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Do You Believe?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
xlnt said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
I hang upon everything you advise, perhaps it is unwise to put such trust in someone.

I would say so, and I even think the HP's would agree on that.
What if a HP suddenly became mad and would start telling you mad things? How do you know if someone is mad or not?
Or correct on all things for that matter.

If anyone would say: "follow me!", that person would be an idiot for saying so,
and you would be an idiot if you went along with it.
That's a general rule I have in life, as you have the light within Yourself.

Listening is one thing, but blindly following is something else.

Be yourself. Always. This is to my knowledge at least, a key factor of being a Spiritual Satanist.

I am not "someone". If one equates everyone to someone, it means that ones mental faculty is not working.

In this place be it by the Gods or others, we have not been coerced, mindwashed since infancy, we are by free will, and I would like to think, after careful evaluation.

To heal and advance as humans we have to have active judgement. I want those who have made their judgement to get whay they get from me, but the value of the heart is worth way more. The two combined, is the most precious thing to receive.

However, cowardice, lack of loyalty, being a passionless cuck, is commonly adopted by individuals to pretend this is the above state of supreme active judgement.

While oftentimes it is a recoil reaction out of fear lil Jesus will creep from the corner to use the apparatus to steal your free will like he once did or something.

This kneejerk reaction that everytime feelings or trust are expressed this is some sort of cult is because most modern people are enslaved cucks without emotions. While they were in the real cults, they had the real issues.

To compensate for this fear, they try to pretend its all based on some impartial grand judgement. If this was based on judgement, we should have a just approach.

Meanwhile, as kikes will celebrate their Rabbis they will lament, follow, give and take bullets, thank the higher levels that gave these to them, seek to advance to the maximum etc.

They carry the coffin of their least stupid ones around like a sacrament, and the Goy is busy always being severely critical in the PTSD the jews cause to it.

Goy Gentile sits cucked on a corner always feeling with a scrawny neck someone might be so bad, and how every person that ever showed up here, was out to get their soul.

Like emotional inceldom based on crying, disrespect and disbelieve in "advance" over a hypothetical scenario where a woman has hurt them, they are unable to love and devote today and now.

Reasoning is made around this, that "women will play you anyway", "they are all the same", etc etc. Disallowing inner treatment, and actual active judging to take place, one is always safe in complete mistrust.

This is not original thinking or individuality, it is a malfunction of ones trust system and ones emotions, commonly taken for a divine "individual self" and manifesting itself as a constant neurotic reaction anytime anyone shows feelings.

This is like saying you cannot love your cat because it will die one day. If one went mad, then this falls under logic and does not discredit the reality where this is not present.

Additionally, if I said some extremely powerful knowledge, then I would be mad this very day.

What you refer here is not individual thinking, it is mostly justifying nonsense on a hyperbole that is not even happening or would happen in the future.

Learn to love and appreciate, and if not me, then something else. Our world being full of mistrust has made humanity neurotic. And do not sell out faith short before something actually happens.

Power and devotion comes from unyielding power placed on a correct and true thing.

As about this bogus 2023 thing that everyone is such a God and their own best judge, this is based on present day isolated somnabulism as well, built on the greater notions of disconnectedness, disrespect, oversized egos, and mass delusions of eternal knowledge.

We need to learn to show reverence and positive qualities, to express these and find them inside us, not withdraw from these qualities we seek. I live to see the day where mutual appreciation will be the case, based on true self and outside knowledge.

Currently, we are on the garbage state of consciousness where the pain from being conned in Xianity ane how this made people recoil has people on this "muh self" state, which is half the factual Truth of reality. Based on nothing, the self is elevated.

One thought for themselves for the first time, or they likely would not be here. Great and all, but now one must look forward in fixing that self.

When these two forces of self and others are balanced and united, we understand. We must revere those before and those after.

Unfailing loyalty, the ability to love, passion, reverence, bravery, these are the values that matter most. These prove one to ones self for real.

Pencil neck criticial bullshit on zero knowledge of 2023 is always tiring to me, and not a jolly meal.

Lastly, those who will go to the Gods are not those who will follow the coward path which tries to justify itself as a distance or "skepticism", that is the mental masturbation of the last two centuries, and is not based on real individual thought, but rather emotional weakness and inner distance and fear of life.

As humans we have to play our roles. Those who execute the role for the Gods will reach the attainment, despite of the given parameters. The fake thoughtful cuck will find the ways of the higher domains closed, always "skeptical", while the healed soul who will go up despite of fear of "what could be" will reach the reward.

It takes courage to do this. The safest thing you can do is believe in nothing in life. Then you will realise you are internally broke. Almost as if you believed in something fake.

We must hold no reservation in our expressions of love, bravery, comradeship, and support, because we will lose our souls to our so called "minds". I do not have time to question you all all day, after all the obvious proof, where I see everyone growing and fighting everyday.

Fake logical thoughts who are based on fear will not enter my mind.

I will believe in blind and never ending faith in everyone who is a Satanist. Nothing can keep me away from this. To say this robs our ability to think is a lie, because it is after forethought one might give their heart and soul. And it is based on the same love and forethought another throws their heart to love them to.

Free from the fear of failure and free from the fear of what negativity might cause, not because of ignorance, but because we rose above it, this is who we are on our higher states.

Be wary of those who tell you not to believe, and also might as well be wary if someone forces you to believe. Would be better to stay in the middle, rather than the constant negative approach.

We have not made some shit theory in our world where disbelievers are taken negatively, even if the state of dsibelief robs us of so much.

To be clear, I am on the side of the BELIEVERS.

To the "forever critical" good luck to these...

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Doubts should be addressed during the evaluation process when one is deciding their side and who to put their trust in, or they will keep lurking around and hinder one’s progress. You can't gain momentum if you are not sure about the path and your companions. Of course humans are subject to corruption but this is a serious accusation and shouldn't be given utterance without evidence.

However, lack of education on the decision-making process and the fact that the number of people who decided on a whim, emotions, or because there was only one way out visible, because they feel belong, or some other reason that is not research and experience to become a Satanist is not less will keep bringing up topics that should have been addressed before the a person is dedicated.
In my opinion, blind faith and disloyalty are twin poisons, and one precedes the next. As with all things a balance is required, for if one is forever disloyal for the sake of being disloyal, one has abandoned reason in the same way someone who will follow blindly has replaced logic with faith.

It is important to question. It is important to doubt. What some forget is that it's also important to question and doubt oneself, and one's understanding of things. When you've blind faith, it is a slippery slope, for it is easy to become disillusioned, and disillusionment is the predecessor to disloyalty. But when you've no faith in anything or anybody, and reject any form of guidance or leadership just for the sake of it, you are lost regardless.

This is something I learned in my early years as SS when I doubted the gods to the point of total disloyalty to them. The reason is because I had reached conclusions about them which were not accurate, and it's only by questioning and doubting MYSELF, that I realized my perception of events was incomplete, and I simply did not hold all the facts to have a clear understanding of things.

I think a lot of people have a bad habit of questioning everything outward, but rarely if ever question themselves. It is important to do this both inward and outward. It is by doing so that one will sometimes realize that one's disloyalty is as irrational as a xian's totally blind faith.
I'm new here and still working out nuance in my views.
I have certain feelings about organizations and spirituality.
I kind of feel like no organization or group can ever achieve liberation for me.
I wish to share the testimony.

When I came to Satanism and through years in it I found for myself that Gods never had had any problem with critical thinking and never demanded any blind faith. If they ever showed a person something they showed it by proving it and by providing evidences. Also here we have the same nonexistent equality trap. Gods and humans are different beings and unlike humans Gods can be trusted, yet humans inside their mass are also not mere monolithic grey mass but very different creatures too. This was shown to me by my critical thinking and evidence not by faith. Satan and Gods always give evidences. While the enemy desperately whines for faith and luv which is total freebie and undeserved.

Moreover Gods sometimes show whom you better not trust by sending clear signs or through writings of people who are to be trusted. Then after some time you see evidence and learn that all was true.

For all the years I am here, Gods never ever did a "mistake" and HPs Maxine never ever did the mistaken divination, HP Hooded Cobra 666 never told anything that would have been a lie even when he told things that were sad to hear and learn such as disgusting reality behind the previous "priests", unfortunately all was true.

Here I never felt any coercion to "trust" I just saw the evidence. Just ask Gods to show / prove you something blatant and they will. They are very good at it.
"I will believe in blind and never ending faith in everyone who is a Satanist. Nothing can keep me away from this. To say this robs our ability to think is a lie, because it is after forethought one might give their heart and soul. And it is based on the same love and forethought another throws their heart to love them to."

This here is what I had in mind. I am grateful you made this post because I was originally feeling a little silly after it posted, probably because of how the Jews have made all us gentiles to be so paranoid about true loyalty, belief, and trust. The whole "Me, Myself, and I" crap you know..
Oh YES!! I believe in myself!! :D. Mentally ! physically ! spiritually! and emotionally! And last but not least sexually!!! 🥰 because that was the way I was created! We are programmed to believe! It is something called curiosity! And it has a lot to do with knowledge and learning! Father Satan created Me In His Image therefore! We are a living example of who father Satan is! Subconsciously! Yes I do believe! And there are many many things I BELIEVE IN!!! Chronologically and neurologically yes I believe! I believe in intelligence! Because knowing is half the battle! And the more you learn the better off you are! And knowing who you are! Where you come from! Your bloodline! Your family heritage! The knowledge that you have been blessed with along with powers! The gift and the ability of learning and to figure things out! Which is normally and naturally taught from mother to child! And by moving an example! Of how things are supposed to be or how things should be or could be according to the individual! And how is she or he looks at things and how they wish to live and learn!
And how things should be taught according to the teacher or the student! Curiosity and for one to believe in his or her self! Is a thirst for truth and a thirst for knowledge and education! To believe in yourself also means that you believe in your mind and body that anything is possible! And that anything can happen and it's up to you to make the difference! I believe in truth! Father sage and created me! He expects us to be creative he expects us to be curious! That is how people live and that is how people learn and that is how people learn to figure things out! Learning how to be independent and learning how to be self-reliant! Something that is taught a child back in grade school! And the values of it as you get older! Taking the time to read and study and do things right! It is also taught at home by your parents! It is also taught as an older sibling to the younger brother or sister in your family! Living by example of how another person sees fit on how he or she wants things to be organized and fit and tidy! Taking the time to find pleasure in it! Doing what they believe and think and feel is right as an individual!
There is nothing wrong with believing in something! It is just naturally who we are as a people! And it has been that way for many people for many many eons and centuries! It shows that you're interested in something! It opens up the door to conversation! Getting to know who you are and what you are through communicating with others! It is also something that goes along with schooling! Your mind on what is right! Discovering yourself or rediscovering something you didn't see the first time! And making sure you get it the next time each and every time you read it! That is where you learn! Is through curiosity and belief! And belief is curiosity! A thirst for knowledge! Looking for the truth and seeking for your answers!
And if you seek ye shall find! One of the mysteries about father Satan and his gods and demons and how they live and how they choose to live! That we are programmed to live and learn in accordance with him! And that is okay to believe and to have trust in yourself and to develop the confidence and the self-esteem that you need along the way! There are a lot of things I believe in! I was taught to believe in myself! And because of that I believe in Satan.. and therefore I am more and more curious about him! And myself! And what I can learn! And the possibilities! ❤️‍🔥 I Believe In Father Satan!! And I believe in forever! And I believe in possibilities! And I believe in my hopes and dreams! That is the reason why people like me go after them and try our very best to live them! And to make things possible! If people didn't have anything to believe in? Then why are we here?... another words people show their curiosity the minute they open up their mind and their heart! And they find it. And many doors open up! Because of one's curiosity! And I have belief in yourself and to have belief in something! It's all about looking for the truth! And depending on where you choose to find a?...⚡💡
GoldenxChild1 said:
"I will believe in blind and never ending faith in everyone who is a Satanist. Nothing can keep me away from this. To say this robs our ability to think is a lie, because it is after forethought one might give their heart and soul. And it is based on the same love and forethought another throws their heart to love them to."

This here is what I had in mind. I am grateful you made this post because I was originally feeling a little silly after it posted, probably because of how the Jews have made all us gentiles to be so paranoid about true loyalty, belief, and trust. The whole "Me, Myself, and I" crap you know..

Gentiles in 2023:

On Jews on any position: Oh yeah thats a kike that wrongs us everyday wants to genocide us buttt thats not for sure ok? Give them benefit of doubt. What do u mean you found this on a plan uhhh its ok jeboo said to forgive your enemies UHHH they aren't really our enemies they are our friends just little harmed creatures uhhhhhhhhhhh they attack us sometimes but uhhhhhhhh love my jeboo so good even if his chosen tribe does 12831281123012 crimes daily, we must love them no matter what ok they are humans and they got holocausted! We have a two party system for decades I am too smart so I accept this, its logical the Pentagon loses 2.2 trillion that it cannot account for same as 64 billion lost in Zelensky but uhhhh I have to report 600$ dollars on the holy jews on Venmo ok that's absolutely fine and correct uhh, its poor jews that were holocausted after all ok? Communism was never applied in reality, shieeeeeeet! We must be really obedient ok? That's the chosen tribe, they know what they are doing. I like Justin Timberlake everything he ever did was right ok? Love it when the kikes fuck us collectively and nobody does anything. You had your 87th vaccine dose yet? Fully trust it, I love joe biden hes the most perfect ok? we will lovingly tolerate the kikes for like 20-30 more incarnations because they are people of god too they might simply done a mistake ok? and terrorist muslims too

On Gentiles on any position: Unacceptable notions to even imply we must believe in anything. That's cultism. I am too much a critical thinker I hold everything in question except of all the kikes, I also vote the Green Party because I am really smart, you cannot touch my IQ in anyway. If I see the slightest thing I do not understand, I will forever distance myself from ____insert thing here____. Honestly, I can never forget anyone who did even ___insert totally nonsensical little thing here____. Yes, old civilizations did many mistakes I read it in a book that I didn't even read. Always doubt always doubt, be a super thinker. Everytime any Gentile wanted to do something about me I was like No, I am Questioning YOU. I question everyone like an interrogator ok? Unforgivable, not acceptable. It could be 6,000,000 wrong things in this. Yes, every Gentile who ever did anything was an atrocity and cult based, I am a very original thinker and I will not tolerate anyone to tell me what to do in the absolute universe, because I am the original thinker I cannot think of non original things and everyone is in a massive conspiracy to brainwash me. Look I have no problem with Islam beheading a few people down in Sweden we are told its great even if they rape your wife its because they lack education. However one thing I cant stand is this JOS cult because I have nightmares of the great cultist hoodedcobra in it who hasn't even appeared to anyone physically and just write things but thats very dangerous it's almost like that's Hannibal Lecter who eats on Christian NPC's brains with every argument so I question this because I am very smart, I troll this palce because I am very original in my thinking and after evaluation of all the cults and problems on the planet (but never the jews remember they were holocausted) I understood this was the major problem of mankind it was the JOS all along!!! In fact let me stage a rebellion now because enough is enough even if nothing happened, I just feel like it, I am very original so I rebel every second day against Gentiles and specifically the best who ever tried to do something to me. I always think and always doub...*goy phone rings*

Brb, my kike boss from the Green Party on the phone and he asks me if I will get pimped for the Green Party on a campaign for Global Warming even if the USA has had one the coldest winters to date but whatever *obliges without even thinking*.
I believe in you, I believe in my SS family as well. No one will deter me from this, and no death would invalidate this.

I am an obsessive fanatic ultra loyalist to Satan and you. Others can cry and laugh about it, changes nothing to this sacred adoration that is in me.

And to bring another strong statement, when I will meet you in person, maybe in another life or on another planet, I will bow and kiss your hand and cry.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
"I will believe in blind and never ending faith in everyone who is a Satanist. Nothing can keep me away from this. To say this robs our ability to think is a lie, because it is after forethought one might give their heart and soul. And it is based on the same love and forethought another throws their heart to love them to."

This here is what I had in mind. I am grateful you made this post because I was originally feeling a little silly after it posted, probably because of how the Jews have made all us gentiles to be so paranoid about true loyalty, belief, and trust. The whole "Me, Myself, and I" crap you know..

Gentiles in 2023:

On Jews on any position: Oh yeah thats a kike that wrongs us everyday wants to genocide us buttt thats not for sure ok? Give them benefit of doubt. What do u mean you found this on a plan uhhh its ok jeboo said to forgive your enemies UHHH they aren't really our enemies they are our friends just little harmed creatures uhhhhhhhhhhh they attack us sometimes but uhhhhhhhh love my jeboo so good even if his chosen tribe does 12831281123012 crimes daily, we must love them no matter what ok they are humans and they got holocausted! We have a two party system for decades I am too smart so I accept this, its logical the Pentagon loses 2.2 trillion that it cannot account for same as 64 billion lost in Zelensky but uhhhh I have to report 600$ dollars on the holy jews on Venmo ok that's absolutely fine and correct uhh, its poor jews that were holocausted after all ok? Communism was never applied in reality, shieeeeeeet! We must be really obedient ok? That's the chosen tribe, they know what they are doing. I like Justin Timberlake everything he ever did was right ok? Love it when the kikes fuck us collectively and nobody does anything. You had your 87th vaccine dose yet? Fully trust it, I love joe biden hes the most perfect ok? we will lovingly tolerate the kikes for like 20-30 more incarnations because they are people of god too they might simply done a mistake ok? and terrorist muslims too

On Gentiles on any position: Unacceptable notions to even imply we must believe in anything. That's cultism. I am too much a critical thinker I hold everything in question except of all the kikes, I also vote the Green Party because I am really smart, you cannot touch my IQ in anyway. If I see the slightest thing I do not understand, I will forever distance myself from ____insert thing here____. Honestly, I can never forget anyone who did even ___insert totally nonsensical little thing here____. Yes, old civilizations did many mistakes I read it in a book that I didn't even read. Always doubt always doubt, be a super thinker. Everytime any Gentile wanted to do something about me I was like No, I am Questioning YOU. I question everyone like an interrogator ok? Unforgivable, not acceptable. It could be 6,000,000 wrong things in this. Yes, every Gentile who ever did anything was an atrocity and cult based, I am a very original thinker and I will not tolerate anyone to tell me what to do in the absolute universe, because I am the original thinker I cannot think of non original things and everyone is in a massive conspiracy to brainwash me. Look I have no problem with Islam beheading a few people down in Sweden we are told its great even if they rape your wife its because they lack education. However one thing I cant stand is this JOS cult because I have nightmares of the great cultist hoodedcobra in it who hasn't even appeared to anyone physically and just write things but thats very dangerous it's almost like that's Hannibal Lecter who eats on Christian NPC's brains with every argument so I question this because I am very smart, I troll this palce because I am very original in my thinking and after evaluation of all the cults and problems on the planet (but never the jews remember they were holocausted) I understood this was the major problem of mankind it was the JOS all along!!! In fact let me stage a rebellion now because enough is enough even if nothing happened, I just feel like it, I am very original so I rebel every second day against Gentiles and specifically the best who ever tried to do something to me. I always think and always doub...*goy phone rings*

Brb, my kike boss from the Green Party on the phone and he asks me if I will get pimped for the Green Party on a campaign for Global Warming even if the USA has had one the coldest winters to date but whatever *obliges without even thinking*.

Sarcasm is the greatest the way to make something look obvious, thanks HP
Interestingly we had a discussion about this the other day and I didn't realise it would spark a chain reaction like that amongst people.

The following message is more for OP. I see where you are coming from and you are not the only one with this sentiment. HOWEVER:
You can still be skeptical of people you trust and respect. A lot of people here refuse to be skeptical, and will follow blindly, and yes may attack you over being skeptical. That is how they will forever be, and they have the right to be, so leave them alone it is not worth fighting with them. Much undeniable truth lies with JoS and we wouldn't know anything without them. I don't think it's right to use this perspective to completely write truthful people off. It's still important to have an open mind in Satanism and "free thought" is not synonymous with "closed thought". If you are ever unsure about anything, ask the Gods and they will guide you to the right information. And simply FYI, Cobra is open to questions if you have them.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Gentiles in 2023:

On Jews on any position: Oh yeah thats a kike that wrongs us everyday wants to genocide us buttt thats not for sure ok? Give them benefit of doubt. What do u mean you found this on a plan uhhh its ok jeboo said to forgive your enemies UHHH they aren't really our enemies they are our friends just little harmed creatures uhhhhhhhhhhh they attack us sometimes but uhhhhhhhh love my jeboo so good even if his chosen tribe does 12831281123012 crimes daily, we must love them no matter what ok they are humans and they got holocausted!

I know it's a method of inciting people to really withdraw the (((programming))) through a job or something, go to spiritual warfare, and I think a means of relieving yourself for you
but i can't laugh anymore of that, worries me, as if i were reading the news

Is it a kind of crime in the current SS not to dedicate 200% in action against them?


I feel like this
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I will believe in blind and never ending faith in everyone who is a Satanist. Nothing can keep me away from this.
I think you shouldn't instead. I understand your point of view but I wouldn't or better, i can't. I agree with every word of Edward Lonsa and of Dahaarkan, of their posts above. If we talk about what this world is like these days, okay, there is not much to say, the Gentiles are skeptical without a reason in the face of their fellow members, and the enemy has its members who have unquestioning devotion to their leaders. But in a future society where the enemy will no longer be there, should we use the same style of devotion that the enemy currently has?
For me, nope. I can't even have this mentality toward Satanists. I learned one thing, "don't trust, verify." Perhaps I am too influenced by the mindset of bitcoiners? That's their famous slogan. :)

That is, for me, I think there is a big difference between blind faith and giving trust or better said assent. I have full assent, i.e., to HP Hooded Cobra, because so far he has always shown that he is a reasonable guy and that he is in the right side of humanity. But what if he starts to become as of those former priests tomorrow? Who know? I don't have a crystal ball. Human nature is not infallable. We have had members who say (and were) that they are true and absolute worshippers of Satan, yet over the years, even many, it has been lost, due to various factors, natal chart, so on. So by my nature, I prefer to check, verify the works of the Satanists. What does it cost us?

If I didn't have this mentality, the old Italian site "manager" would still be there. Instead, I verified and saw some things that shouldn't have been there. I understand that on the one hand this may seem like a lack of trust or love, or respect, but this is the price of proper balance. Otherwise what difference does it make to be a xian or a jew who has total devotion to their superior/rabbi/(((jewsus))), without checking or questioning, Isn't this a slave mentality?

If I missed something, a connection, an argument, another point of view, let me know. For now, I remain in the "non-trust, verify" mentality.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Gentiles in 2023:

On Jews on any position: Oh yeah thats a kike that wrongs us everyday wants to genocide us buttt thats not for sure ok? Give them benefit of doubt. What do u mean you found this on a plan uhhh its ok jeboo said to forgive your enemies UHHH they aren't really our enemies they are our friends just little harmed creatures uhhhhhhhhhhh they attack us sometimes but uhhhhhhhh love my jeboo so good even if his chosen tribe does 12831281123012 crimes daily, we must love them no matter what ok they are humans and they got holocausted! We have a two party system for decades I am too smart so I accept this, its logical the Pentagon loses 2.2 trillion that it cannot account for same as 64 billion lost in Zelensky but uhhhh I have to report 600$ dollars on the holy jews on Venmo ok that's absolutely fine and correct uhh, its poor jews that were holocausted after all ok? Communism was never applied in reality, shieeeeeeet! We must be really obedient ok? That's the chosen tribe, they know what they are doing. I like Justin Timberlake everything he ever did was right ok? Love it when the kikes fuck us collectively and nobody does anything. You had your 87th vaccine dose yet? Fully trust it, I love joe biden hes the most perfect ok? we will lovingly tolerate the kikes for like 20-30 more incarnations because they are people of god too they might simply done a mistake ok? and terrorist muslims too

On Gentiles on any position: Unacceptable notions to even imply we must believe in anything. That's cultism. I am too much a critical thinker I hold everything in question except of all the kikes, I also vote the Green Party because I am really smart, you cannot touch my IQ in anyway. If I see the slightest thing I do not understand, I will forever distance myself from ____insert thing here____. Honestly, I can never forget anyone who did even ___insert totally nonsensical little thing here____. Yes, old civilizations did many mistakes I read it in a book that I didn't even read. Always doubt always doubt, be a super thinker. Everytime any Gentile wanted to do something about me I was like No, I am Questioning YOU. I question everyone like an interrogator ok? Unforgivable, not acceptable. It could be 6,000,000 wrong things in this. Yes, every Gentile who ever did anything was an atrocity and cult based, I am a very original thinker and I will not tolerate anyone to tell me what to do in the absolute universe, because I am the original thinker I cannot think of non original things and everyone is in a massive conspiracy to brainwash me. Look I have no problem with Islam beheading a few people down in Sweden we are told its great even if they rape your wife its because they lack education. However one thing I cant stand is this JOS cult because I have nightmares of the great cultist hoodedcobra in it who hasn't even appeared to anyone physically and just write things but thats very dangerous it's almost like that's Hannibal Lecter who eats on Christian NPC's brains with every argument so I question this because I am very smart, I troll this palce because I am very original in my thinking and after evaluation of all the cults and problems on the planet (but never the jews remember they were holocausted) I understood this was the major problem of mankind it was the JOS all along!!! In fact let me stage a rebellion now because enough is enough even if nothing happened, I just feel like it, I am very original so I rebel every second day against Gentiles and specifically the best who ever tried to do something to me. I always think and always doub...*goy phone rings*

Brb, my kike boss from the Green Party on the phone and he asks me if I will get pimped for the Green Party on a campaign for Global Warming even if the USA has had one the coldest winters to date but whatever *obliges without even thinking*.

Top notch satire. In this representation of their inner monologue (IF they were smart enough to have inner monologue, kind of requires some degree of consciousness), I think you even make them sound smarter than they actually are.

Xian pedophiles are exposed every day in the cult of xianity, but somehow people ignore that and still keep focusing blame on so-called "Satanic pedophilia" and "cults" (which is actually just more jews but whatever, they used the pentagram so it can't be jews apparently). Just one example of how jews can do everything wrong in front of everyone's faces, but many don't care while they blame Gentiles for these things which they haven't done. Imagine if one day these double standards ended, and everyone treated the jews as they truly deserve without projecting their crime karma onto us. It's just a curse to treat the jews as if they can never do anything wrong while treating their enemies as if they always are bad no matter what and always looking at them with suspicion.

A jew commits a crime and hardly anything happens if anything, whereas a Gentile commits the exact same crime and gets harsh punishment. This needs to be reversed. Not that Gentiles should be committing crimes, but the severity of justice element needs to be reversed because it's backwards. In fact, jews shouldn't even have representation in OUR SOCIETY and OUR COURTS OF LAW. They want to infiltrate our societies then they should be judged in any way we see fit within our borders, with no entitlement to the benefits of our laws for citizens. They don't warrant fair treatment in the least.

#JewsAreNotGods! #HoldJewsAccountable

But yeah. You should be able to speak more freely than you have to, but as you have lamented in the past, the constraints of low consciousness necessitate a certain amount of baby talk and avoiding landmines which shouldn't even be there in people's minds (and as you pointed out, landmines which conveniently don't exist in their minds towards jews). It's bullshit, but you do a great job. It won't be like this forever. Curses will lift, consciousness will rise.
NakedPluto said:
I believe in you, I believe in my SS family as well. No one will deter me from this, and no death would invalidate this.

I am an obsessive fanatic ultra loyalist to Satan and you. Others can cry and laugh about it, changes nothing to this sacred adoration that is in me.

And to bring another strong statement, when I will meet you in person, maybe in another life or on another planet, I will bow and kiss your hand and cry.

Well, kind of the same here. Except the kiss and cry perhaps.
Perhaps what was quoted from me here was misunderstood, as I was not addressing any particular HP.
Never intended to sound insulting or so, just wanted to address the importance of being independent as a SS.
I've gained a lot of highly interesting knowledge from HP Hoodedcobra666 indeed and do appreciate his work being put into this organization which was founded by this one in a trillion kind of individual HPS Maxine Dietrich.
By chance, did you read this?
A convoluted way of asking you if you are in control.

My mindscape is riddled with questions about what we are and how we come to existence.
Which step are we in the chain?

I used to believe in the big bang theory, and evolution. Until I got possessed.

Than I had to believe in god.
That didn’t work out great. I was possessed.

Yet I am clearly not a possession.
My own limitations are my own, not a fence put around me by a demon.

So I choose to believe we are a product of this reality as much as demons are.
I will not guess how I was created.

This leads to a theory.
What if we weren’t created at all.

Pure chance.
What is chance, and how do we perceive it?

Ask a demon a serious question, and it will probably lie.
That doesn’t mean it doesn’t offer a different perspective.
What we are meant to perceive and what a demon is capable of perceiving is, at least in my case, sad in comparison.
Demons use this trick to make you believe you live in a world where they don’t manipulate but control.

Demons rely on this
Demons rely on us.
I rely on demons.
What we perceive as chance, is a large part of what we don’t comprehend.
One can not exist fully without the other.

We can’t dally on sorcery, it is forbidden.

The larger part of what gave me strength was my memories.
I have educated myself all my life, in a way that would be a lot less useful to someone not possessed. I have no idea why I did this. I trained my body, I trained my mind, as well as feeding my curiousity while remaining impartial.
All of it for no reason. I was a kid, unpossessed, who had by chance, gone through quite some trauma, and felt like he always had to be the strongest.

It feels like much of it has to have happened ages ago, but I am not that old yet. Luckily time doesn’t define us, we define time.

A way to define control is to know when you are lost.
A man turned into a child by a demon is not funny.
It had to be done.
He will always wonder why.

It does not comprehend.
It does not understand.
It does not walk it’s own walk:

A lie.

A truth.

A message.

What demons inflict on us is not funny.
We are meant to disassociate and that works out better in real life, but it destroys people.
My message was lost in my own mind before I tried to write it.
Begone is what demons tell me.
Silence is a word they feel comfortable using.
Yet they hide.
They hide so well.
I find it hard to understand even myself but the least I could do is share a message.

A price is always paid, even if you don’t pay it. Price price price price price price price.
Cry cry cry cry cry cry cry.
High low high low high low die.

My message was clear.

I’m pretty sure I’m at stage 4 rn but stage 3 went over in like a second.
Curious if we actually get to 7.

They always threaten me I will die before.

Curiousity peaks.
I am inflicted.

Sorry for the rambling, this was just just me talking to myself.
It is indeed wise to question things i was lead here or rather the JOS site about 11 years ago now directly by the gods when i still further questioned the site i decided to try some witch craft and meditations and they worked i still questioned and didnt believe the whole truth that is the JOS so i decided to go straight to the top of it all and summoned Satan and i sat there for a while hands held together black candles burning bright in the night and said in a whisper if your real show me.

My curtains began to sway from side to side like pendulums in perfect synchronicity the candle flames burned higher like a couple of inches high all air in the room felt like it escaped or was pushed against the walls and then his energy made the energy in the room start to swirl and he rose in front of the candles causing me to retreat away from the candles his majesty so powerful that it pushed my skin back away from the front parts of my body my nose felt like it was being held up like a pigs nose my body hair and even parts of my actual hair pointed upwards towards the ceiling and my body felt like it was being boiled and lightly electrocuted at the same time this is the reason why i do not question the authenticity of the site because Satan is the god who comes provided he isnt too busy with the politics of his empire or living his life or speaking super directly to another i had possibly one of the most powerful beings in the galaxy reach back across the stars directly to me i had his undivided attention for about 20 mins and most of that was me touch his astral body of immense power and becoming comfortable with his presence i went from a skeptic to a devotee in and instant after this.

the first thing i thought was what else are they lieing about and down the big ass rabbit hole i went then the 2nd thing i thought to myself was i want to be like him.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
"I will believe in blind and never ending faith in everyone who is a Satanist. Nothing can keep me away from this. To say this robs our ability to think is a lie, because it is after forethought one might give their heart and soul. And it is based on the same love and forethought another throws their heart to love them to."

This here is what I had in mind. I am grateful you made this post because I was originally feeling a little silly after it posted, probably because of how the Jews have made all us gentiles to be so paranoid about true loyalty, belief, and trust. The whole "Me, Myself, and I" crap you know..

Gentiles in 2023:

On Jews on any position: Oh yeah thats a kike that wrongs us everyday wants to genocide us buttt thats not for sure ok? Give them benefit of doubt. What do u mean you found this on a plan uhhh its ok jeboo said to forgive your enemies UHHH they aren't really our enemies they are our friends just little harmed creatures uhhhhhhhhhhh they attack us sometimes but uhhhhhhhh love my jeboo so good even if his chosen tribe does 12831281123012 crimes daily, we must love them no matter what ok they are humans and they got holocausted! We have a two party system for decades I am too smart so I accept this, its logical the Pentagon loses 2.2 trillion that it cannot account for same as 64 billion lost in Zelensky but uhhhh I have to report 600$ dollars on the holy jews on Venmo ok that's absolutely fine and correct uhh, its poor jews that were holocausted after all ok? Communism was never applied in reality, shieeeeeeet! We must be really obedient ok? That's the chosen tribe, they know what they are doing. I like Justin Timberlake everything he ever did was right ok? Love it when the kikes fuck us collectively and nobody does anything. You had your 87th vaccine dose yet? Fully trust it, I love joe biden hes the most perfect ok? we will lovingly tolerate the kikes for like 20-30 more incarnations because they are people of god too they might simply done a mistake ok? and terrorist muslims too

On Gentiles on any position: Unacceptable notions to even imply we must believe in anything. That's cultism. I am too much a critical thinker I hold everything in question except of all the kikes, I also vote the Green Party because I am really smart, you cannot touch my IQ in anyway. If I see the slightest thing I do not understand, I will forever distance myself from ____insert thing here____. Honestly, I can never forget anyone who did even ___insert totally nonsensical little thing here____. Yes, old civilizations did many mistakes I read it in a book that I didn't even read. Always doubt always doubt, be a super thinker. Everytime any Gentile wanted to do something about me I was like No, I am Questioning YOU. I question everyone like an interrogator ok? Unforgivable, not acceptable. It could be 6,000,000 wrong things in this. Yes, every Gentile who ever did anything was an atrocity and cult based, I am a very original thinker and I will not tolerate anyone to tell me what to do in the absolute universe, because I am the original thinker I cannot think of non original things and everyone is in a massive conspiracy to brainwash me. Look I have no problem with Islam beheading a few people down in Sweden we are told its great even if they rape your wife its because they lack education. However one thing I cant stand is this JOS cult because I have nightmares of the great cultist hoodedcobra in it who hasn't even appeared to anyone physically and just write things but thats very dangerous it's almost like that's Hannibal Lecter who eats on Christian NPC's brains with every argument so I question this because I am very smart, I troll this palce because I am very original in my thinking and after evaluation of all the cults and problems on the planet (but never the jews remember they were holocausted) I understood this was the major problem of mankind it was the JOS all along!!! In fact let me stage a rebellion now because enough is enough even if nothing happened, I just feel like it, I am very original so I rebel every second day against Gentiles and specifically the best who ever tried to do something to me. I always think and always doub...*goy phone rings*

Brb, my kike boss from the Green Party on the phone and he asks me if I will get pimped for the Green Party on a campaign for Global Warming even if the USA has had one the coldest winters to date but whatever *obliges without even thinking*.

Personally, it comes naturally to me to trust you completely, HP. I believe in you a lot. After all this time, by the way, you fully deserved love and respect. You have always done more than you could for Satan and to help us dedicated Satanists.

There's never a time you've backed down, you've brought a lot of beautiful things, you're absolutely not "someone at random". We, all of our people here at JoS, are family. And it's not just a saying, we really are a family, bound by love and loyalty to Satan and his blessings.

The meaning of everything we have is this belief. Whenever I have any doubts or problems, I post a topic here because I know I can trust my family. While outsiders, who may be atheist friends, may not understand, I know I can count on all of you.

Thank you so much for always being there for me, if it weren't for the Gods, for JoS, for HP HoodedCobra, and for you brothers and sisters, I would really be lost and have no home. But now I realize that you people are my home.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
xlnt said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
I hang upon everything you advise, perhaps it is unwise to put such trust in someone.

I would say so, and I even think the HP's would agree on that.
What if a HP suddenly became mad and would start telling you mad things? How do you know if someone is mad or not?
Or correct on all things for that matter.

If anyone would say: "follow me!", that person would be an idiot for saying so,
and you would be an idiot if you went along with it.
That's a general rule I have in life, as you have the light within Yourself.

Listening is one thing, but blindly following is something else.

Be yourself. Always. This is to my knowledge at least, a key factor of being a Spiritual Satanist.

Learn to love and appreciate, and if not me, then something else. Our world being full of mistrust has made humanity neurotic. And do not sell out faith short before something actually happens.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Welp, I try to learn how to do this considering how my past was full of mistrust, betrayal, and resentment like trying to get over a past heartbreak until now and the pain of finding out that that step was humungous stupidity. Right after realizing that this was fucking race mixing, will not give out any more details on what race she was but we both got together and separated in grade 8 because we were almost alike, artists(hey, her and I both loved to draw fanart) with very like passions...until I saw her out with another guy of my race. Thank Gentile heavens I didn't advance any further in that forbidden relationship in the past or that would be VERY BAD.

Now I wonder if I really am doing the right thing in turning those memories, rage and pain into the reason why I want to achieve big, just better myself and for an even more meaningful cause. I have for a long time since that shattering and realization decided to not chase love ever again, even if I once had stupid attempts of crawling back to it because I was a dumb teenager back then. Even if I have seen second chances of that kind of love's manifestations showing to me even with other girls of my race, I sadly at that time had to shut them down as the rekindling of those memories kept flashing back to me over and over. People began thinking I was being edgy or apathetic because of it but they never know how painful the context of all that was.


Update, post failed-revenge: I still got shat on, considered a looney and weird guy even if he got a few "buddies" that irritate me with spiritual war fuel, but ended up with high honors for first sem college with a general weighted average of 90.55%. Cybersecurity and computer ethics subject seemed to interest me and got me to massively win. SUPREME THANK YOU FOR THE ADVICE BACK THEN HP. Three more semesters to go, I truly hope I make it out of this unexposed and able to finally find a really golden hot place to work in.

Wherever the hell I am now, this situation of mine, I call "Operation: Lightning Gnosis", is still in effect.
You always have my highest respect HP HoodedCobra. As a warrior through and through you have honor and I value that highly. In that case I also indebted to the you, the Gods, HPS Maxine, HPS Shannon, and many SS who fight alongside me. With that I am always on your side, out of loyalty, honor, and a camaraderie that I’ve searched for, and that which I’ve now found.
NakedPluto said:
I am an obsessive fanatic ultra loyalist to Satan and you. Others can cry and laugh about it, changes nothing to this sacred adoration that is in me.

Same here bro same here :)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

It took me less than 6 months to agree and renounce Xianity completely after coming upon the JOS. I understood from being raised a Jewhovah Witness that the Holidays were Pagan in origin.

It became very obvious to me that Judaism, Xianity, etc. Was intentionally used to destroy and remove the culture of my Ancestors.

I had naturally been attracted to the Civilizations of the past, the Gods and Goddesses, the Heroes and leaders, the warriors, etc.

I had always been "pure of heart", a philosopher, progressive. This place, the JOS, was all of these things.

I believed in the Gods by the process of "elimination", agreeing with others that we were created, but knowing that our true Ancient Cultures were being Manipulated and Destroyed.

We however had very little scientific information at the time to support the spiritual world. I studied in depth the Power Meditations, and found all of the information logical and even had success with many of the meditations.

But still, I always had doubts in my mind, that perhaps I was perpetuating my own Reality.

So a few months ago, I decided to "forget everything". I could not break away from the Eternal Truths, Family, Civilization, Race, Culture. These things I placed as the "True Divine".

I allowed myself to consider, that my meditations and visions, the energy I felt, that it wasn't something Spiritual.

But I had an Epiphany, when you used the word Essence. I had realized this Is exactly what "Spiritual" is. All the things seen and unseen, known and unknown.

I started to look at my own Culture, Southern Country, Cowboys, Boots, Blue Jeans, Dirt Roads, Sheriff's, Gunslinger, Ladies and Gentleman, Dancing, Hard workers, Horses and Cows and Dogs and Cats. Woodwork, Architecture, the building of Civilization. Freedom blessed by the combined effort of Community service.

All of these things have the Essence, the Spirituality of Eternal Truths.

And so I realized, all of these things, did come from the Ancient Civilizations. The Gods and Goddesses of my Ancestors, in Essence, did represent the Highest Truths the Eternal Truths.

I cannot displace myself from this reality that we are the product of our Ancient Ancestors and Civilizations. And I cannot deny that when we Invoke the Gods into our lives, we connect with Nature in creating something that can never be destroyed.

I honestly begin to argue with myself that It is my responsibility to elevate and secure these principles of Eternal Truths, they are what has brought all of us into existence, and if we separate from these things, we will cease to exist.

I invoke and beg to the Gods and Goddesses, whatever is necessary for my advancement, I will undergo. If I can, I must, this is the purpose of my existence.
Wildfire said:
Update, post failed-revenge: I still got shat on, considered a looney and weird guy even if he got a few "buddies" that irritate me with spiritual war fuel, but ended up with high honors for first sem college with a general weighted average of 90.55%. Cybersecurity and computer ethics subject seemed to interest me and got me to massively win. SUPREME THANK YOU FOR THE ADVICE BACK THEN HP. Three more semesters to go, I truly hope I make it out of this unexposed and able to finally find a really golden hot place to work in.

Wherever the hell I am now, this situation of mine, I call "Operation: Lightning Gnosis", is still in effect.

University is a place that will likely drive you nuts on more than one things. One thing is people who don't want to do anything, then teachers, then a general system about universities that boggles students with endless things to read without an end etc.

I think you are doing great and keep being an ace. If you are a perfectionist, university will likely make you mad, especially when you have shared projects and presentations with others, who might be lazy or whatever.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Wildfire said:
Update, post failed-revenge: I still got shat on, considered a looney and weird guy even if he got a few "buddies" that irritate me with spiritual war fuel, but ended up with high honors for first sem college with a general weighted average of 90.55%. Cybersecurity and computer ethics subject seemed to interest me and got me to massively win. SUPREME THANK YOU FOR THE ADVICE BACK THEN HP. Three more semesters to go, I truly hope I make it out of this unexposed and able to finally find a really golden hot place to work in.

Wherever the hell I am now, this situation of mine, I call "Operation: Lightning Gnosis", is still in effect.

University is a place that will likely drive you nuts on more than one things. One thing is people who don't want to do anything, then teachers, then a general system about universities that boggles students with endless things to read without an end etc.

I think you are doing great and keep being an ace. If you are a perfectionist, university will likely make you mad, especially when you have shared projects and presentations with others, who might be lazy or whatever.

Same in high school. So I just repeat the general topic to pass the exams and it's a spell with the Mercury mantra. I hope this works for university entrance exams. (my aim is not to go to university but to leave this city with less financial difficulties)

I think the good thing about being both a student and a witch is being able to cast spells for schoolwork. But sometimes it feels like i'm cheating I just ignore it.
I personally do not know how to say this well, HP, but, as I just saw your post and I feel enlightened on my intellectual way up into Satanism.

Even though this may sound fanatically speaking, I totally agree with your points and you are like a God here on the forums, sharing the RTRs and such and even posting such a good sermon of yours.

If I would been able to, I would have been able to help you even physically or directly spiritually as you deserve both helpings and, as the time goes by, whenever I read your sermons and replies, I feel very enlightened.

Just because I do not have the driver's license in my country and even the marriage conclusion does not mean at all that I do not have the right to be a free person and to be on the forums to post and share my thoughts here.

I do not know how to say this... but your words are like the one of a very good Spiritual Leader that did a lot of discoveries in the path, thing which is true, by the way :D and I feel that mind-sharing your discoveries and books you have read, tips, and everything like such are the best methods of bringing a huge Thank you for us, and you are very helpful for this community.

And... as proof for how helpful you have been to me.... I can share this experience:

I had my mother who was diagnosed with heavy lung cancer, 3rd degree tumors as I have heard from the doctors, an alcoholic and illicit drugs abusing father, but a good sister.

I was delving into deep Internet knowledge and that is how I first found about Satanism and such.

At first, I have found all sorts of links, Church of Satan, Temple of Set, everything... but the reality is I never liked them all as I heard that they were either started as satire to the current Abrahamic religious movements, which I despise the most, and secondly I found that they were founded by Jews or the Enemies of Satan.

So, as I hardly strained further from the Church of Satan and the Temple of Set, I have found the JoS or the Joy of Satan Ministries.

At first I have thought that, hmm... maybe this is like any other Satanic organization, but the visible difference is that there are forums in which you can discuss things....

But, as I delved further into knowledge day and day, night and night... I have found the contrary.

The JoS is such a wonderful organization that I feel its teachings are important as air and water, and without them I could not leave at all.

With your lesson, HP. I have reached a higher level of understanding of things and I reach them... and the reality is that I would never have saved, at least partially my mother from her disease... treat her... and I would never had saved and treated my father from the alcohol and illicit drugs abuse.

Now my family is a lot more happier and healthier do to your tips, and... even though they do not trust me "as they only blatantly say I just have "magical powers" or, even worse for my head that it is the "Xian God's will"", I simply go on with the work and do promote Spiritual Satanism to my friends, they are Spiritual Satanists as well, and also, I have several contacts so to say, that are interested to leave their Xian backgrounds and breathe the air of JoS.

I basically tend to make them happier and invite them to do the RTRs together, this is also for boosting vital energy... and they say things like "I am shocked to see how dumb I was in the past for not trusting the JoS and Spiritual Satanism".

One day, for example, I was discussing with my friends about Hitler and Henrich Himmler and I told them about the Jewish Hoax of the 6 Million (I even showed them the Blacksun666 website) and I heard one of them even calling it Schwarzesonne (In German for "BlackSun") but with such a happiness in his voice, that I couldn't believe and thank my ears for what I have heard.

Now... I may sound a little bit parchment writer but reality is that, besides the two experiences I have had... I can say from my heart that Spiritual Satanism that is truly and originally promoted on the JoS is True Satanism and nothing else.

What are you waiting for people that have been in such a horrible ignorance from the beginning of your lives, even the past ones?

What are you waiting for? Do the RTR and FRTR and surely soul and astral body and conscience will thank you, after all, it is like eating soup to have a healthy stomach.

Be happy to be with your new better and improved Spiritual Life and Existence.

If it wasn't JoS, I wouldn't ever had known what to do Next and if I had to choose what to do if I "die" or I live but I simply am tortured by the Enemy's programs, well, I choose to "die" rather than be tortured endlessly by the Enemy/

Be sure to be on the JoS my Brothers and Sisters, my Friends and even Foes, be sure to bring the rejoice of the Satanic Tribes and the Alegria ( ;) ) of the Satanic Warriors.

We had land and still have land that since WW2 when our Great God Hitler and his helper, Henrich Himmler, who is Decarabia's reincarnation, helped the Gentiles to achieve peace, from wherever they were.

Basically, everything that an individual says that the JoS is a lie, or that Hitler and Himmler weren't at all Gods, or as higher as them in spiritual evolution and rank, or whatever their lies may be... the sure reality is that those who lie and want to lie continuously can simply fuck off in my opinion, yeah, I have said it, and will say it whenever necessary, they can fuck off and simply post anywhere else their lies, on the Alienology forums, where they preach Grey and the ET, and also say that Lucifer and Father Satan do not exist.

I totally like being a kike-hater and I enjoy being a great JoS preacher in my life.

Without doing this... I feel like I lose every single existential second in my life where I can be helping a lot of new members or potential members to find out the Truth; the Truth about Hitler, about the Gods and Demons, about the vicious programs of the Enemy and the Enemy himself and also about the original History of the Pagan Peoples.

Hail Satan
Hail Hitler
Hail Henrich Himler
Hail Decarabia
Hail Inanna
Hail Lucifer
Hail Marchosias
Baroness Blossom said:
I think the good thing about being both a student and a witch is being able to cast spells for schoolwork. But sometimes it feels like i'm cheating I just ignore it.
Using forces of the universe to your benefit is not cheating but being creative and clever.
Blind belief only exists when one is in a state of ignorance.

When rises above ignorance and chooses to believe with all their heart and soul in their faith and cause then loyalty and dedication is born.

If one chooses to not believe even if the truth is right in front of you and remain "skeptical" then one is weak in all ways.

Those who say "what if HP/Gods/etc" were to abandon us tomorrow then why should I give them my loyalty and belief are those who purposely turn away from the truth. The truth is in their actions. That is proof enough.

Satan is truth. Truth is reality. Reality defines itself. Those who walk this path in earnest are those whose lives are worth trusting and believing in.

Hail Satan.
Baroness Blossom said:

Same in high school. So I just repeat the general topic to pass the exams and it's a spell with the Mercury mantra. I hope this works for university entrance exams. (my aim is not to go to university but to leave this city with less financial difficulties)

I think the good thing about being both a student and a witch is being able to cast spells for schoolwork. But sometimes it feels like i'm cheating I just ignore it.

Good, you're not going to university if you TRULY have a plan that will really save you. You'll have to endure questioning and disbelieving if humanity will ever have a chance in seeing the light of Satan one day, I have seen so many horrific sights that will make people want to shoot themselves or even the people in there.

Like in one shared project where some fucker can't do something so fucking simple such as putting FUCKING texts in boxes instead of bullet form in power points, my hands were full with my stupid job as a video editor and then other massive school projects I finally snapped at them. Guys can't even do a technical paper right they had their stuff returned to them like fifty times and our professor was not broadminded. Glad I kept my mouth shut through this nonsensical shitter. Then an unimportant subject with a strict professor which was worth three units, I don't know if our education system is unhinged here hahah.

Good Gods, I wanted them to think for themselves on how they'll do stuff on their own like they need creativity, not bitch at me for telling them to think of it in their own way and try because I won't shoot them. I don't care whatever fucking box it was. As long as it matched the theme of the PowerPoint and everyone agrees with it then I'm good with it. Good gods man, THEN I had to take the lead many times because people were waiting for someone to take the lead and seemed stagnant. They see every form of leadership as having to be some messiah and especially me that I'm some high achiever, they think I'm the kike perspective of Hitler.

Most people there are severely retarded including some professors, and massive sorry my temperance inherited from the religious strict parenthood I was conditioned under as their offspring. All I need is a diploma that can get me out of the poverty hole I live in because I have finally lost total patience sitting in it every day and night, not only me but also with the way things are going fucking downhill with the kike world administration I truly wish I could get up there and put bullets and curses into their heads. If only there can be a punishment that can fit those big-nosed reptile pieces of shit, I hope I can do the honors to give it to them for what they have turned our species into.

I may hate their guts but I don't want them to suffer the worst fates the kikes will give them.
Noone should be able to demand you to follow them, to obey them or anything of the sort, not any HP nor the gods themselves.

Is your life not your own path to follow? ''lending'' out any of your abilities that keeps you moving on your own path is something you should not even consider, having blind faith in someone is exactly that. Being loyal, receiving or giving guidance is an entirely different beast. Do your due diligence as an SS and advance in your own path, be conscious of your own actions so you never have to point your finger to someone else.

I'm sorry, the translation program translated the parentheses incorrectly. So I will go to university

I will go to university. I don't think that anything like my faith will be shaken and questioning will be a question for me anymore. Don't Worry Sister/Brother. In my real life, I don't reveal my SS identity, I just pretend to be interested in other spiritual things, and they just pass by. The current problem is family, so I have to go to university. In the country where I live, young people can get rid of families this way.

Sometimes I feel very sorry for people too, but there is nothing that can be done, it is their own choice. Of course we will do our duty again because we are Sons and Daughters of Satan and Gods. Whatever happens, we will fight for our people, our Gods, and our Father Satan.

I apologize if there are any mistakes in translation and spelling.
Henu the Great said:
Baroness Blossom said:
I think the good thing about being both a student and a witch is being able to cast spells for schoolwork. But sometimes it feels like i'm cheating I just ignore it.
Using forces of the universe to your benefit is not cheating but being creative and clever.

Yes, I am proud of myself when I think about it that way. When I compare my past with my present, I can see the perfect difference and the pain I have suffered. Even though I am not completely free for now, I feel much stronger. I've learned to be hopeful to myself, so I'm thinking of giving myself a name. But it's better if I don't say the name I'm going to give myself.
Zeffie of the Wind said:
Those who say "what if HP/Gods/etc" were to abandon us tomorrow then why should I give them my loyalty and belief are those who purposely turn away from the truth. The truth is in their actions. That is proof enough.

The Gods would never and could never abandon humanity. Their essence is hardwired inside our species by design.

The amount of failure would have to be beyond all imagined scenarios, which won't happen, but even if these happened, then their people would still be protected and would move on.
Satan says he guides each of us without any book. Therefore I do not have to 100% follow just one person, etc. I absolutely respect my fellow Spiritual Satanists, advanced or beginner, but for years I have been meditatively reflecting on the greater scheme of everything. My dominant 9th House makes me want to truth seek, to think broadly and all-inclusively. Everything is a mystery or puzzle waiting for all of us to figure out.

But I feel there is one 3rd dimensional thing he guides us Spiritual Satanists with: the Internet. It is not a book, rather it is filled with millions of articles of both truth and misinformation. Only the most intuitive of souls can discern or figure out the information that is most relevant and helpful to their challenges, missions, or voluntary lifestyles.

The most obvious ways Satan guides us: telepathically, intuitively, coincidences and signs that hold more meaning than "regular" or "random" ones. Pay attention, and you will live your life smoothly.

The only thing I disagree with is denying people their freewill, invalidating their mental states (LGBT, mental illnesses, neurodivergence, etc.) that they deem as valid in their own right, etc. Some "curses" or "delusions" are blessings in disguise, parts of the greater picture of one's life. Satan and Lilith walk alongside me (epilepsy, autism), ensuring my safety at all times, but I also believe in my own spiritual power to protect myself. Sheer willpower in overcoming or changing or coping with circumstances in life, is one of the goals any spiritual person learns mastery of.

I do not support genocide or murder, being a descendant of North American natives who were almost completely genocided. I do not support capital punishment, because death is too easy of an escape and some prisoners are innocent people who are framed. But I do believe in the laws and the forces of the Universe/macro-cosmos rightfully recycling us and karmically determining our circumstances in all lifetimes. It is just that humankind is destined to become as great as the more advancedly intelligent and kindhearted but strong "extraterrestrials" out there somewhere. I am assuming it is The Gods we worship/know of, but they may also be affiliated with other species/galactic-level civilizations.

Many of you are still narrowmindedly thinking. This is not an insult, just a wake-up call to remember freewill exists, and nobody is forcing you to be the same as anyone, so I just ignore all the unnecessary complaints about how other people are. I still resent the higher-up Jews because it is quite obvious: how they orchestrate wars to rake in money for themselves, and such. Look at how they get their own country without fuss. My country was stolen and brutally assimilated by outsiders too, but I know it is their crimes, not their descendants' in modern times.

Satan adores how I manifest my 9th House nature. I will never stop believing in Father Satan. I also adore JOS. I just wish some of you would have more compassion and understanding, because what if there are indeed Spiritual Satanists who differ from you? You are no better than the Christians who hate for little to no reason, if you keep ranting about Gentiles who embrace, or put up with who they believe they are (mentally ill, neurodivergent or trans, etc.).

I mean all this respectfully. I understand there is some dark agenda behind prescriptions used for transitioning or whatever else, but someday there will be better means to manage the mental health of all people.

That is all I have to say, as to what I believe in. I am pro-freewill, pro-choice, etc. There is just way more to everything than what we are dogmatic about, is all.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It takes courage to do this. The safest thing you can do is believe in nothing in life. Then you will realise you are internally broke. Almost as if you believed in something fake.

Obviously, you have not yet experienced this state of being personally. Since I've tried to be careful not to believe in anything and started reading Cioran again, I basically feel better. I haven't "broken down". :)

Finally, after Christianity, the SS helped me to overcome the illusion of faith in my own life.
Dark Lawyer said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It takes courage to do this. The safest thing you can do is believe in nothing in life. Then you will realise you are internally broke. Almost as if you believed in something fake.

Obviously, you have not yet experienced this state of being personally. Since I've tried to be careful not to believe in anything and started reading Cioran again, I basically feel better. I haven't "broken down". :)

Finally, after Christianity, the SS helped me to overcome the illusion of faith in my own life.

The illusion of misplaced faith into a hoax is the way to put it, more accurately.
DreamWeaver said:

You will believe what you will but someone thinking they are in the wrong body is not an exercise of "free will" as it is more of wanting to self-mutilate. We do not deny that there are people who are not neurotypical or who are a little quirky but there is a difference between this and basically denying the chromosomes one was given at birth. Why do you say this is close-minded and unfeeling?

What we really want is for people to self-accept so that they may advance. Experiencing more masculine or feminine energy or certain perceived expectations about one's gender from society does not deem someone to be in the wrong body. the body is a manifestation of the soul.

This is different than actual 3rd sex people that have existed in ancient times, where kikes have used this as an excuse to say "trans" people existed. There is a difference between this and self-mutilation and does not justify it in any way. there is proof that transgenderism is jewish and it has no place in satanism.

I have met some mentally ill people who literally used the free will card to justify their delusions such as being an animal in a human body, wrong sex in body etc, thinking that the Gods will accept them for how they think they should identify. Aside from certain imperfections that manifest from blockages in the soul, the body will always incarnate that is accordance to the frequency of the soul and this includes gender and race.
You cannot fight a war with comrades who are confused and distrustful about the things they are themselves fighting for. To fight a war you need fanatics who are devoted in obeisance to a higher cause or power while at the same time being intelligent and knowledgeable to carry out tasks in the best way possible.

One must also have absolute and fanatical belief in oneself, that they will prevail no matter what happens in the end. Over any obstacle or problem. That is the best mindset to have.

Always believe that the path is opening up and that divine providence is guiding you towards fate. Learn from your mistakes. Target Glory. Demand the best and beyond from yourself. Become a force of nature.

Fight and fight and keep fighting. Keep getting up and keep moving forward until all your goals are achieved with an iron will and an unshakable resolve.

"Through Thick and Thin with Lord Satan. In this world and in any world. "

That should always be your motto.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
