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RE-Read-It WEEKENDS: Looking back at Important Material [Week 19]


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2019
Hey hope you are doing well, I will be a little late with the audio articles this week. but I'll post this right now and you can be sure i'll get the audio files finished with in a few days or sooner.

continuing from the same volume.

I'll stick with the old format.

Ultimate Trust - Trust in your own Soul
By High Priest HoodedCobra666
Feb 17, 2013

In Satanism we are encouraged to show faith and Trust in Satan. Not the blind form of 'trust' the enemy
religions preach and enforce their followers to show. We have unshakable facts about how real Satan is,
and how close He is to all of us. Therefore, especially those who practice meditation and experience
Satan's miracles, know for a fact one thing. Satan encourages us all to find the God within. Unlike the
enemy foolish entities, Satan teaches us to find the God within ourselves. Father Satan is a God and He
knows who He is. We praise and hail Him by our own desire, thank Him by our own desire and fight by
our own desire. Nobody is enforced to obey or praise Satan. Satan bestows freedom and the power of
the Satanic Soul. The Soul that has found its creator and is entirely connected with Him again.

Many times we are faced with strict opposition, and even circumstances that make it all seem like its too
much. Satan being the God He is, never lets His followers down and never puts them into circumstances
they cannot handle. When the chaos is over we sit down for a while and think to ourselves, damn, Satan
never let me down. Because Satan never abaddons anybody. Our Father cares for His family, unlike the
false promises of the enemy. Many times in our lives we are faced with circumstances that push us to
show our Trust and our Faith in Satan. But these terms mean nothing of what we thought they meant.
Satan changed our lives, but how. Just by making us worship Him, or just by doing things for us. Maybe
that too. But Satan leads us all to the ultimate enlightenment of self realization. We have heared many
times that we should 'know ourselves'. While all others are preaching the preach, we do the goddamn
thing of self knowledge. With hardship, pain, bliss and pushing ourselves above the limit, we are
realizing that we are in fact limitless, limitless with our Father Satan.

So why does Satanism encourages meditation? Its all around the Ancient world, its all around in
Alchemical allegories, its all around, even being said by the mouths of those who never applied it:
"Change what is within and what is without shall change". How many times we hear the petty talk of
outsiders that supposedly fight to change themselves and their lives, while all they do is change things at
the surface. While us, Satanists, work with the source of goodness and power who is Satan and our
Mighty Gods. That lead us to our True self. We are at the point of maturity that the more we advance,
we look back and we realize errors, mistakes, and see our past self like a snake sees his old skin. Its
nothing we have on ourselves now. When we proclaim that with the power of Satan we are freed from
all error and delusion, it happens. In time our answers are given to us. There is no confusion and no fear.
We advance and evolve, doing what nature intended from the beggining. What we do at this age is a
brave move and a move of power that will signify the wheel that will turn. On the heads of our enemies.
Those who supressed Humanity are going to receive the might of Humanity and the might of Satan.
Many of us have experienced the boiling hate of Satan for His enemies. We can all feel the wind of
victory on our skin, but we must not let it overtake us.

The purpose I'm making this post is a simple one. You must all stay strong. As we can all sense to a
degree and we know that there will be hard times. Satan wants you all to gather your powers NOW and
not later. Empower yourselves to the maximum you can right now. This aside with the guidance and
help from Hell will signify our survival in the coming times. Satan is giving us new knowledge and we
must all keep open for any gifts He wants to bestow to each and every one of us.

Faith and TRUST in your own Soul is going to save your ass. When circumstances call you to look on the
floor and eat the mud, remember that you have an immortal Satanic Soul that will make your body
immortal and your existence will never perish. For some sooner, for some later. But for everyone. Satan
has plans for everyone of us. If anyone feels at loss, or without a job here, go straight up to our Gods
and seek your purpose! Do not look on the dirt, look upon the stars. Many of us are going through rough
patches but we must all keep in mind Satan's unending power. Many times when we experience
confusion or feel alone, no, its not our God being away from us, its that we need to take a step. Be
confident in Satan. The more you open up to Him, the more power you are going to gain and the tigher
the bond with yourself and Him. Trust in your own self. If the Nordic Gods made it to live eternally, then
we are making it. Because we are their offspring and nothing less.

A last point. The enemy or our own programmed mind, may try and cause all sorts of ideas, feelings, and
even circumstances to keep us away from Satan. KNOW that everything that keeps you away from the
ONE WHO CREATED YOU, are nothing but bad news. Strike the enemy on the face and see them
actions of attack by the enemy towards you, treat these as a fearful scum trying to stop you. Raise your
hand and Salute our Creator.

Trust in your Souls power, to keep you safe, healthy, prosperous, empowered and even Immortal. This
way you show belief to who CREATED YOU! Do not look down on yourselves in anyway! If anything
bothers you, remember we have the ability to fix it all.

To all our faithful Warriors, stay strong in our Father Satan. For He is right there, right inside your own

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!!

 The Final Rising of Nazism.
By High Priest HoodedCobra666
Mar 10, 2013

Satanism is freedom. Though many do not realize what this freedom is exactly. People try to put it in
words, or say that certain behaviors indicate freedom. Freedom is something deeper. Its a spiritual
thing. Its not solely related to freedom to buy things, or freedom to have sex with anyone, or freedom to
go clubbing. This is not freedom, or at least its only a part of the whole thing. A very tiny part.

Satan wants you to be free. Free in the Soul. To wake up and feel free, free from pain, suffering, misery.
To look yourself in the mirror and to know that you will become a God as He intended. Many qualities
are not to be put in words. Many important things will never be written in books. Satan gives a call to all
of us, to advance ourselves and see for ourselves, the whole Truth of things. If we really desire to be
free, we will be free only when those who oppose our freedom are gone. Namely the jews. They are the
antithesis to all we are working on here.

While we all have questions and desires, all of them are being manifested and answered as we advance.
People, like myself, would obssess over when they would Rise their Serpent, or when the 4th Reich or
the Anti-Christ is going to arrive. When will it all be fine and the Truth and peace will reign on this

The answer is easy. When YOU will rise from the ashes and become yourself a living incarnation of the
Satanic and NS spirit, then you will make sure it will arrive earlier. We're all in this together and Satan
has plans. Lets all do what we must, meditate, educate other Gentiles and fight. Thats it, you're bringing
the world and yourself in perfection.

The Rising of Nazism will reach its climax when our own personal Risings will occur, from a low level, to
the level of the Gods. Our people have a chance now, not later. Lets not spoil it and make Father Satan

There will be no sadness, no famine, no pain, no darkness. Only light. So us, the Children of Satan must
bring the Black Sun forth and seal that age we live now, once and for all, in the past that is dead.
Satanism = Nazism = Freedom. Lets destroy those who oppose us.
Many people wonder if Satan loves them. Or similiar things.
I tell you one thing; Satan awaits you with open arms.
Do your part, then.


"Mistakes" in Satanism? "Disunity"? Lies?
By High Priest HoodedCobra666
May 13, 2012

Well I felt the need to express my opinion here about numerous topics, this is more like a general post.
Its about topics like betrayal, disunity, lies etc. Its general really. It all reflects my personal awareness
over things actually. Always open for discussion.

In any case that someone betrays or leaves Satan I don't think they ever were a Satanist. You're
eternally with the Powers of Hell or you never was. If you betray Satan I don't think you will last long
anyways. Like the 'priests' that turned to the enemy. I don't know anything in regards to this fact, but as
It happened with me and my own life I can see WHY such events occur, I take the give situation as an
instance. I just can't grasp HOW people think that this really happened. This must have been a lesson to
the True Clergy of Satan, so that they can know and counter attack infiltration, steel their defences, to
be strict and maybe other lessons. The Clergy of Satan learns as we all learn although on their own more
advanced level, this is what I believe. For instance those who want to cause disunity will say 'Oh this HP
fell for the enemy.' and the related crap, to justify to themselves that something is wrong in Satanism,
so they can leave and fullfill their lacking awareness.

If you don't want to be with Satan you will try to find reasons as about why Satanism isn't perfect in your
own eyes and baby awareness. Nothing is wrong in Satanism. Nothing falls out of place. For instance I
believe that these supposedly HP's were used by Satan to teach the True Clergy as I said earlier. If you
know Satan you know what and how I mean what I say. Satan is about knowledge. The ultimate result of
knowledge is Enlightment and Personal Advancement and Power.

Additionally, why would someone be even labelled as an SS if they betray Satan or turn to the enemy.
Nonesense. The Gods know beforehand and they won't spend any time to someone that will later try
foolishly to betray them. Thats my opinion.

You stick with Satan no matter what, no matter the attacks, no matter anything and for ever. Because
the commitment is eternal and this can't be changed. Otherwise indeed if you leave you're a total scum
and abomination to the Gods. Satanism is not a Hard Path, its a path of definite knowledge and
advancement. With ultimately powerful foundation.

As about Enlil, the Gods allow for instance not liking someone. Gossip and not liking someone will
always exist. If you resort to attacks and magick against them though, this will be severely punished,
given the other person is a True Satanist and they have justice on their side. Since we all have free will
and we are individuals, we can't match onto anything and anyone. The common point is in Satan and
our Unity is in Satan, the whole point of where Humanity connects. We don't need to love and accept
any other SS just because of this, but we need to respect their connection with Satan. If you mess with
other Satanists life for bad reasons just because you like it, or you blindly attack someone just for the
sake of it, this is IMO kike behavior. Trying to backtrack other Satanists and harm them or delude them
draws the definite Nemesis of the Gods on you.

The Powers of Hell are more than capable to mend any relation between people and are also capable of
wrecking the injust. The best thing is if two Satanists argue, let it for Satan, if you both are True SS. If its
of importance, He will fix it. Don't go bad mouthing, don't try to destroy them and don't harm them
unless they are proven enemies and proven diunity workers. You can personally don't like who you
desire and who you don't match.

Loyalty to Satan, your Guardians, your SS mate or whatever will work to fix any problem and solve it.
The Gods don't let their children to fall into life-destroying holes. They allow lessons though. Many times
what is best for us is perceived in the opposite way, just because our minds have been programmed to
work against us in some areas. As this changes, I believe that we TRULY start to realize what is good and
what isn't.

Everyone born on this earth has a Saturn. The way to Satanism and Godhead is a big fight and a big way,
full of lessons, knowledge, tests, losses, wins. Whatever. We talk about true evolution and true personal
power and success, to reach our best potential. Not talking about crap, but strong FACTS. Most people
deny facts about themselves. They are the ones that say that they are Gods and they are just happy in
wonderland. To really reach Godhead you need more than just your imagination. You need to be able to
execute the Godhead inside, outside. To make it reality in other words. Be true on yourselves. Satanism
is about worshipping the Truth. How are you a God if you ever have illness? How are you a God if you
don't have all you desire? Best is to say that I AM ADVANCING TO GODHEAD. I AM BECOMING A GOD.
Don't spend more days deluding yourself. Find the Truth about yourself, because all else will hamper
you and keep you back. Lies will lead you nowhere.

Satyan Means Truth Eternal. The basis of Satanism is Truth. Grasp this concept and the Truth shall set
you free and make you a God. In Satanism there is freedom, but there is a DEFINITE Truth.
Importance of Void Meditation.
By High Priest HoodedCobra666
Apr 24 2013

Yes, I know this is written almost everywhere, but I have noticed many people struggle with
visualization, their thoughts, have problems in communicating with the Gods, have bad thoughts over
and over in their mind...And this can be easily solved. Void meditation can solve this. Its written in the
JoS. Its of the most important meditations you can do. I will list some of the benefits below.

This might seem, just too newb-ish. But you have to really pay attention here, as Void Meditation gets in
the core of many things. Depending on where Mercury is placed in your chart, this can indicate
weakness or power in an Area. For instance if one has Mercury in Pisces, the mind can have a tendency
to wander here and there. Or if they have Gemini, the mind can wander in two or more things at one
time. Thats not bad, but it should be a skill you can pull on from your life. Especially people with intense
emotional natures will benefit from this. Below are some of the benefits I have had since practicing the
Void meditation more. Some might not have this, but I pretty much believe anyone will.

1. Will make your memory better by improving your concetration.

2. Will make your thoughts disciplined, your head will not be wandering on its own.

3. It amplifies communication with the Gods, by handling your own thoughts back when you need to just
LISTEN from the Gods. (Expecting an answer in most cases fucks up communication with the Gods)
4. Will help you on having your emotions in check and stay cool in fucked up situation.

5. Can help you handle stress.

6. While in the state of void meditation you can get answers or messages from the Gods.

7. It refreshes the mind.

8. Depending on where you turn your attention, you give this certain thing power. This can be a chakra,
your 3rd eye for instance. Where your attention is pointed, the place gets empowered.

9. Helps yours workings manifest. There are times we have the "Raw" power, but the working fails
because not enough unwavering concetration. The energies get scattered and there is no outcome.

10. Builds confidence, since reactions are controlled, emotional etc.

11. Helps you become better at putting yourself in instant trance.

12. Many complains as 'attacks' are just an overreactive mind or stress, both of which will be put under
control with void meditation.

13. It makes you aware of your OWN thoughts.

And a lot more...If you face any problems related to these above [Almost everyone does] then it would
be good to work on void meditation. You can start from like 2 minutes, and have the aim of 15 minutes.
Which is very good. You can do this with music etc. Any meditation programm should have void
meditation in it. Apply to this if you haven't already.

 Freeing your Soul from enemy influences / Psychic
By High Priest HoodedCobra666
In the Year 2012

I wanted to write on about some notes. There are people who are posting about being terrorized by
others, either at school or whatever. Or people getting abused in home. Except of the obvious, that you
should do your aura of protection, I wanted to mention something that I personally found quite handy.
Before and since we have came to Satanism, we had met with people etc, many had jewish 'friends'
because they didn't even know about them back then. Or close ties to assholes and destructive persons,
psychic vampires etc.

I found out that by sealing your chakras against these persons, not only this will increase your powers
but all these psychic vampire bullies [like family persons] who leech on our souls and later come back
with our soul power to attack us, or discourage us or whatever, will be easily dealt with this method. An
infamous psychic tactic of bullies is simple. They drain the fuck out of their victim, then later they
pretend to be rambo and the actually strong person, is nothing but a host to another parasitic soul. You
should never allow it, neither you work your ass off meditating for fools to come and drain you and use
your energy against you. This can be the case sometimes with family members. Who have really
ingrained in your mind that you're weaker or something, or have worked overtime to make you their
slave. This is a little meditation that nevertheless, will help your mental and spiritual part to the
extremes. Because it will help your soul break free from all these influences of Satan's enemies.
Influences from Satan's enemies are nothing but horrible. You don't need them in anyway.

****The meditation is quite simple:

Inhale blue Satanic energy into your chakras:

Vibrate Ansuz x9 or Ur x9 times in the chakra you feel is linked in someway to an enemy, or if you feel
your chakras getting drained out of nowhere. Which is quite a disturbing feeling.
Affirmation: " The energy of the ___[rune you chose]___ is now freeing my ____ chakra from all
connections and influences of the enemies of Satan, eternally and completely, NOW"
You can keep the "NOW" away, but personally I believe its a good word to specify to your mind that you
want it now, in the present. I know you get the idea, if you feel that you need to specifically fix
something, get down there and fix it.

Feel the chakra vibrating and engulf it in blue Satanic fire. Imagine all links on the chakra getting burned
and your chakra becoming bright as a blue Sun, or whitegold. You can do this for all your chakras, so that
would be 9x7. You can do far more than x9 vibrations, this is up to you and how much energy you feel is
needed for this to work. This will help cut off from bad links from past lives, present incarnation, people
you could have linked 'involuntarily' like when you was drunk or when you had sex with somebody and
just this.

Another way to do this, is this: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Fighting_Back.html >>>>>
Though because sometimes we do not know who the offending asshole is, its cool to do the above, your
ordinary Aura cleaning and Aura of protection. When your aura of protection grows extremely powerful,
it will help you maintain your energies high and powerful, on its own. It will deny links with all these sick
faint hearted vampires who seem to have loved most of us since a young age. This method described
above is on the point and will destroy the bad links whatever they may be, to whomever they may be.
Aura of protection, in the long run, will really, really help you in your spiritual freedom aside many other
things. But some things are better to be done manually, like in the way described above.

My personal experience with this is that this meditation felt very freeing. I felt an instant relief from bad
thoughts, self hate and some other crazy stuff that for years, I thought were my own. Probably these
were from damned souls or other and I was sucking them up as in the past, I had a tendency to share
the pain and be very empathic with others. I also noted a nice rise in how much I felt my energies. My
energies for once felt not dilluted. There were times I would meditate and feel energy loss, from sources
I didn't even know why or how. So if anyone tries that, please let me know. If more people find that
helpful, we will post this on other groups to benefit others.
HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!

Is it very bad to have Mercury in pieces? Are there any benefits(maybe psychic) to have such placement?
Cinammonroll said:
Is it very bad to have Mercury in pieces? Are there any benefits(maybe psychic) to have such placement?
You would have to look at the bigger picture, and work with what you have. All of us have a hand to play this lifetime.
Henu the Great said:
Cinammonroll said:
Is it very bad to have Mercury in pieces? Are there any benefits(maybe psychic) to have such placement?
You would have to look at the bigger picture, and work with what you have. All of us have a hand to play this lifetime.

I have been busy this last week but I'll try to get everything caught up tomorrow
The Final Rising of Nazism By High Priest Hoodedcobra666

Importance of Void Meditation By High Priest Hoodedcobra666

Freeing your Soul from Enemy Influences By High Priest Hoodedcobra666

'mistakes in Satanism' Disunity? Lies? By High Priest Hoodedcobra666

Ultimate trust in your own Soul By High Priest Hoodedcobra666

I'll get week 20 out sunday, Which is my tomorrow. thank you all for being patient with me

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
