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  1. Is_that_so

    Is this the right locations of the minor body Chakras? (Feedback Please)

    I want to start the Aura Empowering Meditation but I'm still confused on the minor body chakras. Once I figure this out I'll make some more 3d photos in the thread below. https://ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/3d-modelling-the-human-soul-3d-animations-blender-project.88605/#post-492080...
  2. Is_that_so

    3D modelling the human (soul). 3D animations. (blender project)

    I think I tried using that and a bunch of things were going wrong. I'm not too focused on the project right now. In a few years I'll have plenty of funding for JOS. I'll just pay a pro to create everything!
  3. Is_that_so

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I'm currently printing everything and the witchcraft pdf just has the Table of Contents. Is this a mistake? https://satanslibrary.org/English/Satanic_Witchcraft.pdf The full PDF would definitely be awesome!
  4. Is_that_so

    3D modelling the human (soul). 3D animations. (blender project)

    Thoughts on this? The Energy Meditation. Should the Sun be more visible towards the end?
  5. Is_that_so

    3D modelling the human (soul). 3D animations. (blender project)

    When I use the png backgrounds it doesn't look that good. But the below doesn't look much better either. Your right is doesn't look professional. I'll learn how to make the Aura wrap around the body. Cause right now I'm just placing another image over top of it I'll slowly chip away at it...
  6. Is_that_so

    3D modelling the human (soul). 3D animations. (blender project)

    Like this? The other hand photo was kinda hard to look at. So it would be like this? Or would the base of the triangle be on the finger part where you would take your finger print. Also why is the hand on the JOS website like this? What about the temple chakras? Are they level with the...
  7. Is_that_so

    3D modelling the human (soul). 3D animations. (blender project)

    Okay so what if I start making step by step photos of the meditations? It'll be easier and you can print them out. Here some basic test I made. And one question about the energy meditation. When you breathe in for eg blue energy do you still visualize a bright blue ball in the middle of...
  8. Is_that_so

    If Apocalypse, where to go??? Hide or Enter Smart City???

    Thanks for all the replies! I definitely got a better perspective now.
  9. Is_that_so

    THE NEW JOY OF SATAN WEBSITE LAYOUT IS NOW LIVE! [Update 2 - Changelog 15/Dec/2023]

    Love it!!! I think the pages will be calming for new comers!!!
  10. Is_that_so

    If Apocalypse, where to go??? Hide or Enter Smart City???

    I live in Canada and I'm very worried that if people start dropping from the vaccines the government will take over again. Then they will move people into these FEMA type camps and force them to get Vaccinated before moving into Smart city's. I know that will take time but still... In regards...
  11. Is_that_so

    Starting new Meditations in VoC

    I would think if its not a working and your just meditating on your third eye cause its moon hour on a Monday then you should be fine. But something brand new probably shouldn't be done on void moon.
  12. Is_that_so

    3D modelling the human (soul). 3D animations. (blender project)

    Thanks (: I got a new cloud addon that makes auras a simple process! Then I just render the objects separate and layer png's on top of each other. Okay so the feet just point up or down but what about the hands? For the left hand they would all be pointing up the arm including the palm and...
  13. Is_that_so

    3D modelling the human (soul). 3D animations. (blender project)

    Okay I'm back now What do you think of this Aura? It looks like ass cause of the transparent background but don't worry about that... But what about the hand chakras are these pointing the correct way? The Finger chakras are pointing towards the palm and the palm/wrist it pointing to the top...
  14. Is_that_so

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I seen someone post this on the forms once. Base Chakra: Laum, vibrated as LLAHHH – UUU – MMM* Sacral Chakra: Vaum, vibrated as VAHHH – UUU – MMM Solar Plexus '666' Chakra: Raum, vibrated as RAHHH – UUU – MMM** Heart Chakra: Aum, vibrated as AHHH – UUU – MMM Throat Chakra: Haum, vibrated as...
  15. Is_that_so


    The new website should have a link to the ritual PDF for those who print their stuff
  16. Is_that_so

    So Israel Went Boom Again

    ^^^ I don't think this is fully our RTR's either... How would Israel let the missiles fly in? Their defense system is incredible and so is their intelligence. It doesn't make sense... This is definitely them pulling tricks.
  17. Is_that_so

    What Do You Want To See From JoS?

    To avoid having to translate the websites, you could have a trusted browser extension on the front page for people to download so it translates everything on the screen for them. The only problem is that most extensions are from the chrome store.
  18. Is_that_so

    3D modelling the human (soul). 3D animations. (blender project)

    Excuse me for I'm taking so long. My PC broke and I'm building a new one. By Christmas time I should have a lot of content out!
  19. Is_that_so

    What Do You Want To See From JoS?

    I would like one big page with links of certain topics from A-Z with all good post from this forms page.
  20. Is_that_so

    Tetanus!? I need some advice.

    I stepped on a rusty ass nail this morning... I've been soaking my foot in salt and peroxide but it's still a little swollen :shock: :shock:
  21. Is_that_so

    3D modelling the human (soul). 3D animations. (blender project)

    Oh yeaaaaa!!! I'm working 12 hour days until the end of the summer so I can't commit much right now but you should have a drop box link with the latest .blend file so I can catch up once possible. Also some sort of .txt file with a check list on what is being worked on and what needs to be done!
  22. Is_that_so


    Looks awesome!!! Defiantly more approachable for new comers!!!
  23. Is_that_so

    Test/WIP Animated Meditation gifs

    Sure, its fairly simple and I could use all the help I need!!! Here's the .blend files, I'll keep updating them as I go. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/kscgh7v65n8vfdp4i0k4c/h?rlkey=g245wq34521sa47uc6ly4lu0i&dl=0 Do you mean the 6th chakra extension in the front is also the third eye??? I...
  24. Is_that_so

    Test/WIP Animated Meditation gifs

    What about the 6th extension? Does it touch the 6x eyes?
  25. Is_that_so

    Test/WIP Animated Meditation gifs

    So like this? I also got a new anatomy model which is way better!!!
  26. Is_that_so

    Earth Star Chakra / Grounding

    I was talking to some local energy healer about how my lower chakras aren't the best and how I'm not very grounded. She mentioned the Earth Star Chakra which is located around 12 inches below your feet. I've never herd about the Earth Star Chakra on here but can find lots of stuff on it when...
  27. Is_that_so

    Test/WIP Animated Meditation gifs

    I'll be making some cool ass videos once this is all done. I'll definitely get a new skeleton because this one has too much detail in skull structure and stuff. Here is the temple In line with the sixth Hear is the clairaudience from the side: Here it is from the back, but where is the...
  28. Is_that_so

    Test/WIP Animated Meditation gifs

    What about these side extensions. The skeleton looks like poop but I'll fix that. How about the placement of the temple? It should probably be a little smaller right?
  29. Is_that_so

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Power in and out the hands??? Power Meditation Volume 1 page 20 https://satanslibrary.org/English/Satanic_Power_Meditation_Volume_I.pdf Can someone please elaborate on this more. Is this done with chakra breathing? Can you only move objects with your right hand? When would I apply this???
  30. Is_that_so

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    How to deflect love spell? I had a one nightstand with some wiccan and now she's crazy about me. (Seriously Crazy for my Love) She's going to do everything she can possibly do to get me to love her. She's not my type and I only had intercourse with her because I haven't had it in a while...
  31. Is_that_so

    Test/WIP Animated Meditation gifs

    I could adjust the 6th color a bit more but how does this look? The camera angle makes the sixth look bigger than the crown so I'll keep that in mind for next adjustment.
  32. Is_that_so

    Thoughts on new show "The Secrets of Sacred Geometry"

    It seems kinda poopy actually, it just has a lot of hype animations...
  33. Is_that_so

    Thoughts on new show "The Secrets of Sacred Geometry"

    I keep getting ads for this show, it seems pretty interesting. I'm not educated enough about ancient Egypt to know what this is feeding people, so I thought I share it here with the pros. You can watch the first episode on YouTube here. https://youtu.be/qJ0dUAdkVW0 The full show is here...
  34. Is_that_so

    Test/WIP Animated Meditation gifs

    How about this? Are the extension triangles all the same size or the same scale as the chakra? Which one below looks most like a charged up chakra and should it look like a circle or triangle? 1) a) b) 2) a) b) 3) a) b)
  35. Is_that_so

    Test/WIP Animated Meditation gifs

    These should look a lil better. Its still hard to even out the ball extensions. What if you have a big stomach? Does the ball come right out???
  36. Is_that_so

    Test/WIP Animated Meditation gifs

    I thought you could spin them which ever way you want???
  37. Is_that_so

    Joy of Satan Anthem – Directions For Creation Of Our Noble Anthem

    I've been taking on these piano tunes, they could possibly fit in. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKIr-7djRlE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3wZIFbn_tc But..... Wasn't music changed to not be on the same frequency as the Earth?
  38. Is_that_so

    Test/WIP Animated Meditation gifs

    Okay, what do you think of these? If these look okay I'll make a chakra-aligning pdf. The video doesn't look too good for some reason and I also filled all the chakras with white gold. I'm still working on the aura. My main concern is the clairaudience points...
  39. Is_that_so

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Can you invoke different elements after each other? I'm finally off my meds and completely sober from everything else, so I've started with the elements. I've very strong in Water (over 50%) and the other 3 elements are just about even. In the spiritual warfare training it says to invoke the...
  40. Is_that_so

    Test/WIP Animated Meditation gifs

    I've made some pdfs with pictures to help align the chakras. I'm working on the videos for spinning them with glow and the aura. I recently got off my ADHD meds so I've been very weak but this week I've finally started feeling normal again!!! :D Other than being hungry all day... :lol: :lol...
  41. Is_that_so

    Why aren't these new age Psychics with Satan & think we can live as Bugs?

    I went to some events in my town and I met some Psychic people. They offer services like removing curses, talking to ghosts, readings, etc... They really seem to like crystals, guided meditations with a drum, Reiki, herbs, etc... (Pretty much any prop) I was told by one of them that in a...
  42. Is_that_so

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Question: Can I have a multi-colored Aura? I do a lot of cleaning with white gold. Now I want to start programming the aura for love and success. Green energy seems to fit well with my affirmations. Can I combine green energy with white gold? I was thinking of a thin green layer on the...
  43. Is_that_so

    Hominid shadows pushing dark orbs into my Soul

    I don't get attacked anymore and don't even feel that energy lurking when in the dark. Even when I visited my grandma I never got hunted by the shadow there. (Which everybody feels at night) I've been doing what you said combined with: https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/Final_RTR.html...
  44. Is_that_so

    Joy of Satan Website Updates - New Aesthetics

    From a UX standpoint I have to admit that when I first came across this website it had a weird feeling to it. It wasn't terrible but wasn't like oh this is super smooth and super up to date. But it would be weird if the website looked like some modern SaaS website though lol, It would seem too...
  45. Is_that_so

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Question: What to do and not do during a void moon + checklist? (((Disclaimer this is not a approaved list Do Not go by this!))) To do: - Do yoga and by the time you are done yoga the void moon is over and you can continue with your meditation session. - Clean house - Work out Not to do: -...
  46. Is_that_so

    Test/WIP Animated Meditation gifs

    These are just some quick unrendered videos without the lighting and spinning. Just wanted to know if all this looks good. Let me know if I should touch anything time up. Major Chakras: Extensions and Temple Chakras: Question: Are the hip extensions beside the Base or above the Sacral...
  47. Is_that_so

    Test/WIP Animated Meditation gifs

    Can someone confirm I got the minor body chakras correct? https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=433699#p433699 I'll start posting all of my 3d model questions in this sub for now on. Thank you!!!
  48. Is_that_so

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I give this analogy a lot to people who can't focus and find the motivation to do things. ~ When hard-ass gangsters are thrown in jail for long enough they will mate with each other. There left with nothing so you appreciate the little you have. The first step I always tell people is to...
  49. Is_that_so

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I just need some feedback on the link below on whether I got the minor body chakras correct and then I could easily make animations of everything. Also, the photos I've shown aren't even rendered! ((: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=433699#p433699
  50. Is_that_so

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    When reading on Opening and Meditating on Your Clairaudience Points: https://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Psychic_Centers.html Why does it say centers of clairaudience? I was trying to feel these in the center of my head. It does say "both sides of the head" but when saying centers...
  51. Is_that_so

    Yoga Posts

    The chakras I feel the least are the lower 3, especially the base and sacral. The rest of my chakras except the Clairaudience points I can feel fairly well, especially the 6th-eyes and crown. I can see the 3D triangle and color of my base and sacral chakra with my eyes closed (not visualizing...
  52. Is_that_so

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Are these Clairaudience points correct? My center points are weak and I'm questioning whether I even understand where they are. 360 Video: https://www.dropbox.com/s/l2c5d4xy6dbwq6n/Hearing.mp4?dl=0
  53. Is_that_so

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I know I asked this question a few times but are the minor body chakras here correct? (Big red dots) I'm gonna shoot some animations this weekend. I just need to confirm this. The red dots in the front photo is only on the front and vice versa for the back.
  54. Is_that_so

    Yoga Posts

    Great post! Definitely the type of post to bookmark! The photos of the ladies distract me though/: I get that let's go watch porn feeling... I know I'm a young man but it definitely makes my session harder. (I seriously did not intend that pun either lol) The drawings on this website are fine...
  55. Is_that_so

    What Do You Want To See From JoS?

    More on Hatha and Kundalini! Considering mainstream yoga has been corrupted, one could easily get off track once one decided to expand outside the basic Hatha and Kundalini exercises provided here. I've found some useful yoga links posted from searching the forms but for how important yoga is...
  56. Is_that_so

    Joy of Satan Website Updates - New Aesthetics

    Just noticed the search bar shows the titles first, well done!
  57. Is_that_so

    Joy of Satan Website Updates - New Aesthetics

    Looks nice!!! The search bar could have filters. For e.g. shows titles only
  58. Is_that_so

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Can someone verify I got the minor body chakras correct? I haven't opened all of mine yet, thanks!!! Front side: https://www.dropbox.com/s/svnlvewcbvb3o6l/Front_body.png?dl=0 Back side: https://www.dropbox.com/s/oz7yukncchwiuqy/Back_body.png?dl=0 P.S. The full 3D models are almost done...
  59. Is_that_so

    Hominid shadows pushing dark orbs into my Soul

    Ever since a child, I was followed and haunted by this black shadow. I mainly start getting spooked when I'm in a dark environment. I can feel it or see it and it defiantly got its time's worth of fear off me. Ever since I dedicated I felt a lot more at peace and didn't feel as spooked as I...
  60. Is_that_so

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Do you see all the minor chakras as triangles pointing inside?
  61. Is_that_so

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Do you see all the minor chakras as triangles pointing inside too?
  62. Is_that_so

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    So the chakras are on the front side and also on the back? Or is it just in the middle of the body like the major chakras?
  63. Is_that_so

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    When viewing the minor body chakras I get a little confused: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/3_Graces_by_RAFFAELLO_1504.jpg I made a quick photo to make sure I'm seeing things correctly: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wdunaezsqqkjjkg/Chakra_minors.jpg?dl=0 Is this...
  64. Is_that_so

    All Chakras 3D model (Need feed back) [View Link]

    Yea trying to help with the visualization, the gloss is really weird so I'm just gonna move in on another software where I can actually do the good rendering. It'd also be nice to have a model out there because when you try searching up chakras not much comes up.
  65. Is_that_so

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Should you not meditate at all during a void moon? Or can you still meditate and just not start anything new?
  66. Is_that_so

    All Chakras 3D model (Need feed back) [View Link]

    I touched it up, it looks a lot better. Once I have all the minor body chakras figured out I can create some cool photos and even quick animations on another software!
  67. Is_that_so

    All Chakras 3D model (Need feed back) [View Link]

    I created a 3D model so we can view all the chakras at once. I only did half of the body to make it neater considering I'm not finished and probably made mistakes. I need help with the minor chakras of the body. I made an example photo to see if they're in the right place before adding it to...
  68. Is_that_so

    Joy Of Satan - Ritual Schedule March 6 to March 17 [SECOND RITUAL UP]

    The other day when I did Astarte's Ritual for the first time I got very emotional and cried during the end part. But it was also very soothing, I felt like I was being hugged by a beautiful mother. The best way I can explain the feeling is like hugging your lover goodbye before you leave for...
  69. Is_that_so

    Joy Of Satan - Ritual Schedule March 6 to March 17 [SECOND RITUAL UP]

    Few Questions: a. You need to bathe before these rituals right? What about the final RTR? b. Do you need to clean your Aura after every RTR or in between RTRs? c. For a beginner doing all the RTRs should you just vibrate a little longer than it would take to say the word/rune instead of...
  70. Is_that_so

    Custom Commitment to Satan?

    That's a perfect way of putting it. It also seems that xains can get confused with it because on the home page with the section saying "Dedicate Your Soul to Satan". Then they're like wooooo wait a minute... But then when you read the page it sounds good but if one hasn't read much of JOS in...
  71. Is_that_so

    Custom Commitment to Satan?

    Thanks for the replies! It's always helpful to reinforce my understanding.
  72. Is_that_so

    Custom Commitment to Satan?

    When making a formal commitment to Satan can you customize the terms more? Because Imma have problems converting some xians if not. I understand it shows that you don't fully believe him but why should you if you've never seen, felt, or talked to him? I know everything we're told to believe...
  73. Is_that_so

    FAQ about the Final RTR + Tetragrammaton + Shattering [Updated 25 August 2021]

    What if I printed the PDF and put tape over the letters so I can use a whiteboard marker to scribble out the letters and then the next day when I do it, I wipe off the whiteboard maker from the tape so I can scribble out the letters again so I don't have to reprint the entire pdf? Or does this...
  74. Is_that_so

    Question #761: About third eye and personal problems

    Have you ever done a dopamine detox? This will show you a totally different way of life. If there's no pain then your not making progress. Enjoy the pain, see it as a good time when you're having withdrawals as you start to reprogram your dopamine. Stuff that seems so normal like coffee or...
  75. Is_that_so

    Confused on Clairaudience Chakras placement in Power Meditation Volume I

    I figured it out looking here! https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=12482&start=50
  76. Is_that_so

    Confused on Clairaudience Chakras placement in Power Meditation Volume I

    So there are 7 on each side of the head or do you mean 7 total from whatever side you look at it from? When you see the photo on the left it shows the two "5th" ones. So there both almost centered in the head beside each other. Not on the sides of the head. But then the photo on the left...
  77. Is_that_so

    Confused on Clairaudience Chakras placement in Power Meditation Volume I

    So you do both 7 Clairaudience Chakras on each side of your head? Kinda like your Temple Chakras except that the Clairaudience Chakras are on both sides of the head and still refer to the same number. Because if it didn't there would be 14. (Page 55) says: """The points are the same for both...
  78. Is_that_so

    UFO near Alaska shot down 🛸

    Over the past few years, I've been hearing that there's going to be a UFO invasion (not real aliens) and all the countries will join together to fight back. If the news is talking about UFOs then it's probably part of the plan...
  79. Is_that_so

    Confused on Clairaudience Chakras placement in Power Meditation Volume I

    The photo on the left shows "5th" two times and shows the "1st" which would be the "2nd" on the right photo. Do I just reference the photo on the right and focus on those points being dead center in my head? If I just focus on the right photo what is the "1st" one? Would it be the Subconscious...
  80. Is_that_so

    Meditation before bed and vivid dreams

    Ever since I started doing all the JOS stuff I've been getting more vivid dreams. Lately, I've been finishing my meditation an hour before I go to bed instead of right before going to bed. This helps me fall asleep quicker but doesn't seem to fix the vivid dreams. I keep dreaming of my ex and...
  81. Is_that_so

    What should the [ energy ] feel like?

    I know it's different for everyone but what do you experience? My body goes tingly. My face, back, hands, eyes & jaw can barely stay open. It used to happen really early in my meditations but now it takes longer to happen with the need for more advanced meditations. I'm also not breathing...
  82. Is_that_so

    What colors are Minor Chakras?

    I'm currently doing the Satanic Power Meditation Volume I and I'm wondering what the colors of all the minor chakras are. I would assume if there related to one of the main chakras then it would be the same color/time/day/planet...
  83. Is_that_so

    Possible Vibration Life Hack??

    Whenever I do my meditation I put in ear plugs and turn on my sound machine to eliminate all the household noise. We've all vibrated, eaten or spoken with earplugs or with our ears covered before you definitely know the feeling I'm talking about. Would this enhance the vibration by any chance...
  84. Is_that_so

    Possible Vibration Life Hack??

    Whenever I do my meditation I put in ear plugs and turn on my sound machine to eliminate all the household noise. We've all vibrated, eaten or spoken with earplugs or with our ears covered before you definitely know the feeling I'm talking about. Would this enhance the vibration by any chance...
  85. Is_that_so

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    There goes my chance of being tall :lol: :lol: :lol:
  86. Is_that_so

    Is Incubi/Succubi mix racing?

    Would being in a sexual relationship with a demon be considered mix racing?
  87. Is_that_so

    EZ Chakra Spin

    Thank you!! :D
  88. Is_that_so

    EZ Chakra Spin

    I'm on day 11 of the 40-day Self Empowerment Program. Every time I do the chakra spinning my body goes numb (more so thingly) It feels good though (Could be my ego saying I'm making progress but maybe the thingly feeling isn't a good thing) and it barely happens now when I do it compared to...
  89. Is_that_so

    The earth isn't flat?

    I let the conspiracy fool me considering I thought it looked like something the elite was trying to hide. Then if it was true it would mean there is some god that made us. (Mistaken bible references) I've had a shadow that hunted me since I was a kid until I got a reading done by a Christian...
  90. Is_that_so

    The earth isn't flat?

    I thought the earth was flat and that beyond the dome were other dimensions or just a different type of "space". Why do I believe this? 1. Trying to imagine the water of the ocean sitting on the earth's curve seems impossible. 2. Submarines can detect each other from 100's km away when at...
  91. Is_that_so

    Cheat day cookies?

    I mentioned my blood type cause its best to eat according to it (If you are willing to do the extreme which isn't necessary). I wasn't sure how sugar could affect this so I thought I'd be more specific about my regular eating. Why would I eat a whole box of cookies lol? I justify it by not...
  92. Is_that_so

    Cheat day cookies?

    I’m new here and I’m wondering if eating a full box of cookies on a Friday night will totally mess with my Chakra’s. During the week I eat a mix of store bought and game meat. (Obviously type O) I’m 20 yrs old, work out, do physical activities and have no jabs. I know it would be best if I...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
