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Astral projection + suicide

NakedPluto said:
For those advanced, you can use your solar chakra to project.

If there's need for specifics. Open and expand your solar chakra in a prolonged deep trance.

The solar chakra creates a feeling of extreme intense speed.

Expand your front body solar plexus energy in a disc with the radius of about 10 cm.

Understand this disc by rotation, the extremities rotating clockwise and the rest of the disc (as in a 3d, depth dimension) having a backward movement as in radiation (therefore you feel moving forward), exactly as a tunnel.

You can enter and focus on this tunnel and feel your being travel to immense speeds and project anywhere you want.

The amount of focus is exactly proportionate to the amount of speed you feel.

This is very true. The first time I astral projected was when I did my second spiritual sun square. The energy in my Solar Plexus chakra got so vast, I got kicked out of my physical body. I almost did it the first time, but I didn't understand what was happening, so I "fought" it somehow.

A few days later I woke up in the middle of the night due to a very powerful energy surge in my Solar Plexus chakra. It was a very rewarding experience.

You can, in short, use the spiritual sun square to obtain the necessary amount of energy to astral project as well.
Leeges said:
Darkpagan666 said:

I also am kind of in the same boat, I do feel angry with the Gods at times and often ask for help. I do practice constantly by myself - for years even but just fail to get results. I can reason with logic though, I don't let my emotions get the best of me.. it's only when I wake up feeling like a failure I start to get angry and ask why they can't help me since I've done every practice that can be done with little to no results.
Reminding myself that they are busy fighting a war and that these are hard times for everyone helps me deal with my emotions. I would never "hate" the Gods for something such as personal gain when my life is good in other ways, yet I do get how anger like this can rise. It's not nice failing. Logic over the emotional mind is really the best information on JoS and I can usually brush it off after getting my ass out of bed, being grateful for what I do have and then try again the next night. I will get it eventually.

You should do a returning of curses (link below). This hatred against our Gods based on our own incapabilities, is nothing but a result from Xian, Islamic and Jewish programming. This is misplaced hate, and it is really sad that many SS don't realize this.

Our Gods have done nothing wrong, they have reached out to us so we can become like them. So why all this hate against them? It is the enemy Jews that should be damned and hated. Not our glorious, beloved and friendly Gods!

Part 1:

Part 2:

To those who have practiced for a year without results, chances are you need to change your methods. Checklist:

1. Do you practice Void Meditation every day? This will increase the quality of your meditations.

2. Do you work upon your chakras through mantra vibrations, asanas and visualization every day? Helps to open up our soul.

3. Do you clean your chakras and aura every day? Spiritual hygiene is essential and attests for a healthy soul - as well as the physical body.

4. Do you raise your energies through power breaths for an example, and remember to direct this energy and program it into your desires? This is crucial to learn how to handle energies.

5. Do you do necessary workings to improve your life? Such as Munka, Runes, Squares etc. Needless to say, but this will help you to have a better life.

6. Do you do the RTRs and other important rituals? This will help to remove curses from your soul and the curses are sent back to the enemy filth.

7. Are you studying JoS every day? This will make you wiser, independent and more confident as an SS
Leeges said:
I've never heard of this method before but it makes sense since you project out of the belly button. Usually I focus on my breath or do the "ladder" or "ascending" method with no results. Focusing on my solar plexus while going to sleep will help, eh? I will try this tonight. Sorry for the multi posts (phone posts).

It is a wholness of factors in advancement. Astral Projection needs more than willingness, such as the electric body of departure, hence the natural need of an energetic volume to be projected and also the councious projection.

Solar chakra fuels in excess (expansion) the astral body and can project it, as past a level you cannot inhabit so much energy. Either it is discharged, circulated and stored, or used in this way. Which again happens naturally.

Also if you are on high levels of electricity, the electric sea in the belly functional, astral projection can happen very often and most of the times as an accident, trying to sleep or just entering a trance you happen to leave the body.

To emphasize this and it is important for any other power, meditation, siddhhis, certain states of the being, ARE NOT TO BE PURSUED, DONE, LEARNED IN AND BY STRUGGLE. Do not struggle.

Opening the chakras takes time and cleaning. Creating and learning the volume of electricity by breathing exercises takes time. Striving for balance takes time. It takes natural flow to have your energies of the soul and body rise and flow. After and concurrent to all of this natural flow of the being and your sincere daily effort to advance and meditate, astral projection and other things happen involuntary, naturally. Not only it is not a struggle but it will be a happy accident.

Having the above said this does not mean to not train, have goals or pursue your inner desires in this. We all have specific tendencies, potentiality and capacity. However the above is the critical and primal focus that will get you there.

Focusing with supreme will to astral project can work to a degree.

Leaving the body is easy, not actually the important and hard part.

The maintaining of councious faculty, the control of your reaction and mind, your foresight in this. The movement and the distance, the volume of your reach. How much and to what degree are you able to have your senses fully functional in a none material substance. These are the questions and the whole and vast appliance that needs attention. Not just the curiosity and shock effect that must be forever overcome already when comes to actual practical actions to advance.
Darkpagan666 said:
NakedPluto said:
For those advanced, you can use your solar chakra to project.

If there's need for specifics. Open and expand your solar chakra in a prolonged deep trance.

The solar chakra creates a feeling of extreme intense speed.

Expand your front body solar plexus energy in a disc with the radius of about 10 cm.

Understand this disc by rotation, the extremities rotating clockwise and the rest of the disc (as in a 3d, depth dimension) having a backward movement as in radiation (therefore you feel moving forward), exactly as a tunnel.

You can enter and focus on this tunnel and feel your being travel to immense speeds and project anywhere you want.

The amount of focus is exactly proportionate to the amount of speed you feel.

This is very true. The first time I astral projected was when I did my second spiritual sun square. The energy in my Solar Plexus chakra got so vast, I got kicked out of my physical body. I almost did it the first time, but I didn't understand what was happening, so I "fought" it somehow.

A few days later I woke up in the middle of the night due to a very powerful energy surge in my Solar Plexus chakra. It was a very rewarding experience.

You can, in short, use the spiritual sun square to obtain the necessary amount of energy to astral project as well.

Everytime I was awakened by the solar chakra or the crown at night I thought I have died. The power of this jumps me everytime without fail. It is indeed rewarding.

I have learned to fully indulge in this with councious effort of awareness and focus. If you enter some states of being from these energies and expansion, it becomes highly mystical in all ways.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Kath el said:

Astral projection is not useful. It is like a game or a party trick. And it also very difficult, and it takes years of building strong foundations of many other skills. All of those other skills are what is useful and important. And also they must come first, it is not possible to do this trick until you have all of those other skills.

The gods can't skip all of the necessary work for you. If you want this, you have to do the work to create and build it. And also the gods will help you with many things that are important to your health or safety or help you to have a better life, but they will not waste their time to help you with what is basically a game that does not help anybody.

But if this is something that you really want to do, use it as your motivation. :D You can use this as a goal to achieve, and as you are doing all of the other required skills, you will know that you are working for something you want.

Answer this question brother why don’t the gods love me enough to make me astral project?
I’ve helped out Satan alot by doing rtrs so I deserve Satan and the gods making me astral project
I’ve failed everytime when I have tried to astral project so I told the gods I need them to make me astral project because that is the only way I won’t be in the worst torment and the gods didn’t make me astral project so why do the gods not love me enough to make me astral project?
NakedPluto said:
Leeges said:
I've never heard of this method before but it makes sense since you project out of the belly button. Usually I focus on my breath or do the "ladder" or "ascending" method with no results. Focusing on my solar plexus while going to sleep will help, eh? I will try this tonight. Sorry for the multi posts (phone posts).

It is a wholness of factors in advancement. Astral Projection needs more than willingness, such as the electric body of departure, hence the natural need of an energetic volume to be projected and also the councious projection.

Solar chakra fuels in excess (expansion) the astral body and can project it, as past a level you cannot inhabit so much energy. Either it is discharged, circulated and stored, or used in this way. Which again happens naturally.

Also if you are on high levels of electricity, the electric sea in the belly functional, astral projection can happen very often and most of the times as an accident, trying to sleep or just entering a trance you happen to leave the body.

To emphasize this and it is important for any other power, meditation, siddhhis, certain states of the being, ARE NOT TO BE PURSUED, DONE, LEARNED IN AND BY STRUGGLE. Do not struggle.

Opening the chakras takes time and cleaning. Creating and learning the volume of electricity by breathing exercises takes time. Striving for balance takes time. It takes natural flow to have your energies of the soul and body rise and flow. After and concurrent to all of this natural flow of the being and your sincere daily effort to advance and meditate, astral projection and other things happen involuntary, naturally. Not only it is not a struggle but it will be a happy accident.

Having the above said this does not mean to not train, have goals or pursue your inner desires in this. We all have specific tendencies, potentiality and capacity. However the above is the critical and primal focus that will get you there.

Focusing with supreme will to astral project can work to a degree.

Leaving the body is easy, not actually the important and hard part.

The maintaining of councious faculty, the control of your reaction and mind, your foresight in this. The movement and the distance, the volume of your reach. How much and to what degree are you able to have your senses fully functional in a none material substance. These are the questions and the whole and vast appliance that needs attention. Not just the curiosity and shock effect that must be forever overcome already when comes to actual practical actions to advance.

1. But they state for many conscious dreaming or consciously entering a dream is 100% or is it? And they state you project and I'm like "Is astral projection so conscious I'm as awake in the astral as real life? "Is Astral Projection such a conscious process that I'm literally awake only with this astral vehicle and not my body?"

These are the three main questions. Though I do provide background on these have what I like to call statement questions. For example re-reading my post below I ask "If a person is trained into trance and some have mentioned falling into trance too easily and or deepening. If a person is driving can they crash their car from drivers trance and falling too easily and deeply into a trance?

Is trance without danger? I know it's an innocent activity a natural activity we are in trances hundreds if not thousands of times a day but what if I'm doing an activity that requires great care such as driving?

Although you make a point of projecting through a chakra in this case the solar or as Maxine puts it on the mainsite through Center green heart.

Isn't it more that people who project just doing it consciously like a release? In other words inasmuch from studying Astral projection dating back to at least 1999-2000-2001 time period reading on lucid dreaming and people talking about AP.

Inasmuch they enter a trance, they might previously before trance perform PMR(Progressive Muscle Relaxation) and might stretch a bit beforehand the trance. From what I know a trance is required for projection but in reality the trance is more like an effort to fall asleep the body and let the mind stay sharp awakened. As far as I'm aware with people in various forums dating back to these similar forums like lucid dreaming/AP websites that still exist.

Inasmuch they enter a trance, perform some kind of hypnotic effect some are learned in self-hypnosis or perform countdown styles and fall down. As some have said some people train not to enter trance at will. But to enter trance after a cycle of countdowns and effects in essence triggering a trance.

I've often wondered if people who delve into trances and stay in trances for extended periods of time. What we would call as meditation i.e. trance meditation. Similar to mindfulness only with the goal to focus on training trance and not simply be an observer and meditate using the most basic meditation of watching the thoughts, examining the body, and feeling coarse or fine grain feelings. I've wondered if people who have a penchant for trance coupled with waking life if they fall into trance too easily or when a scenario happens they totally dive down deeper than normal.

For example driving produces drivers trance. But a person who is trained in trance can they have an issue whereby their in their car tranced to a deeper level than what is needed or required i.e. drivers psychic field as some have stated whereby we sorta drive at certain points almost like a psychic net.

But people who do enter trances, train themselves perform trigger cycles and count themselves down to trance at will at a specific trigger period as a safety measure sorta like a gun. They just load up into the astral.

For example the most common thing AP'ers state is the first time and a few times later everything is very difficult, at first, really once you release fear and perform the rocketship exercise as you get hypnogogic effects such as hearing someone go he's doing it. Or hearing loud sounds or crashes or vibrations and tones that sound like the whole room is ripping apart. People experience this they drive themselves into the astral vehicle.

And then poof they are in the dark room some have suggested AP'ing during the day like Robert Bruce who warned it's kinda scary being so alone in this realm. And people are like "okay no one is around, no voices, no entities". As people realize the astral is kinda lonely and even entities out there ignore you. There have been incidents with entities but most people are like okay this is weird these strangers don't interact with me.

Sheer fact is from what I read on Astral projection it seems most people launch their consciousness whether your a person who states the consciousness is tied to the brain/mind or the consciousness is filling the entire body hence thinking with the entirety of your being.

But all I know is people don't project from a chakra or even know how to do that. Or they inasmuch learn meditation can augment astral projection or make it easier or sensitize to this. Sheer fact is most people brute force AP either by mindfulness as some Yogi/Monks/Meditators have stated having out of body sensations or literally being outside only to be told focus on meditation and observe. Or the opposite people trance out they willfully come out and they come out like either a rocketship taking off with the entire room ripping itself apart only to launch out and be in total silence in their rooms audible noises. Or they perform a get up. The person is so stuck to their body or this acclimation of the astral vehicle out and the consciousness stuck to the body. That the person either they take off and go into the vehicle or the vehicle is stuck to their consciousness.

So in essence they get up literally instead of rocketing out. They get up from bed notice they are phasing through the bed sheets notice that their body is stuck to the bed and get up like normal only to project in a very absolutely confounding way. Some people are surprised by this and view this as a very normalized way of projecting either the person created the rocket incident for the first time or in essence they naturally acclimate their externalizing with getting up like nothing.

Accidental wise many have gotten up only to have their hand go through the door or disoriented at first maybe feeling sleepy walk through the door be in another room and like WTF I didn't open the door.

My biggest issue with astral projection besides training for it and learning all this stuff which I don't want to bother with. I'm surprised people train AP if they are so tired they just want to sleep. But besides training trance and trigger mechanisms and whatnot.

I've often wondered how conscious people are on trance. I've read of people having exceptional memory in lucid dreams even producing dreams whereby yeah they know their dreaming and yeah they can feel their physical vessel as I've had in a few lucid dreams. But they state for many conscious dreaming or consciously entering a dream is 100% or is it?

I've always wondered with lucid I understand the dream unconscious state. But with astral projection it's the exact opposite rather you put the body to sleep but keep the mind awake. And they state you project and I'm like "Is astral projection so conscious I'm as awake in the astral as real life?"

I read stories of people materializing objects or Robert Bruce's message on spiritual combat or whatever. And I'm like the simple question that no one has ever answered is "Is Astral Projection such a conscious process that I'm literally awake only with this astral vehicle and not my body?"

For example if I project and return back to my body to integrate the experience do I remember everything. Does it become like a dream that fades away like shutting down the RAM memory of a computer. How much preservation of data from the entire HOURS some have spent in astral projection.

From everything I read I notice people write spectacular things. But when someone return back are they remembering like WHOA hell of a night I was awake and out of body for so many hours it's like I never slept I just stayed awake the whole time.

I do know people who've talked about AP and Robert Bruce I think did state something like perhaps at first and perhaps at certain points mental fatigue occurs and does make sense. You feel physically re-energized but the mind was not at rest or if it's at a resting point i.e. altered state it's consciously operating at a lower step than standard consciousness.

I've never gotten a straight answer from reading various lucid/AP sites that this stuff sticks with you. I hope that AP isn't like lucid dream whereby you have to write everything down to build a memory. And if you remember it feels like hours passed by and your barely remembering.

I'd love to astral project but when reading things like it takes weeks or months to do it. Or for most people bed time is when they can do it.

I literally have a million questions. For example something happens outside any normal person sleeping would hear it and wake up. But what if the person is AP'ing and they are off half-way across the Universe at a planet or dimension with some aliens hanging around.

Like I said I'd love to AP. To me sleeping and dreaming are huge wastes of times. Probably why I fell in love with Lucid dreaming and astral projection. Thinking back during my youth(back with getting the internet) going "Finally some activities I can do to escape this shitty life. It's just get up go to school piss away 8 hours of my life for 9 months a year only to come home defeated tired sick of all this school garbage non-sense".

To me LD/AP were hings I studied that made me go so there is a better World than this and I CAN experience a better life and do cool things and meet people and do all this stuff.

To me LD/AP sounded like the best thing in the World. After studying this stuff I did communicate with some friends about it and talked about and whatnot. And they were interested in it as well.

But I posses so much questions I've never met nor studied any person asking stuff.

Like for example as I said remembering, or writing down like LD, or being 100% conscious like real life. I'd simply like to understand if AP is simply a virtual continuation of my life only phased out of alignment of real life.

If I could I'd do it every day but then things like doubts come up or for example if a noise occurs or I'm being called do I snap awake do I recoil back at ultra speed. I've had dreams of being lucid waking up and feeling everything just blur out and pull back like something out of the matrix or something only to fade to black and wake up and barely remember the dream. I knew I was dreaming and have the sensation but the very dream itself poof gone have to remember it throughout the day.

Either way most people I think don't project from chakras or whatever rather they just trick their body in reacting into falling asleep and launching out or getting up like normal. Another technique is rolling out you just roll side to side and roll out inducing projection induction.

Most people probably ignorantly project without any spiritual backing or spiritual framework they just do it like a scientist without metaphysical training. I mean I know we are training a metaphysical effort but at the same time people do it without any technicalities or spiritual powers or development of spiritual powers. In essence people inasmuch project solely as a mechanism tricking their bodies and working with their soul. Whether they realize it's a spiritual phenomena or not.
Also to ask one more question. First no O.P. Martin3 you cannot commit suicide AP'ing it's basically 100% activity. Nothing can hijack your soul or nothing can take you or whatever your doing an activity that is probably so 100% or so beyond 100% that it violates the entire charter for Universal law. If such a thing were possible it would mean anything can hijack you. There would be aliens hijacking people like crazy it would be a chaotic lawless hostile place to exist.

Anyways my question is as much as I know we project using an astral vehicle literally a sheath or a vehicle called the projecting vehicle. I know some early on theorycrafted or based it off metaphysical studies of the various "bodies" the Soul posses.

But are we projecting using this "astral vehicle"? or is the entire soul involved in projecting? In other words do we release ourselves fully almost like death but without death or injury or any sustain of losing life. In other words if AP is perfectly natural, perfectly innocent to 100% or beyond 100%, then how limited or unlimited are we at expressing our souls on the astral?

I know we have vehicles I know we have these structures for it. And I'm aware Maxine and Cobra said entities such as our Gods project at a much different way than we do involving a lot of power and capacity and their soul.

But how much of our soul is actually released? IF we are 3rd dimensional beings existing within the 4th dimension i.e. Universe and our souls and physical vessels are both within these two realms to varying degree. Just how much of our vehicle does our vessel release to project to this higher realm?

Thanks for the links but why do you feel it's a curse that needs to be reflected? Probably due to my Catholic upbringing?

1. Yes sir daily
2. I don't chant because of my small apartment and would sound creepy to normies :lol: but I visualise/breath into chakras and even listen to binuary beats
3. Honestly, not every day but most.. I do abandon this more than I should
4. No I just focus on my breath, sometimes to chakras but never into a desire.. I'd be interested to here more about this
5. I did for some years but after facing a near crippling event in my life with the enemy, I have less strenght now to do yoga, runes and the likes.. I had some "experiences" and the enemy kind of raped me because it in my teens.. now I just feel i'm stagnated but It's difficult to explain.. simple yoga now takes such energy where as before it would flow naturally with progress
6. nope but would love to learn more about this
7. Mostly, but get days where I allow my emotions to get the best of me but they are far in between. I do find myself rereading topics that I already no and feel the Catholic programming falling each and everytime.. I am dedicated too
That's interesting. At the moment I'm finding it hard to feel any sort of bio electricity/chi or what not when in deep meditation. I did feel it before till I was taken against my will to a mad house just because my family couldn't understand I wanted to break free from there Christian control.. that was in my teens.. now I can power meditate/void meditate for an hour or two but feel stagnated.. I don't no what they injected into me back then but it was never the same meditating..I can't feel true progress like I did back then.. I feel the blockages and light energy but it is never intense and is a real killer for my motivation now. I usually work on my chakras daily but have never felt that serge of energy I once did which I'm sure you are referring to.. it's a downer for sure but I still work hard regardless
Kath el said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Kath el said:

Astral projection is not useful. It is like a game or a party trick. And it also very difficult, and it takes years of building strong foundations of many other skills. All of those other skills are what is useful and important. And also they must come first, it is not possible to do this trick until you have all of those other skills.

The gods can't skip all of the necessary work for you. If you want this, you have to do the work to create and build it. And also the gods will help you with many things that are important to your health or safety or help you to have a better life, but they will not waste their time to help you with what is basically a game that does not help anybody.

But if this is something that you really want to do, use it as your motivation. :D You can use this as a goal to achieve, and as you are doing all of the other required skills, you will know that you are working for something you want.

Answer this question brother why don’t the gods love me enough to make me astral project?
I’ve helped out Satan alot by doing rtrs so I deserve Satan and the gods making me astral project
I’ve failed everytime when I have tried to astral project so I told the gods I need them to make me astral project because that is the only way I won’t be in the worst torment and the gods didn’t make me astral project so why do the gods not love me enough to make me astral project?
You very simply don't understand what astral projection is. You think astral projection is some kind of cure to all of your problems, but it is not, for a person that is of such low awareness like you, astral projection will be a mere dream, and you most likely wont even remember it. Astral projection is not going to fix the problems in your life, fixing those problems requires discipline and persistance.

The Gods know this, they know that you are just deluding yourself and there is absolutely no need for you to astral project right now, it's literally something you don't need for the time being, then why would they force you to astral project?
Listen to some common sense and take the advice given here, for once, and stop being arrogant, demanding this and that.
Kath el said:
Answer this question brother why don’t the gods love me enough to make me astral project?
I’ve helped out Satan alot by doing rtrs so I deserve Satan and the gods making me astral project
I’ve failed everytime when I have tried to astral project so I told the gods I need them to make me astral project because that is the only way I won’t be in the worst torment and the gods didn’t make me astral project so why do the gods not love me enough to make me astral project?

If you want to ever be happy or comfortable, you have to make your life better. You have to work on yourself and on your life to remove all of your problems and give yourself a better life. And it is yourself who needs to do this work and nobody else is able to do it for you.

Astral projection would be a waste of time and it would do nothing to help you. It would not make your life better or solve any of your problems. It is only a way to distract you so you wouldn't think about your problems. Very similar to people doing drugs to try to feel numb and ignore their problems. As long as you spend trying to ignore your problems, you are making them worse by neglecting them. And you are only going to keep getting worse and more uncomfortable and more unhappy.

But you are able to help yourself and you are able to give yourself a better life. You have to look at each of your problems and work on solving each one of them. Any work that you do to try to help yourself will be permanent in your soul and will stay with you forever. And at least your next life will be better than this one.

1. It can be achieved to be fully conscious yes. Why would it be a "dream" or impossibility to understand this? Because of imagination, lack of experience. This is why I think it is best to not create expectations around this and simply be a witness to this. I believe that there are levels of advancement to this, and degrees of fulfillment in this, being that you are projecting a volume of energy that you inhabit outside of your material being.

In theory, let's say it can be a "vehicle". In practice and experience it is a wholeness and fully you going outside of your body, and the senses do not know otherwise but you just departing from the body.

However this is fully and totally different than just dying. In case of death, the body has released all of the energy and the material does not offer any support or vessel to project anything. What do we call the people with an immortal dimensional body? Exactly, so any thoughts about this or worries regarding dying while astral projecting or not returning are completely unfunded. The body is a vessel of many many types of energies, the one that you project quickly dissipates, it is of no importance. It is an excess from the product and transformation of your being, in the manner I explained it can be done by the Solar or having basic high electricity.

This fuel to train and do such things, as it requires an amount of big energy, can be practiced when the Sexual energy circulates/it is transformed in your body, or simply and directly the Serpent, as the energy is forever plentiful.

2. The level of danger regarding trance is that of only having to take care of surroundings and sounds, so you don't get startled in deep trance. A fly flying in the window, a small crack sound, can startle and produce a shock in your nervous system when in deep trance. A powerful sound will affect you and yes can be dangerous. This is a warning on JoS as well, and more than this, no, nothing is dangerous.

You do not drive and have a trance! Practicing trance is done when safe and not doing conscious tasks with your body of work or whatever. Having yourself also all day in a light trance is unhealthy as well, your brain and body needs very alert states of being and trance as well. A balance is needed. You'll have headaches and up to exaggeration - even hormonal changes.

This is obvious and extremely hard as a "danger" and harm to be accomplished, only a fool would affect himself harmfully with these kinds of basic spiritual actions and stands only as an unfounded worry.

Drivers trance is completely different from trance. That is only voiding out and having reflexive habits, coordination. Nothing of a trance.

People who are "trancing" when doing tasks are simply voiding out. A small form of void meditation, not trance meditation. Doing trance you also have to focus and entertain an energy of sorts from within. As without maintaining conscious grip on something, with an effort, you will sleep away and dream.
Leeges said:
That's interesting. At the moment I'm finding it hard to feel any sort of bio electricity/chi or what not when in deep meditation. I did feel it before till I was taken against my will to a mad house just because my family couldn't understand I wanted to break free from there Christian control.. that was in my teens.. now I can power meditate/void meditate for an hour or two but feel stagnated.. I don't no what they injected into me back then but it was never the same meditating..I can't feel true progress like I did back then.. I feel the blockages and light energy but it is never intense and is a real killer for my motivation now. I usually work on my chakras daily but have never felt that serge of energy I once did which I'm sure you are referring to.. it's a downer for sure but I still work hard regardless

Work with yourself and understand yourself. Looking down on yourself in this way leads you to nothing but waste time. Perform Breath work everyday and simply meditate. The best advice to this is to fully focus on what ARE you feeling, not what you are currently not feeling.

Your imagination must be an enabling factor not a disabling one.

That light energy you feel, is not in reality 'light'. Most refined energy ever existent not only in yourself but in the Universe will be extremely silent. Not even soft. It takes great awareness that is often found as a sensory epiphany to be felt.

You have the expectation and desire lower vibrations and lower, more palpable energy. Therefore you can focus on the lower chakras. But you already found and established a relationship with your spiritual faculties. Focus on this fully and work with this.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Kath el said:
Answer this question brother why don’t the gods love me enough to make me astral project?
I’ve helped out Satan alot by doing rtrs so I deserve Satan and the gods making me astral project
I’ve failed everytime when I have tried to astral project so I told the gods I need them to make me astral project because that is the only way I won’t be in the worst torment and the gods didn’t make me astral project so why do the gods not love me enough to make me astral project?

If you want to ever be happy or comfortable, you have to make your life better. You have to work on yourself and on your life to remove all of your problems and give yourself a better life. And it is yourself who needs to do this work and nobody else is able to do it for you.

Astral projection would be a waste of time and it would do nothing to help you. It would not make your life better or solve any of your problems. It is only a way to distract you so you wouldn't think about your problems. Very similar to people doing drugs to try to feel numb and ignore their problems. As long as you spend trying to ignore your problems, you are making them worse by neglecting them. And you are only going to keep getting worse and more uncomfortable and more unhappy.

But you are able to help yourself and you are able to give yourself a better life. You have to look at each of your problems and work on solving each one of them. Any work that you do to try to help yourself will be permanent in your soul and will stay with you forever. And at least your next life will be better than this one.

I did try to make my life better by astral projecting and I failed multiple times which is why I asked the gods to make me astral project and they didn’t
So the only way I can get peace is by astral projecting then I wouldn’t be in eternal torture anymore on earth
By astral projecting I can have all peace then I’m not in eternal torture anymore then I can get some rest
Kath el said:
I did try to make my life better by astral projecting and I failed multiple times which is why I asked the gods to make me astral project and they didn’t
So the only way I can get peace is by astral projecting then I wouldn’t be in eternal torture anymore on earth
By astral projecting I can have all peace then I’m not in eternal torture anymore then I can get some rest

You are stuck on the idea that astral projection will make your life better.

It won't.

Do workings to make your life better. Astral projection is not needed, at all.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=381068 time=1660470652 user_id=57]
Kath el said:
I did try to make my life better by astral projecting and I failed multiple times which is why I asked the gods to make me astral project and they didn’t
So the only way I can get peace is by astral projecting then I wouldn’t be in eternal torture anymore on earth
By astral projecting I can have all peace then I’m not in eternal torture anymore then I can get some rest

You are stuck on the idea that astral projection will make your life better.

It won't.

Do workings to make your life better. Astral projection is not needed, at all.

I am trying to do astral projecting to get out of the enemy’s/Yahwehs hell on earth
If I’m alive in the body I will never have peace
I have mental torture forever all the way until I learn how to exit my body
Which is why I am trying to astral project so me astral projecting is the only thing that will make my life better because if I don’t learn how to astral project then I will suffer all the way until I find a way to exit my body
I’m not going to be specific because it’s too scary for anyone for me to tell but I have suffered the most of all of existence it was the enemy Yahweh/greys that did this to me
So everyday every second I am in mental torture so the only way for me to not be in that mental torture is astral projecting which is why astral projecting is the only thing that will make my life better then I can finally rest
Kath el said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=381068 time=1660470652 user_id=57]
Kath el said:
I did try to make my life better by astral projecting and I failed multiple times which is why I asked the gods to make me astral project and they didn’t
So the only way I can get peace is by astral projecting then I wouldn’t be in eternal torture anymore on earth
By astral projecting I can have all peace then I’m not in eternal torture anymore then I can get some rest

You are stuck on the idea that astral projection will make your life better.

It won't.

Do workings to make your life better. Astral projection is not needed, at all.

I am trying to do astral projecting to get out of the enemy’s/Yahwehs hell on earth
If I’m alive in the body I will never have peace
I have mental torture forever all the way until I learn how to exit my body
Which is why I am trying to astral project so me astral projecting is the only thing that will make my life better because if I don’t learn how to astral project then I will suffer all the way until I find a way to exit my body
I’m not going to be specific because it’s too scary for anyone for me to tell but I have suffered the most of all of existence it was the enemy Yahweh/greys that did this to me
So everyday every second I am in mental torture so the only way for me to not be in that mental torture is astral projecting which is why astral projecting is the only thing that will make my life better then I can finally rest
It doesn't work like that, astral projection is not a permanent exit from your physical body, just temporary.
Kath el said:
I am trying to do astral projecting to get out of the enemy’s/Yahwehs hell on earth
If I’m alive in the body I will never have peace
I have mental torture forever all the way until I learn how to exit my body
Which is why I am trying to astral project so me astral projecting is the only thing that will make my life better because if I don’t learn how to astral project then I will suffer all the way until I find a way to exit my body
I’m not going to be specific because it’s too scary for anyone for me to tell but I have suffered the most of all of existence it was the enemy Yahweh/greys that did this to me
So everyday every second I am in mental torture so the only way for me to not be in that mental torture is astral projecting which is why astral projecting is the only thing that will make my life better then I can finally rest

The only torture is you choosing to torture yourself. You have a habit of focusing on bad thoughts, which many people have this problem because they get addicted to focusing on these things. You need to work very carefully on paying attention to your thoughts and every time you get a bad thought, force yourself to think about something different instead. It is difficult to change such a strong habit but it will get easier and it will improve.

Void meditation, returning curses parts 1 and 2, and the new rituals that connect to the gods. Do all five of these Gods rituals, and they will help you to heal. You will be happy.

Kath el said:
I am trying to do astral projecting to get out of the enemy’s/Yahwehs hell on earth
If I’m alive in the body I will never have peace
I have mental torture forever all the way until I learn how to exit my body
Which is why I am trying to astral project so me astral projecting is the only thing that will make my life better because if I don’t learn how to astral project then I will suffer all the way until I find a way to exit my body
I’m not going to be specific because it’s too scary for anyone for me to tell but I have suffered the most of all of existence it was the enemy Yahweh/greys that did this to me
So everyday every second I am in mental torture so the only way for me to not be in that mental torture is astral projecting which is why astral projecting is the only thing that will make my life better then I can finally rest
You are suffering because you are not taking care of your spiritual hygiene (cleaning and protection). You have also displayed much xtian programming not only here, but on other topics as well. You can fight against the enemy and remove the programming by doing spiritual warfare, cleaning and reading JoS on daily basis.
Aquarius said:
Kath el said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=381068 time=1660470652 user_id=57]

You are stuck on the idea that astral projection will make your life better.

It won't.

Do workings to make your life better. Astral projection is not needed, at all.

I am trying to do astral projecting to get out of the enemy’s/Yahwehs hell on earth
If I’m alive in the body I will never have peace
I have mental torture forever all the way until I learn how to exit my body
Which is why I am trying to astral project so me astral projecting is the only thing that will make my life better because if I don’t learn how to astral project then I will suffer all the way until I find a way to exit my body
I’m not going to be specific because it’s too scary for anyone for me to tell but I have suffered the most of all of existence it was the enemy Yahweh/greys that did this to me
So everyday every second I am in mental torture so the only way for me to not be in that mental torture is astral projecting which is why astral projecting is the only thing that will make my life better then I can finally rest
It doesn't work like that, astral projection is not a permanent exit from your physical body, just temporary.

I know that but I need 1 second of rest
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Kath el said:
I am trying to do astral projecting to get out of the enemy’s/Yahwehs hell on earth
If I’m alive in the body I will never have peace
I have mental torture forever all the way until I learn how to exit my body
Which is why I am trying to astral project so me astral projecting is the only thing that will make my life better because if I don’t learn how to astral project then I will suffer all the way until I find a way to exit my body
I’m not going to be specific because it’s too scary for anyone for me to tell but I have suffered the most of all of existence it was the enemy Yahweh/greys that did this to me
So everyday every second I am in mental torture so the only way for me to not be in that mental torture is astral projecting which is why astral projecting is the only thing that will make my life better then I can finally rest

The only torture is you choosing to torture yourself. You have a habit of focusing on bad thoughts, which many people have this problem because they get addicted to focusing on these things. You need to work very carefully on paying attention to your thoughts and every time you get a bad thought, force yourself to think about something different instead. It is difficult to change such a strong habit but it will get easier and it will improve.

Void meditation, returning curses parts 1 and 2, and the new rituals that connect to the gods. Do all five of these Gods rituals, and they will help you to heal. You will be happy.


The enemy Yahweh the greys have full control over my mind now so I don’t decide on what I think anymore
I might aswell just say what is going on
My mom is the main person I love
I am 20 years old now since I was the age of 7 yahweh has been trying to force me to eat my moms face off every second and everyday for 13 years straight but I resist forever
So my body is too tired from the mental torture now I can’t even go anywhere and I can’t do anything in this body anymore if I do then my body will completely shut down and I will end up passing out
So my body is too tired to where I can’t do anything in this body anymore so I need to astral project to be able to get some rest
Kath el said:
Aquarius said:
Kath el said:
I am trying to do astral projecting to get out of the enemy’s/Yahwehs hell on earth
If I’m alive in the body I will never have peace
I have mental torture forever all the way until I learn how to exit my body
Which is why I am trying to astral project so me astral projecting is the only thing that will make my life better because if I don’t learn how to astral project then I will suffer all the way until I find a way to exit my body
I’m not going to be specific because it’s too scary for anyone for me to tell but I have suffered the most of all of existence it was the enemy Yahweh/greys that did this to me
So everyday every second I am in mental torture so the only way for me to not be in that mental torture is astral projecting which is why astral projecting is the only thing that will make my life better then I can finally rest
It doesn't work like that, astral projection is not a permanent exit from your physical body, just temporary.

I know that but I need 1 second of rest
Astral projection is not rest, you're not gonna be detached from your daily problems, that's something you need to work on mentally when you're conscious.
Kath el said:
My mom is the main person I love
I am 20 years old now since I was the age of 7 yahweh has been trying to force me to eat my moms face off every second and everyday for 13 years straight but I resist forever
It is evident you have schizophrenia or another mental illness. I usually avoid recommendations like this, but you need to seek help from a doctor and probably go on anti-psychotic medications. Power meditations will aggravate the issue. Please seek help. Astral projection will not solve the issue.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=381627 time=1660644469 user_id=57]
Kath el said:
My mom is the main person I love
I am 20 years old now since I was the age of 7 yahweh has been trying to force me to eat my moms face off every second and everyday for 13 years straight but I resist forever
It is evident you have schizophrenia or another mental illness. I usually avoid recommendations like this, but you need to seek help from a doctor and probably go on anti-psychotic medications. Power meditations will aggravate the issue. Please seek help. Astral projection will not solve the issue.

Proof that it is Yahweh trying to force me to eat my moms face off is in the Bible Ezekiel 5 10 Yahweh forces fathers to eat their sons that is proof it is Yahweh trying to force me to eat my moms face off
Also it started when I first found out the truth about Yahweh also when I do rtrs it makes Yahweh stop trying to make me eat my moms face off for a hour
So all of that is proof it is Yahweh trying to make me eat my moms face off
There are no excuses
Also I’ve been tested for mental illness and all came back negative
Aquarius said:
Kath el said:
Aquarius said:
It doesn't work like that, astral projection is not a permanent exit from your physical body, just temporary.

I know that but I need 1 second of rest
Astral projection is not rest, you're not gonna be detached from your daily problems, that's something you need to work on mentally when you're conscious.

Astral projection is rest because you are not sick in your astral form and there is no suffering in your astral form
When I’m in the body Yahweh continues the torture me so there is nothing I can do to help while I am in the body
Yahweh tries to force me to eat my moms face off all the way until I die or exit the body through astral projection
But love is the only way I have been resisting for 12 years
I have done the impossible and beat the mind control of Yahweh/the greys
So if I obeyed Yahweh would possess me 100% then I wouldn’t have any control over my actions also while I am in the body it’s possible for Yahweh to posses me then I won’t have any control over my actions
So I don’t need to be in the body no matter what so tell me why did the gods not make me astral project when I asked them too?
If they did make me astral project then I would know they are here to save me I have failed astral projection many times so I can’t astral project so I asked the gods to make me astral project the fact they didn’t must mean they don’t care for me as much as I thought they did so my question is why didn’t they gods make me astral project when I need it more than anyone in the world
It pisses me off and gives me pure rage
Anyway so my only hope is death or astral projecting
So my only question is why didn’t the gods make me astral project when I asked them to?
Kath el said:
Also I’ve been tested for mental illness and all came back negative

Do what Lydia said. You have not yet been tested in an accurate or correct way if it said negative. Tell the doctor everything that you are telling us.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Kath el said:
Also I’ve been tested for mental illness and all came back negative

Do what Lydia said. You have not yet been tested in an accurate or correct way if it said negative. Tell the doctor everything that you are telling us.

I have been tested by more than 10 doctors
So more than 10 doctors has said I don’t have a mental illness
This is spiritual warfare
As I said it is Yahweh/greys that are trying to force me to eat my moms face off proof it is Yahweh trying to force me to eat my moms face off is Ezekiel 5 10 Yahweh forces fathers to eat their sons
So now we know only Yahweh forces people to eat people that is how you know it is Yahweh/greys trying to force me to eat my moms face off
Also it started right when I found out the truth about Yahweh aka exposing Christianity.com so it is no doubt that it is Yahweh trying to make me eat my moms face off
Also when I had medicine for peace nothing helped me doctors have gave me more than 20 medications to help with this problem and the medicine doesn’t help so it’s definitely not mental illness
All the evidence says it is only Yahweh trying to make me eat my moms face off
I remember one time hp Shannon said the greys did something to her similar to what happened to me when she found out the truth about the enemy/Yahweh
Yahweh is literally trying to mind control me to do it
Like a robot to where I can’t control my actions like possession
My love for my mom is the only way I have been resisting Yahweh’s mind control
The greys are going full power on me because i bet they want me to commit suicide because I have been doing great damage to Yahweh/greys
So my body is too tired to be able to live so I have to either die or astral project for me to get rest and peace for a little while which is why my question is why didn’t the gods make me astral project when I asked? I have done a lot of work in destroying the enemy/Yahweh so I deserve the gods making me astral project
They are making me feel not important because they aren’t doing what I am asking them to do
So what is the point of doing spiritual warfare if the gods don’t see me as important?
So my question is why did the gods not make me astral project when I asked them too?
Kath el said:

I am not saying you never talked to any doctors. I'm just saying you need to tell them exactly what you are telling us. It looks like you did not explain this to them.

Astral projection would not be a way for you to rest. It would take an enormous amount of energy, and when you come back you will be more tired than you were before. This is why they don't do this because it would not help you.
Kath el said:
So what is the point of doing spiritual warfare if the gods don’t see me as important?
The point is to free yourself and others from curses and to take back our Earth.
So my question is why did the gods not make me astral project when I asked them too?
Because they are not wish granting genies and solution for you is not astral projection.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Kath el said:

I am not saying you never talked to any doctors. I'm just saying you need to tell them exactly what you are telling us. It looks like you did not explain this to them.

Astral projection would not be a way for you to rest. It would take an enormous amount of energy, and when you come back you will be more tired than you were before. This is why they don't do this because it would not help you.

I already told doctors what I am going through
I told doctors everything I explained to you
And they didn’t know it was spiritual
Doctors don’t believe in the spiritual like we do
They would call someone like me and you crazy
So the doctors told me I wasn’t mentally ill
My evidence proves it is spiritual
Astral projection would help me because then I wouldn’t be mind controlled by Yahweh anymore then I can get some damn rest
What I mean by rest is I wouldn’t be able to be mind controlled anymore while I astral project
That is what I mean by resting
I know it will drain energy but im talking about rest to where I can’t get tortured anymore
So my question is why didn’t the gods make me astral project when I asked them to?
Kath el said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Kath el said:

I am not saying you never talked to any doctors. I'm just saying you need to tell them exactly what you are telling us. It looks like you did not explain this to them.

Astral projection would not be a way for you to rest. It would take an enormous amount of energy, and when you come back you will be more tired than you were before. This is why they don't do this because it would not help you.

I already told doctors what I am going through
I told doctors everything I explained to you
And they didn’t know it was spiritual
Doctors don’t believe in the spiritual like we do
They would call someone like me and you crazy
So the doctors told me I wasn’t mentally ill
My evidence proves it is spiritual
Astral projection would help me because then I wouldn’t be mind controlled by Yahweh anymore then I can get some damn rest
What I mean by rest is I wouldn’t be able to be mind controlled anymore while I astral project
That is what I mean by resting
I know it will drain energy but im talking about rest to where I can’t get tortured anymore
So my question is why didn’t the gods make me astral project when I asked them to?
You have a mental illness, you're not going to get better until you accept it and try to cure it.
Aquarius said:
Kath el said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I am not saying you never talked to any doctors. I'm just saying you need to tell them exactly what you are telling us. It looks like you did not explain this to them.

Astral projection would not be a way for you to rest. It would take an enormous amount of energy, and when you come back you will be more tired than you were before. This is why they don't do this because it would not help you.

I already told doctors what I am going through
I told doctors everything I explained to you
And they didn’t know it was spiritual
Doctors don’t believe in the spiritual like we do
They would call someone like me and you crazy
So the doctors told me I wasn’t mentally ill
My evidence proves it is spiritual
Astral projection would help me because then I wouldn’t be mind controlled by Yahweh anymore then I can get some damn rest
What I mean by rest is I wouldn’t be able to be mind controlled anymore while I astral project
That is what I mean by resting
I know it will drain energy but im talking about rest to where I can’t get tortured anymore
So my question is why didn’t the gods make me astral project when I asked them to?
You have a mental illness, you're not going to get better until you accept it and try to cure it.

I don’t have a mental illness according to doctors aka people far smarter than you
Also I’ve tried many medications and cures like ketamine fusions from doctors and electroshock therapy and nothing works because there is no cure in stopping Yahweh except the rtr
So I have already provided proof of its Yahweh the greys trying to force me to eat my moms face off there is nothing you can do to change that
Evidence it is Yahweh trying to make me eat my moms face off is Ezekiel 5 10 Yahweh forces fathers to eat their sons that is proof only Yahweh forces people to eat people that is proof of Yahweh is trying to make me eat my moms face off now next proof is it stops when I do the rtr that is proof it is Yahweh doing it
Also it started when I went to exposingchristanity.com meaning Yahweh did that to me to stay away from the truth so according to evidence it is only Yahweh trying to make me eat my moms face off and you have no fucking excuse
So my question is why didn’t the gods make me astral project when I asked them to?
If they made me astral project then I could get some rest meaning Yahweh wouldn’t be able to make me eat my moms face off so my question is why didn’t the gods make me astral project?
Answer my question if you have the knowledge if you don’t answer my question that means you have little knowledge
So that is proof it is Yahweh trying to make me eat my moms face

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
