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My Dark Night
I.Y. Bilibin. The Black Horseman of Baba Yaga, an illustration to the fairy tale Vasilisa is beautiful. His legendary name is My Dark Night.
Black is one of Baba Yaga's three horsemen, black, red and white. They symbolically represent Ida, Pingala and Sushumna – the three nadis or channels. Red is masculine, ascends the right side of the body and is connected with the left side of the brain, Ida is black, feminine, respectively connected with the right side of the brain and the left side of the body. Sushumna - white, the quintessence of the two, along the spine, along it the Serpent ascends.
The tarot card traditionally depicts a girl defeating a lion or other beast.
There are other depictions of the Strength:
Strength, XV century
Here a woman wearing a black headdress or black glow around her head is doing something with a column, which has been a symbol of the spine since ancient times.
Modern artists often depict her simply as a woman
The woman on the card shows that it is about the Strenght that comes from the feminine side of the soul i.e. the right side of the brain. In fact, this one, like many tarot cards, depicts the Serpent of Satan.
During the gothic period it was common for many things to be depicted as female statues.
Justice, Wisdom, many other abstract concepts - many female statues with these names can be found in a gothic cathedral.
The very cult of a female deity in christianity, which is characteristic of Western Europe, is not at all typical of a religion that set out to atrophy the right side of the brain. This shows how popular the Templar and Cathar orders were and what a strong influence on architecture and art they had.
In fact, thanks to them, european catholicism got further away from christianity than russian orthodoxy. This explains why Europe stepped further and earlier in terms of civilisation.
This explains why Russia caught up with her and stepped into the Golden Age of russian culture just when freemasonry came in and the power of christianity was shaken.
It also explains why, in the technological and economic sense, countries with women's rights developed faster. All so-called First World countries are free law countries where men and women are equally involved in creative fulfilment.
For example, it explains why the non-White civilisation of South Korea has stepped further technologically and economically than many White countries afflicted with the Hsian disease over the centuries, such as the poorest Western South Slavic countries.
Despite the fact that racially they are the ones who gave birth to Tesla's genius.
Many of the Elder Arcana of the tarot depict women - for this very reason. Many important allegories Ancient peoples left in the form of goddesses. And many of them are literally representations the Serpent of Satan, such as Venus, depicted on the tarot card Empress:
Slavs had a whole huge cult the Serpent of Satan in the image of Dennitsa (Daybreak, Morning Dawn) the Morning Star, the legacy of the vedic Dawn, the natural process, which directly itself from the very dawn of the White civilization, meant the process of the rise of the Snake (Serpent).
The snake (serpent) comes from the feminine part of the soul, and is itself an integral part of it, so in Slavic fairy tales Snakes (Serepents) have always dwelt in wells and in all kinds of water sources, as a symbol of feminine energy. On the island of Buyan, from which the hsian paradise was stolen, lay the Black Snake (Serpent), and its black colour speaks of its origin on the feminine side of the soul.
The Slavs had a whole cult of the Black colour in the form of Chernobog or chort, which refers to the traditional vedic black colour of Ida, the female channel of the left side of the body.
If a computer is created in the image of a human being, it works just like the human subconscious, in that it does not know what is good and what is bad. It just does what it is told to do. Therefore, despite the fact that the illiterate Hsians do not understand on a conscious level what they have been indoctrinated to fear under the name ‘darkness’, the subconscious knows that it is this right part of the brain that must be feared and avoided, that it must not be developed and must be allowed to atrophy. It is simply following the orders of the church hypnotist. That is why the Hsians are panic-stricken with fear of ‘witches’, ‘chorts’ and automatically transfer their ideas of good and evil to the names of Belobog and Chernobog. And even when they leave hsianism, the commands laid down for centuries in their subconscious continue to work and, when they try to interpret Pagan legends, they inevitably associate any mention of ‘darkness’ and ‘black colour’ with evil.
This is the typical error you can find among all the so-called the russian word ‘rodonoverers’ (eng: slavic native faith), ‘asatru’ (eng: odinism), etc.
The insane irresistible fear of ‘witches’ and the paranoid inquisition is due to the fact that ‘witch’ is a code word for the Serpent and the female part of the soul, and often Baba Yaga, who herself is a code word for the Serpent and the female part of the soul, was called that.
This explains why it was ‘witches’ and not sorcerers, for example, that the Hsians feared most, although men were also killed - anyone with knowledge.
Back to My Dark Night... there is evidence that the Slavs symbolically honoured both darkness and light, i.e. both the divine power contained in the left side of the brain and that contained in the right.
‘Helmold's chronicle reads: ‘The superstition of the Slavs is surprising, for they at their festivals and feasts round the circular cup, shouting over it the words - I will not say: blessings, but curses, in the name of the good and evil gods, as they expect from the good god a happy share, and from the evil - an unhappy one; therefore the evil god is even called in their language the devil or the black god (Chernobog)’
Now let us ask our ancestors what we have lost by branding the Alchemical Night ‘evil’ and abandoning it.
‘The Edda tells us that Day was born from Night, which agrees with the ancient Greek myth of the birth of the rising Sun from the dark bowels of Night and with the Russian legend that for the first time the Sun appeared from the sinus of god’ (in which it is obviously dark).
‘Bulgarian riddle speaks about Night as the mother of Day: «на майка-та око-то – и гледа, и не пледа, а на сина-т си сяку-га види» (bulgarian). i.e. the mother of Night has an eye = the month looks and does not look, and the son of Day has an eye = the sun sees everyone’
Sun - traditionally referred to as ‘Son of God’ or ‘Божич’ (bulgarian).
See more:
The hsians have stolen God from us
And it, like the White-hot Stone, like the golden egg, is the alchemical Sun or Gold, the purified energies of the soul, which are not characterised by aging (rusting). This is depicted in the tarot card Sun.
My Clear Dawn, the third rider of Baba Yaga's traditionally White-coloured Sushumna is born from the union of the first two. It signifies the pure energy of alchemical gold. From it, depicted on the tarot card Sun, stole all the ‘holy babies’.
This is also what all the legends about the giant Fish that swallowed the hero and dies from the fire he lit inside her. It was stolen by the jews for their story of Jonah and the Whale. It is also at the heart of the Whale Fish episode in the fairy tale The Humpbacked Horse. Whether it is the hero or the ship (both are symbols of the Philosopher's Stone), he always comes out of the Fish unharmed.
Miracle Yudo Whale Fish is releasing the ships
Just as the Sun is kept in the dark groove of a god, in Gogol's fairy tale The Night Before Christmas the chort steals the month from the sky and also hides it in a dark place - a pocket. Mythical giants and giants of heroes hide in the pocket. All this is an allegory of the birth of the alchemical Sun from the alchemical Night or Darkness
In all these allegories it is said that the perfection of the energies necessary for immortality is obtained through the feminine side of the soul, because that is where the Serpent rises from.
Just as by refusing physical women we terminate our lineage, by refusing the alchemical woman we refuse to find a new birth in immortal life, which is symbolically represented by the infant on the tarot card of the Sun.
The horse on which he rides is found in many Slavic legends - aka Little Humpbacked Horse is the winged horse of many Gods, and his journey across the sky is the spike, the journey of the Philosopher's Stone. It is also the mythical Tibetan horse who carries the glittering Chintamani stone in his saddle. The baby is the Philosopher's Stone, because the Philosopher's Stone is the perfect human soul.
It is followed by the Judgment card, which depicts the moment when youth returns. This is the death of death.
It is followed by the Peace card, which depicts the end of the Great Work and the acquisition of divine power.
This is what christians fear. This is what we have lost because of them.
All sources from Satan's Joy Ministries
The Joy of Satan Website
Tarot cards (book of Thoth) - real practice
A.N. Afanasiev. Poetic views of the Slavs on nature. All three volumes
Author: Edward Lonsa
Translator: AristocraticDragon666 (translated from Russian into English by AristocraticDragon666)
I.Y. Bilibin. The Black Horseman of Baba Yaga, an illustration to the fairy tale Vasilisa is beautiful. His legendary name is My Dark Night.
Black is one of Baba Yaga's three horsemen, black, red and white. They symbolically represent Ida, Pingala and Sushumna – the three nadis or channels. Red is masculine, ascends the right side of the body and is connected with the left side of the brain, Ida is black, feminine, respectively connected with the right side of the brain and the left side of the body. Sushumna - white, the quintessence of the two, along the spine, along it the Serpent ascends.
The tarot card traditionally depicts a girl defeating a lion or other beast.
There are other depictions of the Strength:
Strength, XV century
Here a woman wearing a black headdress or black glow around her head is doing something with a column, which has been a symbol of the spine since ancient times.
Modern artists often depict her simply as a woman
The woman on the card shows that it is about the Strenght that comes from the feminine side of the soul i.e. the right side of the brain. In fact, this one, like many tarot cards, depicts the Serpent of Satan.
During the gothic period it was common for many things to be depicted as female statues.
Justice, Wisdom, many other abstract concepts - many female statues with these names can be found in a gothic cathedral.
The very cult of a female deity in christianity, which is characteristic of Western Europe, is not at all typical of a religion that set out to atrophy the right side of the brain. This shows how popular the Templar and Cathar orders were and what a strong influence on architecture and art they had.
In fact, thanks to them, european catholicism got further away from christianity than russian orthodoxy. This explains why Europe stepped further and earlier in terms of civilisation.
This explains why Russia caught up with her and stepped into the Golden Age of russian culture just when freemasonry came in and the power of christianity was shaken.
It also explains why, in the technological and economic sense, countries with women's rights developed faster. All so-called First World countries are free law countries where men and women are equally involved in creative fulfilment.
For example, it explains why the non-White civilisation of South Korea has stepped further technologically and economically than many White countries afflicted with the Hsian disease over the centuries, such as the poorest Western South Slavic countries.
Despite the fact that racially they are the ones who gave birth to Tesla's genius.
Many of the Elder Arcana of the tarot depict women - for this very reason. Many important allegories Ancient peoples left in the form of goddesses. And many of them are literally representations the Serpent of Satan, such as Venus, depicted on the tarot card Empress:
Slavs had a whole huge cult the Serpent of Satan in the image of Dennitsa (Daybreak, Morning Dawn) the Morning Star, the legacy of the vedic Dawn, the natural process, which directly itself from the very dawn of the White civilization, meant the process of the rise of the Snake (Serpent).
The snake (serpent) comes from the feminine part of the soul, and is itself an integral part of it, so in Slavic fairy tales Snakes (Serepents) have always dwelt in wells and in all kinds of water sources, as a symbol of feminine energy. On the island of Buyan, from which the hsian paradise was stolen, lay the Black Snake (Serpent), and its black colour speaks of its origin on the feminine side of the soul.
The Slavs had a whole cult of the Black colour in the form of Chernobog or chort, which refers to the traditional vedic black colour of Ida, the female channel of the left side of the body.
If a computer is created in the image of a human being, it works just like the human subconscious, in that it does not know what is good and what is bad. It just does what it is told to do. Therefore, despite the fact that the illiterate Hsians do not understand on a conscious level what they have been indoctrinated to fear under the name ‘darkness’, the subconscious knows that it is this right part of the brain that must be feared and avoided, that it must not be developed and must be allowed to atrophy. It is simply following the orders of the church hypnotist. That is why the Hsians are panic-stricken with fear of ‘witches’, ‘chorts’ and automatically transfer their ideas of good and evil to the names of Belobog and Chernobog. And even when they leave hsianism, the commands laid down for centuries in their subconscious continue to work and, when they try to interpret Pagan legends, they inevitably associate any mention of ‘darkness’ and ‘black colour’ with evil.
This is the typical error you can find among all the so-called the russian word ‘rodonoverers’ (eng: slavic native faith), ‘asatru’ (eng: odinism), etc.
The insane irresistible fear of ‘witches’ and the paranoid inquisition is due to the fact that ‘witch’ is a code word for the Serpent and the female part of the soul, and often Baba Yaga, who herself is a code word for the Serpent and the female part of the soul, was called that.
This explains why it was ‘witches’ and not sorcerers, for example, that the Hsians feared most, although men were also killed - anyone with knowledge.
Back to My Dark Night... there is evidence that the Slavs symbolically honoured both darkness and light, i.e. both the divine power contained in the left side of the brain and that contained in the right.
‘Helmold's chronicle reads: ‘The superstition of the Slavs is surprising, for they at their festivals and feasts round the circular cup, shouting over it the words - I will not say: blessings, but curses, in the name of the good and evil gods, as they expect from the good god a happy share, and from the evil - an unhappy one; therefore the evil god is even called in their language the devil or the black god (Chernobog)’
Now let us ask our ancestors what we have lost by branding the Alchemical Night ‘evil’ and abandoning it.
‘The Edda tells us that Day was born from Night, which agrees with the ancient Greek myth of the birth of the rising Sun from the dark bowels of Night and with the Russian legend that for the first time the Sun appeared from the sinus of god’ (in which it is obviously dark).
‘Bulgarian riddle speaks about Night as the mother of Day: «на майка-та око-то – и гледа, и не пледа, а на сина-т си сяку-га види» (bulgarian). i.e. the mother of Night has an eye = the month looks and does not look, and the son of Day has an eye = the sun sees everyone’
Sun - traditionally referred to as ‘Son of God’ or ‘Божич’ (bulgarian).
See more:
The hsians have stolen God from us
And it, like the White-hot Stone, like the golden egg, is the alchemical Sun or Gold, the purified energies of the soul, which are not characterised by aging (rusting). This is depicted in the tarot card Sun.
My Clear Dawn, the third rider of Baba Yaga's traditionally White-coloured Sushumna is born from the union of the first two. It signifies the pure energy of alchemical gold. From it, depicted on the tarot card Sun, stole all the ‘holy babies’.
This is also what all the legends about the giant Fish that swallowed the hero and dies from the fire he lit inside her. It was stolen by the jews for their story of Jonah and the Whale. It is also at the heart of the Whale Fish episode in the fairy tale The Humpbacked Horse. Whether it is the hero or the ship (both are symbols of the Philosopher's Stone), he always comes out of the Fish unharmed.
Miracle Yudo Whale Fish is releasing the ships
Just as the Sun is kept in the dark groove of a god, in Gogol's fairy tale The Night Before Christmas the chort steals the month from the sky and also hides it in a dark place - a pocket. Mythical giants and giants of heroes hide in the pocket. All this is an allegory of the birth of the alchemical Sun from the alchemical Night or Darkness
In all these allegories it is said that the perfection of the energies necessary for immortality is obtained through the feminine side of the soul, because that is where the Serpent rises from.
Just as by refusing physical women we terminate our lineage, by refusing the alchemical woman we refuse to find a new birth in immortal life, which is symbolically represented by the infant on the tarot card of the Sun.
The horse on which he rides is found in many Slavic legends - aka Little Humpbacked Horse is the winged horse of many Gods, and his journey across the sky is the spike, the journey of the Philosopher's Stone. It is also the mythical Tibetan horse who carries the glittering Chintamani stone in his saddle. The baby is the Philosopher's Stone, because the Philosopher's Stone is the perfect human soul.
It is followed by the Judgment card, which depicts the moment when youth returns. This is the death of death.
It is followed by the Peace card, which depicts the end of the Great Work and the acquisition of divine power.
This is what christians fear. This is what we have lost because of them.
All sources from Satan's Joy Ministries
The Joy of Satan Website
Tarot cards (book of Thoth) - real practice
A.N. Afanasiev. Poetic views of the Slavs on nature. All three volumes
Author: Edward Lonsa
Translator: AristocraticDragon666 (translated from Russian into English by AristocraticDragon666)