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On Racial Understanding And Truth

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Sep 19, 2017
I wanted to write this so everyone can understand a few things.

Race has been looked as some sort of weird concept especially because people are too brainwashed presently. But this is only for about 60 years or so. Before that, and even presently, in most regions of the planet other than than the few 'progressive' places, race is still looked upon as a very serious, and justified, reality.

Race is nothing more than a biological observation on who and what we are. A definition, a standardization, of what already exists in nature. From another perspective, our Race is only a form of our development, where we are in life, what we are in ourselves. These expanded to groups of people who are of similarity to a point of some degree of sameness, is called a "Race". This includes biological, psychological, spiritual, mental, and physical traits.

When these people are together, on the same place, and develop on the same path, we have a so called "Nation". In Homer's definition, we have an "Ethnos" which is an entity bonded by language, religious tenets, but most importantly of all, by Blood ie, descent.

Race is really nothing bad, as in classifying the Sun as Sun, Moon as Moon, the list goes on. It's part of our cognitive process to put create categories based on what already exists. This process is also what created science and everything meaningful in our living life. Applied into people, this creates psychology, health sciences, and yes, racial science.

Scientists who are now creating AI machines to differentiate beings and individuals, and specialize in facial recognition, are creating machines that basically, differentiate people in genders, and race, on their own, automatically. In other words, these 'machines' with their cold calculating logic, on their own, based on perceived distinction, do "discriminate" and make choices.

Because this AI of basic parameters was something they did not like, and because it followed basically the natural pretext that anything logical in this world follows, they are now trying to "politically correct it" and try to make it unable to draw these parallels. This is because they feel offended by basic and true cognition. Dogs or cats "discriminate" their owner and other people, too. But "discrimination" and this faculty of distinction is seen upon as an 'enemy' by the borg. The borg does not discriminate. In the eye of the borg, you are all a thing to be assimilated.

Since we live in a world run by lies, where truth is an enemy, they consider the above threatening and try to program it out. Which is basically difficult or impossible. AI in that case, or a robot, they don't have the backbone to make these distinctions because of 'bias' or 'racism' or 'hatred'. Just calculating logic. The human mind has a similar function of said logic, which makes distinction. There is nothing bad or evil here.

The only one who would be afraid of this is someone who wants to lie and deceive, about the very reality we live in. If one wants to hide the sun, the eyes of people that perceive the sun, are evil, and need to be plucked out.

There is nothing moral or good about deconstructing this reality. People are clearly tribal, act in tribal interest, and this involves the interest of their own species, which is totally sensible. Humans are like a genus of "Birds", but the peacock is not the same as the pigeon, and the pigeon is not a hawk.

Each look after their own life, but all these birds, and all living species, do benefit from a clear atmosphere. However, they don't live, eat, and should exist in anyway the same, as their needs and destiny is different.

As in a world where only grey pigeons existed, this would be the depression of all bird enthusiasts, and nature herself, which gave so much laborious effort to create these beautiful species, so in a world where there will be "no races" due to assimilation, and people will be the same, and everything will be the same, life will become dampening, boring.

One must really hate birds to wish for the hawk, the pigeon, the peacock, and the exotic parrot, all to mix together and become one singular form of monstrosity. The only reason one would want to do this, is they want to generate one species to feast upon to suit their needs, which is what was done with crossing chickens to generate a species of them in order for one to eat them. There is no natural mission here.

And likewise, the demented who run this planet, want to develop a singular species, only for feasting and parasitism processes. Any freedom loving and supporting people must resist this, and develop themselves.

While birds can have a common interest in clean air, this doesn't invalidate that the eagle lives on the nest, the amazon parrot must live in the amazon jungle, the chicken needs to live in it's free range enclosure, the list goes. The enemy uses things that supposedly "Concern all of humanity", to enslave and make false excuses to mix everyone and ruin them.

As a species, it's also normal all species look for their own place to live, based on their own rules, statuses, and having their own racial leadership, and way of life, cooking, traditions, and many other things which are a manifestation and creation of their own. This is why when many "different" races are put on the same geographical space, despite of a few individuals who can mix or defect, the solid groups remain solid, and they start competing for rights, resources, and domination in a place.

This comes naturally to all but the most brainwashed currently who are the White people, whom have been brainwashed by Jews, ie, another tribal group, to not act in their own living interest, for which ironically, is the only type of interest that considers that all birds on the planet need clean air, while all the other types of birds, do not care one inch about anything of that. To victimize and brainwash people on this basis of anti-existence should be clearly the highest crime, as it's essentially a brainwashing route into genocide.

Lastly, part of improving the general term "humanity", is to perfect the race blueprint that nature bestows and advances. Every race has powers, weaknesses, and a median base line, but also individual exceptions which stand above the rest. By development, races and wholes do evolve, and as such does evolve civilization, purpose, and existence.

Life strives for diversity and power. The conclusive end result of if all the races of the planet mix, will be one very similar if not 'all the same' species in the end of time, which will have less and less distinction both in contrast to others and onto itself. In the case of humans, when we mix, diversity is lost, and this is against nature's dictates.

Races have disappeared, or fallen, or got assimilated, because of negligence of the above, disrespect to natural laws, or plain incapability or laziness to action, ignorance, or circumstance. In clashes, a lot of tribes as part of larger racial families have also been lost, African tribes lost to other African tribes to name an example, and this was caused to anyone by anyone.

The ancient Philistines here is one example, which appear to be of Assyrian blood, they disappeared, and so did many others, and many White sub-races and tribes, in the going of time. They were a Gentile people who opposed and stood up the jews, and the jews made sure to villify them for eternity in their texts, the Phillistines also went militarily against the jews in more than one occasions. We didn't even really know if they existed or if they were mythological until the recent century, where the fact they actually really did exist was discovered. Even then, without much evidence.

The jews, who themselves try to maintain a 'racial purity' while teaching everyone the reverse mind boggling values, have extinct a few of their enemy races over the thousands of years, most of the time, indirectly, by attacking through nations that were their hosts. The jews, to this day, practice the strictest laws of eugenics (racial development, a practice done by all ancient people who were intelligent) to this very day. They have a rule of purity for ideally up to a thousand years for the top leaders of their race organizing system. The Cohen Priests need to be racially jewish, fit specific descent criteria, and unadulterated or clean for a thousand years to serve in office, and also their Levites, who are their highest spiritual caste.

To name an example here, aside the Phillistines mentioned above, is the clear case of WW1 and WW2, which exterminated, on all sides, some of the best men in America, Europe, and generally the White Race, all for nothing. These are millions of people. If one takes these percents of population back then, and compares it with the ancient times, where the death of 1000 or 10000 people were huge numbers, one can just imagine the bloodshed of literally millions and millions, and what this really means.

All the numbers of people died in these wars, or in Mao's and Stalin's communism, are numbers incomprehensible. The biggest bloodsheds of the 'ancient tribal times' are nothing but thin air compared to this mass bloodshed. All of these created by... Whom? When historical events happen, one should ask themselves, WHO GAINS from this? Who created the conditions for the above to happen? The White race gained nothing, and only got wounded like beasts from all sides, bleeding to this day.

Asians, because of the leering poison of Karl Marx, and jewish centralized power in China and Asia, lost around a hundred million people, including all their top spiritual class, intelligentsia, and all the people who were racially or otherwise precious and developed, same as many other innocents who were national manpower.

The jews, on the other hand, from the pariah of Europe and America, ascended to now rule these nations. So who did benefit?

Who benefits from people not knowing about race? Definitely not us or any other truth seeking person.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I think because of the racial differences. Like in "Race, Evolution, and Behaviour," booklet.

Africans have 10 to 20 percent more sex hormone. And thus are stronger and more fertile. There's lots of differences like bone density to brain size.

What I'm noticing is that the mullato babies seem to suffer higher rates of autism.

So if people continue to mix like crazy. We will end up with a sickly and disabled population.

When I see a mixed couple I feel sorry because they both are good and healthy.

But they don't know what they're doing is unnatural and can create a sickly child.

It's unnatural and nature dishes out consequences.
purity and strength to you. may your study bring you illumination. I guess even if they have a perfect planet placements and full ascended kundalini it's better to marry someone of own race
occultumlapidem said:
purity and strength to you. may your study bring you illumination. I guess even if they have a perfect planet placements and full ascended kundalini it's better to marry someone of own race

Yes, (((in my mind, it was real))), because all people of other races, are Ascended Kundalini, Gods from outer space, and of course, have the heavenly spiritual placements, so as to compare them and take this as a factor to not bastardize one's self out of existence and stop existing.

If one would seek a partner on the above basis, you would have to be on the level, in which hypothetical case, you can find the most average person from your own race and turn them into someone really great just by association.

So as usual with race mixing, argument invalid.

Also, a said "ascended kundalini" and "perfect placements" person, wouldn't want to really be with someone to race mix, their mind would be free past the self ruining and self deceptive ideas that come with these conclusions.
I want to use my life to learn how to incarnate a mermaid into this plane through my blood and then marry it. HALP. Or I should find someone on a similar course?
occultumlapidem said:
I want to use my life to learn how to incarnate a mermaid into this plane through my blood and then marry it. HALP. Or I should find someone on a similar course?

Sorry, that is of very sublime and superior knowledge, beyond my range, so you need to ask somewhere in Disneyland about this extremely crucial and holy information.
The trolling is over 9000... mermaids. Lol.
(All not obvious troll obvious troll aside)

This was a great article. How many times I think something and the next day it's like the thought is pulled out of my head and wrote here to see.
What I've noticed is that when walking on the pavement and these muslim women are walking towards you in the opposite direction. They check you out from a distance. But when you come up to each other. They blank off and get tunnel vision and just run you out of the way.

I find Whites, Blacks and Indians work with you to pass.

But these muslim women Middle East looking with their head covered garb and Muslim dresses. They are so aggressive and dominant. They just walk right into you.

And if they don't bowl you out of the way they will put their knuckles out to knock you with when they go past.

They can be out with their children and none will move. They just take over the whole pavement and you got to get out of the way or be walked over.

And in shopping centres. These muslim women are like always in the way. They're so selfish they will just be blocking your way and not care. Ignoring you if you speak.

I don't understand it these muslim women are so hard, selfish and aggressive.

Their ignorance makes me very negative of them.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
occultumlapidem said:
I want to use my life to learn how to incarnate a mermaid into this plane through my blood and then marry it. HALP. Or I should find someone on a similar course?

Sorry, that is of very sublime and superior knowledge, beyond my range, so you need to ask somewhere in Disneyland about this extremely crucial and holy information.
And then he asked me to not call him a troll wich he obviously is...

Like HP said just go to Disneyland, you'll find many Holy informations to how become a mermaid, marry one and live with them deep in the sea (at least you don't have a internet connection down there to write your bullshits)
Perfect Sermon ... as always Commander. Speaking of the races, one thing must be analyzed, the USA, obviously it is not a healthy structure and I do not think it will last long. Because of the simple natural fact of the breeds. Initially, USA was founded on freedom and human rights, and then the Jews have ruined everything, but that's not the point. What I want to say is about the structure of the USA, which is a mix from all the nations of this planet. And being many races in the same place, or they have to mix, or they have to stay clean and separate accordingly. And of course there will be competition between the races that would consequently make states for each race. Like the other continents of course. I think the continent of North America is very badly managed. The best and ideal thing to do with that continent is to make a pure state or more pure states. And not that mix of races. HAIL SATAN
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I wanted to write this so everyone can understand a few things.

Race has been looked as some sort of weird concept especially because people are too brainwashed presently. But this is only for about 60 years or so. Before that, and even presently, in most regions of the planet other than than the few 'progressive' places, race is still looked upon as a very serious, and justified, reality.

Race is nothing more than a biological observation on who and what we are. A definition, a standardization, of what already exists in nature. From another perspective, our Race is only a form of our development, where we are in life, what we are in ourselves. These expanded to groups of people who are of similarity to a point of some degree of sameness, is called a "Race". This includes biological, psychological, spiritual, mental, and physical traits.

When these people are together, on the same place, and develop on the same path, we have a so called "Nation". In Homer's definition, we have an "Ethnos" which is an entity bonded by language, religious tenets, but most importantly of all, by Blood ie, descent.

Race is really nothing bad, as in classifying the Sun as Sun, Moon as Moon, the list goes on. It's part of our cognitive process to put create categories based on what already exists. This process is also what created science and everything meaningful in our living life. Applied into people, this creates psychology, health sciences, and yes, racial science.

Scientists who are now creating AI machines to differentiate beings and individuals, and specialize in facial recognition, are creating machines that basically, differentiate people in genders, and race, on their own, automatically. In other words, these 'machines' with their cold calculating logic, on their own, based on perceived distinction, do "discriminate" and make choices.

Because this AI of basic parameters was something they did not like, and because it followed basically the natural pretext that anything logical in this world follows, they are now trying to "politically correct it" and try to make it unable to draw these parallels. This is because they feel offended by basic and true cognition. Dogs or cats "discriminate" their owner and other people, too. But "discrimination" and this faculty of distinction is seen upon as an 'enemy' by the borg. The borg does not discriminate. In the eye of the borg, you are all a thing to be assimilated.

Since we live in a world run by lies, where truth is an enemy, they consider the above threatening and try to program it out. Which is basically difficult or impossible. AI in that case, or a robot, they don't have the backbone to make these distinctions because of 'bias' or 'racism' or 'hatred'. Just calculating logic. The human mind has a similar function of said logic, which makes distinction. There is nothing bad or evil here.

The only one who would be afraid of this is someone who wants to lie and deceive, about the very reality we live in. If one wants to hide the sun, the eyes of people that perceive the sun, are evil, and need to be plucked out.

There is nothing moral or good about deconstructing this reality. People are clearly tribal, act in tribal interest, and this involves the interest of their own species, which is totally sensible. Humans are like a genus of "Birds", but the peacock is not the same as the pigeon, and the pigeon is not a hawk.

Each look after their own life, but all these birds, and all living species, do benefit from a clear atmosphere. However, they don't live, eat, and should exist in anyway the same, as their needs and destiny is different.

As in a world where only grey pigeons existed, this would be the depression of all bird enthusiasts, and nature herself, which gave so much laborious effort to create these beautiful species, so in a world where there will be "no races" due to assimilation, and people will be the same, and everything will be the same, life will become dampening, boring.

One must really hate birds to wish for the hawk, the pigeon, the peacock, and the exotic parrot, all to mix together and become one singular form of monstrosity. The only reason one would want to do this, is they want to generate one species to feast upon to suit their needs, which is what was done with crossing chickens to generate a species of them in order for one to eat them. There is no natural mission here.

And likewise, the demented who run this planet, want to develop a singular species, only for feasting and parasitism processes. Any freedom loving and supporting people must resist this, and develop themselves.

While birds can have a common interest in clean air, this doesn't invalidate that the eagle lives on the nest, the amazon parrot must live in the amazon jungle, the chicken needs to live in it's free range enclosure, the list goes. The enemy uses things that supposedly "Concern all of humanity", to enslave and make false excuses to mix everyone and ruin them.

As a species, it's also normal all species look for their own place to live, based on their own rules, statuses, and having their own racial leadership, and way of life, cooking, traditions, and many other things which are a manifestation and creation of their own. This is why when many "different" races are put on the same geographical space, despite of a few individuals who can mix or defect, the solid groups remain solid, and they start competing for rights, resources, and domination in a place.

This comes naturally to all but the most brainwashed currently who are the White people, whom have been brainwashed by Jews, ie, another tribal group, to not act in their own living interest, for which ironically, is the only type of interest that considers that all birds on the planet need clean air, while all the other types of birds, do not care one inch about anything of that. To victimize and brainwash people on this basis of anti-existence should be clearly the highest crime, as it's essentially a brainwashing route into genocide.

Lastly, part of improving the general term "humanity", is to perfect the race blueprint that nature bestows and advances. Every race has powers, weaknesses, and a median base line, but also individual exceptions which stand above the rest. By development, races and wholes do evolve, and as such does evolve civilization, purpose, and existence.

Life strives for diversity and power. The conclusive end result of if all the races of the planet mix, will be one very similar if not 'all the same' species in the end of time, which will have less and less distinction both in contrast to others and onto itself. In the case of humans, when we mix, diversity is lost, and this is against nature's dictates.

Races have disappeared, or fallen, or got assimilated, because of negligence of the above, disrespect to natural laws, or plain incapability or laziness to action, ignorance, or circumstance. In clashes, a lot of tribes as part of larger racial families have also been lost, African tribes lost to other African tribes to name an example, and this was caused to anyone by anyone.

The ancient Philistines here is one example, which appear to be of Assyrian blood, they disappeared, and so did many others, and many White sub-races and tribes, in the going of time. They were a Gentile people who opposed and stood up the jews, and the jews made sure to villify them for eternity in their texts, the Phillistines also went militarily against the jews in more than one occasions. We didn't even really know if they existed or if they were mythological until the recent century, where the fact they actually really did exist was discovered. Even then, without much evidence.

The jews, who themselves try to maintain a 'racial purity' while teaching everyone the reverse mind boggling values, have extinct a few of their enemy races over the thousands of years, most of the time, indirectly, by attacking through nations that were their hosts. The jews, to this day, practice the strictest laws of eugenics (racial development, a practice done by all ancient people who were intelligent) to this very day. They have a rule of purity for ideally up to a thousand years for the top leaders of their race organizing system. The Cohen Priests need to be racially jewish, fit specific descent criteria, and unadulterated or clean for a thousand years to serve in office, and also their Levites, who are their highest spiritual caste.

To name an example here, aside the Phillistines mentioned above, is the clear case of WW1 and WW2, which exterminated, on all sides, some of the best men in America, Europe, and generally the White Race, all for nothing. These are millions of people. If one takes these percents of population back then, and compares it with the ancient times, where the death of 1000 or 10000 people were huge numbers, one can just imagine the bloodshed of literally millions and millions, and what this really means.

All the numbers of people died in these wars, or in Mao's and Stalin's communism, are numbers incomprehensible. The biggest bloodsheds of the 'ancient tribal times' are nothing but thin air compared to this mass bloodshed. All of these created by... Whom? When historical events happen, one should ask themselves, WHO GAINS from this? Who created the conditions for the above to happen? The White race gained nothing, and only got wounded like beasts from all sides, bleeding to this day.

Asians, because of the leering poison of Karl Marx, and jewish centralized power in China and Asia, lost around a hundred million people, including all their top spiritual class, intelligentsia, and all the people who were racially or otherwise precious and developed, same as many other innocents who were national manpower.

The jews, on the other hand, from the pariah of Europe and America, ascended to now rule these nations. So who did benefit?

Who benefits from people not knowing about race? Definitely not us or any other truth seeking person.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I like that you mentioned the layered perversion of inverse "for the good of all" that they use.

Realing people in with "we all breath the same air, drink the same water (though even diet varies racially but lets all just be vegan or cannibals not some sane moderation appropriate to our race), and all bleed the same red blood.

Basically, joos need useful idiots, they need people who can't see past 5 inches of depth from their face, and cant see 5 minutes in front of their present fate.

They use superficial heuristics based on more broad generality to sweep people into a misplaced humility and subservience.

There is aerobic bacteria that can use oxygen too, let it give you infection so you can be "whole" with nature.

They inert and layer in their bullshit, and as the archives of one people falls, it becomes harder to trace the bullshit.

I even thought that one of the things jews would do is telling the semi intelligent borg mut race that because they are racially pure, unique, and the minority, that god chose them to lead them out of their racial confusion as an example.

But by that time this borg race would be too scrwed up to even obey a simple command, so then the culling and microchipping etc begins.

The jewtrix.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
occultumlapidem said:
I want to use my life to learn how to incarnate a mermaid into this plane through my blood and then marry it. HALP. Or I should find someone on a similar course?

Sorry, that is of very sublime and superior knowledge, beyond my range, so you need to ask somewhere in Disneyland about this extremely crucial and holy information.

Is anyone reading some strange bits of Franz Bardon?
Personal Growth said:
What I've noticed is that when walking on the pavement and these muslim women are walking towards you in the opposite direction. They check you out from a distance. But when you come up to each other. They blank off and get tunnel vision and just run you out of the way.

I find Whites, Blacks and Indians work with you to pass.

But these muslim women Middle East looking with their head covered garb and Muslim dresses. They are so aggressive and dominant. They just walk right into you.

And if they don't bowl you out of the way they will put their knuckles out to knock you with when they go past.

They can be out with their children and none will move. They just take over the whole pavement and you got to get out of the way or be walked over.

And in shopping centres. These muslim women are like always in the way. They're so selfish they will just be blocking your way and not care. Ignoring you if you speak.

I don't understand it these muslim women are so hard, selfish and aggressive.

Their ignorance makes me very negative of them.

All of it is really bad, but it's not all the same.

Muslims, if we are to compare people on the "West" right now, are basically the "Best" of the migrants from a racial admixture standpoint, as most of the time, they stick to their own. European women are not into them for numerous reasons. They are also those more likely to want to go back to their countries, as even the climate in Europe is bad for them.

If Muslims are a family, which they often are not, they don't tend to marry non Muslims or try to assimilate as quickly. This is why they are resistant to assimilation. Muslim women flock with Muslims which are of their race and also their own faith. They are better than Nigerian gold digging experts who swindle out 60 year old dumbass Whites of their money, houses, or even family.

The downside of Muslims, they are also very ready for anything including religious warfare. However on a 'racial' level, they tend to stick to their own. This doesn't make anything better, as their prolific birthrates are enough to create a social danger exactly as the jews want, however, they do not really tend to mix.

Blacks on the other hand do everything in their power to get married ASAP to anyone so they can stay in Europe etc. And at any rate, for many, death would be better than ever going 'back' willingly.

It's all a total mess really.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Personal Growth said:
Really weird, i would have expected someone that is already so mixed to keep wanting to mix instead of someone of a pure race to mix...is there any reason why? Maybe it's just to survive? Blacks if they want to live in Europe probabily have a reason to not wanting to go back to their country, so maybe that is the reason?

Jews really did brainwash people to much into race mixing. But i do think this comes to because of not being spiritual anymore. I noticed that the more i advance spiritualy the more i see the other races as "Aliens" not in a bad way but in the way that i can see so much our differences that i don't want to mix with them.
just found out via ancestry papers my dad is 100% European. 10% of which is Scandinavian. c'mon nordic genessss
occultumlapidem said:
just found out via ancestry papers my dad is 100% European. 10% of which is Scandinavian. c'mon nordic genessss

I just found out via ancestry papers that you could be part mermaid.
I got that mermaid thing from a book called sylphs salamders mermaids and gnomes. dialogues with the kings and queens of nature. that a mermaid inspirited a person. I've also heard of strange things incarnatinf through the power of blood. but I want to use it for makin' mermaid people's . maybe one day.
I need more sources about the cons for being a bastard/ mixed kid, like i know there can be some health problems and problems with identity, but i want more, i am sick and tired of those with ''muh spread love, oy vey keep having mixed babiessss''.
Weassel said:
I need more sources about the cons for being a bastard/ mixed kid, like i know there can be some health problems and problems with identity, but i want more, i am sick and tired of those with ''muh spread love, oy vey keep having mixed babiessss''.

You will find plenty of it if you open your eyes, and also some scientific sources, but they have to be from the 70's or earlier, because now "Science" only seeks to serve emotions of the chosen and the retards. There used to be a lot of said information and scientific papers on the net even from National Socialists a few years ago, but they are all but vanished.

Science is going to claim that oxygen is racist at some point, because it makes people feel offended that they feel 'dependent' on oxygen. Then it will be outlawed, and all mentions of oxygen will be removed, despite of if people breathe it everyday.
SdD said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
occultumlapidem said:
I want to use my life to learn how to incarnate a mermaid into this plane through my blood and then marry it. HALP. Or I should find someone on a similar course?

Sorry, that is of very sublime and superior knowledge, beyond my range, so you need to ask somewhere in Disneyland about this extremely crucial and holy information.

Is anyone reading some strange bits of Franz Bardon?

Verdade kkkkkk tem uma parte do livro que fala do Reino da água que tem as sereias
occultumlapidem said:
I got that mermaid thing from a book called sylphs salamders mermaids and gnomes. dialogues with the kings and queens of nature. that a mermaid inspirited a person. I've also heard of strange things incarnatinf through the power of blood. but I want to use it for makin' mermaid people's . maybe one day.

That's like your first serious comment, everyone thinks you are a troll, we have been trying to decipher your messages.

Mermaids are allegorical and are a representation of the pure water element, as thus they are women, very 'attractive' and beautiful. These are symbolic. The same goes for Salamanders, gnomes etc.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
occultumlapidem said:
I got that mermaid thing from a book called sylphs salamders mermaids and gnomes. dialogues with the kings and queens of nature. that a mermaid inspirited a person. I've also heard of strange things incarnatinf through the power of blood. but I want to use it for makin' mermaid people's . maybe one day.

That's like your first serious comment, everyone thinks you are a troll, we have been trying to decipher your messages.

Mermaids are allegorical and are a representation of the pure water element, as thus they are women, very 'attractive' and beautiful. These are symbolic. The same goes for Salamanders, gnomes etc.

I was a tad concerned and wondering what was up, and someone else here mentioned Franz Bardon too, so I should clear that up for the person.

The mermaids are not actualized beings like we are, the elementals may be "real" in some relative sense but are not conscientious entities like we are.

I already understand Bardons take about them is more of an internal psychism, an esoteric exaggeration of elemental thoughtform's and how we analyze and conceive of natural forces.

Because we are sentient, the more creative we get, the more "conscious" and anthropomorphasized certain concepts seem.

If people get into a broader discussion this will lean into mentalism, but I'll be talking too much here on the wrong thread for that.

I just had to share because I've seen people who legitimately believe in dragons as astral beings with power rivaling the Daemons...

This could be their own cultural attribution to our Daemons mistakenly believing them to be separate (dragon, serpent, Kundalini etc).

In any case, people need to find a goldylocks between self hypnosis and just letting their imagination run them around.
but what about those old stories to leave doors open for gnomes and fairies live near mushrooms these elemental have free will don't they?
ASQV13886662080 said:
The mermaids are not actualized beings like we are, the elementals may be "real" in some relative sense but are not conscientious entities like we are.

I already understand Bardons take about them is more of an internal psychism, an esoteric exaggeration of elemental thoughtform's and how we analyze and conceive of natural forces.

Because we are sentient, the more creative we get, the more "conscious" and anthropomorphasized certain concepts seem.
I am often curious if certain popular characters such as Link or anime characters that people practically worship end up as thought forms on the astral and what effect they might have. To me jesus is practically the same thing but on a greater scale and under jewish control. I doubt they could ever truly become conscious and are more like AI programmed by multiple individuals simultaneously.

It's not a subject I generally like talking about though because I have seen many "satanist" become obsessed with fairy tales that could never be fully understood while brushing off meditation sessions to become full time theorist instead.
Vx36 said:

It's not a subject I generally like talking about though because I have seen many "satanist" become obsessed with fairy tales that could never be fully understood while brushing off meditation sessions to become full time theorist instead.

I think my next subject on "Armchair Occultists", which I will publish in a few days, will explain your concerns here. I totally get what you mean. You hit the nail on the head with this question here.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Vx36 said:

It's not a subject I generally like talking about though because I have seen many "satanist" become obsessed with fairy tales that could never be fully understood while brushing off meditation sessions to become full time theorist instead.

I think my next subject on "Armchair Occultists", which I will publish in a few days, will explain your concerns here. I totally get what you mean. You hit the nail on the head with this question here.

Armchair occultist.

That's what I often worry about.

It's been a balancing act between being to rash and not being enthusiastic enough for me, living in the imagination one phase, being too materialistic and cynical the next.

I personally have a few people who look to me for advice because I take long hard looks at things, I really strain myself to understand and remember things in the "dream" states and write A LOT.

But I aim to reify the abstract into the concrete.

Personally I've written a few things on here that I feel are too abstract and just seem "dumb" to more earthly people, yet to others even still I seem too critical when I dissolve their fairy tales.

I really don't want all I've worked on over the years to amount to moot armchair theories and speculation.


I don't want to live in fairy tales, but I'm tired of the pointless suffering and petty mundane bullshit cycles of the materialized existence as well.

I want to surmount the veil like famous occult scientists of the past.
occultumlapidem said:
but what about those old stories to leave doors open for gnomes and fairies live near mushrooms these elemental have free will don't they?

Devolved exaggerated superstition most likely.

I am not going to make a bigger topic of this than I already have.

Just know it's not an easy conclusion to make on such tenuous phenomena as to whether these things are actually alive or not.

What matters is the pragmatic function of one's ritual in applied magic.

Just like people who talk of experience with their astral realms, I always tell them if it works for you practically to this actualized material existence, then it matters little to me how real or not it apparently is.

I prefer physically embodiment of these abstract concepts to transcend what is commonly settled for on the physical plane.

Don't get carried away, use what works for you but your creativity won't be a one size fits all for others with their own faculties.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
