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Fight Harder!


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2019
The enemy is so stupid, they thought they could play games with me. Here I am going to explain how I beat them.

I was content with doing my two Rituals a day. Till they came and pissed me off. So I said fine, one more Ritual PER DAY. Then I went along, and yesterday they pissed me off again. So I pushed it to 4. At this point they thought they would come at me with everything they had. Seeing enemy numbers all over the place. Pull up to a place with 22 Address at 4:24 and its 72 degrees.

So they pissed me off today. I said fine 5 times a day! I saw where a Brother wrote he did that much, and it really inspired me back then anyway! I should be doing 5 a day! We use to have to do 6-10 RTRs, so try me! If you don't think I will add another one all the way up to 10! This stays and I will add one more per day to 10, if you mess with me!

All of a sudden they, finding out that I was serious and they could no longer effect me like before. Drastically, pulled back, and all of a sudden it was good news from everywhere. Oh the parks all should open tomorrow! Oh in a week everything should open! Oh its all gonna go back to normal!

I'm like hahhaaha, that you think that will work. Its still 5 a day and what I said stands. Fine piss me off! I fight Harder!

The Hell with normalcy!!! It will be considered Normal, when your disgusting presence is wiped off the Earth!! Why should I go back to normal life? I got an offer to go to a school, that teaches you how to make money online. You can even do online courses! Maybe I will do that and just stay this way!

Nothing ever moves anyway! So I can work at some shit hole, with no friends and close relationships, in a world I hate??! With nothing positive or even worth being here for anyway. I say we just Final RTR them till they burn to the ground!!!!

How long this takes is all dependant on us. I implore you all! From now till Beltane, and on April 30th and May 1st. Lets give them HELL and END THIS!!! If we all pushed to our max, we can just pulverize them into the ground. So by December 17th 2020, when Saturn goes in Aquarius for 2.3 more years, we will just be done with them!!!
Now this is AWESOME.
I too spammed 12 today and keep doing atleast 3-4 everyday( the day my parents are home).
I do need a spamming partner.
For me now its all about consistency .
I always believe follow something only if you can do it your entire life. ( this is one of the reasons I get sad when I miss even a single day).
If you are spamming it would really help if you do it fasted. Just saying as a personal opinion.
I follow omad and just stock up on all the food I can at night. Been on it for very long now and spamming and Satanic life is easy in this way really. No starvation though.
Just keep it up , you guys motivated me since the start , wont quit now till all of us arent safe :,)
Take Care brother :)
Hail Satan
Hail Astaroth
Hail Gods of Hell
Hail Hitler
Hail Azazel
Hail Beelzebub
Hail SS
Hail SR
Also seeing our family get attacked on here reading there experiences gets my vril active , blood pumping.
There is no retreat or leisure time in war.
They attack one of us. I spam the fuck out of them. This is our motherfucking world.
I remember screaming once at the top of my voice in middle of an RTR "lord of earth ". And a grey showed up at my house the next day with Lord Satan taking care of it.
Not going to say life is easy but we will make it that way for the next generation to come.
May our children never have to see the days we saw (SS). May their life be full of happiness and pleasure the way Gods wanted it to be.
And if we fuck up(which most likely we wont), pur family save us( The great HPs and everyone fucking member of the SS).
May all our souls experience glory .
In the name of Satan everyone be protected and loved. This is our Earth we dont retreat , we dont fall. We destroy something that doesn't belong here, give it glorious names like War but in reality its just cleaning of the dust that stayed way too long.
Hail Beelzebub
Usthepeople666 said:
Now this is AWESOME.
I too spammed 12 today and keep doing atleast 3-4 everyday( the day my parents are home).
I do need a spamming partner.
For me now its all about consistency .
I always believe follow something only if you can do it your entire life. ( this is one of the reasons I get sad when I miss even a single day).
If you are spamming it would really help if you do it fasted. Just saying as a personal opinion.
I follow omad and just stock up on all the food I can at night. Been on it for very long now and spamming and Satanic life is easy in this way really. No starvation though.
Just keep it up , you guys motivated me since the start , wont quit now till all of us arent safe :,)
Take Care brother :)
Hail Satan
Hail Astaroth
Hail Gods of Hell
Hail Hitler
Hail Azazel
Hail Beelzebub
Hail SS
Hail SR

12 a day...o_O god damnit.

Yes, you are a much needed partner. I am so demotivated by others actions. But you, if you are for real. Now that is something.

I have been trying to hit 6 a day, which is half that. I am recuperating. It takes alot out of the soul.

Hmmm, this almost doesnt feel real. Hmmm, I dont trust it just yet. But either way, I feel motivated, when others come forward. I wanted too have some kinda platform where we work to motivate each other to do more. Ofcourse some jew would slide in and say they do 20 a day. So its a preplexing situation.

But, this is good news. Sometimes your views paint everything black, like your the only one. Very motivating.
I've been blasting RTRs lately too. I do 2 in the morning and 2 or 3 in the night. I would be able to do more but I don't have privacy. I am doing my best and proud of it!
Aldrick said:
Usthepeople666 said:
Now this is AWESOME.
I too spammed 12 today and keep doing atleast 3-4 everyday( the day my parents are home).
I do need a spamming partner.
For me now its all about consistency .
I always believe follow something only if you can do it your entire life. ( this is one of the reasons I get sad when I miss even a single day).
If you are spamming it would really help if you do it fasted. Just saying as a personal opinion.
I follow omad and just stock up on all the food I can at night. Been on it for very long now and spamming and Satanic life is easy in this way really. No starvation though.
Just keep it up , you guys motivated me since the start , wont quit now till all of us arent safe :,)
Take Care brother :)
Hail Satan
Hail Astaroth
Hail Gods of Hell
Hail Hitler
Hail Azazel
Hail Beelzebub
Hail SS
Hail SR

12 a day...o_O god damnit.

Yes, you are a much needed partner. I am so demotivated by others actions. But you, if you are for real. Now that is something.

I have been trying to hit 6 a day, which is half that. I am recuperating. It takes alot out of the soul.

Ofcourse some jew would slide in and say they do 20 a day. So its a preplexing situation.

But, this is good news. Sometimes your views paint everything black, like your the only one. Very motivating.

Hmmm, this almost doesnt feel real. Hmmm, I dont trust it just yet. But either way, I feel motivated, when others come forward. I wanted too have some kinda platform where we work to motivate each other to do more. LOL. Dont worry I am for real.

Sometimes your views paint everything black, like your the only one. Oh fuck no. That is never the intention. Sorry if it comes across that way. Its just that I dont really know what to contribute to the forum :p so I just write about spamming that I know and the mistakes I made and learn from them. I do read your posts , ghost in the machine, shael , etc. But I seriously dont know what to contribute. every perspective in itself feels correct :p

Take Care
But, this is good news. Sometimes your views paint everything black, like your the only one. Very motivating.[/quote]
I do keep thinking about like helping everyone in everyway I can. Its like I read questions, think about it while doing chores , make a complate answer and then post like 1/10th of that information in a way such that nobody can understand(english problems too). Its like one of your posts seeing my comrades die your past lives. Plus I am still in college ( thanks to COViD-19) :p and feel like its one of the most important times I have for spamming before I go "in the real world". :p
RTR is like my only priority and meditations and life come in between. My college is kinda easy so its not much effort :p( And just like I mentioned I am thinking, wont be able to post it all at once and bam the post is fucked or there is a bunch of replies explaining the same thing).
p.s. rtr.spiritualsatanism.org is awesome, saw your comment there too, my fingers would hurt everyday just counting so many numbers xD
Take Care
mercury_wisdom said:
I've been blasting RTRs lately too. I do 2 in the morning and 2 or 3 in the night. I would be able to do more but I don't have privacy. I am doing my best and proud of it!

Good job Mercury!
Nice motivation guys, I try to do 4 RTRs a day and stay consistent.
Keep it up!
Aldrick said:
Usthepeople666 said:
Now this is AWESOME.
I too spammed 12 today and keep doing atleast 3-4 everyday( the day my parents are home).
I do need a spamming partner.
For me now its all about consistency .
I always believe follow something only if you can do it your entire life. ( this is one of the reasons I get sad when I miss even a single day).
If you are spamming it would really help if you do it fasted. Just saying as a personal opinion.
I follow omad and just stock up on all the food I can at night. Been on it for very long now and spamming and Satanic life is easy in this way really. No starvation though.
Just keep it up , you guys motivated me since the start , wont quit now till all of us arent safe :,)
Take Care brother :)
Hail Satan
Hail Astaroth
Hail Gods of Hell
Hail Hitler
Hail Azazel
Hail Beelzebub
Hail SS
Hail SR

12 a day...o_O god damnit.

Yes, you are a much needed partner. I am so demotivated by others actions. But you, if you are for real. Now that is something.

I have been trying to hit 6 a day, which is half that. I am recuperating. It takes alot out of the soul.

Hmmm, this almost doesnt feel real. Hmmm, I dont trust it just yet. But either way, I feel motivated, when others come forward. I wanted too have some kinda platform where we work to motivate each other to do more. Ofcourse some jew would slide in and say they do 20 a day. So its a preplexing situation.

But, this is good news. Sometimes your views paint everything black, like your the only one. Very motivating.
Also that day I kind of screamed "this isnt phaeton bitch , we are SS". Days after that I was still spamming 6-10 a day but my family members kept getting attacked ofcourse me too xD
I do believe that fighting and suffering for truth ( like most of us here)is much better than living a lie. So I kind of write posts in a hurried manner too trying to get everything I an at once to help our family :)
Dying for our people isnt something I would mind if the matters go that way, but it is something note appreciated xD( and against the basic fundamentals of why we meditate :p). But if that situation does arise , smile on my face and a Hail Satan before being shot. Sorry I do get strange dreams attacking me so...xD
Take Care
Also lots of curses that I hear are we are going to kill the people you love ,SS and my family members.And SS dont like you why are you helping them kind of thing. Which is not the case as I see everyone here including me is growing :)
But in the end we will take back what is ours , Earth and our culture :)
Love for my SS family members ❤️❤️❤️
Hail Satan
Hail Gods of Hell
Hail SS
Hail SR
xudomode said:
What happens if I do 13 rtrs and I'm not adept will I heal from all the drugs I did and become way more spiritually aware. I'm starting to actually see THAT it's better being attacked by these bug eyed fuckers than denying Satan anymore and letting these pussy almond head looking ass take over my body and speak that nasty ass tounge language crap out of my mouth. It's annoying as shit I had enough of there fuck headed ass threats and taking advantage of the things I've done to myself. These fuck heads never even dreamed of phasing me before and sometimes hide that there greys from me. And fuck these bitch ass Jews who speak to me inside my head because I can't hide my telepathy. Sorry I needed to let this out I just like clowning my enemies before I destroy them.

If anything is beyond your abilities or is overwhelming and you can’t handle the issue on your own.. go to Father Satan or your Guardian, but do this with a pure heart... in full honesty. I believe that they know what is going on with you anyway, but they want YOU to come to them WITH FULL HONESTY.. well this is atleast my own experience and what I have learned.

Good Luck
Aldrick said:
The Hell with normalcy!!! It will be considered Normal, when your disgusting presence is wiped off the Earth!! Why should I go back to normal life? I got an offer to go to a school, that teaches you how to make money online. You can even do online courses! Maybe I will do that and just stay this way!

Care to share? I could very well use this to my advancement and do more F-RTRs. Or is this too public to share that?

Nothing ever moves anyway! So I can work at some shit hole, with no friends and close relationships, in a world I hate??! With nothing positive or even worth being here for anyway. I say we just Final RTR them till they burn to the ground!!!!

Hey guess what we have a lot of in common ! besides we are working for Satan I have no close relationships and friends either. Well I try to keep family relations normal, and I am usually nice to people around me, but that is about it.

How long this takes is all dependant on us. I implore you all! From now till Beltane, and on April 30th and May 1st. Lets give them HELL and END THIS!!! If we all pushed to our max, we can just pulverize them into the ground. So by December 17th 2020, when Saturn goes in Aquarius for 2.3 more years, we will just be done with them!!!

That is very inspiring. However, I have noticed that my voice is suffering from doing this even though I have "only" done 2-3 last few days. I would like to do more, but I think I have to be realisic about recovery and do only one tomorrow... I have done two today already, and considering third but vocal cords are strained as it is.

Not sure, but I think some of my higher end aerobic workouts are straining throat area too. I think Satan implored me to do only low ends for a while... It is somewhat hard though since going fast on a bike is such a rush.

Anyhow stay strong and Hail Satan!
Usthepeople666 said:
NinRick said:
Nice motivation guys, I try to do 4 RTRs a day and stay consistent.
Keep it up!
Awesome ❤️

Sorry I'm not calling you a liar.

I just mean.. If something good comes up, it usually to good to be true. And just crashes into the fucking ground.

So I'm a little pessimistic. Sorry.

I've been doing this for a while. I get all excited and like yeah! Oh nvm they hate you. Oh nvm they killed themselves. They betrayed Satan. Ha your really stupid, they were a jew!

And I'm like ok. Ya know it's ok. Just forget the past. Act like this is day 1.the past doesnt mean the future. But the past sorta doesnt go away and paints everything.
Gee, if doing one RTR takes me roughly 25-30 minutes (I'll say 30) and there are 24 hours in a day, if you doubled that number into 30 minute intervals, I could perform up to 48 RTRs per day. Buuuuuut that's assuming I don't sleep, eat, or work. I'm not doubting anybody's convictions but 4 to 6 RTRs sounds like a realistic number (That's about 2-3 hours based on my own trials)

But this guy over here is claiming 12...

Usthepeople666 said:
Now this is AWESOME.
I too spammed 12 today and keep doing atleast 3-4 everyday( the day my parents are home).
I do need a spamming partner.
For me now its all about consistency .

I'm proud of your strong convictions brother, but there's just something I'm not understanding here. How are you able to perform RTRs for roughly 6 hours straight?
ShadowTheRaven said:
Gee, if doing one RTR takes me roughly 25-30 minutes (I'll say 30) and there are 24 hours in a day, if you doubled that number into 30 minute intervals, I could perform up to 48 RTRs per day. Buuuuuut that's assuming I don't sleep, eat, or work. I'm not doubting anybody's convictions but 4 to 6 RTRs sounds like a realistic number (That's about 2-3 hours based on my own trials)

But this guy over here is claiming 12...

Usthepeople666 said:
Now this is AWESOME.
I too spammed 12 today and keep doing atleast 3-4 everyday( the day my parents are home).
I do need a spamming partner.
For me now its all about consistency .

I'm proud of your strong convictions brother, but there's just something I'm not understanding here. How are you able to perform RTRs for roughly 6 hours straight?
It actually doesnt take that long with practice. It takes like 9 mins to do one full round. If you get problems you can just speak it out. Also with practice the pronunciations are saved in my mind. (sometimes I may mess up my counting but I do try to give it my all EVERYDAY. Its more of a combination of things, back when I spammed 20 RTRs in one day, I wasnt exactly drained thanks to my succubus :). But it turned out I was dealing with Astral entities and didnt know how to respond. That week I spammed a lot and that rune affirmation by a fellow brother about my mind always being calm and controlled did help a lot. ( I thank him a lot internally :) ).
If you want to increase your number try doing shorter ones after your 1 main one, 3 reps and kind of do that multiple times to get a feel . With practice the pronunciations do set in mind.

Also from personal experience if you havent already, make sigils of satan all over your house . And do read the prayer for protection when you need it. I was too ashamed ( ? ) of asking for help all the time.
p.s. 10 rtrs take around 1 hour 45 mins now :)
I did make a post a while back about spamming 10 a day to motivate people :) ( you can refer back if you want but try and avoid the posts after I spammed 20 because I was not knowing I was dealing with entities and kept writing some fucked up shit that I now regret :p
Aldrick said:
Usthepeople666 said:
NinRick said:
Nice motivation guys, I try to do 4 RTRs a day and stay consistent.
Keep it up!
Awesome ❤️


I just mean.. If something good comes up, it usually to good to be true. And just crashes into the fucking ground.

So I'm a little pessimistic. Sorry. ITS OKAAAAAY.

I've been doing this for a while. I get all excited and like yeah! Oh nvm they hate you. Oh nvm they killed themselves. They betrayed Satan. Ha your really stupid, they were a jew!

And I'm like ok. Ya know it's ok. Just forget the past. Act like this is day 1.the past doesnt mean the future. But the past sorta doesnt go away and paints everything.

They betrayed Satan . dont worry about this, old soul here. Also even in this life I made a promise to kill me if i ever betray or lose sight . ( sounds made up but true).

Also please dont judge me by the responses i made after writing - war commands by gods. It was literally in tears , astral attacks, that kind of happens a lot to me because I go around thinking about Satanism like all the time .

Wont quit, wont leave
True to family always :)))))))
Aldrick said:
I really like general mccrystal of the US army ( once a general ). He had been doing omad for 30 plus years i guess and jogs around 11 miles a day. This is something I was trying to implement from very very long .
So when I wake up clean my aura, aop .
Instead of void I do the walking(running ) counting steps for void. And overall it helps with everything. I am able to balance(mostly) my studies , rtrs, meditations etc.
You can try it if you want.
Also if you are muscular dont worry about losing your muscle, I am pretty muscular too.
I believe in developing consistent habits, which I can do long term. I can see myself spamming even after getting a job provided it is 8 hours long :p(or we can just call it optimistic planning).
You helped me way way back along with many members( including HP COBRA) and thats the reason I kind of flip out when people question the HPs if something has been clearly mentioned :p( but it turns out most of them are imposters - as I asked you in one of my posts a couple of days back ).
Usthepeople666 said:
Wont quit, wont leave
True to family always :)))))))

I like your conviction. I have not done any promise like that, but I suppose I might aswell. There is nothing but pain & suffering if I turned my back on Satan anyhow... Not saying this ride is easy, but u get it.

Victory or Death!
ShadowTheRaven said:
Gee, if doing one RTR takes me roughly 25-30 minutes (I'll say 30) and there are 24 hours in a day, if you doubled that number into 30 minute intervals, I could perform up to 48 RTRs per day. Buuuuuut that's assuming I don't sleep, eat, or work. I'm not doubting anybody's convictions but 4 to 6 RTRs sounds like a realistic number (That's about 2-3 hours based on my own trials)

But this guy over here is claiming 12...

Usthepeople666 said:
Now this is AWESOME.
I too spammed 12 today and keep doing atleast 3-4 everyday( the day my parents are home).
I do need a spamming partner.
For me now its all about consistency .

I'm proud of your strong convictions brother, but there's just something I'm not understanding here. How are you able to perform RTRs for roughly 6 hours straight?

Cobra said it takes him 16 minutes. I timed myself and that's how long it takes me.
Usthepeople666 said:
Aldrick said:
I really like general mccrystal of the US army ( once a general ). He had been doing omad for 30 plus years i guess and jogs around 11 miles a day. This is something I was trying to implement from very very long .
So when I wake up clean my aura, aop .
Instead of void I do the walking(running ) counting steps for void. And overall it helps with everything. I am able to balance(mostly) my studies , rtrs, meditations etc.
You can try it if you want.
Also if you are muscular dont worry about losing your muscle, I am pretty muscular too.
I believe in developing consistent habits, which I can do long term. I can see myself spamming even after getting a job provided it is 8 hours long :p(or we can just call it optimistic planning).
You helped me way way back along with many members( including HP COBRA) and thats the reason I kind of flip out when people question the HPs if something has been clearly mentioned :p( but it turns out most of them are imposters - as I asked you in one of my posts a couple of days back ).

Lol, my body while not like when I was early 20s, will burn everything off. I build muscle, it takes a bit too keep it.

If I went jogging 11 miles, I would be a skeleton. Cardio kills muscle gain.
Henu the Great said:
Usthepeople666 said:
Wont quit, wont leave
True to family always :)))))))

I like your conviction. I have not done any promise like that, but I suppose I might aswell. There is nothing but pain & suffering if I turned my back on Satan anyhow... Not saying this ride is easy, but u get it.

Victory or Death!

When you realize this is the to be or not to be of our people, then Everyone of your thoughts and everyone of your actions, all of that will be a prayer for Germany. -Adolf Hitler the Great

...never enough , bros.
Aldrick said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
Gee, if doing one RTR takes me roughly 25-30 minutes (I'll say 30) and there are 24 hours in a day, if you doubled that number into 30 minute intervals, I could perform up to 48 RTRs per day. Buuuuuut that's assuming I don't sleep, eat, or work. I'm not doubting anybody's convictions but 4 to 6 RTRs sounds like a realistic number (That's about 2-3 hours based on my own trials)

But this guy over here is claiming 12...

Usthepeople666 said:
Now this is AWESOME.
I too spammed 12 today and keep doing atleast 3-4 everyday( the day my parents are home).
I do need a spamming partner.
For me now its all about consistency .

I'm proud of your strong convictions brother, but there's just something I'm not understanding here. How are you able to perform RTRs for roughly 6 hours straight?

Cobra said it takes him 16 minutes. I timed myself and that's how long it takes me.

I have no clue how it takes me longer than everyone else.
Aldrick said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
Gee, if doing one RTR takes me roughly 25-30 minutes (I'll say 30) and there are 24 hours in a day, if you doubled that number into 30 minute intervals, I could perform up to 48 RTRs per day. Buuuuuut that's assuming I don't sleep, eat, or work. I'm not doubting anybody's convictions but 4 to 6 RTRs sounds like a realistic number (That's about 2-3 hours based on my own trials)

But this guy over here is claiming 12...

Usthepeople666 said:
Now this is AWESOME.
I too spammed 12 today and keep doing atleast 3-4 everyday( the day my parents are home).
I do need a spamming partner.
For me now its all about consistency .

I'm proud of your strong convictions brother, but there's just something I'm not understanding here. How are you able to perform RTRs for roughly 6 hours straight?

Cobra said it takes him 16 minutes. I timed myself and that's how long it takes me.
Thats the reason I fast and run. After eating even I take that long. But it also depends on the energy levels before beginning. :)
Henu the Great said:
Usthepeople666 said:
Wont quit, wont leave
True to family always :)))))))

I like your conviction. I have not done any promise like that, but I suppose I might aswell. There is nothing but pain & suffering if I turned my back on Satan anyhow... Not saying this ride is easy, but u get it.

Victory or Death!
YES :)
Victory to Truth .
Aldrick said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
Gee, if doing one RTR takes me roughly 25-30 minutes (I'll say 30) and there are 24 hours in a day, if you doubled that number into 30 minute intervals, I could perform up to 48 RTRs per day. Buuuuuut that's assuming I don't sleep, eat, or work. I'm not doubting anybody's convictions but 4 to 6 RTRs sounds like a realistic number (That's about 2-3 hours based on my own trials)

But this guy over here is claiming 12...

Usthepeople666 said:
Now this is AWESOME.
I too spammed 12 today and keep doing atleast 3-4 everyday( the day my parents are home).
I do need a spamming partner.
For me now its all about consistency .

I'm proud of your strong convictions brother, but there's just something I'm not understanding here. How are you able to perform RTRs for roughly 6 hours straight?

Cobra said it takes him 16 minutes. I timed myself and that's how long it takes me.
Also i guess it has to do with being under stressful situations. I dont generally have the luxury of doing it in peace and I wanted to get in the army ( only that since a very very long time ) so I kind of have an adrenaline rush when my family is walking outside my room and then I go hard in.
Also the average per RTR reduces greatly when you spam in lots (more than one), its in a way just repeating a word 27 times(if you think it that way). When I was doing KY yoga once I was hearing curses and replied (as my knowledge wasnt sufficient at the time - I will throw my kundalini at those fools) and I saw a blue light on my spine ( it was Lord Beelzebub) who said the mind is capable of a lot of things (something in that regard- I did post the exact quote here too but it did not get approved :p). So before starting RTR I do tell myself - fastest with most focus. ( not really in a meditative state,which may be bad for me). Take Care
Hail Enlil
Aldrick said:
Usthepeople666 said:
Aldrick said:
I really like general mccrystal of the US army ( once a general ). He had been doing omad for 30 plus years i guess and jogs around 11 miles a day. This is something I was trying to implement from very very long .
So when I wake up clean my aura, aop .
Instead of void I do the walking(running ) counting steps for void. And overall it helps with everything. I am able to balance(mostly) my studies , rtrs, meditations etc.
You can try it if you want.
Also if you are muscular dont worry about losing your muscle, I am pretty muscular too.
I believe in developing consistent habits, which I can do long term. I can see myself spamming even after getting a job provided it is 8 hours long :p(or we can just call it optimistic planning).
You helped me way way back along with many members( including HP COBRA) and thats the reason I kind of flip out when people question the HPs if something has been clearly mentioned :p( but it turns out most of them are imposters - as I asked you in one of my posts a couple of days back ).

Lol, my body while not like when I was early 20s, will burn everything off. I build muscle, it takes a bit too keep it.

If I went jogging 11 miles, I would be a skeleton. Cardio kills muscle gain.
I will have to bring it down to 4-6 a day now, too many assignments and classes. I was ignoring all that :p
Usthepeople666 said:
Now this is AWESOME.
I too spammed 12 today and keep doing atleast 3-4 everyday( the day my parents are home).
I do need a spamming partner.
For me now its all about consistency .
I always believe follow something only if you can do it your entire life. ( this is one of the reasons I get sad when I miss even a single day).
If you are spamming it would really help if you do it fasted. Just saying as a personal opinion.
I follow omad and just stock up on all the food I can at night. Been on it for very long now and spamming and Satanic life is easy in this way really. No starvation though.
Just keep it up , you guys motivated me since the start , wont quit now till all of us arent safe :,)
Take Care brother :)
Hail Satan
Hail Astaroth
Hail Gods of Hell
Hail Hitler
Hail Azazel
Hail Beelzebub
Hail SS
Hail SR

How do you do 12 a day? How much time does it take you? and how do you do it(the procedure)? Do you also visualize destroying hebrew letters or do you just straight up eraze them on paper or your computer app?

It takes me 40-50 mins to do 2 FRTR.
I just did one in about 11-12 minutes. I basically vibrate sounds quickly and then erase letters on computer screen.

Quite interesting that I almost fell asleep when I did two back to back. The enemy doing tricks, or what?

After completion I did raum-meditation and felt much better. Now I should do returning curses pt1.
Nikois666 said:
Usthepeople666 said:
Now this is AWESOME.
I too spammed 12 today and keep doing atleast 3-4 everyday( the day my parents are home).
I do need a spamming partner.
For me now its all about consistency .
I always believe follow something only if you can do it your entire life. ( this is one of the reasons I get sad when I miss even a single day).
If you are spamming it would really help if you do it fasted. Just saying as a personal opinion.
I follow omad and just stock up on all the food I can at night. Been on it for very long now and spamming and Satanic life is easy in this way really. No starvation though.
Just keep it up , you guys motivated me since the start , wont quit now till all of us arent safe :,)
Take Care brother :)
Hail Satan
Hail Astaroth
Hail Gods of Hell
Hail Hitler
Hail Azazel
Hail Beelzebub
Hail SS
Hail SR

How do you do 12 a day? How much time does it take you? and how do you do it(the procedure)? Do you also visualize destroying hebrew letters or do you just straight up eraze them on paper or your computer app?

It takes me 40-50 mins to do 2 FRTR.
How do you do 12 a day? practice sir. Lots of it. Thats the reason I only reply to RTR related questions, only answer what you think you know.

Do you also visualize destroying hebrew letters ? yes. Now i just visulaise them being destroyed before I used to have fun with them like burning them all into dust and blowing it out of earth(all visualisation) and putting Satan's sigil on Earth.

How much time does it take you? I am still in college so live with my family, the pressure to do my duty and not let my parents know does add into the stress factor, its like my dad left for 1h 40 mins for some work so I will spam then (pressure gets results of being focussed).
Nikois666 said:
Usthepeople666 said:
Now this is AWESOME.
I too spammed 12 today and keep doing atleast 3-4 everyday( the day my parents are home).
I do need a spamming partner.
For me now its all about consistency .
I always believe follow something only if you can do it your entire life. ( this is one of the reasons I get sad when I miss even a single day).
If you are spamming it would really help if you do it fasted. Just saying as a personal opinion.
I follow omad and just stock up on all the food I can at night. Been on it for very long now and spamming and Satanic life is easy in this way really. No starvation though.
Just keep it up , you guys motivated me since the start , wont quit now till all of us arent safe :,)
Take Care brother :)
Hail Satan
Hail Astaroth
Hail Gods of Hell
Hail Hitler
Hail Azazel
Hail Beelzebub
Hail SS
Hail SR

How do you do 12 a day? How much time does it take you? and how do you do it(the procedure)? Do you also visualize destroying hebrew letters or do you just straight up eraze them on paper or your computer app?

It takes me 40-50 mins to do 2 FRTR.
Computer app. The phone one is a bit slow. Yesterday though I started counting on my fingers again . 9 count on one hand and number of sets on the other. And I have been what you can call stubborn with what U want. Dont really know if it is something to get medical help for :p. As a kid ( around 11 years ) i walked almost 5 km to meet my friend ( and I had to be back before my mom got home), so I reached 70percent of the distance and walked back to my house before my mother could make it home . Also I used to run around , play football in like 102 degree fever because I wanted to xD.
Read warrior quotes all day from alexander the great or other SS , this entire year . Gets the rush.
Here in the country I live we had a general who said to his soldiers- dont return back home if you lose. Something I apply to SS aspect.
Henu the Great said:
I just did one in about 11-12 minutes. I basically vibrate sounds quickly and then erase letters on computer screen.

Quite interesting that I almost fell asleep when I did two back to back. The enemy doing tricks, or what?

After completion I did raum-meditation and felt much better. Now I should do returning curses pt1.

The enemy doing tricks, or what? Nope . the fatigue is real xD .
Dont sleep no matter no what a rtr . I have seen the bullshit that happens, fucks up the mind. Call you GD and return curses first. Thats one of the reasons I prefer/like to stay fasted, no matter how tired I get after spamming in lots , I am able to do yoga sessions anytime I want, or the 666 breath, I prefer doing these on an empty stomach.

I just did one in about 11-12 minutes. If you are not vibrating exactly like the audio , try and speak it out properly. Also dont get loud while doing these and do them with full focus.
And do find time for recreation in the day. Don''t burnout .
Usthepeople666 said:
Nikois666 said:
Usthepeople666 said:
Now this is AWESOME.
I too spammed 12 today and keep doing atleast 3-4 everyday( the day my parents are home).
I do need a spamming partner.
For me now its all about consistency .
I always believe follow something only if you can do it your entire life. ( this is one of the reasons I get sad when I miss even a single day).
If you are spamming it would really help if you do it fasted. Just saying as a personal opinion.
I follow omad and just stock up on all the food I can at night. Been on it for very long now and spamming and Satanic life is easy in this way really. No starvation though.
Just keep it up , you guys motivated me since the start , wont quit now till all of us arent safe :,)
Take Care brother :)
Hail Satan
Hail Astaroth
Hail Gods of Hell
Hail Hitler
Hail Azazel
Hail Beelzebub
Hail SS
Hail SR

How do you do 12 a day? How much time does it take you? and how do you do it(the procedure)? Do you also visualize destroying hebrew letters or do you just straight up eraze them on paper or your computer app?

It takes me 40-50 mins to do 2 FRTR.
How do you do 12 a day? practice sir. Lots of it. Thats the reason I only reply to RTR related questions, only answer what you think you know.

Do you also visualize destroying hebrew letters ? yes. Now i just visulaise them being destroyed before I used to have fun with them like burning them all into dust and blowing it out of earth(all visualisation) and putting Satan's sigil on Earth.

How much time does it take you? I am still in college so live with my family, the pressure to do my duty and not let my parents know does add into the stress factor, its like my dad left for 1h 40 mins for some work so I will spam then (pressure gets results of being focussed).

I wish I was that fast but eventually with time I will become fast, so no worries ^^

Although I am trying to hit 4 FRTR every day, In another few days I will definitely accomplish that :D

Usthepeople666 said:
Computer app. The phone one is a bit slow. Yesterday though I started counting on my fingers again . 9 count on one hand and number of sets on the other. And I have been what you can call stubborn with what U want. Dont really know if it is something to get medical help for :p. As a kid ( around 11 years ) i walked almost 5 km to meet my friend ( and I had to be back before my mom got home), so I reached 70percent of the distance and walked back to my house before my mother could make it home . Also I used to run around , play football in like 102 degree fever because I wanted to xD.
Read warrior quotes all day from alexander the great or other SS , this entire year . Gets the rush.
Here in the country I live we had a general who said to his soldiers- dont return back home if you lose. Something I apply to SS aspect.

Yeah, I use the browser/mobile Final RTR and my fingers to count the reps. It's simple to use(I like simple) xD
I don't know about playing football in fever but I do push myself to limits when running, that's when you build stamina but if you don't then the change is almost minimal or maybe none.
Nikois666 said:
Usthepeople666 said:
Nikois666 said:
How do you do 12 a day? How much time does it take you? and how do you do it(the procedure)? Do you also visualize destroying hebrew letters or do you just straight up eraze them on paper or your computer app?

It takes me 40-50 mins to do 2 FRTR.
How do you do 12 a day? practice sir. Lots of it. Thats the reason I only reply to RTR related questions, only answer what you think you know.

Do you also visualize destroying hebrew letters ? yes. Now i just visulaise them being destroyed before I used to have fun with them like burning them all into dust and blowing it out of earth(all visualisation) and putting Satan's sigil on Earth.

How much time does it take you? I am still in college so live with my family, the pressure to do my duty and not let my parents know does add into the stress factor, its like my dad left for 1h 40 mins for some work so I will spam then (pressure gets results of being focussed).

I wish I was that fast but eventually with time I will become fast, so no worries ^^

Although I am trying to hit 4 FRTR every day, In another few days I will definitely accomplish that :D

Usthepeople666 said:
Computer app. The phone one is a bit slow. Yesterday though I started counting on my fingers again . 9 count on one hand and number of sets on the other. And I have been what you can call stubborn with what U want. Dont really know if it is something to get medical help for :p. As a kid ( around 11 years ) i walked almost 5 km to meet my friend ( and I had to be back before my mom got home), so I reached 70percent of the distance and walked back to my house before my mother could make it home . Also I used to run around , play football in like 102 degree fever because I wanted to xD.
Read warrior quotes all day from alexander the great or other SS , this entire year . Gets the rush.
Here in the country I live we had a general who said to his soldiers- dont return back home if you lose. Something I apply to SS aspect.

Yeah, I use the browser/mobile Final RTR and my fingers to count the reps. It's simple to use(I like simple) xD
I don't know about playing football in fever but I do push myself to limits when running, that's when you build stamina but if you don't then the change is almost minimal or maybe none.

4 a day? Look at you go brother! Good work!
I guess if we're posting pure numbers here, I average 2-3 per day. Going for 4-6 and managed to bring my Final RTR time down from 25 minutes to 20 minutes with practice. When I perform them, I perform them consecutively, as in, instead of 9 vibrations per letter I would do 18 and count it as two rituals, or 27 and count it as three. Any more than that just places me under extreme fatigue. Yeah, I could spread them out but it'd take me all night, and since I live with my grandparents I only have a window between 10pm and 6am to do them.
Usthepeople666 said:
The enemy doing tricks, or what? Nope . the fatigue is real xD .
Dont sleep no matter no what a rtr . I have seen the bullshit that happens, fucks up the mind.

Aldrick said:
Nikois666 said:
Usthepeople666 said:
How do you do 12 a day? practice sir. Lots of it. Thats the reason I only reply to RTR related questions, only answer what you think you know.

Do you also visualize destroying hebrew letters ? yes. Now i just visulaise them being destroyed before I used to have fun with them like burning them all into dust and blowing it out of earth(all visualisation) and putting Satan's sigil on Earth.

How much time does it take you? I am still in college so live with my family, the pressure to do my duty and not let my parents know does add into the stress factor, its like my dad left for 1h 40 mins for some work so I will spam then (pressure gets results of being focussed).

I wish I was that fast but eventually with time I will become fast, so no worries ^^

Although I am trying to hit 4 FRTR every day, In another few days I will definitely accomplish that :D

Usthepeople666 said:
Computer app. The phone one is a bit slow. Yesterday though I started counting on my fingers again . 9 count on one hand and number of sets on the other. And I have been what you can call stubborn with what U want. Dont really know if it is something to get medical help for :p. As a kid ( around 11 years ) i walked almost 5 km to meet my friend ( and I had to be back before my mom got home), so I reached 70percent of the distance and walked back to my house before my mother could make it home . Also I used to run around , play football in like 102 degree fever because I wanted to xD.
Read warrior quotes all day from alexander the great or other SS , this entire year . Gets the rush.
Here in the country I live we had a general who said to his soldiers- dont return back home if you lose. Something I apply to SS aspect.

Yeah, I use the browser/mobile Final RTR and my fingers to count the reps. It's simple to use(I like simple) xD
I don't know about playing football in fever but I do push myself to limits when running, that's when you build stamina but if you don't then the change is almost minimal or maybe none.

4 a day? Look at you go brother! Good work!

Thanks brother, I have hit 27 counts(3 FRTR) in 40-45 minutes. I will be hitting 36 counts soon :)
This feels great!!!

ShadowTheRaven said:
I guess if we're posting pure numbers here, I average 2-3 per day. Going for 4-6 and managed to bring my Final RTR time down from 25 minutes to 20 minutes with practice. When I perform them, I perform them consecutively, as in, instead of 9 vibrations per letter I would do 18 and count it as two rituals, or 27 and count it as three. Any more than that just places me under extreme fatigue. Yeah, I could spread them out but it'd take me all night, and since I live with my grandparents I only have a window between 10pm and 6am to do them.

I am doing the same 27 counts right now, I tried going 36 but it's tiring.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
