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RE-Read-It WEEKENDS: Looking back at Important Material [Week 11]


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2019
Hey everyone, apologies for the delay, here we go, these next few weeks all the content below will be from



IDK if docfetcher is acting up for me or what but I'm having a really hard time finding the exact dates of these Sermons, so I will just refer to the days as from the year 2002-2005

I'm getting better at my speech, but also I've noticed that I'll read it perfectly off record, then hit record and mess up a few times. haha, anyways. I only want professional quality, if any of these are not good enough Please tell it to my face, don't worry I will not be upset, I want the criticism because I want to get better, so let me know, I did not use a robot / ai voice for anything, this is all natural 100% my voice. this is also why it took a little bit longer. but mainly I simply got started late.

OH and btw

Happy Season of the Yule! I wish all my SS family to have a wonderful holday

Article 1
Free Thought
By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
From the Years 2002-2005

MP3 https://mega.nz/file/T5pizTwB#f08GXB5aTjBPXizwk9xGbCRXtXqoFspQI56RH9AUhTo

Everyone knows free thought is the ability to think for one's self, but how many
people actually apply this? Only when you can completely free your mind, will
you be able to come into your own and know yourself. How to think, what to
think, what to believe, what our likes, our dislikes, our concepts of right, wrong,
good and evil are, are constantly being programmed by the media, peer pressure
and those in power. Those in power can refer to the government, parents, family,
educational institutions and textbooks, the system, the medical association and
so forth. Many live their lives by the values of others and as a result, they never
come to know themselves. People are TOLD what to think and believe.

The television is a good example. Canned laughter implies something is
supposed to be funny and it's OK to laugh. Background music lets the viewer
know when he/she should get scared or anticipate something. Emotional scenes
lead some people to tears. Life is much like this. One is supposed to obtain some
form of approval for any and every thought and/or action.

Take a look at the Christian Church. Everyone is repeatedly told this nefarious
enemy of humanity is something "good." In spite of the continuous and blatantly
obvious signs to the contrary, most people actually believe this to be true. The
xian bible is called the "Good Book."

This "Good Book" is full of mass murder, slaughter, torture, gang rape,
prostitution, cannibalism, infanticide, mutilation, blood sacrifice, curses, feces,
hatred, and every ugly thing know to humanity. It has incited war, slavery,
bloodshed and destroyed the lives and mental health of billions.

When we come to Satan, he opens the door to our spiritual cages and gives us a
hand in getting out. The rest is up to us. He is always there for guidance and
support, but above all, he wants us to be free. Satan, who is the True God, is the
liberator of humanity.

Ask yourself; what do I think? How do I feel? NOT how *SHOULD* I think, or
what would someone else think, or what does everyone else think. We are all
individuals. We all have different preferences and tastes. Just because someone
else likes or dislikes something, that doesn't mean you as an individual should
feel the same way. Whenever presented with a dilemma or something new, ask
yourself the above questions. Satanism is free thought in the extreme, yet, so
few are able to actually think for themselves.

Now, of course, those in power are dead against free thought. Sheep are easily
controlled. Personality tests are given to determine those who are a threat [think
for themselves and don't conform]. Though unaware, how we should think is
drummed into our heads from the time we are born. Very few people really know
themselves, in spite of living with themselves 24/7. This is really sad.

It's not all that hard. Just remember to always and frequently ask yourself to start
out with; do I think this is right or wrong for me? How do *I* feel about this? What
is *my* opinion? There are no right or wrong answers here. Just get to know
yourself. This may take time, but in the end, you will experience the bliss of being

Start completely deprogramming your mind today. All of us are programmed to
greater or lesser degrees and most are not even aware of it.

Article 2
Letting Go
By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
From the Years 2002-2005

mp3 https://mega.nz/file/Gp5yxTTC#rLqVLjKLZZiwN380mKjepRYlca62BXuGjNQJjajsHNg

I have found in my relationship with Father Satan, it is important to just let go.
Satan says in the Black Book, "I exercise dominion over all creatures and over
the affairs of all who are under the protection of my image."
Having faith can be very trying for many of us. There are those of us who have
been abandoned and abused spiritually by the teachings of the enemy, those of
us who have been repeatedly screwed over by other human beings, those of us
who have witnessed both in seeing it done to others and loved ones, the sorry list
goes on and on. It's called reality. Someone was upset with me a while ago and
said "You don't trust anyone" I said back "that's why I am still alive." In this world,
we can't fully trust others, unfortunately.
Father Satan is different; he works with us to heal our psychological wounds and
to establish trust. I have learned not to worry; just to let go and let Father Satan
handle my affairs. He does every time and everything works out for me in a
positive way. He has never let me down and has ALWAYS been there for me in
my time of need. *
The same goes for working magick, using our minds and influencing people.
When we completely let go and just focus, this is when our workings are most
effective and powerful. When we worry, are distracted, or are overly concerned
with what we are doing, we defeat ourselves.
– High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
*I wrote this sermon several years ago. Since then I can only say the same.
Father Satan has always been there for me, and he is true to his word. He has
never let me down. I have never known a more wonderful being. He has turned
my life around in a most positive way and he has given me much inner
In addition to this, when we worry, we are putting negative and undermining
energy, along with doubt into a situation. Negative energy can ruin any working
we may be doing. It is extremely difficult for most people to put aside worries,
especially in a crisis situation, but with a well-trained mind, it is not so hard.
Worry can cloud our judgment and prevent us from thinking rationally, preventing
us from solving problems. Once we put our directed energy into something, it is
best to let go and try to forget about it so it can work and do its job.

Article 3
Finding Things for Yourself
By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
from the years 2002-2005

MP3 https://mega.nz/file/v8wwEDSY#w7dwm_B2WFlsKKWVvvFBuh5TZWqVq0IfJ6SmRh0Ovk4

In the Black Book, Satan instructed his followers to memorize the teachings he
dictated, because so much has been "altered." There is hardly any truth
remaining anymore. I have found as many of us have in my relationship with
Father Satan, he is totally unlike any of the widespread teachings would try to
have us believe.
The Demons are not evil. Many specialize in the teaching of "ethics." Ethical
beings are not evil. There are many Demons. The Demons are the Original
Gods, of whom Satan is the most powerful and important, as he is our Creator
God. Satan and the Original Gods were cursed and condemned for giving
humanity knowledge. The aliens who pose as the Judeo/Christian “God” seized
power and incited their chosen ones to mass murder and destroy anyone who
worshipped the Original Gods. Entire cities and peoples were wiped out and
temples and shrines were destroyed, along with any remaining written records.
As a result, we know very little if any truth concerning the Original Gods. Nearly
everything written about them is from the enemy.
This excerpt quote from the Catholic Encyclopedia is very revealing:
In the same way the Greeks and Romans may have worshipped their divinities,
fondly believing them to be good. But the Christian Scriptures declare that all the
gods of the Gentiles are demons.

Catholic Encyclopedia: Devil Worship

Here is where humanity lost all connection to spirituality. The spiritual emptiness
of mainstream religions followed, and ruled through terror. When the control of
organized criminal programs weakened, many turned to atheism out of futility
with what they mistakenly believed to be spirituality- emptiness and nothingness.
This is why it is important to find things for ourselves, and if possible to share
with others. This way we can learn from each other. There is so much more to
Satanism that has remained unexplored. Many times when non-Satanists
attempt to find things pertaining to our religion, they are misled by lies.
Article 4
Important Points
By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
From the Years 2002-2005

Mp3 https://mega.nz/file/Wp42FZyT#bFj3ctwvGOiGSgx2v-Cnrphu-r3CDEvmFgwz6qLLsDY

I received a personal e-mail today that brought up several important issues that I
feel need to be addressed to everyone.

Due to compulsory Christianity in many homes in the USA, Europe, and in many
other countries worldwide, most of us come from Christian backgrounds.
Remember, once you make a commitment to Satan, you enter a new life. The
past is dead. Don't dwell on your former experiences with past teachings and socalled
“religions.” Forget them. Satan accepts you, and he understands.

Some people feel because they come from a Christian, even fundamentalist
background, or were involved in enemy activities where they blasphemed Satan,
that he is angry with them. The most important point here is with Satan, we
realize our past error and come to him of our own free will; free from any
coercion. We renounce our past, the enemy god and everything connected with
him. We renew our lives through Satan. The past is dead- PERIOD.

Another point is often, people expect drastic changes immediately following a
commitment ritual to Satan. This does not usually happen. When I did mine
several years back, I didn't know what to expect. I expected nothing. I had little to
go on and no support or direction whatsoever. I found within two months, Father
Satan blessed me with something nice that I did not expect. Be patient. We are
all individuals and he rewards us in different ways. Most of these will be subtle to
begin with, but over time, you will see where your life has really improved. Those
who have no expectations and just go on about their lives will find themselves
pleasantly surprised.

All of us get sick or experience problems at times. Everyone has his/her Saturn
so to speak. Father Satan looks out for us and gives us the strength and his
support to make it through rough times. The longer you are with Satan, the
stronger you will become.

I would also like to comment on impatience. Many, especially teens are very hard
on themselves and are too self-critical. Becoming an adept does not happen
overnight, nor does it happen in a few months. Improvement can be seen when
one works on this, but with working a Ouija Board, divining the future or with spirit
communication, this takes time. It has taken me over 25 years to master
astrology [and I am still learning] and some other disciplines, although I was an
atheist for many years and less than committed. Be patient with yourself.

In closing, the planets are really bad concerning world affairs. I strongly
encourage everyone to empower yourselves NOW, DO NOT WAIT! Your aura
will protect you. Remember, we are NOT those who are without. Don't put this off
or wait. Do the opening of the soul exercises and empower your aura/chakras.

This builds when done every day and can save you where others fall into lethal
circumstances. Always remember, the soul you save is your own and you do this
through power meditation, which is spiritual. The transiting planets and Satan’s
revelations to those of us who are very close to him have been getting are indeed

Article 5
Establishing Control
By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
From the Years 2002-2005

mp3 https://mega.nz/file/2hg2QRDb#fIHdYEBW25OHLvE7WeMp30odZQuM3GBjdJrxMDaYHHs
Establishing control over one’s emotions is very important. Out of control,
emotions can be detrimental to one’s health and well-being, and at worst can be
lethal. In a situation where panic takes control and gives way to terror, where fear
is completely out of control; one can freeze up when immediate action is called
for and wind up dead. Out of control, emotions interfere with and even prevent
rational thought. Here the panic/terror takes over one’s entire being. Control of
emotions and having a calm mind can mean the difference between life and

Worry does nothing to change a problem. It drains energy and can cause serious
health problems. Again, the mind is out of control, as the same thoughts
compulsively repeat themselves over and over, accomplishing nothing but upset.
Bad situations and problems need to be rationally thought out for possible
solutions and then let go.

Constantly rehearsing a bad incident over and over isn’t going to solve the
problem. This will only create other problems. Stress tears down the body and
mind. Mental and psychological pain can be just as bad as physical pain. A
strong mind can refuse this pain. When the mind is calm, often solutions will
present themselves and problems can be worked out. We are also more open to
the spirit world when we are calm, and often we can find help there. If we calmly
ask our mind for answers regarding a certain problem before we fall asleep at
night, we will usually have answers when we awaken, or sometimes answers will
come to us in a dream.

Out of control emotions are the result of an out of control mind. Void meditation
helps with detaching from negative emotions. When unwanted emotions arise,
relaxing one’s mind and detaching one’s self from the feeling can be difficult at
first, but with persistence, control can be established. Try softening around the
emotion or focusing attention on the emotion/feeling, relaxing and letting go.
Empty the mind. This can also be helpful in cases of depression.
Focus on feeling calm and relaxing inside.

When mastery over one’s emotions is established [this can take years of
consistent meditation], the ability to stay calm in crisis situations can prove
invaluable and can even be life saving. Animals will rarely, if ever attack
someone who is not in any way afraid. Having a calm orderly and powerful mind
comes from the regular practice of void meditation. Void meditation also
strengthens our thought power for magickal practice. The next time you feel
unwanted emotions; try to focus on detaching and relaxing. This can be difficult
at first, but will come with time. We must completely master ourselves, for this is
the path to becoming a god.

There are times when we have to just let go and vent. This can be done during a
ritual. Father Satan always listens to us and sometimes it is a good thing to let it
all out and get it all out, so that one can be at peace and not have to feel
suppressed in any way. If extreme worry or other emotions cannot be brought
under control, venting during a ritual is the often best way. Mastering one’s
emotions, as well as the mind is something that needs to be worked on every
day. In time, a sense of calm and confidence will take over and remain, so that
the mind can be free for spiritual development and directed to the fulfilling of
one’s goals and desires.

SATchives said:
Hey everyone, apologies for the delay, here we go, these next few weeks all the content below will be from



IDK if docfetcher is acting up for me or what but I'm having a really hard time finding the exact dates of these Sermons, so I will just refer to the days as from the year 2002-2005

I'm getting better at my speech, but also I've noticed that I'll read it perfectly off record, then hit record and mess up a few times. haha, anyways. I only want professional quality, if any of these are not good enough Please tell it to my face, don't worry I will not be upset, I want the criticism because I want to get better, so let me know, I did not use a robot / ai voice for anything, this is all natural 100% my voice. this is also why it took a little bit longer. but mainly I simply got started late.

OH and btw

Happy Season of the Yule! I wish all my SS family to have a wonderful holday

Article 1
Free Thought
By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
From the Years 2002-2005

MP3 https://mega.nz/file/T5pizTwB#f08GXB5aTjBPXizwk9xGbCRXtXqoFspQI56RH9AUhTo

Everyone knows free thought is the ability to think for one's self, but how many
people actually apply this? Only when you can completely free your mind, will
you be able to come into your own and know yourself. How to think, what to
think, what to believe, what our likes, our dislikes, our concepts of right, wrong,
good and evil are, are constantly being programmed by the media, peer pressure
and those in power. Those in power can refer to the government, parents, family,
educational institutions and textbooks, the system, the medical association and
so forth. Many live their lives by the values of others and as a result, they never
come to know themselves. People are TOLD what to think and believe.

The television is a good example. Canned laughter implies something is
supposed to be funny and it's OK to laugh. Background music lets the viewer
know when he/she should get scared or anticipate something. Emotional scenes
lead some people to tears. Life is much like this. One is supposed to obtain some
form of approval for any and every thought and/or action.

Take a look at the Christian Church. Everyone is repeatedly told this nefarious
enemy of humanity is something "good." In spite of the continuous and blatantly
obvious signs to the contrary, most people actually believe this to be true. The
xian bible is called the "Good Book."

This "Good Book" is full of mass murder, slaughter, torture, gang rape,
prostitution, cannibalism, infanticide, mutilation, blood sacrifice, curses, feces,
hatred, and every ugly thing know to humanity. It has incited war, slavery,
bloodshed and destroyed the lives and mental health of billions.

When we come to Satan, he opens the door to our spiritual cages and gives us a
hand in getting out. The rest is up to us. He is always there for guidance and
support, but above all, he wants us to be free. Satan, who is the True God, is the
liberator of humanity.

Ask yourself; what do I think? How do I feel? NOT how *SHOULD* I think, or
what would someone else think, or what does everyone else think. We are all
individuals. We all have different preferences and tastes. Just because someone
else likes or dislikes something, that doesn't mean you as an individual should
feel the same way. Whenever presented with a dilemma or something new, ask
yourself the above questions. Satanism is free thought in the extreme, yet, so
few are able to actually think for themselves.

Now, of course, those in power are dead against free thought. Sheep are easily
controlled. Personality tests are given to determine those who are a threat [think
for themselves and don't conform]. Though unaware, how we should think is
drummed into our heads from the time we are born. Very few people really know
themselves, in spite of living with themselves 24/7. This is really sad.

It's not all that hard. Just remember to always and frequently ask yourself to start
out with; do I think this is right or wrong for me? How do *I* feel about this? What
is *my* opinion? There are no right or wrong answers here. Just get to know
yourself. This may take time, but in the end, you will experience the bliss of being

Start completely deprogramming your mind today. All of us are programmed to
greater or lesser degrees and most are not even aware of it.

Article 2
Letting Go
By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
From the Years 2002-2005

mp3 https://mega.nz/file/Gp5yxTTC#rLqVLjKLZZiwN380mKjepRYlca62BXuGjNQJjajsHNg

I have found in my relationship with Father Satan, it is important to just let go.
Satan says in the Black Book, "I exercise dominion over all creatures and over
the affairs of all who are under the protection of my image."
Having faith can be very trying for many of us. There are those of us who have
been abandoned and abused spiritually by the teachings of the enemy, those of
us who have been repeatedly screwed over by other human beings, those of us
who have witnessed both in seeing it done to others and loved ones, the sorry list
goes on and on. It's called reality. Someone was upset with me a while ago and
said "You don't trust anyone" I said back "that's why I am still alive." In this world,
we can't fully trust others, unfortunately.
Father Satan is different; he works with us to heal our psychological wounds and
to establish trust. I have learned not to worry; just to let go and let Father Satan
handle my affairs. He does every time and everything works out for me in a
positive way. He has never let me down and has ALWAYS been there for me in
my time of need. *
The same goes for working magick, using our minds and influencing people.
When we completely let go and just focus, this is when our workings are most
effective and powerful. When we worry, are distracted, or are overly concerned
with what we are doing, we defeat ourselves.
– High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
*I wrote this sermon several years ago. Since then I can only say the same.
Father Satan has always been there for me, and he is true to his word. He has
never let me down. I have never known a more wonderful being. He has turned
my life around in a most positive way and he has given me much inner
In addition to this, when we worry, we are putting negative and undermining
energy, along with doubt into a situation. Negative energy can ruin any working
we may be doing. It is extremely difficult for most people to put aside worries,
especially in a crisis situation, but with a well-trained mind, it is not so hard.
Worry can cloud our judgment and prevent us from thinking rationally, preventing
us from solving problems. Once we put our directed energy into something, it is
best to let go and try to forget about it so it can work and do its job.

Article 3
Finding Things for Yourself
By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
from the years 2002-2005

MP3 https://mega.nz/file/v8wwEDSY#w7dwm_B2WFlsKKWVvvFBuh5TZWqVq0IfJ6SmRh0Ovk4

In the Black Book, Satan instructed his followers to memorize the teachings he
dictated, because so much has been "altered." There is hardly any truth
remaining anymore. I have found as many of us have in my relationship with
Father Satan, he is totally unlike any of the widespread teachings would try to
have us believe.
The Demons are not evil. Many specialize in the teaching of "ethics." Ethical
beings are not evil. There are many Demons. The Demons are the Original
Gods, of whom Satan is the most powerful and important, as he is our Creator
God. Satan and the Original Gods were cursed and condemned for giving
humanity knowledge. The aliens who pose as the Judeo/Christian “God” seized
power and incited their chosen ones to mass murder and destroy anyone who
worshipped the Original Gods. Entire cities and peoples were wiped out and
temples and shrines were destroyed, along with any remaining written records.
As a result, we know very little if any truth concerning the Original Gods. Nearly
everything written about them is from the enemy.
This excerpt quote from the Catholic Encyclopedia is very revealing:
In the same way the Greeks and Romans may have worshipped their divinities,
fondly believing them to be good. But the Christian Scriptures declare that all the
gods of the Gentiles are demons.

Catholic Encyclopedia: Devil Worship

Here is where humanity lost all connection to spirituality. The spiritual emptiness
of mainstream religions followed, and ruled through terror. When the control of
organized criminal programs weakened, many turned to atheism out of futility
with what they mistakenly believed to be spirituality- emptiness and nothingness.
This is why it is important to find things for ourselves, and if possible to share
with others. This way we can learn from each other. There is so much more to
Satanism that has remained unexplored. Many times when non-Satanists
attempt to find things pertaining to our religion, they are misled by lies.
Article 4
Important Points
By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
From the Years 2002-2005

Mp3 https://mega.nz/file/Wp42FZyT#bFj3ctwvGOiGSgx2v-Cnrphu-r3CDEvmFgwz6qLLsDY

I received a personal e-mail today that brought up several important issues that I
feel need to be addressed to everyone.

Due to compulsory Christianity in many homes in the USA, Europe, and in many
other countries worldwide, most of us come from Christian backgrounds.
Remember, once you make a commitment to Satan, you enter a new life. The
past is dead. Don't dwell on your former experiences with past teachings and socalled
“religions.” Forget them. Satan accepts you, and he understands.

Some people feel because they come from a Christian, even fundamentalist
background, or were involved in enemy activities where they blasphemed Satan,
that he is angry with them. The most important point here is with Satan, we
realize our past error and come to him of our own free will; free from any
coercion. We renounce our past, the enemy god and everything connected with
him. We renew our lives through Satan. The past is dead- PERIOD.

Another point is often, people expect drastic changes immediately following a
commitment ritual to Satan. This does not usually happen. When I did mine
several years back, I didn't know what to expect. I expected nothing. I had little to
go on and no support or direction whatsoever. I found within two months, Father
Satan blessed me with something nice that I did not expect. Be patient. We are
all individuals and he rewards us in different ways. Most of these will be subtle to
begin with, but over time, you will see where your life has really improved. Those
who have no expectations and just go on about their lives will find themselves
pleasantly surprised.

All of us get sick or experience problems at times. Everyone has his/her Saturn
so to speak. Father Satan looks out for us and gives us the strength and his
support to make it through rough times. The longer you are with Satan, the
stronger you will become.

I would also like to comment on impatience. Many, especially teens are very hard
on themselves and are too self-critical. Becoming an adept does not happen
overnight, nor does it happen in a few months. Improvement can be seen when
one works on this, but with working a Ouija Board, divining the future or with spirit
communication, this takes time. It has taken me over 25 years to master
astrology [and I am still learning] and some other disciplines, although I was an
atheist for many years and less than committed. Be patient with yourself.

In closing, the planets are really bad concerning world affairs. I strongly
encourage everyone to empower yourselves NOW, DO NOT WAIT! Your aura
will protect you. Remember, we are NOT those who are without. Don't put this off
or wait. Do the opening of the soul exercises and empower your aura/chakras.

This builds when done every day and can save you where others fall into lethal
circumstances. Always remember, the soul you save is your own and you do this
through power meditation, which is spiritual. The transiting planets and Satan’s
revelations to those of us who are very close to him have been getting are indeed

Article 5
Establishing Control
By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
From the Years 2002-2005

mp3 https://mega.nz/file/2hg2QRDb#fIHdYEBW25OHLvE7WeMp30odZQuM3GBjdJrxMDaYHHs
Establishing control over one’s emotions is very important. Out of control,
emotions can be detrimental to one’s health and well-being, and at worst can be
lethal. In a situation where panic takes control and gives way to terror, where fear
is completely out of control; one can freeze up when immediate action is called
for and wind up dead. Out of control, emotions interfere with and even prevent
rational thought. Here the panic/terror takes over one’s entire being. Control of
emotions and having a calm mind can mean the difference between life and

Worry does nothing to change a problem. It drains energy and can cause serious
health problems. Again, the mind is out of control, as the same thoughts
compulsively repeat themselves over and over, accomplishing nothing but upset.
Bad situations and problems need to be rationally thought out for possible
solutions and then let go.

Constantly rehearsing a bad incident over and over isn’t going to solve the
problem. This will only create other problems. Stress tears down the body and
mind. Mental and psychological pain can be just as bad as physical pain. A
strong mind can refuse this pain. When the mind is calm, often solutions will
present themselves and problems can be worked out. We are also more open to
the spirit world when we are calm, and often we can find help there. If we calmly
ask our mind for answers regarding a certain problem before we fall asleep at
night, we will usually have answers when we awaken, or sometimes answers will
come to us in a dream.

Out of control emotions are the result of an out of control mind. Void meditation
helps with detaching from negative emotions. When unwanted emotions arise,
relaxing one’s mind and detaching one’s self from the feeling can be difficult at
first, but with persistence, control can be established. Try softening around the
emotion or focusing attention on the emotion/feeling, relaxing and letting go.
Empty the mind. This can also be helpful in cases of depression.
Focus on feeling calm and relaxing inside.

When mastery over one’s emotions is established [this can take years of
consistent meditation], the ability to stay calm in crisis situations can prove
invaluable and can even be life saving. Animals will rarely, if ever attack
someone who is not in any way afraid. Having a calm orderly and powerful mind
comes from the regular practice of void meditation. Void meditation also
strengthens our thought power for magickal practice. The next time you feel
unwanted emotions; try to focus on detaching and relaxing. This can be difficult
at first, but will come with time. We must completely master ourselves, for this is
the path to becoming a god.

There are times when we have to just let go and vent. This can be done during a
ritual. Father Satan always listens to us and sometimes it is a good thing to let it
all out and get it all out, so that one can be at peace and not have to feel
suppressed in any way. If extreme worry or other emotions cannot be brought
under control, venting during a ritual is the often best way. Mastering one’s
emotions, as well as the mind is something that needs to be worked on every
day. In time, a sense of calm and confidence will take over and remain, so that
the mind can be free for spiritual development and directed to the fulfilling of
one’s goals and desires.


Thank you very much,i appreciate a lot
Thank you!
I've been told to check the forum after meditation and this post was a reason.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
