry it before those who are without, Jews, Christians, Muslims and others; for they know not the nature of my teaching." -Chapter 5, The Al Jilwah, The Black Book of Satan
Thank you High Priest!!

I was going to create a post in regards to a question, that you so fully answered, as if you knew, haha.

I've been going through quite a hard mental challenge ever since the warfare began, but I've been trying my best to keep up as best I can.
I checked my natal chart for transits and found a few planets in hard aspects that only amplified this, but I believe it'll get better.

I keep remembering this ones members words about their Guardian Daemoness telling them to do loads of aura cleaning if bad energy is affecting one, or something along those lines.
I do not remember who the member is, but if my memory serves me right, I believe it is Lady Gremory, and I am thankful!

Even been getting very hateful and distracting thoughts and emotions that seem to not really be of my own, but I keep remembering my Guardian Daemon words: "Just ignore them and don't give them any attention. They feed off of your attention." And this has helped me a lot as well!

I am probably blabbering on a lot, but whatever! It feels good to post something on these forums for a change, haha.

If anyone here reads my message and is also going through a hard time - just remember that you are NEVER alone and you always have the Gods with you!

Thank you Father Satan! Thank you Lord Sorath!! Thank you Lady Gremory (if I am indeed correct)!!!

yessir, lets stick together and fight the enemies of human race, we must stick together, or the enemy will win. We have to stick together as joy of Satan members, and fight against our enemies.
ima go meditate and do my spinal vibrations all night tonight, HAIL SATAN, long live joy of satan, my fellow brothers! we will fight until we can no longer fight. we will win this spiritual warfare battle, we must stick together as Satanist. I love satan till my DEATH! hail satan, our enemies will not last long.
On the topic of instinctive memory within people, I remember how the children always wanted to be kings, queens, princesses and everything. The first ever medieval kings in Europe even though they were xian, sought to emulate the valour and glory of the Roman empire in their kingdom (as they were non-Roman tribal leaders until they decided to take Rome's money from the criminal hands of the Pope).

I'm not sure whether that's a more recent phenomenon, but I feel as though children tying into that has been going on for a long time. The nature of it is a very pagan thing, as the first "medieval royal cultures" around the 700's time- were very inherently pagan in the Germanic light that is. The Pope was basically a coin purse which all the dukes and kings had to cuck out to if they didn't want all the other ((more pious and xian)) rulers to usurp them in the name of g_d. You couldn't necessarily undermine the inherent values of a people who have just conquered the land, takes a while. During the early medieval period as well, much of Poland, the Balkans, and Germany was still fully pagan until Charlemagne's massacres and mass conversions for which the Germans have always been bitter against.

Children for one seem to have some instinctive grasp on this part of history, or certainly a learning anchor into it even in the modern world now where we are now supposed to be spineless celebrities lol. It's not been forgotten.
A lot of times they use your weak spots and attack from there. This is why a SS should work to master every aspect of their life which of course comes with time and spiritual advancement. In my case I always a bit ignored void meditation and by advancing this became kinda my weak spot. They used my overthinking mind (I have this thing were my thoughts repeat and I have problems stoping it, so to me, Void was always more difficult than most) and put the fear of Spiritual satanism even if I always know what the truth was, they made me question things even tho I had the answers and they always made sense. Then I understood these thoughts were not from me but externally and I void them out. They always try to put weird thoughts repeat in the mind to make you believe them even if you know they are lies. This comes when you are more astrally open, this is why Void is something you need to do from when you are a beginner, NEVER skip it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Honestly, it's hard not to feel this way ourselves.

I hold true Aryan Pagan people in high regard. But God damn, when you look around, the low degenerates everywhere.

All race mixing, doing drugs, sharing multiple partners. Tell you why they are an independent woman, that's why they screw ten different guys, but could never have any emotions for any of them.

All while praising some jew, or commie jews.

We would have walked around with a sword, and ended most of this, in the past. Until my race stops being some faggot cuck, and stands up, and betters itself.

I hold most people in contempt of being cattle or sheep.

Can you imagine? Pagan Festivals done by the whole community again? People portraying a sense of naeive innocence. Strong family bonds. Boys and girls running through the woods, to make future generations, brought up with many siblings and cousins.

Dancing and singing with feasts. If some other race came in and went after our women, he would publicly castrated. Then laughed at how much interest he displayed in her anymore.

Towns would be comprised of a few close knit families, all working together. This can only be achieved through being born into it and your entire perception shaped from birth.

Which means to be born they must die.
I woke up from a dream of absolute warfare, there was a synagogue and all night I was brutally fighting the most grotesque and depraved creatures. Hopped on here, read this, and feel much better. Guess it's time to up my AoP and send this nasty energy right back to the senders. The enemy would quake if they were on the receiving end, and in good time they will be. Stay strong friends.
Definitely no shortage of pain from the 'trial and error' on my end. If you're unsure about something always ask on the forum for other people's opinions, thoughts and experiences.

Some of us go through the most torturous infernos and back to bring the knowledge we have on handling the enemy and the methods they use - I could list almost every damn way the enemy tries to get to you at this point. It takes training and discipline to conquer fear, lies and doubt in every single possible aspect and angle known to universal existence to make the enemy absolutely powerless on the mind.

From there the only thing they'd have left to throw at you is actual astral attack, which personally I consider 666x easier to deal with if we're talking the general context, because honestly learning on this path is all about the mind in working with energies and the astral; Psychic attacks can really put a wedge there if you let them.

I strongly implore sincere practice in the implementations of confidence, belief and faith in yourself and your abilities, you can be very surprised what you are capable of doing time and time again when you do that and you'll realize how much easier things can be. Having strong healthy and clean lower chakras though is necessary as all those emotions are manifested from them.
Thanks. Helped me think about what happened to me a bit more rationally. The bit where Hitler said people are more likely to believe a big lie and the repetition of the lie ran home with me and "my" experience. It seems what happened to me is a seemingly big outrageous truth filled with confusion vs a really really big lie sold with confidence, the later of which WAS more tempting. Before you read and automatically say it's insane, keep in mind that I believe they operate on a hive mind, so it seems and seemed to me to be all orchestrated by "higher individuals" who had my best interest which clearly isn't the case, but rather hive mind "reptilians" reacting and deceiving me as if it was one person, and perhaps there in lies the reason they don't have as much control as one would fear. Perhaps they are incapable of operating as highly independent individuals with independent initiatives but rather as complex human imitations with hard set patterns/personalities with relatively simple and gross directives which have to work around those hard set patterns/personalities in order to deceive certain individuals/groups at a time. I also suspect they can basically serve as thralls for rabbis. Like actors/actresses and their jewish directors... Not nearly as grand. See Evil Reflection 17 on youtube, he shows you these things in action.

I think my ego "implosion" is something they want to do to humanity on a larger scale. I suspect they want us to kill ourselves foremost and then perhaps each other at that moment of true despair. Something that's been shown before in movies, perhaps exactly like the movie birdbox(people see something "invisible" that's the scariest thing they could ever imagine and then kill themselves), thehappening, kingsman, or the recent Netflix anime series "BNA" where the "beastmen" learn that their deity/idol is really a human and then they go on a murderous rampage out of existential "shock". Perhaps all of these celebrities and social media personalities that people come to love and probably are dependent on would turn into reptilians all at once and then the 5G/cellphones start prompting people to kill themselves. I guess it's this seppuku or become a microchipped zombie, or perhaps the chip is offered as the solution. Undoubtedly this would have some very profound spiritual implication. No doubt they'd have to detach us from reality and deprive us of human interaction, which was and is my situation, admittedly. But to tell you what I think happened, I think shapeshifting "reptilians" on social media, including for instance "DoctorDisrespect", were giving me direct tailored messages as well as insinuations. Shortly before this experience happened he was asked on stream who's his greatest inspiration and he mouthed Satan. Getting me to trust him. He "told" me to watch blood sport and while I was watching it I'm sure they had me take notice of the scene where the main actor get's "tortured" and I said to my self "I see only my pain", in a joking sort of mst3k manner, and then later that night I experienced this truly truly terrible experience where everything seemed "empty", true despair, but only AFTER I asked allowed is "Satan even real?" I suspect this distanced myself from him and the Demons, making me vulnerable. Then I was "prompted" to go watch something on Netflix and the recommended was a show called "Dragon Dogma", which has a character who loses everything (like me) as well as his heart (relatable) and is called an "arisen" and who learns of the "seven deadly sins" of man, the last one though was pride, where he kills the dragon and then he turns into a dragon destined to kill humans. I suspect this is to scare me from fighting against their agenda or if I do this is meant to nag on me. Perhaps it has a different intention for the masses but for me that was exactly it. To give some context I sold myself that these reptilians were really shapeshifting dragons way back, I don't know, december-january, and I believe they "activated" previous programming, such as skyrim's "dragon born", and the movie how to train your dragon, trying to convince me I was a dragon in a human body having a stupendously huge life test in a dream world... They gave me a mental image of a "red dragon" which I believe they wanted me to believe was the real me. I suspect they wanted me to commit suicide, hoping I'd never return from that utmost despair, then, they gave me murderous feelings... which if I followed through with I undoubtedly would be in a place even worse than before and most likely kill myself. Since none of that happened they directed me to this free 10 day webinar training held by a "man" called Grant Cardone who also had some tailored messages for me. This "training" involved some classic cult tactics, group pressure, modeling/recruiting, drastic change like waking up at 4:30, and then little tasks, and then he took a jab at Hitler, a jab at White people, and then had a Jew on gleefully asking why Jews are so good with money, and then told me I should always be in debt... This is clearly the "unfreezing" faze of mind control, where they made/make you hyper aware of your "flaws" and sandwich in poisonous ideas trying to reshape your convictions. I recommend watching this video on mind control explaining this process more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deZbhYHwwTM The fact that it required probably dozens of movies(out of hundreds of thousands), psychopathic/cult tactics, the fact it wasn't a solid epiphany, and the fact that I'm here is proof it's the outrageously big truth and not the really really big lie. Also, they tried to convince me it's all about "finding myself" which clearly is meant to make me think that regardless of what I do I'm still theirs, and is supposed to nag at me with probably the hopes I'd give in and do exactly what they want me to do.

Glad I got back to my senses and finally dedicated to Satan. Things are slowly coming back and that anxiety and emptiness is way less. I could only imagine what would happen if I went through with their little cult program. Probably would completely break and either kill myself or be some soulless cog in one of their parasite off of the goyim "businesses". Hail Satan!!
Aldrick said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Honestly, it's hard not to feel this way ourselves.

I hold true Aryan Pagan people in high regard. But God damn, when you look around, the low degenerates everywhere.

All race mixing, doing drugs, sharing multiple partners. Tell you why they are an independent woman, that's why they screw ten different guys, but could never have any emotions for any of them.

All while praising some jew, or commie jews.

We would have walked around with a sword, and ended most of this, in the past. Until my race stops being some faggot cuck, and stands up, and betters itself.

I hold most people in contempt of being cattle or sheep.

Can you imagine? Pagan Festivals done by the whole community again? People portraying a sense of naeive innocence. Strong family bonds. Boys and girls running through the woods, to make future generations, brought up with many siblings and cousins.

Dancing and singing with feasts. If some other race came in and went after our women, he would publicly castrated. Then laughed at how much interest he displayed in her anymore.

Towns would be comprised of a few close knit families, all working together. This can only be achieved through being born into it and your entire perception shaped from birth.

Which means to be born they must die.

That's how they control us. They deprive us of the simple yet rich good life that's well... full of life. A happy active Aryan society and culture is a must for a sound Aryan mind.
PlutonianPlatinum said:
Aldrick said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Honestly, it's hard not to feel this way ourselves.

I hold true Aryan Pagan people in high regard. But God damn, when you look around, the low degenerates everywhere.

All race mixing, doing drugs, sharing multiple partners. Tell you why they are an independent woman, that's why they screw ten different guys, but could never have any emotions for any of them.

All while praising some jew, or commie jews.

We would have walked around with a sword, and ended most of this, in the past. Until my race stops being some faggot cuck, and stands up, and betters itself.

I hold most people in contempt of being cattle or sheep.

Can you imagine? Pagan Festivals done by the whole community again? People portraying a sense of naeive innocence. Strong family bonds. Boys and girls running through the woods, to make future generations, brought up with many siblings and cousins.

Dancing and singing with feasts. If some other race came in and went after our women, he would publicly castrated. Then laughed at how much interest he displayed in her anymore.

Towns would be comprised of a few close knit families, all working together. This can only be achieved through being born into it and your entire perception shaped from birth.

Which means to be born they must die.

That's how they control us. They deprive us of the simple yet rich good life that's well... full of life. A happy active Aryan society and culture is a must for a sound Aryan mind.

Yes, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. We are leading the way to there!

Can you hear it? Singing in our blood. The revitalization of our people is before us. We have learned how to fight these cockroaches!

No more are we at the mercy of their curses. Molahs! Molahs! Farewell!

We wont miss you. This Decade is where we make our stand and fix this world.
956GOD said:
ima go meditate and do my spinal vibrations all night tonight, HAIL SATAN, long live joy of satan, my fellow brothers! we will fight until we can no longer fight. we will win this spiritual warfare battle, we must stick together as Satanist. I love satan till my DEATH! hail satan, our enemies will not last long.

I personally believe in pacing and not overdoing it. Just enough everyday instead of burning yourself out.

Something along the lines of that: Tortoise and Hare racing parable.

Steady and continuous instead of fast but then stops. Power builds upon power.

It's been said the enemy will only rule for a thousand years.

As mentioned our thoughts and vibrantions affect the astral.

As more people wake up our consciousness will affect the overall consciousness. And more people will start seeing through the lies.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Definitely no shortage of pain from the 'trial and error' on my end. If you're unsure about something always ask on the forum for other people's opinions, thoughts and experiences.

Some of us go through the most torturous infernos and back to bring the knowledge we have on handling the enemy and the methods they use - I could list almost every damn way the enemy tries to get to you at this point. It takes training and discipline to conquer fear, lies and doubt in every single possible aspect and angle known to universal existence to make the enemy absolutely powerless on the mind.

From there the only thing they'd have left to throw at you is actual astral attack, which personally I consider 666x easier to deal with if we're talking the general context, because honestly learning on this path is all about the mind in working with energies and the astral; Psychic attacks can really put a wedge there if you let them.

I strongly implore sincere practice in the implementations of confidence, belief and faith in yourself and your abilities, you can be very surprised what you are capable of doing time and time again when you do that and you'll realize how much easier things can be. Having strong healthy and clean lower chakras though is necessary as all those emotions are manifested from them.

Ghost in the Machine I read your "Dragons" post back in December and I must relate I believe I've been conned by multiple "reptilians" on social media who really went all out and tried to convince me I'm a dragon in a human body, and that all of this is a big test in a dream world... Let's just say they gave me direct tailored messages and insinuations leading to an "ego death" and then the recommended on Netflix was the recent anime "Dragon Dogma" where a man loses everything as well as his heart and eventually kills the Dragon out of pride resulting in him becoming a Dragon... and I was hoping if you could elaborate more on this or if you have a better idea of what happened to me, thanks.

"In all seriousness though... well that wasn't a lie, but STILL in all seriousness, I don't want to share too much about what happened to me exactly (well I do, I'm very prideful but I don't think there's much worth in doing so, it might be a long time before I can open up about it, I'm waiting for true confirmation) but I will say that I've been trying to find myself for so many years, and I think I did, at least the second step of it. That's why I want to know everything there is I can about it.

The dragon is a powerful image and is symbolical of many characteristics I see in myself more and more as I continue to advance, I suspect some sort of involvement with it to a large soul degree as it's something that resonates with me, and I'm talking the 'mythical' dragon, but that's honestly all I can say for now."
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

HP, I know I've sounded unhinged and I am, I just wondered if you could on behalf of me consult a Demon or Demoness as to what happened to me. Don't want to insult but I could give compensation. They really did went all out with this and I just want to know what they were trying to do to me. Thank you
PlutonianPlatinum said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

HP, I know I've sounded unhinged and I am, I just wondered if you could on behalf of me consult a Demon or Demoness as to what happened to me. Don't want to insult but I could give compensation. They really did went all out with this and I just want to know what they were trying to do to me. Thank you

There are NO MEDIATORS in Satanism.
I completely agree. we have to resist and be strong, I myself am under constant enemy attack this raises doubtful questions and uncertainties in our minds, WE HAVE TO RECOVER AND REMEMBER WHO WE ARE. I myself at this moment have my grandmother in hospital for a brain tumor and my relatives are making so many prayers that really, they don't understand that they are useless and they only hurt people and themselves, I have to resist this every day. but then I remember who I am and that they are nobody to break me down and to stir up even a little negative thought in my head.
PlutonianPlatinum said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

HP, I know I've sounded unhinged and I am, I just wondered if you could on behalf of me consult a Demon or Demoness as to what happened to me. Don't want to insult but I could give compensation. They really did went all out with this and I just want to know what they were trying to do to me. Thank you

You have got to clean your aura, followed by returning curses 1 and 2.

How to clean your aura: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Aura_Cleaning.html

Returning curses 1: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Returning_Curses.html

Returning curses 2: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Returning_Curses2.html
PlutonianPlatinum said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

Ghost in the Machine I read your "Dragons" post back in December and I must relate I believe I've been conned by multiple "reptilians" on social media who really went all out and tried to convince me I'm a dragon in a human body, and that all of this is a big test in a dream world... Let's just say they gave me direct tailored messages and insinuations leading to an "ego death" and then the recommended on Netflix was the recent anime "Dragon Dogma" where a man loses everything as well as his heart and eventually kills the Dragon out of pride resulting in him becoming a Dragon... and I was hoping if you could elaborate more on this or if you have a better idea of what happened to me, thanks.

"In all seriousness though... well that wasn't a lie, but STILL in all seriousness, I don't want to share too much about what happened to me exactly (well I do, I'm very prideful but I don't think there's much worth in doing so, it might be a long time before I can open up about it, I'm waiting for true confirmation) but I will say that I've been trying to find myself for so many years, and I think I did, at least the second step of it. That's why I want to know everything there is I can about it.

The dragon is a powerful image and is symbolical of many characteristics I see in myself more and more as I continue to advance, I suspect some sort of involvement with it to a large soul degree as it's something that resonates with me, and I'm talking the 'mythical' dragon, but that's honestly all I can say for now."

We are humans, we will always be humans, there is no 'animal soul' in a human body, it's impossible and spiritually scientifically inaccurate.

If you are drawn to an animal or something it is purely in symbolical association of a shared energy signature or energy likeness like all things in the universe are, we call them rulerships like with coloured energy and planets and gems/rocks.

The dragon has many symbologies to it and it depends on which kind of dragon you're talking about, dragons in general though relate to fire, aggression, war, and power. If you're drawn to the symbology of the dragon then you likely have a strong Mars in your natal chart that you simply resonate with but that does not make you the animal.

The method the enemy could possibly use with something like this is abusing an inner desire or want, a personal joy or pleasure in embracing and extending it to extremes far beyond reasonability and balance. They've done this with other things in society, like "the Woman's Right's Movement" becoming overexaggerated "Feminism", "Black Lives Matter" movement turning into a "Black Lives are The Only Thing That Matter" movement and "Gay Pride" becoming "LGBTQLMFAOROFLTCOPTOR+++" as a few examples...

They can encourage you to over-power positive desires to grow out of control to manifest larger issues. Too much mental ties into the dragon and personal association with it's symbolical matters for example overpowers Mars energies, fire, pride among other things in the soul and it can destabilize your emotions because fire is wild chaotic energy and this can cause further problems as well.

Don't build yourself out of a fantasy, you will only become miserable. You would need only to centre yourself, face reality and hold to it strongly and to not go so in deep with such things.
This explains really well how the enemy has really put a veil over the world's eyes and how badly it really destorts everyones perception about everything. Being brainwashed by the enemy is really seeing the world and everything else through a distorted lens. Sadly if one wears those lenses too long it becomes like feeling as if it was a part of the body, making it all the more difficult to take them off..or deprogram.
Please ignore BS and move on. These things are not spirituality. There are also many people online who have mental issues. You are not a "dragon".

The metaphysical and/or symbolic meanings are something else. You are not a dragon or a unicorn.

People who pretend they are serious are still into these things and this is a ticket to the nuthouse. Since they saw others did not want to be dragons or unicorns they are emulating this tune like when they thought they were a dolphin.

Calling people dragons is symbolic. There are no scales or whatever.

PlutonianPlatinum said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Please ignore BS and move on. These things are not spirituality. There are also many people online who have mental issues. You are not a "dragon".

The metaphysical and/or symbolic meanings are something else. You are not a dragon or a unicorn.

People who pretend they are serious are still into these things and this is a ticket to the nuthouse. Since they saw others did not want to be dragons or unicorns they are emulating this tune like when they thought they were a dolphin.

Calling people dragons is symbolic. There are no scales or whatever.

PlutonianPlatinum said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

I remember when i first dedicated i ran into "SS" like this. I actually wrote a little something on them last year with their DA usernames to deter any gullible SS from picking up any harmful or distorting beliefs about themselves..these people were completely off their rockers. One thought they were the antichrist....
Ghost in the Machine said:
PlutonianPlatinum said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

Ghost in the Machine I read your "Dragons" post back in December and I must relate I believe I've been conned by multiple "reptilians" on social media who really went all out and tried to convince me I'm a dragon in a human body, and that all of this is a big test in a dream world... Let's just say they gave me direct tailored messages and insinuations leading to an "ego death" and then the recommended on Netflix was the recent anime "Dragon Dogma" where a man loses everything as well as his heart and eventually kills the Dragon out of pride resulting in him becoming a Dragon... and I was hoping if you could elaborate more on this or if you have a better idea of what happened to me, thanks.

"In all seriousness though... well that wasn't a lie, but STILL in all seriousness, I don't want to share too much about what happened to me exactly (well I do, I'm very prideful but I don't think there's much worth in doing so, it might be a long time before I can open up about it, I'm waiting for true confirmation) but I will say that I've been trying to find myself for so many years, and I think I did, at least the second step of it. That's why I want to know everything there is I can about it.

The dragon is a powerful image and is symbolical of many characteristics I see in myself more and more as I continue to advance, I suspect some sort of involvement with it to a large soul degree as it's something that resonates with me, and I'm talking the 'mythical' dragon, but that's honestly all I can say for now."

We are humans, we will always be humans, there is no 'animal soul' in a human body, it's impossible and spiritually scientifically inaccurate.

If you are drawn to an animal or something it is purely in symbolical association of a shared energy signature or energy likeness like all things in the universe are, we call them rulerships like with coloured energy and planets and gems/rocks.

The dragon has many symbologies to it and it depends on which kind of dragon you're talking about, dragons in general though relate to fire, aggression, war, and power. If you're drawn to the symbology of the dragon then you likely have a strong Mars in your natal chart that you simply resonate with but that does not make you the animal.

The method the enemy could possibly use with something like this is abusing an inner desire or want, a personal joy or pleasure in embracing and extending it to extremes far beyond reasonability and balance. They've done this with other things in society, like "the Woman's Right's Movement" becoming overexaggerated "Feminism", "Black Lives Matter" movement turning into a "Black Lives are The Only Thing That Matter" movement and "Gay Pride" becoming "LGBTQLMFAOROFLTCOPTOR+++" as a few examples...

They can encourage you to over-power positive desires to grow out of control to manifest larger issues. Too much mental ties into the dragon and personal association with it's symbolical matters for example overpowers Mars energies, fire, pride among other things in the soul and it can destabilize your emotions because fire is wild chaotic energy and this can cause further problems as well.

Don't build yourself out of a fantasy, you will only become miserable. You would need only to centre yourself, face reality and hold to it strongly and to not go so in deep with such things.

Now this is a very great way to put it. I think the fine line is simply crossed when someone has a tendancy or a personal reason to just simply want to escape reality and turn into something else they see as more "epic" or fantastical. notice too how these "transpecies" people always use beasts of great beauty and strength, dragons, wolves, bears, unicorns, big cat species and more. no one ever hears about the antkin batkin or snail kin or the anteater kin. These people are trying to make themselves into something they are not because they have a distorted view of and way to cope with reality instead of just facing and improving themselves.
Ghost in the Machine said:
PlutonianPlatinum said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

Ghost in the Machine I read your "Dragons" post back in December and I must relate I believe I've been conned by multiple "reptilians" on social media who really went all out and tried to convince me I'm a dragon in a human body, and that all of this is a big test in a dream world... Let's just say they gave me direct tailored messages and insinuations leading to an "ego death" and then the recommended on Netflix was the recent anime "Dragon Dogma" where a man loses everything as well as his heart and eventually kills the Dragon out of pride resulting in him becoming a Dragon... and I was hoping if you could elaborate more on this or if you have a better idea of what happened to me, thanks.

"In all seriousness though... well that wasn't a lie, but STILL in all seriousness, I don't want to share too much about what happened to me exactly (well I do, I'm very prideful but I don't think there's much worth in doing so, it might be a long time before I can open up about it, I'm waiting for true confirmation) but I will say that I've been trying to find myself for so many years, and I think I did, at least the second step of it. That's why I want to know everything there is I can about it.

The dragon is a powerful image and is symbolical of many characteristics I see in myself more and more as I continue to advance, I suspect some sort of involvement with it to a large soul degree as it's something that resonates with me, and I'm talking the 'mythical' dragon, but that's honestly all I can say for now."

We are humans, we will always be humans, there is no 'animal soul' in a human body, it's impossible and spiritually scientifically inaccurate.

If you are drawn to an animal or something it is purely in symbolical association of a shared energy signature or energy likeness like all things in the universe are, we call them rulerships like with coloured energy and planets and gems/rocks.

The dragon has many symbologies to it and it depends on which kind of dragon you're talking about, dragons in general though relate to fire, aggression, war, and power. If you're drawn to the symbology of the dragon then you likely have a strong Mars in your natal chart that you simply resonate with but that does not make you the animal.

The method the enemy could possibly use with something like this is abusing an inner desire or want, a personal joy or pleasure in embracing and extending it to extremes far beyond reasonability and balance. They've done this with other things in society, like "the Woman's Right's Movement" becoming overexaggerated "Feminism", "Black Lives Matter" movement turning into a "Black Lives are The Only Thing That Matter" movement and "Gay Pride" becoming "LGBTQLMFAOROFLTCOPTOR+++" as a few examples...

They can encourage you to over-power positive desires to grow out of control to manifest larger issues. Too much mental ties into the dragon and personal association with it's symbolical matters for example overpowers Mars energies, fire, pride among other things in the soul and it can destabilize your emotions because fire is wild chaotic energy and this can cause further problems as well.

Don't build yourself out of a fantasy, you will only become miserable. You would need only to centre yourself, face reality and hold to it strongly and to not go so in deep with such things.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Please ignore BS and move on. These things are not spirituality. There are also many people online who have mental issues. You are not a "dragon".

The metaphysical and/or symbolic meanings are something else. You are not a dragon or a unicorn.

People who pretend they are serious are still into these things and this is a ticket to the nuthouse. Since they saw others did not want to be dragons or unicorns they are emulating this tune like when they thought they were a dolphin.

Calling people dragons is symbolic. There are no scales or whatever.

PlutonianPlatinum said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

Sorry yeah :lol: remindes me of this https://tennesseestar.com/2020/08/21/dnc-panel-features-mermaid-queen-king-who-calls-for-the-abolition-of-ice-police-and-prisons/
People can take this stuff a long way.

But none of it is true or anything anyone ever thought in the ancient times.

Most of the stories are spiritual allegories for things.

Dragon may mean Dinosaur in some stories. I sincerely think humanity has been around for much longer than we are told.
Art is one of the ways that we are attacked psychically. I say that these attacks only serve as necessary ways to strengthen us on our path to achieving godliness and immortality. Hypnotism is always a double edged sword, meaning, the one who does the hypnotizing risks the person being hypnotized figuring out eventually what is going on. We learn through hypnotism, like a way of torturing each other in order to make each other stronger. What doesnt kill you (meaning, what doesnt break the spirit) only grows us, whats sometimes called post-traumatic growth in self-help. Brainwashing is brainwatching. Clues are encoded in language, like the whispers of God (the real God, not Yahweh or the Demiurge).

People "sell their souls" for fame and money and make soulless art, one need look no further than "contemporary pop art" like Warhol. These talentless hacks are picked up by the elites and promoted to psychically attack you into a soulless submission. 99% of people can be trapped by this, as long as it makes the 1% realizes the power of their own soul. Everything is necessary and everything is achieved by any means necessary in this realm.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
