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Coronavirus is Officially a jewish Hoax ...

Syd Silver

Sep 22, 2017
4th Reich
German Official Leaks Report: Coronavirus Is ‘A Global False Alarm’

The dangerousness of Covid-19 was overestimated: probably at no point did the danger posed by the new virus go beyond the normal level.
The people who die from Corona are essentially those who would statistically die this year, because they have reached the end of their lives and their weakened bodies can no longer cope with any random everyday stress (including the approximately 150 viruses currently in circulation).
Worldwide, within a quarter of a year, there has been no more than 250,000 deaths from Covid-19, compared to 1.5 million deaths [25,100 in Germany] during the influenza wave 2017/18.
The danger is obviously no greater than that of many other viruses. There is no evidence that this was more than a false alarm.
A reproach could go along these lines: During the Corona crisis the State has proved itself as one of the biggest producers of Fake News.

So far, so bad. But it gets worse.

The report focuses on the “manifold and heavy consequences of the Corona measures” and warns that these are “grave”.

More people are dying because of state-imposed Corona-measures than they are being killed by the virus.

The reason is a scandal in the making:

A Corona-focused German healthcare system is postponing life-saving surgery and delaying or reducing treatment for non-Corona patients.

Berlin In Denial Mode. The Scientists Fight Back.
Initially, the government tried to dismiss the report as “the work of one employee”, and its contents as “his own opinion” – while the journalists closed ranks, no questions asked, with the politicians.

But the 93-pages report titled “Analysis of the Crisis Management” has been drafted by a scientific panel appointed by the interior ministry and composed by external medical experts from several German universities.

The report was the initiative of a department of the interior ministry called Unit KM4 and in charge with the “Protection of critical infrastructures”.

This is also where the German official turned whistleblower, Stephen Kohn, work(ed), and from where he leaked it to the media.

The authors of the report issued a joint press release already on Mai 11th, berating the government for ignoring expert advise, and asking for the interior minister to officially comment upon the experts joint statement:

“Therapeutic and preventive measures should never bring more harm than the illness itself. Their aim should be to protect the risk groups, without endegearing the availibilty of medical care and the health of the whole population, as it is unfortunately occurring.”

“We in the scientific and medical praxis are experiencing the secondary damages of the Corona-measures on our patients on a dialy basis.”

“We therefore ask the Federal Ministry of the Interior, to comment upon our press release, and we hope for a pertinent discussion regarding the [Corona] measures, one that leads to the best possible solution for the whole population”

At the time of writing, the German government had yet to react.

But the facts are – sadly – vindicating the medical experts’ worries.

On Mai 23 the German newspaper Das Bild titled: “Dramatic consequences of the Corona-Measures: 52,000 Cancer Ops delayed.”

Inside, a aeading medical doctor warns that “we will feel the side-effects of the Corona crisis for years”.

Shooting The Whistleblower. Ignoring The Message.
As Der Spiegel reported on Mai 15th: “Stephen Kohn [the whistleblower] has since been suspended from duty. He was advised to obtain a lawyer and his work laptop was confiscated.”

Kohn had originally leaked the report on May 9th to the liberal-conservative magazine Tichys Einblick one of Germany’s most popular alternative media outlets.

News of the report went mainstream in Germany during the second week of May – but already in the third week media and politicians alike stopped discussing the issue by refusing to comment upon it.



The official report PDF
I've always thought of the covid-19 BS being a hoax. I tried my best to tell people and wake people up to the truth over the internet and on other social media sites, but people are too programmed by this stupid meme culture and they are so NPC minded that I could literally get a better response out of an actual sheep.

The RTRs and our warfare efforts are doing good work on waking the world to the jews, but we still need to do much more work. The world is starting to wake up, but its not waking up in the most perfect or preferred way for us. Theres still so many idiots out there that blame all of the bad things that are happening on Satan. Theres still small covens of idiots out there that call themselves Satanists, but they practice the evil 'hollywood' version of Satanism. I've seen many people who practice Satanism, but just flat out deny and refuse JoS or its teachings.

We've came so far and we've done so much, but theres still a lot of work to be done if we want to truly free the world.

I hope this goddamn Coronahoax ends soon. Im getting sick of seeing that bullshit everywhere on like every social media site I go to, and everyone I see out on the street or in shops are wearing masks. Theres just something to this fake pandemic that makes me mad as hell and I want it to end already.
I've tried to tell people that the coronavirus is a lie and a hoax, but I just get laughed at and made fun of by everyone, even when I try to explain in detail to the people on how its a hoax, they still don't believe me.
People are still deeply programmed and they're still very NPC and sheep minded. Too many people just keep believing in what the jewish owned media tells them, and it disgusts me.
The virus exists but it is not dangerous as it's portrayed in news.

It is only dangerous for old people who already have health complications.

It's true that they are declaring every other natural death and deaths from other diseases as a corona virus death.

They write it on their death certificates. Hospitals, doctors are given instructions to do this.

If they put a patient on ventilator which damages the patient so much, the hospitals get 3-4x more payment from medical care system whatever it is..

So on one hand the number of death by corona is surprisingly low, on other the patients dying with othrr diseases are also given corona death certificates..

And thirdly, the doctors stupidly and intentionally also killing patients.

Virus exists and it's artificially made little stronger.
Sun said:
I've always thought of the covid-19 BS being a hoax. I tried my best to tell people and wake people up to the truth over the internet and on other social media sites, but people are too programmed by this stupid meme culture and they are so NPC minded that I could literally get a better response out of an actual sheep.
Seriously - you actually can. I wanted to share a video clip of a man opening a window and bleating loudly to some sheep in a field, where the sheep bleat back at him, but the Internet has deleted it because of all of this fake news shit(!).

The RTRs and our warfare efforts are doing good work on waking the world to the jews, but we still need to do much more work. The world is starting to wake up, but its not waking up in the most perfect or preferred way for us. Theres still so many idiots out there that blame all of the bad things that are happening on Satan.
christians and muslims practically are lost causes. Just as "the" bibleses says, some will fall by the wayside; maybe 95% of these will, but I am guessing the number would be higher for christians than muslims (then again I'm an ex-christian). Obviously, atheists/agnostics are still abrahamised.

Theres still small covens of idiots out there that call themselves Satanists, but they practice the evil 'hollywood' version of Satanism. I've seen many people who practice Satanism, but just flat out deny and refuse JoS or its teachings.
I think I know this; you think you know that, they think they know the other. Some of those christians and muslims might be able to reincarnate back into Spiritual Satanist/National Socialist society, but still the greatest majority of them would be lost. The abrahamised secular population might be a bit better-off, but they're still wrapped-up in abrahamic cotton wool.

We've came so far and we've done so much, but theres still a lot of work to be done if we want to truly free the world.
One day, not now, we could show actual proof of our Mental/Spiritual abilities. This would convince some.

I hope this goddamn Coronahoax ends soon. Im getting sick of seeing that bullshit everywhere on like every social media site I go to, and everyone I see out on the street or in shops are wearing masks.
Consider this - those of us who might be members here, or who browse our sites, or who know Satan but may or may not visit or know about our sites at all, who are walking around, walking among dead people are like you in a sense, seeing all of this retarded crap all over the place. You're not on your own, albeit in a different way. Previously, when I was a christian and backsliding from christianity, I enjoyed the band Creed. One song in particular, Bullets, makes sense in this situation. Scott Stapp is/was a christian and used to think he, or it, was not worthy, blah, blah, blah. Apparently, he/it used drugs and alcohol and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. "Where's your jewsus now?!" The music video to that song is also in computer game/3-D animation, which is like a virtual reality, which is... so fucking hilarious, as well - and it is on the album Weathered which makes it so much hilarious-er!


Theres just something to this fake pandemic that makes me mad as hell and I want it to end already.
Don't go crazy. Stay sane. You have to come to peace with it. See an ocean of madness, and you're in a dingy or a boat. Take the words of a druggy hippie called The Truth from GTA:SA - "fight the ocean and you will drown, brother". Sometimes, you have to go a bit with the flow. Don't get carried away, though, of course. If you always oppose 100% bar none, then you'll be struggling and striving. If you go a bit with the flow, then you can see where the flow is going, sort of thing. Enjoy the ride just a touch.

I've tried to tell people that the coronavirus is a lie and a hoax, but I just get laughed at and made fun of by everyone, even when I try to explain in detail to the people on how its a hoax, they still don't believe me.
People are still deeply programmed and they're still very NPC and sheep minded. Too many people just keep believing in what the jewish owned media tells them, and it disgusts me.
Do you know the saying, "I'd might as well talk to the wall as talk to you"? This. There's also another saying, which I am saying to you - "don't waste your breath".
The report that exposed coronavirus hoax was made by:

Dr. med. Gunter Frank, general practitioner, member of the permanent guidelines commission of the German Society for Family Medicine and General Medicine (DEGAM), Heidelberg

Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. rer. pole. Dipl.-Soz. Dr. Gunnar Heinsohn, Emeritus of Social Sciences at the University of Bremen

Prof. Dr. Stefan W. Hockertz, tpi consult GmbH, former director of the Institute for Experimental Pharmacology and Toxicology at the University Hospital Eppendorf

Prof. Dr. Dr. rer. nat. (USA) Andreas S. Lübbe, medical director of the MZG-Westphalia, chief physician at the Cecilien-Klinik

Prof. Dr. Karina Reiss, Department of Dermatology and Allergology University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein

Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmacher, professor of pathology, Heidelberg, member of the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina

Prof. Dr. Andreas Sönnichsen, Deputy Curriculum Director of the Medical University of Vienna, Department of General Medicine and Family Medicine.

Dr. med. Til Uebel, resident general practitioner, specialist in general medicine, diabetology, emergency medicine, teaching physician at the Institute of General Medicine at the University of Würzburg, academic teaching practice at the University of Heidelberg

Prof. Dr. Dr. phil. Harald Walach, Prof. Medical University of Poznan, Dept. Pediatric Gastroenterology, visiting professor. University of Witten-Herdecke, Dept. Psychology 4

Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, University Professor of Medical Microbiology (retired), University of Mainz

They are all high-ranking doctors, they are highly recognized for their work and reputation, however no one in the political class talks about it, only one man who tried was expelled and charged, the central media does not talk about it
of course, well-known reasons ...
The central media is owned by jews same with global political class ...jews or jewish puppets

We need to spread this information
Sun said:
Theres still so many idiots out there that blame all of the bad things that are happening on Satan.

You know in Finnish language when something bad happens people say "Saatana" and the way they say it they attribute the badness with Satan. It is so ingrained in this language and is bothering me very much but I just keep on smiling when people say this. How could I explain the truth to them in a quick fashion when such situations occur when the one saying Saatana is so programmed.

We have a lot of work ahead of us.
Just a reminder

CDC chief says there could be second, possibly worse coronavirus outbreak this winter

"A second coronavirus outbreak could emerge this winter in conjunction with the flu season to make for an even more dire health crisis, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention told The Washington Post in an interview.

"There's a possibility that the assault of the virus on our nation next winter will actually be even more difficult than the one we just went through," CDC Director Robert Redfield said"


I remind you the enemy has already planned the second wave of Coronavirus
This second wave will bring very severe lockdown restrictions, economic collapse and mandatory vaccination(microchipping)

Trump mobilizing U.S. military to deliver coronavirus vaccine

- President Donald Trump is mobilizing the U.S. military to distribute a novel coronavirus vaccine when one becomes available and will focus first on older Americans.

“You know it’s a massive job to give this vaccine,” Trump said in an interview broadcast Thursday on Fox Business Network. “Our military is now being mobilized so at the end of the year, we’re going to be able to give it to a lot of people very, very rapidly.”


Europe is buying hundreds of millions of vaccines that doesn't exist for a non-existent disease

EU agrees purchase of 300m coronavirus vaccine doses

Germany, France, Italy and the Netherlands have signed an agreement with pharmaceutical group AstraZeneca to guarantee the supply to the EU of 300 million doses of a possible coronavirus vaccine, the German government announced on Saturday.


We must spread the truth about this huge jewish hoax
I contacted an ex girlfriend who works in the hospital. She said the covid - 19 ward isn't as scary as you'd expect.

It's mainly for the elderly as a preventative measure.

And that they're wasting so much money because they have like 15 staff for the covid - 19 ward and there's only 5 patients.

The hospitals are quieter than ever at the minute.

The fatalities will go up though from people not getting treatment and diagnosis now because everything is on hold. So deaths will go up not from fictitious covid - 19, but from other causes.
Syd Silver said:
Just a reminder

CDC chief says there could be second, possibly worse coronavirus outbreak this winter

"A second coronavirus outbreak could emerge this winter in conjunction with the flu season to make for an even more dire health crisis, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention told The Washington Post in an interview.

"There's a possibility that the assault of the virus on our nation next winter will actually be even more difficult than the one we just went through," CDC Director Robert Redfield said"


I remind you the enemy has already planned the second wave of Coronavirus
This second wave will bring very severe lockdown restrictions, economic collapse and mandatory vaccination(microchipping)

Trump mobilizing U.S. military to deliver coronavirus vaccine

- President Donald Trump is mobilizing the U.S. military to distribute a novel coronavirus vaccine when one becomes available and will focus first on older Americans.

“You know it’s a massive job to give this vaccine,” Trump said in an interview broadcast Thursday on Fox Business Network. “Our military is now being mobilized so at the end of the year, we’re going to be able to give it to a lot of people very, very rapidly.”


Europe is buying hundreds of millions of vaccines that doesn't exist for a non-existent disease

EU agrees purchase of 300m coronavirus vaccine doses

Germany, France, Italy and the Netherlands have signed an agreement with pharmaceutical group AstraZeneca to guarantee the supply to the EU of 300 million doses of a possible coronavirus vaccine, the German government announced on Saturday.


We must spread the truth about this huge jewish hoax

Sounds like quite an amazing technology this vaccine. Self replicating DNA nano particles that will distribute around your body. And it will monitor your system for illnesses and they will be alerted to tend to your health immediately before any illness develops.

Wow such an advanced technology and the US and Europe are buying hundreds of millions of shots for their populations.

Something that advanced should cost a lot you'd think. And everyone gets to have it for FREE!


If something is free it usually costs too much.

There's no free lunches here.

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

This covid - 19 Coronavirus vaccine will have nothing to do with any virus.

If it can do all of that monitoring and alerting you can do a lot with that. And what else could they do with it.

As we're electrical beings maybe they could send signals and make us feel, act and think in certain ways?

Who do you trust. Man or Nature.
sahasrarabliss said:
The virus exists but it is not dangerous as it's portrayed in news.

It is only dangerous for old people who already have health complications.

It's true that they are declaring every other natural death and deaths from other diseases as a corona virus death.

They write it on their death certificates. Hospitals, doctors are given instructions to do this.

If they put a patient on ventilator which damages the patient so much, the hospitals get 3-4x more payment from medical care system whatever it is..

So on one hand the number of death by corona is surprisingly low, on other the patients dying with othrr diseases are also given corona death certificates..

And thirdly, the doctors stupidly and intentionally also killing patients.

Virus exists and it's artificially made little stronger.

How do you make dead genetic material/cellular debris that is only created from within someone's body stronger?

Whats the point of that when people already get sick from colds and flus every year? Makes no sense. Viruses are not living material. This is scientific fact. Look it up.

Its just easier for them to lie about a virus then so called create one that only has a less than 1 percent fatality rate.

When the inside of a random paw paw fruit tests positive for coronavirus...my bullshit radar goes through the roof.
Personal Growth said:
Syd Silver said:
Just a reminder

CDC chief says there could be second, possibly worse coronavirus outbreak this winter

"A second coronavirus outbreak could emerge this winter in conjunction with the flu season to make for an even more dire health crisis, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention told The Washington Post in an interview.

"There's a possibility that the assault of the virus on our nation next winter will actually be even more difficult than the one we just went through," CDC Director Robert Redfield said"


I remind you the enemy has already planned the second wave of Coronavirus
This second wave will bring very severe lockdown restrictions, economic collapse and mandatory vaccination(microchipping)

Trump mobilizing U.S. military to deliver coronavirus vaccine

- President Donald Trump is mobilizing the U.S. military to distribute a novel coronavirus vaccine when one becomes available and will focus first on older Americans.

“You know it’s a massive job to give this vaccine,” Trump said in an interview broadcast Thursday on Fox Business Network. “Our military is now being mobilized so at the end of the year, we’re going to be able to give it to a lot of people very, very rapidly.”


Europe is buying hundreds of millions of vaccines that doesn't exist for a non-existent disease

EU agrees purchase of 300m coronavirus vaccine doses

Germany, France, Italy and the Netherlands have signed an agreement with pharmaceutical group AstraZeneca to guarantee the supply to the EU of 300 million doses of a possible coronavirus vaccine, the German government announced on Saturday.


We must spread the truth about this huge jewish hoax

Sounds like quite an amazing technology this vaccine. Self replicating DNA nano particles that will distribute around your body. And it will monitor your system for illnesses and they will be alerted to tend to your health immediately before any illness develops.

Wow such an advanced technology and the US and Europe are buying hundreds of millions of shots for their populations.

Something that advanced should cost a lot you'd think. And everyone gets to have it for FREE!


If something is free it usually costs too much.

There's no free lunches here.

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

This covid - 19 Coronavirus vaccine will have nothing to do with any virus.

If it can do all of that monitoring and alerting you can do a lot with that. And what else could they do with it.

As we're electrical beings maybe they could send signals and make us feel, act and think in certain ways?

Who do you trust. Man or Nature.
The jews have spent and continue to spend billions to implement mandatory vaccination

Wonder why !

Of course they only want to help the goyms, surely let's believe that ...
HPS Shannon said:
sahasrarabliss said:
The virus exists but it is not dangerous as it's portrayed in news.

It is only dangerous for old people who already have health complications.

It's true that they are declaring every other natural death and deaths from other diseases as a corona virus death.

They write it on their death certificates. Hospitals, doctors are given instructions to do this.

If they put a patient on ventilator which damages the patient so much, the hospitals get 3-4x more payment from medical care system whatever it is..

So on one hand the number of death by corona is surprisingly low, on other the patients dying with othrr diseases are also given corona death certificates..

And thirdly, the doctors stupidly and intentionally also killing patients.

Virus exists and it's artificially made little stronger.

How do you make dead genetic material/cellular debris that is only created from within someone's body stronger?

Whats the point of that when people already get sick from colds and flus every year? Makes no sense. Viruses are not living material. This is scientific fact. Look it up.

Its just easier for them to lie about a virus then so called create one that only has a less than 1 percent fatality rate.

When the inside of a random paw paw fruit tests positive for coronavirus...my bullshit radar goes through the roof.

So you saying that virus doesn't exist?
It exists but it has 1%fatality rate??
sahasrarabliss said:
HPS Shannon said:
sahasrarabliss said:
The virus exists but it is not dangerous as it's portrayed in news.

It is only dangerous for old people who already have health complications.

It's true that they are declaring every other natural death and deaths from other diseases as a corona virus death.

They write it on their death certificates. Hospitals, doctors are given instructions to do this.

If they put a patient on ventilator which damages the patient so much, the hospitals get 3-4x more payment from medical care system whatever it is..

So on one hand the number of death by corona is surprisingly low, on other the patients dying with othrr diseases are also given corona death certificates..

And thirdly, the doctors stupidly and intentionally also killing patients.

Virus exists and it's artificially made little stronger.

How do you make dead genetic material/cellular debris that is only created from within someone's body stronger?

Whats the point of that when people already get sick from colds and flus every year? Makes no sense. Viruses are not living material. This is scientific fact. Look it up.

Its just easier for them to lie about a virus then so called create one that only has a less than 1 percent fatality rate.

When the inside of a random paw paw fruit tests positive for coronavirus...my bullshit radar goes through the roof.

So you saying that virus doesn't exist?
It exists but it has 1%fatality rate??

In my opinion, and based off of what other doctors and microbiologists (that are ostracized and kept out of the mainstream media), it doesnt exist. It is was just a jewish hoax to bring to crash the economy and bring in the NWO. Illusion of a pandemic. When you look at it, the covid situation, covid policies and lockdown checks off and fulfills almost every NWO goal.

It just does not make sense to me to "create" a virus that has a less than 1 percent chance of mortality. Just think about that. If that is the case, you can just lie about a virus as it would achieve the same thing.

Makes no sense at all to create a so called virus that only kills old people who have 1 or more health issues.

Create a 'virus' that kills weak and unhealthy people?

Everyone knows now that they have lied and faked the numbers and get thousands of dollars for diagnosing covid and even more money to put people on a ventilator. 80 percent of people put on ventilators die.
They have been killing people, especially old people and then calling almost every disease covid. Why create something that has a less than 1 percent mortality rate when you can just easily lie about it and give the illusion of a pandemic with propaganda, etc?

Anyway, thats just my take on it but they have more plans to destroy whats left of our freedoms, supply chain and freedoms.

They can easily poison us with the water supply and more of they really wanted to cause mass deaths and panic. They have a better chance at creating a pandemic with mass poisonings and energy weapons systems...
HPS Shannon said:
Surprise, surprise...

I remember well, as you said that the corona corona virus was a hoax.

honestly at the beginning when I read your theory, I did not agree.

Then the virus touched Italy, and I realized how much you were right.

as long as the virus was in china I thought it was true, but when it arrived here in Italy I was able to get better information and see how the government reacted to this in an exaggerated way it opened my eyes.

Unfortunately in my opinion these buffoons are already preparing another wave for autumn.
But this time people won't accept the lockdown.
HPS Shannon said:
sahasrarabliss said:
HPS Shannon said:
How do you make dead genetic material/cellular debris that is only created from within someone's body stronger?

Whats the point of that when people already get sick from colds and flus every year? Makes no sense. Viruses are not living material. This is scientific fact. Look it up.

Its just easier for them to lie about a virus then so called create one that only has a less than 1 percent fatality rate.

When the inside of a random paw paw fruit tests positive for coronavirus...my bullshit radar goes through the roof.

So you saying that virus doesn't exist?
It exists but it has 1%fatality rate??

In my opinion, and based off of what other doctors and microbiologists (that are ostracized and kept out of the mainstream media), it doesnt exist. It is was just a jewish hoax to bring to crash the economy and bring in the NWO. Illusion of a pandemic. When you look at it, the covid situation, covid policies and lockdown checks off and fulfills almost every NWO goal.

It just does not make sense to me to "create" a virus that has a less than 1 percent chance of mortality. Just think about that. If that is the case, you can just lie about a virus as it would achieve the same thing.

Makes no sense at all to create a so called virus that only kills old people who have 1 or more health issues.

Create a 'virus' that kills weak and unhealthy people?

Everyone knows now that they have lied and faked the numbers and get thousands of dollars for diagnosing covid and even more money to put people on a ventilator. 80 percent of people put on ventilators die.
They have been killing people, especially old people and then calling almost every disease covid. Why create something that has a less than 1 percent mortality rate when you can just easily lie about it and give the illusion of a pandemic with propaganda, etc?

Anyway, thats just my take on it but they have more plans to destroy whats left of our freedoms, supply chain and freedoms.

They can easily poison us with the water supply and more of they really wanted to cause mass deaths and panic. They have a better chance at creating a pandemic with mass poisonings and energy weapons systems...
HP Cobra said that the virus exists, and if this wan't the case some doctors would have said the truth. They might have created it because if this Covid would be found out to be fake it would be tremendously terrible for the Jews. It would prove that most of the goverments of the World, the World Health Organization, many doctors, the Mainstream Media are corrupted. So they created this virus in lab to avoid all of this i guess.
HPS Shannon said:
sahasrarabliss said:
HPS Shannon said:
How do you make dead genetic material/cellular debris that is only created from within someone's body stronger?

Whats the point of that when people already get sick from colds and flus every year? Makes no sense. Viruses are not living material. This is scientific fact. Look it up.

Its just easier for them to lie about a virus then so called create one that only has a less than 1 percent fatality rate.

When the inside of a random paw paw fruit tests positive for coronavirus...my bullshit radar goes through the roof.

So you saying that virus doesn't exist?
It exists but it has 1%fatality rate??

In my opinion, and based off of what other doctors and microbiologists (that are ostracized and kept out of the mainstream media), it doesnt exist. It is was just a jewish hoax to bring to crash the economy and bring in the NWO. Illusion of a pandemic. When you look at it, the covid situation, covid policies and lockdown checks off and fulfills almost every NWO goal.

It just does not make sense to me to "create" a virus that has a less than 1 percent chance of mortality. Just think about that. If that is the case, you can just lie about a virus as it would achieve the same thing.

Makes no sense at all to create a so called virus that only kills old people who have 1 or more health issues.

Create a 'virus' that kills weak and unhealthy people?

Everyone knows now that they have lied and faked the numbers and get thousands of dollars for diagnosing covid and even more money to put people on a ventilator. 80 percent of people put on ventilators die.
They have been killing people, especially old people and then calling almost every disease covid. Why create something that has a less than 1 percent mortality rate when you can just easily lie about it and give the illusion of a pandemic with propaganda, etc?

Anyway, thats just my take on it but they have more plans to destroy whats left of our freedoms, supply chain and freedoms.

They can easily poison us with the water supply and more of they really wanted to cause mass deaths and panic. They have a better chance at creating a pandemic with mass poisonings and energy weapons systems...

Your statements make total sense.
So this is not the plague Satan has informed about to HP Maxine.

They have been writing covid death on every other patient death certificate. Too much going on forcibly.
WiseDragon said:
HPS Shannon said:
sahasrarabliss said:
So you saying that virus doesn't exist?
It exists but it has 1%fatality rate??

In my opinion, and based off of what other doctors and microbiologists (that are ostracized and kept out of the mainstream media), it doesnt exist. It is was just a jewish hoax to bring to crash the economy and bring in the NWO. Illusion of a pandemic. When you look at it, the covid situation, covid policies and lockdown checks off and fulfills almost every NWO goal.

It just does not make sense to me to "create" a virus that has a less than 1 percent chance of mortality. Just think about that. If that is the case, you can just lie about a virus as it would achieve the same thing.

Makes no sense at all to create a so called virus that only kills old people who have 1 or more health issues.

Create a 'virus' that kills weak and unhealthy people?

Everyone knows now that they have lied and faked the numbers and get thousands of dollars for diagnosing covid and even more money to put people on a ventilator. 80 percent of people put on ventilators die.
They have been killing people, especially old people and then calling almost every disease covid. Why create something that has a less than 1 percent mortality rate when you can just easily lie about it and give the illusion of a pandemic with propaganda, etc?

Anyway, thats just my take on it but they have more plans to destroy whats left of our freedoms, supply chain and freedoms.

They can easily poison us with the water supply and more of they really wanted to cause mass deaths and panic. They have a better chance at creating a pandemic with mass poisonings and energy weapons systems...
HP Cobra said that the virus exists, and if this wan't the case some doctors would have said the truth. They might have created it because if this Covid would be found out to be fake it would be tremendously terrible for the Jews. It would prove that most of the goverments of the World, the World Health Organization, many doctors, the Mainstream Media are corrupted. So they created this virus in lab to avoid all of this i guess.

Wise dragon, thank you for expressing your belief but atleast please try to make alittle bit more sense with your reply.

Im just stating my opinion and siding with what makes more logical sense.

So its better to create a 'virus' that has a less than one percent mortality rate?

Many people already do not trust the government, many people know the truth about Jews and many people already discovered that this covid thing is bullshit, so what difference does thay make? Things are already disastrous for the Jews and enemy.

Many doctors and nurses have already come out and said the truth. They have said the reality of the situation that this is just a mild flu (typical of winter and early spring), and that they are pushing for ventilators and even killing people with ventilators and such. Of course these videos were censored and taken down.

Every one I know who had taken the vovid tests keeps getting pushed to take more as if they are trying to find something. The test they are using is the PCR test which was created by Kerry Mullis and he even said that the test cannot and does not test for 'viruses'. The PCR test that many health officials have been using for decades does not test for viruses. It just tests for DNA and RNA sequences. That you can look up. That causes false positives.
sahasrarabliss said:
HPS Shannon said:
sahasrarabliss said:
So you saying that virus doesn't exist?
It exists but it has 1%fatality rate??

In my opinion, and based off of what other doctors and microbiologists (that are ostracized and kept out of the mainstream media), it doesnt exist. It is was just a jewish hoax to bring to crash the economy and bring in the NWO. Illusion of a pandemic. When you look at it, the covid situation, covid policies and lockdown checks off and fulfills almost every NWO goal.

It just does not make sense to me to "create" a virus that has a less than 1 percent chance of mortality. Just think about that. If that is the case, you can just lie about a virus as it would achieve the same thing.

Makes no sense at all to create a so called virus that only kills old people who have 1 or more health issues.

Create a 'virus' that kills weak and unhealthy people?

Everyone knows now that they have lied and faked the numbers and get thousands of dollars for diagnosing covid and even more money to put people on a ventilator. 80 percent of people put on ventilators die.
They have been killing people, especially old people and then calling almost every disease covid. Why create something that has a less than 1 percent mortality rate when you can just easily lie about it and give the illusion of a pandemic with propaganda, etc?

Anyway, thats just my take on it but they have more plans to destroy whats left of our freedoms, supply chain and freedoms.

They can easily poison us with the water supply and more of they really wanted to cause mass deaths and panic. They have a better chance at creating a pandemic with mass poisonings and energy weapons systems...

Your statements make total sense.
So this is not the plague Satan has informed about to HP Maxine.

They have been writing covid death on every other patient death certificate. Too much going on forcibly.

There could be something going on and I never said Maxine was wrong, but I just believe this is the illusion of a plague. Appearance of it. The effects of what os happening as a result of this whole thing is still dangerous, fatal and chaotic. Same difference.

Who knows what they have planned next. Apparently it will be even deadlier.
It does, yes.

They are using unreliable tests, pamper the death rates up artificially, make social panic and so forth. I have written this months before the pandemic. I explained how this would go and this is how it went.

"Hoax" means that it does not exist. It does and it can be tested. The situation of jewish over hyping, or lying, or false estimates, does not make something unexisting, but the reaction to it a fraud. Hoax means something is rumored to exist but does not.

If something exists and it kills 0.2% of people it infects, and the media behaves as if it kills 20% of people, or generic tests used on fruits come out as positive, then the situation is as is.

About bioweapons etc I will not engage in stupid arguments that do not hold into perspective numerous and intelligent things, as most people think of these matters stupidly. Not all bioweapons are there to turn you into zombies and kill you.

There are grades to this, as to how guns are 45 cal all the way to RPG, tanks and nuclear weapons.

Dropping coronavirus from an airplane would turn everyone sick but not kill them, which is an easy infection scenario for let's say annexing a town during a war, or selling specific medicine.

In regards to other big brain stuff on this this whole thing I digress because it's of no consequence, the logical leaps and irrationality is too much to follow.

All doctors agree that the Co-Vid 19 definitely exists, the difference is, the division exists between shills who serve specific interests and docs who just give out actual data which give the actual death toll of the actual virus.

WiseDragon said:
HPS Shannon said:
sahasrarabliss said:
So you saying that virus doesn't exist?
It exists but it has 1%fatality rate??

In my opinion, and based off of what other doctors and microbiologists (that are ostracized and kept out of the mainstream media), it doesnt exist. It is was just a jewish hoax to bring to crash the economy and bring in the NWO. Illusion of a pandemic. When you look at it, the covid situation, covid policies and lockdown checks off and fulfills almost every NWO goal.

It just does not make sense to me to "create" a virus that has a less than 1 percent chance of mortality. Just think about that. If that is the case, you can just lie about a virus as it would achieve the same thing.

Makes no sense at all to create a so called virus that only kills old people who have 1 or more health issues.

Create a 'virus' that kills weak and unhealthy people?

Everyone knows now that they have lied and faked the numbers and get thousands of dollars for diagnosing covid and even more money to put people on a ventilator. 80 percent of people put on ventilators die.
They have been killing people, especially old people and then calling almost every disease covid. Why create something that has a less than 1 percent mortality rate when you can just easily lie about it and give the illusion of a pandemic with propaganda, etc?

Anyway, thats just my take on it but they have more plans to destroy whats left of our freedoms, supply chain and freedoms.

They can easily poison us with the water supply and more of they really wanted to cause mass deaths and panic. They have a better chance at creating a pandemic with mass poisonings and energy weapons systems...
HP Cobra said that the virus exists, and if this wan't the case some doctors would have said the truth. They might have created it because if this Covid would be found out to be fake it would be tremendously terrible for the Jews. It would prove that most of the goverments of the World, the World Health Organization, many doctors, the Mainstream Media are corrupted. So they created this virus in lab to avoid all of this i guess.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It does, yes.

They are using unreliable tests, pamper the death rates up artificially, make social panic and so forth. I have written this months before the pandemic. I explained how this would go and this is how it went.

"Hoax" means that it does not exist. It does and it can be tested. The situation of jewish over hyping, or lying, or false estimates, does not make something unexisting, but the reaction to it a fraud. Hoax means something is rumored to exist but does not.

If something exists and it kills 0.2% of people it infects, and the media behaves as if it kills 20% of people, or generic tests used on fruits come out as positive, then the situation is as is.

About bioweapons etc I will not engage in stupid arguments that do not hold into perspective numerous and intelligent things, as most people think of these matters stupidly. Not all bioweapons are there to turn you into zombies and kill you.

There are grades to this, as to how guns are 45 cal all the way to RPG, tanks and nuclear weapons.

Dropping coronavirus from an airplane would turn everyone sick but not kill them, which is an easy infection scenario for let's say annexing a town during a war, or selling specific medicine.

In regards to other big brain stuff on this this whole thing I digress because it's of no consequence, the logical leaps and irrationality is too much to follow.

All doctors agree that the Co-Vid 19 definitely exists, the difference is, the division exists between shills who serve specific interests and docs who just give out actual data which give the actual death toll of the actual virus.

WiseDragon said:
HPS Shannon said:
In my opinion, and based off of what other doctors and microbiologists (that are ostracized and kept out of the mainstream media), it doesnt exist. It is was just a jewish hoax to bring to crash the economy and bring in the NWO. Illusion of a pandemic. When you look at it, the covid situation, covid policies and lockdown checks off and fulfills almost every NWO goal.

It just does not make sense to me to "create" a virus that has a less than 1 percent chance of mortality. Just think about that. If that is the case, you can just lie about a virus as it would achieve the same thing.

Makes no sense at all to create a so called virus that only kills old people who have 1 or more health issues.

Create a 'virus' that kills weak and unhealthy people?

Everyone knows now that they have lied and faked the numbers and get thousands of dollars for diagnosing covid and even more money to put people on a ventilator. 80 percent of people put on ventilators die.
They have been killing people, especially old people and then calling almost every disease covid. Why create something that has a less than 1 percent mortality rate when you can just easily lie about it and give the illusion of a pandemic with propaganda, etc?

Anyway, thats just my take on it but they have more plans to destroy whats left of our freedoms, supply chain and freedoms.

They can easily poison us with the water supply and more of they really wanted to cause mass deaths and panic. They have a better chance at creating a pandemic with mass poisonings and energy weapons systems...
HP Cobra said that the virus exists, and if this wan't the case some doctors would have said the truth. They might have created it because if this Covid would be found out to be fake it would be tremendously terrible for the Jews. It would prove that most of the goverments of the World, the World Health Organization, many doctors, the Mainstream Media are corrupted. So they created this virus in lab to avoid all of this i guess.

Yeah, you are more likely referring to me.

Yes, I do believe it is a hoax. I believe they are taking advantage of a time when people get sick from flu, colds and allergies in winter and early spring and any other death and sickness so of course they are going to find something, whether it be false positives or else. Wont get into that further.

The PCR test cannot be used to test for viruses. Thats a fact from the very man who created it. I dont understand how what I am saying is so out of touch with sanity.

Thats my opinion. However I do believe that what they are testing for is genetic material that the body produces under many vast different circumstances.

You do not have to engage in such "stupidity" as I was responding to other members and it was between us. Good for you to chime in though.

Yes, I do understand the concept of a bioweapon and yes there can be different kinds on different spectrums but logically it it achieves the same thing when you lie and buff up numbers.

If what I am saying doesnt make sense to anyone, thats fine but please dont call it stupid. I'm not saying anything thats outrageous or illogical, and certainly not irrational at all.

Everyone is entitled to what they feel on this matter, right? Especially if I give a logical explanation and say its my opionion.

And my opinion is it doesnt exist based on what is logical, and yes logical still meams something.

Anyway, thanks. I'll leave the matter alone for now since it makes no sense to go back and fourth. Anyone here can make up their mind on the matter based on research and what makes sense.
Hmm my instinct was saying it does exist. Wisedragon is also correct and his statement make sense. If the virus was found to be non existent it would hurt the jews very much. Some wise old doctors must have revealed it all if it was a hoax. But still many of them have revealed it to be very less dangerous.

Shannon's arguments do also make sense. But doing this on a World scale...would hurt the jews if it was found to be a hoax.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It does, yes.

They are using unreliable tests, pamper the death rates up artificially, make social panic and so forth. I have written this months before the pandemic. I explained how this would go and this is how it went.

"Hoax" means that it does not exist. It does and it can be tested. The situation of jewish over hyping, or lying, or false estimates, does not make something unexisting, but the reaction to it a fraud. Hoax means something is rumored to exist but does not.

If something exists and it kills 0.2% of people it infects, and the media behaves as if it kills 20% of people, or generic tests used on fruits come out as positive, then the situation is as is.

About bioweapons etc I will not engage in stupid arguments that do not hold into perspective numerous and intelligent things, as most people think of these matters stupidly. Not all bioweapons are there to turn you into zombies and kill you.

There are grades to this, as to how guns are 45 cal all the way to RPG, tanks and nuclear weapons.

Dropping coronavirus from an airplane would turn everyone sick but not kill them, which is an easy infection scenario for let's say annexing a town during a war, or selling specific medicine.

In regards to other big brain stuff on this this whole thing I digress because it's of no consequence, the logical leaps and irrationality is too much to follow.

All doctors agree that the Co-Vid 19 definitely exists, the difference is, the division exists between shills who serve specific interests and docs who just give out actual data which give the actual death toll of the actual virus.

WiseDragon said:
HPS Shannon said:
In my opinion, and based off of what other doctors and microbiologists (that are ostracized and kept out of the mainstream media), it doesnt exist. It is was just a jewish hoax to bring to crash the economy and bring in the NWO. Illusion of a pandemic. When you look at it, the covid situation, covid policies and lockdown checks off and fulfills almost every NWO goal.

It just does not make sense to me to "create" a virus that has a less than 1 percent chance of mortality. Just think about that. If that is the case, you can just lie about a virus as it would achieve the same thing.

Makes no sense at all to create a so called virus that only kills old people who have 1 or more health issues.

Create a 'virus' that kills weak and unhealthy people?

Everyone knows now that they have lied and faked the numbers and get thousands of dollars for diagnosing covid and even more money to put people on a ventilator. 80 percent of people put on ventilators die.
They have been killing people, especially old people and then calling almost every disease covid. Why create something that has a less than 1 percent mortality rate when you can just easily lie about it and give the illusion of a pandemic with propaganda, etc?

Anyway, thats just my take on it but they have more plans to destroy whats left of our freedoms, supply chain and freedoms.

They can easily poison us with the water supply and more of they really wanted to cause mass deaths and panic. They have a better chance at creating a pandemic with mass poisonings and energy weapons systems...
HP Cobra said that the virus exists, and if this wan't the case some doctors would have said the truth. They might have created it because if this Covid would be found out to be fake it would be tremendously terrible for the Jews. It would prove that most of the goverments of the World, the World Health Organization, many doctors, the Mainstream Media are corrupted. So they created this virus in lab to avoid all of this i guess.
I do see HPS Shannon’s point on why is this virus not as dangerous as you’d think a man made virus would be? But I do believe the virus exists and was made intentionally. There’s also evidence that was passed around on these forums that show maybe the virus was released prematurely. This could be why it isn’t as dangerous as planned.

Event 201, showed a simulation where over 65 million people died from their rogue viral outbreak. The people in charge of that conference are the ones advising and counseling our world leaders. I believe they intended a higher death count from this virus. They needed that to implement stronger control methods on our world. The fear from mass deaths would give them that power.

We know the virus isn’t naturally occurring. Many scientists have corroborated this. Maybe it leaked too soon?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It does, yes.

They are using unreliable tests, pamper the death rates up artificially, make social panic and so forth. I have written this months before the pandemic. I explained how this would go and this is how it went.

"Hoax" means that it does not exist. It does and it can be tested. The situation of jewish over hyping, or lying, or false estimates, does not make something unexisting, but the reaction to it a fraud. Hoax means something is rumored to exist but does not.

If something exists and it kills 0.2% of people it infects, and the media behaves as if it kills 20% of people, or generic tests used on fruits come out as positive, then the situation is as is.

With this logic it means that the jewis holocaust is not a jewish Hoax either, during the 3rd Reich it is possible that 2 jews died, they were not killed by the Nazis but they died, of old age, serious diseases ect., the jews after they took control artificially increased the number of deaths and now the jews are yelling that the Nazis killed 6 million jews (or 6 bilion i lost count)

Now with this coronavirus ... all the evidence clearly shows that this is hoax, a huge fraud globally, the number of deaths has been artificially increased, people who have died regardless of the cause have been labeled as covid deaths, false tests, lockdownd, restriction of rights and freedoms, people were effectively held prisoners in their own homes ..., financial collapse, controlled jewish media spread and amplified panic, fake news and misinformation and so on

But let's ignore all this because maybe it's possible that 2 people actually died of Coronavirus and that means this Coronavirus is not a jewish hoax
Syd Silver said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It does, yes.

They are using unreliable tests, pamper the death rates up artificially, make social panic and so forth. I have written this months before the pandemic. I explained how this would go and this is how it went.

"Hoax" means that it does not exist. It does and it can be tested. The situation of jewish over hyping, or lying, or false estimates, does not make something unexisting, but the reaction to it a fraud. Hoax means something is rumored to exist but does not.

If something exists and it kills 0.2% of people it infects, and the media behaves as if it kills 20% of people, or generic tests used on fruits come out as positive, then the situation is as is.

With this logic it means that the jewis holocaust is not a jewish Hoax either, during the 3rd Reich it is possible that 2 jews died, they were not killed by the Nazis but they died, of old age, serious diseases ect., the jews after they took control artificially increased the number of deaths and now the jews are yelling that the Nazis killed 6 million jews (or 6 bilion i lost count)

Now with this coronavirus ... all the evidence clearly shows that this is hoax, a huge fraud globally, the number of deaths has been artificially increased, people who have died regardless of the cause have been labeled as covid deaths, false tests, lockdownd, restriction of rights and freedoms, people were effectively held prisoners in their own homes ..., financial collapse, controlled jewish media spread and amplified panic, fake news and misinformation and so on

But let's ignore all this because maybe it's possible that 2 people actually died of Coronavirus and that means this Coronavirus is not a jewish hoax

That's a terrible comparison. The Jewish holohoax is a hoax because it doesnt exist. There wasn't any systematic genocide of the jewish people done by Hitler and the Third Reich as thats what the holocaust was about. It wasnt random jews dying. It was a complete program to genocide the jews via death camps, gassing, etc. What actually happened was that Jews where identified in Germany and where legally removed from positions of importance. They were also put into internment camps during WW2 as they were considered a national threat and had to be isolated and removed. The Jews then misinformed and lied about how this was a program to wiping out the Jews via genocide. Very different from the Corona virus as the Holocaust is a lie through and through with zero evidence backing it up.

The Corona virus is probably a real virus unlike the holocaust which never happened. The reason why it isn't a hoax is because it exists. The global and mass panic and regulations to quarantine and contain the spread of the virus is what one should focus on as it was wildly blown out of proportion and was used as a means to establish a footing in their NWO and global control and see how far they can run with it.

Also you just reiterated what HP Cobra said regarding the reaction to the Virus while trying to strawman. His logic is sound.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
