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This guy is a xian unfortunately, but his content is good when it comes to exposing islam in some videos he has.

A reminder to all Satanists here who think Hamas and muslim organizations are "good" because they are against jews: this was their prophet. They are NOT your friend and they WOULD kill you if they could. They did not even do that much damage to pissrael either, and not to mentioned are likely even funded by them at some point, basically controlled opposition, so how about we stop pretending that one head of the hydra is better than the other? At the end of the day, they are all connected to the same foul, stinking filthy body of abrahamism.
Ancient ruins are not rebuilt in real life because it would symbolise the resurrection of the ancient spirit, the enemy of Judaism.
So governments with a rat problem do everything in their power to find excuses not to rebuild anything glorious from the past.
But it's all right to pay real archaeologists to "rebuild" them in detail in video games and films.
For walking we need our right and left leg, and so does for initiation. Satanism has both an internal and an external side. Initially the internal side takes a long time to reveal itself, because it is self-understanding, self-discovery and self-liberation. This requires both creation and destruction to be manifested within the right direction.

The external side is that which comes from the Gods, and throughout our journey we see it and know it, but most importantly, we feel it. At first, this needs clear signs and miracles, then, as we get closer to them, it is enough to see the divine architecture itself.

But where an advanced Satanist sees divine force, a new Satanist may see nothing at all. Therefore, it is important for newcomers to make good use of the embrace and attention they receive in the early days. Personally, I was unsuccessful in this process, and then, for months afterwards, I struggled with the negative and unpleasant effects of this.

Because these things that you receive in the beginning motivate you to step into an unfamiliar world, to meditate, to believe in something that you cannot ‘yet’ see or perhaps feel. And if you continue to do this without breaking the discipline, this time the things that you receive just because you are ‘new’ become the things that you receive as the returns of spiritual instruments that are actively put into practice.

So, even if the special condition of being new ceases to exist, since you have already advanced yourself to a certain spiritual level by using it to your advantage, you reach a height beyond the reach of many pitfalls that can lead one to mental insanity, such as unbelief, doubt, resentment and misinterpretation of the will of the Gods.

You will not say why do I feel the Gods less and less, because you will feel them more and more every day. You will not say why they do not answer me, because you will have the mental maturity to comprehend that the answer can come in many different ways. Examples can be numerous, but I hope I have made my point here.

In conclusion, please continue to walk your path without interruption. And always stay with Satan.
There is something I wish to highlight, some might be aware, some might not.

The High Priests are the direct authority of the Gods on Earth, you must respect them as you respect the Gods.

The Guardians are the same, hierarchy must be respected.

If not the hierarchy, take in consideration their efforts, abilities and spiritual power. All of these should draw your respect and admiration for them naturally.
I'm so happy both my Onyx Bracelet and Pendulum arrived, Perthro is gonna go brrrr

Also couldn't find any information about Shungite, does anyone know anything about it?
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HPS Lydia
Shungite helps remove negative thoughts. It brings your awareness to negativing/toxic thinking, in order for you to become aware of it and end the habit. It can be used to remove links to toxic people too.

It can also be used for cleaning the chakras, aura, and soul. Purification.
I hope I get my first badge soon. I’m really excited about it and to find out what the Gods have in store for those of us doing such important work :)
Reclined Spinal Twist
Illustration by @Rroco88 (click to enlarge)

Begin by lying on your back on your mat. Bring your left knee up to your torso, you can squeeze it to your torso for an added stretch first and then loosen it. Bring it over to the right side, while allowing your back to be relaxed. You might need to slide your right hip to the left side by a few inches to allow your back to be in a straight line from your neck to your right leg. The right leg can be straight, or bent as shown in the illustration above.

Place your right hand over your left knee to gently increase the stretch, and have your left arm outstretched to the left. Allow your head to look to the left side to increase the stretch. If the knee of the upper leg can’t reach the bed (or floor if you are doing this on your mat), then let it hang, or place a pillow (or bunched up blanket) under it.

Do for the same amount of time on each side, breathing long and deep or at your regular pace until you are more accustomed to the stretch.

Benefits: This pose gently aligns the vertebrae in your entire spine, expands the lungs, and aids your digestive organs.
Why can the enemy virus still manifest itself in this world, take advantage of people and shape the world, after all that has happened in these last few months?

Because they are not yet exposed to and influenced by Spiritual Satanism to the extent necessary.
all right. After a few days, my monitor and computer were repaired and returned to me XD.
I am going to soon perform graphic and artistic and educational works with my skills in Photoshop and graphic design for this website.
I hope you all enjoy the new programs I post and find them useful.

Hail ASTARTE 🫶🏻🤍✨

El valor de los amigos​

Escrito por Yeye95

Los verdaderos amigos son tesoros ocultos. Se llaman asi porque aparecen en la medida que avancemos, que nos desprogramemos y nos limpiemos. Estos tiene un valor incalculable.

Cuando contamos con amigos que nos incentiven a crecer y fuera de eso nos otorguen conocimiento y experiencias, el camino se hace mucho más liviano y divertido. No digo que este camino sea pesado ni nada por el estilo, es simplemente que cuando tienes amigos a tu alrededor, pareciera que to va más rápido de lo normal.

Somos sociables por naturaleza, algunos querrán tener más amigos que otros, pero de alguna forma vamos a querer personas a nuestro lado.

Aquellos que estén en este camino y no considere aún la importancia de un entorno social de calidad, no te preocupes, esto viene con el tiempo. Date tiempo para limpiarte, desprogramarte y tener una consciencia más alta, te darás cuenta del valor de esto.

Es importante recalcar, que no todos se acercan con buenas intenciones, ni todos se le deben llamar amigos, de hecho hasta en relaciones sociales uno debe aplicar el razonamiento y la comprensión espiritual. Por eso yo considero a los amigos de calidad, ocultos, porque aparecen en la medida que crecemos y de la nada.

Los amigos terrenales como los Dioses y demonios, son un gran propulsor para este camino, muchas veces tus amigos te darán ese impulso extra que necesitas, incluso te ayudarán con temas de disciplina y como mejorar un poco más.

Algunos de nosotros hemos tenido durante mucho tiempo un concepto erróneo de la amistad y eso ha afectado toda nuestra visión en cuanto a este tema. He tenido "amigos" que me dejan hablar por meses y años y de repente aparecen de la nada pidiendo favores. Una verdadera amistad no es ese tipo de gente que no te habla y de repente aparece sin cultivar nada , por lo que merezca verdaderamente mi valor de amistad.

No hay reciprocidad por ningún lado, no se esfuerzan y ni siquiera nos aportan nada. Todo en la vida hay que cultivarlo, regarlo, sembrarlo y todo este proceso, como una plantita... Te tomas el tiempo para que crezca y cuando menos piense ya es enorme.

Debemos tener en cuenta que la amistad y el amor van de la mano, junto con otros principios u valores como el respeto, la confianza, la armonía, etc. Todos estos deben ser cultivados, entre más fuerte sea un lazo saludable, estos sentimientos, principios u emociones serán más latentes y altos. Todo lo anterior se verá reflejado en nuestras acciones.

La amistad es la buena voluntad de dos personas que se esfuerzan por hacer florecer un vinculo real y sano.

Una relación de pareja como la amistad son importantes en esta vida, claro, tienen sus diferencias, pero ambos están prácticamente en el mismo lugar.

Aquí no te estoy diciendo que debes tener muchos amigos, prioriza la calidad antes que la cantidad. Puedes tener un solo amigo, pero estoy segura que ese amigo te aporta más que 10 juntos.

Una amistad se conforma de: Lealtad, constancia, amor, perseverancia, crecimiento, conocimiento etc. No se trata solo de pasar un dia y salir, y al llegar a casa ese momento fugaz de amistad, pues termino.

Tengo dos grandes amigos, cuento con la fortuna de que son SS, pero esos 2 enormes amigos han demostrado el significado de la amistad con sus hechos. Los tres hemos sido muy constantes en nuestra relación.

Nos alegramos mutuamente de los logros, compartimos experiencias y conocimiento, hemos hecho que nuestro camino sea más divertido y ameno.

En los momentos difíciles, ellos han estado al igual que yo con ellos.

No te apures si quizá ahora no vibras con cierta gente o estés pasando por un momento solitario, esto eventualmente pasará, apóyate en los Dioses y sigue.

En el camino encontrarás gente de calidad con la que puedas apoyarte y caminar de una manera creciente, amena y muy divertidisima.
Shoulder Stand (Sarvangasana)
Illustration by @Heather (click to enlarge)

This asana is called "the mother of all asanas", as it nurtures and brings harmony to the body.

While this asana may look challenging especially to beginners, it is actually quite easy. And once you have the correct alignment, the body feels light and effortless when in this pose. This is perhaps the first asana that I truly mastered to the full extent of the pose (without modifications), and I highly recommend my fellow SS to learn it as well. It also helps to tone the core and legs.

Instructional video, against the wall (the blanket is optional):

Instructional video, no wall, alternate method:

In the correct position, the chest should not be deflated at all. The top of the chest should connect fully with the chin (do not try to bring the chin to the chest; instead, lift the chest to the chin). You should not feel any strain on your neck, your weight will be fully on your shoulders, with your triceps and elbows helping to balance. With experience, you will feel like you can take a nap in this pose, and easily remain in it for an extended length of time. It should also be easy enough to talk and swallow while in this pose, no strain on the throat at all.

Make sure your elbows are shoulder distance apart, and not splayed out further. The way to ensure this is to have them by your waist touching your torso when your body is still on the ground, and do not move them out as you life your torso up.

Benefits: This inverted asana helps with headaches, colds, throat and nasal problems, short temper, irritation, insomnia, stomach pains, constipation, menstrual issues (it is not recommended to do while menstruating, however), low vitality, and much more. It is claimed to bring back vitality after illness, especially if done twice a day and held for 5 minutes, even longer if possible.
Tabiat zayıf kimselerin kuvvetlilerle çiflteşmesini istemez, yüksek bir ırkın, basit bir ırkla karışmasını kabul etmez. Çünkü aksi halede binlerce yüzyıldan beri tabiatın insanlığı yüceltmek için izlediği yol, bir anda boş bir iş durumuna sokulmuş olur.
Üstün bir ırk kendi kanını, daha aşağı bir topluluğun kanı ile karıştırdığı taktirde, ortaya çıkan melezlik, milletin felakati şeklinde sonuçlanır.Sözün kısası ırklar karışmasınn sonucu şudur:
a) Yüksek ırkın düzeyi düşer.
b) Vücut ve yaratılış yönünden çöküş başlar.

Bunlara sebep olmak ise yaratıcımız olan Tanrı'nın iradesine karşı günah işlemektir. Aslında bu hareket, günahın meydana getirdiği cezayı görmektir. İnsan, tabiatın aman vermeyen mantığına karşı isyan etmeye kalkışmakla, kendi sıfatıyla var olmasına saygı duyacağı ilkelerle mücadeleye girşimiş olur. İşte tabiatın istediğine aykırı hareket etmekle, kendinin yok olmasını böyle hazırlar.

-Adolf Hitler

I went to sleep and woke up, saying "Father".
I was a child, but I grew old very early.
All my pain starts with "father" and ends with "father".

Let the ocean and the sky,
Let me keep crying.
Let me continue to meet the sun where it rises.

I don't want to understand you one day, I want to live you every day.
And if one day my body blends into the soil of my homeland,
I want to be remembered for my poems, not for my experiences.

-Satan's Crow

I wasn't sure if I wished to share this or not, but everyone here is my family, so I decided to share some of it.

Yesterday I shared a lot of past traumas and heldbacks with my loved one, she has not only accepted them, but healed me, freed me and made me feel something I could not ever think I would feel.

Today, seems like due to eliminating these, my throat chakra got amazingly powerful and my energy is circulating A LOT much better.

Thank you, and I will say it again, I love you. This post will stay here for you to read when the time comes 💜

“πολλοί τοι νηοί τε καὶ ἄλσεα δενδρήεντα:
πᾶσαι δὲ σκοπιαί τε φίλαι καὶ πρώονες ἄκροι

ὑψηλῶν ὀρέων ποταμοί θ᾽ ἅλαδε προρέοντες.”
“Molti templi ti sono cari, e boschi ricchi
di alberi, tutte le rupi e le alte vette
dei monti eccelsi, e i fiumi che corrono al mare.” (
Nella foto ricostruzione del tempio di Apollo a Siracusa)
Everyday I progress in Satanism, it feels as if I emerge from yet another layer of ignorance. Living with true clarity is living truly in the now.

The feeling is similar to being underwater, running out of breath with desperation, and finally emerging out by following the light of the Sun piercing through the waters, knowing with joy you escaped from drowning, in this case, from eternal ignorance which can progressively blow out the light of your soul, permanently.

Then, swimming to shore to build a boat like a smart person, and then traversing the raging waters again.

Because cowards go nowhere, become nothing, and are promptly forgotten.

I thank our Gods primarily, and our members here, especially High Priests of the Joy Of Satan, for their guidance. We can truly be the masters of our own destinies.
GreekShip (2).png
I guess I won't be trying to put an end to my life anymore, I received crazy strong signs that I'm somehow still useful despite my issues. I am never going to immediately understand how something like me can be forgiven.
Ancient beautiful Greece

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
