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The World Economic Forum's Great Reset. "You'll own nothing."

Ol argedco luciftias

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2017
Duat, Orion
World Economic Forum deletes video on The Great Reset that says "You'll Own Nothing!"

"#1a You'll own nothing and you'll be happy.

#1b Whatever you want, you will rent. And it'll be delivered by drone.

#2a The US won't be the world's leading super power.

#2b A handful of countries will dominate.

#3a You won't die waiting for an organ donor.

#3b We won't transplant organs. We'll 3d print new ones instead.

[So #3 is okay. But we don't need a world jewish communist gulag to make this happen. Scientists could also create this in a free society.]

#4a You'll eat much less meat.

#4b An occasional treat, not a staple. For the good of the environment and our health.

#5a A billion people will be displaced by climate change.

#5b We'll have to do a better job at welcoming and integrating refugees.

#6a Polluters will have to pay to emit carbon dioxide.

[Except China who emits more CO2 than the rest of the world put together.]

#6b There will be a global price on carbon. This will help make fossil fuels history.

#7a You could be preparing to go to Mars.

#7b Scientists will have worked out how to keep you healthy in space. The start of a journey to find alien life.

[Find the reptilians and greys out in space, so they can come back and work with their children the jews on enslaving and erasing all the world.]


#8b Checks and balances that underpin our democracy must not be forgotten.

:D "

Greys must be really proud some of these jews are pushing this garbage.

"You'll own nothing goy. No meat. You'll become Vegan. We'll give you a shitty UBI because you will have to adopt Jamal by force. He was displaced by Global Warming. You'll live in Virtual Reality together in your little sci-fi pod from which you will emerge only once a day to take a crap and eat your tofu. Or basically you will while Jamal will copulate with your wife so you can watch some cuckold. This is to fight birthrates which pollute the earth goy this is why we have around 9 billions of out which Whites are the biggest problem being only 900 millons. Jamal has 15 kids which you must slave to feed too. Your life will be so irrelevant because your labor is non existent, but we will somehow call this Socialism for you goyim so you feel comfortable OK? Whites cannot have kids you pollute too much remember this. Eventhough 70% of this is from China and other countries which are non White it is Whitey who must curb birthrates entirely. But it is OK because you are all equals now to do so. You're equal in that you will serve Jews and Jamal now. All of this will happen in fully Surveillance infested cities, and with a lot of soy creatures policing you out 24/7. Forget this Capitalist shit where you OWN shit like a little house or a farm. Or a small business. You will spend your UBI on Amazon you get me? If you adopt Jamal's 15 kids you'll get double UBI. No need for you to work anymore so you will not be entitled to anything bigger than any other average joe. Since you no longer labor you being better or smarter does not matter because anyone can be in your place, robots will do the work. So if you suck a lot we will just dispose you out of the planet. For those who are angry your brainchip will keep you chemically happy. If you break down the kike "not happy goy or antisemetic goy" police will seize you immidiately. Meanwhile, Bezos and other guys will own 20 trillions each and youll be happy because you get free Yang Bucks which you get to spend directly back to Amazon so that Bezos can add 1 trillion profits per year. Youll get 1200 dollars and be unemployed so be happy at least you're not polluting the environment by existing. Listen to us goy this is not USSR this is just the future. Call it Socialism. Remember, when the goyim owns anything its evil Capitalism. When you get Jamal in your house forcibly during the robot era where neither will be required for labor so migration will not make sense - that is Gods plan for racemixing you into obedient nice cattle in lovely Socialism. When we are done with this its just Torah Communism. Oy vey." Rabbi Great Resetovich
I was planning on posting about this for a few days now seeing how big it is. Glad to see others have seen this shit ad well. Thank you for posting this brother. The enemy seems like they're so excited to drop their mask entirely already. Must be desperate times for them.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
"And then for some unknown reason that nobody can understand, a talented young artist was elected as Chancellor of Germany..."

Love seeing that quote around lol. But broooo ims seeing many people even prominent culture war commentators saying they're down to vote for someone that represents what the left accused Trump of being.

It's up to us to wake the masses up so they can also push back against the enemy's plan!
Notice if you talk about stuff like this on the mainstream places of the internet no one is laughing and calling you a conspiracy theorist anymore. In the last few years especially with this fake pandemic recently, many former goyim have recognized that the NWO is not a game or some Alex Jones meme anymore. This is very dangerous and scary reality that has set in for many, while us as satanist and other groups were saying I told you so.

Even the cuck Canadian prime minister Trudeau went on a livestream the other day and talked about the great reset and how wonderful it was and it made people raise their eyebrows. At this point you are either with us or against us. And by us I don’t mean just SS, but anyone who opposed the Jew world order. The choice for many people on the fence is now very clear.

We can have:
Freedom/Satanism/National Socialism

Jewish leftism/communism/technocracy/slavery

It’s a pretty obvious choice, anyone who voted for Trump is basically on our side because they oppose the above things, even if he doesn’t stop it, it’s the principle of giving a finger to international socialism and the (((Establishment)))
I’m sorry but it sounds completely ridiculous low level IQ stupid movie kinda shit .... it just won’t ever go down like that it’s way too cliche aswel or such a joke could be possible if let’s say population was only 100 people in each country .... the enemy doesn’t want a functioning society they want us to be borgs or ... completely destroyed ‘nuclear’ not this garbage , hope I don’t sound grumpy I just woke up lol
"Goyims your post is anti semitic some how there's is no evil cohenspiracy what is happening is this Capitalist and Working classes have to be at odds with each this is good , natural and absolutely necessary to bring about the following social Changes everyone (goys) is a worker who is equal to every other worker no one owns anything but everyone together owns everything , everyone gets what they need not necessarily everything thing they want but before this paradise can happen everyone has to be ruled under a dictatorship.. ..Oy Vey!!!"
Hahaha I know this. That video was from 2016 and only gained attention recently in cryptocurrency community from all stuff that is going on right now, when people were discussing if the new financial system will run on crypto and how they will get money out of it. Needless to say, everyone there went ballistic at the idea of their stuff getting confiscated and that old video went viral. :lol:
The bald meth head karl Schwab who looks like a diabolical Evil mastermind has been saying this for decades.

This has always been their plan.

Another big part of Karl Schwabs diabolical agenda is TRANS HUMANISM. He publicly states that he wants to microchip everyone and take away their free will. A big part of this is the 5G grid, AI and advanced robotics (Fourth Industrial Revolution)that will remotely affect the microchips. This isn't even a conspiracy. These individuals publicly say this.

Globalist Klaus Schwab made it clear that transhumanism is an integral part of “The Great Reset” when he said that the fourth industrial revolution would “lead to a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity,” which in his book he clarifies is implantable microchips that can read your thoughts.

The agenda is primarily based around dismantling the current capitalist system in favor of greater centralized technocrat rule which will lead to lower living standards, less fuel consumption, fewer civil liberties and the accelerated automation of jobs.

However, another key aspect to “The Great Reset,” or the “fourth industrial revolution” as Schwab calls it, is merging man with machine.

“What the fourth industrial revolution will lead to is a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity,” Schwab told the Chicago Council on Global Affairs.
KLAUS SCHWAB: "The Fourth Industrial Revolution will lead to a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity" #TheGreatReset #4IR

Schwab went on to explain how his book, ‘Shaping the Future of The Fourth Industrial Revolution’, was particularly popular in China, South Korea and Japan, with the South Korean military alone purchasing 16,000 copies.

In the book, Schwab explains with excitement how upcoming technology will allow authorities to “intrude into the hitherto private space of our minds, reading our thoughts and influencing our behavior.”

Schwab also waxes lyrical about the transhumanist utopian dream shared by all elitists which will ultimately lead to the creation of human cyborgs.

“Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies will not stop at becoming part of the physical world around us—they will become part of us,” writes Schwab.

“Indeed, some of us already feel that our smartphones have become an extension of ourselves. Today’s external devices—from wearable computers to virtual reality headsets—will almost certainly become implantable in our bodies and brains.”

Schwab also openly endorses something the media still claims is solely a domain of discussion for conspiracy theorists, namely “active implantable microchips that break the skin barrier of our bodies.

The globalist hails the arrival of “implanted devices (that) will likely also help to communicate thoughts normally expressed verbally through a ‘built-in’ smartphone, and potentially unexpressed thoughts or moods by reading brain waves and other signals.”

So in other words, the “fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity” relates to the transhumanist singularity and a future where people have their every movement tracked and every thought read by an implantable microchip

He goes on to predict that this will provide an incentive for law enforcement to implement Minority Report-style pre-crime programs.

As capabilities in this area improve, the temptation for law enforcement agencies and courts to use techniques to determine the likelihood of criminal activity, assess guilt or even possibly retrieve memories directly from people’s brains will increase,” writes Schwab. “Even crossing a national border might one day involve a detailed brain scan to assess an individual’s security risk.
(If you want more context on this go watch the Anime Psycho Pass.)

And btw, this is not an internet nobody Spouting delusional theories. This is the fucking head of the World Economic Forum. The entire debt of the nations that is owned to the jews ,have their representatives in this organization. These people are extremely serious and are not fucking around .

Agenda 21, Agenda 2030 for "Sustainable development ", Event 201 (currently undergoing) all of this ties in together. These criminals want total control over everyone's lives.

Justin Trudeau the Fake Canadian leader recently publicly stated that Canada was moving steadfast with the 2030 agenda and that he wants to end Capitalism. The Democrats in the US publicly support Socialism. Boris Jewson, the traitorous Turkish Jew who stabbed Trump in the back also supports this agenda.

There needs to be another Nuremberg trial where there globalist criminals are implicated in their criminal conspiracy against humanity.

The Bilderberg Group,The DAVOS, The Rothschilds and the Rockefellers and all their subsidiary groups which head almost every political and social organization and NGO needs to be put on trial for war crimes. They are the ones along with the ultra Rich mega corporations who are heading this change

What they want is a Neo Feudalistic serfdom where the majority of the world dont have rights ,are implanted with microchips that can alter their behavior, are coked up on pharmaceutical drugs and are ruled by ultra elite jews.

I remember people used to laugh at these perfectly documented theories because they couldn't get their heads out of their asses.

They're not laughing now. Today they realize the reality of the situation when it's time that they lose their job,and they go bankrupt because of EVENT 201. Theres some divine irony with the NPCs who didn't listen to us as we predicted everything that would happen and it happened exactly as predicted.
K so you'll have to pay an increasingly more amount of money over the food that you've consumed because its 'rented'. Wtf.
If you own nothing, you wouldnt even own the food you've bought to keep yourself alive. ....
I find these globalist demands funny it's just like A.O.C.s Green New deal. It literally outlines elimination of Aircrafts for transportation in it.

If this isn't in your face communism/judeo-bolshevism I don't know what is. But I do have my hopes it is implemented. Because then people see how stupid and retarded everything goes.

It's like sleepy, creepy grandpa joey(as BCP states). If he is elected for 4 years good. That will wake people up. It's like Cobra's recent sermon, basically to paraphrase communism should happen and bad things should happen as that wakes people up and makes them fight back. As sad as it sounds people need another 1910s-20s-30s-40s.

It's like Hitler memes: You should have listened to me, I tried to warn them but they didn't listen/no one believed me.

Even in Germany people were fed up with the communists. Like the Colburn incident in Mein Kampf under Anti-fa/Communist control. Hitler comes in and funny enough by pure chance chases away the communist control and returns everyone to normal. This WAS before he got elected it was a simple rally in communist infested region but surprisingly people were very woke on communism and the NSDAP just gave them hope.
Here in Romania they have closed down the markets (you can still buy groceries inside shopping malls) or they took down the rooftops so the merchands have to sell their stuff in freezing cold, just like this old lady.


Ah and 10 patients burned in an emergency covid section inside a hospital


At this point it is obvious at least to some people, it is either us or them, the government is literally killing you. No more I don't care what those politicians are doing anymore. And ofcourse, nobody is to blame for all these, just bad luck goy meanwhile we steal all the money to buy medical supply, but you wear your mask and be silent or we'll just give you a fine, bad goy. And if you get sick, eh I guess you don't have to worry anymore stupid goy

To the rituals, brothers and sisters, it is our only chance :evil: :evil: :evil:
Our Father will never allow this to happen. He will give us weapons to fight this. In my heart i belive that the FRTR was a weapon given by Him so when it will be necessary He will give more. Till that time we keep on fighting with everything that we have and i am sure that we will be allright.

We will not stand for this.

We are Satan's sons and daughters.

We do not curve by the will of others than our Infernal Gods!
Check the comments and the Like-Dislike Ratio :lol:

This is a good video to focus on concerning spiritual warfare.

Additional podcasts for further information:

From financial/economic standpoint:

From social/political perspective (ignore the christ-cuckery and libertarianism)


Google Trends Chart: (this is a very hot topic)
Therealbornoffire666 said:
I’m sorry but it sounds completely ridiculous low level IQ stupid movie kinda shit .... it just won’t ever go down like that it’s way too cliche aswel or such a joke could be possible if let’s say population was only 100 people in each country .... the enemy doesn’t want a functioning society they want us to be borgs or ... completely destroyed ‘nuclear’ not this garbage , hope I don’t sound grumpy I just woke up lol

True but these are the steps they will phase in to prepare people for this. Dont totally dismiss this. This is what they want for awhile. You can't just go from what we have right now to a chip directly. Even on the planet with the greys it happened in steps. We are about at the end game with "modern society" and the way things are now.

If i was to give a speech when we win my first words would be (just an example I dont think i will do this but you get my point). This is the end of the Modern Era. The word "modern" encompasses all they are trying to do to enslave us more and more as time goes on just about. It is only recently they totally messed up all aspects of society. This goes in stages. The next stage is this digital currency technology taking over more and more consolidation of the world countries into a one world government. Censorship and removal of any opposition.

So yeah take this seriously this IS their plan. It goes in stages like I said.
The audacity of the enemy is at an all time high. This has never been like that. However given that they are openly waging their war now, psychologically and materially, this is their "New Normal". Before, they did all of this covertly.

Now, they think they can muscle the planet into submission directly.

On another note, Kiyosaki's work has been extremely important especially lately, and he does an admirable job. He is a very smart person and he has been a true "Thinking for himself" individual, unlike many others who just pretend this.

Savitar said:
Check the comments and the Like-Dislike Ratio :lol:

This is a good video to focus on concerning spiritual warfare.

Additional podcasts for further information:

From financial/economic standpoint:

From social/political perspective (ignore the christ-cuckery and libertarianism)


Google Trends Chart: (this is a very hot topic)
What the fuck is this thing and why did this poor guy get literally roasted?

Is this a Romanian hospital? What do they claim happened? Did they simply cover it up as a Covid death?

Were the people being experimented upon or what?

Immortal said:
Gear88 said:
I find these globalist demands funny it's just like A.O.C.s Green New deal. It literally outlines elimination of Aircrafts for transportation in it.

If this isn't in your face communism/judeo-bolshevism I don't know what is. But I do have my hopes it is implemented. Because then people see how stupid and retarded everything goes.

It's like sleepy, creepy grandpa joey(as BCP states). If he is elected for 4 years good. That will wake people up. It's like Cobra's recent sermon, basically to paraphrase communism should happen and bad things should happen as that wakes people up and makes them fight back. As sad as it sounds people need another 1910s-20s-30s-40s.

It's like Hitler memes: You should have listened to me, I tried to warn them but they didn't listen/no one believed me.

Even in Germany people were fed up with the communists. Like the Colburn incident in Mein Kampf under Anti-fa/Communist control. Hitler comes in and funny enough by pure chance chases away the communist control and returns everyone to normal. This WAS before he got elected it was a simple rally in communist infested region but surprisingly people were very woke on communism and the NSDAP just gave them hope.
During the Hitler times people saw what the Jews did to Russia and the Romanovs and that it was also going to spread to the whole Europe and it's colonies thereby the whole world it wasn't very hard to convince them of the Communist threat and yes I think this agenda may be should at least be partly executed so that the gullible goy can see it for themselves because the level of ignorance and stupidity in this world is very high....
Immortal said:
Here in Romania they have closed down the markets (you can still buy groceries inside shopping malls) or they took down the rooftops so the merchands have to sell their stuff in freezing cold, just like this old lady.


Ah and 10 patients burned in an emergency covid section inside a hospital


At this point it is obvious at least to some people, it is either us or them, the government is literally killing you. No more I don't care what those politicians are doing anymore. And ofcourse, nobody is to blame for all these, just bad luck goy meanwhile we steal all the money to buy medical supply, but you wear your mask and be silent or we'll just give you a fine, bad goy. And if you get sick, eh I guess you don't have to worry anymore stupid goy

To the rituals, brothers and sisters, it is our only chance :evil: :evil: :evil:

Off topic:

Am I just nuts or this isn’t the first time I’ve seen this exact same post here, I’m seriously mind blown at the deja vu kinda feeling here
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
What the fuck is this thing and why did this poor guy get literally roasted?

Is this a Romanian hospital? What do they claim happened? Did they simply cover it up as a Covid death?

Were the people being experimented upon or what?

Immortal said:

Ah Commander, nothing so fancy :cool:

The answer is simple: corruption.

Yes, it is a romanian hospital. No, there were no experiments, we are too stupid for that :lol:

In Romania, they do fake auctions with everything, including medical supply. They get most part of the money in their pockets through different companies that "win" the auction and they pay back a certain percentage of the profit. With the small amount of money that remains they just buy cheap and barely functional equipment. In this case an electrical malfunction started a fire in a room with 10 covid patients that were connected to machines in order to breathe. The hospital, built almost half a century ago, has not undergone regular maintenance on its technical equipment, including the oxygen network.

They just showed on tv this evening that most equipment is highly flammable, because they do not have money to buy new medical suits and they just disinfect the ones they got with alcohol. You don't have to be a chemistry genius to figure that out.

A while back, there was another huge scandal in which a private company sold diluted disinfectant to hospitals. The end result was that many people died after receiving surgeries which were successfull, but the bacteria and viruses killed them after. During the investigation the boss of that company committed "suicide". Nobody else was found guilty so far, even though it is cristal clear that hospital managers were to blame at the very least.

Anyway, in here the politicians + police + justice are all helping the white and not so white collar criminals. At this stage of the covid infection if you have a serious disease other than covid or covid included you have a good chance of dying :cool:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
What the fuck is this thing and why did this poor guy get literally roasted?

Is this a Romanian hospital? What do they claim happened? Did they simply cover it up as a Covid death?

Were the people being experimented upon or what?

Immortal said:

As a Romanian I will tell you this is a enemy manifestation of energy. In Romania we have already a lot of tragedies from fire breakouts. Ritualistic manifestations.

What you see there is lack of responsibility, corruption and false scarcity. The fire prevention documents showed a 30 year old validation document.






The enemy's verses are all about "burning alive", "holocausting", "mass fire sacrifice", "burned offering to JHVH", and all sorts of crap like this, when it comes to the Pagans and Pagan Nations. No wonder, every so often, these "events" happen can happen more than "normal".

As for corruption. The usual one expects from the enemy.

Thanks to you both for answering, really sad these people simply went to the hospital and "this" happened.

NakedPluto said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
What the fuck is this thing and why did this poor guy get literally roasted?

Is this a Romanian hospital? What do they claim happened? Did they simply cover it up as a Covid death?

Were the people being experimented upon or what?

Immortal said:


As a Romanian I will tell you this is a enemy manifestation of energy. In Romania we have already a lot of tragedies from fire breakouts. Ritualistic manifestations.

What you see there is lack of responsibility, corruption and false scarcity. The fire prevention documents showed a 30 year old validation document.






HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The enemy's verses are all about "burning alive", "holocausting", "mass fire sacrifice", "burned offering to JHVH", and all sorts of crap like this, when it comes to the Pagans and Pagan Nations. No wonder, every so often, these "events" happen can happen more than "normal".

As for corruption. The usual one expects from the enemy.

Thanks to you both for answering, really sad these people simply went to the hospital and "this" happened.

NakedPluto said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
What the fuck is this thing and why did this poor guy get literally roasted?

Is this a Romanian hospital? What do they claim happened? Did they simply cover it up as a Covid death?

Were the people being experimented upon or what?

As a Romanian I will tell you this is a enemy manifestation of energy. In Romania we have already a lot of tragedies from fire breakouts. Ritualistic manifestations.

What you see there is lack of responsibility, corruption and false scarcity. The fire prevention documents showed a 30 year old validation document.







For example, in Colectiv tragedy, coincidentally the band was debuting with their new album that day named "Mantras of War", and then the fire started roasting everybody. Over 60 death.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The enemy's verses are all about "burning alive", "holocausting", "mass fire sacrifice", "burned offering to JHVH", and all sorts of crap like this, when it comes to the Pagans and Pagan Nations. No wonder, every so often, these "events" happen can happen more than "normal".

As for corruption. The usual one expects from the enemy.

Thanks to you both for answering, really sad these people simply went to the hospital and "this" happened.

NakedPluto said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
What the fuck is this thing and why did this poor guy get literally roasted?

Is this a Romanian hospital? What do they claim happened? Did they simply cover it up as a Covid death?

Were the people being experimented upon or what?

As a Romanian I will tell you this is a enemy manifestation of energy. In Romania we have already a lot of tragedies from fire breakouts. Ritualistic manifestations.

What you see there is lack of responsibility, corruption and false scarcity. The fire prevention documents showed a 30 year old validation document.







This reminds me of a guy here in SA that was found dead in the ceiling of a hospital not too long ago.


Secureteam 10 also made a vid on it that how i know it is true
Lunar Dance 666 said:
K so you'll have to pay an increasingly more amount of money over the food that you've consumed because its 'rented'. Wtf.
If you own nothing, you wouldnt even own the food you've bought to keep yourself alive. ....

The brainwashed public will think that the world is going to be a lot like Star Trek, to where we have replicators creating cooked meals out of light, as if that's even possible!
Yeah I guess that’s true what would u image would b the time frame from now that they will attempt complete digital currency ? Perhaps after a complete chip of all humans would make sense for them?
slyscorpion said:
Therealbornoffire666 said:
I’m sorry but it sounds completely ridiculous low level IQ stupid movie kinda shit .... it just won’t ever go down like that it’s way too cliche aswel or such a joke could be possible if let’s say population was only 100 people in each country .... the enemy doesn’t want a functioning society they want us to be borgs or ... completely destroyed ‘nuclear’ not this garbage , hope I don’t sound grumpy I just woke up lol

True but these are the steps they will phase in to prepare people for this. Dont totally dismiss this. This is what they want for awhile. You can't just go from what we have right now to a chip directly. Even on the planet with the greys it happened in steps. We are about at the end game with "modern society" and the way things are now.

If i was to give a speech when we win my first words would be (just an example I dont think i will do this but you get my point). This is the end of the Modern Era. The word "modern" encompasses all they are trying to do to enslave us more and more as time goes on just about. It is only recently they totally messed up all aspects of society. This goes in stages. The next stage is this digital currency technology taking over more and more consolidation of the world countries into a one world government. Censorship and removal of any opposition.

So yeah take this seriously this IS their plan. It goes in stages like I said.
So the cat’s out of the bag about the world economic forum video from 2016. I was considering sharing it but wasn’t sure how far this would possibly go. I don’t like sharing info that doesn’t turn out to be anything we should really be concerned about. In any case glad it was shared. I also wanted to mention to stay away from Beyond Meats, Impossible Meats, and Beyond Burgers they are fake meat made from non meat foods turned into “meat” with the help from some dangerous chemicals. McDonalds and Pizza Hut are both partnered with Beyond Meats which Bill Gates is from what I know the majority shareholder. Jews are moving fast with everything. Everyone keep getting stronger the war drums are beating behind the scenes. Already Trump recently was ready to attack Iran but his advisors talked him out of it. And the Pentagon received 1billion dollars to fight Covid but instead used it to invest in military equipment. So there’s a lot going on and this is just a small piece. Again everyone do your best to surpass your current spiritual limits cause come next year shit is going to get too real for reality and I’m not just saying that.
Immortal said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
What the fuck is this thing and why did this poor guy get literally roasted?

Is this a Romanian hospital? What do they claim happened? Did they simply cover it up as a Covid death?

Were the people being experimented upon or what?

Immortal said:

Ah Commander, nothing so fancy :cool:

The answer is simple: corruption.

Yes, it is a romanian hospital. No, there were no experiments, we are too stupid for that :lol:

In Romania, they do fake auctions with everything, including medical supply. They get most part of the money in their pockets through different companies that "win" the auction and they pay back a certain percentage of the profit. With the small amount of money that remains they just buy cheap and barely functional equipment. In this case an electrical malfunction started a fire in a room with 10 covid patients that were connected to machines in order to breathe. The hospital, built almost half a century ago, has not undergone regular maintenance on its technical equipment, including the oxygen network.

They just showed on tv this evening that most equipment is highly flammable, because they do not have money to buy new medical suits and they just disinfect the ones they got with alcohol. You don't have to be a chemistry genius to figure that out.

A while back, there was another huge scandal in which a private company sold diluted disinfectant to hospitals. The end result was that many people died after receiving surgeries which were successfull, but the bacteria and viruses killed them after. During the investigation the boss of that company committed "suicide". Nobody else was found guilty so far, even though it is cristal clear that hospital managers were to blame at the very least.

Anyway, in here the politicians + police + justice are all helping the white and not so white collar criminals. At this stage of the covid infection if you have a serious disease other than covid or covid included you have a good chance of dying :cool:

I know how it is in Romania, but i also know that people will not stand and see everything getting destroyed. They must be very carefull in Romania people fight back when things start damaging population. What happened with quaranteen? The population did not stand to see everything that took a lifetime destroyed in one month
With humanity's current level of development, it is too early to colonize Mars.

The Gods through Tesla and others wanted a lot more development but the jews limited things a lot. It had to be a real Age of Energy. We need to study a stupid genome for years to make a vaccine, let alone make antivirals. And instead of targeting a specific bacterium to stop infections and the like, we use antibiotics that target many bacteria and then destroy the intestinal flora to target an infection in the gut or elsewhere.

There are searches but we are going very slowly because of the jews bribing and limiting us.

A very interesting research is the idea of ​​engineering and modifying viruses to take them into the body and use them as agents that work for us by attacking specific microorganisms and cells.

Scientists have genetically engineered and experimented with bacteriophages but other viruses and bacteria can also be used to our advantage. Bacteria are higher life forms than viruses but viruses are also very powerful and capable, in fact they are specialized and represent infiltration. A very dangerous and 100% effective technique. Viruses are capable of infiltrating and infecting any form of life, literally, all sorts of plants, animals, insects, microorganisms and even other viruses.

In Italy, there are some cheap organizations that ask for donations of money to do cancer research and other things. Research and development must be a mandatory branch of the government with abundant and permanent funds, and people must pay development fees regularly if necessary. But I imagine that the wealth and taxes of the Italians must receive the jewish malignant neoplasm that resides in Rome. And who cares about development.
A communist shithole paradise at its finest. I sawcalot of this being pushed already when I was living in Europe some places are getting to the extreme especially with the meat and co2 thing.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
