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RE-Read-It WEEKLIES: Looking back at Important Material [Week 22]


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2019
All Alien
by High Priestess Maxine Dietrich » Wed Jul 25


Adolf Hitler wrote in his book "Mein Kampf" how the races of humanity have evolved and
changed through the centuries, in contrast to the Jew who has neither changed in character or agenda, despite the extreme amount of attacks, pogroms, expulsions and other calamities that
have befell that race.

In addition to this, no other race on this earth is a race within all other races, at the soul, and the
alien DNA.

I'm sure some of you here have studied entomology (science of insects), Hymenoptera (social
insects such as ants), along with ornithology (science of birds), and more sheds a lot of light on
the Jewish problem.

A cuckoo bird will take over the nest of another bird; pushing out the eggs of the other bird and
laying her own for the owner of the nest to feed and raise. A parasitic bird.
Ants are highly organized and some species take over the colonies of other ants which they use
for slave labor.

These are just a very small example of what is in nature here on planet earth.
It's a vast universe out there. How about a species of souls that are parasitic, that prey upon
other souls, destroy their civilizations and take over their planet, turning it into a globe for slave

The Jews have had a strong hold on NASA, limiting access to many scholars, and others who
have an interest in life outside of this planet.

The unsuspecting populace is cut off spiritually, dumbed down and enslaved. Certain races are
targeted and systematically bred to be the perfect slaves. Disposable human beings. The
migrant situation is a paradise for the Jews. Endless slave labor for the majority; disposable
human beings, worked to death, sex slaves, body organs removed and sold on the red market,
snuff films and everything else. Most of this goes unnoticed. Migrants just disappear and no one

Most don't know their rights. Many are literally chained to their work stations in sweat shops,
slave factories, working 12+ hour days. Bathroom breaks are frowned upon. Few if any of these
people complain. They make thousands of dollars an hour for these Jewish masters, and are
lucky if they can even get a lousy meal out of it. This is the reality. They are systematically
worked to death and disposed of. Goyim "cattle."

The Jewish controlled systems also use migrations to destabilise and undermine the cultures of
the host countries, raise the crime rate to destroy law and order, so the entire host country falls
to their agenda of communism (they have near total control of the legal and court systems, the
government and all other key positions). This is why the Jewish media keeps pushing the
immigration issue. The Jewish controlled media exploits the ignorance of the populace, plays
upon misplaced sympathy and drives public opinion.

As for the immigration issue, many in the host countries, who are citizens, who have lived there
all of their lives, not just in the US, but in Europe are homeless and living under bridges, in tents
and on the street. As we know, for centuries, Jews have taken over and owned most of the
properties. It has been so bad over the centuries, that Gentile kings, after expelling all the Jews
from certain countries, gave all of the Jewish owned properties back to the people. The Jewish
monopoly on ownership of housing and properties causes the homeless situation.
In communist countries, citizens were put on a waiting list for a lousy apartment larger than one
room and waited years and years.

Programs like Christiaity and Islam facilitate the takeover. All alien.
In closing, I want to add, the level of intelligence of even Christian scholars who have attended
seminary schools, degrees and so forth is shit for brains. Total shit.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
The Afterlife and Reincarnation [Fully Explained]
The Satanic Afterlife and Reincarnation VS The Enemy "afterlife" and literal death.

By High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


People are asking some questions and these questions need to be answered and addressed.
The enemy makes sure that nobody gets answers and that everyone remains blind and
confused. Thats their job. Satan and the Gods make sure to enlighten us and keep us from
blindess. Thats our Job. And we do our job well for the sake of Humanity. That is giving it
the Truth and keeping its spiritual eyes open. So long there is lack of knowledge and
confusion, the enemy thrives. When there is knowledge, the enemy becomes dispelled and

The message is a lenghty, but if you are seriously interested in knowing the Truth about the
Afterlife, then here it is for you to study and read. Satanism is about expanding and becoming
better in anything we have and anything we are. This includes studying as well. This info will
be well understood by more advanced members or members in the intermediate state. No
doubt, if one is carefully studying, then of course anyone can understand.

I advise everyone to read the other posts I have made and HPS Maxine has made on
reincarnation and the Afterlife. As it all ties together, you will understand fully and totally.
HP Mageson's "Metagenics" Sermon is also a must read to realize the connection of the
Physical body with all this.

The enemy "New age" and filth never really answer any question, same with the enemy ET's
who are all about "love" and other senseless and existentially low crap. Yes, do some love
and farting in the name of "jewsus" and you will be saved from damnation, in which "jewsus"
put you into by making you ignorant. Ok. Only a stupid existence would believe such filth.
Not only its filthy, but its an under belt strike in nature's ways and only a blindfold to keep
you blind while you are guided like a good sheep in your own eternal destruction. The so
called "new age masters" have absolutely nothing important to say. At best, they keep saying
crap and nonsense as in "you will evolve in 2012" or other shit, that leads nowhere and does
nothing but keep the lies and sleep of Humanity going, while filling their pockets with their
beloved $$$$ that they are all about and long for. As for the "New" Agers, most of which are
mentally retarded or challenged, this is obvious as in they are in communication with enemy
ET's that want them blind and even worse, destroyed. Their will is the same for the whole of
the Human cattle. They simply say some "chakra" shit nowadays and idiots think this is
something important. The same enemy company did the middle ages destruction and
murdered so many human beings, the same enemy ET company did make the Abrahamic
programs that punish meditation with death and total destruction, the xian entities that made
xianity, the most major program of spiritual removal and blindness...........and idiotic fliths
and slaves go to these murderers of Truth to ask questions... We are talking about mentally
challenged people, with serious debilitations and serious defects. The "new age" is nothing
but the "Dark age" of Humanity in disguise. "JHVH" is the "god" of the jews and that race of
people is who they use and operate through to reinforce their ends. They say it to their face
and even tell them straightforward that this "god" is only for jews. The stupid’s know yet
they still follow. But this is xianity, kissing your murderer's feet, then getting raped and
murdered, with you last word being 'thank you jew' before you lose your Soul, says they
should act and be that way. So they are. Or the jews will destroy them, which they will
anyway do. Seriously, we are talking about some nuts here. And these retarded species of life
claim to even know about the "afterlife". Seriously? They aren't even capable of giving up the
jewish "god" due to fear, yet they know any greater "truth"?

To embrace the Truth requires guts. Those who are delving in xianity or dabbling it are
cowards and the Truth is for the strong and the daring, the good hearted Souls that seek it
with bravery. If they want to kiss the enemy's nasty shitfeet, then that’s their own problem.
Which has the results I will mention later.

For those who know Satan and His powers and intentions personally, He literally hands down
the best information and is really helping Humanity evolve. Like really evolve, not some
empty promises. Satan truly explains, truly cares and truly evolves those willing Souls that
follow him and are open to Him. The enemy poses to heal the symptoms, meanwhile causing
even more diseases and destruction. Satan is straightforward and goes straight to the
Solutions, as in getting rid of diseases all together. The enemy is a piece of filth. For instance,
their kike industries and Machiavellian politics is what causes hunger in Africa, then their
millionaire xians and shitheads go there and give a loaf of expired bread and a bible to "save"
the African people. This is the method they work. The people being blind exchange their Soul
and cannot even understand they are being played upon. Then they are left to die anyway or
live as slaves for as long as they give their life to the enemy, no different than a puppet. Then
they are destroyed to the core because that was their 'purpose' anyway. The enemy ET's do
the same thing, only in far more complex and violent manners.

For those who have read the previous posts, you can tie these into this one and see more for
yourself. Explaining is a bit advanced, but it is definitely comprehendable. This is not some
fancy rainbow shit, as Father Satan is honest. He never makes vain promises and He never
allows people to be blind. You need to have your ears open. What one must be aware is the
fundamental parts of the Soul, as in Male [Pigala] and Female [Ida] energy, as well as the
Shushumna part of the Soul [the door and the place of Kundalini energy] which is the actual
hermaphrodite energy.

There have been posts asking to where people are asking about the pains of reincarnation, or
how this happens and so forth. Yes, this is the unfortunate Truth, but not all of it and not the
Truth for Satanists. We have to reincarnate again and again, which is the natural flow of
things, the "natural" of a lower level of existence that we are not meant to exist in. As we
have already stated, the Soul if not worked upon with by Meditation can die and wither away,
like any other form in the universe. This is no different than leaving the physical body
without food. The Gentile Soul is shaped in such manner that when perfected, it can be a self
sustaining immortal mechanism, that has an energy uptake form its own self, in other words,
as others perish in the after life, those who reach a stage will not. The energy will recreate
itself and thus recreate the being. This is the so called "afterlife" the enemy raves about and
never gives anyone. This requires work and persistence and is a part of the Magnum Opus
working. Also Father Satan keeps and retains our Souls for those who have not reached this
state. For better saying, he keeps and retains our "true self" which is the Soul we have had
and possessed in all our lifetimes. This part of the Soul is the actual consciousness, as in pure
consciousness and the real ID of the real self. This is who you really are. So long someone
stays inside their womb, they are at that state, they are their pure self. The state by which this
Real part of the Self is reached is called Samadhi in the East and this is the meaning of
gave us this ability by making us evolved creatures. Inside this state one realizes the not so
human nature of the Human mind. Thats the literal meaning of the Delphic "know thyself"
and of all other Ancient Mysteries.

Due to our mortal physical body and our lack of spirituality and thanks to xianity, this state
and any and all links to it get lost. This is what xianity aims, as at that state, the mind is
overly expanded and the intelligence is amplified to such degree that hardly ever words can
describe, because this state is not ordinarily "Human" in anyway. Its superhuman. Its more
than Human, its really Human and not the nowdays "Human". One could easily see in just a
second in this state the hoax of xianity and the evil behind it, if they entered that state. This
state is symbolized by the Egyptians by the Wadjet eye, the Horus eye, which upon opening
and being delved upon makes one see the Truth. Satan opens one's spiritual eyes. Though not
mortally and consciously aware, this state is existing and happening inside Humanity, and is
taking place in the form of the "higher ego" or "higher self" state, or simply the Samadhi state
of consciousness. This state is totally inaccessible by any other means than meditation and
also, mastery of the disciple of meditation and perfection of the Soul. Though, without there
being a link from this form of consciousness, which is the Vadjet and the Divine Mother
Kundalini in other cultures, the conscious self is trapped in basically two modes of

The male, conscious everyday consciousness and the dream like state, the female part. The
first takes on when you are woken up, the second takes on when you are asleep. The Male
part of the Soul is directly linked to the Mental body, which is the link between the Male and
Female parts of the Astral body. There is no "Mental body" on its own, its rather a part of the
Male Astral body, but at the same time, what is called "mental body" communicates with the
Female part of the Astral body, that contains the Subconscious and Unconscious parts of the
Soul. I know it sounds complex, but if one gives it some time, they will understand this.
Neither the Male or the Female part of these is really the Real Soul, as the Soul itself resides
on the higher realms and is "touched" upon when the male and female part is fused, through
empowerment of the Astral body. Both these parts constitute the Aura of the bodies and each
body has its own Auric field, that does different things. These parts of the Soul act at the
same time and with one another, directly influencing one another, to bigger or lesser degrees .
The Astral body is the link between the Higher Part of the Soul, the Real Soul and the
conscious/dream bodies that we have, that is dimensionally higher than the present 'ego' and
is touched when one is advancing in meditation. When one works and strengthens the astral
body, a fusal starts happening, between the higher body [Real Soul] and the lower body [the
present Male Active and Female inactive part of the Soul, in the present incarnation]. As the
Astral body becomes able, more and more of the "real self" [what we today call unconscious
part of the mind, Kundalini Self] is becoming apparent in the everyday consciousness and in
the sub conscience.

The unconscious part can really become conscious but this is a long, very long process and its
through this one becomes a God. Ideally, the Magnum Opus is when this fusal happens and
one is again their real self, that has all their past life memories, all their past life knowledge
and so forth. The higher part of the Soul is actually conscious and on the lower behalf of the
body and Soul is the Kundalini Serpent. This is the Higher Mind. The Kundalini Serpent is
actually what Father Satan gave Humanity in order to save us from this vicious circle of the
"rotar". The "rotar" is actually of the lower existential consciousness and of the enemy, where
there is the vicious circle of "karma" that keeps people blind as to the real reality, which is
Spiritual. Its the vicious circle of death and rebirth, good and bad and so forth, from which
Humanity is ideally meant to escape, but the enemy makes sure to keep people stuck in, in
order to exploit the lower beings.

What you are living today and doing is also stored inside your unconscious part of the Soul.
Stronger events have a bigger impact and are imprinted there. This is the "bank" of your Soul
memories. This includes knowledge of past lifes and so forth. These parts of the self can also
be regained through this process which is called the Magnum Opus.

The mortal body is meant to become immortal through the Magnum Opus, which is the final
goal of spirituality. Though, when the fixing of the Astral body has happened, one will not
perish in the after life and they will not wither away like other Souls who are not worked
upon, after they physically die. By that way, they can incarnate when they want and they can
be self sustained. Also, one will have the nessescary power to tread the astral realms and so
forth, which is important, and also Satan and the Gods protect people from nerfarious astral
entities. Dedicated Satanists at their moment of death, no different than Ancient Egyptians,
are taken by the Gods to a special astral plane until they reincarnate. Those who haven't
reached that state, though, must re-incarnate before they dissipate so they will not wither and
die. Satan though keeps people who are before that state if they are willing and they are
sustained, if there are reasons for that. If not, they will be reincarnated.

All the bodies are inter-connected and all influence each other. This means something simple.
The highest part of the Soul that Satan retains throughout reincarnation and the Gods keep, is
influenced by the lowest half of the Soul which is the Physical and is directly linked to the
Male part of the Soul, that we change in every lifetime and requires energy renewal until it is
fixed through advancement. In other words, as the Astral body advances and you empower it,
you empower all parts of your being and not only the body in itself, but the Higher Soul. The
power raised through this action empowers your real "Soul", the real "ID" of yourself. At that
point, all your progress adds up, so you do not really start from "ground zero" in the next
lifetime. You do, but the memory and the openess is there, so states are re-attained real faster
than before.

When someone physically dies, they experience an opening of their own "Highest self" but
this only lasts until the physical body has died. Most do not even have any memory at all and
most cannot even "get" to that state to actually get a glimpse of this body/Soul part. This is
because this consciousness is too high and they are unable to get a hold of it, let alone
understand any of it. So when one dies, they simply leave their dead body and the conscious
part of their Soul [the Astral body, the body of Astral Projection] exits. It stays into the Astral
realm and slowly dissipates. How fast or if it will dissipate depends on many, many things.
Dedicated Satanists at that point, no matter how far they are, are being taken by Gods like
Anubis and other Gods, so their astral body is escorted into a safe Haven for our Souls. They
are sustained there until they reincarnate. With the Astral Body, which is the closer link and
contains the "Higher Soul" or the "God part" they are reincarnated again. The Astral body
contains inside it two things and a third thing which is the fusal of both. The male [lower Ego
part conscious consciousness, Pingala consciousness] , the Subconsciousness [female part of
the mind, Ida Consciousness] and the unconscious part which is more or less latent [depends
on advancement, Shushumna/Kundalini consciousness] and its purpose is to transform both
and save their progress and powers. The female part subconscious of the Soul, the Kundalini,
does what is natural and is always striving to meet and connect with the male, conscious part
of the Soul. The union produces the third part, which is the open door to the Unconscious
part, the Kundalini part. "Unconscious" is only a term. Infact, its supreme consciousness, but
not in anyway like the walking consciousness. This walking consciousness is only a part of
the whole deal.

All consciousness that is of the Astral body [conscious consciousness] gives place to the
unconscious consciousness of the Higher Part of the Soul at this point of the Soul entering the
Fetus. When one enters, the "Ego" part of the Astral body that they had in the last lifetime
and they went to Duat with, dissipates again and they gain a new one, the one they will be
born with. This part is given to the child by the parents and directly influences the Physical
body aswell and this ties into the Racial criteria aswell. This is why National Socialism is as
it is, and is of the Gods of Hell, but this is a whole another matter. What can be said simply,
the better body, the better the expression of the Soul. The enemy give their all to destroy the
genetics of Humanity for that reason. For this fusal to be able to happen, there has to exist a
couple of Humans that are able to give the Soul the genetic material/physical material it
needs to actually 'stick' to the body, so it can express itself and advance in the given body.
The "Ego" part of the Self is being changed in every lifetime and with it, all conscious
knowledge and sense of self is gone forever from Male conscious approach and is being
saved inside the Kundalini/Unconscious part of the Soul, yet the female part of the Astral
body or the Unconscious part [the Kundalini, the real Self, the Shushumna part of the Soul]
remain intact but latent until activated, inside the Soul. In there the powers of the Soul are
contained, the memories, the knowledge and anything else. When one is born, they swing
again to the new Male conscious part, which is to a degree, connected to the Female part of
the mind. How much one will be fused and aware depends on the level they had in their past
lifetime. Thats why some people are born very powerful, some less, some very aware, some
less aware and so forth. And the process goes on and on until its finalization. At the moment
of entering the fetus, the "Ego" part "dies" at this point and with it, all conscious knowledge
of the last lifetime. The unconscious part [the Female part of the Astral body] though operates
when one is in the womb fully and then for the first years of one's life, with depending power,
as it remains intact as it reincarnates intact. This is why some children have memories from
past lives and they lose these later, while others do not. The female/latent part of the Soul
longs to be connected to the new Active Male Part. Thats the fable of Eve giving Adam the
Apple. Eve was tempted by the Serpent and gave Adam the apple. Then they both ate the
Apple and they became as the Gods. Reincarnation is mandatory simply because the Male
Part is the bio electricity of the Soul, the conscious spark of life, the part from the greater
Serpentine energy that we have in out conscious availability to live and is given to us by the
physical birth.

The meaning though is to be self sustained as a Soul, as stated earlier. The enemy did their
best as in threatening Humanity and in cursing them as to not attain this state of being.
The knowledge of past lives does not literally exist in the Unconscious/Kundalini part of the
Soul as mere "knowledge" but it manifests inside the life in the lower levels in many ways,
until its finally accessible in such way that it can be rewired into the present mortal part of the
mind, in the form it used to exist. In other words. Its not lost, but to literally re-absorb it, one
can only do this after they have raised the Serpent. This force manifests so long that its
allowed and accepted. For instance, if one is a Satanist in a past life, then this unconscious
part of the Soul urges them to rejoin Satan in the present lifetime and so forth. Ultimately, it
really opens up and operates, after they are Ascended. The raising of the Serpent unites the
Male part of the Soul [the "Ego" one has in every lifetime] with the female part of the Soul
[that remains only half intact after reincarnation, because as we are young it gets programmed
by others - this is the door to the higher part of the mind] and they both unite and fuse with
the Higher Self/ Kundalini part of the Soul [in which the real Soul ID that existed in all
lifetimes and so forth, the real self exists]. The Rising of the Serpent is the ground upon
which the True Self of all lifetimes is experienced and is becoming reality. When this
happens, the door is being opened and is accessible to this higher self, for whatever purposes.
You might think this is the end, but in reality, its the new beggining. Thats why DEATH and
DYING and finally, RESURRECTION have been major themes in our Religion throughout
the Ages. The consciousness from there on is totally perfected and reform and this is where
the Purpose of Being is realized and new states of being have been achieved. The Truth
becomes a part of our awareness. Through this consciousness and the help of our Gods, the
physical body itself can be made immortal, which means one does no longer have to do this
vicious circle of changing active parts of the Soul in every damn lifetime.

The Gods give us this opportunity and also, Satan gave us the Serpent and the Higher Part of
the Soul in which who we are through all this still preserves and lives and we carry this with
us, so that existing over and over until we are finished and perfect is not totally needless.
Even if one does not reach the Kundalini ascension fully in their lifetime, they carry with
them in the latent part of the Soul the knowledge of how to get there faster, and also they
carry the factors that contribute to doing this faster and faster in the next lifetime, so they can
finally complete the work. For some it might manifest in making evolutionary leaps, for
others in their natal chart, for others in faster advancement and in a sense of "what to do" and
in many other forms. Being with Satan manifests in many ways as a wake up call to get to
Satan and Satanism, or interest in the Old Pagan religions, or whatever else. For some it
might also manifest itself as in raw power, for others in all the above. You get the meaning
behind this, not everyone is the same.

So now you know with Satan, you have nothing to fear. Satan is our Creator God and made
us in such way that existing will have a meaning. Respect Satan and treat him with
Reverence. If you are too blind to realize why, know that others are pleading for his help,
even if they do not know the Truth. They will realize it when its probably too late. All
Ancient Civilizations did warn again and again.

Also, another thing that needs be touched is the principle of dimension. While we all Humans
might inhabit the same physical dimension, astrally this is not so. There are lower vibrations
and really all kinds of places into the astral realm. When the Soul is weak and on a low
vibration, it is synchronized and drawn towards these dimensions/realities that are of low
existential quality. As we said earlier, every body influences every other body. So when we
think of something [Mental body] over and over, we are "tuning in" to certain
places/vibrations. This goes deeper but I just have to touch the subject. This conditions the
Soul to enter certain places. For instance, if one is mentally sick or somehow likes murder or
sickness or whatever, they draw these things into their lives, they are tuning into this and this
type of dimension. If one is simply delving on the physical dimension or the 'astral' of the
enemy, the xian mindsets and stuff, they are tying themselves in the most destructive
energies, physicality, death and so forth, in the extremes. When someone simply thinks of
something, this is the Male part of the Consciousness. This directs energy on the moment.
When one is ingrained with xianity and the kike programs, this goes into the female part of
the mind, its constantly attracted to and towards. So when they die, if they were good sheep,
they will get abused further by the enemy, as they are their loyal slaves. When the sicknesses
in the Soul, the low vibrations and the low level of being are left untreated, Humanity sets
itself in for great damages that are beyond present day comprehension. No matter if one is
aware of these laws, the Universe and themselves are still working with these laws and the
enemy uses these laws against the unknowing cattle. WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE THERE IS
NO SURVIVAL- KNOW THIS. And disobedience of these laws will result in Death. Xians
fixate on depression, self loathing, self hate, avoiding knowledge, being OK with being
slaves of the jews and any and all destructive qualities that are against survival. For that
reason they attract these into their Soul, Mind and life. While in the physical realm this might
not manifest instantly or does partially [they do manifest this, as in fatal diseases, destruction,
death and so forth] the Astral is even more "Fast" in its materialization. Thinking is creating,
as though power is creative force, and that's why xians are told to endlessly pray to "jesus",
because he never did exist, to create him, so he can prey on them. Jesus is JHVH, Jesus is
from where the thoughtform is charged by prayer, JHVH is from where it exerts power and
influence to help the kikes achieve their ends. JHVH is solely a "god" for the jews and also,
these malignant filths are in terms with real bad enemies that can plague and destroy Humans
that fall to their level. "Falling" ties in to the above. Their failed and eternally impossible
wishes for Satan to "fall from heaven" in the bible and all that filth is actually to try to get
Humanity to a lower level, as Satan is our God, the God of the Gentiles. When "we fall" to
their lower astral and terrific realms, by thinking, acting and even worse, being xians, then
the person is set for all kinds of horrors and destruction. Thats the whole aim of xianity and
the Abrahamic programs, exploit and parasitize and then kill the victim. This ties into the
above and the merciless nature of reality, so enough said. These people who disregard these
things are total idiots. These Truths cannot be realized without an Open Satanic 3rd eye and
this is the meaning of the Capstone of the Pyramid. When one is blind, even if they
intellectually know, they cannot apply. This is not the case for us.

As for xians. I feel literally sorry for them, but without any mercy as they are stupid and
nature does not forget stupidity or ignorance under any shape or form. The enemy ET's and
the people of the enemy, lie to these people endlessly. The Egyptians and all other Pagans
have stated it clearly, without the 3rd Eye and the Serpent, one is blind and a slave. This is
totally True. The xians never even believe in an immortal part of the mind or Soul, let alone
approach it ever, even by accident. The enemy simply wishes to destroy them fully and
totally. As we said earlier, all bodies of a person are interconnected with one another, from
the Physical, reaching upwards to the "higher self". That means celibacy, self loathing,
punishment and self destruction and everything else influences to a degree the higher part of
the Soul and is being recorded therein. One can see where this is going to lead in successive
lifetimes. Being a slave and so forth, conditions all the parts of the Soul to be that thing, even
remotely. So when xians abstain from sex, or they abstain from their creator Satan and go
against nature, they are causing major debilitation not to their conscious parts, but on their
unconscious part of the Soul, the Higher Self, in which there is memory in successive
lifetimes. But who gives a shit for that, right? They are with the enemy anyway and the
enemy is not sparing them or cares anymore than to destory them. So basically, the first
punishment a xian/muslim and the followers of the kikes get, is they never get to even
remotely see or feel, let alone be, their Real Self. Not meditating and being Human is an
existential crime, that most cannot even remotely comprehend. You are going against the
natural flow of things. This is something ET's from out there know and we are no more apes
compared to them and what they know. The nefarious enemies of Humanity exploit this
blindance and have been doing so for a long time.

Back to xians and blinded Abraham now. They are totally disconnected from their Nature,
but Nature itself as well. Whatever disconnects from Nature or the Shakti, Mother energy, is
bound to die. They are totally spiritually blind. As stated earlier, at the moment of death,
there occurs a sudden overflow of the state of Samadhi, for those who are able to experience
it and only them. People who haven't had any of this, will simply be unconscious of this state,
experience their physical death and exit the astral. But because the enemy keeps people
ignorant and at the very best, their whole 'spiritual experience' and even at death, they will
experience few if any things. Many will simply exit the body and because they have been so
attached to physical reality will get to still do what they did physically, only in the astral
realm. This is only for those who have SOME astral senses open. If they do not, they simply
remain in a state of 'blackness' or the 'blackness of death' that many are so afraid about. This
is the lack of all external Astral consciousness. Xians cannot deal with that state and simply
stay there until their dissipation. Others who are by their nature more powerful, might
reincarnate and find their way. There are truly infinite wrong ways to go after death and
during "life" [or a life of and for death as they live] for those believing in the jewish lies.

Thats why many ghosts haunt certain houses and many ghosts are seen doing the same things
they did as when they were alive. Many try to stay close to their family and so forth from fear
of death, after they are physically dead etc. The character we have had in our lifetime, the
lower character, is still intact after death. The thinking and so forth remains the same. What
happens is slow dissipation, depending on many factors. This goes and goes, until the Astral
body of the xian victim runs out of energy. Also, due to lack of spiritual protection, they are
simply wandering there for any stronger enemy to do with them as they please. They can be
astrally imprisoned and so forth. Without the necessary knowledge which reinforces it. The
devout xians who are in sync with the xian teachings of Hell and this other filth, because they
are 'attuned' to this thing, upon death, can actually get to these lower dimensions.

These dimensions range from dimensions of total ignorance, to actual "hell" made on by the
Jews and their spiritual 'beliefs' that have astrally materialized such concepts. This astral body
they have once dead is susceptible to any attack, any force, any energy but above all, its open
to whom its programmed to be open, who is the enemy and the Jehovian thoughtforms and
entities, which are deadly and nefarious. Stray thoughts and no experience with the Astral
make one dumb to how it works and this leads to death. As their astral body is more or less a
mass of energy and consciousness, the enemy takes these beings and gets them to the massive
thoughform they name "JHVH". Xians are taught all their life to be submissive, ego-less,
unnatural, and above all, faithful and sacrificing for the kikes. This is for one reason, to serve
them in this life and then perish in the other, so the kikes can do as they please with their
Souls, as they have control over those who are in their Astral Level. If the xian is "accepting"
of it, they are assimilated inside this thoughform and good bye existence If not, they are left
away to wither away on the Astral. They can also astrally die and wither away like any other
energy. Xianity is all about death anyway. There is no 'eternal' life, but only what xianity
promises and is about: Blindess and death. Satan and the Gods try to get some worthy Souls
to be saved and they reincarnate them, as Humanity is Satan's creation. But since we are self
conscious beings and some choose to be blind, this is where free Will comes in.

Its existentially wrong and unethical for Satan to help people who have scorned Him in their
lack of intelligence their whole shitty momentarily life. Satan has to help his loyal ones. If
Satan and the Pagan Gods desire so, they can and they are saving some xians whom they
judge they have simply been blinded. This is all done in accordance to Divine Will. This is
the message of the Egyptian Papyrus of Ani where one is judged, aside of the Spiritual
Allegory. If one is legit and has been in alignment with Truth and close to the Gods in spirit,
they survive and they sustain themselves. This is only partially ethical. What it is is
existential. If you deny the laws of Nature, "Sobek", the "Crocodile" God will "devour" the
person. This has to do with being low in understanding, as in one getting consumed by the
strength of Nature and animalistic laws of nature. The Greek legend that when one has a
physical body, they are befallen, is because in every reincarnation we have to go through the
same process of uniting the Higher part of ourselves with the Lower part, the Higher part of
the Soul, with the lower parts.

With Kikes, you will always lose. As there are merciless and destructive forces everywhere,
they are this force in the Earth. You can see this in how easily they murder people physically
and in any other sense, or through their programs.

Reality and nature do not give a fuck, they simply go ahead. Only Satan and altruistic beings
actually give a fuck about Humanity and that's the sad Truth. Altruism is like anything else
found in the Soul and in genetics. Its the natural outcome for allied beings to be altruistic,
good and understanding so they can collectively survive and when aware of it, go with the
laws of Nature and evolve aside with the Cosmos. Every being is meant to give a fuck about
themselves or there is no survival, so simple Many do not even realize they have died and
only do so after a point. The first part is caring and sustaining the self and then the group. The
stronger is meant to help, if willing, the weaker beings. Nature is not going to give a fuck
because you didn't develop your 3rd eye in your life, or because you did not "know" or
"EVOLUTIONARY LEAPS". This is a big trap to keep people in inaction, no different than
the idiots who are waiting the kike to descend from the clouds and make give them some
'promised' shit. Nothing in nature that doesn't work or strive survives. It withers and fucking
dies. This applies to everything and anything in nature. If you work with her, she will reward
you. If you go against her, you will be overtaken by the downward flow of the weeding of the
inactive disposal. If you remain inactive, other forces will eat you up. The real meaning of
"submission" is submission not to any other beings, but in the sentimental laws of Nature
herself. Xianity took this and maligned it to being submissive to some kike torturer or some
clique of astral bastards and weaklings that prey upon Humanity. As right now the center of
the Galaxy rotates and is filled with the energy of movement, the Serpent energy, the same
goes for the Satanic Serpentine energy. This flow can only be worked with and can only be
manipulated from within, not from without or disassociation from it. Working with it and
going with it will make you eternal and this is only a natural occurrence. Satan helps in this.

The "eternal life" concept is stolen from Satan and Satanism and in how the Pagan Gods
helped our people for so many thousands of years, before xianity spawned its nasty head. Still
nowdays the same persists and exists. Ptah/Satan and the other Gods took the Souls of
dedicated people to Duat, they still do. Real spirituality does not change with the times and is
not a fashion. Xianity is just whats in the jewish fashion nowadays. Today's fashion is
malfunction. In this dark age, life is mistaken for death and death is mistaken for life. "Jesus"
and "Jehova" is mistaken for Satan, the One and Only creator God and the real Father of
Humanity, Satan, Is mistaken for the evil one. But the dark ages of the enemy are moving
towards their end. The whole stock of enemy being and theories is few things: Totally
physical striving and thinking, totally destructive type of "spirituality" and for those who do
not believe in that shit, "live fast die young" theories, so they are in friendly terms with death
and attract DEATH and DISSIPATION to themselves. With jews you lose.

Also, I need to address National Socialism. Yes, this relates to all of that, no matter if one can
easily understand this or not.

"We are Nazis"- Mother Lilith.

There are some who do not see the link between our Nazi beliefs. The enemy tries to claim
they are disconnected to our Spiritual teachings. This is all a bunch of lies. Most people do
not understand the inner conception of National Socialism. National Socialism isn't about
having some certain physical feautures and only this, but is for any Gentile Race to spiritually
survive, as well as physically. As explained earlier, the Soul has to have a body and has to
reincarnate until it reaches the level it should. HP Mageson explained this in the
"Metagenics" Sermon. The Soul can be fully expressed through a body in accordance to what
the Real Soul is. For instance, one has to have a Human brain to be able to have a Human
consciousness and so forth. The same goes for advanced parts of the mind and states of being,
one has to have the nessescary "ground" upon on which everything will materialize and be
achieved. The enemy while keeping their Race clean for this purpose and following strict
racial policy, promotes bastardization of Gentile Races, as to where we will all be a soup and
the individual Souls will not be able to reincarnate. They are doing this so that the Souls that
are most advanced will, according to the enemy's hopes, not have bodies to come back and
destroy them. This also includes everyone else. Thats why its important for everyone to
sustain their Race, because through the Race do live the Souls of the dead of the Race. In a
sense, when someone has a child, they are doing this to be able to reincarnate later into the
same racial line. At least this is the healthy part flow of things, that the enemy tries to
destroy. This is to ensure evolution of the Spiritual/Physical complex of our Gentile people.

Our Adolf Hitler clearly stated that National Socialism is a religion in its essence. And this is
our religion, Spiritual Satanism, Paganism - Our Gentile Religions. For beings against us who
are aware of all these universal rules and laws of Race, this is a method of warfare that is
being used against us. This is why in the deep spiritual level Communism is murderous and
nerfarious and we are against this, because is a jewish weapon to enforce race mixing. The
jews meanwhile as they pamper that shit down everyone else's throats, are having strict
Racial laws in the otherwise "liberal" year of 2015, so strict as they blamed the Nazis to have.
Do you see what they are doing now? You see where they are going and how deep the rabbit
hole goes?

Father Satan wants us all to be able to see. Open your eyes and you see Father Satan. And
when you do, the moment you will understand Him, you will be His forever, as His Spiritual
progeny and Soul child. May Satan bless you all and keep you strong in the Path. As the
Egyptians would say, there is not a worst action than going spiritually blind. SPIRITUAL

There is also no bigger criminal and murderer than he whom keeps the people blind, be it ET
or being a kike trying to deter people into being spiritually dead sheep. For this reason the
enemy must be destroyed in any and all places by Spiritual means. Satan is willing to help us
and assist us in that goal.

Father Satan wants Justice and Revenge against these beings who are trying to hinder us for
so many hundreds of years.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Don't Let Them Criminalize Or Guilt Trip Your Defence.
by HoodedCobra666 » Mon Jan 08, 2018


We are not attacking here. We are defending ourselves. We are not waging wars because we are war
mongering or insane, as war is wasting in many ways, and disabling for both parties evolved. But
when you are attacked, you have to defend yourself. And the attacks of the enemy have been on
going for too long.

There are brainwashed retards out there. There are 5 levels of conception. The lowest one is when
the person is in illusion, Samsara, and is a devout retard, so hardly stuck in their conditions that they
cannot advance. They don't have an open mind to consider what is evident. Real perception is
completely closed to them.

There is a deliberate plan to enslave any man, woman and child on the planet, and turn them into
cattle. Of course, the higher and the more sci-fi the scenario, the more people cannot 'accept' it or
stomach it. But if you pay attention, behind booze, behind weed-tard, behind retardation, behind
cultural failing, behind bastardization, behind the destruction of lands and continents, always lies
the Jew. One just need to do the necessary research. They are not hiding it either.
The Jews have waged war on humanity long ago.

Below I will post something which is a simple conversation going on in Israel. If people don't buy
our 'propaganda' and pretend to be ((("self-thinking"))), especially where it fits so they can keep
their worthless mindset going, maybe they will consider top Rabbis of Israel. Below I am posting an
expert of some academic level commentary done by Rabbis.

Below a Rabbi explains how Gentiles are given to Israel as an INHERITANCE. Living cattle that
will serve the Jews and be disciplined when they act against them.

Doesn't matter you accept this future or not, others are forcing on this. If you do not fight them, they
will have it. This is called "Zionism" by those in the petty Xian levels of pseudo-awakening, but but
realistically speaking just Judaism. Christianity and Islam, both praise Jewish gods with the ultimate
objective for this to manifest in society. The end goal of both religions are the decimation of
Gentiles and total subjugation to the Jews. Where it has already manifested politically and whatever.
Christianize you, and they have a philosophy that this was (((Hashem's Plan))). Aka, make you a
Borg that promotes their agenda and will die later like a pest in the feet of Judea. Those who are
"GENTILES", aka, those who are not Christian, are the hated target of the Jews since the beginning,
because they have the power to defeat them.

From the writings of Rabbi Dr. Hillel Ben David, "The Four Exiles - Arba Gavulot":
"However, HaShem has big plans for His world. He is going to have the Jews do double duty. In
addition to being fixed up for their sin, they will also be role models for the Gentiles. To understand
this, we need to understand that Gentiles, not proselytes, are given to Israel as an inheritance:
Tehillim (Psalm) 2:7-9 I will declare the decree: HaShem hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this
day have I begotten thee. 8 Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen [7] for thine
inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. 9 Thou shalt break them
with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.

It seems that when we are sent into exile, we provide an example that causes the Gentiles to either
become proselytes, or to be condemned. Further, when we went into exile, we did not go alone."
IF YOU QUESTION THE ABOVE IT'S ANTI-SEMITISM. Because nowadays the Jews come and
shit straight in your face, and they tell to you, if you oppose their genocidal agenda, and their
agenda to usurp everything the world has built, and enslave every person forever, you're a bad and
evil Goyim, since them, are the moral, the good, and your role-model


Spiritual Pollution
By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


Most of us who are full adults know life is hard. There is unimaginable suffering in
this world. Humanity tries to cope in many different ways, through religion, and
many other programs that offer hope in alleviating, and explaining suffering. Live
a certain way, behave a certain way, abstain from this and that and so forth...
All of these different programs exist with claims that following them will put an
end to suffering.

I've asked Lilith about life as we know it here on earth and how bad things are.
She told me there is always suffering in the universe, but much less in better
worlds. There are degrees of suffering and here on this earth, its pretty awful.
This affects most people and animals, the environment, etc.

When I was growing up in the 1970s, there was surge in books on witchcraft and
the powers of the mind being published. This was never before available like this
in what we know of history.

My mother had cancer and after reading a couple of these books, she healed
herself totally. I remember she would always tell me when I was a teen, to watch
my thinking; to always think positively. She warned me that what one always
dwells on and thinks about, one attracts into their life.

I learned as I got older, this also has to do with the strength of one's soul. The
stronger one's mind (focus and intent) and soul, the more powerful in attracting
what one dwells upon into one's life, whether one is aware of this or not. A strong
soul is from previous lifetimes, regardless of what one may believe or adhere to
in this lifetime.

Lilith has me studying Islam now. One of the biggest problems facing humanity is
the lack of knowledge. Even worse, the most rotten programs that are of the
enemy intentionally remove and restrict knowledge in order to brutalize humanity
into a slave state. Slaves must be kept ignorant.

I was raised Catholic. Compulsory church, the confession box, Catholic school,
etc. When I was 14, I attended a Halloween party at a school. There was a girl
dressed up like a gypsy reading palms. She read mine. She gave me a bad
reading. Of course at 14, this really upset me. This was a turning point in my life.
After this reading (she was totally wrong), I began studying palmistry, astrology,
the Tarot and more on my own.

To make a long story short, this knowledge exposed the lies of Christianity to me.
Idiots were always pushing prayer, but I could see from an early age in knowing
astrology, whether "god" would answer those prayers or not. I became an atheist.
My mother also left Christianity as well.

Victims are warned and threatened to "have faith" "don't question" and so forth.
This "all knowing" "all powerful" so-called "God" MUST have continuous slavish
worship, recognition, promotion, and total devotion in order for it to survive. Now
that doesn't sound very powerful to me. To need all that help from humans.
Though the average person by him/herself isn't powerful alone, the mass mind is.
What a people together dwell on, they draw into their lives. The Middle East for
one is an example. As I've stated before, even as hideous, odious and repulsive
as Christianity is, there isn't anything more rotten than Islam. The Koran is full of
the most profound rot imaginable. To say it's "sick" is a gross understatement.

Most people here in the West don't read it and the authentic is in Arabic. Now,
when you have millions of people believing in, pushing, and putting their energies
into this sick abominable filth every single day, this spiritual pollution and toxic
filth affects the entire world and everything in it. The only thing is has in the way
of being spiritual is spiritual toxic filth. There is nothing truly spiritual about it.
In addition to this, many Muslims like Christians do a lot of memorization. While
Christians are in many cases forced to memorize scriptures, many Muslims
memorize the total Koran.

This spiritual pollution becomes imbedded in the mind and soul. This in turn
affects the entire world as there is strength in numbers. I remember reading, in
regards to Christianity, one murdered, a devout Christian, who delighted in
torturing and murdering "witches" read the Bible some 54 times, in its entirety.
Violence begets violence. The Middle East is a hot bed of it. Islam is violence.
They attract violence as well as promote it. Islam doesn't have a structured
priesthood like Christianity from what I've been learning, but there are prominent
recognized leaders.

I read where one, who runs a mosque in the UK, has both hands missing and
only one eye. Courtesy of a bomb. There are differing accounts of what actually
happened, but most agree this Islamic leader when attempting to construct the
murderous device, got some wires crossed the wrong way. The Koran is known
for its advice on cutting off hands. What he dwelt on, he attracted.

Judaism, Christianity and Islam, three of the most abominable and completely
rotten programs spew their spiritual filth into the minds and souls of unsuspecting
humanity, along with creating toxic waves of this malignant life hating fear filled
energy on the astral, that has engulfed this planet in death energy of the ugliest

The earth is dying. For centuries and centuries, Christianity has viciously and
brutally attacked and held back science (so has Islam, though they lie and deny
it), yet the average fundamentalist Christian makes full use of technology and

modern conveniences to spew their foul lies all over this planet.
We have been held back dangerously. The enemy Greys who are behind these
truly evil programs (in the Koran, it reads "We" many different times for that
swine excrement Allah). The human hating Greys are way ahead in their
technology. Our most advanced technology is like antiques in comparison. This
is where we are at because of programs of toxic suicidal indoctrination murdering
scientists, and viciously suppressing scientific thought and learning.

Spiritual pollution of the most toxic kind, spreads and permeates everything. The
people of the Middle East for one, have suffered extreme violence, ugly wars,
bombs, skulls blown open, grave injustices (like the Palestinians at the hands of
the Jews), and this has its foundation in the Koran. They dwell on the Koran, the
vile verses in it, that murderer and liar Allah, and this is where it gets them. The
grave injustice and oppression of Sharia law, and they are forever having
injustices perpetrated against them, as they bow down before injustice, violence,
extreme hatred and negativity and worship it.

These programs permeate everything with their spiritual toxic filth. This entire
world is so saturated with this spiritual pollution, that everyone suffers, even
animal life.

Unless something is done to completely annihilate and destroy this spiritual
vermin, no one has a chance.

In closing, I use the term "spiritual" to convey waves of toxic energy that is sent
out on the astral through belief, slavish worship, dwelling on and promoting. In
these programs, there is actually nothing spiritual. Just histories of fictitious
assholes, advice on killing and warfare and related degenerate suicidal advice for

Currently its difficult for me to do this on weekends, hence weeklies, I'll get a post out every week. I'll be catching up on the audio this week later on. I'm working on a lot of personal issues, might be a month or so before I get everything back together. Happy Satan's Day!
You mentioned different dimensions of the astral. From what I've learned we live physically in the 3rd dimension and the Astral is the 4th Dimension. Does that mean that the Jews are of the lower vibration of the 4th dimension and Satan and the Gods are on the higher vibration of the 4th or are they on the fifth?

Thanks in advance.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
