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RE-Read-It WEEKLIES: Looking back at Important Material [Week 39]


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2019
This concludes what there is from the old forums, I'll continue to post now things from Satan's Library, and previous older posts from the current forums which are worthy.

All the articles in the past few months have been taken from the folder "Old forums Cache Scrape" found within this .zip backup. https://icedrive.net/s/T493G131z6SWvNigfYS73NN4P9Gi

I'll be backing up the forums this month.

Hail Satan!!


Article 1
Spreading Satanism
Post Fri Dec 02, 2016 3:12 pm
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666

Greetings to all our People and Satanic Comrades.

Common sense did never kill anybody, but many people disregard common sense for the sake of stupidity and false comfort. Some even think that comfort is to deceive and lie to one's self, or neglect reality. Then reality's hammer comes down, and people find themselves in disasters that could previously have been avoided. In many cases, the victim falls completely under the weight of their own stupidity.

While Spiritual Satanists have protection, guidance, and the ability to advance more than anyone on the planet, that is spiritual, and without the material, these go only half way. Spiritual Satanism needs to be spread, and people who really love Satan, have to put forth visions and purposes to him. It doesn't matter if your plan is to infiltrate the system from the backdoor, become someone important, or provide things from the shadows, or just spread the links online, or do some flyers. Just work on your level, and I know many people already do this, so big thanks to everyone. These are the people that know Satan's message.

This is your choice to make. Satanism and the National Socialist model is the only model where your value as a person goes up, because its based only on your determination to do things. In that sense you decide how spiritually advanced you will be, you decide how wise you will be by your studying and development of insight, by your efforts, and the list goes on.

All other regimes are based on mumbo jumbo and make believe. This is like xians saying they have a powerful soul, having never meditated, or just meditated for the last week. One average experienced well spiritually trained person launches a death spell, and off the window goes the jooish holy spirit and the ignorant claimant. Some people here want to join politics, others finance, and there are many VIP people who have serious plan for this and THEIR LIFE is Satanism, and not Satanism as part of 'their life'.

I don't know how people want to proceed, but they should. Have an aim and look ahead. Common sense did never kill anybody. Only if people woke up, they would see that we as a group, want to be crucified in reverse and destroyed by most people (((cattle))) on the planet, and they would happily stone any Satanist, even if its muslim hordes, or some xian unions in Africa, or even the average, smiley 24/7 loving (slash child molesting) catholic priest. Let's not mention the jews, who started this campaign to destroy Satan's legacy first and foremost, and turn into a monkey carnal, emo party, where people act like animals, or jews that generate all these false rumors in regards to how 'evil' Satanism is, or is supposed to be, so that the jews can have a small boy to pin all their crimes to and go unabated.

This is all pure bunk.

I notice the late generations are having major issues that they have to surpass, in order to conquer the forces that want to enslave them. Too much 'muh feelins', too much 'no evidence' and too much carelessness for the material realm, are aspects of this. Let the jews swim in gold bathtubs in the Vatican, and let Satanists be struggling, right? WRONG. People who think like that and dare to call themselves "Satanists" need to just crucify themselves and start playing Jewsus, because they are xian sheep in their mentality, and they must weed it out.

Just make a question to yourself, if Satanists were in high places, would child labor, rape and all these things happen so easily, or would be scams allowed to run freely and control the whole worlds finances, let's say, keep people on lockdown, and many other things, or flood countries with invaders as they see fit? These are symptoms of a civilization that has given in and struggles against its death. Satanic Souls have saved centuries in the past and many centuries that were unimaginably more grim than the one we are living now. If people forget, they need to remember the times from history when the jews owned Europeans as cattle in the Middle Ages, thanks to their 'church'. Humanity actually made it out of this, even if this took a thousand years.

The enemy has bought the water supplies of the planet, diet, food chains, and many other things that entirely belonged to Satanists and Satanic Souls. The same goes for extreme wealth, knowledge of governing, etc. In Sumeria they even had a post office, and mailboxes. Do you think this is a recent thing, for example? Even makeup, yes, woman makeup was created in Sumeria and in Akkad. Cattle handling, the art of governing, and many other things, including the spiritual practices, all started there, and these are into the Gentile capability.

The jews have since produced nothing at all for civilization, but just have stolen the knowledge and the means of these people, and are selling them as new to nowadays, historically dumb people. People think that (((Natalie Portman))) or some other jew is the beauty queen (feces), but Cleopatra was the real one. Only thousands of years ago before the jews even started to do anything. The same goes for our Pagan religion which they desecrated and turned into an evil, horror flick, garbage. The religious Natalie Portman is nowadays xianity and pisslam, while Satanism is more like Cleopatra. Unfortunately since people never saw a decent woman like Cleopatra, they think the jewess natalie portman who looks like a sewer rat, is special, while Cleopatra was insignificant. However, what's real is what matters.

Satanists are achievers in all levels. Satanism is not about lazyness, abuse, or anything morbid and negative. As I have said millions of times, Satanists are supposed to be high civilizers. Everyone puts the effort they can put, and everyone goes higher in accordance to what they can do, and at their own pace. This is what is behind the stolen, and nowadays corrupted and jew'd freemasonry. Masons are those who build civilization. Nowdays, they just wreck it, because (((they))) are the (((Freemasons))).

Now irrespectively of the 98% of sheep on the planet, and the 1% of the enemy that rules over them by deception, there is less than 0.1% that is us. You can make use of this. Many of you aren't being serious, and in return, you should not expect a serious treatment. Satan and the Gods *HELP* and *GUIDE* people, and help us *ADVANCE*. Note, they are NOT going to live your life for you. They are not going to work like your little slaves for you, do you favors where these are not met, or give you free stuff just because of 'muh feels'. I don't know what are the ruling ideas of idiocy nowadays, but this system of thinking is not correct, and will not last indefinitely. Humanity is going down a grim road, by accepting laziness, stupidity, and endless slavery all over the place.

Satanist and Satanic Souls owned the 20th century, for example. All the people who built the civilization we have today, we Satanic masterminds, that would in the middle ages be killed or something. Even Tesla would be killed as a Demon in the flesh, because of his extreme intelligence and astral openess. Nicola Tesla was the most superior being of His century, creating the most important creation of applied electricity for us. We all have seen the lies and slander that went down for this being. Tesla was on a level of consciousness that compared to average joe down the street, is demonic and extraordinary. He changed the planet and humanity's course forever.

Hitler altered history forever, introduced glory, riches, and freedoms for the common man, same as ownership, all of which xianity and jew commie mindsets want to abolish from civilization. Because according to the Torah the animals cannot by definition own anything. Thats about you, your family, and all Gentiles on the planet. Hitler did the impossible of liberating Europe and waking up the whole world. There are no words for this man.

Hitler gave ownership rights to the common man, including right to own a car, the right to live in a nation away from zionist shackles, the right to have a home, the right to have a job. Not in some foolish declaration, but in this actual reality.

I can't be going for one by one, but look at Henry Ford as well. Ford was another person that played a catalytic role in shaping his century, and he was definitely a genius and a mind of the highest levels. Ford actually was of the first employers to treat his workers in a non-slave way, and of the first to call the jewish finger that abuses workers, steals, does usury and attacks people financially in the business world. Ford also financed the National Socialists and was a friend of Adolf Hitler.

I cannot begin or end with the list of Satanic Souls who adhered to Satanic ideals even unconsciously, and in many ways. Another one is Walt Disney, the well known 'anti-semite' and "Nazi Friendly cartoon maker". The jews in order to attack these people went back and bought their businesses, giving them total control of them, turning many of these to ashes. For instance nobody knows Tesla today, but all know Newton- who in reality did nothing useful to advance electricity instead of copying the ideas of Tesla. This is the jewish way of getting back and attacking these people and great minds, same as smearing Hitler for another example.

The Jewish system hated Telsa as he wanted to create a plan for free electricity for all mankind.He needed two million dollars to make this plan running, but the jew Rothschild foiled this attempt, left him out of bussiness, and Tesla died in a lone hotel room impoverished. He was the scientific mastermind of his century.

Did you know that even Fanta (the pop soda company) was a National Socialist enterprise? Wolks Wagen? Adidas? Nike? Hugo Boss? The list goes endless. All these luxury items at approachable prices were created by National Socialist enterprize. Without the National Socialists creating and giving attention to animal rights, who knows, maybe nobody else would give a damn, as the jew'd xians aren't really giving ANY attention to animals.

Humane treatment in jobs and in the workplace, didn't come by Bolshevik jews in the Gulags, but by fascists and people like National Socialists, and the trade unions the fascist governments created. *THEY* invented all of this, on the dawn of the 19th century which slave labor masquerading as work was the rule. Satanic people and Souls advanced this place out of its misery, gradually, since the jewish destruction of the Middle Ages. From the last man holding a ballot, to the highest leaders, they all of them did this together for a higher ideal, and they all went down in history and altered it forever.

Instead who is this world praising now? Miley cyrus who advocates your daughters must become whores, some 'rapper' rubber that teaches crime culture to millions of people, the list goes endless.

Many people have been literally saved by Spiritual Satanism. When one sees their workings, working, themselves regenerating from addiction, pitfalls, or being saved from the jaws of total demise, they know that Satan and the Gods are real. They are as serious as you are with them. The more you give, the more you will receive. One things the Gods like is that the Truth is spread, preserved, and also applied into civilization. We have the internet now and in 5 minutes your messages can go to millions of people.

Even the most seemingly 'worthless' blog that has the Truth in it, can potentially wake up the next woman or man that will make the difference, or free a whole family. These are the chances that many people don't realize, but they are here. You can save many people just by the click of a mouse. No other generation had these means on their hands, and we need to use them. If not I may say, ABUSE them, since the physical realm is very rigged by the enemy. The rights people have won have to be gradually exercised, and attented to, otherwise they will be gone forever.

This is why gradually the enemy shifts the attention of the people away from the physical realm. In this way they destroyed all people with real, physical freedom, like landowners, cattle owners, and many others. Farmers are also extremely hated by the enemy and they say that 'agriculture is the lowest of occupations' to show their hatred for these people, who after all, are supposed to feed everyone else. These people have had real independence, as they gave no word for anyone to survive, and as thus they were in reality FREE. This is why the National Socialists wanted every family to be self-sufficient in their life, so they could build a free Nation that is modernized. Now times have changed, and things are different, but the bottom line is the same: Preserve your freedoms.

Obviously, I don't tell you go buy cattle and go to the mountains, the message is: FIGHT HERE in your OWN sense and planning, with CAUTION and with COMMON SENSE, without compromizing your SAFETY.

If you leave for the hills even if you leave for a hut, someone is going to take that hut. Its nature. Own your ground, metaphorically speaking. Satanists that speak about 'running to the heels' are not better than seventh day adventists, or mentally enslaved. This is contrary to Satanism, and one has deprogramming to do.

People who have issues with these things, guilt, or non-sense fear, need to banish these thoughts. Yes, according to jews, all Satanists need to be killed, and how dare the Goyim even think they own a ground, since the jews own that planet. Having a slave mentality is you saying "yes master you are right", to these obnoxious creatures.

Also, participating is what ensures that others will not be able to play around with your freedoms and rights. Do *NOT* distance yourself from knowledge, studying in the university, or even getting a high pay labor job, or anything else. Do *NOT* give up on your ambitions or dreams, and do *NOT* step out of the game, so that this century be overrun by evil jews, psychopathic surveillance manians, miley cyrus civilizers, criminal mentality, and the only advancement will be sex with fake robots. There is MORE into life. Satan wouldn't incarante anyone if he didn't have a place for our PHYSICAL realm to get better.

So long everyone thinks that the future, or their own life, belongs to some other lifeform or that other lifeforms should live their life for them, they are going to be hurt mortally when they find out this is not the case. You have a life now, so why not make useful things for it?

So work as you see fit, stay in the shadows, but when Satan will do his massive move, everyone will be coming out of the shadows fortified and ready to face new challenges. Spread Satanism by spreading yourself, and by becoming stronger in all ways, and also spiritually and in all ways.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Article 2
"Jewish Reasoning Science"
Post Sat Dec 03, 2016 9:27 pm
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666

Along the lines, the jews in their constant attempts to 'prove' their insanity and pathology, have desecrated science completely. One example is how they tell everyone they are filled with neurosis and psychopathology, and of course by paying 150$ an hour for a 'psychologist', they can finally talk with someone, and solve everything.

Supposedly Fraud, sorry, Freud, found this method of psychoanalysis, and not Socrates, who practiced this method like...2000 years ago, calling it "Ekmaieusis", getting the truth of a person's nature out by conversation. So yes Fraud found that, and let us know why everything is happening.

Because humanity sucks and people are cattle animals, anyway. Wait, this reminds me of the Torah, but now that since Fraud says it, it is definitely science. Because humanity has become so retarded and cunning that one just can't go open with their issues, and people are just lacking the feeling of being understood and accepted.

However according to Fraud, sorry I meant Freud, this has something to do with excrement. I bet Fraud made his correlation straight in the Torah, by reading the prayer of the Torah that deals with the dignification of excrement. It's a prayer about how the God of the universe, the jewish scat-man, looks at you exactly at the time where you take a dump. Very high conception. You call the creator of the universe in your toilet, to celebrate your jewish scat event. That's the jewish g-d after all. It also smites people for masturbating, because he is an omnipotent creep, and he is just waiting around the corner to smite people dead for touching themselves. Thank the jews for that, we didn't know the truth of gawd earlier, but now we do.

Another one is that in most scientific posts, we have Jews practicing Talmudism for the masses to see. From (((researches))) where women like fat, ugly men, to other (((Experiments))) that supposedly prove that women only like stupid, infertile, men, or that all women are 50 shades of grey retards, down to other (((research))) about how men are socially oppressing women because they can say "Oh you are beautiful". Of course, that means rape. How dare you act like a man, and initiate women that you like?

"I think people need to quit procreation, since all women on the planet like black people now. Totally! hehe, didn't you see it in the porn, the news and proven by science too? Not even your own women or families like you anymore, hehe", Rabbi Shekelstein University of Jerusalem, holy and mighty scientist of the Torah, excavator of supremely ancient artifacts that were made yesterday, creator of the grave of Jewsus, created in 3 December of 2016, but of course made a paper to say it was done in 2016 bc. Doesn't matter if jewsus didn't even exist back then. Rabbi Shekelstein argues Rabbi Jewsus always existed and will forever exist! His source is the Bible, same book that was used as evidence to wipe out Palestine. Who are the Goyim to question? He proved it in his 5000 book page research. If you don't bother to read it, you are illiterate goyim! How dare you!

Karl Marx, son of a jewish Rabbi, says that the problem is NOT racial, but the problem is the 'economy'. Like 50 bucks paper money walks down the street and kills people with a knife, and like money is the source of all evil. And not the jews who own the capital by mass exploitation of the Goyim. According to this bright jewish scientists, all Races have to perish in a revolutionary holocaust, but Race doesn't really exist, and only exploitation is the problem. Why does that happen? Erm, oy vey, because humans are selfish garbage. Why are they selfish garbage? Stop asking questions goy, and don't you dare look at Hitler's Racial theory. Listen to Torah 101, scientifi-cied, 24/7.

Go down to your computer real fast, and masturbate NOW to a high pay, jewish website. Stay away from real companionship, and give up old dreams about families, and finding someone to love or anything. This is a thing of the past. Apple's software Siri will help you if you feel alone. After all, as the jew Kurzweil stated, we can't argue that Siri or any other AI doesn't have consciousness.

How can it be proved? The jew is asking for proof! You can't prove scientifically that Apple Siri, the robot, isn't in love with you. After all she said so! That's a (((scientific argument))). According to Kurzweil unless your mind is jacked in google with a straight cable, you are dumb. Google loves you, why not jack your brain into the mass computer machine and become like the grey aliens? As for your genitals, get rid of them, as because all the stimulation will be 'nervous', according to their promise. Thanks the jews we have a lot of promises to believe in!

Fuck Logic literally Goyim! Just listen to a jew twist the words here and there, and become blindfolded! Enter the Jew-Trix! Its for your own good. Having a fallen Serpent, being spiritually dead, doing nothing to fix the planet, becoming an imbecile, is for your own good. I have a scientific paper right here proving it. It's called "Retardiation is Intelligence". Very good dialectic from Levi Yaakov.

Make sure to give a giant subscription. After all, based on another (((research))), White women only like BLACK men, anyway. Why? Another (((Research))) proves that: Because women are dumb and they are only thinking about penises! That's the REALITY, what's there to question Goyim? Are you totally illiterate? Don't you read the Jew York times?

Its not like the Jews are using the media, the scientific field, the propaganda, and mass brainwashing, to back up their Torah and Talmud and destroy everyone! This is a conspiracy theory. I knew a jew down the street and he worked honesty for a total of one year! That PROVES scientifically that jews aren't a criminally bent race! He was an exception! At least for that year, because the other, he was discovered as running Pizza Gate and Lolita Island. But who really cares? That's the fine letters.

Are you married and running a family? A new research came out that having a family and not murdering your own children, all these are a socially oppressive mechanism. According to Noel Rabbinovich, if you don't sodomize your own children like they do in Israel in massive molesting rings, you aren't being a good parent, as in his book he argues that 'rape makes the children understand you better', published somewhere in Israel. The book opens with the scat prayer, and a small message on how g-d is the omniprescent.

Please destroy your family right now, and engage in race mixing. Maybe there is another research somewhere, that I have missed, that says that if you kill yourself, you will be more joyous! Life is worthless and what is life where there is an afterlife!

Open your borders! What if Gentiles go extinct? There is definitely another life awaiting them after this one, jews promise! Don't mind transitory problems like your kids being raped! Please shut your mouth, for if you judge harshly, so will the jewish god judge YOU! The rapefugees are coming to you as a blessing and atonement for your sins and transgressions! Have some mercy gawd-damnit.

I however read about the incident of Purdue University, about how Whites need to be wiped out off of the face of the planet, because according to Noel Ignatiev, Harvard University Communist, the mighty and studied jew, White identity does not exist. Black identity does and according to this magnificent scientist, we need to be killed. We are not really existing, didn't you know? According to quantum mechanics, you are existing in another universe now, so please kill yourself on that one.

Didn't you see the news that women don't want families any more? According to doctor Levy Shekelstein, people will only want sex with robots in a few years. Please kill yourself Goyims!

Its totally science! We found 500 jew blooded, drugged hippie trash, and we put them in a (((Research))) to prove that all women are stupid and demented, and are materialist whores! Hehe! Give up Goyim don't try anything anymore. Thats the future that's coming for everyone! Suspect everyone!

Thanks to the legal jews in the legal science who have made, your family and kids being raped by rapefugees, totally legal, and saying comments and compliments about women, a total rape attempt. Looking is the new rape, and rape is the new lovemaking. Rabbinical law 101. Pedophilia is the new sensuality, Jewsus is the new "god". Embrace (((It))).

The unfortunate thing is that for all of the above, one can cite sources, references, and actually make a 'logically seeming' claim of anything nowadays.

Satanists need to infiltrate the high branches of Science and all professions and breach into them, cleaning out all of this crap dross.

ZERO RESPECT AND ZERO TOLERANCE. Spiritual and mental crushing of the enemy, their theorems and Torah, wherever you see it.
Article 3

"How Dare you, Goyim?"
Post Mon Dec 05, 2016 5:39 pm
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666

Greetings to all our People and Satanic Comrades!

Since our recent endeavors, 99.8% of people have been very happy, and that is for a good reason. 0,01% have been worried, so this is to clear up some things, because we care and try to do the best for everyone. The 0,01% of the rest angry jews, is for mockery, so I do this post for a multiple purpose. We are expanding, we are becoming more powerful, and this should make everyone happy that loves Satan and fights for our side.

This is however to deal with some infantile intelligences going on around (probably Rabbis in this too) who have been 'disappointed', 'angry' and even sent me disturbed e-mails, which I really was rejoiced to read.

Know one thing, the boat has set a-sail for Spiritual Satanism, and there is no going back now. Judeo-crap and excrement is going on its way home day by day. The old enemy of the Jews, the eternal Truth, is rising, and is now planted soon in every household, in the internet, in the future who knows, maybe even printed material, and maybe one day in new megalithic structures like the Pyramids, which the jews considered 'defeated civilizations'.

You see the jews, and their demented slaves, or biblical retards, are very afraid, and always try to guilt trip the Goy, bad mouth those who work to set others free. My store has received this, and I have also received this personally over all these years. Why do I even bother? Why don't we just quit? Why the fuck do you do all that you do? Do you love these people? People are born (((Schmucks))) and (((Shlomos)))! Not worthy of anything!, goes the jew shitting feces from its mouth. No hope for the Goyim! Please quit all endeavors now before it's too late! Ever thought about the potential (((Dangers))) that are a-head for you? The lines go endless...

The same thinking behind everything is the old, jewish thinking, and for everyone studied the enemy, clear as sky. I received an e-mail on how the RTR Veteran has to be REMOVED RIGHT NOW from all cellphones! Very bad move here! You can, with a few taps, curse jews to oblivion! Insolence! Another fiend sending the e-mail also told me, how "DARE I" make something such as this (threatened me as well he is going to start rumors- I can always take extra publicity so by all means I told them please go ahead), and then went into a Rabbinical rampage. He even got angry that we have cellphones.

I am not joking here, he said cellphones promote "laziness" and that all spiritually advanced people shouldn't have a cellphone! It must be the cellphones, that's for sure! Its not the chemtrails, its not the mass pharma rampage and nathanael shekelstein writting prescriptions to dumb people down! Of all the places in the planet, the RTR app is the evil that must be weeded out! Throw it away Goyim! No internet, no messaging, NO COMMUNICATIONS! How dare the Goy have cellphones anyhow?

How dare you not put your name on the internet so the jews can show up at your door and kill you if you have a contradicting opinion, exactly as the TORAH justifies? What the fuck is this Goyim invention called "Anonymity", behind which Voltaire and so many Bad Goyim have changed the planet by corresponding to one another to bravely overthrow jewish xian, church tyranny? The TORAH says (((GOD))) is omnipotent and must know everything! Of course, the pedophilia rights, druglords, and all the jewish crimes dont' get into that, as remember, the jews say they are "God" and beyond judgement from the "Goy", who are not better than cattle.

These are definitely the end-times, oy vey! We had the Goyim in the cattle Middle Ages, blowing jewsus the hoax (((king))), and we were (((kings))), and now, the Goyim are exiting the stable en-masse! This damned RTR Veteran app is also offline, so if we want to DDOS attack the JoS webpage on a scheduled attack day, we now can't! DIS ANNUDA SHOAH!!! Get off the internet! Go back to church, and your local school, and learn about the holohoax already! 6 TRILLION DIED YOU BIGOTED BIGOTS!!! You need to be put in a re-education camp already! This is for your (((Freedom))) of thought!

Yes, let's run for the hills, leave the internet, leave the groups, leave the cellphones, and leave the war effort all together. Don't you dare own any lands, or have a good, decent, humane job. Make sure to go to China, and register there as a worker! Otherwise you are unethical. Little do these jews understand that I don't have their jewish ethics, which is the scariest thing, because I project this to others as well, and because all of us teach them here about the NS, which focuses around personal ownership, gun ownership for citizens, personal wealth, family fortune, Satanism as a religion, and all the other "Satanic" things that make the jewish advance impossible.

Let's go into the mountains and wait for the Gods to descend with the spaceship, and stop fighting for Humainity's destiny. How does the other line go? "Jewsus is coming to save you and save your soul!". (((Stop working on meditations right now Goyim!))). Why should we do that? Because a random kike said so- that's the (((Reasoning))) behind it. Satanists must stay low, retarded, idiots, even impoverished, homeless, uneducated, or whatever else, and for those who have anything, just become a dumb, carnal goth carnival, and spend your whole existence just looking for sex and drugs.

After all, what's a better REVENGE AND VEGEANCE from the SLAVE RACE of the jews, than attacking the children of SATAN, and seeing the Gentiles grovel in all of these ACCURSED levels of existence? This is how the jews get off, by corpses, impoverishment, starting wars, and obliterating their enemies with SLOW, gradual suffering. Thats the 'idea' of the jewish (((Satanism))). Nothing more pleasing to the enemy than to see everyone grovel in things the jews solve in 5 minutes time. This includes bad health, and everything else. Paradise! Not only they TORTURE people, but of course, they delight in SEEING that torture.

I have a different idea, and Satan and the Gods have a different idea, shared by all people who know Satan personally. Satan shows the TRUE WAY.

Our job is to build the new spiritual healers, that will heal people, the new lawyers, lawmakers, judges that will judge correctly, the new scientists that will cure humanity, the new intellectuals that will be writing honestly and without garbage and really be looking into the universe rather than the jewish torah. Don't we dare! Let everything to be taken over, looted, and destroyed by the jews, everyone. Lower everyday your hopes, work, ideals, and deeds, and of course, don't have any aims for your, according to the jews, purely aimless existence! Otherwise as HP Don said, you have a pocket full of -ism coming. Racism, bigotism, jew talk, the list goes.

So, to give you an example, I have seen the codes of many apps from the Appstore, and mind you, all apps dealing with planetary times, and the such, belong to KOSHER RABBIS, yes, KOSHER. Of course, Rabbis make millions out of that, all to funnel this into the morbid kike they worship, and enslave the planet. After all, who of the "Goy" would even NEED or KNOW what PLANETARY hours are? Where would they learn this? In the (((Library))), or at the (((University))). OF course these were goodies only for (((Freemasons))), (((Illuminati))), and all sorts of other jews who are right now swimming in gold bathtubs in the Vatican, or the elite 'jesuits'. These are not for the average man. Astrology? Didn't we kill ALL astrologers in the middle ages? Why do they still exist? One kike wonders now...

The child molesting rings, and who knows where else. Totally ethical, acceptable. We are to where, for example in Europe, one UTTERS their need to PROTECT THEMSELVES and their EXISTENCE from these PREDATORS, and the SJW, whoredom, wants to stone them in the village. Middle Ages number two is coming, this time with Technology to back it up real hard. This must be stopped.

Meanwhile the poor Goyim, are slowly giving their rights away, thinking that being a wealth hating person is a virtue, and practicing xianity 101. Look at Palestine. They did a very good thing to let up all their wealth, Pagan culture, and Pagan Ethics. These people are living amazing lives now, living in a Jew promised and Allah Promised, Jew-topia. Yes, wealth is extremely evil. Little do people see however how lack of money is used to always coerce, control, enslave, and force Gentiles to do whatever the jews want. This is the first step to slavery.

However, when one kike Rabbi will fall ill, here will be the others to funnel millions on it to save its life, and when they will have any issue, the experts will be here as well. What about Satanists? Some "Satanists" are still groveling in the shit of inferior morality left back by Rabbis, to deceive the "Goy", and have more new-testament in their heads, than Al-Jilwah. And we have a 0.01% being avid in the loyalty were concerned, so I answer this for them.

As for the rest, you are dealing with personal hangups more than anything. Haven't these retarded people noticed, that criminality, illegality, and all sorts of disgusting, inhuman crap, from which the jews profit endlessly, are mainly due to the fact that jews are absorbing the wealth, and that people are very poor? Why since we have so many 'people caring (((institutions)))', the streets are still filled in so many countries with people in rugs? This is what happens when Jews own the wealth of the world. How are jews going to make their giant colossal, communist garbage, or slavery companies, without the people being conditioned by xianity to give up their wealth, and do nothing? Jews are a race conditioned to own slaves, and this is their culture: how to turn people into slaves, and then use them as cattle.

This is however no different on the scorning that went for Henry Ford, or many other special Gentiles who invented human rights in the work place, and all sorts of other great reformations that thankfully still exist today to help us, instead of being cattle in Stalin's fields. Of course, the intelligent kikes have the "Xian NS" rigged by these dumbos, new testament thoughts. Be poor goy! Love Rabbi Jewsus Goy, He will provide! You are a traitor to the NS if you own anything Goy! Stay away Goy! NS is the poor man's pride Goy!

However correct, National Socialists and Hitler worked to save this. The distress is turned into work and labor, the labor turns into fruit, and fruit is supposed to be eaten. In National Socialist Germany, not ONE person was to die from hunger, be homeless, or be unable to buy things, or get a job. The jews purposefully hide the history on the wealth and the joys the National Socialists had, because if that goes out in the public, people will want immediately OUT of the jewish system, where 0.1% jews party, and 99.9% Gentiles are in total despair. The jews rushed to totally annihilate this system, before it did spread to the rest of the world.

Don't have children Goy, live the special life instead! Don't pass Satanism down to your children Goy! But scat on gold paper on e-bay for 100000 Goy! Buy drake's new CD goy, so he can shove in your face how superior and amazing jews are!

Humans are slowly being conditioned into not owning things, and this bleeds over into a false ethical paradigm. Ethical is not the Satanist who tried to play Rabbi Jewsus christ. Ethical is the Satanist that advances Satanism, is a positive influence for all others, or at least advances without causing issues, and make Satan and the Gods proud. For those working on special jobs (we have our people everywhere) that deal with the physical realm, be unrelenting. Grow, and become powerful. The positions of actors, CEO's, Lawyers, and high laborers, or even Rockstars, do *NOT* Belong to the jews. Their jew-monopoly has to be broken.

How dare the Goy create a Hitler! How dare the Goy remove a country from Jewish control! How dare the Goy vote for Britain leaving the multicultural and bright, EU, that ensures that children will be raped on a daily basis? The "how dare's of the jews" are a Satanists ASSWIPE!

Now this should be clear as sky for our Satanists who are deep into finance, law, politics, and the VIP's, down to the last person working for daily pay. In Satanism we place the Soul, spirit, and what one gives CONCRETELY first, but here and now, in 2016, other things have to happen. For those groveling in illusions about how everything will happen 'on its own', it won't. You are part of that 'on its own'. In the future, no Gentile Satanist must be struggling, let alone poor, uneducated, or be left without the ability to advance their Soul. The JoS wants to consolidate this basis forever, so that Souls who reincarnate will not be going useless lifetimes without spiritual advancement. This is for SATANISTS.

The enemy is really afraid of Satanist who take the wheel, help others, assist the war effort, and expand our cause. They show this to you astrally, and whatnot. While the jews program the goyim in servitude, getting nuked and loving it, sadomasochism, and on other bull crap how "Money Corrupts" and "Money is the Source of All Evil", the Torah is a manual for the jews to become rich, and famous, and get everything else in their life. They have whole textbooks, guiding their kikes since infancy, into riches, wealth, and power. The universities that they have taken over, the churches, and all other organizations, produce these members.

Now, when jews do that, everything is OK. After all, its to be expected. When jews own the radio, the countries, the states, and are trying to plunge the internet and make it a second jewish toilet, all fine. The bottom line, all "Goyim" need to be out of the game, and not even bother. Why the fuck, HP Hooded Cobra, you do paid services now? Are you planning to put ads into the internet, and promote the JoS? Are you planning to make cursing the holy jews, a piece of cake? What else? Why are have you filled half of Satan's library without getting a penny? Why are you even doing that?...These are questions Rabbi Nathanael Shekelstein would really like answered.

Of course, the motto here is the same. If "GOY" dare compete with the 'holy people', if Goyim dare to dream to go into universities, build businesses, ask for good workers rights, do RTR's, and DARE reclaim their nations, and even their Soul who has been robbed from jokehova, you are CRIMINALS. Didn't you know 6 trillion died from Hitler's evil rockets to defend the German people from Soviet Domination. It was Gods plan, how dare this person raise a head and make Germany Wealthy, Powerful and Strong? Very evil person.

This is why people like Hitler should never have rockets. People like Mao, Stalin, Hoxha, Castro, wealth, riches, weapons, powers, should be in their hands for ever! Why do you even have websites up, providing all these material for free? You know other (((churches))) have a mandatory three digit registration fee. Why do you give these for free?

Satanists are the wolves that will take over the game, and shatter it, rip it apart, but many also forget, re-order the rules of the game and create a new one. From within? From without? In what methods? These are for you to decide, and everyone makes their decisions in what degree they are going to play, and what they are going to do, in accordance with their personality, traits, and strengths. All of us take part in the spiritual, intellectual, and every other warfare, and those who don't bother or dont' give one damn in a year, you won't be given one damn in a year as well.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Article 4
Most Powerful?
Post Fri Aug 18, 2017 12:51 am
By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

This is a reply I sent to the Teen group. I'm resending this to all the JoS groups, as it is important.

Given centuries of indoctrination, being force fed lies created from Jewish filth and such, too many people unknowingly apply this crap to Satan.

Judaism and its Christian idiots and Islamic vermin keep promoting the LIE that their "God" is omnipotent, omnipresent and all kinds of other "omni" shit.

This is an outrageous lie and is fueled by doubletalk and endless nonsense and excuses.

This is no different from people being indoctrinated with the "Sell your soul to the Devil for wealth, fame, power and riches." When this doesn't happen, then there is a huge letdown.

Satan and our Gods are here to help us spiritually advance. They give us knowledge. Also, there are certain things one cannot do without the direct help of a Demon/ess. They are here to help us.

If someone wants wealth, power, fame and riches, they have to do the workings for it. Many who have achieved this (from all walks of life), have had it programmed onto their souls and/or have already achieved this in past lives. It is etched into the soul.

The universe is infinity. No, our Gods are not the most powerful. The reference in the Al Jilwah (There is no place that does not know My presence), is an allegory for the life force, vril, energy that links everything. This is no different from the reference to how long we live, as this has to do with the soul. Our time of death is programmed into our souls from past lives.

I do want to add, Satan does have the power to change what is on the soul. This is individual though. My own time should have been up in 2005. Satan changed that for me. Death can be seen in one's astrology, but you really have to know what you're doing and not make thoughtless predictions.

Through Satan, we can be given the knowledge to remove this, as well as remove the program that causes aging.

Satan and our Gods are trying to help us. There are certain things each of us have on our souls as a result of experiences, past lives, etc. Our Gods give us the knowledge to remove these (many of which are negative and detrimental). Through meditation, we achieve the power to take control of our own destinies.

Christianity, Islam and other Jewish invented filth strives to remove all spiritual knowledge and to keep humanity as slaves.

Satan DOES have the power to reincarnate His own. Also, when any dedicated Satanists die, Demons escort them to Hell. This is to protect.

The reason we do the RTRs and such is to do our part. Astaroth once told me "You do your part and we will do ours."

We are fighting for our spiritual liberation and freedom. We must fight relentlessly and fight hard.

No, unfortunately Satan is not the most powerful.

The enemy also is NOT the most powerful.

We need to keep fighting.

True Satanism is about achieving spiritual freedom and the power to take control of our own destinies.

The universe, with 100+ billion galaxies is infinity. There is no "one" out there with total power.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Article 5

Communism Simplified: Sanders, Castro and Class Struggle
Post Tue Nov 29, 2016 5:56 pm
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666

What is Communism really...

A simple program to keep people focused in the dupe of class struggle, so that they will never understand the Racial struggle. In this wrong focus the intelligence that would save them, to know the jews, is lost, so that they fall victims into an enemy they cannot understand, predict, or know about. Ie, the agenda of exploitaiton and conquering of the Jews on top of them. Actions speaks for themselves, as to what is what.

Castro the jew, who is praised endlessly, with his Rolex watches. Probably lighting a cigar for every million Cubans searching in the trash can to hopefully find some food for the day.

Castro's Communist Son, the multi-millionaire.

"Fidel Castro’s son is enjoying a millionaire vacation, while Cubans are starving"


Here with the Celebrity Hilton, the racial cousin, taking selfies. "Hoho, how we dumb the Goyim!" might have been the caption.

Bernie Sanders:

Selling promises of the Jews in a repackaging. Veeey Equal!

"Muh Free Stuff Van".

lost Image*

After you sell enough promises to the Goyim, then make the looties fun for yourself and never deliver! That's what jews should be doing! Its in the Torah -Karl Marx (translated in meaning)

Stalin: Large scale robber, thief, murderer, jewish mafia member. Murdered most of Russia just because they were opposing him. Why? Because he was a Racial jew, surrounded by the millionaire jews like Lenin, and he didn't want any 'goyim' offending him. The people of the USSR were hungry for all of the years of his regime of terror. Who cares anyway? That's exactly what communism is supposed to do. Keep the jews at the top, and the goyim on the bottom, where they are 'supposed' to be according to the 'divine Torah'. Thats the 'revolution'. Looting and subverting the people of the native states, and putting the jewish clique and caste in the states for rulership, over the native population. 'Torah Manifested'.

Engels and Marx: Marx, son of a jew, never had to work once in his life. All he did was just sit his ass and translate the Torah and Talmud, aside with his millionaire friend Engels, into a pseudo-political testament to blind the Goyim and guide the ambitious jews to dominate host countries of their liking. Introduced the goyim swindle of 'class struggle' to keep the eyes away from the jews, as in his time they were being discovered for their blantant working exploitation and crimes.

Marx takes the problem his cousins create, presents is as problem of 'wealth', and not as Ancient Talmud Applied which it was, so since the National Socialists were really wrong about jews, jews instantly take his theory and promote it elsewhere to create the 'left' and the 'communist', 'socialist' garbage. Cohencidentally, all of the leaders and 'creators' of this mess were jews, and still are jews down to this day, like Castro.

Mao Zedong:"Since communism needs the abolishment of personal property, let's kill 100,000,000 million people to settle some accounts. Make sure they are rich, spiritual, and have ownership. This should make the 'great march' and 'communization' of china easier."- Maoism in a nutshell. Today, the daily pay for most chinese workers is less than 1$. 50 chinese people live in small apartments, no private space, nothing, the list goes. "Mission Accomplished, fellow Jews"-Mao in a Nutshell.

Enver Hoxha, Albanian Communist Dictator: Killed half of Albania, Albanians were locked in factories to work on accord, and some even say that they had created electrical fences, lest any dumb Goyim attempt to escape from all the guards and everything. After the fall of the communist bloc, most of Albanians were left with a totally destroyed economy, forcing the majority of them to migrate elsewhere.

http://www.deathofcommunism.josru.com/a ... communism/

All of the above are GOOD people, according to (((New York Times))), (((Mainstream History))) and all our (((World))) right now, or at least, "NOT BAD ENOUGH TO BE QUESTIONED" or "TAUGHT ABOUT IN SCHOOL".

Adolf Hitler:

"All my wealth belongs to the party and consequently to the German Nation", Adolf Hitler when asked about the sellings of the Mein Kampf, which were on the millions. None of that money went into his personal vanities as he had none, and his life was really his movement, without hair splitting one from the other. Didn't smoke cigars, didn't wear 2 or 3 rolex to just see the time. Vegeterian, never really cared about food and didn't even own a car. His badge was just who he was and his party suite, which was basically, what all National Socialists wore as well.

Started as a person drifting in the streets of Vienna, homeless, and orphan. All that he owned pretty much was an apartment in Vienna by the end of his life, and also a house that the other high SS officials bought for him, that was rather a sanctuary place or like meeting place, as this house was never 'empty' of SS officials, friends of the party, schools visiting etc. He had enough donors and the party was provided mostly by the followers of it, and people, so that he didn't need to steal any banks like Stalin did, or gangsterize his way to the top. He did it honestly, and had no 'financial' gains out of it. Hitler did nothing corrupted to get in power.

While under his rule, almost all Germany was employed, everything was 'within grasp' for people to buy, people rather had questions such as 'which car am I buying next year', or 'should we as a family have 5 or 7 children', since as you know the National Socialist goverment gave low interest loans and money for every new child, and helped for every family in need. Most higher up, working citizens, would more than likely be able to have a similar house like Hitler, or any other official, as wealth was only a question of work, and not usury, or banking theft abilities. No person in National Socialist Germany was homeless, or in the streets.

Adolf Hitler abolished usury, banking theft, (((interest))) and many other practices. For that, he removed the jews, who to this day scorn him, because he didn't let them profit anymore and give the fatal blow to Germany. Jews who have been 1% of the German population, had 70+% of all leading, top positions on this country that was destroyed and dragged into war. What an insolence to remove the parasite, from the host Nation. Almost a century after, we still hear of "Hitler's crimes". Hitler did nothing wrong.

When Germany went down because of the WW2, the Banking war to eliminate Hitler's financial model that was so successful, and re-instate jewsury, Hitler didn't have any private assets, or any 'double life' away of his people, or any 'hidden fortunes' or anything like that.

If the 'promises' of 'socialism' ever came close to being implemented in any healthy and working way, that was it: National Socialism. If the fake swindles of 'communism' in regards to everyone having a job, nobody hungering, and people living in a paradisical state away from impoverishment, freedom to choose and change jobs, and large families, with the majority of belongings to be 'public' for everyone, this was again Germany. If it was for "Nationalism" and its promises of national strength, identity, national honor, and people living balanced between the material and the spiritual as values mainly derive from honor and honorable deeds, here we go again, National Socialism.

There is only one regime that can be successful in the longterm, to generate happy, spiritually elevated beings and people, and that is National Socialism.
SATchives said:
This concludes what there is from the old forums, I'll continue to post now things from Satan's Library, and previous older posts from the current forums which are worthy.

All the articles in the past few months have been taken from the folder "Old forums Cache Scrape" found within this .zip backup. https://icedrive.net/s/T493G131z6SWvNigfYS73NN4P9Gi

I'll be backing up the forums this month.

Hail Satan!!


Lots of stuff I personally haven't seen included in the zip. The memes collection in your signature is great too, don't know how I missed it before :D
In the last part about Communism explained. The last bit about the National Socialists wealth.

Okay I believe and do get it that the National Socialist society of Germany pre WW2 was thriving because of their policies. That they created the wealth, health and freedom the Germans enjoyed under Hitler.

I just remember the lies of the media to this day slandering the great success of the National Socialsist government of Germany.

The media posts a picture of some very valuable lost painting worth millions. And says it was lost after being stolen by Nazi's on raids and looting. But somehow was found in grannies attic now.

They try put the rumor in people's minds that the success of National Socialist Germany was created from looting. Ha ha. As we always hear where is common sense.

Problem is people just see that news propaganda for a moment but don't really think about it. So it creates a subconscious belief subliminally.

If you think about the Volkswagen car for the people. And the pictures show really happy people in old photos of the masses saluting Hitler.

Great post the truth is National Socialism is the fair political structure.

The amount of income tax and national insurance they take off me shows they're robbing honest workers in these times.

In Hitlers time work paid. Now they just tax and national insurance your income away.

Good old posts.

Maxine was always short, straight forward and to the point with her posts. Very focused lady, with the utmost love and respect... Miss her.

Hail Satan

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
