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What has gotten you guys into the left hand path? Why do you guys worship the devil?


New member
Nov 15, 2024
I myself have gotten into black magic because of my hatred towards humanity in general. Now hear me out I do not hate everyone, you have some people who are genuinely good in this world (and I wish them to go to heaven) however I feel the majority deserve hellfire. I have done a demon transformation ritual to make sure of this when I die. Let me know your thoughts. I personaly want nothing more than to see all the horrid, bad, nasty humans to suffer. I meditate to hellish ambiance tracks on youtube with lots of people screming.
I have done a demon transformation ritual to make sure of this when I die. Let me know your thoughts. I personaly want nothing more than to see all the horrid, bad, nasty humans to suffer.

You have the wrong idea. Satan is an extraterrestrial being and the creator of humanity. He loves humanity and wants us to become Gods like him. Also he and the Demons are real extraterrestrial beings and not thoughtforms and they are not related to the Abrahamic religions, they are ancient Pagan Gods known by differernt names like Odin, Ra e.t.c. And Hell/Duat is a beautiful place in Orion where the Gods live and where the souls of Dedicated Satanists can stay safely for a while until they get reincarnated into a new body.

It seems like you have a lot to learn. Study our main site http://joyofsatan.org/ as this forum is based on its teachings

I don't even know how there are people here who have the wrong idea, as you are supposed to first read the site and then join these forums from the site. Did you just skip all the info there and clicked the link to the forums or did someone give you the link to the forums without enlightening you first by giving you the link to the main site to read?
You need to read the Joy of Satanas, as you have many misconceptions that are clearly coming from an abrahamic / xian background.

True Satanism has nothing to do with hating humanity, or eternal torment or suffering. It is about enlightenment. Satan and the Demons are the original Gods known to and loved by our ancient ancestors. They bring us knowledge and truth so we can advance and set our souls free from enemy lies that have held humanity back dangerously. Lies such as the nonsense about "eternal hellfire" and torment, that are designed to frighten people into compliance.

As for people who are inherently evil and do terrible and sick things, they will be punished and have no place in a true Satanic world. But this has nothing to do with "hellfire" mentioned in abrahamic programs. Sick and depraved behaviour in the world today all has the same source - jewish abrahamic programs like xianity, islam, communism and related. These will be wiped out.


Meditating to "hellish ambiance tracks with people screaming" is going to do nothing other than attarct negative energy to yourself, and keep you in an endless loop of poor life experiences.

Most of us who are here, are here because we were drawn to Satan from previous lifetimes of walking this path.

I suggest you study and learn the truth, so you can begin a real journey towards Satanism.

Hail Satan!!
My advice to you is to read the whole JOS website since you’ll find we’re the opposite of what you think we are.

We do not hate humanity. There is no “hellfire” as hell is an abode for Satanic souls where we wait to reincarnate.

My biggest advice to you is to rid yourself of this heavily negative misanthropic state you’ve put yourself in. It’ll get you nowhere in terms of your spiritual evolution and will only hurt you as that negative energy affects your aura.

Your mind is still very christianised. We aren’t a reaction to chrisitanity. We are the original pagan religion of the immortal iniatiates of Satan which existed since the dawn of man and will exist after christianity and all other false religions find their proper place in non-eixstent oblivion.
I myself have gotten into black magic because of my hatred towards humanity in general
Read here:

I have done a demon transformation ritual to make sure of this when I die
You lost the touch with reality, read here:

I personaly want nothing more than to see all the horrid, bad, nasty humans to suffer
Sorry to ask, it's nothing personal, but where did you learn these things? I gave up some important commitments to respond to the three topics you published, but after reading this last statement of yours I would like to better understand if I honestly wasted time.

Where does your hatred towards humanity come from? Many Gentiles are degenerates, victims of a wrong social system, but that doesn't mean 99% of them are bad and things like that. Why is it so natural for you to want to see them suffer for eternity?

Being "stupid victims" does not mean you deserve to be tortured. I have top scores in all Italian tests on IQ, etc. and despite officially being the smartest I don't even remotely dare to think about "how nice it is to torture stupid people". It's just perverse. I leave you this link:
I myself have gotten into black magic because of my hatred towards humanity in general. N.
We don't do that here, at least we don't focus black magic on humans.

Only on Jews, that's for sure.
You're really very stupid for, in theory, taking yourself to "hell"

Meditating while listening to music isn't very beneficial either.
Do it without music and the result will be better.
You need to read the Joy of Satanas, as you have many misconceptions that are clearly coming from an abrahamic / xian background.

True Satanism has nothing to do with hating humanity, or eternal torment or suffering. It is about enlightenment. Satan and the Demons are the original Gods known to and loved by our ancient ancestors. They bring us knowledge and truth so we can advance and set our souls free from enemy lies that have held humanity back dangerously. Lies such as the nonsense about "eternal hellfire" and torment, that are designed to frighten people into compliance.

As for people who are inherently evil and do terrible and sick things, they will be punished and have no place in a true Satanic world. But this has nothing to do with "hellfire" mentioned in abrahamic programs. Sick and depraved behaviour in the world today all has the same source - jewish abrahamic programs like xianity, islam, communism and related. These will be wiped out.


Meditating to "hellish ambiance tracks with people screaming" is going to do nothing other than attarct negative energy to yourself, and keep you in an endless loop of poor life experiences.

Most of us who are here, are here because we were drawn to Satan from previous lifetimes of walking this path.

I suggest you study and learn the truth, so you can begin a real journey towards Satanism.

Hail Satan!!
oh man that is no fun I wanted to eat all the fucking criminals, looks like I am eternaly on my own. Fuck how do I cancel this forum account? This is no way dark magic

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
