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south africa


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
There’s white people in SA who don’t believe that stuff or deny it. They must live in different territories, I can’t explain it otherwise.
My conversation with one:
Me: I heard bad stuff is happening there
He: bad stuff is happens everywhere!
Me: I heard whites are getting killed there
He: nah that’s just misinformation
Aquarius said:
There’s white people in SA who don’t believe that stuff or deny it. They must live in different territories, I can’t explain it otherwise.
My conversation with one:
Me: I heard bad stuff is happening there
He: bad stuff is happens everywhere!
Me: I heard whites are getting killed there
He: nah that’s just misinformation
"It's just misinformation, goy. Ignore the man (jew) behind the curtain. *intense handrubbing*"
They're doing the same thing they did in Zimbabwe in South Africa. Black jews start killing the White farmers, so the Whites that are still alive leave. Than when you have no more people who know how to properly farm, your country goes to shit. Than the Jewish international groups, NATO, UN, etc. jump in to enslave the non jewish blacks that still live there, making them completely dependent on the government, who gets their money from first world tax dollars. And just like that, the jews controls another country.
Malkom2 said:
They're doing the same thing they did in Zimbabwe in South Africa. Black jews start killing the White farmers, so the Whites that are still alive leave. Than when you have no more people who know how to properly farm, your country goes to shit. Than the Jewish international groups, NATO, UN, etc. jump in to enslave the non jewish blacks that still live there, making them completely dependent on the government, who gets their money from first world tax dollars. And just like that, the jews controls another country.
Plenty of nonwhite gentiles want to exterminate us or celebrate at the incidents of such. Whatever jews are involved are certainly far removed from the dirty work, they make their zogbot underlings do the killing. Much of it isn't even state sanctioned, they do it just because.
Brother I live in South Africa & nothing like that is happening.At the time of apartheid whites were oppressing blacks and so on but it's all over now.
The issue about the farmlands is something different & not even a percentage of about 2 have that war,very little.Some black people may feel that they lost their farmlands during the apartheid or something & trying to win it back.
The boy you met is just one of those few.
txg said:
well over a year ago i met a 17 year old boy on a cs-go surf server

he was telling me about how he learned java script so he could move to california and get a job in coding.

i asked him where he was from, i guessed georgia. his english was that good.

he told me he was from south africa, didnt say exactly where.

i asked him why he moved, and he tells me without missing a beat "youre not gonna believe this but" that the black people are killing whites. so he and his family had to leave...

obviously those who are exposed to white nationalist propaganda know all about this, but i acted skeptical to get him to tell me more. he said they are doing it over farmland.

we friended one another, but i havent spoken to him in quite some time and i dont remember what alias he goes under anymore.

i now think that this is worth sharing
First of all things can be blown alil out of proportion this is not Zimbabwe the iq level and 'spiritual' level if I can even call it that is way higher here than in Zimbabwe secondly ther are no random blacks going around here killing whites that's shit talk what is happening however as I suspect a certain group of politicians are paying of criminals or watever to attack white farmers ther Ain't a lot of media coverage of it either so yeah ther is that white farmers being killed issue over here only place Iv ever heard about it is through unknown media groups and some images posted by people on Facebook but I feel I must state here to everyone that the average white person here in SA is as safe as the next person the crime level here is no joke yes and any race can fall under it
Are the black workers who get brutally attacked and murdered on the white farms also an indication of a black genocide? No.

Just because farmers who happened to be white are being attacked, doesn’t mean there’s a white genocide anymore than black farm workers who are being attacked means there’s a black genocide.

Yes, there are political undercurrents to the farm attacks, but there’s by no means a “white genocide.” If there was, white people would be hacked up and dragged through the streets of every city. I don’t like the word “genocide” when it’s used in a modern day South African context because it spreads fear and misinformation.

So far these attacks come from people who live in poor rural areas close to farms who have “wealth” and these farms so happened to be owned by white people as they were the original settlers who set up farming communities. Black farmers, who are a minority in the farming community, also get attacked. This is the same with urban areas (who were once dominated by rich white folk, but now have competing numbers of rich black and white residents) bordering townships and impoverished communities.

People don’t focus on this because of the propaganda, there are definitely puppets pulling strings to create a white vs black mentality in the country and using the farm attacks to fuel this fear.
txg said:
""I’m not Asian, but I’m living here. I think Asian Satanists should strive to be their most exalted self. Asia is heavily polluted, and you need to advance so you can work toward repairing the damage to your continent and to your nation.""

far be it from me to stop a cultural expert from discrediting an anecdote with his opinion

Traveling the world and seeing different cultures tends to make one more aware. Are the Asians not supposed to strive to be their exalted self? Are the Asians not supposed to heal their heavily polluted and damaged continent. A second grader could tell you if you break it you should fix it.
Sizza said:
Brother I live in South Africa & nothing like that is happening.At the time of apartheid whites were oppressing blacks and so on but it's all over now.
The issue about the farmlands is something different & not even a percentage of about 2 have that war,very little.Some black people may feel that they lost their farmlands during the apartheid or something & trying to win it back.
The boy you met is just one of those few.

You best shut your lying fucking mouth or go spread your jewish filth somewhere else.
Multiple White farmers and their families are being tortured to death by these fucking animals every week.
The blacks (except Xhosa's) are not indigenous to South Africa, the Koi are, and NOTHING was stolen from them. Fair trade was made for land that was not being used. They had no farms they were hunter gatherers. The Xhosas never developed beyond subsistence farming so tell me how commercial farmers are profiting of little "farms" of a few square meters?
Blacks were not oppressed during apartheid, they it had far better than they do now. Shortly after apartheid was ended by the jews, most blacks wanted it reinstated. All the ApeNC has done in 28 years is fuck everything up and steal everything they could, just like the average black monkey loves to do.
The last stats released from our worthless, retarded, black controlled police was 50 Whites being murdered PER DAY. Guaranteed the real number was higher and has gone up.
So again, shut your lying mouth or take your jewish lies elsewhere.
Way_Seeker666 said:
Sizza said:
Brother I live in South Africa & nothing like that is happening.At the time of apartheid whites were oppressing blacks and so on but it's all over now.
The issue about the farmlands is something different & not even a percentage of about 2 have that war,very little.Some black people may feel that they lost their farmlands during the apartheid or something & trying to win it back.
The boy you met is just one of those few.

You best shut your lying fucking mouth or go spread your jewish filth somewhere else.
Multiple White farmers and their families are being tortured to death by these fucking animals every week.
The blacks (except Xhosa's) are not indigenous to South Africa, the Koi are, and NOTHING was stolen from them. Fair trade was made for land that was not being used. They had no farms they were hunter gatherers. The Xhosas never developed beyond subsistence farming so tell me how commercial farmers are profiting of little "farms" of a few square meters?
Blacks were not oppressed during apartheid, they it had far better than they do now. Shortly after apartheid was ended by the jews, most blacks wanted it reinstated. All the ApeNC has done in 28 years is fuck everything up and steal everything they could, just like the average black monkey loves to do.
The last stats released from our worthless, retarded, black controlled police was 50 Whites being murdered PER DAY. Guaranteed the real number was higher and has gone up.
So again, shut your lying mouth or take your jewish lies elsewhere.

This ladies and gentlemen personifies the SA government/Jewish agenda.. create hate between the gentiles.

No, the blacks did not have it better. They were required to carry a pass around and had curfews plus many other restricting, oppressive Jewish type of shit.

Satanists believe in freedom, the blacks were not free. The ANC are a bunch of shit-dicks I agree, but you’re forgetting they’re Jewish... JEWISH shit-dicks. Or did you forget a Jew can be white, black or mixed race??

Keep focus.

Black gentiles are not the enemy.
Approximatley 77,000 whites, and white farmers, have been killed since the abolishment of apartheid. This white holocaust has been normalized by jewish media, portraying it as "[*]all[*] farmers are getting killed". Sure, some black farmers might be getting killed, but the vast majority of farmers are white in South Africa. And obviously, other whites have been getting killed off as well. With the ANC in South Africa literally singing a song together about "Killing the Boer" (killing the Dutch, white man, w/e), the media is silent on this.
Dariak said:
Way_Seeker666 said:
Sizza said:
Brother I live in South Africa & nothing like that is happening.At the time of apartheid whites were oppressing blacks and so on but it's all over now.
The issue about the farmlands is something different & not even a percentage of about 2 have that war,very little.Some black people may feel that they lost their farmlands during the apartheid or something & trying to win it back.
The boy you met is just one of those few.

You best shut your lying fucking mouth or go spread your jewish filth somewhere else.
Multiple White farmers and their families are being tortured to death by these fucking animals every week.
The blacks (except Xhosa's) are not indigenous to South Africa, the Koi are, and NOTHING was stolen from them. Fair trade was made for land that was not being used. They had no farms they were hunter gatherers. The Xhosas never developed beyond subsistence farming so tell me how commercial farmers are profiting of little "farms" of a few square meters?
Blacks were not oppressed during apartheid, they it had far better than they do now. Shortly after apartheid was ended by the jews, most blacks wanted it reinstated. All the ApeNC has done in 28 years is fuck everything up and steal everything they could, just like the average black monkey loves to do.
The last stats released from our worthless, retarded, black controlled police was 50 Whites being murdered PER DAY. Guaranteed the real number was higher and has gone up.
So again, shut your lying mouth or take your jewish lies elsewhere.

This ladies and gentlemen personifies the SA government/Jewish agenda.. create hate between the gentiles.

No, the blacks did not have it better. They were required to carry a pass around and had curfews plus many other restricting, oppressive Jewish type of shit.

Satanists believe in freedom, the blacks were not free. The ANC are a bunch of shit-dicks I agree, but you’re forgetting they’re Jewish... JEWISH shit-dicks. Or did you forget a Jew can be white, black or mixed race??

Keep focus.

Black gentiles are not the enemy.

I didn't say I hate the entire black race so don't put words in my mouth or talk about me like I'm given to the jewish agenda, please. But the fact is so many of them are pieces of shit with a sub-human excuse for a brain and behave like literal animals with zero morals, repsect, or any decency at all. Those are the monkeys, not all black people. I would speak just as badly of anyone who is like that, no matter their race.
Many blacks were questioned on the difference between living under apartheid and under the worthless kike apes, and the vast majority said they wanted white rule back. HP Mageson has mentioned this as well. With the ANC the blacks now as a norm enjoy such "freedoms" as filth, poverty, starvation, woman and children and even infants being raped, theft, violence, gang wars... None of that went on on any significant scale under apartheid, because those who couldn't control themselves were controlled by force, as it should be. But hey much better to have freedumb when half of your neighborhood is retarded ape parasites with no regard for anything beyond their own savage impulses, right?
South Africa was founded and built by white people, blacks came in with their hands out asking for food and other needs they couldn't fulfill on their own. Do you honestly think these primitive people should have just been free to do whatever in an advanced white society? Have you taken a look at the world recently and seen what this does? Freedom comes with responsibilities and the harsh truth is that not everyone deserves it.
This country was a beautiful, safe and prosperous place under apartheid. Now look at it. It's a fucking shit hole. Rubbish in every street, the highest crime rate in the world (this became a hidden fact some years ago to keep up the lie of diversity being good), trash excuses for human beings living every day like all of existence is there for them to wipe their ass on, the police are a worthless joke, the ones who built this enitre place AND handed it over in the hopes of a better life for all are treated like shit and blamed for everything the blacks themselves do. Eskom is so on the brink of collapse it's a miracle they're still going (I used to work there I know) and what's going to happen if they fall? Everything good just plummets and everything bad just grows.
As for your comment of apartheid being rather jewish, take a look at who dismantled it, who trained nelson mandickwad to be president after helping him be a terrorist killing white civilians and who was filmed with him singing "we the buntu (non-native blacks who were given shelter, food, medicine, and the entire fucking country) have pledged ourselves to kill the white man". Surprise surprise the "people" behind multi-culturism (more accurately known as white genocide) in South Africa are the same ones pushing this shit everywhere else.
Saying that Satanism is about freedom the way you did is not accurate. It's about so much more, like order, responsibility, civilization and natural law, and there really is no place for absolute, indiscriminate freedom as this is just chaos and we may as well be animals if we live like that. As has been said many times, racial separation is natural and best. Not hatred or unnecessary opposition. Separation, so each lives and advances as is natural for them. THAT is good freedom.
I know that with the blacks, just like with the other races, the reason so many are so shitty is the jews. Spiritual degradation and the relentless multi-faceted attacks of the enemy has fucked up all of Humanity. Living in SA it can be hard not to hate the entire race, as every day is so full of unnecessary shit all from blacks, but I do understand this is not the true reflection of Satan's creation and that writing off the whole race as garbage is an insult to Him. It's also pretty dumb and just doesn't line up with reality. I realise my post sounded otherwise but that's because I was really angry at the lies I was responding to. The things that are done to my people, the woman and children being raped and murdered, families being tortured to death in ways so sick they are hard to even fathom, everything rightfully ours being taken away, robberies and murders, anti-white employment laws putting whites into poverty, sickeningly insane injustice against whites in court where whites spend years in jail getting beaten and gang-raped for nothing while blacks who rape and kill whites walk free, this list can go on and on and on. And then this guy wants to pose as an authority to claim nothing is happening and push the jewish narrative of muh evil whitey. How could I not be filled with rage at that.
Dariak said:
Way_Seeker666 said:
Sizza said:
Brother I live in South Africa & nothing like that is happening.At the time of apartheid whites were oppressing blacks and so on but it's all over now.
The issue about the farmlands is something different & not even a percentage of about 2 have that war,very little.Some black people may feel that they lost their farmlands during the apartheid or something & trying to win it back.
The boy you met is just one of those few.

You best shut your lying fucking mouth or go spread your jewish filth somewhere else.
Multiple White farmers and their families are being tortured to death by these fucking animals every week.
The blacks (except Xhosa's) are not indigenous to South Africa, the Koi are, and NOTHING was stolen from them. Fair trade was made for land that was not being used. They had no farms they were hunter gatherers. The Xhosas never developed beyond subsistence farming so tell me how commercial farmers are profiting of little "farms" of a few square meters?
Blacks were not oppressed during apartheid, they it had far better than they do now. Shortly after apartheid was ended by the jews, most blacks wanted it reinstated. All the ApeNC has done in 28 years is fuck everything up and steal everything they could, just like the average black monkey loves to do.
The last stats released from our worthless, retarded, black controlled police was 50 Whites being murdered PER DAY. Guaranteed the real number was higher and has gone up.
So again, shut your lying mouth or take your jewish lies elsewhere.

This ladies and gentlemen personifies the SA government/Jewish agenda.. create hate between the gentiles.

No, the blacks did not have it better. They were required to carry a pass around and had curfews plus many other restricting, oppressive Jewish type of shit.

Satanists believe in freedom, the blacks were not free. The ANC are a bunch of shit-dicks I agree, but you’re forgetting they’re Jewish... JEWISH shit-dicks. Or did you forget a Jew can be white, black or mixed race??

Keep focus.

Black gentiles are not the enemy.

So when blacks break in and Blacks Rape and Blacks stab to death white families with screw drivers which IS happening to a genocidal level, regardless of what bullshit missinfo you would like to spread. Were not suppose to blame the blacks responsible?

Something about your race and not being able to accept responsibility I dont get. Thats if you were black and not an obvious jewish infiltrator.

They opened this segment with I talked too this guy I dont talk to anymore... Then tried to post statements by supposed eye witnesses. The first ones to ever come forward unlike the countless SA Family trying to flee for their lives over the years.

This whole Topic was a setup that would have been worse if not for the messages dissaproved.

Trying to create a mindset of weakness. Europe is being flooded by useless rapeugees. Jewish? Absolutely. Just jewish? No. Will we be making all of them Gods one day to drink tea with the families they raped and murdered? No.

Their souls will be wiped from existence. Our anti christ is not coming to give hugs and reparations.
Dariak said:
Way_Seeker666 said:
Sizza said:
Brother I live in South Africa & nothing like that is happening.At the time of apartheid whites were oppressing blacks and so on but it's all over now.
The issue about the farmlands is something different & not even a percentage of about 2 have that war,very little.Some black people may feel that they lost their farmlands during the apartheid or something & trying to win it back.
The boy you met is just one of those few.

You best shut your lying fucking mouth or go spread your jewish filth somewhere else.
Multiple White farmers and their families are being tortured to death by these fucking animals every week.
The blacks (except Xhosa's) are not indigenous to South Africa, the Koi are, and NOTHING was stolen from them. Fair trade was made for land that was not being used. They had no farms they were hunter gatherers. The Xhosas never developed beyond subsistence farming so tell me how commercial farmers are profiting of little "farms" of a few square meters?
Blacks were not oppressed during apartheid, they it had far better than they do now. Shortly after apartheid was ended by the jews, most blacks wanted it reinstated. All the ApeNC has done in 28 years is fuck everything up and steal everything they could, just like the average black monkey loves to do.
The last stats released from our worthless, retarded, black controlled police was 50 Whites being murdered PER DAY. Guaranteed the real number was higher and has gone up.
So again, shut your lying mouth or take your jewish lies elsewhere.

This ladies and gentlemen personifies the SA government/Jewish agenda.. create hate between the gentiles.

No, the blacks did not have it better. They were required to carry a pass around and had curfews plus many other restricting, oppressive Jewish type of shit.

Satanists believe in freedom, the blacks were not free. The ANC are a bunch of shit-dicks I agree, but you’re forgetting they’re Jewish... JEWISH shit-dicks. Or did you forget a Jew can be white, black or mixed race??

Keep focus.

Black gentiles are not the enemy.
Theres no way for whites to forgive the blacks who are murdering the whites even if the agenda was created by the jews.
Here's a video of a white south african guy who now has been living in China for a few years. He's married to a asian chiese woman btw, but anyway, in this video he explains some of what happens in South Africa. I encourage you to watch it: Serpentza's youtube video
There's another video in his channel of him talking with a black south african woman about the situation in South Africa. This woman basically says how whites are privileged even today while he points out that has not been the case anymore since a while.

By the way, here's what happened in Zimbabwe just a decade ago:
From 1991 to 1996, the Zimbabwean ZANU-PF government of president Robert Mugabe embarked on an Economic Structural Adjustment Programme (ESAP) that had serious negative effects on Zimbabwe's economy. In the late 1990s, the government instituted land reforms intended to evict white landowners and place their holdings in the hands of black farmers. However, many of these "farmers" had no experience or training in farming.
This led to an enormous crisis that led to the hyper-inflation of Zimbabwe's national currency (remembers me of what happened in Weimar's Germany - between the two world wars). Basically it was cheaper to write protest signs directly on bills than it was to buy paper, and people had to go buy to eat with an enormous amount of money, because the national currency had no value anymore whatsoever.
All of this why? I guess (someone) pushed anti-white racism over the people there, so black goyms could have the pride of owning their own farms while white goyms were left poor.
Sizza said:
Brother I live in South Africa & nothing like that is happening.At the time of apartheid whites were oppressing blacks and so on but it's all over now.
The issue about the farmlands is something different & not even a percentage of about 2 have that war,very little.Some black people may feel that they lost their farmlands during the apartheid or something & trying to win it back.
The boy you met is just one of those few.

what do you think about the south africa family relief project? Is it legitimate? I paid someone who worked for them to type up my writings who happened to be a christian and they f*ked them up so they were illegible as they were anti-chrust writings. Maybe they are a scam?
loki88 said:
I paid someone who worked for them to type up my writings who happened to be a christian and they f*ked them up so they were illegible as they were anti-chrust writings.

Why would you pay a christian to write or type up something you wrote in an anti-christ way?

I mean seriously come on you really think that dipstick is gonna sit back and let himself express those things. That's basically what stupid jews and shabbos did in the past. They had a "hand" in translating Pagan/Satanic texts. You really think as a "good" christian he is gonna sit back and some how type up your writings. Why didn't you do it? Where is your intellectual qualities to type something up?

Seriously loki88 study the JoS you seem to have some sort of mentality that the enemy can be reasoned with. I've already seen that members and even HP.Cobra have kinda been breathing behind the back of your neck for some of the things you typed up. Seriously study the websites.
Gear88 said:
loki88 said:
I paid someone who worked for them to type up my writings who happened to be a christian and they f*ked them up so they were illegible as they were anti-chrust writings.

Why would you pay a christian to write or type up something you wrote in an anti-christ way?

I mean seriously come on you really think that dipstick is gonna sit back and let himself express those things. That's basically what stupid jews and shabbos did in the past. They had a "hand" in translating Pagan/Satanic texts. You really think as a "good" christian he is gonna sit back and some how type up your writings. Why didn't you do it? Where is your intellectual qualities to type something up?

Seriously loki88 study the JoS you seem to have some sort of mentality that the enemy can be reasoned with. I've already seen that members and even HP.Cobra have kinda been breathing behind the back of your neck for some of the things you typed up. Seriously study the websites.

I didn't know she was an xtian until after the fact. This experience helped me to understnad their mendacious attitude. See here:

an analysis of the psychopathology of christianity and its mendacity

Gear88 said:
loki88 said:
I paid someone who worked for them to type up my writings who happened to be a christian and they f*ked them up so they were illegible as they were anti-chrust writings.

Why would you pay a christian to write or type up something you wrote in an anti-christ way?

I mean seriously come on you really think that dipstick is gonna sit back and let himself express those things. That's basically what stupid jews and shabbos did in the past. They had a "hand" in translating Pagan/Satanic texts. You really think as a "good" christian he is gonna sit back and some how type up your writings. Why didn't you do it? Where is your intellectual qualities to type something up?

Seriously loki88 study the JoS you seem to have some sort of mentality that the enemy can be reasoned with. I've already seen that members and even HP.Cobra have kinda been breathing behind the back of your neck for some of the things you typed up. Seriously study the websites.

Do you think I should expose the person who is the head of the largest charity organization in South Africa or should I attempt to curse them or something? I am tore between whether I should suffer my losses or seek vengeance for their screwing me over. I have certainly learned my lesson about christards and will never forget or forgive as I invested half my money and now can't come out with one of my books (over 300 page anthology of fictional stories that took me 5 months to write)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
