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Succubi/Incubi Cowardly Bunk

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Alright, let's have some real men and female talk here. Do not read if you are a coward or too sensitive to reality.

Giant Disclaimer in front of Gods and Men and in-betweens, since some will want to get into a rage from this, the jews above all who wanted you childless, retarded and alone for the rest of your life by mishandling very serious knowledge which was supposed to be revealed only in Initiates of at least 20 years in the Ancient Schools but now is on the public internet because humanity sunk so low we had to save whatever we could and humanity of course clearly misuses this knowledge for basic drives again:

You don't understand it but these comfortable delusions are robbing you of real potential. The real potential that you are here to actualize.

The very best highest knowledge, which Succubi and Incubi is, without the proper development, can turn exactly the opposite way. I have wrote in sermons in the past about the need of high sanctification, and high development to embark in them. That is taken lightly as with any other warning. In this post therefore, I will examine the gross reality of the examinations I have from a very long time of being confronted with these issues.

That message should not concern the 1% out of the 100% of claimants that actually have such a relationship. But it will save the 99% of claimants who are destined for other things or for the actual existence of life. You exist now for a reason. Don't squander this reason into nothingness please.

Many people here are completely deluded with the Succubi Incubi stuff. While that should be reserved for 1% of the wise people, who actually are past most of the animalistic, low level, lazy, worthless desires, many are not.

I of course realize that many of you will have a "reality" (Delusion) shattering moment here, but I have to tell you the Truth. Yes I know I will be evil and so on for doing this and potentially saving you from a lifetime of failing here.

In the Joy of Satan page there are specifications about these forms of relationships. It's mentioned there are dangers and so on. Delusion, foolishness, human spiritual dirt, misplaced feelings, cowardice to face reality - all of this is exactly why you do NOT start such a relationship in anyway.

Now, life and existence are serious things. Of course most people don't give a single fuck about it. But since I don't want to have mentally disabled subjects and slaves but rather I want to have people who are well rooted in life, happy, and truly spiritual, we are family and so on, I have to tell you the Truth.

Most of the Succubi/Incubi things are bunk, because you are bunk and nowhere close to developing the consciousness for them. You have not even tried to hold a woman's hand, or in anyway improve for a woman, and you ascribe such low worth to yourself and you are in such fear mode, that you cannot try to get a real partner.

Laziness, stupidity, and a misplaced need of "Deserving Perfect" while you effectively do nothing to do this, but also an incessant need to jack off and get off in a better manner, are manipulating your mind into thinking that you have these relationships, which are in most cases, not even real.

You like to tell yourselves bullshit that the "Clergy cannot have an opinion on this highly personal" since you are weak and highly comfortable in your delusions of these subjects. One should therefore make an examination. There is an inner form of Clergy which is your higher self and from this you will not easily escape. Here, you can just discard my post.

Then, I also get other things which are excuses and utter delusions on my plate. "Oh, I cannot get a girlfriend, because I must have been married to Queen Elizabeth of Duat in my Past Life, and therefore, I cannot dance with a trailer skunk on the way to the club, because Queen Elizabeth of Duat is actually chasing me on the astral and she wants to be my wife but we cannot be incarnated...."

Fucking stop, with the fucking psychosis please. The above psycho bullshit is said oftentimes by some people who don't even know what they are reading and don't spend some time to THINK clearly.

Let's THINK together.

Real bonds that go back to past lives do not necessarily mean that they will ruin your relationships in this life.

Does it sound very Godlike or more like disturbingly Human to you that you would claim a human in their next lifetime and enslave them to be your boy-toy again, in a dimension where they can hardly communicate with you clearly?

As we can understand, this behavior is more tentative for humans as they have the territorial instincts and so on. A God, who is above all these things, why would they enslave a measly human from wanting to experience basic emotions that have been literally been hardwired into them, and subject them into an oblivion of loneliness?

Point being most people have no clue about Spirituality, just because of delusion. So I am teaching you a few things here to get you to THINK.

As you can understand by now, based on fair logic, the above has nothing to do with the Gods, but with internal weaknesses justified falsely and stupidly over holy matters such as the Incubi and Succubi. My best advice?

To shed of one's self of this weakness. To face the real underlying reasons of why one might have love issues, or relationship issues. And to understand, that one can and should, if they want truly, move in the real direction of this.

Through magick and through the application of self development, everyone, and I mean everyone, can find a partner. The worst humans on earth, criminals, the worst of the worst, have found partners. Maybe they were not perfect, but they did. Most of you are great human beings and good people.

Those of you who have the Truth inside you, you will see clearly what I mean here. First and foremost, here is what you are missing out from being with your "Incubi and Succubi" that you can't even verbally exchange anything in most cases, besides just jack off.

1. Watching the sunset while holding hands with a woman, feeling like you have someone.
2. Excitement of existing, with many experiences.
3. Seeing the eyes of your babies when they will be born, making progeny
4. Actually giving a fuck to actually evolve in your life, to attract better women or partners, instead of sitting with a soda can in front of your mothers TV and pretending like a little bitch that you unanimously deserved supreme love of not only the highest level compared to humans, but of Demons as well!
5. Loneliness. You know you are feeling lonely, it's better to not lie to yourself about that. Loneliness is cured by fighting for a proper relationship; by chasing a woman or a man, by speaking out your heart. Not by falsely deluding yourself that you do.
6. All these things that have to do with the real nature of existence, which were put here, and you were incarnated for, to try to get something out of life.
7. Using these as an excuse to not live life, which is a pure form of cowardice in most cases. Not only cowardice, but false sense entitlement, combined.
8. Trying to get the opposite gender will help you IMPROVE, and EVOLVE psychologically, through pain, misery, love, exhilaration, existence overall. You opening the soda can and yanking off like a fool in front of a panel all your days, you are squandering your potential.

Since Spiritual Satanism has to be about true existence and not a mental asylum and since I will be judged by the Gods if I ever allowed this to happen, I care about their opinion and have mentioned above my real opinion in regards to this.

I will make an active decision to remove this page or put this behind serious disclaimer in the future.

To add insult to injury, I have seen many people who have become not only mentally defunct, but endangered because of foolish assumptions and stupid nonsense that has arose out of these delusions and linking them to "Succubi" and supreme waifu's one is married to from another planet simply because you deserve it because you exist.

Responsibility of this must be recognized in low levels of self understanding and other problems that will cause this. The occurrences themselves are a result of this past a point, not anything else. I write this because some of you try to blame the Gods as if they were equals or buddies from school, to evade responsibility for these things.

The astral is also rife with many entities which are not what they appear to be, which is another huge topic I would like to not open up now. Receiving an errant message about something being an ally that is not, can have bad potential outcomes.

Some of you say you cannot even astral-communicate. Alright, that is great and honest, brave to admit, real, and utterly respectable. It's normal too. Yet, some also simultaneously are writing you are married and have kids in the astral. Alright. What about having some real kids one actually has to feed and take care of?

That has to be much hassle. Might as well maintain my palace on the heavens instead. How is that Spiritual Satanic at all, or in accordance to Satya or Truth or Father Satan in anyway? That's low level escapism at best. Good for fun and imagination, acceptable in that regard, but past a point, this can have serious ramification if one lives it "up there".

As this is not Disneyland here, I would assume one sticks to the first approach which is the approach of the Truth and approach of psychological maturity. The latter will not help you in life that much.

What if you spend 50 fucking years in delusion only to go to the other side and you meet with this entity and it wasn't as you assumed that it was, without any actual true communication around it?

How will you feel then? How will you feel if in the future, as you self explore, you understand the things I am bringing in front of you right now?

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you for the disclaimer. Although I feel like that I will never be able to find a partner that wouldn't be race mixing. Even if I knew my race, I don't think there is another one in a sensible distance.

Do you have any advice for mixed people, whose are not part of a sub-race?
Thank you, High Priest. Early on in my Satanic path I had some delusional thoughts about this topic as many have had, thankfully I did not get fully enveloped in my delusion as this could have been counterproductive and even dangerous. Even with regular people in our lives who we can see and hear it is easy to believe love exists where it does not, so it's not surprising that so many become deluded with this.

If I may touch on a tangential issue, I do hope that a deficiency in this area of life isn't too big of an obstacle on the spiritual path. I admit I have a lot of hangups with the idea of self-improvement for love. I just don't see a point in working for what others get freely. Welfare bums and ISIL fighters can get partners without effort, if love only comes with hard work I would question if it is love at all. Even if I did improve enough to get a partner, I don't think I could ever enjoy it as much as someone to whom it came freely. I would always be worrying about losing them or not being good enough, while some drug dealer who busted his girlfriend's jaw never doubts his own worth or desirability. But maybe I am wrong.
I hope this post is a wake-up call to those who are denying reality and life. Don't be afraid to get rejected by a real-life woman/man, it's all a part of life and growing. Find someone compatible with you who inspires you to become better, live a real life, have real accomplishments.

Find real intimacy, bonding with another human, growing with another human.

Everyone here has all the tools they need to overcome any obstacles, improve themselves, and find a suitable partner :)
HailVictory88 said:
If I may touch on a tangential issue, I do hope that a deficiency in this area of life isn't too big of an obstacle on the spiritual path. I admit I have a lot of hangups with the idea of self-improvement for love. I just don't see a point in working for what others get freely. Welfare bums and ISIL fighters can get partners without effort, if love only comes with hard work I would question if it is love at all. Even if I did improve enough to get a partner, I don't think I could ever enjoy it as much as someone to whom it came freely. I would always be worrying about losing them or not being good enough, while some drug dealer who busted his girlfriend's jaw never doubts his own worth or desirability. But maybe I am wrong.

I am very much willing to talk with everyone in the family about such dillemas and answers that revolve around the realistic question of love and life.

These questions or concerns could be assembled and I could address them. Just express yourselves and your frustrations so we can collectively manage them and I can answer.

That's what will cause True Growth. Not sheltering and these things that I see and I point out in my initial post.

Bring out the wounds and let's address them truly.
Great sermon, Commander!

I cannot imagine my future self without a big family. Those whoever pick this life style, without a higher advancement that can compensate many other things, will miss too much things in life.

I understand better now that knowledge without wisdom and proper understanding can lead to catastrophic delusions.

Thanks for harsh reality that shall lead to elevation!
The intended message is harsh, and down to earth.

This is for individuals who are experiencing such issues. Since taking action to address our difficulties is strongly believed to be essential for our development, consider the challenges in your life and try to find a solution. One's state of low consciousness deteriorates with increasing entanglement. You ought to consider how any issue could be resolved by one of our Gods and what decision they would make in such a situation.

If you are unwilling to address your everyday issues, can you really call yourself an SS? Maybe there are relationship problems related to astrology you should take care of, or maybe it's a self-esteem issue? Do you or do you not take action over this? It's likely that you may have a Capricorn ruling a house pertaining to relationships and/or a hard aspect of a planet if you are single or don't have any friends.

Always work towards fixing any subconscious programming. You may not even know if you are even slightly programmed. Wrong thoughts are a manifestation of this. Take, for example, hatred of anything natural. This is not intended by nature, and it means you are programmed. Likewise, you could have another astrological issue you would have to resolve, like an elemental imbalance that causes this attitude towards life and subjects. Many have problems with Saturn and other planets that need to be addressed.

Happiness comes by resolving your issues and developing every part of your life as necessity sees it to be. We have many fools today who don't know how they could achieve joy, as their consciousness is not in any form developed, and this can be seen clearly in what they think. The consciousness is a part of the soul, and through meditation, you elevate it as well.

Even if you are as serious as me, have a no-nonsense view of life, and are someone who hates jokes and doesn't experience joy with humor, there are always measures an adept can take in order to increase happiness. If you are advanced enough, you could do a freeing of the soul, then a Jupiter Square, to increase your happiness tremendously. Joy also comes from meditation, once one is sensitive enough to experience energy in its fullest form.

Quit any self-harming activities or habits if you want to live a long, prosperous life.

Thank you HP. Most of my current hangups around this just have to do with the idea of self-improvement applying to love. I have found the JoS' knowledge to be very helpful in improving my life and consciousness, but to me it seems that having a developed consciousness makes it harder to find a partner. By my nature I'm constantly doubting things, interrogating them, and trying to have a better understanding, including of myself (part of how I found the JoS in the first place). For most things this is good, but for attracting other people having an unflappable self-confidence works better. If I was a criminal with an IQ of 70 I think I would be a lot happier in some ways. Most good things tend to be correlated, e.g. people who are intelligent are more likely to be ethical, disciplined, etc. But criminals and those of a low consciousness find it a lot easier to get love/sex, which makes me question whether those are good things after all.

Sorry if this doesn't make sense, just some random thoughts I've been going through. I will continue to use the JoS' knowledge to improve my life regardless.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Alright, let's have some real men and female talk here. Do not read if you are a coward or too sensitive to reality.

Giant Disclaimer in front of Gods and Men and in-betweens, since some will want to get into a rage from this, the jews above all who wanted you childless, retarded and alone for the rest of your life by mishandling very serious knowledge which was supposed to be revealed only in Initiates of at least 20 years in the Ancient Schools but now is on the public internet because humanity sunk so low we had to save whatever we could and humanity of course clearly misuses this knowledge for basic drives again:

You don't understand it but these comfortable delusions are robbing you of real potential. The real potential that you are here to actualize.

The very best highest knowledge, which Succubi and Incubi is, without the proper development, can turn exactly the opposite way. I have wrote in sermons in the past about the need of high sanctification, and high development to embark in them. That is taken lightly as with any other warning. In this post therefore, I will examine the gross reality of the examinations I have from a very long time of being confronted with these issues.

That message should not concern the 1% out of the 100% of claimants that actually have such a relationship. But it will save the 99% of claimants who are destined for other things or for the actual existence of life. You exist now for a reason. Don't squander this reason into nothingness please.

Many people here are completely deluded with the Succubi Incubi stuff. While that should be reserved for 1% of the wise people, who actually are past most of the animalistic, low level, lazy, worthless desires, many are not.

I of course realize that many of you will have a "reality" (Delusion) shattering moment here, but I have to tell you the Truth. Yes I know I will be evil and so on for doing this and potentially saving you from a lifetime of failing here.

In the Joy of Satan page there are specifications about these forms of relationships. It's mentioned there are dangers and so on. Delusion, foolishness, human spiritual dirt, misplaced feelings, cowardice to face reality - all of this is exactly why you do NOT start such a relationship in anyway.

Now, life and existence are serious things. Of course most people don't give a single fuck about it. But since I don't want to have mentally disabled subjects and slaves but rather I want to have people who are well rooted in life, happy, and truly spiritual, we are family and so on, I have to tell you the Truth.

Most of the Succubi/Incubi things are bunk, because you are bunk and nowhere close to developing the consciousness for them. You have not even tried to hold a woman's hand, or in anyway improve for a woman, and you ascribe such low worth to yourself and you are in such fear mode, that you cannot try to get a real partner.

Laziness, stupidity, and a misplaced need of "Deserving Perfect" while you effectively do nothing to do this, but also an incessant need to jack off and get off in a better manner, are manipulating your mind into thinking that you have these relationships, which are in most cases, not even real.

You like to tell yourselves bullshit that the "Clergy cannot have an opinion on this highly personal" since you are weak and highly comfortable in your delusions of these subjects. One should therefore make an examination. There is an inner form of Clergy which is your higher self and from this you will not easily escape. Here, you can just discard my post.

Then, I also get other things which are excuses and utter delusions on my plate. "Oh, I cannot get a girlfriend, because I must have been married to Queen Elizabeth of Duat in my Past Life, and therefore, I cannot dance with a trailer skunk on the way to the club, because Queen Elizabeth of Duat is actually chasing me on the astral and she wants to be my wife but we cannot be incarnated...."

Fucking stop, with the fucking psychosis please. The above psycho bullshit is said oftentimes by some people who don't even know what they are reading and don't spend some time to THINK clearly.

Let's THINK together.

Real bonds that go back to past lives do not necessarily mean that they will ruin your relationships in this life.

Does it sound very Godlike or more like disturbingly Human to you that you would claim a human in their next lifetime and enslave them to be your boy-toy again, in a dimension where they can hardly communicate with you clearly?

As we can understand, this behavior is more tentative for humans as they have the territorial instincts and so on. A God, who is above all these things, why would they enslave a measly human from wanting to experience basic emotions that have been literally been hardwired into them, and subject them into an oblivion of loneliness?

Point being most people have no clue about Spirituality, just because of delusion. So I am teaching you a few things here to get you to THINK.

As you can understand by now, based on fair logic, the above has nothing to do with the Gods, but with internal weaknesses justified falsely and stupidly over holy matters such as the Incubi and Succubi. My best advice?

To shed of one's self of this weakness. To face the real underlying reasons of why one might have love issues, or relationship issues. And to understand, that one can and should, if they want truly, move in the real direction of this.

Through magick and through the application of self development, everyone, and I mean everyone, can find a partner. The worst humans on earth, criminals, the worst of the worst, have found partners. Maybe they were not perfect, but they did. Most of you are great human beings and good people.

Those of you who have the Truth inside you, you will see clearly what I mean here. First and foremost, here is what you are missing out from being with your "Incubi and Succubi" that you can't even verbally exchange anything in most cases, besides just jack off.

1. Watching the sunset while holding hands with a woman, feeling like you have someone.
2. Excitement of existing, with many experiences.
3. Seeing the eyes of your babies when they will be born, making progeny
4. Actually giving a fuck to actually evolve in your life, to attract better women or partners, instead of sitting with a soda can in front of your mothers TV and pretending like a little bitch that you unanimously deserved supreme love of not only the highest level compared to humans, but of Demons as well!
5. Loneliness. You know you are feeling lonely, it's better to not lie to yourself about that. Loneliness is cured by fighting for a proper relationship; by chasing a woman or a man, by speaking out your heart. Not by falsely deluding yourself that you do.
6. All these things that have to do with the real nature of existence, which were put here, and you were incarnated for, to try to get something out of life.
7. Using these as an excuse to not live life, which is a pure form of cowardice in most cases. Not only cowardice, but false sense entitlement, combined.
8. Trying to get the opposite gender will help you IMPROVE, and EVOLVE psychologically, through pain, misery, love, exhilaration, existence overall. You opening the soda can and yanking off like a fool in front of a panel all your days, you are squandering your potential.

Since Spiritual Satanism has to be about true existence and not a mental asylum and since I will be judged by the Gods if I ever allowed this to happen, I care about their opinion and have mentioned above my real opinion in regards to this.

I will make an active decision to remove this page or put this behind serious disclaimer in the future.

To add insult to injury, I have seen many people who have become not only mentally defunct, but endangered because of foolish assumptions and stupid nonsense that has arose out of these delusions and linking them to "Succubi" and supreme waifu's one is married to from another planet simply because you deserve it because you exist.

Responsibility of this must be recognized in low levels of self understanding and other problems that will cause this. The occurrences themselves are a result of this past a point, not anything else. I write this because some of you try to blame the Gods as if they were equals or buddies from school, to evade responsibility for these things.

The astral is also rife with many entities which are not what they appear to be, which is another huge topic I would like to not open up now. Receiving an errant message about something being an ally that is not, can have bad potential outcomes.

Some of you say you cannot even communicate. Alright, that is great and honest, brave to admit, real, and utterly respectable. It's normal too. Yet, some also simultaneously are writing you are married and have kids in the astral. Alright. What about having some real kids one actually has to feed and take care of?

That has to be much hassle. Might as well maintain my palace on the heavens instead. How is that Spiritual Satanic at all, or in accordance to Satya or Truth or Father Satan in anyway? That's low level escapism at best. Good for fun and imagination, acceptable in that regard, but past a point, this can have serious ramification if one lives it "up there".

As this is not Disneyland here, I would assume one sticks to the first approach which is the approach of the Truth and approach of psychological maturity. The latter will not help you in life that much.

What if you spend 50 fucking years in delusion only to go to the other side and you meet with this entity and it wasn't as you assumed that it was, without any actual true communication around it?

How will you feel then? How will you feel if in the future, as you self explore, you understand the things I am bringing in front of you right now?

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Great post!!
Each relationship that I have had, whether it was successful or not, whether it got me feel pain or joy.
They all aided in my growth! Don't fear to be rejected, don't fear to seek somebody new! Go out and find your loved one if you must, be brave and take part in the joy of these experiences!
I am extremely proud that under our High Priest HoodedCobra , we are slowly but surely going from the more reactionary kind of mentality in Satanism to a more Civilizational approach.

We cannot be just an organization that is in perpetual attack against our enemies. We must also be about building a Foundation and creating an Earthly Empire of Elites. And the introduction of the Veneration of different Gods according to the months and days marks an important chapter in that direction. We not only do RTRs but we also do Rituals like an Organized Religion of Ancient Religions in Veneration of the Gods. Many decades in the making , i anticipate MASSIVE CATHEDRALS where Supermassive Statues of our Gods in which songs and Mantras are sung in Reverent wonder for their Glory. The extermination of the Cross ,that ungoldly and unsightly symbol from the face of the earth.

An Elite that through Meditations and Witchcraft and hard work achieves the top posts in Human Society, and create Generational Wealth so that they can attract compatible partners and have many many Children who will continue our beliefs and practices into the far future.

Being Pro Family, being Pro Wealth and Pro Children. These Children will get an extreme advantage when taught meditation, Hypnosis and other based information we had to take years to figure out. These kids will dominate their contemporaries and come out on top with help and guidance from their Guardian Daemons.

We need to increase our earthly numbers and plan for not just decades but centuries of organization where our beliefs go into the future ,until Christianity and Islam and the Jews are completely eradicated from the Earth and that is the only point at which we won't have to hide ourselves in the shadows.

Something like the Freemasons ,but without the Infiltration that destroyed their organization.

But in order to do that we cannot be fairy tale land ,doing nothing. We Need to actually go out into the world and create wealth, achieve success and approach women to make kids with. This is imperative and extremely important.

We are evolving into the movement we always were meant to be.
Lol.. I used to fantasize about going with movie stars/ Rockstars and shit way back when I was a teenager! And that was usually after it broke up with somebody. Just to fill in the gap! Until I found somebody new.
And somebody that was worth it and worthwhile! But never have I really sat there and conjured up some make-believe God or guy laugh out loud I just to live in a fucking fantasy world! And I know that there was at least a three-year period where I didn't want to go with anybody simply because I got tired of being taken advantage of. Or just simply got tired of the Mind Games and the drama. And then after a certain period of time! I started dating again! And I eventually found somebody! And I have been married to the same person for over 10 years! Laugh out loud yes we have our fantasies! And a lot of people should know the difference between what is real and what isn't? Especially when you reach a certain age! And when you can't find somebody? You just keep going and push yourself! Because you know you're worth it and you will find somebody someday!.. laugh out loud I'm not like some old ladies out there who sit and waste their time reading Romance novels! I am somebody who enjoys the company of being with my husband and yes we still go out and date and go to movies! And we do a lot of things together! I may not have children! But then again I can always adopt! I've always wanted to have children of my own! And just because I can't does not mean I'm just going to give up on that field! I love the idea of being a parent! I take care of my brother's children! And I love being a babysitter and helping people out in the neighborhood and those that I care about! If they want to get out of the house once in awhile and have dinner! Every couple should have the right to go out and enjoy themselves! And it doesn't matter how old you are laugh out loud everybody is going to fall in love with somebody at some point and we all go through that phase from time to time where we want Mr Right or the so-called perfect female in their mind. And I know a lot of people are not satisfied with their girlfriend or their boyfriend and wants somebody better I see a lot of that shit going on! And trust me it gets boring after a while I don't know how these people can live with themselves! And when they do really find that certain person out there? They don't know how to react or how to take it because they're hooked on this make believe love that they've created for themselves instead of allowing themselves the chance to get to know this person and find out what it's really like to have a relationship! And to be loved and kissed and held and to be able to go out and have fun learning about each other and exploring the world and finding out who they really are and if they're worthy or not! Laugh out loud I have been through a lot of this crazy shit as a teenager! And there is a time where you get bored and want the real thing! You either a lie yourself to live it up and enjoy it? Or you just simply close the door on it and become a brain study and read! Anything to take the place or to fill in the gap for the time being until you find that special somebody! There are always better things to do! And there's always a right way and a wrong way, trying to get somebody to go with you or trying to get a date! I know it's not easy trying to find the right person who is worthy of you! But that isn't mean you give up! AND I WANT TO THANK PH HOODEDCOBRA666
for sharing this!🔥 We are living in a world where people have become mindless over grown children.. Who need to get their priorities straight
People can run to the Demon Lover because of the disappointments and love failures they have encountered. With the help of magic, anything is possible. In order to attract a partner, one can use the Gebo rune or start the Venus Square.

Btw. I hope this message will reach White SS who want to have children the most. We must take care of our White race and our White children.

I look forward to have white children with my white boyfriend in the future ❤️
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Alright, let's have some real men and female talk here. Do not read if you are a coward or too sensitive to reality.

Giant Disclaimer in front of Gods and Men and in-betweens, since some will want to get into a rage from this, the jews above all who wanted you childless, retarded and alone for the rest of your life by mishandling very serious knowledge which was supposed to be revealed only in Initiates of at least 20 years in the Ancient Schools but now is on the public internet because humanity sunk so low we had to save whatever we could and humanity of course clearly misuses this knowledge for basic drives again:

You don't understand it but these comfortable delusions are robbing you of real potential. The real potential that you are here to actualize.

The very best highest knowledge, which Succubi and Incubi is, without the proper development, can turn exactly the opposite way. I have wrote in sermons in the past about the need of high sanctification, and high development to embark in them. That is taken lightly as with any other warning. In this post therefore, I will examine the gross reality of the examinations I have from a very long time of being confronted with these issues.

That message should not concern the 1% out of the 100% of claimants that actually have such a relationship. But it will save the 99% of claimants who are destined for other things or for the actual existence of life. You exist now for a reason. Don't squander this reason into nothingness please.

Many people here are completely deluded with the Succubi Incubi stuff. While that should be reserved for 1% of the wise people, who actually are past most of the animalistic, low level, lazy, worthless desires, many are not.

I of course realize that many of you will have a "reality" (Delusion) shattering moment here, but I have to tell you the Truth. Yes I know I will be evil and so on for doing this and potentially saving you from a lifetime of failing here.

In the Joy of Satan page there are specifications about these forms of relationships. It's mentioned there are dangers and so on. Delusion, foolishness, human spiritual dirt, misplaced feelings, cowardice to face reality - all of this is exactly why you do NOT start such a relationship in anyway.

Now, life and existence are serious things. Of course most people don't give a single fuck about it. But since I don't want to have mentally disabled subjects and slaves but rather I want to have people who are well rooted in life, happy, and truly spiritual, we are family and so on, I have to tell you the Truth.

Most of the Succubi/Incubi things are bunk, because you are bunk and nowhere close to developing the consciousness for them. You have not even tried to hold a woman's hand, or in anyway improve for a woman, and you ascribe such low worth to yourself and you are in such fear mode, that you cannot try to get a real partner.

Laziness, stupidity, and a misplaced need of "Deserving Perfect" while you effectively do nothing to do this, but also an incessant need to jack off and get off in a better manner, are manipulating your mind into thinking that you have these relationships, which are in most cases, not even real.

You like to tell yourselves bullshit that the "Clergy cannot have an opinion on this highly personal" since you are weak and highly comfortable in your delusions of these subjects. One should therefore make an examination. There is an inner form of Clergy which is your higher self and from this you will not easily escape. Here, you can just discard my post.

Then, I also get other things which are excuses and utter delusions on my plate. "Oh, I cannot get a girlfriend, because I must have been married to Queen Elizabeth of Duat in my Past Life, and therefore, I cannot dance with a trailer skunk on the way to the club, because Queen Elizabeth of Duat is actually chasing me on the astral and she wants to be my wife but we cannot be incarnated...."

Fucking stop, with the fucking psychosis please. The above psycho bullshit is said oftentimes by some people who don't even know what they are reading and don't spend some time to THINK clearly.

Let's THINK together.

Real bonds that go back to past lives do not necessarily mean that they will ruin your relationships in this life.

Does it sound very Godlike or more like disturbingly Human to you that you would claim a human in their next lifetime and enslave them to be your boy-toy again, in a dimension where they can hardly communicate with you clearly?

As we can understand, this behavior is more tentative for humans as they have the territorial instincts and so on. A God, who is above all these things, why would they enslave a measly human from wanting to experience basic emotions that have been literally been hardwired into them, and subject them into an oblivion of loneliness?

Point being most people have no clue about Spirituality, just because of delusion. So I am teaching you a few things here to get you to THINK.

As you can understand by now, based on fair logic, the above has nothing to do with the Gods, but with internal weaknesses justified falsely and stupidly over holy matters such as the Incubi and Succubi. My best advice?

To shed of one's self of this weakness. To face the real underlying reasons of why one might have love issues, or relationship issues. And to understand, that one can and should, if they want truly, move in the real direction of this.

Through magick and through the application of self development, everyone, and I mean everyone, can find a partner. The worst humans on earth, criminals, the worst of the worst, have found partners. Maybe they were not perfect, but they did. Most of you are great human beings and good people.

Those of you who have the Truth inside you, you will see clearly what I mean here. First and foremost, here is what you are missing out from being with your "Incubi and Succubi" that you can't even verbally exchange anything in most cases, besides just jack off.

1. Watching the sunset while holding hands with a woman, feeling like you have someone.
2. Excitement of existing, with many experiences.
3. Seeing the eyes of your babies when they will be born, making progeny
4. Actually giving a fuck to actually evolve in your life, to attract better women or partners, instead of sitting with a soda can in front of your mothers TV and pretending like a little bitch that you unanimously deserved supreme love of not only the highest level compared to humans, but of Demons as well!
5. Loneliness. You know you are feeling lonely, it's better to not lie to yourself about that. Loneliness is cured by fighting for a proper relationship; by chasing a woman or a man, by speaking out your heart. Not by falsely deluding yourself that you do.
6. All these things that have to do with the real nature of existence, which were put here, and you were incarnated for, to try to get something out of life.
7. Using these as an excuse to not live life, which is a pure form of cowardice in most cases. Not only cowardice, but false sense entitlement, combined.
8. Trying to get the opposite gender will help you IMPROVE, and EVOLVE psychologically, through pain, misery, love, exhilaration, existence overall. You opening the soda can and yanking off like a fool in front of a panel all your days, you are squandering your potential.

Since Spiritual Satanism has to be about true existence and not a mental asylum and since I will be judged by the Gods if I ever allowed this to happen, I care about their opinion and have mentioned above my real opinion in regards to this.

I will make an active decision to remove this page or put this behind serious disclaimer in the future.

To add insult to injury, I have seen many people who have become not only mentally defunct, but endangered because of foolish assumptions and stupid nonsense that has arose out of these delusions and linking them to "Succubi" and supreme waifu's one is married to from another planet simply because you deserve it because you exist.

Responsibility of this must be recognized in low levels of self understanding and other problems that will cause this. The occurrences themselves are a result of this past a point, not anything else. I write this because some of you try to blame the Gods as if they were equals or buddies from school, to evade responsibility for these things.

The astral is also rife with many entities which are not what they appear to be, which is another huge topic I would like to not open up now. Receiving an errant message about something being an ally that is not, can have bad potential outcomes.

Some of you say you cannot even communicate. Alright, that is great and honest, brave to admit, real, and utterly respectable. It's normal too. Yet, some also simultaneously are writing you are married and have kids in the astral. Alright. What about having some real kids one actually has to feed and take care of?

That has to be much hassle. Might as well maintain my palace on the heavens instead. How is that Spiritual Satanic at all, or in accordance to Satya or Truth or Father Satan in anyway? That's low level escapism at best. Good for fun and imagination, acceptable in that regard, but past a point, this can have serious ramification if one lives it "up there".

As this is not Disneyland here, I would assume one sticks to the first approach which is the approach of the Truth and approach of psychological maturity. The latter will not help you in life that much.

What if you spend 50 fucking years in delusion only to go to the other side and you meet with this entity and it wasn't as you assumed that it was, without any actual true communication around it?

How will you feel then? How will you feel if in the future, as you self explore, you understand the things I am bringing in front of you right now?

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I don't get along well with girls and I'm constantly arguing, I asked the Satan for succubus because I thought she might be understanding. I really make an effort to communicate, am I wrong? And if I am wrong, what should I do to fix it?
AFODO said:
Thank you for the disclaimer. Although I feel like that I will never be able to find a partner that wouldn't be race mixing. Even if I knew my race, I don't think there is another one in a sensible distance.

Do you have any advice for mixed people, whose are not part of a sub-race?
You know you can use magic right? Then you can attract the right partner for you. I don't know your mixed situation but the spell will bring to you the right partner for sure, don't put such limits to yourself.
You are the one who knows best my situation in this regard because we talked about it privately before and how with a certain person that I thought had finally found someone and in the end she betrayed me and also betrayed the JOS.

What I want is a SS partner, someone who is the same as me and to grow and advance together, have some children and form a SS family.

But I am not interested at all in what some members suggested to me to "lower my expectations" look for someone NPC, Andrapod, normie or whatever you want to call it and much younger than me for the fact "it is your duty to have many children because of your white race".
When something is suggested to you as a duty rather than because you really want to do it that only produces friction and dislike.
I'd rather have to put in a lot more effort and even if it takes me longer and find someone 100% suitable than look for retarded solutions "because it's your duty."
and running without is a risk I'm willing to take rather than end up with someone unsuitable.
A much needed Sermon.

Its funny and sad that some people think that our Gods are all about sex, and believe they deserve an intimate relationship with a God for simply doing the dedication ritual. Yes, sex is important for individual development, but that's where it ends, it has its importance on its own levels. You can't run an Empire with sex or fight a war with sex. Our Gods are about a lot lot lot more than just sex. It's like comparing an ant to a giant touching the skies, there is a lot more that we don't know about our Gods and this Universe. One should always be aware of their position in society and the world, or wherever they are. One delusion can be enough to make you hit the dirt.

Thank you for being here and simply existing.

You brought to the surface what has been going on in the back of my mind whenever I thought about this issue in my life.

I just hope I can one day power it through and level up, I'm sick and tired of living like a sad bitch. So ashamed of what I haven't done for the gods.

You are the kindest man ever, literally. I wish my dad was more like you.
I feel like there were too many disclaimers at the start. Most people here, if not all, are mature enough to take this pill of reality and wouldn't get offended. This is the Joy of Satan Forums, not instagram reels. It takes a certain level of maturity to put aside all your past beliefs about the jew on a stick and to research the Truth. A person who has this level of maturity, probably has a more interesting dating/sexual life than reddit dorks. In other words, don't hesitate to say things as they are, as we are here to work on our body, mind, and soul.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Alright, let's have some real men and female talk here. Do not read if you are a coward or too sensitive to reality.

Giant Disclaimer in front of Gods and Men and in-betweens, since some will want to get into a rage from this, the jews above all who wanted you childless, retarded and alone for the rest of your life by mishandling very serious knowledge which was supposed to be revealed only in Initiates of at least 20 years in the Ancient Schools but now is on the public internet because humanity sunk so low we had to save whatever we could and humanity of course clearly misuses this knowledge for basic drives again:

You don't understand it but these comfortable delusions are robbing you of real potential. The real potential that you are here to actualize.

The very best highest knowledge, which Succubi and Incubi is, without the proper development, can turn exactly the opposite way. I have wrote in sermons in the past about the need of high sanctification, and high development to embark in them. That is taken lightly as with any other warning. In this post therefore, I will examine the gross reality of the examinations I have from a very long time of being confronted with these issues.

That message should not concern the 1% out of the 100% of claimants that actually have such a relationship. But it will save the 99% of claimants who are destined for other things or for the actual existence of life. You exist now for a reason. Don't squander this reason into nothingness please.

Many people here are completely deluded with the Succubi Incubi stuff. While that should be reserved for 1% of the wise people, who actually are past most of the animalistic, low level, lazy, worthless desires, many are not.

I of course realize that many of you will have a "reality" (Delusion) shattering moment here, but I have to tell you the Truth. Yes I know I will be evil and so on for doing this and potentially saving you from a lifetime of failing here.

In the Joy of Satan page there are specifications about these forms of relationships. It's mentioned there are dangers and so on. Delusion, foolishness, human spiritual dirt, misplaced feelings, cowardice to face reality - all of this is exactly why you do NOT start such a relationship in anyway.

Now, life and existence are serious things. Of course most people don't give a single fuck about it. But since I don't want to have mentally disabled subjects and slaves but rather I want to have people who are well rooted in life, happy, and truly spiritual, we are family and so on, I have to tell you the Truth.

Most of the Succubi/Incubi things are bunk, because you are bunk and nowhere close to developing the consciousness for them. You have not even tried to hold a woman's hand, or in anyway improve for a woman, and you ascribe such low worth to yourself and you are in such fear mode, that you cannot try to get a real partner.

Laziness, stupidity, and a misplaced need of "Deserving Perfect" while you effectively do nothing to do this, but also an incessant need to jack off and get off in a better manner, are manipulating your mind into thinking that you have these relationships, which are in most cases, not even real.

You like to tell yourselves bullshit that the "Clergy cannot have an opinion on this highly personal" since you are weak and highly comfortable in your delusions of these subjects. One should therefore make an examination. There is an inner form of Clergy which is your higher self and from this you will not easily escape. Here, you can just discard my post.

Then, I also get other things which are excuses and utter delusions on my plate. "Oh, I cannot get a girlfriend, because I must have been married to Queen Elizabeth of Duat in my Past Life, and therefore, I cannot dance with a trailer skunk on the way to the club, because Queen Elizabeth of Duat is actually chasing me on the astral and she wants to be my wife but we cannot be incarnated...."

Fucking stop, with the fucking psychosis please. The above psycho bullshit is said oftentimes by some people who don't even know what they are reading and don't spend some time to THINK clearly.

Let's THINK together.

Real bonds that go back to past lives do not necessarily mean that they will ruin your relationships in this life.

Does it sound very Godlike or more like disturbingly Human to you that you would claim a human in their next lifetime and enslave them to be your boy-toy again, in a dimension where they can hardly communicate with you clearly?

As we can understand, this behavior is more tentative for humans as they have the territorial instincts and so on. A God, who is above all these things, why would they enslave a measly human from wanting to experience basic emotions that have been literally been hardwired into them, and subject them into an oblivion of loneliness?

Point being most people have no clue about Spirituality, just because of delusion. So I am teaching you a few things here to get you to THINK.

As you can understand by now, based on fair logic, the above has nothing to do with the Gods, but with internal weaknesses justified falsely and stupidly over holy matters such as the Incubi and Succubi. My best advice?

To shed of one's self of this weakness. To face the real underlying reasons of why one might have love issues, or relationship issues. And to understand, that one can and should, if they want truly, move in the real direction of this.

Through magick and through the application of self development, everyone, and I mean everyone, can find a partner. The worst humans on earth, criminals, the worst of the worst, have found partners. Maybe they were not perfect, but they did. Most of you are great human beings and good people.

Those of you who have the Truth inside you, you will see clearly what I mean here. First and foremost, here is what you are missing out from being with your "Incubi and Succubi" that you can't even verbally exchange anything in most cases, besides just jack off.

1. Watching the sunset while holding hands with a woman, feeling like you have someone.
2. Excitement of existing, with many experiences.
3. Seeing the eyes of your babies when they will be born, making progeny
4. Actually giving a fuck to actually evolve in your life, to attract better women or partners, instead of sitting with a soda can in front of your mothers TV and pretending like a little bitch that you unanimously deserved supreme love of not only the highest level compared to humans, but of Demons as well!
5. Loneliness. You know you are feeling lonely, it's better to not lie to yourself about that. Loneliness is cured by fighting for a proper relationship; by chasing a woman or a man, by speaking out your heart. Not by falsely deluding yourself that you do.
6. All these things that have to do with the real nature of existence, which were put here, and you were incarnated for, to try to get something out of life.
7. Using these as an excuse to not live life, which is a pure form of cowardice in most cases. Not only cowardice, but false sense entitlement, combined.
8. Trying to get the opposite gender will help you IMPROVE, and EVOLVE psychologically, through pain, misery, love, exhilaration, existence overall. You opening the soda can and yanking off like a fool in front of a panel all your days, you are squandering your potential.

Since Spiritual Satanism has to be about true existence and not a mental asylum and since I will be judged by the Gods if I ever allowed this to happen, I care about their opinion and have mentioned above my real opinion in regards to this.

I will make an active decision to remove this page or put this behind serious disclaimer in the future.

To add insult to injury, I have seen many people who have become not only mentally defunct, but endangered because of foolish assumptions and stupid nonsense that has arose out of these delusions and linking them to "Succubi" and supreme waifu's one is married to from another planet simply because you deserve it because you exist.

Responsibility of this must be recognized in low levels of self understanding and other problems that will cause this. The occurrences themselves are a result of this past a point, not anything else. I write this because some of you try to blame the Gods as if they were equals or buddies from school, to evade responsibility for these things.

The astral is also rife with many entities which are not what they appear to be, which is another huge topic I would like to not open up now. Receiving an errant message about something being an ally that is not, can have bad potential outcomes.

Some of you say you cannot even communicate. Alright, that is great and honest, brave to admit, real, and utterly respectable. It's normal too. Yet, some also simultaneously are writing you are married and have kids in the astral. Alright. What about having some real kids one actually has to feed and take care of?

That has to be much hassle. Might as well maintain my palace on the heavens instead. How is that Spiritual Satanic at all, or in accordance to Satya or Truth or Father Satan in anyway? That's low level escapism at best. Good for fun and imagination, acceptable in that regard, but past a point, this can have serious ramification if one lives it "up there".

As this is not Disneyland here, I would assume one sticks to the first approach which is the approach of the Truth and approach of psychological maturity. The latter will not help you in life that much.

What if you spend 50 fucking years in delusion only to go to the other side and you meet with this entity and it wasn't as you assumed that it was, without any actual true communication around it?

How will you feel then? How will you feel if in the future, as you self explore, you understand the things I am bringing in front of you right now?

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP, i think i understand what you mean, we not need escape in the succubi/incubi relation, but search another human...i remember when i start this path i searched a succubi...but after a bit i understand i..."not need" and i continue searching the rigth girl...i failed often? Yes! I surrended? No! But all these mistaken make me better...improving for a girls not is often a pay off, because if the girl/partner leave you, yourself collapse and come back like(or worse) before...but i understand i need improve for my self...is more harder because not have the "lust/love fueling push"? YES of course! BUT IS Permament after you improved! I...i not belive how much I improved thanks of JOS...You said me you was "amazed" by my courage years ago...and make small steps? Ok, but better than still stop and complain yourself not evolve! And again Thanks HP Hooded Cobra, Thanks to all HPs, and Thanks to all Gods! All Heil Father Satan, all Heil all Gods! All Heil all HPs!
HailVictory88 said:
If I may touch on a tangential issue, I do hope that a deficiency in this area of life isn't too big of an obstacle on the spiritual path. I admit I have a lot of hangups with the idea of self-improvement for love. I just don't see a point in working for what others get freely. Welfare bums and ISIL fighters can get partners without effort, if love only comes with hard work I would question if it is love at all. Even if I did improve enough to get a partner, I don't think I could ever enjoy it as much as someone to whom it came freely. I would always be worrying about losing them or not being good enough, while some drug dealer who busted his girlfriend's jaw never doubts his own worth or desirability. But maybe I am wrong.

Love is traditionally based around the equal energy exchange of Venus, also shown through Gebo and its shape. So in this sense, love should be free flowing and accepting of the other, but that doesn't mean no work should be involved. Perhaps you are subconsciously assuming that if there are work-based obstacles to love, that you are getting screwed, when this really isn't the case.

Relationships are situations where you get what you put into them. However, that doesn't mean lovers do not go to great lengths for one another, but effort should be reciprocated when possible.

In an ideal relationship hard work would amplify the relationship, rather than serve as the obstacle you might view it as.

Can I request that my account be deleted? I know this is the fastest way to reach you. Thank you for everything. You've been a father to me. Please don't approve this. Again, I apologize for the confusion.

This is my final decision.

Thank you, Great High Priest HoodedCobra666.
This is a true slap in the face, well needed I must say.
These points can be applied aside of one's desire to find "love".
On this path truth is most often harsh, it shatters the bubble we have/has around us. Delusion on many levels is brought to the table. And whether or not one could even blame his own charts, the truth is that things doesn't and never change without action, and energies spent on the long run.
There's a reason why meditations, magic works, rituals needs time and commitment, or on the material plan how a simple bruise recquires days to heal. To let pur syst do the job. Even simply eating recquires time and then our bodies have to work to transform the food in energy for our body.
Everything recquires commitment, in both astral and material plan, and this goes beyond one being delusional. It's mathematical. No more, no last.
A long time ago, due to extreme physical problems, I pondered about maybe trying a specific agreement with this.

Every divinatory tool said NO. Why?

As I opened my soul more and more, I understood the wisdom of this. People (those on my level) kept boomeranging back into my life in some way. As HPS Maxine warned, this does happen and it is not a fairytale, nor is it 'easy'. Some of the emotions this can bring up are horrible if these connections ended terribly, and it doesn't click easily 'again' just because you're there.

Making new connections also can be uncomfortable. Even if your Synastry is great, it doesn't mean you're going to get off to the most comfortable of beginnings, as every force meets some opposing force. The improvement of my soul also brought these newer people into my life with their own issues, problems, distinct modes of being.

All of this can involve butting heads, emotionally charged exchanges, things going 'wrong', and other elements.

I think about members here past and present who fold from a single bout of teasing at college, describe their peers as worthless scum in comparison to them, and want to go on a rampage cursing or massacring everyone because of a slightly negative verbal experience. Then they start talking about succubi... do you think the Gods see you as a potential partner? Really?

Love doesn't involve showing up and then someone kissing your ass. Think about what Aries and Libra, Mars and Venus, are. Love is struggle.

If the German man is to be unreservedly ready to die as a soldier, he must have the freedom to love unreservedly. For struggle and love belong together. The philistine should be glad if he gets whatever is left.
Adolf Hitler


There is barely anything in culture, not even in trashiest and most juvenile instances, that prove that to be the case. Men love to stereotype Disney as this, but in Disney films there is typically a dispute or uncomfortable beginning involving insults between the hero and his girl, or the princess and her prince, then escalating to some situation involving a mammoth amount of effort for at least one party to solve to be together at the end. Even in the silly teenage rom-coms like She's All That, cartoons like Hey Arnold, even in a lot of anime, that's how it is. Even in the video games people play for hours a day. To say nothing of any love story from the higher arts, like Twelfth Night or War and Peace.

The only shit that comes close to fulfilling this false promise is isekai stupidity, where an average nerdy boy is transported to some world where suddenly he is a hero with superhuman everything and surrounded by fawning autistic little girls he wants to plow, or harem stupidity, where a loser is surrounded by women with huge jugs competing over him 'just because'. While even this type of character has to typically do something to 'get the girl', you should expel the expectations of this poison from your mind.

Society has imbued young men with a lot of fear that leads them into delusions, some of it is understandable. If you ask me why I have a nuanced opinion on someone like Andrew Tate compared to the general condemnation piled upon him, it's very simple: he understands men are meant to be the active participle. If he sees something he wants, he goes out and gets it. The same feminist women kvetching about him have opinions like this that are complete hypocritical poison, and if it's not something like that, certain mediocre women hold native men to the most arbitrary standards while voting for boatloads of ugly foreign rapists to come over and fuck everything that moves.

You can't have your cake and eat it. The truth is that while women do have a need for a real man, these 'standards' many modern women say they have in regards to other things are illusory, misdirected or amount to nothing more than a tantrum in a lot of cases. So put all 'pills' based off of what these people say they want out of your mind, and engage. Don't delay, shape reality actively.

HailVictory88 said:
If I may touch on a tangential issue, I do hope that a deficiency in this area of life isn't too big of an obstacle on the spiritual path. I admit I have a lot of hangups with the idea of self-improvement for love. I just don't see a point in working for what others get freely. Welfare bums and ISIL fighters can get partners without effort, if love only comes with hard work I would question if it is love at all. Even if I did improve enough to get a partner, I don't think I could ever enjoy it as much as someone to whom it came freely. I would always be worrying about losing them or not being good enough, while some drug dealer who busted his girlfriend's jaw never doubts his own worth or desirability. But maybe I am wrong.

It is an obstacle because life without love and sex is miserable and corrodes the soul. True love can only come from hard work. How is it otherwise?

What 'relationship' does the ISIL fighter or the drug dealer even have? A neolithic arrangement, probably. A beating here, a rape there. Most male ISIL fighters fleeing were found with huge troves of child porn on their computers. That doesn't sound like domestic bliss for the veiled equally sadistic cowards they call wives, who tortured Yezidi women and children to death.

I may interject here too and I have to tell you this: the ISIL fighter, or his wife, may be human scum and worse than a cockroach, but they are still fighting for something. It doesn't take 'zero effort' to show up in ISIL space. Even being a drug dealer requires some sort of material effort. Yes, the women who go with these men are idiots at best and excrement at worst, but these men make themselves visible. Jerking it over hentai video games all day is not visible.

Nature doesn't care that you're a nice guy yet inside, and he's a pile of shit yet outside.

Maybe your problem is that you're hung up endlessly on 'improving' while walking on egg shells not to hurt this or that woman by your mere presence, constantly worrying about what they think, when the improvement you seek needs to be done through manifesting yourself into being there.
HailVictory88 said:
Thank you, High Priest. Early on in my Satanic path I had some delusional thoughts about this topic as many have had, thankfully I did not get fully enveloped in my delusion as this could have been counterproductive and even dangerous. Even with regular people in our lives who we can see and hear it is easy to believe love exists where it does not, so it's not surprising that so many become deluded with this.

If I may touch on a tangential issue, I do hope that a deficiency in this area of life isn't too big of an obstacle on the spiritual path. I admit I have a lot of hangups with the idea of self-improvement for love. I just don't see a point in working for what others get freely. Welfare bums and ISIL fighters can get partners without effort, if love only comes with hard work I would question if it is love at all. Even if I did improve enough to get a partner, I don't think I could ever enjoy it as much as someone to whom it came freely. I would always be worrying about losing them or not being good enough, while some drug dealer who busted his girlfriend's jaw never doubts his own worth or desirability. But maybe I am wrong.

I would like to point out that ISIL fighters have to have enormous courage to do what they do, they fight satellite guided missiles and tanks with homemade pipe bombs and AKs, they have to watch their battle brothers die in horrible ways. While I understand what they are fighting for is enemy programs that won’t make life better for anyone they still are many men who earn everything they have with blood it’s not easy for them.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Alright, let's have some real men and female talk here. Do not read if you are a coward or too sensitive to reality.

Giant Disclaimer in front of Gods and Men and in-betweens, since some will want to get into a rage from this, the jews above all who wanted you childless, retarded and alone for the rest of your life by mishandling very serious knowledge which was supposed to be revealed only in Initiates of at least 20 years in the Ancient Schools but now is on the public internet because humanity sunk so low we had to save whatever we could and humanity of course clearly misuses this knowledge for basic drives again:

You don't understand it but these comfortable delusions are robbing you of real potential. The real potential that you are here to actualize.

The very best highest knowledge, which Succubi and Incubi is, without the proper development, can turn exactly the opposite way. I have wrote in sermons in the past about the need of high sanctification, and high development to embark in them. That is taken lightly as with any other warning. In this post therefore, I will examine the gross reality of the examinations I have from a very long time of being confronted with these issues.

That message should not concern the 1% out of the 100% of claimants that actually have such a relationship. But it will save the 99% of claimants who are destined for other things or for the actual existence of life. You exist now for a reason. Don't squander this reason into nothingness please.

Many people here are completely deluded with the Succubi Incubi stuff. While that should be reserved for 1% of the wise people, who actually are past most of the animalistic, low level, lazy, worthless desires, many are not.

I of course realize that many of you will have a "reality" (Delusion) shattering moment here, but I have to tell you the Truth. Yes I know I will be evil and so on for doing this and potentially saving you from a lifetime of failing here.

In the Joy of Satan page there are specifications about these forms of relationships. It's mentioned there are dangers and so on. Delusion, foolishness, human spiritual dirt, misplaced feelings, cowardice to face reality - all of this is exactly why you do NOT start such a relationship in anyway.

Now, life and existence are serious things. Of course most people don't give a single fuck about it. But since I don't want to have mentally disabled subjects and slaves but rather I want to have people who are well rooted in life, happy, and truly spiritual, we are family and so on, I have to tell you the Truth.

Most of the Succubi/Incubi things are bunk, because you are bunk and nowhere close to developing the consciousness for them. You have not even tried to hold a woman's hand, or in anyway improve for a woman, and you ascribe such low worth to yourself and you are in such fear mode, that you cannot try to get a real partner.

Laziness, stupidity, and a misplaced need of "Deserving Perfect" while you effectively do nothing to do this, but also an incessant need to jack off and get off in a better manner, are manipulating your mind into thinking that you have these relationships, which are in most cases, not even real.

You like to tell yourselves bullshit that the "Clergy cannot have an opinion on this highly personal" since you are weak and highly comfortable in your delusions of these subjects. One should therefore make an examination. There is an inner form of Clergy which is your higher self and from this you will not easily escape. Here, you can just discard my post.

Then, I also get other things which are excuses and utter delusions on my plate. "Oh, I cannot get a girlfriend, because I must have been married to Queen Elizabeth of Duat in my Past Life, and therefore, I cannot dance with a trailer skunk on the way to the club, because Queen Elizabeth of Duat is actually chasing me on the astral and she wants to be my wife but we cannot be incarnated...."

Fucking stop, with the fucking psychosis please. The above psycho bullshit is said oftentimes by some people who don't even know what they are reading and don't spend some time to THINK clearly.

Let's THINK together.

Real bonds that go back to past lives do not necessarily mean that they will ruin your relationships in this life.

Does it sound very Godlike or more like disturbingly Human to you that you would claim a human in their next lifetime and enslave them to be your boy-toy again, in a dimension where they can hardly communicate with you clearly?

As we can understand, this behavior is more tentative for humans as they have the territorial instincts and so on. A God, who is above all these things, why would they enslave a measly human from wanting to experience basic emotions that have been literally been hardwired into them, and subject them into an oblivion of loneliness?

Point being most people have no clue about Spirituality, just because of delusion. So I am teaching you a few things here to get you to THINK.

As you can understand by now, based on fair logic, the above has nothing to do with the Gods, but with internal weaknesses justified falsely and stupidly over holy matters such as the Incubi and Succubi. My best advice?

To shed of one's self of this weakness. To face the real underlying reasons of why one might have love issues, or relationship issues. And to understand, that one can and should, if they want truly, move in the real direction of this.

Through magick and through the application of self development, everyone, and I mean everyone, can find a partner. The worst humans on earth, criminals, the worst of the worst, have found partners. Maybe they were not perfect, but they did. Most of you are great human beings and good people.

Those of you who have the Truth inside you, you will see clearly what I mean here. First and foremost, here is what you are missing out from being with your "Incubi and Succubi" that you can't even verbally exchange anything in most cases, besides just jack off.

1. Watching the sunset while holding hands with a woman, feeling like you have someone.
2. Excitement of existing, with many experiences.
3. Seeing the eyes of your babies when they will be born, making progeny
4. Actually giving a fuck to actually evolve in your life, to attract better women or partners, instead of sitting with a soda can in front of your mothers TV and pretending like a little bitch that you unanimously deserved supreme love of not only the highest level compared to humans, but of Demons as well!
5. Loneliness. You know you are feeling lonely, it's better to not lie to yourself about that. Loneliness is cured by fighting for a proper relationship; by chasing a woman or a man, by speaking out your heart. Not by falsely deluding yourself that you do.
6. All these things that have to do with the real nature of existence, which were put here, and you were incarnated for, to try to get something out of life.
7. Using these as an excuse to not live life, which is a pure form of cowardice in most cases. Not only cowardice, but false sense entitlement, combined.
8. Trying to get the opposite gender will help you IMPROVE, and EVOLVE psychologically, through pain, misery, love, exhilaration, existence overall. You opening the soda can and yanking off like a fool in front of a panel all your days, you are squandering your potential.

Since Spiritual Satanism has to be about true existence and not a mental asylum and since I will be judged by the Gods if I ever allowed this to happen, I care about their opinion and have mentioned above my real opinion in regards to this.

I will make an active decision to remove this page or put this behind serious disclaimer in the future.

To add insult to injury, I have seen many people who have become not only mentally defunct, but endangered because of foolish assumptions and stupid nonsense that has arose out of these delusions and linking them to "Succubi" and supreme waifu's one is married to from another planet simply because you deserve it because you exist.

Responsibility of this must be recognized in low levels of self understanding and other problems that will cause this. The occurrences themselves are a result of this past a point, not anything else. I write this because some of you try to blame the Gods as if they were equals or buddies from school, to evade responsibility for these things.

The astral is also rife with many entities which are not what they appear to be, which is another huge topic I would like to not open up now. Receiving an errant message about something being an ally that is not, can have bad potential outcomes.

Some of you say you cannot even communicate. Alright, that is great and honest, brave to admit, real, and utterly respectable. It's normal too. Yet, some also simultaneously are writing you are married and have kids in the astral. Alright. What about having some real kids one actually has to feed and take care of?

That has to be much hassle. Might as well maintain my palace on the heavens instead. How is that Spiritual Satanic at all, or in accordance to Satya or Truth or Father Satan in anyway? That's low level escapism at best. Good for fun and imagination, acceptable in that regard, but past a point, this can have serious ramification if one lives it "up there".

As this is not Disneyland here, I would assume one sticks to the first approach which is the approach of the Truth and approach of psychological maturity. The latter will not help you in life that much.

What if you spend 50 fucking years in delusion only to go to the other side and you meet with this entity and it wasn't as you assumed that it was, without any actual true communication around it?

How will you feel then? How will you feel if in the future, as you self explore, you understand the things I am bringing in front of you right now?

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

The Great post, very motivating!
I am currently in search of a relationship.

I've never sought a relationship with Succubi.
I'm interested in relationships with real, real people.

In a love relationship, the problem of love triangles very often arises, for example:
1. I like a girl who doesn't like me;
2. a girl is in love with me, who I don't like so much that I won't go to bed with her.

The question arises, should I try to please a girl who doesn't like me, but whom I like for human (internal) and external (attractiveness) reasons qualities, or do I need to break myself and go to bed with a girl who is very unattractive to me?

Of course, there is a third option, to continue searching, to get acquainted, to date, actually, which is what I do, but I understand for sure that I will not be able to live with a girl from whom I will want to escape!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Some of you say you cannot even communicate. Alright, that is great and honest, brave to admit, real, and utterly respectable. It's normal too. Yet, some also simultaneously are writing you are married and have kids in the astral. Alright. What about having some real kids one actually has to feed and take care of?

For real? :lol:
Maybe the same people who had a tamagotchi when they were young. "I need to feed my dog, not a real one"
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=481320 time=1704543907 user_id=57]
I hope this post is a wake-up call to those who are denying reality and life. Don't be afraid to get rejected by a real-life woman/man, it's all a part of life and growing. Find someone compatible with you who inspires you to become better, live a real life, have real accomplishments.

Find real intimacy, bonding with another human, growing with another human.

Everyone here has all the tools they need to overcome any obstacles, improve themselves, and find a suitable partner :)

Lydia, what do you mean by a compatible person with you?
What is this compatibility?

I have repeatedly found myself in situations where one girl is liked by several guys and this girl makes signs of attention to everyone, while pitting guys against each other.

When I was very young, I fought with a guy over a girl, and in the end the fight ended in a draw (+ my opponent's jacket was torn, he was afraid to demand money for it).

Later, another girl tried to pit me against another guy so that we would fight, but this did not happen, because we were both not fools and our mutual friend (she is a girl) also told us in detail that this girl wanted to pit us.

I also find myself in situations where I get to know a girl, and other guys try to steal this girl from under my nose.

I'm not in a position right now to punch all the guys in the face (my health is not that strong) and I don't want to do it, I think it's stupid to fight over a girl and lose your health, I fought and I didn't like it.
Much of relationships in my life manifested in strange ways.

However as for my partner and love, it manifested in a situation of love, along with codependency out of necessity at that time, where we had issues and obstacles that we needed eachother for to overcome, and where we both work on these aspects and have grown as people. Much of this thankfully is in the past, and alot changed for the better.

Of course there's still things to work on, but this is life.

Along with this I ended up becoming a father to two beautiful children, who I am doing my best to propell myself forward to great heights for. I've been there for my partner and children from the start, and through every up and down I've been ever present.

The strength one gains from being an everpresent pillar to their loved ones cannot be gained from escapism or loneliness. And one has to be ready to grow and change in ways they do not think was possible for them.

Relationships with incubi and succubi are no different in that this requires alot of growth. But this is much more refined and in different ways.

It is exactly as you describe High Priest Hooded Cobra.

The difference here can also be very drastic, as the Gods and people who embark on a relationship with a Demon or demoness will find out that these are based on refining oneself and climbing to very great heights. All these negative aspects of human nature are to be overcome in this, so that one can become a strong, powerful spiritual being with alot of wisdom and knowledge in approaching life.

People who approach this looking for escapism will be very disappointed and have a rude awakening.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
HailVictory88 said:
If I may touch on a tangential issue, I do hope that a deficiency in this area of life isn't too big of an obstacle on the spiritual path. I admit I have a lot of hangups with the idea of self-improvement for love. I just don't see a point in working for what others get freely. Welfare bums and ISIL fighters can get partners without effort, if love only comes with hard work I would question if it is love at all. Even if I did improve enough to get a partner, I don't think I could ever enjoy it as much as someone to whom it came freely. I would always be worrying about losing them or not being good enough, while some drug dealer who busted his girlfriend's jaw never doubts his own worth or desirability. But maybe I am wrong.

I am very much willing to talk with everyone in the family about such dillemas and answers that revolve around the realistic question of love and life.

These questions or concerns could be assembled and I could address them. Just express yourselves and your frustrations so we can collectively manage them and I can answer.

That's what will cause True Growth. Not sheltering and these things that I see and I point out in my initial post.

Bring out the wounds and let's address them truly.

HP. Hoodedcobra666, 5 questions:
1. Is it worth trying to win over a girl who doesn't like you?
2. Is it worth getting into a relationship with a girl who likes me if I don't like that girl?
3. Is it worth torturing myself in a relationship with a girl I don't like just to have children? (to continue the genus).
4. Is there a universal formula for men to win over any girls and build a happy relationship with them?
5. What do the Gods say about this?
Great sermon but something you mentioned about other astral entities has got me thinking is there a way to avoid these "other" astral entities you referenced, I am not trying to get a succubus however whenever I astral project everything is so dark like a very dark blue and I have so little control of my astral body every single time a weird grey thin thing I can barely even see, for lack of a better term vibrates me with an extremely low resonance and its incredibly painful it feels like im being ripped apart and my heart feels like its being crushed when it happens and I need to call upon Satan to save me and then I just return to my physical body. Its quite frustrating as I have been meditating for over a decade and it seems im utterly helpless against and I want to explore the astral, im hoping you may have some knowledge as to what I should do I already do a lot of AOP work and on the physical plane I dont seem to experience any substantial attacks just the astral but they are overwhelming there.
In the spirit of having an open, honest discussion on the subject, I'm going to be open and honest: I had a relationship (with a fellow Satanist) end in severe acrimony. After deliberating on the subject for months, and only once I was absolutely sure of what I'd be getting myself into, both good and bad, I petitioned Father for a succubus. He apparently saw fit to grant my request; I have seen her, and know her name and sigil. It's been more than four years since then, and while it has been a very difficult path at times, it has also been rewarding.

Now onto my point. My intention is not to lash out at High Priest Cobra and tell him he's wrong, as he (rightly) points out this would be foolish and short-sighted. It would also be foolish and short-sighted to simply assume that I fall into the 1% that he speaks of. So, then, I seek to internalize HP Cobra's wisdom and critically and honestly reflect upon it: Did I make the right decision?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

This all makes sense as you have mentioned in the past that most people are not ready for this as it is. But may i have better understanding and clarification?

Real bonds that go back to past lives do not necessarily mean that they will ruin your relationships in this life.

Does it sound very Godlike or more like disturbingly Human to you that you would claim a human in their next lifetime and enslave them to be your boy-toy again, in a dimension where they can hardly communicate with you clearly?

Is this to be understood that this relates only between Gods and humans as in the Gods would not do this? Whereas between humans I thought at one time HPS Maxine mentioned that past life bonds between humans can affect someone's love life negatively in their next lifetime unless this is broken off with a removal working. Am i to understand that this is not the case?

If so, is it perhaps more of a planetary transitory matter combined with bad Saturn karma that still has yet to be removed? ( or perhaps in other people's cases Neptune, Pluto, or Mars)

It seems that it is almost made a point of that I attract who I don't want and am not attracted to and even if they meet the criteria on the surface they are otherwise unreliable or even users. Recently i went after a guy i really wanted (he looked almost EXACTLY like a drawing i posted here in forums a while back and it FLOORED ME) i had an instant attraction but he was taken. (he was among the 1% of men I could feel romantically drawn to among usually wanting to go for women) It still stabs me in the heart to think about it. It also makes it hard that people only want hookups nowadays or polyamory for someone monogamous. I feel like i am a dying breed.

I continue to chase to no avail and am simply trying to understand how to solve the obstacle that is applying to the situation, while also trying to improve my own flaws that I consider might push people away. On the outside, I know I am attractive and men and women both throw themselves at me but it's always the wrong ones or are just unattractive, something I just can't bypass but have tried. Perhaps an answer will help others as well :)
I massively appreciate sermons like this, they seriously make sure no one's tripping out of getting to where they are supposed to get to since they were initiated in this sacred faith themselves, they didn't leave the pool of degeneracy the enemy set them up to for nothing.

There are times people fall into some shitty delusions about the divine, and I will not state the hideous examples that until now scare the fuck out of me, but that does not always mean that it is over for them on this path. If they still are alive, they simply have to apologize with genuine sincerity, not do anything as retarded as claiming illegitimate and even hideous 'divine romances' or any sort EVER AGAIN, and work on their souls to truly get to a place where getting relationships with god-like beings becomes possible.

What I mean is that past blasphemies of the likes can be turned around into more positive and well-thought-out and structured spiritual goalposts, rectified with realistic and solid sub-goal foundations that work as puzzle pieces to complete that goal itself. (One of the previous technologies that paved the way to stealth technology was visual camouflage and then an understanding of EM radiation and how to reflect it away from radar sources, if the analogy is factually wrong or lacking something, then Gods of Orion help anyone get what I'm trying to imply here)

Like one guy who claimed to be Lord Ares, he can instead drop the delusion and work to ascend into someone like Lord Ares himself, taking Lord Ares as his idol, and have sub-goals connecting as parts of that goal like refining one's external chakras after the seven main ones, working on the whole soul until one can safely get to developing abilities like described in the advanced witchcraft section of the JoS webpage and whatever works with the specific desired goal.

That is better than sticking with the stated falsehood or punishing oneself over for it after realizing the truth of himself/herself. That energy can be put into proving one's inner critique wrong in another and better way which is how I would like to shortly put all of it. It worked for me since my astrological placements scream the words 'SUPAH fighting type' very loudly and turning all oopsies I make in my life around no matter how fucky they are is how I got a hold of it all.

And by the way, what I said here isn't 100% my advice, part of it is from High Priest Hooded Cobra in one sermon that talked about a similar topic to Succubi/Incubi with five categories of something and I hope I am getting things right when he said something in category 5 where one can use it as some inspiration or something, sorry I cannot remember the exact words but I swear I got the advice.

[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=481320 time=1704543907 user_id=57]
I hope this post is a wake-up call to those who are denying reality and life. Don't be afraid to get rejected by a real-life woman/man, it's all a part of life and growing. Find someone compatible with you who inspires you to become better, live a real life, have real accomplishments.

Find real intimacy, bonding with another human, growing with another human.

Everyone here has all the tools they need to overcome any obstacles, improve themselves, and find a suitable partner :)

If I can remember the last time I got into a very impactful and inspiring relationship with a partner, it was in high school acads where both this girl who's real intelligent, resilient yet short-fused and sadly half asian(I was a total dumbass before and this mistake is something I shouldn't have committed, one of the reasons why I tend to hit myself) and I got together because she took notice of me as someone interesting for having big aspirations and it was always being thought-out as "will full".

She kept making me listen to music she loved and I began to love, we were both good at drawing and loved to do the same art as leisure, had similar interests and kept this up where I can remember moments of us talking a lot and accomplishing lots as group partners, resting on each other's heads one time in some class movie and holding hands until the end of the year happened where I found her holding hands with another guy.

I didn't get it at first, because we both made a great atmosphere together for ourselves despite me being the misunderstood bullied nerd throughout high school and all that shattered right in front of me. She also is the reason why I got into writing draft stories as one of my hobbies.

This was where everything shattered for me, thinking if I was the one who fucked up, if I could have done something, and wished I could travel back in time so badly, there were times we fought like when both she and I distanced each other over a long test covert cheating fuckup we both agreed upon(we were literally like a couple of sly spies evading enemy security together to sabotage enemy garrisons back in those days :lol: ). Both of us were great in acads yet we turned to sharing each other's answers through real secretive means when the academic pacing got crazy fast.

I went into some stupid mental crisis where I swore to never fall in love ever again(and this didn't age well when I got into some insanely stupid and cringy delusions which I got rid of during around second year senior high). I'm still trying to heal from the first time I experienced lots of specific hard work built from the heart going into total shit until now. Bringing this up hurts me but not much comparing it to before, I'm 75% over it, it's just the moments with her and I that always lead to the times she and I both fought that hurt for me.

To close off my testimony in regards to relationships and one of the trauma vices I still have much to get off of me, thank you a lot for the advice High Priestess.

If ever I want to try getting another relationship again with someone hopefully purely Filipina THIS TIME(*loads V-1225 "Libra" tactical shotgun with shells having 'NO RACE MIXING' and other partner affirmations written in Sanskrit on each one*, I'd like something else than the good ol allegorical representations of bows and arrows tipped with hearts please! ^ ^) then I better make sure I secure myself a great future I want where I will never have to worry about financial and security problems ever again.

For now, it is total success first for me.


Another thing High Priestess, thank you also for your deep-cleaning meditation you shared. ^ ^
Gearhead said:
In the spirit of having an open, honest discussion on the subject, I'm going to be open and honest: I had a relationship (with a fellow Satanist) end in severe acrimony. After deliberating on the subject for months, and only once I was absolutely sure of what I'd be getting myself into, both good and bad, I petitioned Father for a succubus. He apparently saw fit to grant my request; I have seen her, and know her name and sigil. It's been more than four years since then, and while it has been a very difficult path at times, it has also been rewarding.

Now onto my point. My intention is not to lash out at High Priest Cobra and tell him he's wrong, as he (rightly) points out this would be foolish and short-sighted. It would also be foolish and short-sighted to simply assume that I fall into the 1% that he speaks of. So, then, I seek to internalize HP Cobra's wisdom and critically and honestly reflect upon it: Did I make the right decision?

You related to another human being, you had a lot of pain from it (possibly some good from the relationship too) and it didn't work out. That attempt is commendable, but as we all know, might not always work out. People learn a lot from these relationships. Then it should end in proper terms and people trying to move on.

I am not to verify what is happening to you or anything with all this. Life will do this long before I will. One has to also take responsibility for their own personal things when it comes to that.

However, I will certainly post things like this post because there are literal 15 year olds thinking they have the "perfect partner" because someone just handed "It" to them [It, being the Succubi or Incubi] and this delusion can rob someone for their life and existence, that could be spent learning, or even succeeding, making family, emotionally advancing, seeing life for what it is, and having meaningful experiences that they could use as transformative fuel to learn about the world.

I know the world is largely a clown world today, rife with disloyal people, liars, insane people, inconsiderate people, and others who will seek to damn emotionally all sorts of people. Yet, one has to grow in all ways, learn to filter, develop an immune system and so forth. I have too experienced major toxicity in these areas, but I grown from it and this is what makes someone stronger.
Egon said:
Absolutely true and based. That and "I will deny anyone who might be compatible with me but never heard of the Joy of Satan, and will only expect near High Priest level of commitment to fall in love with me".

I'm glad I used logic and guidance from the Gods to get me out of that mindset soon enough.

I left that mindset a long time ago, although I would love to find someone who has the potential to become SS.

Besides several members have learned here the hard way that two SS trying something together is far from the exception to trying to discover if compatibility is there with any other person. It isn't all roses.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

This sounds insensitive. Most of the people who want a succubus aren't just "cowards who can't find a real woman", but they are suffering from conditions like social anxiety, chronic depression and autism that either prevent them from connecting with "real women" or make them seem so weird that they repel women (those autistic, nerdy guys). These people are suffering. You have never experienced what is like to be like them, that's why you simply dismiss them as "cowards".

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
