Trump: Jews Are Pushing US Into Iran War
Post by HP. Hoodedcobra666[/B] » Wed Jun 26, 2019 2:18 am Trump is woke and the Final RTR will cast the enemy down. There is no salvation for them now, the ball has started rolling. The enemy may have all the artillery in the world, but we have the major master key against the Jews right now.
The enemy is finished and this will manifest more and more, their power is collapsing. There is no reversing this. We are putting the capstone here. And we must keep at it.
Despite of the escalation we just have a revelation here by Trump that many idiots ignore, that Israeli external policy, aka, jews, are the sole owners of this "Start war with Iran" insanity, through proxy slaves like Bolton, who even apologized to the jews a few days ago for not being able to turn the US President into a good slave to just start bombing and "punishing" Iran.
Imagine having your ministers go to another country to apologize that they didn't turn your president to just attack on loose or no information and destroy another country to shreds, as if you were afraid they will crucify you and sacrifice you to JHVH for your failing, that is the life of Bolton. ... 70821.html
<e[/IMG]US President Trump bucked most of his top national-security advisers by abandoning retaliatory strikes in Iran on Thursday, according to the Wall Street Journal.
“In private conversations Friday, Mr. Trump reveled in his judgment, certain about his decision to call off the attacks while speaking of his administration as if removed from the center of it.”
“These people want to push us into a war, and it’s so disgusting,” Trump told one confidant about his own inner circle of advisers. “We don’t need any more wars.”
“In these conversations, Trump bemoaned the costs of a drone shot down by Iran—about $130 million before research and development—but told people the dollar figure would resonate less with US voters than the potential casualties.”</em>
Trump's statement here is historic in that he one of the later US Presidents to show decency in that regard. At least Trump will go in history as a decent being who basically unmasked the jews, weighting out that the weight of the world and the futures of billions is more important than the bullshit of a few millions of disturbed jews who are grovelling over the filth of their "ancient rabbis" who demand war and total extermination of all other people on the planet, "Just because".
His awareness of the subject shows to any person who has even a faint knowledge on the agenda of the jews, that the jews are merely playing on their own agenda on the whole of the US, despite of what this entails for the fate of the whole planet [A substantial assault to Iran will probably equal WW3 and this is ONLY for jewish benefit and creating Greater Pissrael].
Who are his advisors, let us see? Jews like Kushner and the other servile Shabbos Goyim, old cohen warhawk Bolton, who imagines the planet on fire because he is old and senile and because he is just brainwashed with the Talmud to such an extent, to just try to support his salary and his memetics around the fact that he wants to start a nuclear apocalypse over evident false flags. Bolton was on the side of Bush when Iraq was getting destroyed, and he was laughing on the fires.
What did the USA gain from the Iraq war? Only dead people, an even more unsettled region, the grounds of Islamic terrorism created by Israel, billions and billions of losses, and so forth. To gain absolutely nothing. And why? Just to serve the Middle East agenda of jews, that's all.
What did Bush, the perfect slave of jews, gain from this? Nothing. An infamy of being the worst, stupidest, and most worthless of all US late Presidents, slaving for the jews for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Any self respecting person, wouldn't choose this fate for themselves. For thousands of years now people will point at Bush and say that this was an idiot who caved into the jews and caused random wars for no reason whatsoever, based on photoshop photos.
Trump's statement basically reveals that the jew Kushner and this other defiled creature and slave of the jews, Bolton, are basically whispering into the president's ear and giving him false advice in order to start a war with Iran, giving him false intel to support their stance. The plan of this is to manifest Greater Israel and this is to cause a Messianic war. Due to lack of any substantial evidence, the jews proceeded to create frauds and false flags as per usual, to try to justify yet another war.
Hitler accused the jews of being warmongers and the world decided to ignore this statement, but this is true. We live to see this consistently now, both in WW2 and in all the wars that the jews have caused since Israel's inception, such as the extinction of the Palestinians, Iran, how they mothered "ISIS" through US proxy, and endless other crimes.
If one reads the bible and the Talmud, they will understand that the jews want global or large scale wars to support their insane, desert cult alien dogma, which says they have to displace and murder all of the people of the Middle East and replace them. Ironically, these "Prophecies" of theirs also talk about how many jews will be exterminated in the process (the majority of them) due to the jewish Messianic War. They say this is to "Clean house" of any jew, by the hand of "God", but that will be a "Necessary sacrifice" in order to rule all of the Goyim [Gentile people, no jews] as their slaves.
Also, the Israeli jews want most of the USA jews exterminated, as their Rabbis say they are "Sinners" for serving the USA. As such in their internal occultism, they see American jews as a means to an end, a pollution within a pollution [The USA is seen as a pollution] that has to go down in an accelerated manner, and the jews who worked into this after this sacrificed as lambs to the general tribal agenda.
They have hopelessly trying to manifest this criminal dogma for centuries now, and now they pretend their terrorism has some sort of "Political basis". However, since this basis is all but fake, all their attempts are self-collapsing.
Jews are being globally exposed of being a spiritual, media, government mafia, and one of a low quality at that, with total indecency. The fate of Iran and it's Islamic government is another subject, and can be solved by systematic efforts and not just throwing missiles on random children going to school because jews claim this is some sort of divinely inspired "Political diplomacy" and whisper it to a president's ear.
People who are idiots frequently call us people here "Hateful" and "Bigoted" or "Racists", while we are a very multicultural group, and on top of this, we want peace and understanding between all Gentiles. Little do these idiots understand that the enemy is the disgusting murderer and warmonger since time immemorial. How they almost got Iran in war based on disinformation and false flags that were blatant, made the jews again the obvious elephant in the room for the global community.
The jews have failed miserably in accelerating their criminal agenda and trying to get Trump into a fast war with Iran and restart chaos and through escalation even possibly start WW3 through the Middle East. The jews are busted for being criminals, terrorists, political liars, dishonest, once again, this time around, in the face of the whole planet to see.
This world will never know peace until the question of the jews is answered and all their powers are literally non-existent.
And because the world wants to know peace, we are starting to understand that yes, we can live without jewish filth.
Keep up the RTR's, and HAIL SATAN!
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 | Joy Of Satan Main Website - or | Kabbalah Exposed -
| Exposing Christianity - | SATAN IS GOD PORTAL & Mirror - | Orders Open, Full Natal ones temporarily closed
Post by HP. Hoodedcobra666[/B] » Wed Jun 26, 2019 2:18 am Trump is woke and the Final RTR will cast the enemy down. There is no salvation for them now, the ball has started rolling. The enemy may have all the artillery in the world, but we have the major master key against the Jews right now.
The enemy is finished and this will manifest more and more, their power is collapsing. There is no reversing this. We are putting the capstone here. And we must keep at it.
Despite of the escalation we just have a revelation here by Trump that many idiots ignore, that Israeli external policy, aka, jews, are the sole owners of this "Start war with Iran" insanity, through proxy slaves like Bolton, who even apologized to the jews a few days ago for not being able to turn the US President into a good slave to just start bombing and "punishing" Iran.
Imagine having your ministers go to another country to apologize that they didn't turn your president to just attack on loose or no information and destroy another country to shreds, as if you were afraid they will crucify you and sacrifice you to JHVH for your failing, that is the life of Bolton. ... 70821.html
<e[/IMG]US President Trump bucked most of his top national-security advisers by abandoning retaliatory strikes in Iran on Thursday, according to the Wall Street Journal.
“In private conversations Friday, Mr. Trump reveled in his judgment, certain about his decision to call off the attacks while speaking of his administration as if removed from the center of it.”
“These people want to push us into a war, and it’s so disgusting,” Trump told one confidant about his own inner circle of advisers. “We don’t need any more wars.”
“In these conversations, Trump bemoaned the costs of a drone shot down by Iran—about $130 million before research and development—but told people the dollar figure would resonate less with US voters than the potential casualties.”</em>
Trump's statement here is historic in that he one of the later US Presidents to show decency in that regard. At least Trump will go in history as a decent being who basically unmasked the jews, weighting out that the weight of the world and the futures of billions is more important than the bullshit of a few millions of disturbed jews who are grovelling over the filth of their "ancient rabbis" who demand war and total extermination of all other people on the planet, "Just because".
His awareness of the subject shows to any person who has even a faint knowledge on the agenda of the jews, that the jews are merely playing on their own agenda on the whole of the US, despite of what this entails for the fate of the whole planet [A substantial assault to Iran will probably equal WW3 and this is ONLY for jewish benefit and creating Greater Pissrael].
Who are his advisors, let us see? Jews like Kushner and the other servile Shabbos Goyim, old cohen warhawk Bolton, who imagines the planet on fire because he is old and senile and because he is just brainwashed with the Talmud to such an extent, to just try to support his salary and his memetics around the fact that he wants to start a nuclear apocalypse over evident false flags. Bolton was on the side of Bush when Iraq was getting destroyed, and he was laughing on the fires.
What did the USA gain from the Iraq war? Only dead people, an even more unsettled region, the grounds of Islamic terrorism created by Israel, billions and billions of losses, and so forth. To gain absolutely nothing. And why? Just to serve the Middle East agenda of jews, that's all.
What did Bush, the perfect slave of jews, gain from this? Nothing. An infamy of being the worst, stupidest, and most worthless of all US late Presidents, slaving for the jews for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Any self respecting person, wouldn't choose this fate for themselves. For thousands of years now people will point at Bush and say that this was an idiot who caved into the jews and caused random wars for no reason whatsoever, based on photoshop photos.
Trump's statement basically reveals that the jew Kushner and this other defiled creature and slave of the jews, Bolton, are basically whispering into the president's ear and giving him false advice in order to start a war with Iran, giving him false intel to support their stance. The plan of this is to manifest Greater Israel and this is to cause a Messianic war. Due to lack of any substantial evidence, the jews proceeded to create frauds and false flags as per usual, to try to justify yet another war.
Hitler accused the jews of being warmongers and the world decided to ignore this statement, but this is true. We live to see this consistently now, both in WW2 and in all the wars that the jews have caused since Israel's inception, such as the extinction of the Palestinians, Iran, how they mothered "ISIS" through US proxy, and endless other crimes.
If one reads the bible and the Talmud, they will understand that the jews want global or large scale wars to support their insane, desert cult alien dogma, which says they have to displace and murder all of the people of the Middle East and replace them. Ironically, these "Prophecies" of theirs also talk about how many jews will be exterminated in the process (the majority of them) due to the jewish Messianic War. They say this is to "Clean house" of any jew, by the hand of "God", but that will be a "Necessary sacrifice" in order to rule all of the Goyim [Gentile people, no jews] as their slaves.
Also, the Israeli jews want most of the USA jews exterminated, as their Rabbis say they are "Sinners" for serving the USA. As such in their internal occultism, they see American jews as a means to an end, a pollution within a pollution [The USA is seen as a pollution] that has to go down in an accelerated manner, and the jews who worked into this after this sacrificed as lambs to the general tribal agenda.
They have hopelessly trying to manifest this criminal dogma for centuries now, and now they pretend their terrorism has some sort of "Political basis". However, since this basis is all but fake, all their attempts are self-collapsing.
Jews are being globally exposed of being a spiritual, media, government mafia, and one of a low quality at that, with total indecency. The fate of Iran and it's Islamic government is another subject, and can be solved by systematic efforts and not just throwing missiles on random children going to school because jews claim this is some sort of divinely inspired "Political diplomacy" and whisper it to a president's ear.
People who are idiots frequently call us people here "Hateful" and "Bigoted" or "Racists", while we are a very multicultural group, and on top of this, we want peace and understanding between all Gentiles. Little do these idiots understand that the enemy is the disgusting murderer and warmonger since time immemorial. How they almost got Iran in war based on disinformation and false flags that were blatant, made the jews again the obvious elephant in the room for the global community.
The jews have failed miserably in accelerating their criminal agenda and trying to get Trump into a fast war with Iran and restart chaos and through escalation even possibly start WW3 through the Middle East. The jews are busted for being criminals, terrorists, political liars, dishonest, once again, this time around, in the face of the whole planet to see.
This world will never know peace until the question of the jews is answered and all their powers are literally non-existent.
And because the world wants to know peace, we are starting to understand that yes, we can live without jewish filth.
Keep up the RTR's, and HAIL SATAN!
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 | Joy Of Satan Main Website - or | Kabbalah Exposed -
| Exposing Christianity - | SATAN IS GOD PORTAL & Mirror - | Orders Open, Full Natal ones temporarily closed