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“New Age” Elementary School Issue


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2020
I’m very against introducing power meditations to children and I know some others on here are as well, one due to the power and two due to the lack of knowledge on the child’s part. I’m even more against introducing new age watered down and corrupted practices to children due to the corruption and danger this could eventually lead to.

In public schools, meditation and yoga is now being introduced. The meditation is menial and probably harmless as it’s basically just attempts at void meditation and taking deep steady breaths. Seems healthy. The yoga on the other hand, I’m unsure about. Even worse, this is also being combined with education about “racism” and some awful early sex-ed classes. There are bills being introduced in Washington state about this right now, which would teach children as early as kindergarten sex ed. This seems like an atrocity and it makes me sick. The only positive to this is it teaches children about stranger danger as well, but I think this should be entirely left up to the parents. The early racial melting indoctrination is the most concerning along with the yoga. I doubt any child will be doing this enough to cause any psychological damage like with new agers who do yoga without Satan, but nevertheless it’s concerning and it reminds me of how Christians made their sessions boring so people would enter a trance state to be more easily indoctrinated. Combining meditation just enough for a trance with racial indoctrination? You’ve got a recipe for the perfect communist.

Homeschooling is not going to be an option for the forseeable future because of the lack of time and resource.

This is not only good to be aware of for other parents out there, and this is a good hint of what’s to come if the enemy keeps taking things further, but how should I go about this? Should I exclude my children from these meditation practices? I’ll definitely opt them out of the sex-ed but I think they’re also trying to make these things mandatory. Mandatory vaccinations too.

I guess this isn’t much different from how the pledge of allegiance states “one nation under god”
But, the actual courses on things seem much more harmful. There are entire Holocaust classes for high schoolers and middle schoolers which ensures that absolutely no one will question these things. I had to do them in high school and while the whole class boo-hooed, I was pulled outside and questioned because of my reaction which was just a smirk.

I know I won’t be able to completely dodge the enemy and their attempts at indoctrinating my kids, especially as my kids get older and try to make their own choices and belief systems. Both of my kids are very similar to me too, in that they won’t put up with me personally trying to push anything onto them.

I’m mostly concerned with the mandatory vaccinations and racial indoctrination at this point. Christianity is a fairly easy thing to dodge, especially if a child wasn’t raised with it. A cousin of mine was raised atheist and she went through a rebellion phase where she decided to go full blown Christian and this only lasted a few months. Kids naturally are prone to breaking away from what they were raised with, at least in my family. I can see it in my kids charts. I know the best thing for them is pure honesty and allowing them to be 100% themselves. If I tried to raise them more strictly NS or SS, this would backfire on me and I’d also likely cause them to get expelled or outcasted early on in life.

I’d just like some perspectives on protecting children from the garbage of the enemy more inadvertently and how much of a danger these things pose, which battles we should pick and choose, ect. There is a lot and not all are going to be avoidable. I don’t want to hear anything about how I should delve my kids entirely in Satanism by anyone here, neither Maxine nor hitlers children took the same route and it’s not even the best route for everyone.
The thing is, the soul needs to be worked on. Just as the body needs oxygen the soul needs energy. The reason why many adults who were psychic when they are children lose it as they get older is because they aren't working on those senses. They become dormant or atrophy.

If you are SS and have children IMO its better to teach them meditation early such as in primary/ elementary school. Before then I believe the parents should take care of it. Meditations when done properly only have beneficial effects. The same with yoga. There's no need to make them spend hours a day with it either. A simple 10 minute session in the morning and the evening will suffice cleaning their aura and building protection. Children are taught how to clean themselves physically you might as well teach them how to do it spiritually as well. And teaching them true void meditation will help in the long run towards keeping focused and aware.

The concerns about introducing power meditation to children that you have given aren't concerns at all. Power is something gained gradually. Its the same as saying a child shouldn't exercise because if they are fit they might be violent towards others or something. The same with the knowledge argument. They are children and like all children they start ignorant of all things. If they are ignorant then its the parents job to give them knowledge. And because they are children the parents must be responsible with how they raise them. When and how they are raised are up to the parents but I believe delaying teaching them meditation and spirituality will do more harm than good. The longer they go without working on the soul the more it will atrophy and the longer they remain at the will of others that know more.

As for the school indoctrinating children, if you keep a close eye on what your child is taught and are doing at school you could guide them properly at home. Children view their parents as their primary caretakers and teachers and will believe and act with that they will tell them over anyone else. If you cannot get them out of harmful teachings the next best thing to do would be to guide them and minimize the damage.

That’s some good input, I’m still iffy on the yoga because of what Maxine has said about it and the new age but this is all just new. I guess every public school is very indoctrinating in their own way.

That’s some good input, I’m still iffy on the yoga because of what Maxine has said about it and the new age but this is all just new. I guess every public school is very indoctrinating in their own way.
Sundara said:
I was pulled outside and questioned because of my reaction which was just a smirk.
Haha that’s awesome and an easy way to resist them and their propaganda. I’m glad I didn’t make it to this part of high school or I would have surely been suspended or thrown in detention for my denial of the 60 kabillion.
I recently saw my mom doing weird things with her face and when I asked what she was doing, she said she was doing "face yoga" and that it would eliminate wrinkles. I was like "holy shit, this looks like a scam. " Apparently there are a lot of weird things that people call Yoga.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Sundara said:
I was pulled outside and questioned because of my reaction which was just a smirk.
Haha that’s awesome and an easy way to resist them and their propaganda. I’m glad I didn’t make it to this part of high school or I would have surely been suspended or thrown in detention for my denial of the 60 kabillion.

It was a while back, that one was actually in middle school. Middle school teachers are a lot less tolerant because they think they can preserve some kind of innocence, or it’s far more appalling to see some young “sweet” girl be so against the grain. High school debates were better and I ALWAYS shredded religion and even judaism openly. I learned how to get away with telling the truth about Satan and the jews without putting myself into bad situations in high school but more so to friends than teachers. I’d act like it was a half-joke and suddenly the whole grade I was in made a thing of it and started talking shit on jews. At that point the teachers just kind of gave up on trying to stop it. If I were to have been the only one aggressively going about it I’d have been singled out and would have gotten in trouble. Looking back on it everyone did actually call me Nazi as if it was some cool and trendy thing or (insert real name)Germany. Like ChanelWestCoast but German and not stupid. These were within friend groups though, not blatantly to teachers. I also got away with a lot more because my family is very German and people not really knowing much about real German heritage, they kind of just laughed it off like “oh no big deal her family just still hates jews from ww2” which a lot of them do. I think these cues, subtle or not, help open people up to being more accepting of the truth. Whether it’s in the form of a joke or more blatant. Time and place for everything.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Sundara said:
I was pulled outside and questioned because of my reaction which was just a smirk.
Haha that’s awesome and an easy way to resist them and their propaganda. I’m glad I didn’t make it to this part of high school or I would have surely been suspended or thrown in detention for my denial of the 60 kabillion.
This happened to me too lol I was being shouted at from a teacher that looked jewish because I stayed outside the room in which they were projecting hololol stuff. Ended up staying in the vice principal's office. And a teacher refers to me as "the antisemite" with other teachers lol.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
