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Trump aquited on both impeachment charges.

Ol argedco luciftias

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2017
Duat, Orion
Not Guilty on both charges. Do-Nothing Dems really can't do anything sucessfully. Investigations are currently ongoing looking at how all this mess came about. Inspector General Horrowitz, Attorney General Barr, and Special Prosecutor Durham, all have investigations into the government corruption that created this mess.

Hillary Clinton and the DNC paid money to a russian agent, hired him to make up a story to make Trump look bad. He wrote the Steel Dossier based on "interviewing" only one person, which was a drunk and joking conversation at a bar, this is literally the only thing that the Steel Dossier is based on. This fraudulent document was passed through the FBI, who passed it to the Fisa Court. The Steel Dossier was the only piece of evidence provide to the Fisa Court, and the entire document is a fraud. They defrauded the Fisa Court, lied about documents and forged evidence, to get he Fisa Court to approve spying against Trump campaign. The FBI forged fake evidence to create in image exactly opposite to the truth. One person helping with the Trump campaign was an asset to the CIA, he was helping the CIA to spy on Russia and telling CIA about Russian actions. The FBI forged a fake email from the CIA saying that this man "was not a CIA asset" when the original email actually said "he is a CIA asset." This is the foundation of the entire fraudulent story of Trump being a Russian agent. Which the Mueller report showed as false, Bob Mueller confirmed that Trump, and his campaign, have no connection to Russia and they are not Russian agents. The one person was actually actively working against Russia. (Remember the Uranium One deal? Russia paid Hillary more than $3million, then her and Obama sold 20% of America's high quality enriched uranium to Russia. That looks like some real Russian collusion to me.)

The entire thing was all bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Commitee, pushed by FBI and CIA agents through fraud and forging fake evidence. The guilty people involved are all actively being investigated, and they will be held accountable. Their lies against Trump have collapsed, they have nothing to hide behind anymore, and the swamp is in the process of being drained.
One thing I can note, as an American, is Trump gets a lot of hate here, and this whole impeachment thing was completely ridiculous, and it actually completely reveals how misguided all this hate has been in the first place.

American celebrities go crazy with attacking trump. Constantly throwing warnings from day one. Oh this man has psychosis and is digging the grave of America! They’ve been saying this stuff for years. But look at America at the moment. All this shit talked, but how bad is it here, compared to any recent president?

I know here it isn’t bad. Gas prices going down, economy good, people have opportunities for jobs, the border is being handled appropriately for the first time. Which is a huge win. I know first hand from different family members who’ve started businesses and where I work now, how much competition Americans face with illegal immigrants and how it’s effecting their income. It’s horrible. Some even being put out of business because illegals undercut them.

It’s like the weather. These liberal wacks have been going on and on with climate change. But look, our world isn’t roasting and sea levels aren’t drowning our countries out and all this nonsense.

They’re always just pushing this fear of doom that never happens. But people get on board for the ride and all it does is project energy in that direction.

Trumps America isn’t bad like the democrats say. Most day to day American lives aren’t ruined by him, in fact most are improved. But they don’t pay attention to that. They ignore the obvious and that’s why they tried to impeach. But they failed and it’s only making them look bad. It’s revealing themselves more and more. Remember impeachment was mentioned from the beginning. Before he did anything.
Eric13 said:
I can't imagine the last time America had such a good president. Economy the best in history, has broken hundreds of world records with him as president. Employment levels for blacks, hispanics, and asians is the absolute highest it's ever been. Employement levels for women is the best it's been in more than 70 years, and Trump actually apologises to them that it is only the best in 70 years and not the best of all time, and he is still working on having them also have the best employment of all time. In the polls about people's satisfaction in the economy and their everyday life, Trump is even doing better than Reagan did in these same polls, who had the previous highest record. This is what the democrats hate about him the most, and they don't even try to hide it. They don't hate that he is rude, or stupid, or unqualified, or a bad person, or any of the other dumb things that they say about him. What they really hate is how successful he is and how much good he is doing for our country, because it totally destroys the democrats' reputation. The democrats entire foundation of public support is based on the idea that they take care of the minority groups, and that republicans are evil racists white people who don't do anything for minorities. Than why did Trump give minorities the absolute highest levels of employment, success, and prosperity that they've had in the entire history of the country? Why did Trump do so much more to help black families than Obama ever did?

Because democrats make life harder for the minorities, the democrats are the ones who oppress them, and then they tell them that it is the racist evil white people and republicans who are doing it so they have to elect more democrats. Like Candace Owens says (she's really smart, look her up) "Detroit, New York, Las Angeles, you show me any place that is being run by Democrat policies, and I will show you a place where the black family is struggling, where opportunities are low and crime is high, where we are really being oppressed. And they always try to tell us that we have to blame white people, that it is the fault of white people and racism, but it's not. All of this is manufactured by the democrats and their policies, because they know that if they keep us weak, we'll keep them in power and we'll keep voting for them in the hope that they could do something to fix it." I couldn't find again the video where she said this, but I found other ones.



There was a law created in the 70s or 80s that said a huge amount of government money would go as welfare for families who didn't have a father, and this is the action which split apart their families and left so many children without a father figure, to be raised by whatever authority they could find in the streets and the gangs because they had noone to raise them at home. This is all Democrat policy. These communities that have been destroyed by the families being split up and being flooded with drugs, all in cities 100% run by democrat politicians, and look how the democrats are still trying to legalize all kinds of drugs. Democrats are trying to legalize weed, poison mushrooms, and MDMA, because they further want to fuck up people's minds. Remember this, it was the Republican party that freed the slaves and it was the Democrat party who fought to keep slavery.

So now that Trump comes and actually helps them and takes care of them, their entire story is gone. All those years of democrats have only made their lives worse, and the guy they are always told they have to hate is the guy who is making them more prosperous than ever in all of history.

Did you watch Trump's State of the Union speech? It was one of the most positive, uplifting, and caring speeches I've ever seen. Honoring all kinds of great people. And listing all kinds of record breaking achievements of how good our country ajd our people are doing. And the democrats are so angry that they almost burst into flames, and they scream that it was pure evil and divisive. Were they sitting in the same room? Because every single word said was positive, caring, bringing people together, and talking about success.
I raised this topic for opinion exchange on the matter.

So far, it appears to have been going better, or at least, the situation is not badly worsening and is not in anyway accelerated straight into damnation. Which as far as our side is concerned, that is a good deal. So far also, most plots of kikes have all been exposed, which is most unusual. Not only exposed, but more or less brutally backfired every time.

Personally, I'd consider a valid danger the year after 2024 and the potentiality of some strange war being the only issue. So far, the US has been alright, and going into a stupid war, will just get down the drain all of the success and progress that could lie ahead potentially.

The wall has to become a more serious business. If Trump gets a majority in 2020, that will show the true intentions of the wall. This fence type of thing isn't helping much.

On the Democrat side, only Tulsi and Yang are interesting candidates that have anything to say. The rest is just there to fill the space. Bernie on the other hand, appears to be groomed [or some Bernie phenomenon] for 2024, in which case, this will become evident, as they may just try to do some war/crash/chaos before the 2024 election, or just waste away whatever progress has been made by Trump in 8 years time.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I raised this topic for opinion exchange on the matter.

So far, it appears to have been going better, or at least, the situation is not badly worsening and is not in anyway accelerated straight into damnation. Which as far as our side is concerned, that is a good deal. So far also, most plots of kikes have all been exposed, which is most unusual. Not only exposed, but more or less brutally backfired every time.

Personally, I'd consider a valid danger the year after 2024 and the potentiality of some strange war being the only issue. So far, the US has been alright, and going into a stupid war, will just get down the drain all of the success and progress that could lie ahead potentially.

The wall has to become a more serious business. If Trump gets a majority in 2020, that will show the true intentions of the wall. This fence type of thing isn't helping much.

On the Democrat side, only Tulsi and Yang are interesting candidates that have anything to say. The rest is just there to fill the space. Bernie on the other hand, appears to be groomed [or some Bernie phenomenon] for 2024, in which case, this will become evident, as they may just try to do some war/crash/chaos before the 2024 election, or just waste away whatever progress has been made by Trump in 8 years time.
Let's hope that the old jewish piece of shit bernie dies of old age. His target audience are literally the most degenerated pieces of shit that live in America, and the fake socialist(actually communist) promesses he makes to them really get him liked.
I think everybody should be watching this channel every day, Black Conservative Patriot. This guy is a genius. Lawyer, had a very high level position in a bank company and retired from that, owns several businesses. And he puts together all the little pieces of news from many different sources to put together the picture of what's going on. Always ends up being true. He makes a video every day.

And his second channel where he puts shorter videos and anything he wants to share that is not the same format of his regular videos.

Swamp Watch: The Bidens and Ukraine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgBlBODmis8  
This video explains a lot about what the structure of corruption was between Hunter Biden, Devon Archer, Joe Biden, John Kerry, 3 senators, and Burisma gas company. But there is still a lot that this video left out. Like how there was a prosecuter in Ukraine who was investigating corruption, and he was investigating Burisma for their corruption. Joe Biden went to visit Ukraine, and he was scheduled to give them $billion. Joe Biden called the president of Ukraine and told him "I'm gonna be leaving here in 6 hours, and your not getting the billion dollars. If you don't fire that prosecuter in the next 6 hours, you aren't getting the money. And son of a bitch, they fired the guy!"
Viktor Shokin the prosecuter got fired, but he almost got killed too. He was in the hospital almost dead, and all the symptoms said that it was mercury poisoning. A popular way that the soviets would assassinate people was mercury poisoning.
Here Giuliani explains more about it
The Bidens also got more than 1.5 Billion $ from China, and they also took hundreds of millions of dollars from Iraq that we sent them to rebuild houses in Iraq. We send Iraq hundreds of millions in tax money to use to rebuild their infrastructure, and then the Biden family ended up having most of that money for themselves.

And this is the excuse that they used to try to impeach Trump. Because Trump saw all of this and couldn't let it go without being investigated. He wanted to get to the bottom of all these crimes and corruption. In the charges, they couldn't say Extortion, they couldn't say Bribery, they couldn't say Quid Pro Quo, they couldn't say Corruption, because there wasn't any of that. So instead they just hinted that Trump did these things, and what they actually charged him with was not anything that was any crime. But you have Joe Biden on camera admitting and bragging about the same kind of Quid Pro Quo Extortion that they accuse Trump of, and none of them care. Because they are part of the corruption, they are part of the swamp, and they expose themselves with their actions.
Trump has certainly been a boon for our side. He kisses the asses of pissreal but that's to be expected, and I suspect he'll do less of that in his second term when he no longer has to worry for reelection by his conservative voters, most of which are unfortunately xians. "The best is yet to come" is something he keeps saying in his newest ads, and he hasn't held back on promises before. We can only hope he'll take the gloves off and start really kicking into gear post reelection.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Eric13 said:

Yet, there have been several checking that what Trump said is not true and that he boasts too much and taking too many credits for himself?

I just want to add, just because the Democrats are making real asses out of themselves lately, this is not to say the republicans have it all figured out either. They’re two sides of the same coin. Trump is overall doing a solid job, but I just want to point this out because when one side is going so extreme it’s easy to overly empathize with the other side and get entrenched in their philosophy which has its own problems. Both have extreme unrelenting bias. This needs to be know. View all things from a Satanic perspective.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I raised this topic for opinion exchange on the matter.

So far, it appears to have been going better, or at least, the situation is not badly worsening and is not in anyway accelerated straight into damnation. Which as far as our side is concerned, that is a good deal. So far also, most plots of kikes have all been exposed, which is most unusual. Not only exposed, but more or less brutally backfired every time.

Personally, I'd consider a valid danger the year after 2024 and the potentiality of some strange war being the only issue. So far, the US has been alright, and going into a stupid war, will just get down the drain all of the success and progress that could lie ahead potentially.

The wall has to become a more serious business. If Trump gets a majority in 2020, that will show the true intentions of the wall. This fence type of thing isn't helping much.

On the Democrat side, only Tulsi and Yang are interesting candidates that have anything to say. The rest is just there to fill the space. Bernie on the other hand, appears to be groomed [or some Bernie phenomenon] for 2024, in which case, this will become evident, as they may just try to do some war/crash/chaos before the 2024 election, or just waste away whatever progress has been made by Trump in 8 years time.

IMO, i really dont see very long future for the communist party of America(democrats). WHEN they lose the majority of seats in the House(rn, they could lose as much as 50 seats), lose more in the Senate and RBG(Supreme Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg) retires(they lose their ONLY weapon, pushing their Libtard agenda through laws), they REALLY dont have any kind of future as a MINORITY party. :twisted: :twisted:
Through all of this and especially the procedure before the impeachment reached the Senate. People really got to see how corrupt the Democrats and people involved in this were.

Representatives were shut down when trying to ask questions during the hearings. And one guy were even threatened if he didn't vote for impeachment he would be ruined, he was Democrat and changed to Republican during this.

During Trumps SOTU speech people also saw the Democrats booing and just being silent when he listed all the improvements of America.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I raised this topic for opinion exchange on the matter.

So far, it appears to have been going better, or at least, the situation is not badly worsening and is not in anyway accelerated straight into damnation. Which as far as our side is concerned, that is a good deal. So far also, most plots of kikes have all been exposed, which is most unusual. Not only exposed, but more or less brutally backfired every time.

So we have done better than expected at this point?
Aquarius said:
Let's hope that the old jewish piece of shit bernie dies of old age. His target audience are literally the most degenerated pieces of shit that live in America, and the fake socialist(actually communist) promesses he makes to them really get him liked.
No, let's hope Bernie wins the primary and it's Bernie verses Trump so Trump can really rip him apart piece by piece in the debates, and rip apadt every one of Bernie's ideas. Trump has already called Bernie "a disgusting communist who wants to destroy America" let's see what else he will say.
Necrorifter said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Eric13 said:

Yet, there have been several checking that what Trump said is not true and that he boasts too much and taking too many credits for himself?

That's bullshit. That website is invented by people who hate him and try to make him look bad, so they create their own lies where he did not really lie. Like all those examples in the beginning talking about Trump's new records with low unemployment, that website says "It is the lowest it's ever been, but there was a trend of it going down for years already." This is the kind of thing it says for basically all of those examples. So it admits that Trump did tell the truth, but tries to go "Well, he did tell the truth, but....." It's supposed to be a list of Trump's lies, but then every one of them says "It is technically true what he said, but there has been an ongoing trend for years going in that direction."
Eric13 said:
I just want to add, just because the Democrats are making real asses out of themselves lately, this is not to say the republicans have it all figured out either. They’re two sides of the same coin. Trump is overall doing a solid job, but I just want to point this out because when one side is going so extreme it’s easy to overly empathize with the other side and get entrenched in their philosophy which has its own problems. Both have extreme unrelenting bias. This needs to be know. View all things from a Satanic perspective.
Many republicans are too much supportive of israel. But so are most democrats, so that isn't really a difference. Republicans believe in free speech, family values, safe society and enforcement of laws, secure borders, right to have guns, right to protect your family and yourself, freedom, safety, and prosperity. Democrats are 100% against every one of those things. Some individual republucans might have an idea that you don't agree with, but the overall Republican party is on the side of safety, freedom, prosperity, and following the constitution. Look at Green New Deal, New Way Forward, removing the 2nd amendment, flooding the streets with mass-murdering cartel gang member criminals, taxing you at 75% to give your money to the cartel "refugees" for free, all of these are pretty popular and common democrat ideas that most democrat politicians agree with. So it's pretty obvious it really is about good verses evil.
Necrorifter said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Eric13 said:

Yet, there have been several checking that what Trump said is not true and that he boasts too much and taking too many credits for himself?


Most of these "Fact Checkers" are very much biased against him. Most of the jew owned media is biased against trump, that includes many websites shilling for shekels.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Aquarius said:
Let's hope that the old jewish piece of shit bernie dies of old age. His target audience are literally the most degenerated pieces of shit that live in America, and the fake socialist(actually communist) promesses he makes to them really get him liked.
No, let's hope Bernie wins the primary and it's Bernie verses Trump so Trump can really rip him apart piece by piece in the debates, and rip apadt every one of Bernie's ideas. Trump has already called Bernie "a disgusting communist who wants to destroy America" let's see what else he will say.

Part of me hopes Bernie will win, as it will be the ultimate statement and destruction of the Democratic Party, as Trump destroys him in a debate, but there is lingering fears among conservatives that the DNC will be performing mass Voter Fraud, as seen in there disaster of an Iowa Caucus. But the DNC will not allow him to run, he will be shafted and used to funnel money from idiotic young voters, to the DNC. The best case, would be Bernie actually taking it, which probably won't happen because he has no spine as a frail old kike, and is just here for his 4th house most likely. Either way, we must continue the RTRs so that any attempts to subvert the American Republic will be exposed and defeated.
@HP I dont think Bernie is being groomed to run in 2024, because he is going to be approximately 84 years old. But I do think he is being used as a magnet to attract as many young people as possible to his ideas for future voter turnout of a similar type of candidate/s

Impeachment was meant to keep the senate and Trump all bogged up. They knew he wouldn't be acquitted. I actually wanted them to bring Bolton the warmonger and liar about WMD's in Iraq to the witness stand because what idiot is going to believe anything that comes out of the walrus who lied us to get into war?
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Necrorifter said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:

Yet, there have been several checking that what Trump said is not true and that he boasts too much and taking too many credits for himself?

That's bullshit. That website is invented by people who hate him and try to make him look bad, so they create their own lies where he did not really lie. Like all those examples in the beginning talking about Trump's new records with low unemployment, that website says "It is the lowest it's ever been, but there was a trend of it going down for years already." This is the kind of thing it says for basically all of those examples. So it admits that Trump did tell the truth, but tries to go "Well, he did tell the truth, but....." It's supposed to be a list of Trump's lies, but then every one of them says "It is technically true what he said, but there has been an ongoing trend for years going in that direction."

Yeah, I did notice that most of those arguments follow the same logic of "He only did a good job because it was already heading in that direction." At least he didn't stop it and actually try to push it more in that direction.
SleepingWolf said:
Necrorifter said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:

Yet, there have been several checking that what Trump said is not true and that he boasts too much and taking too many credits for himself?


Most of these "Fact Checkers" are very much biased against him. Most of the jew owned media is biased against trump, that includes many websites shilling for shekels.

Ahh, I completely forget about jews own most of the media, so I didn't connect the dots that jews may have control over websites that are involved with information over internets, It is their terrority after all, one that they are losing slowly.
Are there any links, websites, or video sites that show some of the things Trump is doing to America to improve it? I'd like to inform myself more on the issues at hand.

Anyone mind sharing a collective of websites so I can study some of these things.
Gear88 said:
Are there any links, websites, or video sites that show some of the things Trump is doing to America to improve it? I'd like to inform myself more on the issues at hand.

Honestly Tucker Carlson on Fox News does a decent job covering Trump and such even tho he is owned by (((Corporate media)))
Larissa666 said:
Trump MUST win one more term. I am going to do thousands of RTRs per day if needed...I don't care, he MUST win.
TThe reason democrats are freaking out and trying to pass a lot of bad things all at once like New Way Forward, more gun bans, Green New Deal, is because time is running out. Because the Supreme Court is changing. Neal Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh have been added, who are both strict interpreters and followers of the constitution. And Ruth Bader Ginsberg is probably going to retire soon. She's had cancer 4 times on 3 different body parts, broken ribs, she's 86 years old, she's tired. She probably about to retire, I hope she can go home and rest and not keep stressing her body. I'm not going to say anything bad about her because she is so old and I don't like talking bad about old people, but she was one of the Supreme Court justices who was very likely to "re-interpret" or go against the constitution based on her own opinions, and she has publicly said that she would often judge cases using the Talmud as her guide more strongly than the constitution.

And with Trump being the President, he will be the one to pick the next Supreme Court justice to replace her, and he has already appointed 2. So the Supreme Court is becoming much more constitutionalist and conservative, and becomeing further away from the liberals who like to twist and alter the constitution's meanings. Trump and Mitch McConnell have already appointed 186 federal judges to the courts under the Supreme Court, and everyone they appointed are strict followers of the constitution. So it is becoming much harder for the communist-minded liberals to control everything.

This whole impeachment hoax, like the 3 years of Russia hoax before it, is not based on anything other than democrat hatred and apathy for the law. They don't use the law to enforce truth, they use it only as a political tool to cheat with because they had no other way to win. Like Congressman Al Green said, "We have to impeach him, because otherwise he is going to win! We don't have any other way to beat him! And if that doesn't work, we can keep impeaching him for other things, there is no limit to the number of impeachments we can do."

Trump has more support now than any other president has had for decades, and the democrats are now hated by most of the country. Tens of millions of supporters are leaving them like rats jumping from a sinking ship. They're losing control of the courts, the Senate, and next elections they will also lose control of Congress. Almost all of them may lose their jobs.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
