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The Alt-Right 2018


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2017
The Alt-Right 2018

Note even a lot of these Alt-Right types will bitch about the Left lobbies..... And other Marxist groups but never utter a real word about the ZIONIST CHRISTIAN LOBBY that has tens of millions of members and dollars and allows the Jews to control Washington with total ease and put in open Zionist after Zionist President and Congress People into the government. While shipping thousands of American's to die in wars for Israel. And allowing the Mossad to engage in domestic terrorism against America that kill thousands of American's. And the Christian lobbies they also promote race mixing as well.

But then again a lot of the Jewish faces that run the Alt-Right don't want to talk about 911 or that the Christ-lie is the source of Jewish power. They want you on your knees praying to them as your god in Church while clutching their racial ideology to conqueror you to your chest calling it holy. The Jews run the White Movement by promoting xianity. Even the Jews like Kike Enoch who admitted he is Jew on air and who pretends to be against xianity will then run a network with nothing but xian shows on it. And personally bring on xian fanatic's like Heimback to promote nothing but xianity. Heimback obsessively promotes and worships this strange Communist Russian Jew, Dugin who in his works on the Fourth Political Theory, states he wants to bring about the end of the world, literally. And he states all good Christians want this as well. Literally to bring death on all life on earth. Christianity is a Jewish death cult. The Jewish soul is so alien to nature, the Jew wishes to destroy it. But hey Goy listen to this banter its woke. Oh yeah there Goy make sure to support Martial law with Trump and tear up that constitution already. They also promote that as well. We have Kike Enoch, and the other Jew, Weev pushing for violent rape gangs to attack White Women under the Talmudic rape culture they want to create for White Women called "White Sharia". This is the trash the Jews who run the Alt-Right are promoting for White People.

Here we have the Alt-Right promoting the Neo-Marxist doctrines of this Jew Dugin yet again with Richard Spencer and his wife promoting this Communist narrative of Jewish Dugin as well and covering for the Jewish holocaust of millions of Ukrainians as well. With the very lies the Jews themselves tell to cover it up. All the while pushing "Nationalist Bolsheviks" of this strange Jew Durgin. This Dugin himself is openly anti-White and believes the same about White People the anti-White Left does in the west. Spencer was also shouting for "White Sharia" at the Alt-Right rally in Charlottesville. Literally yelling for violent rape gangs to attack White women in some strange rape culture he wants. Note Duke promotes Dugin as well. Duke has also tried to silence people from talking about the Jewish role in 911 from reports of people such as the producer of 911 Missing Links.

We have Richard Spencer going around affirming the anti-White narrative of the Jews by affirming it as something legitimate to massive audiences even on National TV. He affirms the Jewish lie of "White privilege" and that he wants to expand it. This is the key ideological narrative the Jews are hanging around the necks of innocent Whites everywhere to genocide us...… And Spencer is promoting it from the inside to the public. We also have Kike Enoch who goes on "Tree of Logic's" show and blames the White Race for the African Slave Trade. And covers up for the Jews who even write books admitting they ran the whole Slave Trade. The Jewish religion tells Jews to make Gentiles slaves. The false blaming of Whites for slavery is the main excuse the Jews use for the Genocide of Whites and there is KIKE enoch affirming it as legitimate to the world....For the tribe. The Jews are trying to conqueror the White Movement from within. And use it as black propaganda to confirm their mainstream narrative against Whites.

The apologetics given is "White Sharia" is just a joke man...… Well Anglin who promotes this and pushes the admitted Jew Weev on everyone. Stated in an interview with Vox Day. This is not a joke he really believes this stuff and is serious about promoting it. He believes White Women in his own words "should be attacked" for the crime of going outdoors by themselves. I would say really Anglin even your own sister and mother? But your sister is half Asian and she looks like you so I can only guess that your mother is Asian as well. But at least your Father looks White with Jewish surnames in his family.

"Look, I hate women. I think they deserve to be beaten, raped and locked in cages.”- Andrew Anglin

Its funny how these Trad Xians on the Alt-Right are in an open alliance with the Jews who run most of the Alt-Right. And neither don't want to mention that the rantings of RABBI YESUHA in the Bible is the same as the rantings of Rabbi Marx. That includes the destruction of the family unit, the racial unit, the national unit and the destruction of all non-Jewish cultures into a one world order run by Jews. Somehow everyone this is against the Jewish Left who promote the same thing in secular mode. In cases like Trad Xian, Heimback he openly promotes both Christianity and Communism at the same time. He even pushes the Jew Stalin as something great.

The reason the Jews on the Right want you only looking Left is to distract you off the central key to their power and the fact your actually following a theistic version of the Lefts doctrine. So they stay in control. In some cases they are now openly pushing Communism via the Alt-Right as well.

So the question is how long are the Goy on the Alt-Right going to allow themselves to be led around by the noise by these open Jews. Don't bitch about "normies" while you sit there and give the tribe support to run the Alt-Right
There is this guy with a Jewish face named after a shit bird who praises Israel and talks about all the vacations he has taken there. Probably to visit family. Who blames the fall of Western civilization on White Women. So who is to blame for all this....White Women who are following Jewish Marxist ideology created from the Talmud to destroy Whites with. Or the Jews who have a racial religion that tells them to destroy the entire White Race...….Oy veh What is a Goy presenting Joo to do.....
Something interesting is Vice did a documentary on Anglin and found he lied about the money he raised for the court case against him. Instead of spending it for the court case he is just hiding out in five star hotels, eating steak dinners and dodging the summons. But this is probably how he was always living on the money he claimed was for the basic blog he runs and the movement.
I understand your opposition to Fat Heimback and his orthodox x-tian bullshit. The downfall of him and his org was classic redneck style. Banging his father in laws wife in the trailer park, beating his wife and father in law when found out and the whole scandal spilling over into the local Walmart where he got arrested, ticks more than all the stereotypes kikes in hollywierd come up with.

However, I disagree with your opinion on Mike Enoch. He has said numerous times, he is not a leader. He is pretty based when it comes to naming the kikes. I listen to TDS regularly and cannot fault him on any off the stuff he states. The argument of "he is not going far enough", which is essentially what your stating, for not going again x-tianity, that argument can be made about anybody. Mike Enochs target is the jew and the left. I believe he is doing a lot to expose both of these vermin.

As far as Weev is concerned, if he is not a jew, he is definitely a psycho. I wouldn't trust that guy to water my plants.
I remember seeing some clip where this guy and Spencer were talking about freedom of speech, and Spencer just up and admitted that they don't genuinely support it as part of their agenda and merely use it to whip their base up.

The fact that people sully National Socialism with his face and ideas makes my blood boil.
Kike Enoch openly admitted he is a Jew several times on air. His wife turned out to be a high power Jewesses who is well connected in the Jewish power structure. And there he is despite all the evidence about 911 that has been out for years. Just look at tower seven and the Jewish owner of the WTO confession. Claiming the Jewish power structures narrative on 911 is correct there Goyim. And there Kike Enoch is openly selling Whites out and enforcing the Jewish narrative on the Slave Trade.... You expect me to be that stupid. That when a admitted and obvious racial Jew is standing there Jew'in away I am supposed to just sit there like a dumb Goy and play pretend this is somehow a based Gentile...... I think your MAGA hat is on too tight here.

"Going far enough".... That right there is Jew talk. Its actually called expecting sincere HONESTY from a claimed activist for White People.

Weev admitted he is a Jew in his cupid profile and an interview with Salon. His mother also came out and stated Weev's family is Jewish on both sides. Weev's job was harassing and trying to destroy the lives of American, anti-Zionist activists for the tribe. Till he got put in jail and all of sudden is now pretending to be some White Nationalist. While living in Lebanon..... Now where would Mossad like to have an agent living again. Good cover too.

Now why do you seem to think its fine for Kike Enoch to promote violent rape of White Women?

silentstorm666 said:
.However, I disagree with your opinion on Mike Enoch. He has said numerous times, he is not a leader. He is pretty based when it comes to naming the kikes. I listen to TDS regularly and cannot fault him on any off the stuff he states. The argument of "he is not going far enough", which is essentially what your stating, for not going again x-tianity, that argument can be made about anybody. Mike Enochs target is the jew and the left. I believe he is doing a lot to expose both of these vermin.

As far as Weev is concerned, if he is not a jew, he is definitely a psycho. I wouldn't trust that guy to water my plants.
Spencer is two faced on everything.

Powstanie Pogańskie said:
I remember seeing some clip where this guy and Spencer were talking about freedom of speech, and Spencer just up and admitted that they don't genuinely support it as part of their agenda and merely use it to whip their base up.

The fact that people sully National Socialism with his face and ideas makes my blood boil.
HP Mageson666 said:
Spencer is two faced on everything.

Powstanie Pogańskie said:
I remember seeing some clip where this guy and Spencer were talking about freedom of speech, and Spencer just up and admitted that they don't genuinely support it as part of their agenda and merely use it to whip their base up.

The fact that people sully National Socialism with his face and ideas makes my blood boil.

As is necessary for an agent whose purpose is to obfuscate and corrupt the truth to present a negative image of it to the world. He would have to be near-impossibly stupid not to understand how saying such a thing makes him and his side look, because of course the reaction of the other side was what anyone could guess it'd be. "The neo-nazis and alt-right are liars and hypocrites, look what the king of all nazis ever said everyone, this is why nazism is bad, doodly diddle doo..."

Now maybe just maybe he is impossibly stupid and that's merely that, but everything about him and how he goes about it just reeks of sneaky jew bullshit. I'll happily erase that fucking alphabet until his face is forgotten along with the rest of the traitors and infiltrators. The actual Nazis are on the march.
I note the conference that Spencer was going to host in Hungary that got shut down...... Dugin was the key speaker to be there. I suspect it was organized to get Dugin to meet with and make as many possible connections as possible with Western dissenters. And who knows how many other FSB agents. Dugin has been at Spencer's conferences before and worked with him in his organization.

What you mentioned about Spencer's behaviour also applies to Dugin's as well for the same reason.
what are the details of the orchestrated Washigton DC Unite the Right rally?

smells like a kike, looks like a kike, acts like a kike
I'm a bit confused by this. Obviously some of the alt-right members are probably controlled opposition, but haven't we talked about some of the good that's happening with the alt-right? Are there some leader figures who can be cautiously supported?

Something interesting-after the Charlottesville rally last year, about 10% of Americans, according to three different polls, expressed support for the "alt-right". That's a similar number to the Germans who expressed support for the National Socialists in 1929, and obviously this was able to grow into something much bigger relatively quickly.
I've noticed most of the alt-right is just FTW too intelligent about everything, and justify all their anger and incompetency by saying they're just so pissed off because they think they're so enlightened.
That word you used "probably" lets be honest its a fact the main leadership is controlled opposition. This is the issue people are having they have created some kind of emotional connection, projection of these leaders and they don't want to be told the truth. Your a good example and so are some others here. Cognitive dissonance, Kike Enoch outs himself as a kike up to no good and here come the excuses for him. Why..... Because of emotionally immature people can't handle the truth of the obvious. Spencer has shown his hand numerous times, same. And on it goes with these characters. Anglin openly states he wants to beat and rape White Women and while holding open the door for the Jew Weev to push for his Tribe. And here come the excuses.....

This is nothing but weakness of character being displayed.

No excuses for these Jewish characters.

What is going to happen if ten percent a very Kabala number from that poll..... Decide to join a movement run by Kikes to conqueror any movement against them from within...….

If the ranks of the Alt-Right can't divorce themselves from the Jews who are leading them...…. Then its useless.

HailVictory88 said:
I'm a bit confused by this. Obviously some of the alt-right members are probably controlled opposition, but haven't we talked about some of the good that's happening with the alt-right? Are there some leader figures who can be cautiously supported?

Something interesting-after the Charlottesville rally last year, about 10% of Americans, according to three different polls, expressed support for the "alt-right". That's a similar number to the Germans who expressed support for the National Socialists in 1929, and obviously this was able to grow into something much bigger relatively quickly.
That's a fair point, I guess I need to recalibrate my Jew-detector and be more cautious. I find it hard to not get excited over the mainstream alt-right stuff, though, because for a while I felt so hopeless and the media they make is a rare example of media that's not dripping with depressing anti-White filth.
They are reporting on the Alt-Right because they want to give it attention to create a camp for Whites they have control over. Its creating the other side of the narrative that conforms to their propaganda. They know a lot of Whites are woke and they need to build a camp to contain them in. The best thing we can do is spread our message into the Alt-Right and wake as many people up as possible and not let the Jews control the narrative.
Dugin,Rothchilds e.t.c and friends say..
"Oy vey stupid goy you have no idea of what you are talking about xianity is white culture!!"
"but but thats only because modern Christianity has been infiltrated and perverted, true and original Christianity is legit and promoted traditional white lifestyles!! We were all white nations until Christianity started dying out!!"

this is the rebuttable I commonly get from alt-right/trump types that are christians. i dont really come across many young people that sees current Christianity as some bastion(that seems to be more of a boomer thing), but many still look at the relatively recent homogenous and traditional societies of their parents generations and see Christianity as a solution to that.

I'd like to upp my bating average when it comes to convincing them beyond. what's the best counter to this?
So how is a Jewish book that orders the destruction of all races, families, cultures and nations under a Jewish World Government good for us? The Jews are just doing to us what they already wrote they wanted to do in the Bible. The Jews created Christianity to conqueror the world by religious ideology and use the mass mind to bring about their one world order. The Jews have even admitted this openly. Just look at Marcus Eli Ravage's admission.

Jewish Christianity put us in this problem. Running back to worshipping the Jews and their one word order propaganda is not going to help us.

jay said:
"but but thats only because modern Christianity has been infiltrated and perverted, true and original Christianity is legit and promoted traditional white lifestyles!! We were all white nations until Christianity started dying out!!"

this is the rebuttable I commonly get from alt-right/trump types that are christians. i dont really come across many young people that sees current Christianity as some bastion(that seems to be more of a boomer thing), but many still look at the relatively recent homogenous and traditional societies of their parents generations and see Christianity as a solution to that.

I'd like to upp my bating average when it comes to convincing them beyond. what's the best counter to this?
jay said:
"but but thats only because modern Christianity has been infiltrated and perverted, true and original Christianity is legit and promoted traditional white lifestyles!! We were all white nations until Christianity started dying out!!"

this is the rebuttable I commonly get from alt-right/trump types that are christians. i dont really come across many young people that sees current Christianity as some bastion(that seems to be more of a boomer thing), but many still look at the relatively recent homogenous and traditional societies of their parents generations and see Christianity as a solution to that.

I'd like to upp my bating average when it comes to convincing them beyond. what's the best counter to this?
You know this is a Satanic forum right?
HP Mageson666 said:
So how is a Jewish book that orders the destruction of all races, families, cultures and nations under a Jewish World Government good for us? The Jews are just doing to us what they already wrote they wanted to do in the Bible. The Jews created Christianity to conqueror the world by religious ideology and use the mass mind to bring about their one world order. The Jews have even admitted this openly. Just look at Marcus Eli Ravage's admission.

Jewish Christianity put us in this problem. Running back to worshipping the Jews and their one word order propaganda is not going to help us.

jay said:
"but but thats only because modern Christianity has been infiltrated and perverted, true and original Christianity is legit and promoted traditional white lifestyles!! We were all white nations until Christianity started dying out!!"

this is the rebuttable I commonly get from alt-right/trump types that are christians. i dont really come across many young people that sees current Christianity as some bastion(that seems to be more of a boomer thing), but many still look at the relatively recent homogenous and traditional societies of their parents generations and see Christianity as a solution to that.

I'd like to upp my bating average when it comes to convincing them beyond. what's the best counter to this?

Not only that, but what exactly in the Bible promotes traditional White values? What is this "true" and "legit" Christianity that's just been lost to modern times? What does it teach that would have positive consequences for White people?

Ask them that. Because you won't find a basis for genuine Gentile behavior in Christianity. Any and all examples of racially pure White nations in the times of this alleged legit Christianity are merely examples of the Gentile spirit not being completely subdued. They may have infected the populace with this religion, but not all beliefs and natural drives could be completely eradicated, and Gentiles simply transposed these values and truths onto the Bible, which can be easy to do with its vagueness and contradicting passages. Christianity did not spawn our racial awareness; it is merely our nature.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
