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Guess what Jews want as a treatment for Corona?


Jul 29, 2020


Do you think that innocent kike "billy" thought about this idea before???
Satanfire666 said:
Guess what Jews want as a treatment for Corona?
Faecal implant?


PMSL. That won't save the jew's "soul"! There are other uses for viagra besides the obvious. A little Boy was put on viagra because it was supposed to have helped with something. Viagra helps erections if there is the arousal/intention of havina an erection. Oh - according to another article, which I didn't know about, a picture on it shows that viagra is by pfizer, as well... This article says a 13 year old was addicted to viagra to perform for his girlfriend and was having sex orgies at 15... It's so easy to get viagra, or "viagra", with all of those spam emails and adverts. "The drug was originally developed for people with angina, but patients found it boosted their sex lives." I don't know if this is the article I meant about the Boy being put on it, but one's title is "Viagra 'Lifesaver' for 11-Month-Old Boy".

I have been told that mental-ill-health "medicines" can make you put on weight, impotent, tired/lethargic, zombified... I did meet someone once who was basically a zombie, but I was told that he was lively before I met him. These things show that we don't know what is in "medicine". Viagra, mental-ill-health "medicines", etc., are not as good as they are made-out to be. Not to mention all of the side-effects are to cover (((their))) backs from liability; they don't care about helping, and some people are desparate and/or ignorant - "doctor's word is god", so they just accept it and don't demand better - and the (((regulators))) are all meh about it, as well. About the fact that I didn't know viagra was for angina originally - (((they))) have been allowing people to believe things, and not educating people with truth.

Do you think that innocent kike "billy" thought about this idea before???
The jew is pyschotic in and of itself. If it shares one "soul", via its hebrew letters, then whether billy thought of that consciously or not, it still has the same nature of inflicing shit upon Humans.
FancyMancy said:
Satanfire666 said:
Guess what Jews want as a treatment for Corona?
Faecal implant?


PMSL. That won't save the jew's "soul"! There are other uses for viagra besides the obvious. A little Boy was put on viagra because it was supposed to have helped with something. Viagra helps erections if there is the arousal/intention of havina an erection. Oh - according to another article, which I didn't know about, a picture on it shows that viagra is by pfizer, as well... This article says a 13 year old was addicted to viagra to perform for his girlfriend and was having sex orgies at 15... It's so easy to get viagra, or "viagra", with all of those spam emails and adverts. "The drug was originally developed for people with angina, but patients found it boosted their sex lives." I don't know if this is the article I meant about the Boy being put on it, but one's title is "Viagra 'Lifesaver' for 11-Month-Old Boy".

I have been told that mental-ill-health "medicines" can make you put on weight, impotent, tired/lethargic, zombified... I did meet someone once who was basically a zombie, but I was told that he was lively before I met him. These things show that we don't know what is in "medicine". Viagra, mental-ill-health "medicines", etc., are not as good as they are made-out to be. Not to mention all of the side-effects are to cover (((their))) backs from liability; they don't care about helping, and some people are desparate and/or ignorant - "doctor's word is god", so they just accept it and don't demand better - and the (((regulators))) are all meh about it, as well. About the fact that I didn't know viagra was for angina originally - (((they))) have been allowing people to believe things, and not educating people with truth.

Do you think that innocent kike "billy" thought about this idea before???
The jew is pyschotic in and of itself. If it shares one "soul", via its hebrew letters, then whether billy thought of that consciously or not, it still has the same nature of inflicing shit upon Humans.

I used to take respridon and solian they are some types of antipsychotic and i was a total potato with zero iq and zero energy and zero sex drive, my eye balls also used to became stuck at one direction because of these meds... The sad truth is that i take it in the past because the govrenment forced me, but i quitted now and i feel better both physicaly and menatly.
Satanfire666 said:
FancyMancy said:
Satanfire666 said:
Guess what Jews want as a treatment for Corona?
Faecal implant?


PMSL. That won't save the jew's "soul"! There are other uses for viagra besides the obvious. A little Boy was put on viagra because it was supposed to have helped with something. Viagra helps erections if there is the arousal/intention of havina an erection. Oh - according to another article, which I didn't know about, a picture on it shows that viagra is by pfizer, as well... This article says a 13 year old was addicted to viagra to perform for his girlfriend and was having sex orgies at 15... It's so easy to get viagra, or "viagra", with all of those spam emails and adverts. "The drug was originally developed for people with angina, but patients found it boosted their sex lives." I don't know if this is the article I meant about the Boy being put on it, but one's title is "Viagra 'Lifesaver' for 11-Month-Old Boy".

I have been told that mental-ill-health "medicines" can make you put on weight, impotent, tired/lethargic, zombified... I did meet someone once who was basically a zombie, but I was told that he was lively before I met him. These things show that we don't know what is in "medicine". Viagra, mental-ill-health "medicines", etc., are not as good as they are made-out to be. Not to mention all of the side-effects are to cover (((their))) backs from liability; they don't care about helping, and some people are desparate and/or ignorant - "doctor's word is god", so they just accept it and don't demand better - and the (((regulators))) are all meh about it, as well. About the fact that I didn't know viagra was for angina originally - (((they))) have been allowing people to believe things, and not educating people with truth.

Do you think that innocent kike "billy" thought about this idea before???
The jew is pyschotic in and of itself. If it shares one "soul", via its hebrew letters, then whether billy thought of that consciously or not, it still has the same nature of inflicing shit upon Humans.

I used to take respridon and solian they are some types of antipsychotic and i was a total potato with zero iq and zero energy and zero sex drive, my eye balls also used to became stuck at one direction because of these meds... The sad truth is that i take it in the past because the govrenment forced me, but i quitted now and i feel better both physicaly and menatly.
Nice one for waking up!
Meteor said:
That makes me wonder if a cure could be found that protects against coronaviruses (possibly in general), but doesn't have the effects on the brain and nervous system that those medications have? So just this side effect, basically. There might be potential there.

Just straight-up giving these medications as they currently are to people seems like a very bad idea though because of their other effects and their addictiveness, potentially causing dependency and all sorts of damage.

I used to take antipsychotics in the past and it lowerd my energy and made my eye balls stuck upwards and caused problems in my gut.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
