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Cleaning+protecting my pet's aura


New member
Jun 16, 2018
Okay so you would imagine the mini sun over your cat's head then affirm
“The light is cleaning and removing any and all negative
energy, thoughtforms, and curses on or connected to (MY CAT'S NAME)'s soul that
have been directed to(MY CAT'S NAME), and is returning them to the senders.” am I supposed to say my cats name or

do I still say,

"...curses on or connected to my soul that have been directed to me..."
Also for aura of protection, should I do mine first and then breathe out the energy into her, or can I breathe in the energy for both of us at the same time while using an affirmation?
I'm asking because she sleeps on my bed and we're together alot...I've read that our "familiars" protect us and would like to know more
TeachMeErebokinesis said:

You should imagine the 'sun' engulfing your cat's entire body including their tail, not over their head. And yes, use your cat's name as this focuses the affirmation more to your cat.

As for aura of protection what I would do with my cat is I would breathe in energy into his body for him as though he was breathing it in himself. So I would focus on or visualize my cat and then I would breathe energy in, but instead of the energy being breathed into myself while I'm inhaling, it would be breathed into my cat as though he was breathing the energy in himself. I would build up the white-gold protective energy in him as I inhaled, and when I breathed out the energy would expand around him into his aura and this aura would protect him.

So it's just like doing the steps for the AoP for yourself but your doing them all on behalf of your cat (or any animal you want to protect). You could also breathe the protective energy into yourself and when breathing it out you breathe it into your cat, having the energy expand into their aura and build up the protection. You can keep doing this and layering more protective energy on top as many times as you feel is needed.
Ghost in the Machine said:
As for aura of protection what I would do with my cat is I would breathe in energy into his body for him as though he was breathing it in himself. So I would focus on or visualize my cat and then I would breathe energy in, but instead of the energy being breathed into myself while I'm inhaling, it would be breathed into my cat as though he was breathing the energy in himself. I would build up the white-gold protective energy in him as I inhaled, and when I breathed out the energy would expand around him into his aura and this aura would protect him.


Are you implying that, that is a form of keeping the energy from being personalized. The general understanding from the JoS page is you breath in then exhale into the person/animal much like foundation breathing into say a talisman. But it seems to me that breathing in protective white-gold/solar energy would be personalized. Could it be argued what your doing is keeping the energy from doing such action?

I do remember one time doing just for one day to experiment and see what happens. A family member of mine cleaning then white-gold protective and then stating "I am exhaling into [name]....etc.etc....these energies are building an aura of protection around [name]. etc.etc". So did I just build an aura of protection around this family member while personalizing the energy by me breathing in and exhaling into this person?

Are there times you wish to personalize such as a love spell or something?(inhaling then exhaling into said person?)

...or is my personalizing theory just that?
Gear88 said:

Energy doesn't necessarily tag itself as 'belonging' to whoever manipulates it, what matters is where the energy is directed and the intent programmed into it. Saying things like 'me', 'them', 'it', 'her' or 'him' are just a way of directing the energy to a specified object or person; it's more like enforcing an affirmation in that you are giving direct instructions. Energy in itself alone is neutral and will affect or go wherever it flows, much like a river going wherever the dirt and gravity will lead it.

When we manipulate energy we are essentially an outside force that is redirecting it and inputting a purpose to it through intent, this is what is meant when we 'program' energy. Whether you breathe in the energy yourself, conjure it from surrounding objects or even take it from someone else the energy will do what is assigned to it granted your will and power are strong enough to make it capable of so.

So when I do the AoP for my cat, it is just another method of programming the energy to protect him, it still has the same affect if I were to breathe the energy into myself first and then breathe it out into him, because what matters is the type of energy and what you've programmed it to do, which in this case is to protect. The methods are different but the end result is the same because both types of energy are programmed to do the same thing.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
