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Conclusions before the great storm - CHAPTER 9 – REFLECTIONS ON THE JOY OF SATAN FOR OUTSIDERS


Well-known member
Sep 21, 2017
The enemy states in their Bible that Satan appears as an angel of light, but tries to deceive you. When Jews speak about Hitler or any other anti-Semite they say they use hate or fear to make people agree with them, but they fail to address why the anti-Semite is wrong. Debating a smart person about this is a losing certainty for the Jew therefore it must only debate on emotional elements while censoring or depraving the other side from information. There has never been any real debating between Jews and gentiles about the Holocaust, the 20s’ in Germany, the Federal Reserve, the 911 attacks, the ethnic replacement or any such historical event that has the Jews involved in it.

It’s always “hatred, fear, conspiracy theory” and so on with them, but never any elaborated answer about why would we be wrong. Because we are not! The enemy perceives the world as they are entitled to rule over it and make up even what we should think. The fact that any human would disagree with their cancerous way of thinking angers them enormously. How would any gentile even dare to not think and feel as the Jew does is the general attitude when one of them even perceives that a gentile may not totally agree with them.

Based on the same principles the Jews were able to reverse good and evil and pin every evil deed they themselves do on Satan the god also known as Odin, Enki, Dionysus or Vishnu.

Every set of beliefs has an emotional component to it. Christianity and Islam are no strangers to it. And Christianity has ruled over the white race for many centuries creating this emotional bond between it and the believers. Spiritually speaking it is a thoughtform which is an energy, spiritual thought phenomena created in the astral by thoughts, prayers and synchronization with rituals and astrology positioning.

When I first encountered the Joy of Satan community online, I was equally skeptical and amazed. Though it had a radically different approach compared to what the Jews sold us as “Satanism”. I was aware to a great degree about the Jewish global conspiracy, but did not yet perceive the extent of their discrediting methods. This was the period in my life when I understood how complex was the enemy method to infiltrate and idea, impersonate it and discredit it. It is the genius and art of evil, immoral deception.

The “Satanism” that was supposed to be of the “enemy elite Jews” as the deceptive Christian influencers stated was repulsively played as a role. It was condoning and promoting blood sacrifices, drinking blood, transgenderism, anarchy movements, mindless violence and all sorts of social frustrations for teenagers, racial mixing and mindless burning of Churches as a controlled opposition which would in turn generate sympathy for the martyr.

They were obviously not trying to hide it and it was discrediting it not promoting it on the subconscious level.

I was bound to Christianity mostly because I had lost all hope in the material world.

Bit by bit while I was studying the Bible at that time, I saw more and more of the Jewish tricks and psychological ops in the book that were similar to many of the characteristics they were giving to the impersonated “Satanism”. There were endless stories about genociding gentile nations, raping their women, killing their children and animals, doing blood offerings, deceiving and infiltrating kingdoms and empires. The Bible also praises Eshter, a Jewess that was used to seduce king Ahasuerus and infiltrate the Persian Empire. Then the Jews used the power to get rid of the then anti-Semites of that time from the Emperor’s court. The same way they brag about infiltrating ancient Egypt and Joseph becoming a pharaoh. Similar to the holocaust lie, they whine about being enslaved in Egypt then Yahweh throwing curses and genociding their children. They further elaborate about stealing the riches of Egypt and encouraging future generations to act on such deceptive infiltration methods. During their so called religious celebrations nowadays they repeat such Scripture verses tens or hundreds of times. Like the Purim celebration where they name a goad after the gentile Demon God Azazel and kill it as High Priest Hooded Cobra has wrote about. It is a ritual or energy algorithm so to say. There is no celebration in chanting verses about death, infiltration and slandering of your adversaries on specific planetary alignments.

In the New Testament on the other hand there were endless sermons about meekness and victimhood. Not fighting back when one is in danger and loving, praying for one’s enemy. It was basically the first form of leftism of ancient times. Strength for Jews and weakness and tolerance for their enemies. The New Testament praised the idea that what we do in or life barely means anything as we should always look forward to what happens after physical death. Therefore the legacy we all leave to future generations would be completely relinquished. Reincarnation into future generations would be literally “sawing what you seeded”.

I became gradually disgusted with what was for so long sold as the moral values of humanity. It was a psychological program for weakening one’s nation against enemies and subverters. Then I gave Joy of Satan a chance and started reading. I was the kind that was into meticulous details and verifying all information. This was one of the reasons I could not get over many Biblical sins against nature.
By reading trough the Joy of Satan and the Ancient Forums I came to see that the principles were exactly the opposite of what the Jewish internet narrative was and that it opposed all of their principles. The community stands for racial preservation, family values and healthy birthrates, balancing love and using hate when it is necessary, spiritual development, physical development, learning and applying as much and diverse skills as one can. In a sentence: one’s personal growth as well as the growth of the community. I did the dedication ritual in 2017 and then all my life gradually changed for the better. Each year I gained something more to my life as well as the ability to teach others healthy principles of life and growth. This community was for me the shining light in the dark and the chapter that made me get up and fight. It brought me joy and courage knowing we have the Gods and Demons on our side and that there is a bright future in front of us.
There were numerous ups and downs for me in regards to meditation and spiritual training. There were times when I was doing it consistently and times when I failed and had long breaks. The soul was getting ready in stages similar on how physical training goes for the body with the same kind of ups and downs. Meditating has in time made my mind become more dynamic and I was able to see the links and correlation between events way more clearly. This put a distance between me and other people and it seemed to me that others were not able to perceive simple things the way I was thus seeing the correlation between one’s spiritual development and the levels of natural understanding.

Coming to this path has also made me see the results of trusting the unseen. I asked the Gods to guide me find the woman they deemed perfect for me and it happened in a very short time. I did not expect much at first. The result is I have a beautiful, smart and kind woman that I treasure with all my heart and for that I am exceptionally grateful to the Gods and will never forget that chapter when I made the plea for help and it came almost instantly. It felt like it was there for me and that I had to first get through a certain stage in life.
There were all kinds of repressed energies that had to balance and this took a while. Those were manifestations of anger, sadness, fear, impatience which were the consequences of past or present events that in time came to a settling point when I understood the set of attitudes I had to carry with me in order to navigate life.

From my point of view the theory writings of Joy of Satan are of enormous help in rationalizing all aspects of spirituality through science. This is a great starting point when in the future science and the occult will merge and complete each other. Those sections explain many of the notions such as the aura, the chakras, chi, kundalini and astrology through the lens of physics, matter, energy, brainwaves, biology and astronomy. The ones who discard them are the fools of our times the same way as the fools who refused to believe Copernicus and Galileo Galilei that the earth was not flat. Those people are an obstacle that stall our evolution as a species and will at one point have to stand out of our way or get run over. The teachings of the Joy of Satan community are not mandatory and people have the choice to live and average life, but imposing this life on others will lead to an inevitable clash. Similar on how leftists say that love cannot be imposed or regulated by anybody, but if the so called love becomes a phenomenon that shapes the rest of us in a very negative way such as racial mixing or birth rate decreasing then those actions will have to be dealt with. Individual choices will always have an impact on the collective whether we like it or not, this is how the laws of the universe work. Freedom of choice does not exempt one from consequences. If one does something that may endanger the species then the normal response is for the species to retaliate.

All the articles and sermons of the community have made me and many other members to acquire this desire of growth. Society as it is does not put this desire in the minds and hearts of people. More than that, it puts out this fire from our souls and, being run by the enemy, it builds the perception that all that is happening is normal and only fools, extremists and “conspiracy theorists” would have a different view of life. In their conception people should only waste their time on the material world as it is built right now and follow the imposed trends for social validation. Anything else and you are a freak, an outcast.

I know that if we were to make an analogy between life and a math problem, the emotion and desire are the hypothesis and the rationale and instinct are those which constitute the solution. Every mission starts from the emotional then we solve it with or brains and muscles.

Luckily humans are gradually seeing the truth bit by bit thanks to our community’s Reverse Torah Rituals which are lifting the curses from people’s minds and souls. I have seen progress in the past years both in myself and many others on different levels of understanding and perception. Fewer and fewer believe the news narratives and are beginning to question what we have been told about the Jews and our ways of live. Of course there is still much more work to do to get out of the mess we are in.

I have also seen many channels, vloggers, bloggers, influencers and so on preaching teachings that were first put out there by the Ancient Forums. Though many of them are dishonest and try to twist part of the message such as attributing anti racial mixing and anarchy principles to Christianity, at least those ideas are there right now and growing in the souls of humans. It’s is exactly as a seed being planted in a garden. Our teachings are much more natural and easier to accept and this is why the enemy is desperate to censor and put tons of social pressure on people in order to discredit those truths. Deep down 95% of people now know Christianity is a Jewish program and it is damaging as a set of morals, genetic mixing of the races leads to the decrease or extinction of a race and it’s correlated abilities to create and organize, excessive and unnatural homosexuality only creates problems for both the individual and the collective, conspiracy theories are mostly right and the ones that are not are intentionally formulated in a dumb way to discredit, wars and economical crashes are intentionally manufactured, agitations and protests require funding and sponsors, the pandemics are a “problem, reaction, solution” type of business, some vaccines did more harm than good on purpose and so on.

From my point of view it is safe to say that thanks to this community, to the spiritual warfare and online activism, the world is now still spinning. The community has even done anti-war rituals in several internationally tense times such as conflicts in the areas of Syria, Ukraine, Iran, Russia, the Sea of China and the regions of Abkhazia and Ossetia.

I look at myself and others my age or even older and I can see some characteristics that are better developed in my case thanks to both the teachings of the community and the meditation programs. I have a certain maturity in my speech that came in stages, I know when to be straight forward and when to have patience, how to balance spiritual training with physical training, I’ve had success in my career and finances, I am also able to manage my relationship in a more mature way and this is also due to the fact that my partner is also mature and has a pure heart. I was able to develop small skills in electronics, plumbing, mechanics and pharmacy, immunology and microbiology basic knowledge due to the ambition that was planted in my mind. Further I was able to forward pieces of this knowledge to others. The void meditation has increased my ability to focus on tasks and the will to solve problems instead of letting the fear of facing them and the possible negative consequences outweigh the desire to at least try and solve them.

For humanity in its recent history, the first turning point was when High Priestess Maxine decided to form the platform at the beginning of the 21st century and through meditation acquire all this precious knowledge directly from Satan and the Gods.

The next major turning point was in the spring of 2019 when she announced that in approximately two decades the Gods will be returning. That was the moment when the fight made more sense than anytime and it gave so much hope and joy to many. It is no mere coincidence that the community is called Joy of Satan.
In short, the difference between the enemy and us is that the enemy’s main thought for focus is expecting a downfall and making it look epic and even desirable through all their means while ours is growing and developing. Breaking versus fixing we might say. If we are to advance and grow unopposed then the source of breaking must be stopped at one point.

The war ultimately summarizes to: health versus disease on both the soul and physical levels. Everything that comes from us is more natural, pleasant and normal. The music we make, the way we use scientific knowledge, our view of legislation and economy, the feelings and sentiments we propagate in each situation, the growth and nurturing of the youth.

It is safe to say that dedicating myself has changed my life and the way I look at it. I think all dedicated members have come to this solid conclusion in time. I encourage anyone whose heart feels this way to do it. The Gods are like loving parents waiting for us to open our hearts to them and start growing towards a higher destiny.

I came by this community thanks to a good friend in the summer of 2016 and one year later I became part of it. Though we may have some differences in the way we see some life aspects I am very grateful for what he did for me. Thank you my old friend, wherever you are!

I haven't read all your work, but I will since its really interesting, but may Insiggest that you add all the links of the chapters in your signature. It would.make it much practical to find your work.

Hail Satan
Masterj810610 said:

I haven't read all your work, but I will since its really interesting, but may Insiggest that you add all the links of the chapters in your signature. It would.make it much practical to find your work.

Hail Satan

Thanks for the suggestion! It's the best idea and I will do so ;)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
