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An objective question about Animal mistreatment


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
...and worse.

No, I'm not advocating any form of Animal "punishment", torture, "sacrifice", etc. I said objectively, because I don't want ignorant people who don't understand what "objectivity" means to cry that I'm evil and that I should join islam. Undoubetly and of course, any replies would have subjectivity in them, as well, I do expect.

Animals catch and kill other Animals; cats play with and tease and torture their prey; big cats sink their claws and rip into their prey; a spider uses its web to catch flies and insects... all of these Animals (speaking taxonomically) all are tortured and suffer in pain and bloodshed, or if not pain, then their Souls are damaged, until they die.

Why can't we do that? We have to make sure worms are dead properly before we hook them onto the fishing rod. Why must we be humane - or 'animale', as I call it, when Animals don't give a shit (so to speak)? Any Animal tortured to death with claws sunk into its flesh, or dying inescapably in a spider's web, would surely reincarnate in a worse state from that torture and suffering. Animals have their Souls free while we don't. Are we only "allowed" to do things as we please while we are Gods and Goddesses or have free Souls? Apparently, Might does make Right - if you're in a pride of lions or a pack of wolves, then your prey is fucked, and you can rip them to shreds in very much pain before feasting on their flesh, and revelling in having a hearty meal.

What makes us different? Animals do have feelings/emotions. They do have subjectivity. Why, if their Souls are free and ours are not, can they do stuff but we can't? I know it's "wrong", but in one sense, death makes life (I don't mean to sound like a jew, nor a hippie, maaaan). I could not go out and hunt Animals or butcher them, but I do eat meat.
Because animals don't have the mental capacity to realize what they're doing. You are not an animal.
Because the only way for a lion to eat and to be able to feed it's children, is to bite the wildebeest's neck and rip it apart. And the only way for the wildebeest to survive and defend itself is for it to put it's horns into the lion and rip apart the lion. The life of these 2 animals depends on violence, and it is either one or the other.

Humans are not in any situation like that. Humans do not need that kind of violence. If a human has to eat another animal, we have the ability to do it in as quickly and painlessly a way as possible. Humans have a lot of intelligence and technology to make this possible. The human doesn't have to act like a lion and bite the deer in the throat, because the human can hunt the deer with a gun with a perfectly aimed shot and it's over instantly. The spider has to trap its food in a web because that is the only tool a spider has. Instead of using a spider web, the human uses a fishing line and hook, which ends up being pretty similar to the spider anyway.

Humans are naturally moral, and naturally caring and protective. Different people have these in different amounts, but we all have it. The purest people with the least unnatural enemy influence, are also the most moral and caring. And the least moral and least caring are those that are more influenced by enemy programs, because they have literally had parts of their soul replaced by unnatural and evil alien morals. In a completely natural state and with a healthy soul, every person is good and naturally has a drive to care for, protect, and improve the world and every good thing in it. Do what is necessary, but do not cause any unnecessary pain.

Humans, when in a natural state with a healthy soul, are an extension of the creative and generative forces that all life comes from. We are here to protect, we are here to care, we are here to improve, we are here to help, and we are here to build. This is what our souls are made from.

Humans have to kill their food so they can eat it, but always in the easiest and least painful way because we are created from these natural morals. This does not apply to self defence, if a big animal is attacking you or your family, your moral priority is to protect your family first and to remove the threat in any way possible. I mean if a tiger is trying to eat you or your family, you are not thinking about the tiger's pain, you are only thinking how to protect your family and get rid of the tiger in any way possible.

So we naturally have layers of priorities. First is protecting our families, then protecting ourselves, then protecting everything else. But if you and your family are safe, then the natural mindset is to also care about everything else in nature and never cause any unnecessary harm or pain.
Humans are the only beings who have Self consciousness and thus applying Human Morality to animals is by default, a faulty argument.
I dunno fancy maybe it comes down to the fact that we are not on the same level as wild animals and therefore we shouldn't behave like apes?

It's humanity's nature to BE humane, hence the term...humane...humanity...get it? Because unlike animals we are not totally controlled by basic instincts and impulses, and have a more advanced soul and deeper understanding of things.

This is a dangerous question to ask and I'll warn you that people who entertain and feed thoughts such as these usually go on a path to re-write their own nature. The final product is pedophiles, psychopaths and other forms of deranged idiots who have totally abandoned human nature and become well, inhumane. Hence the term.

Pigs roll around in their own shit that doesn't justify you as a human being rolling around in your own shit too. This applies to any comparison as there is no comparison. Animals exist on a totally different level and what is natural and "normal" for them does not apply to human beings.
Speaking objectively is its very easy to figure out that we are not animals or goyims, and it isn’t a must on any other extreme of action but a choice every time when we deal with other forms of life. You have a consciousness and you act according to it, you feel the need to torture (subjective as it is unnecessary to any goal - feeding or mental illness ) or you feel sympathy and compassion (still subjective but necessary to every species). Animals having their souls free doesn’t equate to have them tortured or dealt with them in a grotesque way lol, as well in the past and it is still happening, many people put their curses on the animals and let them die with the curses in a ritualistic way. How pathetic and weak.

Animals are instinctual and very intuitive, I had a cat that sometimes when I looked at her, I got mental images of things she wanted to do..the result of it was of doing that action after a couple of minutes.

“ Animals don't give a shit (so to speak)?” - in their way and level they give a lot, but it is we that we don’t know and at the same time, what do you expect from animals? To form an union of “No torture today, We call it humane way”? :lol: They are animals, they are expressions of nature. Animals are still more capable of spiritual facts than majority of the population of the globe is and will be. Do you think that animals have reasoning like we do, concept of torture? So you must ask yourself why do you have it, why you understand differently and interact somewhat in different objectives and subjectives.

“ Why, if their Souls are free and ours are not, can they do stuff but we can't?” - if we speak objectively and in the context of animals , what stops you to go and murder and torture your fellow human for his food right now? Why do you think it is not allowed, as if you want it you do it…oh wait they are rules called law, wait there’s regret, there’s fear, there’s a consciousness, there’s a food market down the street, there are higher beings that taught you different but you acted on a mental impulse that in reality didn’t satisfied any real necessity or desire…So wanting to live in a cave time of the people isn’t so much of a freedom , neither in a prison cell. There is an order or things , it is the principle of beauty instated in every part of life.

What objective goal satisfies the torture of an animal?

You touch the subject of spirituality with the free soul aspect but at the same time ignore it by a special confusion that I also had in other ways “Science vs Magic” - this whole concept tortured me and was used by the enemy for a long time. I also found it in their Jewish gematria on my personal name. It is about ignoring the spiritual part of life, or better say not be fully aware. Being free as a soul doesn’t mean that a soul can’t have traumas, be sad or in stress. The term free in the animal soul is different to our terms of free, as more the complex life is expressed, the more complex concepts of life are. You can’t equate the freedom of a soul of a cat with that of a human.

This is a hole of stagnation, this mental rope of thoughts

Being part of nature and expressing it, you as a more of a cat or dog, are responsible to also advance the ways of the nature, meaning yourself, and claim and instate order and higher visions (not to animals but to your own species, growing and expanding from that). But at the same time you are not obligated to, you have the freedom of choice

Of course in a situation of life endangering you must fight for your life and kill everything that attacks you, and also for food, but the context of it gives meaning and ways for you to make the best out of it. Also the whole situation and level of humans are at, influences directly the lives of animals and the whole nature.

As a human you have power over an animal, in terms of intelligence and consciousness, and in many other, so leaving any emotions aside not any objective goals and ways can let you act on animals like Jews to do us or else.
Have you ever been fishing??
You use a live worm, it is not dead before you hook it.

We kill animals for their meat (etc.), but we do so as fast and painlessly as possible, because we are NOT animals. An animal's soul might be freer than most Gentiles (I say most because some are lower than animals indeed), but we are still superior creatures.

I love animals, and respect them. I do so knowing I am superior. A predator could still kill me, maybe eat me alive, but I would not blame it, for that is it's nature. A true Gentile's nature is "humane" for lack of a better word, and that is a Godly trait.

To compare us with animals is pointless.
Animals are much inferior and cannot manage resources and life as advanced life forms do. There are levels of existence. The only salvation is advancement and development. I answered you in great detail and accurately on another topic about souls. Animals' souls are simple, just like their physical bodies. Immortality, eternity and divinity do not belong to simple and inferior life forms and levels of existence. The only thing from which animals are free, is the eternal struggle and eternal work that eternal beings do. There is no middle ground, either you are immortal or you are mortal and therefore either you are eternal or you are single use.
FancyMancy said:
Because having the gift of morals and ethics gives you a natural obligation to follow these.
As the evolved and higher species it's our duty to utilize those qualities and act with compassion towards animals.

The animal that tortures its prey doesn't "know" what it is doing. It just acts upon natural instinct. If a human were to do this, they would do so in full knowledge of what pain they are inflicting.
Is it that maybe ,animals may have ''less sophisticated'' souls and therefore much more interconnected with Nature's energies and also easier to ''revitalize'' upon reincarnation? I'm not saying in any way that their suffering is less damaging or painful, but may not affect them in the long term as let's say a human or equivalent would. Also not saying that their existence is any less meaningful than a human's. Just saying, maybe they don't have the advantage of long term growing and cultivating very personal past life experiences, yet , I just can't exclude the obvious physical and instinctual advantages animals are just born with. The sheer power and agility , or the advantages of their particular attributes , makes me think that Nature has it's way to counterbalance on that existential sphere, as long as their ambient is not altered in unnatural ways. Although you may have a point as in explaining the extinction of species in general..? might be? or maybe it solely depends on the actual number of living members of said species rather than the state of their soul..? I don't know, I tend to think that life founds a way and there is Natural predisposition towards life in the Cosmos. Am I BS?
Dahaarkan said:
I dunno fancy maybe it comes down to the fact that we are not on the same level as wild animals and therefore we shouldn't behave like apes?

It's humanity's nature to BE humane, hence the term...humane...humanity...get it? Because unlike animals we are not totally controlled by basic instincts and impulses, and have a more advanced soul and deeper understanding of things.

This is a dangerous question to ask and I'll warn you that people who entertain and feed thoughts such as these usually go on a path to re-write their own nature. The final product is pedophiles, psychopaths and other forms of deranged idiots who have totally abandoned human nature and become well, inhumane. Hence the term.

Pigs roll around in their own shit that doesn't justify you as a human being rolling around in your own shit too. This applies to any comparison as there is no comparison. Animals exist on a totally different level and what is natural and "normal" for them does not apply to human beings.

All of this is true, but just for the sake of argument, let's pretend that Human beings genuinely are on the same level as wild animals. At least in terms of assigned value or some similar metric.

It still wouldn't justify animal cruelty because it's in our nature, generally anyway, to not do that shit. Even without considering the fact that our natures and understanding of the world are more evolved compared to wild animals, we tend towards empathy for other creatures.

People get this idea in their heads "well Humans aren't any more valuable compared to any other lifeform or species on this planet", but then decide based on this false conclusion that the way Human beings act is wrong. It's a demented standard that they only seem to apply to us but no other animal. Humans are equal in value to any other living thing, but we get condemned for doing shit like building cities and eating meat while other animals get a pass because hey that's just their nature. But things that are in our nature, well that's not good and that's not okay because these things can have negative consequences. It reveals what's actually an anti-Human bias on the part of people who reach this conclusion about the value of Human life, and some will outright fess up to this and admit that they consider Human beings to be less valuable than other animals.

Even if you grant them that initial premise, though, and decide to agree that we're equal in value, then the fact remains that we still have our own natures, and if we genuinely are equal, then it only stands to reason that our Human nature and the things we do as a result is just as valid as what other species do as a result of their own natures. So even devaluing Human life and our advanced state of being cannot justify actions that go against our nature such as animal cruelty.

All in all I think all the replies here have been fairly on point and satisfactory.
Fancy Mancy. I hate to sound harsh but "Might makes Right". Sounds like a statement right out of a post i read recently that Mageson made about the jewish mentality.

Not pointing fingers, or making accusations, (im not making any assumptions, just had to point that statement out, i remember it clear as day)

all im saying is i just think you should think more thoroughly before you make a post like this.
i guess,because of several reasons:
-it feels painful to torture other beings
-the faster you kill something,the sooner it stops being a threat to you.i've seen jokes on some posts about how jewish souls must be eternally tortured,but,if i had the power to kill all the jews,greys and reptilians,i would destroy them quickly,both physically AND spiritually.and we all know it's the best
hope this will stick to the readers' minds
serpentwalker666 said:
Fancy Mancy. I hate to sound harsh but "Might makes Right". Sounds like a statement right out of a post i read recently that Mageson made about the jewish mentality.

Not pointing fingers, or making accusations, (im not making any assumptions, just had to point that statement out, i remember it clear as day)

all im saying is i just think you should think more thoroughly before you make a post like this.
Fancy Mancy likes to make posts about controversial and bad ideas so he can see the logic of that other side and why anybody could ever have that kind of idea. It is not his opinion, it is just an opinion he wants to understand more about. He has done this with several other topics about bad ideas that some people have, that are not his own opinions.
Dahaarkan said:
I dunno fancy maybe it comes down to the fact that we are not on the same level as wild animals and therefore we shouldn't behave like apes?

It's humanity's nature to BE humane, hence the term...humane...humanity...get it? Because unlike animals we are not totally controlled by basic instincts and impulses, and have a more advanced soul and deeper understanding of things.

This is a dangerous question to ask and I'll warn you that people who entertain and feed thoughts such as these usually go on a path to re-write their own nature. The final product is pedophiles, psychopaths and other forms of deranged idiots who have totally abandoned human nature and become well, inhumane. Hence the term.

Pigs roll around in their own shit that doesn't justify you as a human being rolling around in your own shit too. This applies to any comparison as there is no comparison. Animals exist on a totally different level and what is natural and "normal" for them does not apply to human beings.
We are superior to animals. But there is a misinterpretation of the meaning of the word human and the word inhuman. Corruption by the enemy, as with many other teachings of life. Many people think it is inhuman to kill an animal. The meaning of the word human does not mean to be an advanced sheep. Many other people act like monkeys and kill and despise animals and plants. This imbalance is due to ignorance. The most advanced and powerful animals are predators. Very intelligent forms of life like humans go far beyond that.
satanama666 said:
i guess,because of several reasons:
-it feels painful to torture other beings
-the faster you kill something,the sooner it stops being a threat to you.i've seen jokes on some posts about how jewish souls must be eternally tortured,but,if i had the power to kill all the jews,greys and reptilians,i would destroy them quickly,both physically AND spiritually.and we all know it's the best
hope this will stick to the readers' minds
I agree. Considering the end result against any enemy, annichilation and oblivion, suffering is a waste of time and energy. And it is also dangerous, if you let your guard down or if you are naive and merciful, you would end up getting stabbed in the back. Reconciliation between enemies can happen if you have not reached a point of no return and a definitive war.
Silent Sword said:
Have you ever been fishing??
You use a live worm, it is not dead before you hook it.
I was referring back to what I read ages ago on the other forum, between 2 members, one who was looked up to who may or may not be here now. They said to avoid the worm suffering, even though "it is just a worm", it is better to kill it quickly before piercing it with the hook, and the other member said that they smash the worm's head quickly before using it.

Ravenheart666 said:
Is it that maybe ,animals may have ''less sophisticated'' souls and therefore much more interconnected with Nature's energies and also easier to ''revitalize'' upon reincarnation? I'm not saying in any way that their suffering is less damaging or painful, but may not affect them in the long term as let's say a human or equivalent would. Also not saying that their existence is any less meaningful than a human's. Just saying, maybe they don't have the advantage of long term growing and cultivating very personal past life experiences,
I think you mean simpler Souls. Simple does not mean less-worthy, less-important, etc.

yet , I just can't exclude the obvious physical and instinctual advantages animals are just born with. The sheer power and agility , or the advantages of their particular attributes
Exactly. While they might have simpler Souls than we have, they are still stronger in other ways, one of those ways being the obvious Physical, or the other obvious speed.

No, I don't think so.

Powstanie Pogańskie said:
Dahaarkan said:
I dunno fancy maybe it comes down to the fact that we are not on the same level as wild animals and therefore we shouldn't behave like apes?

It's humanity's nature to BE humane, hence the term...humane...humanity...get it? Because unlike animals we are not totally controlled by basic instincts and impulses, and have a more advanced soul and deeper understanding of things.

This is a dangerous question to ask and I'll warn you that people who entertain and feed thoughts such as these usually go on a path to re-write their own nature. The final product is pedophiles, psychopaths and other forms of deranged idiots who have totally abandoned human nature and become well, inhumane. Hence the term.

Pigs roll around in their own shit that doesn't justify you as a human being rolling around in your own shit too. This applies to any comparison as there is no comparison. Animals exist on a totally different level and what is natural and "normal" for them does not apply to human beings.

All of this is true, but just for the sake of argument, let's pretend that Human beings genuinely are on the same level as wild animals. At least in terms of assigned value or some similar metric.
Before we were visited by Godly beings who advanced our DNA and helped us skip evolution, you could say that we were on the same level of advancement. (This harkens back to "the garden of eden", where we "were" so innocent and ignorant.) Back then, before we were advanced, would it be "permissible" (to use a reasoning, logical, moral, ethical, higher-Animal term) for us to behave that way? I don't think it would be 'beliefs'; it would be instinct, but as other primates, they do have language and hierarchy and cheekiness, etc., so instinct might not be the correct term. Maybe a word to describe half-a-level between instinct and reason/understanding. (Like a mezzanine being half-a-level, or intermediate level, between two floors in a house.)

It still wouldn't justify animal cruelty because it's in our nature, generally anyway, to not do that shit. Even without considering the fact that our natures and understanding of the world are more evolved compared to wild animals, we tend towards empathy for other creatures.

People get this idea in their heads "well Humans aren't any more valuable compared to any other lifeform or species on this planet",
We're not "only Human". Even the oldest-living species on Earth, millions of years older than us - including dinosaurs who existed for about 165 million years - didn't build a rocket to Moon, Mars and More. "Responsibility to the responsible", I don't mean to repeat mindlessly and thoughtlessly, but yeah.

but then decide based on this false conclusion that the way Human beings act is wrong. It's a demented standard that they only seem to apply to us but no other animal.
If a bird at the seaside comes and steals your hotdog, you should have the 'right' to smack it upside its beak! Lol. It might think twice next time. (Alpha versus beta, etc. It's my food, so feck off!) Similarly, fishermen have realised that certain sea life have got wise to their fishing/net-casting, so sea life take these opportunities to steal the fish. It's amazing that we must pay shekels for fish, while Animals (lower Animals) can steal it and get away with it.

Humans are equal in value to any other living thing, but we get condemned for doing shit like building cities and eating meat while other animals get a pass because hey that's just their nature. But things that are in our nature, well that's not good and that's not okay because these things can have negative consequences. It reveals what's actually an anti-Human bias on the part of people who reach this conclusion about the value of Human life, and some will outright fess up to this and admit that they consider Human beings to be less valuable than other animals.
That's what I might have been too subtle about in my other reply, regarding Animals being free to roam during the (((coronavirus lockdown))).

All in all I think all the replies here have been fairly on point and satisfactory.
Yeah, you said that right. I'm glad about the replies.

Some of the replies have actually helped me in a different way. I was not looking for any help here; rather, as some of you might know I like to ask these types of questions, partly to challenge and partly to make people think, and also partly for, say, those coming from the evil of islam, for example... but it's also good that I did actually get something helpful personally out of it, so thanks to youse!
satanama666 said:
i guess,because of several reasons:
-it feels painful to torture other beings
-the faster you kill something,the sooner it stops being a threat to you.i've seen jokes on some posts about how jewish souls must be eternally tortured,but,if i had the power to kill all the jews,greys and reptilians,i would destroy them quickly,both physically AND spiritually.and we all know it's the best
hope this will stick to the readers' minds
Yeah, I've been one of those jokers... but it might also be for satisfaction. There is a serious danger there, though - after a point, whether that point happens before or after satisfaction (and also justification/righteousness/revenge..., actually), it might become too enjoyable, perversely, and then that is extremely dangerous. It might be seductive and extremely so, but that is a narcotic in and of itself, and it grips hold of one tightly.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
serpentwalker666 said:
Fancy Mancy. I hate to sound harsh but "Might makes Right". Sounds like a statement right out of a post i read recently that Mageson made about the jewish mentality.

Not pointing fingers, or making accusations, (im not making any assumptions, just had to point that statement out, i remember it clear as day)

all im saying is i just think you should think more thoroughly before you make a post like this.
Fancy Mancy likes to make posts about controversial and bad ideas so he can see the logic of that other side and why anybody could ever have that kind of idea. It is not his opinion, it is just an opinion he wants to understand more about. He has done this with several other topics about bad ideas that some people have, that are not his own opinions.
Yep! I am so glad that that is known. Phew. Of course, some readers here wouldn't realise it, and that's OK. :)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
