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Did Satan "create" the universe?

Nov 12, 2019
We all know the various theories of creation: Big Bang, fictitious God creating earth in 7 days, etc.

My question is: Did Satan create the universe?

As you can tell by context clues, I am a total noob at Satanism. I read many excerpts from the main website, and there is still a wealth of information that I have to go through. So I apologize in advance if this answer is easily available on the main site, but I think it is a good question to discuss.
No. The Universe created Satan. The Universe has always existed; Satan has not.
CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
We all know the various theories of creation: Big Bang, fictitious God creating earth in 7 days, etc.

My question is: Did Satan create the universe?

As you can tell by context clues, I am a total noob at Satanism. I read many excerpts from the main website, and there is still a wealth of information that I have to go through. So I apologize in advance if this answer is easily available on the main site, but I think it is a good question to discuss.
Are we sure that the universe has always existed?

To OP. Satan did not create the universe but maybe He created this solar system, or maybe He just bound our chakras to the planets in it.
Creation implies a beginning, but time doesn’t work this way. It isn’t linear. Our perception interprets it that way, since WE as individuals have a beginning and because of that it’s hard to comprehend time the way it is.

So there is no beginning and thus no creation event.
The Universe has always existed and it's Infinite, The Akasha (fifth element) has infinite potential, Satan and other Gods are ancient beings.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Are we sure that the universe has always existed?
There is no way to conceive a creation of the universe in any way, because there will be the questions: What was before the Universe? Since space did not exist, where the Universe appeared? Since there was no time, when the Universe appeared? Since there was no matter, out of what was the Universe created?

Also on the other hand is quite difficult to conceive how something can have no beggining and therefore no end. This makes sense very easy for a xian who is brainwashed to believe that jewish ghosts have no beggining or end, but it's not the case here. Pagans like Newton have claimed that Universe is infinite in time and space, which makes way more sense than any creation theory. Bing bang is clearly a joke and was based on some "extremely low chanches" but still "miraculously" happened but modern science still can't provide a reason of what was before that supposed moment, yet push it like a fucking abrahamic dogma.

I think that we shouldn't bother about this too much as this is not extremely relevant to our development.
Eric13 said:
Creation implies a beginning, but time doesn’t work this way. It isn’t linear. Our perception interprets it that way, since WE as individuals have a beginning and because of that it’s hard to comprehend time the way it is.

So there is no beginning and thus no creation event.
My favorite analogy is the comparison of time with space.

We have no trouble accepting that space is infinite.You can go as far as you want in a direction, and then you can always go further. The same applies to time. If you go as far back in time as you want, you can always keep going.

In our scientific observations, nothing can come from nothing. Matter and energy are interchangeable but conserved. The amount remains constant as it changes form. Why, then, would this law have been spontaneously broken in a "big bang"? It seems much more likely that the amount of matter and energy has always been constant, which, of course, implies that the universe has always existed.
The way that I think of it is that the universe is cyclic, seeing as how all other things in nature operate based on cycles. There may never have been the big bang, but there may have been a big bang. Many of them, actually. My theory is that a cycle begins with a big bang, expands, slows down, and eventually collapses back into a single point to restart the process.

But obviously there is no good evidence for any of this. It still doesn't answer the question of where it all came from, and where the originator of it came from, and its originator in turn, and blahblahblah everyone knows the story. Doubt even Satan would know. But it doesn't matter either way, all that matters is that we're here, for however insignificant a moment it is in the grand scheme of things. And it may not be forever, nor for very long at that.

I put questions like this in the same level of kookery as ones like "what if we live in a simulation". It's just pointless mental gymnastics and your life doesn't change with or without the answer. The answer would never ever matter anyway since what would you be able to do with it, as insignificant as you are by comparison, or about it in case the universe did have a crunch cycle?

Nothing. You are less to the universe than what a dust mite is to an elephant.

The only other thing I can add is that in a sermon from the 00s it was mentioned that the universe is triangular. There is nothing beyond this area.
Thanks everyone for your input.

Big takeaways from this discussion:

- Universe has always existed - Matter/energy are interchangeable but conserved. The amount remains constant as it changes form
- Satan and other beings are ancient Gods
- Satan did not create the universe but maybe He created this solar system, or maybe He just bound our chakras to the planets in it.
- Its hard for we as individuals to comprehend this because we automatically see things as linear since we have a beginning and end
- Big Bang is retarded because wtf was before it?

I have follow up questions:

How did the Universe - (sum of all matter and energy?) create Satan and other Gods?
How ancient is Satan in comparison to the humans and other beings - can we measure this in years?
In what major ways did ancient humans act differently before and after they met Satan? Or did Satan create humans?
Thanks everyone for your input.

Big takeaways from this discussion:

- Universe has always existed - Matter/energy are interchangeable but conserved. The amount remains constant as it changes form
- Satan and other beings are ancient Gods
- Satan did not create the universe but maybe He created this solar system, or maybe He just bound our chakras to the planets in it.
- Its hard for we as individuals to comprehend this because we automatically see things as linear since we have a beginning and end
- Big Bang is retarded because wtf was before it?

I have follow up questions:

How did the Universe - (sum of all matter and energy?) create Satan and other Gods?
How ancient is Satan in comparison to the humans and other beings - can we measure this in years?
In what major ways did ancient humans act differently before and after they met Satan? Or did Satan create humans?
CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
Thanks everyone for your input.

Big takeaways from this discussion:

- Universe has always existed - Matter/energy are interchangeable but conserved. The amount remains constant as it changes form
- Satan and other beings are ancient Gods
- Satan did not create the universe but maybe He created this solar system, or maybe He just bound our chakras to the planets in it.
- Its hard for we as individuals to comprehend this because we automatically see things as linear since we have a beginning and end
- Big Bang is retarded because wtf was before it?

I have follow up questions:

How did the Universe - (sum of all matter and energy?) create Satan and other Gods?
How ancient is Satan in comparison to the humans and other beings - can we measure this in years?
In what major ways did ancient humans act differently before and after they met Satan? Or did Satan create humans?
Evolution created Satan Who in turn created us.
Satan is part of an alien race that advanced to godhead and came to earth where He created us to expand His empire.
curio said:
The way that I think of it is that the universe is cyclic, seeing as how all other things in nature operate based on cycles. There may never have been the big bang, but there may have been a big bang. Many of them, actually. My theory is that a cycle begins with a big bang, expands, slows down, and eventually collapses back into a single point to restart the process.
That is one of the many ((("possible" "possibilities"))), just like the big crunch (which is what you stated here), the big freeze, the big snap...

Regardless of what might happen or be, "before" "the big bang", and "after" "the big [whatever]" stuff still exists in a space called Space...or space and stuff still exists in the Universe. Whatever might or might not happen before and after whatever, stuff still bes, still is, still exists.

But obviously there is no good evidence for any of this. It still doesn't answer the question of where it all came from, and where the originator of it came from, and its originator in turn, and blahblahblah everyone knows the story. Doubt even Satan would know. But it doesn't matter either way, all that matters is that we're here, for however insignificant a moment it is in the grand scheme of things. And it may not be forever, nor for very long at that.
Call this exact point when read this sentence Zero. In numbers, there are no last, final, ultimate numbers - they continue forever. If one could see the flow of energies in either direction (also see the Akasha Records), then they could follow them backwards and see events and things, like Lego blocks, or pieces of a puzzle, which fit together to make the bigger picture; seeing forwards, there would be other things which would have to be taken into account to see any possible futures, similar to Griffin in MiB 3, or time travel double-episode Year of Hell in Star Trek Voyager (trying to restore a timeline). Don't become neurotic, though!

I put questions like this in the same level of kookery as ones like "what if we live in a simulation". It's just pointless mental gymnastics and your life doesn't change with or without the answer. The answer would never ever matter anyway since what would you be able to do with it, as insignificant as you are by comparison, or about it in case the universe did have a crunch cycle?
For some people, they need absolute answers, because even the smallest unanswered question or inaccurate/incorrect answer means you are wrong entirely. For others, they lack focus and discipline, because mystery is more stimulating. For others, it can inspire answers in other ways, or trigger memories/thoughts/ideas to be able to come to a (hopefully correct and true) conclusion.

The only other thing I can add is that in a sermon from the 00s it was mentioned that the universe is triangular.
Was that a literal triangle, as in a flat triangle or was it a pyramid, or is it that the Universe is divided into three areas, pieces, sections, tridents/trisections? I would have thought that the Universe would be more spherical, but then I realised it would look more like a blob but a 3-D spherical-like blob, similar to how planets are not quite ball-shaped but are more slightly oval-shaped and have peaks and troughs.

There is nothing beyond this area.
A member said that a God said that the edge of the Universe is the edge of consciousness, but as another member pointed out, if we merely think about the area "beyond" this point, then the "edge" lies further away. The Universe has a conscience, as I think has been said, so that obviously is different than our consciousnesses. If the Universe thinks, then either it must be precisely neutral, letting us microbes all fight each other without it interfering, interjecting or intervening, or it must be unintelligent, like a germ, microbe or tiny insect which has consciousness but is as braindead as a lot of people.

Either that, or the consciousness of the Universe, with us in it, is a literal organic brain and we're the tiny pieces inside it, with the stars the neurons and electrical impulses, and all of these and other things which are within it, and because "the edge of the Universe is the edge of consciousness" then we can never exceed it, because as we learn our brains increase in mass and size and density, making more connections; as this Universe brain has more consciousness - yin and yang of creation and creatures, etc. - it increases. The reason it appears so vast is because we're so small within it, like neutrinos which are so tiny that even in a sheet of lead as thick as the distance from Earth to Moon, the neutrino wouldn't hit a single lead bit - we're in the living Universe Being's Brain, so vast and distant, as neutrinos are in this thickness of lead.

While some would wish that to be true, I, myself, having just invented this idea, thinks it is stupid and silly. Although, if the Universe is infinite, then there could be an extremely larger, more powerful, more anciently-ancient Being than Satan. For all we know, we're germs, invaders, whatever multiplying inside this UniBeing - maybe the jew and reptillians are an illness, and we are the medicine, the cure, and Satan is our Foreman... The 4-cycles of the Yuga could be morning, afternoon, evening and night and the Universe lives in Compton where it is too dangerous to go out at night, and the Universe cannot go to the shop so we have to suffer for a few hours/a Yuga until birds tweet and crickets chirp in the safety of the morning, another Yuga...


Then if "Darkness is light turned inside-out", and the Universe is of/by/from/with consciousness, then maybe Futurama was right, that the lightness is beyond the "edge" of, and also is the inside-out-ness of, the Universe - but why would consciousness create things to be so dark and secret, hidden, concealing?

Fry: So there's an infinite number of parallel universes?
Professor: No. Just the two.
(This episode is also about die-versity, with Humans and robots dating, which they return to in a later episode.)

Perhaps the light universe is the Aether, while, obviously, the dark universe is the Physicality, and both are the Universe. While Futurama is jewish, remember that the jew has levels of knowledge and understanding in what it says, so "2 universes" = Aether and Physicality; both = the Universe. Yin and yang maybe are not (either at all, or only) good and evil, but rather (or also) are Aether and Physical universes, with there not quite being a defined edge (the wavy line), and with bits of each in each, and the circle around being the all-encompassing, all-enveloping, all-inclusive, encircling (of course!) everything which cannot be escaped or breached (but can be expanded and increased).
I still find it neat how life existed far before any conceivable prospect of our own little circle of existence, even the gods. Things like the dinosaurs existed long, LONG before even Satan came into being. It's a massive world of worlds out there and I find that to be extremely fascinating and incredible. We think our souls potentially having existed for a couple hundred years here on Earth is a lot with a few reincarnations but there is so much more beyond that potential.

Who knows what kind of beings exist out in the universe given how seemingly endless it is, I wouldn't doubt there's something out there with the power to crush entire solar systems with one swift move. Brings a shudder of ecstasy at even the mere possibility of potential for such powers and capabilities.
The Sol Solar System was just a lucky find I guess, 3 life-giving planets a stone-throw away.

It's possible the reason why Satan wants this territory back is not just because they found it and found 3 rarities among the Solar system. But it's possible in the far future Phaeton could be rematerielized.

We all know Mars and Phaeton met a terrible end, worse for Phaeton. The Earth is in a coma right now waiting for the Gods. But I think far in the future it might be possible to rematerialize Phaeton, i.e. work on it astrally as above and as below physically recreate it.

Along with removing all the hostile junk i.e. Phaetonic trash of the asteroid belt and rings around Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus.

My best guess is EVENTUALLY at some point far in the future the Empire of Orion could reach the area of development of recreating planets. Albeit even if all the Gods and humans poured countless rituals into doing so it would take an incredible amount of time and effort to do it. It's kinda like biokinesis except for making a planet.

It's like recently been said how humanity is about 500K years old. If we were 500 million or billion, the enemy ET threat would have never come in fact we'd probably have conquered the entire milky way.
Ghost in the Machine said:
I still find it neat how life existed far before any conceivable prospect of our own little circle of existence, even the gods. Things like the dinosaurs existed long, LONG before even Satan came into being. It's a massive world of worlds out there and I find that to be extremely fascinating and incredible. We think our souls potentially having existed for a couple hundred years here on Earth is a lot with a few reincarnations but there is so much more beyond that potential.
At the risk of sounding like a broken record... since the Universe is so...well, old is not the right word, but yeah - one could exist, or have existed, much stronger than Satan and the Gods and Goddesses combined times 6 million (hehe). Surely, Satan and the Gods and Goddesses know. Who existed at the time of the dinosaurs? The Universe is so "old" that forever into history not just lower-intelligence beings would have existed. Perhaps the Big Daddy who is so much more powerful is the Master of Masters at kolinahr (Star Trek's Vulcan Void meditation of killing all emotions, and adhering to pure logic) and is not letting Ours know about him/her/it/them!

Having thought about these types of things, I would not be the least bit surprised if the species of reptillians, similar species, and whomever else were millions or billions (or x-illions...) of years older than Humanoids. Our DNA is more precious than a quadruple-platinum record covered in gold and encrusted with pure diamonds with neon lights around it, and they want it from us. So they can try and become immortal also? Interesting, if true. They saw a new thing pop-up and they want it.

Who knows what kind of beings exist out in the universe given how seemingly endless it is, I wouldn't doubt there's something out there with the power to crush entire solar systems with one swift move. Brings a shudder of ecstasy at even the mere possibility of potential for such powers and capabilities.
Seeing the different ideas for alien species in science fiction - and some of them are down right stupid - you never know! :lol: Yeah, why not. Let your imagination run wild!
FancyMancy said:
Either that, or the consciousness of the Universe, with us in it, is a literal organic brain and we're the tiny pieces inside it, with the stars the neurons and electrical impulses, and all of these and other things which are within it, and because "the edge of the Universe is the edge of consciousness" then we can never exceed it, because as we learn our brains increase in mass and size and density, making more connections; as this Universe brain has more consciousness - yin and yang of creation and creatures, etc. - it increases. The reason it appears so vast is because we're so small within it, like neutrinos which are so tiny that even in a sheet of lead as thick as the distance from Earth to Moon, the neutrino wouldn't hit a single lead bit - we're in the living Universe Being's Brain, so vast and distant, as neutrinos are in this thickness of lead.

While some would wish that to be true, I, myself, having just invented this idea, thinks it is stupid and silly.
Actually, I think it may not be so far off. The impression that I get from some of the newer sermons, and one I've sensed for a long time, is that lifeforms sprung up as a way for the universe to experience itself, as well as to aid itself in its actualization through creation and creating higher forms of order. Similar in a way to how people use each other as mirrors, conduits and projection screens. It's not so much about here is "me" and there is "you", as "you" or "others" are just a way for the perciever to percieve itself.

Rather, relationships form because of similarities between people(nominally; there can be special circumstances that produce exceptions), where egos blend together and a sense of otherness is reduced. "Me" and "you", once separate, combine to form one "we/us", but still remain separate consciousnesses that percieve what one alone can't percieve, that primarily being itself, as well as multiplying their capacity to work and create and gratify themselves. To accomplish what you were meant to do, through others, using them as a conduit for your(and by extension, their) will. That seems to be the essence of the relation between life and the universe.

I'm sure I'm not making any sense, but for me it puts into perspective of why we're here, how Satan is like an avatar for nature, the ether, universe or whatever you want to call it, and why anything that goes against nature/the universe is not long for this world. An invention that fails to accomplish anything its creator wants it to do will seldom see the light of day and will deteriorate in its neglect.

Not to say that we're special or important, of course. Just that life can't have formed for no reason if the universe has a consciousness. The kundalini was described as having consciousness, but not as we know it. Sort of a plantlike lifeform, but more sophisticated. Maybe "nature" is similar.

As for the shape of the universe, it was only mentioned in passing that it was triangular. I assume it's pyramidal since it being a triangular 2d plane with 3d objects makes even less sense to me. I always thought it would have been spherical at the most, but whatever. It's in one of the 00s sermon volumes if you want to search.
curio said:
As for the shape of the universe, it was only mentioned in passing that it was triangular. I assume it's pyramidal since it being a triangular 2d plane with 3d objects makes even less sense to me. I always thought it would have been spherical at the most, but whatever. It's in one of the 00s sermon volumes if you want to search.

Gear88 said:
I mentioned this before on another thread in recent times but this caught my attention when I read your website about a day or two after you posted it for the first time a few weeks ago.

http://www.blacksforsatan.org/serer.html wrote:
Ancestral worship, belief and understanding the perpetuation of the soul and reincarnation, initiation into priesthood for men and women, observance of the planetary movements, solar worship, cosmology, chanting and prayer to the gods are what this path encompasses. lnterestingly, another one of their symbols, called "Yoonir" is a pentagram symbol. Cosmologically, it is said to be one of their most important and sacred stars, representing the universe.

I found the bolded section interesting according to JoS information Thoth(Hermes Trismegestus) stated the universe is Triangular, I guess he might mean Pyramidic cause space is in all directions. But upon reading this section of your site a flash popped into my head and combined the two statements and wondered did Thoth and The Empire of Orion come to an understanding that despite eternal universal no beginning, no end and infinite never ending distances. Did they come to the conclusion that this section of space is in one of the arms of the Pentagram. I guess a further question might be which arm of the universe we are in and what exactly lies in the middle and as well other arms of the Pentagram shaped universe.

Though technically speaking I guess I could be wrong and may possibly derive the statements as too cosmological and may perhaps be literalizing the Universe when technically it could mean the body(i.e. weltanschaang, the micro and macro cosmic aspects). As like Astarte's sigil representing the soul of a the Gods and Humans.

It's possible the Universe is a pentagram and we live in one of the pyramid arms of it. Either way it's infinite in all directions never ending unceasing and thus it's possible it might have a shape but it never runs out of distance. Either way it's a bit strange to have a shape maybe it's some sort of astral data like akashic library stuff that states yes the universe has a shape but when measured physically it's no limit. So it's possible when viewed as above there is a shape but when viewed as below physically it just doesn't make any sense.

Still either way Curio your state isn't wrong since that has been discussed before. I've always been under the assumption the perfect shape would be spherical since it encompasses all 3D space in all directions but apparently to cosmological data of the ancients at least these African tribes they state otherwise.
curio said:
FancyMancy said:
Either that, or the consciousness of the Universe, with us in it, is a literal organic brain and we're the tiny pieces inside it, with the stars the neurons and electrical impulses, and all of these and other things which are within it, and because "the edge of the Universe is the edge of consciousness" then we can never exceed it, because as we learn our brains increase in mass and size and density, making more connections; as this Universe brain has more consciousness - yin and yang of creation and creatures, etc. - it increases. The reason it appears so vast is because we're so small within it, like neutrinos which are so tiny that even in a sheet of lead as thick as the distance from Earth to Moon, the neutrino wouldn't hit a single lead bit - we're in the living Universe Being's Brain, so vast and distant, as neutrinos are in this thickness of lead.

While some would wish that to be true, I, myself, having just invented this idea, thinks it is stupid and silly.
Actually, I think it may not be so far off. The impression that I get from some of the newer sermons, and one I've sensed for a long time, is that lifeforms sprung up as a way for the universe to experience itself, as well as to aid itself in its actualization through creation and creating higher forms of order. Similar in a way to how people use each other as mirrors, conduits and projection screens. It's not so much about here is "me" and there is "you", as "you" or "others" are just a way for the perciever to percieve itself.

Rather, relationships form because of similarities between people(nominally; there can be special circumstances that produce exceptions), where egos blend together and a sense of otherness is reduced. "Me" and "you", once separate, combine to form one "we/us", but still remain separate consciousnesses that percieve what one alone can't percieve, that primarily being itself, as well as multiplying their capacity to work and create and gratify themselves. To accomplish what you were meant to do, through others, using them as a conduit for your(and by extension, their) will. That seems to be the essence of the relation between life and the universe.

I'm sure I'm not making any sense, but for me it puts into perspective of why we're here, how Satan is like an avatar for nature, the ether, universe or whatever you want to call it, and why anything that goes against nature/the universe is not long for this world. An invention that fails to accomplish anything its creator wants it to do will seldom see the light of day and will deteriorate in its neglect.

Not to say that we're special or important, of course. Just that life can't have formed for no reason if the universe has a consciousness. The kundalini was described as having consciousness, but not as we know it. Sort of a plantlike lifeform, but more sophisticated. Maybe "nature" is similar.

As for the shape of the universe, it was only mentioned in passing that it was triangular. I assume it's pyramidal since it being a triangular 2d plane with 3d objects makes even less sense to me. I always thought it would have been spherical at the most, but whatever. It's in one of the 00s sermon volumes if you want to search.
Erm... So this is "god" and the jew knows this, but corrupted it into "god". OK, let's say it is true, and germs and tiny, tiny things are living within us (as they are); other things are living within them, and others within them, and others within them... and we're living inside something, which is living inside something, which is living inside something... (i.e. the infinitesimally small (0.000000000000000000001) and so very large 99999999999999999999.999999999999999999999).) If, as you say, the Universe wants to experience itself and do things and things, then... Well, no, it doesn't have an age, so it cannot be like a baby forming new connections. Well, the Universe has not learnt how to use its version of a microscope to look at us beings... Maybe it is young, relatively, in its culture and environment, like a fly who lives for 1 day thinks 1 day is an eternity, but the space in which it sits is much larger (of course), with X number of them and they are living in something, which there are however many of them, and they are living within something, which there are however many of them... and all of the all of these things and everything are all sitting in the space, called Space, which is infinite... Maybe if we think of things like infestations in our Body and the antibodies and medicines to fight them off, we could be like the same thing in this UniBeing thing. The UniBeing doesn't perceive us nor concentrate on us, maybe not know about us, and we're nothing to it. It is ignorant of us. The UniBeing is the same thing in something bigger, who is the same thing in something bigger, etc.

It's not so much about here is "me" and there is "you", as "you" or "others" are just a way for the perciever to percieve itself.
Maybe, then, the philosophy of predetermination (predeterminism) is real - or maybe not; I don't think that Satan concentrates on each and every single red blood cell in His Body, controlling what they do, etc.

The "me"/"you" becoming "we"/"us" is like the white blood cells and antibodies building up as defence, to fight off the nasties within this UniBeing's body. Then after this, these defences remain, unless they are overpowered.

If predeterminism exists, and/or we are just little nothings in the UniBeing's body, then all laws and morals and legislation and ethics, etc., can all go out the window; thus, we all should merely employ Crowley's tenet "do what thou wilt". (Unless these things are all the nature of the UniBeing or the nature of Nature and the Universe/Space/All of existence and reality itself/themselves...) Perhaps Linkin Park were on the money - In the end, it doesn't even matter.

gratify themselves
We are the dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins against the depression, anxiety, etc. that is the jew in the UniBeing's ill health.

That seems to be the essence of the relation between life and the universe.
Microcosm/macrocosm. Maybe while Humanoids are thousands of years old, this UniBeing might be a relative hundred years old, and this UniBeing's UniBeing is a relative 10 years old, and this UniBeing's UniBeing's UniBeing is a relative 1 year old, etc.

I'm sure I'm not making any sense
Am I anywhere near to being on the right track, or am I missing your point wildly?!

Just that life can't have formed for no reason if the universe has a consciousness. The kundalini was described as having consciousness, but not as we know it. Sort of a plantlike lifeform, but more sophisticated. Maybe "nature" is similar.
Consciousness, in this manner and concept, is very tricky. A scientist has consciousness, a baby has consciousness, an idiot doped-up on whatever has...hardly consciousness. I wouldn't say a plant does. Lifeforms without brains and nerves don't have consciousnesses, but more likely they have instincts which are autonomic; plants face the Sun as he streaks across the sky; they don't choose to do this, though, but bees, while more instinctual, still have a consciousness, however primitive. The bigger the brain, literally, (usually) the bigger the consciousness and abilities to be able to do things. The concept of the Universe/Nature having consciousness is different, and to be understood is difficult.

I assume it's pyramidal since it being a triangular 2d plane with 3d objects makes even less sense to me.
Well, you can have 3-D spheres (molecules, etc.) in a sort-of 2-D shape. Technically, though, the 2-D shapes you learn about in primary school are 3-D. To be truly 2-D might be impossible, because at the Planck-length level, there is not a defined edge, with all of the literal vibrations within objects and matter, the "edge" is blurry and not clear/precise. With the 0.00000000001 smallness, we could still zoom in further towards smaller size/length/width... dimensions, and it would still be 3-D, technically. 1-D is... a text emoticon and it looks cool. :p

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planck_length said:
It is effectively the smallest possible distance.[2] At such small distances, the conventional laws of macro-physics no longer apply, and even relativistic physics requires special treatment.[3]

Then, of course, despite Planck-length being the length of anything meaningful, allegedly, there can still be things smaller, with edges and bits and pieces of things of their own.

This, about the UniBeing whatjamajigger, does sound very ridiculous to me, but then with the infinitely large and the infinitely small...maybe what it is is that you never know.
Gear88 said:
It's possible the Universe is a pentagram and we live in one of the pyramid arms of it.
That would be hilarious. I doubt it though.
curio said:
The way that I think of it is that the universe is cyclic, seeing as how all other things in nature operate based on cycles. There may never have been the big bang, but there may have been a big bang. Many of them, actually. My theory is that a cycle begins with a big bang, expands, slows down, and eventually collapses back into a single point to restart the process.

But obviously there is no good evidence for any of this. It still doesn't answer the question of where it all came from, and where the originator of it came from, and its originator in turn, and blahblahblah everyone knows the story. Doubt even Satan would know. But it doesn't matter either way, all that matters is that we're here, for however insignificant a moment it is in the grand scheme of things. And it may not be forever, nor for very long at that.

I put questions like this in the same level of kookery as ones like "what if we live in a simulation". It's just pointless mental gymnastics and your life doesn't change with or without the answer. The answer would never ever matter anyway since what would you be able to do with it, as insignificant as you are by comparison, or about it in case the universe did have a crunch cycle?

Nothing. You are less to the universe than what a dust mite is to an elephant.

The only other thing I can add is that in a sermon from the 00s it was mentioned that the universe is triangular. There is nothing beyond this area.
Bug bing is a Jewish corruption. The black holes are real, which come from the explosion of stars. This means that stars and planets are not immortal. If the stars die, what happens with constellations and zodiac signs? The universe is infinite, this means that there is infinite space and time and therefore, infinite astral and material resources and. We are damn far behind in science because of the Jews. As science progresses, we will study and understand the universe further.
Master said:
curio said:
The way that I think of it is that the universe is cyclic, seeing as how all other things in nature operate based on cycles. There may never have been the big bang, but there may have been a big bang. Many of them, actually. My theory is that a cycle begins with a big bang, expands, slows down, and eventually collapses back into a single point to restart the process.

But obviously there is no good evidence for any of this. It still doesn't answer the question of where it all came from, and where the originator of it came from, and its originator in turn, and blahblahblah everyone knows the story. Doubt even Satan would know. But it doesn't matter either way, all that matters is that we're here, for however insignificant a moment it is in the grand scheme of things. And it may not be forever, nor for very long at that.

I put questions like this in the same level of kookery as ones like "what if we live in a simulation". It's just pointless mental gymnastics and your life doesn't change with or without the answer. The answer would never ever matter anyway since what would you be able to do with it, as insignificant as you are by comparison, or about it in case the universe did have a crunch cycle?

Nothing. You are less to the universe than what a dust mite is to an elephant.

The only other thing I can add is that in a sermon from the 00s it was mentioned that the universe is triangular. There is nothing beyond this area.
Bug bing is a Jewish corruption. The black holes are real, which come from the explosion of stars. This means that stars and planets are not immortal. If the stars die, what happens with constellations and zodiac signs? The universe is infinite, this means that there is infinite space and time and therefore, infinite astral and material resources and. We are damn far behind in science because of the Jews. As science progresses, we will study and understand the universe further.
After the nova/supernova of a star, the Energies would change, as would the Astrology. Including because of any gravitational changes and whatnot. Living/being born on Mars, for example, it would also be different. Probably the same for living/being born on the Moon, and any moons/rings of Planets, on either the light side, terminator, or dark side; as it would also on any comets and asteroids. Presumably, there is also technically some influences and differences with living/being born in a Planet and the other things mentioned. Living/being born in space, or between galaxies it would also be different. As for living/being born in the void between the galaxies, or perhaps any other void part of space, imagine how the Energies and Astrology would be there. At the risk of going over the top - if it were possible to void-out Energies with some sort of Aura, barrier or shield (either Spiritually and/or Technologically), what then?! Would we not incarnate and be born, or would life be so much easier, better, efficient, etc.?!
FancyMancy said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
I still find it neat how life existed far before any conceivable prospect of our own little circle of existence, even the gods. Things like the dinosaurs existed long, LONG before even Satan came into being. It's a massive world of worlds out there and I find that to be extremely fascinating and incredible. We think our souls potentially having existed for a couple hundred years here on Earth is a lot with a few reincarnations but there is so much more beyond that potential.
At the risk of sounding like a broken record... since the Universe is so...well, old is not the right word, but yeah - one could exist, or have existed, much stronger than Satan and the Gods and Goddesses combined times 6 million (hehe). Surely, Satan and the Gods and Goddesses know. Who existed at the time of the dinosaurs? The Universe is so "old" that forever into history not just lower-intelligence beings would have existed. Perhaps the Big Daddy who is so much more powerful is the Master of Masters at kolinahr (Star Trek's Vulcan Void meditation of killing all emotions, and adhering to pure logic) and is not letting Ours know about him/her/it/them!

Having thought about these types of things, I would not be the least bit surprised if the species of reptillians, similar species, and whomever else were millions or billions (or x-illions...) of years older than Humanoids. Our DNA is more precious than a quadruple-platinum record covered in gold and encrusted with pure diamonds with neon lights around it, and they want it from us. So they can try and become immortal also? Interesting, if true. They saw a new thing pop-up and they want it.

Who knows what kind of beings exist out in the universe given how seemingly endless it is, I wouldn't doubt there's something out there with the power to crush entire solar systems with one swift move. Brings a shudder of ecstasy at even the mere possibility of potential for such powers and capabilities.
Seeing the different ideas for alien species in science fiction - and some of them are down right stupid - you never know! :lol: Yeah, why not. Let your imagination run wild!

Age doesn't actually mean anything, prehistoric species lived for billions of years hundreds of times longer than us and never even learned how to do anything like basic math. I just find the variety of things through time to be fascinating. Just because something is older doesn't make it 'original' in the sense that it's better or is the 'true' thing or what-have-you. A soul is only as capable of what it's comprised of.

We are made of (I think) all the primary elements of the universe, though 5 seems like such a small number... I could be mistaken but anyhow there are species made up of only 2 elements or only 1 element, we are made up of 5. Air, water, fire, earth and ether. I'm not actually sure if this is all the elements or if there are more, but if we ARE made of everything, then we have the potential to control everything. We are supposed to be one hell of a damn powerful race, but it's no thanks to the enemy that we've been held back so much.

The souls of the elohim race (reptiloids) could never have the potential to become as powerful as we can, so we are definitely a major threat otherwise they wouldn't be bothering with us to be practically their full-time job to enslave. They can't even properly conjure shit from the astral themselves or even synthetically create a race (jews) that can, why do you think they have their lapdogs using us to manifest their 'paradise', the whole xianity shit to make gentiles put energy by praying into manifesting their astral desires onto the physical plane for them. When it comes to the test of time and potential capabilities to be gained, they are inferior by default.
CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
We all know the various theories of creation: Big Bang, fictitious God creating earth in 7 days, etc.

My question is: Did Satan create the universe?

As you can tell by context clues, I am a total noob at Satanism. I read many excerpts from the main website, and there is still a wealth of information that I have to go through. So I apologize in advance if this answer is easily available on the main site, but I think it is a good question to discuss.

Yes Father Satan created the universe and all planets and the earth and the sun and all humans aka gentiles
Father Satan is all powerful God
Kath el said:
CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
We all know the various theories of creation: Big Bang, fictitious God creating earth in 7 days, etc.

My question is: Did Satan create the universe?

As you can tell by context clues, I am a total noob at Satanism. I read many excerpts from the main website, and there is still a wealth of information that I have to go through. So I apologize in advance if this answer is easily available on the main site, but I think it is a good question to discuss.

Yes Father Satan created the universe and all planets and the earth and the sun and all humans aka gentiles
Father Satan is all powerful God
The Universe created Satan, etc. Neither Satan nor the Gods/Goddesses are "all-powerful". That is a nonsense term used by the jew.
FancyMancy said:
Kath el said:
CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
We all know the various theories of creation: Big Bang, fictitious God creating earth in 7 days, etc.

My question is: Did Satan create the universe?

As you can tell by context clues, I am a total noob at Satanism. I read many excerpts from the main website, and there is still a wealth of information that I have to go through. So I apologize in advance if this answer is easily available on the main site, but I think it is a good question to discuss.

Yes Father Satan created the universe and all planets and the earth and the sun and all humans aka gentiles
Father Satan is all powerful God
The Universe created Satan, etc. Neither Satan nor the Gods/Goddesses are "all-powerful". That is a nonsense term used by the jew.

Maxine said Father Satan is all powerful
That means Father Satan is all powerful
Maxine literally said I place myself under thy all powerful protection
To see her say that go to jos rites and celebrations
And then press satanic rituals then press prayer of protection
That means Father Satan is all powerful
Kath el said:
Maxine said Father Satan is all powerful
That means Father Satan is all powerful
Maxine literally said I place myself under thy all powerful protection
To see her say that go to jos rites and celebrations
And then press satanic rituals then press prayer of protection
That means Father Satan is all powerful
When I was new, around year ago, I made a thread asking about this, I recommend you to read it (use search function on my profile). I remember there were answers given by HPHC going into details.
As I said earlier too, you need to deprogram from the abrahamic definition of "God".
Here's the answer I got from Cobra:
The idea of an "almighty God" is an unreal evaluation made as a false claim by xianity. It does not exist in the real universe. We do not ascribe to this idea. This idea coming from the enemy is a total lie as you can see, since, they are not "almighty".

Satan can be "almighty" when it comes to affairs, locations, places, planets, or segments of existence. But omnipotent almighty-ness is not the case. This is why the enemy is at war with us and we with them.

The term almighty can be used in a notion to show the above, in speech, and is not strictly a literal claim. "Almighty" also has to do with the encompassing power of the 7th Chakra which can appear to be "Infinite".

Here's the link to the thread:
Serbon said:
Here's the answer I got from Cobra:
The idea of an "almighty God" is an unreal evaluation made as a false claim by xianity. It does not exist in the real universe. We do not ascribe to this idea. This idea coming from the enemy is a total lie as you can see, since, they are not "almighty".

Satan can be "almighty" when it comes to affairs, locations, places, planets, or segments of existence. But omnipotent almighty-ness is not the case. This is why the enemy is at war with us and we with them.

The term almighty can be used in a notion to show the above, in speech, and is not strictly a literal claim. "Almighty" also has to do with the encompassing power of the 7th Chakra which can appear to be "Infinite".

Here's the link to the thread:

High priestess Maxine said Father Satan is all powerful God that means Father Satan is all powerful God
Whatever Maxine says is true
No matter what
I even showed y’all where high priestess Maxine said that
Kath el said:
Serbon said:
Here's the answer I got from Cobra:
The idea of an "almighty God" is an unreal evaluation made as a false claim by xianity. It does not exist in the real universe. We do not ascribe to this idea. This idea coming from the enemy is a total lie as you can see, since, they are not "almighty".

Satan can be "almighty" when it comes to affairs, locations, places, planets, or segments of existence. But omnipotent almighty-ness is not the case. This is why the enemy is at war with us and we with them.

The term almighty can be used in a notion to show the above, in speech, and is not strictly a literal claim. "Almighty" also has to do with the encompassing power of the 7th Chakra which can appear to be "Infinite".

Here's the link to the thread:

High priestess Maxine said Father Satan is all powerful God that means Father Satan is all powerful God
Whatever Maxine says is true
No matter what
I even showed y’all where high priestess Maxine said that
Did you even read Cobra's explanation? Read the other posts on the thread aswell
Kath el said:
Serbon said:
Here's the answer I got from Cobra:
The idea of an "almighty God" is an unreal evaluation made as a false claim by xianity. It does not exist in the real universe. We do not ascribe to this idea. This idea coming from the enemy is a total lie as you can see, since, they are not "almighty".

Satan can be "almighty" when it comes to affairs, locations, places, planets, or segments of existence. But omnipotent almighty-ness is not the case. This is why the enemy is at war with us and we with them.

The term almighty can be used in a notion to show the above, in speech, and is not strictly a literal claim. "Almighty" also has to do with the encompassing power of the 7th Chakra which can appear to be "Infinite".

Here's the link to the thread:

High priestess Maxine said Father Satan is all powerful God that means Father Satan is all powerful God
Whatever Maxine says is true
No matter what
I even showed y’all where high priestess Maxine said that

It's a prayer. It's allegorical, not literal. You're taking things too literally.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Kath el said:

You keep saying strange things that are just not true. You basically act like a chritian or muslim, but instead of jesus or allah you say the name Satan. But your ideas about them are the same.

You should stop thinking in this way, and instead start thinking rationally about Truth.

Your way of thinking makes me think you are a jew because you are going against what high priestess Maxine said
She said Father Satan is All powerful God!
That means Father Satan is all powerful God! No matter what you do or say
Whatever Maxine says is true and there is nothing you can do about it
If you don’t agree with what Maxine said
That means you are a Jew
And you are already defeated Jew!
but if you are not a Jew
Go to jos the protection prayer you will see Maxine say I put myself under thy ALL POWERFUL PROTECTION!
That means Father Satan is all powerful!
Your knowledge is very low
But don’t worry that is why Maxine and the other high priest and priestesses and I are here to teach you
Because the fact you didn’t even know what I said is true because I am saying what Maxine says shows you don’t know what you are talking about so go study more and come back and talk to me
Stormblood said:
Kath el said:
Serbon said:
Here's the answer I got from Cobra:
The idea of an "almighty God" is an unreal evaluation made as a false claim by xianity. It does not exist in the real universe. We do not ascribe to this idea. This idea coming from the enemy is a total lie as you can see, since, they are not "almighty".

Satan can be "almighty" when it comes to affairs, locations, places, planets, or segments of existence. But omnipotent almighty-ness is not the case. This is why the enemy is at war with us and we with them.

The term almighty can be used in a notion to show the above, in speech, and is not strictly a literal claim. "Almighty" also has to do with the encompassing power of the 7th Chakra which can appear to be "Infinite".

Here's the link to the thread:

High priestess Maxine said Father Satan is all powerful God that means Father Satan is all powerful God
Whatever Maxine says is true
No matter what
I even showed y’all where high priestess Maxine said that

It's a prayer. It's allegorical, not literal. You're taking things too literally.

It is literal
Father Satan is God which means Father Satan has all power
Maxine said it so it’s true no matter what anybody says
The fact y’all think Father Satan doesn’t have all power is the same thing as y’all saying Satan is not god
Which is a Jewish lie y’all are saying
So becareful of what y’all are saying

Father Satan is all powerful because Father Satan is ALL POWERFUL GOD!
Serbon said:
Kath el said:
Serbon said:
Here's the answer I got from Cobra:
The idea of an "almighty God" is an unreal evaluation made as a false claim by xianity. It does not exist in the real universe. We do not ascribe to this idea. This idea coming from the enemy is a total lie as you can see, since, they are not "almighty".

Satan can be "almighty" when it comes to affairs, locations, places, planets, or segments of existence. But omnipotent almighty-ness is not the case. This is why the enemy is at war with us and we with them.

The term almighty can be used in a notion to show the above, in speech, and is not strictly a literal claim. "Almighty" also has to do with the encompassing power of the 7th Chakra which can appear to be "Infinite".

Here's the link to the thread:

High priestess Maxine said Father Satan is all powerful God that means Father Satan is all powerful God
Whatever Maxine says is true
No matter what
I even showed y’all where high priestess Maxine said that
Did you even read Cobra's explanation? Read the other posts on the thread aswell

Brother/sister listen to me
Whatever Maxine says is right
Because Maxine is the only reason why we satanist win in the end
High priestess Maxine is the reason why father Satan aka God and the gods are free
High priestess Maxine is the first to beat Yahweh aka greys
High priestess Maxine is the first real satanist
High priestess Maxine is the reason why we have the rtr
High priestess Maxine is the greatest of all!
So whatever Maxine says is true
And there is nothing anybody can say or do to change that

I will love Maxine for eternity because Maxine is the only reason why we satanist win in the end

Hail High priestess Maxine aka the greatest of all!
Hail Father Satan aka all powerful God
Hail beelzebub king of the gods
Kath el said:
Brother/sister listen to me
Whatever Maxine says is right
Because Maxine is the only reason why we satanist win in the end
High priestess Maxine is the reason why father Satan aka God and the gods are free
High priestess Maxine is the first to beat Yahweh aka greys
High priestess Maxine is the first real satanist
High priestess Maxine is the reason why we have the rtr
High priestess Maxine is the greatest of all!
So whatever Maxine says is true
And there is nothing anybody can say or do to change that

I will love Maxine for eternity because Maxine is the only reason why we satanist win in the end

Hail High priestess Maxine aka the greatest of all!
Hail Father Satan aka all powerful God
Hail beelzebub king of the gods
Cobra doesn't contradict Maxine, he just explained in detail what this means
Serbon said:
Kath el said:
Brother/sister listen to me
Whatever Maxine says is right
Because Maxine is the only reason why we satanist win in the end
High priestess Maxine is the reason why father Satan aka God and the gods are free
High priestess Maxine is the first to beat Yahweh aka greys
High priestess Maxine is the first real satanist
High priestess Maxine is the reason why we have the rtr
High priestess Maxine is the greatest of all!
So whatever Maxine says is true
And there is nothing anybody can say or do to change that

I will love Maxine for eternity because Maxine is the only reason why we satanist win in the end

Hail High priestess Maxine aka the greatest of all!
Hail Father Satan aka all powerful God
Hail beelzebub king of the gods
Cobra doesn't contradict Maxine, he just explained in detail what this means
Nature has been creating long before your mother's an forefathers, nature is also crating life on other planets to,but since the reptiles jews,don't want use to see or know you get a people not knowing what's out there,or believing (wes bes only people's here's guys now let mes kiss jew a** an worship jew in sky)nature has also helped humanity out when there was a certain sickness
going around killing people, but if we don't take care of the vermin jews plaguing the earth, nature won't think twice about letting us perish

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
