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The value of friends


Active member
Aug 25, 2021
True friends are hidden treasures. They are so called because they appear as we move forward, as we deprogram and cleanse ourselves. They are of incalculable value.

When we have friends who encourage us to grow and beyond that give us knowledge and experiences, the path becomes much lighter and fun. I am not saying that this path is heavy or anything like that, it is simply that when you have friends around you, it seems that everything goes faster than normal.

We are sociable by nature, some will want to have more friends than others, but somehow we are going to want people by our side.

Those of you who are on this path and don't yet consider the importance of a quality social environment, don't worry, it comes with time. Give yourself time to cleanse, deprogram and have a higher consciousness, you will realize the value of this.

It is important to emphasize that not everyone approaches you with good intentions, not everyone should be called a friend, in fact even in social relationships one must apply reasoning and spiritual understanding. That is why I consider quality friends to be hidden, because they appear as we grow and out of nowhere.

Earthly friends like Gods and demons, are a great propellant for this path, many times your friends will give you that extra boost you need, even help you with issues of discipline and how to improve a little more.

Some of us have had for a long time a wrong concept of friendship and that has affected our whole vision regarding this subject. I have had "friends" who let me talk for months and years and then suddenly appear out of nowhere asking for favors. A true friendship is not the kind of people who don't talk to you and then suddenly appear without cultivating anything that truly deserves my friendship value.

There is no reciprocity anywhere, they don't make an effort and they don't even bring us anything. Everything in life has to be cultivated, watered, sowed and this whole process, like a little plant... You take the time for it to grow and when you least think about it, it is already huge.

We must keep in mind that friendship and love go hand in hand, along with other principles and values such as respect, trust, harmony, etc. All these must be cultivated, the stronger a healthy bond is, the more latent and higher these feelings, principles or emotions will be. All of the above will be reflected in our actions.

Friendship is the good will of two people who strive to make a real and healthy bond flourish.

A couple relationship as friendship are important in this life, of course, they have their differences, but both are practically in the same place.

Here I am not saying that you should have many friends, prioritize quality over quantity. You can have only one friend, but I am sure that friend brings you more than 10 together.

A friendship is made up of: Loyalty, constancy, love, perseverance, growth, knowledge etc. It's not just about spending a day and going out, and when you get home that fleeting moment of friendship, it's over.

I have two great friends, I am fortunate that they are SS, but these two great friends have demonstrated the meaning of friendship with their deeds. The three of us have been very consistent in our relationship.

We rejoice in each other's achievements, we share experiences and knowledge, we have made our path more fun and enjoyable.

In difficult times, they have been there for us and I have been there for them.

Don't be in a hurry if you may not vibe with certain people right now or are going through a lonely time, it will eventually pass, lean on the Gods and keep going.

Along the way you will find quality people that you can lean on and walk with in a growing, enjoyable and very fun way.

  • Yeye95
This is beautiful! ♥️ And you hit the nail on the head with everything you said here. And people need to understand the true meaning of friendship and apprecate the hole concept of it. The loving values of it. And be real with things that matter and be honest with yourself as a person and a friend 🧡 and not do anything to ruin it. ✨️ Soul and energy is in it as well. And it creates depth and character and all that you do as a friend you are also a brother, sister and therefore it's somewhat of a family thing as well and people should take it to consideration. Thank you for sharing this article. 🪷🙏
Well said! Friendship, true friendship, is indeed a treasure to strive for. When you find true friends - you experience the strongest feeling of love, affection, share the joys and sorrows of your friend and much more. When I read the Virtues of Azazel and got to the moment with the parable of Pythias and Damon - I literally cried. It's just incredibly beautiful to have such a loyal and wonderful friend. Experiencing true friendship is like having a fragrant garden blossom in your soul, like having your own warm Sun that lights up your path together. It is a blessing to have such a friendship. I sincerely wish everyone here could find such a friend(s).
I have one true friend who I have been friends with for sixteen years. She is treated like my family and the most precious one at that. We nurture our relationship and take care of each other all the time. Such friendship is a treasure and I hope everyone will experience it in their lives.
True friends are hidden treasures. They are so called because they appear as we move forward, as we deprogram and cleanse ourselves. They are of incalculable value.

When we have friends who encourage us to grow and beyond that give us knowledge and experiences, the path becomes much lighter and fun. I am not saying that this path is heavy or anything like that, it is simply that when you have friends around you, it seems that everything goes faster than normal.

We are sociable by nature, some will want to have more friends than others, but somehow we are going to want people by our side.

Those of you who are on this path and don't yet consider the importance of a quality social environment, don't worry, it comes with time. Give yourself time to cleanse, deprogram and have a higher consciousness, you will realize the value of this.

It is important to emphasize that not everyone approaches you with good intentions, not everyone should be called a friend, in fact even in social relationships one must apply reasoning and spiritual understanding. That is why I consider quality friends to be hidden, because they appear as we grow and out of nowhere.

Earthly friends like Gods and demons, are a great propellant for this path, many times your friends will give you that extra boost you need, even help you with issues of discipline and how to improve a little more.

Some of us have had for a long time a wrong concept of friendship and that has affected our whole vision regarding this subject. I have had "friends" who let me talk for months and years and then suddenly appear out of nowhere asking for favors. A true friendship is not the kind of people who don't talk to you and then suddenly appear without cultivating anything that truly deserves my friendship value.

There is no reciprocity anywhere, they don't make an effort and they don't even bring us anything. Everything in life has to be cultivated, watered, sowed and this whole process, like a little plant... You take the time for it to grow and when you least think about it, it is already huge.

We must keep in mind that friendship and love go hand in hand, along with other principles and values such as respect, trust, harmony, etc. All these must be cultivated, the stronger a healthy bond is, the more latent and higher these feelings, principles or emotions will be. All of the above will be reflected in our actions.

Friendship is the good will of two people who strive to make a real and healthy bond flourish.

A couple relationship as friendship are important in this life, of course, they have their differences, but both are practically in the same place.

Here I am not saying that you should have many friends, prioritize quality over quantity. You can have only one friend, but I am sure that friend brings you more than 10 together.

A friendship is made up of: Loyalty, constancy, love, perseverance, growth, knowledge etc. It's not just about spending a day and going out, and when you get home that fleeting moment of friendship, it's over.

I have two great friends, I am fortunate that they are SS, but these two great friends have demonstrated the meaning of friendship with their deeds. The three of us have been very consistent in our relationship.

We rejoice in each other's achievements, we share experiences and knowledge, we have made our path more fun and enjoyable.

In difficult times, they have been there for us and I have been there for them.

Don't be in a hurry if you may not vibe with certain people right now or are going through a lonely time, it will eventually pass, lean on the Gods and keep going.

Along the way you will find quality people that you can lean on and walk with in a growing, enjoyable and very fun way.

  • Yeye95
"That one friend brings you more than 10 together" I would hope she knows no matter how much she may not feel she has to show for or the belief of "being shown to not love" I will always be right there. She is a very intelligent woman and very talented.
There used to be many but they were not true. Then, for a long time, there was noone and then there was YOU.

Thank You 🫂

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
