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Jews hate so much Christianity that they are actually promoting it


Active member
Mar 10, 2019
I think we all have heard various conspiracy theorist claiming that Christians are persecuted so much and that the elite want to delete Christianity. But, if that were true, then why the controlled opposition keeps promoting it? Here are some example that i found during the years that i searched on the web:

- Milo Yiannopopulos: Catholic jew who is also an "homosexual homophobe" that promotes his church and Israel.
- Dennis Prager: Owner of PragerU. A Zionist religious jew who makes conservative propaganda with the purpose of denying the crimes of the British Empire, hating Nazism, making war with the Middle East, and keeping the West Christian and Zionist by telling them that they are the "most persecuted minority".
- Ben Shapiro: Religious jew who also promotes Christianity and Zionism.
- Stefan Molyneux: "Atheist" jew who keeps telling Europe to stay Christian while at the same time telling that the international jewry is false.
- Milton Kapner: Known by his sheeple as "Brother Nathanael". A jew who supposedly became an Orthodox monk and tells the west that (((Putin))) is their saviour.
- Alex Jones: Zionist disinformer that was married to a jewess and keep telling people that everyone but his masters are to blame.
- Walid Shoebat: Catholic Zionist that "was" a Muslim. He keeps promoting the idea of a new Crusade and tells us that the jews are innocent.
- Fox News: Zionist warmonger news channel founded by jews.
- Breitbart: News website, also zionist.
- White nationalist movement, such as those linked to /pol/: They claim to be redpilled, yet most of their leaders are zionists golem and crytpo jews who want us to think that the former soviet republics are on our side.

And it's not limited to America, here in Italy the false opposition is even more pro-Israel or other jewish programs (so much for the "based catholicism"). In fact, most of the main right-wing newspaper are zionists. And almost every right wing party is pro-Israel (Forza Nuova is escluded, tough they are still pro-Russia). And, if thats not enough, even have a "Marxist professor" who defends Christianity and Russia and its allies while believing that the jews are to blame (all by using the philosophy of the jew Mordechai).

Now, try to convince me that Christianity is really under attack... Oh, wait! I forgot that "muh heretics" and No True Scotsman works fine in this case. And i still wonder how could they call other peoples "Sheeple" despite the fact that their "god" and their clergy always referred them that way.
Jews hate christianity goyim, look. Jewsus was a Jew and they had a beef with him, eventhough that one was imaginary and never existed. I mean Jewsus writes he comes to save the jews and make them kings of the earth, but let's skip the details here, oy vey.

Just know goy blaming your own Gods, mating with foreign races, and self hate until you give everything you own to looters is a good thing, that's what Jeboo would do. Hate your family and your Nation also but always be ready to luv everything foreign and everyone [especially if they have a huge nose like a beak and a huge lower lip] that comes to you as a foreigner.

It's not like they promote it on every movie, every corner, every character in shows wears the crucifix, and in every album they produce it's all xianity. It's not like they imposed this for centuries and all the Catholic popes are jewish deviants, pedophiles for centuries.

Oy vey goyim they hate xianity, it scares them that you are compliant, servile, and retarded by following it, and you win big by turning the other cheek to the jews, oy vey.

Big wins getting scammed for centuries by jews and living your existence for their "second coming" and "saving Jerusalem", goy. Advanced logic and schematics there, not just desert cult bullshit imposed to make you a slave and make you mad. No no.

Jews hate xianity so much they created it, foster it, grown it, promoted it, profited immensely through the retardation and sickness it promoted to people worldwide, and had the biggest benefit of survival, wealth, social dominance, and now global dominance thanks to it.

Xianity is definitely of the Non-Jews goy, remember, your ancient Gods are detestable idols in xianity, and you went from having Empires to being unable to fend off invading parasites from your own table and countries, oy vey. Believe in Jeboo goy it does you very well.
Nimrod33 said:
And i still wonder how could they call other peoples "Sheeple" despite the fact that their "god" and their clergy always referred them that way.

That is pretty much(NOT 100%) thanks to the psychic barrier the Enemy has placed upon the christards to make them... Christards :lol:

But like said, after this year that damned (and most propably already VERY weak(thanks to the FINAL RTR))barrier will start to crack like a FUCKING Pinata and the spiritual ´´candy``(enlightenment) that is imprisoned in there, will flood like water!! :twisted: :twisted: :cool: :cool:
What is happening is the nature of Christianity is continuing onwards the Christian thought form is subject to the same laws of adaptation or morphing as its a living psychic virus of the Jews. As time has gone on and social changes have occurred the psychic virus has mutated to suit the new environment of the host.

You simply have the newer strains of the virus the cultural Marxist, SJW's and such attacking the older strains the more conservative Christians. This also reflects the insane nature of Christianity which is always in conflict with all other ideals and sects of the same virus religion. The SJW has no problem with Christianity if its a Liberal church just like the right-winger hates Liberal churches but wants conservative Churches. And there is the Jew manipulating the Jewsus shell game they created to keep the program going as they feed off the energy of the Gentile host by it. When the Marxist strain fell apart in Russia they rolled out the older Orthodox strain to infect the host with. And the Jews are still in power and rule Russia as a feudal dictatorship which is all the USSR was.

The Jew as a psychic virus behaves just like any virus its always adapting to suit the environment of the host it is attacking. Naturally Christianity would behave the same way its the psychic extension of the Jewish soul its an invisible Jewish arm.
HP Mageson666 said:
What is happening is the nature of Christianity is continuing onwards the Christian thought form is subject to the same laws of adaptation or morphing as its a living psychic virus of the Jews. As time has gone on and social changes have occurred the psychic virus has mutated to suit the new environment of the host.

You simply have the newer strains of the virus the cultural Marxist, SJW's and such attacking the older strains the more conservative Christians. This also reflects the insane nature of Christianity which is always in conflict with all other ideals and sects of the same virus religion. The SJW has no problem with Christianity if its a Liberal church just like the right-winger hates Liberal churches but wants conservative Churches. And there is the Jew manipulating the Jewsus shell game they created to keep the program going as they feed off the energy of the Gentile host by it. When the Marxist strain fell apart in Russia they rolled out the older Orthodox strain to infect the host with. And the Jews are still in power and rule Russia as a feudal dictatorship which is all the USSR was.

The Jew as a psychic virus behaves just like any virus its always adapting to suit the environment of the host it is attacking. Naturally Christianity would behave the same way its the psychic extension of the Jewish soul its an invisible Jewish arm.
They are now using the sexual energy too in a more liberal way than before where even their sexual energy is passed to their thoughtform of jewsus. They are having more sex and channelling all their energy to their thoughtform.
But what they did wrong again is every race made up their own version of christ with black jewsus (jesus aint white shit) and whites are still sticking with their thoughtform saying "lord forgives for whatever shit they do" and the women "jewsus leads to their lives and that they can treat them wrong and still will be forgiven".
And where there little angels curse them for not listening to them fully and they actually get fucked , they go hardcore into completely harassing the opposite gender . Misusing the little sexual attractiveness they have( which again is because Satan made them) and then they repent and the vicious cycle continues. These people are then cursed again for misusing the gift of their "god" and how jewsus actually wants them to be loyal to their partners or worse celibate.
These greys have shown their "iq" by making the thoughtform of "a virgin mary" , "virgin" defying all natural laws of the Universe.
They should have put some thought to it.
I forgot to mention, alone without cursing and forcing the gentiles to force feed their thoughtform, their thoughts have no power and no worth to cause the problems they have caused now(at this level).
Hail Satan
Hail Lilith
Hail Azazel
Hail Beelzebub
Hail SS
Hail Satanic Races
That is how these dirty spiteful kikes mock at deluded morons that are christians!!! How can someone defeat the jews while fighting with the weapons the jews themselves created to destroy us???
Even though chrisitianity is the perfect tool for the jews to enslave us that is how they managed to make Nero go ballistics and to commit suicide and destroy the Roman Empire most christians I have met throughout my life don't practice their silly saying they love to preach "give the other cheek" they are hateful and are always fighting and trying to force everyone to be as crappy as they are. They behaeve like the thoughtform yahveh and not like the thoughtform jewsus as they are warmongers. I am not saying the ubiquitous dreadful nazarene is a sweet slaver, no but he is more of a sheep in wolf clothing whereas yhvh is a murderer and liar without trying to hide it. Every christian who claims to be againts the jews behaeves more like yhvh although they say they think he is Satan than jewsus. They are racist, misogynists, promote murder, sadism, rape of women they are against progress of humankind, are
homphobes and most wish we lived again under the inquisition.
In addition, it is easy to spot why they are so desesperatly to push this nefarious religion in society as the jewish matrix is falling apart they are recrutting morons to create and army against the new world order under the church of the jewish carpenter.
Everybody on youtube or on bitchute who speaks up against the new world order, the illuminati, the jews, zionism etcetera and happens to be promoted by the algoritsm of the page therefore having many views and likes is always trying to push christianity. I don't know for long they will have the upper hand over us in the web because in 2022 we have Neptune in Pisces along with Saturn and Jupiter. It is the end of organised crime in the form of religious dogma. Christianity is the religion concocted by the kikes to kill us all during the age of pisces which is coming to an end.
Christianity,  along with Islam are the Jewish bulwark.  These programs are the Jewish power.

The Jews protect and promote these programs,  while pretending to be persecuted by both.

The Jews pretend to hate Christianity, but if one is aware and does research,  the opposite is the case. This is to fool the populace.

The Jews will protect these programs to an extreme. I've written before how I highly suspect the disaster weather, the viruses and related are all artificially created to give credibility to biblical prophecies. It is a known fact that science has progressed to where they can control the weather. These disasters are not normal. Of course the Jewish controlled media claims "global warming," yes there is global warming, but I believe the Jews are behind all of this weather phenomenon.

Some Jews even go as far as to claim they are of Satan in order to deceive Gentiles. 

The Jews have a modus operandi. They have used the same tactics for centuries. These tactics have worked for them.

One major tactic is what a rabbi called "conquering from within."

What the Jews cannot gain control of,  they infest and work to destroy from the inside. 

The topic of taking supplements here of late is a prime example. I remember reading how "Gottlieb" and some other goddamned kikes were working overtime to get control of the supplements industry and put a stop to people freely purchasing vitamins, herbs and related. 

The Jew works to get control.  By pushing often dangerous and addictive prescription drugs on the populace,  the Jew has control over life and death,  along with the coerced trillions of dollars they take in. Many diseases are too profitable to enact a cure.

Because the Jews have repeatedly failed in gaining control over supplements,  they have been adding toxic waste to a number of over the counter treatments. Nearly all come from China. Again,  rice powder listed in the "other ingredients" is a dead giveaway. 

The Jews also take control of both opposing sides, such as with the former USSR and the Arabic countries. 

When the Arabs were at war with Israel,  the USA took Israel's side, while the Soviet Union  supplied the Arabic countries with weapons.

Now, people who don't have the knowledge or education would be confused as to why a communist power would be going up against Israel if the Jews are really a bunch of communists. 

Well, if we do the research,  it becomes apparent.  The Jewish controlled USSR sold the Arabs defective weapons,  such as guns with no sights, weapons that wouldn't fire and other junk that obviously wasn't any threat to Israel. Taking control of both sides...

On one side, Israel is allied with the USA. Under the table,  Jews being the communists they are, (ever hear of a kibbutz)? worked secretly with the former Soviet Union. This is another communist country they whined around the world about,  claiming they were being "persecuted." Another total crock of shit. Truth be known,  most Jews in the former USSR and other communist countries enjoyed special privileges that were off limits to Gentiles. 

Again,  one must do the research. 

I also want to add something here.  Not too many people are aware of the extent of the power of US agencies such as the CIA, the NSA, Military Intelligence and related. 

What Snowden exposed was a day late and a dollar short. The spying has been going on for decades. The NSA claimed they owned "5 acres of computers."

Computers used to be large before nanotechnology and related.  This was used to spy on the world. *

The deal is,  ALL OF THESE US AGENCIES ARE INFESTED WITH JEWS!! Many Jews are in important positions of authority within these agencies and are privy to extremely sensitive information. 
The Israeli Mossad and government know everything. 

Years ago, as revealed in the fact based 2001 movie "A Beautiful Mind," the communists in the USSR would secretly communicate with Jewish communists here in America. This was done through Jewish journalists passing back and forth secret codes within the news articles such as the New York Times and other publications. 

My own opinion of the movie and what I know about the Jews, strongly indicates to me, John Forbes Nash Jr, was not originally insane. He was a brilliant mathematician and somewhat eccentric,  but there is no way I personally would believe he was insane, until the NSA Jews deemed him as a threat,  convinced his wife he was insane,  forced him into a mental hospital where he was forcibly given loads of shock treatments, shot full of potent psychiatric drugs, that caused irreversible changes in his brain, and from there, real insanity ensued. 

Ever hear of "punitive medicine"?
Very common in communist countries. Anyone against the Jewish agenda is "insane."

The normal person is forcibly committed to a mental institution,  where he/she is forcibly injected with massive amounts of antipsychotic medications that rapidly produce the most hideous and permanent side effects. 

In closing,  there are people who are deceived into believing their texts, conversations and such can be private,  with having special software. Most people are unaware of the extent the NSA and other related agencies are able to decipher nearly everything. This all filters into Israel. 

"Silence is Golden" is a Satanic adage. Remember this.

* The Puzzle Palace by James Bamford. 1983

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich 
Something to notice with FOX news its run by the Rothchild's, from reports Jacob Rothchild gave Murdock all the money and agency needed to build FOX news and Murdock from reports is Jewish on the mothers side. While CNN is also owned by a host of Zionist Jews. While both fight on left vs right issues they both join ranks on the top level politics of pro Israel and pro Jew.
Nimrod33 said:
- Breitbart: News website, also zionist.
- White nationalist movement, such as those linked to /pol/: They claim to be redpilled, yet most of their leaders are zionists golem and crytpo jews who want us to think that the former soviet republics are on our side.
Steve Bannon, Trump's chief strategist, was a founding member of the board of Breitbart News. The (((Putin)))'s Brain, Aleksandr Dugin, says he sees Bannon as his “ideological ally”. Bannon claims to be a (((Leninist))). While Trump is a Zionist. Bannon has influence on Bolsonaro's government. Bolsonaro is Zionist and believe in “God above everyone”. Olavo De Carvalho, “Bolsonaro's guru”, is a racial jew!
Since Charlottesvlle, all pagan channels or traditional lifestylism channels that are on the more realist side of things get taken down with lightning speed and no furore is made.

The fifth column of katholicism is endlessly pushed constantly with publicity stunts, social media fights, playing bad cop to Sh4piro, university organizations, 'bans' (which came very late or only happen for a few weeks) leading to mass reporting, and so on. I know a person in one of these organizations and every leader in it does overt reptile mixing and other bullshit that pisses him off since he instinctively knows its wrong, the pope washing migrants feet pisses him off, but since jeboo didn't oppose either he has no real basis for opposing them either. So he wants some 'based' ugandan cardinal to be elected who pledged to throw the Vaticans 'pagan idols' into a river (ha, as if that would ever happen, they're stolen and there for a reason, you fool).

The blanda upp 'we must become South America' bullshit is pushed hard in these groups. Hispanics are put into leadership positions.

Such is the life of being cucked by xtardianity.
Karnonnos said:
So he wants some 'based' ugandan cardinal to be elected who pledged to throw the Vaticans 'pagan idols' into a river (ha, as if that would ever happen, they're stolen and there for a reason, you fool).
The irony is that they worship images and are attached to other church items (such as the medallions with the (((Virgin Mary)))) to the point of even kissing it and they call the pagans "idolaters".
Karnonnos said:
The blanda upp 'we must become South America' bullshit is pushed hard in these groups. Hispanics are put into leadership positions.
I've had yet to heard about christians praising third world Christian Countries. I should've expected from them, considering that idiocy is a very common christian trait.
Karnonnos said:
Such is the life of being cucked by xtardianity.
The irony is that some Catholics in Italy calls the JOS "a cult", while failing to realize that the only reason while their church is not listed as a cult is because it is larger than Scientology. And if that's not enough, many Catholics claims to oppose to Nazism, but they condemn it only when it comes to JOS and completely ignores the terrorist attacks commited by the neonazi groups that call themselves Catholic.
Where does Bannon claim to be a Marxist, his whole economic nationalism and populism was to push back against Social Marxism as he stated.

The problem is the right wing reaction is dominated by Christianity so its the other Jewish side. This is what the Jews are hoping to use.

National-Satanist said:
Nimrod33 said:
- Breitbart: News website, also zionist.
- White nationalist movement, such as those linked to /pol/: They claim to be redpilled, yet most of their leaders are zionists golem and crytpo jews who want us to think that the former soviet republics are on our side.
Steve Bannon, Trump's chief strategist, was a founding member of the board of Breitbart News. The (((Putin)))'s Brain, Aleksandr Dugin, says he sees Bannon as his “ideological ally”. Bannon claims to be a (((Leninist))). While Trump is a Zionist. Bannon has influence on Bolsonaro's government. Bolsonaro is Zionist and believe in “God above everyone”. Olavo De Carvalho, “Bolsonaro's guru”, is a racial jew!
HP Mageson666 said:
Where does Bannon claim to be a Marxist, his whole economic nationalism and populism was to push back against Social Marxism as he stated.
HP Mageson666 said:
The problem is the right wing reaction is dominated by Christianity so its the other Jewish side. This is what the Jews are hoping to use.
The first Right-Wingers were the supporters of Ancien Régime, a Feudal system. Feudalism is Political Christianity. This is why the Right-wing supports “Christian values”. National-Socialism is Third-Position!
Interesting, thank you. If Bannon did state he was a Leninist I am doubtful of the Daily Beasts, believability. The context was wanting to take down the globalist establishment of Davos. To bring back a normal American, civic nationalist system. Not a Marxist dictatorship.

National-Satanist said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Where does Bannon claim to be a Marxist, his whole economic nationalism and populism was to push back against Social Marxism as he stated.
HP Mageson666 said:
The problem is the right wing reaction is dominated by Christianity so its the other Jewish side. This is what the Jews are hoping to use.
The first Right-Wingers were the supporters of Ancien Régime, a Feudal system. Feudalism is Political Christianity. This is why the Right-wing supports “Christian values”. National-Socialism is Third-Position!
Bad news: it is not just "atheists" who are promoting xianity, some of the Neopagans are also promoting it.

The Golden One aka Marcus Follin is an example. He constantly defends xianity and the shit that the Catholic Church has done in the past 2000 years to the point of even making a video titled "Should you become a Catholic?". If that's not disgusting enough, he openly support Zionism, that for him is "Based Israeli Nationalism". He even had no shame being friend with the anti-civilization jew Piero San Giorgio. He even defended (((weev))) views. Both him and Survive the Jive are also still friends with the kosher Red Ice Radio.

Speaking of Survive the Jive aka Tom Rowsell, is not a jew, but he acts pretty much like a merchant. Not just by praising Kikestianity, but even with his obsession of selling his followers merchandise, such as a kid-book about Yule from the enemy-view point, or T-Shirts with his own logo, o even his Patreon. Yet, he claims that "money is the root of all evil". If that's not enough, he spreads alot of disinfo, such as "Our ancestor were homophobic even before xianity" or "Ancient North Africans were always Arabs". He is also not pro-white at all, just look at the collection of screenshots below, you'll find out that is wife is not just a xian:


And i'm not gonna comment on the Facebook "pagan" pages, as they are all pro-abrahmism morons, who copy and paste the same bullshit over and over again.

I'm done following these christarded morons who wants to cuck Paganism with xian doctrines. It is pretty much evident at this point that there is no such good think as "Good Gentiles who promote Xianity". All the real Pagan doctrines are stored in Satan's Library and the JOS websites, and they are all that i need.
Since this thread popped up again it's been re-bumped Early-Oct(2021).

I find church and all these people funny in a strange way.

Computer logic: IF you so thoroughly defeated your opponent to the point they don't exist and you control everything up to like 97-98% almost to slave like masses. Why then do you continue to parrot the idea of ebil, debil Paganz 'n' Nazis 'n' Sheit.

In other words Judeo-bolshevism(the big three) they DESTROYED Paganism to the point they stole their look and painted it
into a communist style of development.

Jews and shabbos DESTROYED National Socialism. In fact it gets to the point whereby National Socialism is so destroyed they concocted a huge psy-ops against it in post-kosher victory and on top of that so-throughly destroyed Nazism that barring a few individuals who were unable to be leashed, even the most curious cocksucker fears Nazism as if it's HIV/AIDS.

So we have huge mega victories, we have huge people hava nagiling over everything. Funny enough the very act of the judeo-bolsheviks in kvetching incessantly that it's Pagan and Satanic entities causing issues puts a subconscious break in people's minds stating "IF Satan = ability to halt the church, then church = weaker than Satan, if God is omni-giga super but Satan can stop him then God is NOT omni-giga super enough to stop Satan".

It's the same thing with the jews they kvetched incessantly that it's Hitler and Nazism. That people are becoming Hitlerian and Nazi simply because jews state that is the opposite.

If the jews and church kept their mouth shuts and didn't remind us of our Satanic-Nazi heritage then maybe people wouldn't be Satanic-Nazis running around making the church cry about Satan and the Gods of Mankind further pushing people into ebil, debil worship.

It's funny the jews and the church and all these people are a bunch of bezmenoved useful idiots. In the future when information is and history is being re-written from the Nazi perspective along with the Gods providing massive dumps of History. These guys can be labelled in the words of Lenny from The Simpson's "Devils pal". IF your a kosher cocksucker that fiercely defends sucking from the great circumcised cock. And you just cannot stop gushing over jews and their reptilian/grey Gods maybe you should realize your being a schmuck useful idiot for OUR(Satanic) cause in pushing people away from judeo-bolshevism.

I always known jews and communists are stupid but stupid enough to push people into a counter force even in many cases their own people acting against them. Is something that makes me wonder why people believe jews to be smart. Clever or taking advantage or being a parasite with some form of power isn't smart it's just using resources to your advantage.

A bolt action rifle might not have the fire-rate of a SMG or Assault Rifle and the AR/SMG is superior even with the inferior ammunition in comparison to the battle rifle round. But if that Bolt action rifle hits you, your gonna go down like a sack of potatoes.

It's all how you use your weapon, your self, remember if you view things from a combaticus environment. It's simply people wanting to communize you or waning you with our organization wake you up from danger. Either you become just another cocksucker for the jews and church and shabbos or you wake the fuck up and realize crazy communist entities are wanting to create a sucker stream to bulldoze you into accepting being a useful idiot for their cause and realize the World shouldn't have freedoms because even though they make a point, freedumb. Freedom in a NS society is more like a force multiplier of evolution to make you drive forward and up the NS mountain of evolution. The communists simply want to kill you for not doing what they say they do.

There are two opposing forces in this World Communists(Church, Jews, Shabbos) and the National Socialists/Satanists(Satanism, NS, Freedom lovers, Gentiles, Aryans more so than often others, and other groups).

I think it's time people woke up against these retarded double-speakers and realize unless your NS/SS your a communist. Even innocent middle of the road people should be seen with clear dangerous flag. People are way too bombarded by freedumb to focus on a side. If people en mass knew how dangerous communism is their democrap or republicuck isn't gonna save them. You need the Opposing Force.

Why people choose to be communist I have no idea. But it's funny they listen to these retards. Paganuzm and Nazism is this. Nope not at all study more if you study better you'd realize that.

Lack of information and information warfare.

Funny people don't want to study history or do anything. Like a friend of mines states the human body is evolving in efficiency or so efficient that is 100% but lazy on purpose it holds back some energy just for the hell of it. Communists and all these people who worship these people are nothing more than people too lazy to get out of their comfort zone. Funny they got xtian bullshit like love thy neighbor. Nope not at all, like one member of our forums stated. You don't have to love thy neighbor you just have to respect thy neighbor.

I think if more people grew up like me how I grew up and then opened themselves up to mass NS information there would be a lot more NS. Like many of the members in this organization they saw NS/Satanism said it's cool and that subtle jab at positivity shielded their minds from communism.

OMG 6 gorillian died. So what? that's their race and species not ours. And besides jews killed billions if not tens of billions of Gentiles. Their Gods greys/reptilians 10,000-6,000, Gypsies and Jews 6,000(5,776)-to present. It's THEIR fault not ours, if the jews are scapegoats blame them.

Well whatever like Cobra said some people are the dust of the gold ore or rough of the diamond. We capture the people who are gold or diamonds and they are worth a hell of a lot more than some of these cucks.

Cucks be cucks what can I say.
Nimrod33 said:
- Walid Shoebat: Catholic Zionist that "was" a Muslim. He keeps promoting the idea of a new Crusade and tells us that the jews are innocent.

When i added him to the list, i didn't checked that he "changed" his mind years ago. He and is son now claims to be "against Israel and the Jewish religion". Too bad that they are still Anti-Racist catholics.

I didn't add to the list William Schnoebelen, now that i think. However, any sane person can realize that he is not a trustworthy source, since he made various background stories of himself where he supposedly was a Catholic priest, a Mormon, a Wiccan, a Vampire all at the same time. :lol: If that's not enough, he is also a self-declared Messianic Jew.
I talked to a Jew once who said he was against religion and Christianity, while at the same time using words like "sin" and also posting Christian-friendly videos on Facebook. I find that hypocritical, but so are also Christians themselves. They should sell all material possessions and give to the poor, help people in need like homeless people etc. Instead they sit and listen for hours to Ken Copeland and have cozy gatherings. People who are truly good will help people in need because they want to, not because their "God" wants it.
xlnt said:
I talked to a Jew once who said he was against religion and Christianity, while at the same time using words like "sin" and also posting Christian-friendly videos on Facebook. I find that hypocritical, but so are also Christians themselves. They should sell all material possessions and give to the poor, help people in need like homeless people etc. Instead they sit and listen for hours to Ken Copeland and have cozy gatherings. People who are truly good will help people in need because they want to, not because their "God" wants it.

Yup, pretty much it describes the high hierarchy of the Catholic Church with their IOR Bank and the fact that they constantly ask for money, to the point that in Italy they even have TV commercial in order to convince people to "donate". :lol:
I think it also describes other xian leaders, such as:
- The various member of the Orthodox Churches clergy, such as the Patriarch of Moscow with his "limousine"
- Many Protestant Pastors that are almost multi-billionaire, i remember seeing some expensive Churches on the web
- Many Protestant preachers who also earns a lot of money with their silly "apologetic", like the Creationist "Museums"
- The Jehovah's Witnesses Watchtower Society also looks very rich to me
- The Mormon temples scattered in the world, including the ones they recent build in Rome, suggest me anything but that the LDS Church is poor

I'm don't know most of the Imams or the rest of the Muslim's clergy, but i doubt that preachers, such as the one who escaped from India to Indonesia, are anything but poor. If it counts, i would say that the Saudi's Royal Family represents anything but a humble role model. In the few videos that shows the dark side of Saudi Arabia, it reveals that only few part of that country are actually "rich" or "developed". No wonder the ruling class is all jewish.

As for the Rabbis, i don't think that i need to research to know that they are not poor if they own banks. :lol:
Nimrod33 said:
xlnt said:
I talked to a Jew once who said he was against religion and Christianity, while at the same time using words like "sin" and also posting Christian-friendly videos on Facebook. I find that hypocritical, but so are also Christians themselves. They should sell all material possessions and give to the poor, help people in need like homeless people etc. Instead they sit and listen for hours to Ken Copeland and have cozy gatherings. People who are truly good will help people in need because they want to, not because their "God" wants it.

Yup, pretty much it describes the high hierarchy of the Catholic Church with their IOR Bank and the fact that they constantly ask for money, to the point that in Italy they even have TV commercial in order to convince people to "donate". :lol:
I think it also describes other xian leaders, such as:
- The various member of the Orthodox Churches clergy, such as the Patriarch of Moscow with his "limousine"
- Many Protestant Pastors that are almost multi-billionaire, i remember seeing some expensive Churches on the web
- Many Protestant preachers who also earns a lot of money with their silly "apologetic", like the Creationist "Museums"
- The Jehovah's Witnesses Watchtower Society also looks very rich to me
- The Mormon temples scattered in the world, including the ones they recent build in Rome, suggest me anything but that the LDS Church is poor

I'm don't know most of the Imams or the rest of the Muslim's clergy, but i doubt that preachers, such as the one who escaped from India to Indonesia, are anything but poor. If it counts, i would say that the Saudi's Royal Family represents anything but a humble role model. In the few videos that shows the dark side of Saudi Arabia, it reveals that only few part of that country are actually "rich" or "developed". No wonder the ruling class is all jewish.

As for the Rabbis, i don't think that i need to research to know that they are not poor if they own banks. :lol:

They sure make money on this scam no doubt. I've seen so many videos of these youtube preachers asking for money so they can buy a new plane etc. It's hilarious and disgusting at the same time.

Yet another disgusting aspect is that if you oppose Jesus and Christianity then you are percieved by these people to be in opposition to truth, justice, love etc.
Opposing feminism is percieved as being in opposition to womens equal rights, and opposing mass-immigration is opposition to love and Jesus also (here in Sweden at least as the Church here is a nothing but a political tool).
It's also wrong to be against vaccines off course, that's evil too. Being against Jews is the uttermost evil. So there you have it - the upside down world.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
